How Much Does It Cost To Live In Cuba, Havana? / How Far Will $1000 Get Me In La Habana?

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @jorgecabral7476
    @jorgecabral7476 7 місяців тому +12

    it's beyond me how native Cubans stay alive

  • @JulieBruins
    @JulieBruins 6 місяців тому +9

    The stock foootage and basic approach to this video completely misses the point that these are the prices IF you can find these items. How many hours are you willing to wait for gas? Want milk? You have a chance as a tourist, but not necessarily every day. The food and basic aupply situation is DIRE in Cuba right now. It is an amazing place but sadly in crisis as of early 2024. I just got back from an amazing trip there, but lost a decent amount of weight because i didnt want to just eat ham and rice everywhere. You can get some decent food as a tourist, but you will pay almost US prices. Also the internet works when it feels like it.

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  6 місяців тому

      I agree, but it would be very disrespect showing how poor the country became as videomaterial or that people need to look very hard to find food and other things. The videos are not made to promote or talk bad about a country. That's not the point of the video.

    • @JulieBruins
      @JulieBruins 6 місяців тому +5

      @@CostOfLivinginTheWorld I don't think it's disrespectful to repeat the view of literally every Cuban I met. As I said, I and they believe that Cuba is amazing. It's a beautiful country. It just experiencing very difficult times and looks wildly unlike the videos chosen. You might as well have shown people on a ski lift in a blizzard as people browsing giant, produce-filled markets. Saying "the price of petrol" next to a person rolling into an available gas pump doesn't paint a remotely accurate picture for travelers and honestly could create an unsafe situation if people go their wildly unprepared or educated.

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  6 місяців тому

      @@JulieBruins As i said, that's not our goal. The footage of Cuba is from Cuba, we made ourselves. In between subjects that are equal in every video, they're about the same. We only give numbers, there is also a (objective) part about poverty in the video. The rest is up to the viewer to investigate more about the country when they decide to go. I can't imagine people go live in a country unprepared.

  • @dovoso5685
    @dovoso5685 3 місяці тому +2

    As a foreigner, cost of living abroad is important only for those who plan to visit the place. Therefor , Information about visa options and residency options are critical

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  2 місяці тому

      Doesn't mean we have to look it up for you. We help with some prices, and give some visa info, but we are not going to dive deeper into the subject. The videos are meant to be short and partially informational, focused on prices. When wanting to move or live somewhere else, I'll advise you to search / investigate several sites and listen or watch different perspectives and opinions and not base your moving on an incomplete video where the main subject is prices. You'll find YT video's that go deeper into the subjects you're looking for... Even better would be searching for the main important sites, like the governmental website for this type of subjects and not ours.

  • @therehastobesomethingmoore
    @therehastobesomethingmoore 6 місяців тому +3

    These prices are VERY difficult to believe. In a country where a doctor might make $50/month… rent is over $300 ???
    Have you been to Cuba ???

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  6 місяців тому +1

      Dear, averages are about Havana, NOT Cuba over all. Most people DON'T pay rent, since most houses are owned by the goverment. So, rent prices will be in most cases what (foreign) people pay that stay short term. That might be one reason why the average is high for Cuba.

  • @oaxaca1948
    @oaxaca1948 7 місяців тому +5

    prices in cuba are a lot cheaper than he is quoting. his prices a black market prices.

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  7 місяців тому +1

      As I explained prices are a combination of what tourists are charged and what locals pay. Prices change on daily bases in Cuba and as explained it also depends on how much cup's you get for your dollars.

    • @suljo00
      @suljo00 Місяць тому

      The prices might be "a lot cheaper" lf you're able to "find" anything!!! Even if the chicken "appears" by some miracle in the shop and quite rearly, you'll spend hours waiting in the cue and still won't be guaranteed to purchased it!!!

  • @oaxaca1948
    @oaxaca1948 7 місяців тому +5

    there are no mcDonalds in cuba or nike or any brand name shoes there. he is not correct.

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  7 місяців тому +1

      You gotta listen very carefully to what I say in the video. 'Compared' means shoes that are similar to that brand, just as for the Jeans trousers. So do I say/explain clearly for McDonalds.

  • @erinlevere6881
    @erinlevere6881 3 місяці тому +2

    How is this true. From what I’m told Cubans don’t have a mortgage or rent. They don’t even make 300 month a lot of times. Something is off here

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  2 місяці тому

      Hey! Thanks for your comment. You are correct! But the videos are meant for people wanting to move or retire or live there temporary. Cubans salary doesn't cover their financial needs neither, so thinking their salary is sufficient to survive is an incorrect perception. 90% of Cubans don't pay rent and receive other food benefits (although foods are hard to find). Who ever, will stay in the country will have to pay rent, and Cubans renting prices are in perfect balance with gringo budgets, not based on way of Cubans living. That's why 'something is off here'. ;-)

  • @daniellaurin3242
    @daniellaurin3242 6 місяців тому +3

    You should review your prices

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  6 місяців тому

      Hi! Thanks for your respons. As explained in the video, prices for Cuba are difficult to be accurate, because, depending on how much tourists receive for their cups, making products more expensive than it should be. Official is the cup marked at 24 cup per $1. Still, Cuban banks will give 110 cups per dollar, while (although illegal) Cubans are willing to pay 210 cups (and more) per dollar. You can imagine how inconsistent prices are for tourists. Not only locals are calculated for average prices, but even so, everyone else. Prices are NOT meant as most cheap, but average, what means calculating the cheapest prices and most expensive prices as an over all average. We do not search for cheapest! Prices are for Havana only, not other cities in Cuba. I hope this clears some out.

  • @eciv2006
    @eciv2006 6 місяців тому +1

    Are these prices in US currency? Because you're putting a comma in between the numbers instead of a period

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  6 місяців тому

      Correct. We've noticed too. It's in Dollar and in future video's we fixed the comma. Thank you for noticing. ❤️

  • @dabig_guy2204
    @dabig_guy2204 2 місяці тому +1

    Let's put this video title into perspective; The Majority of Cubans survive on $10-$15 per month or about $180 per year.
    Therefore, $1000 would equate to about 5.5 years of Cuban's average salary.
    It is an idiotic question. You obviously have never been to Cuba or know too much about Cuba.

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  2 місяці тому

      That's not where the video is about. It's about how far YOU (a foreigner/retiree willing to live in Cuba (or elsewhere)) will pay for costs. What you did was not putting the video into perspective, you ridiculed the video with information - although partially correct -, not reflecting what the video is about. My partner is Cuban, but that doesn't mean I need to explain what the situation is for Cubans. Besides, just saying their average salary is only $10, they don't pay rent (at least 90% doesn't) and they receive other ways of benefits for food (although hard to find). So, you didn't put anything from a correct perspective, au contraire, you made it even more complicated for people (foreigners) who will probably never have the same experience, living in Cuba. Let alone, for many, it'll not even be possible to retire or live in Cuba.

  • @robertlehman9411
    @robertlehman9411 7 місяців тому +1

    Not much Electrical, or Fuel in Cuba, they have run out as we as Most of everything, Cubans want out & you are their Ticket. No more then 20$ a day to live Total. Lived it & Walked away

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  7 місяців тому +1

      thank you for the update. I heard it gets worse by the day. I hope things change soon for them. ❤️

  • @msantacruz430
    @msantacruz430 3 місяці тому

    These prices are not correct. Ive been to Cuba twice, these prices are not valid. You can rent a house for $50-$100 a month

  • @GiorgiGogoladze-kq1ny
    @GiorgiGogoladze-kq1ny 4 місяці тому

    Prices in Havana are ten times lower

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  2 місяці тому

      We give AVERAGES! What means you will find cheaper, but also much more expensive prices. Most prices are based on what tourists / foreigners will pay, not only what Cubans will.

  • @maxra1
    @maxra1 7 місяців тому +1

    Are those dollar prices based on bkack rate? 1 dollar is around 120 pesos.

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  7 місяців тому +1

      Prices given are averages, meaning one person will pay less, the same or more. Prices are based on a combination of rates charged to tourists (particularly for Cuba) and what locals pay. Prices in Cuba vary greatly, even from location to location and time periods. Tariffs go up fast in Cuba at this moment, due to many problems. Most products are only available in dollar stores, where prices sometimes even exceed European rates for the same product. The rate for the Dollar is 110 CUP in Cuban banks and, as you think in the black market, go up even to 240 CUP per dollar. That can, of course, also be a reason why prices can differ greatly. Prices quoted are not personal experiences, but official figures based on statistics and averages. The video is mainly about Havana, where many tourists often pay way too much compared to local residents. The official rate for the Cup (outside of Cuba) is still 24 pesos, for 1 dollar. You can imagine how complex it is to provide accurate figures/averages, because everyone receives different volumes in CUP per dollar. Especially when a tourist receives too little in relation to the value given by the Cuban banks (or the black market, as you say). I hope that helped you out a bit in why we have these prices. :-) Have a great day.

  • @pxrposewithnopurpose5801
    @pxrposewithnopurpose5801 23 дні тому +1

    not accurate at all

  • @StarLord-cm7dq
    @StarLord-cm7dq 5 місяців тому


  • @SaturnV69
    @SaturnV69 4 дні тому

    You need to research your facts and figures about the daily life of the Cuban society from an economic stand point. You're presenting false information. Cubans on average make way less than $100 per month. I have yet to see a fast food establishment such as a Burger King or Mc Donald's in Cuba. Purchasing chicken and MAYBE beef , you have to stand in line at the market VERY early in the morning between 4 am and 5 am. If you show up too late there won't be much of selection. This is just one example of the daily routines of life in Cuba. Electricity cuts off from time to time, sometimes for a few hours. If you plan to cook, you have to do it as early as possible so you have adequate light to prepare your food. If you're lucky enough to have air conditioning or a fan, it will get hot really fast in the kitchen when the electricity cuts off. I have visited Cuba more than a few times, and this is a reality.

  • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
    @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  8 місяців тому +1

    What are your experiences with prices and rates in Havana or Cuba? Do you find the rental prices in Cuba affordable? What do you think of the food prices? We are certainly looking for people who better understand how the Cuban economy works, so that we can provide even more accurate figures next time. Do you have any other interesting tips for us? Do you think we're skipping an important item? Let us know what experiences you have and what you think of living in Cuba! Have you been tempted by our video, or on the contrary? Let us know in the comment section.

  • @samfreeamerica1571
    @samfreeamerica1571 4 місяці тому

    You have never been there there is no meat or chicken or pork and don't forget you are in a comie country

    • @CostOfLivinginTheWorld
      @CostOfLivinginTheWorld  4 місяці тому

      My partner is Cuban, so been there more than enough. Maybe now there is no chicken but one day there was. The video is about prices, not about how the sad situation is today in Cuba due to politics that are not relevant to these videos.