I love Jennifer Leigh! I described my cold-turkey Klonopin withdrawal in my book as feeling like being on 10 hits of pure LSD, with no way out. Less than a year later a c/t Effexor, Trazodone, Lithium withdrawal drove me into being homocidal for 8 months. Now that I'm 7 years completely drug free after being poly-drugged for 35 years w/ECT's I own my own thoughts, feelings & behavior and my mental & physical health, not Psychiatry. I do.
Hi Smile, Thanks so much for your comment. And congratulation on being 7 years free. I'm so happy for you. It sounds like you are doing well and I'm so happy to hear that. And yes, Jennifer Leigh is great. She has helped so many people. Take care, D :)
I can soooo relate to your story. I have been off and on at least 45 to 50 psych drugs in the last 30 years. 50 ECTs ,all most every damn drug side effect and 14 to 16 hospitalizations. Multiple alphabet DSM-diagnoses. I am sick and fucking tired of BIG PHARMA and mainstream psychiatry. I was just yanked off of 2 mg of KPIN and ambien and 50 mg of effexor and propanol. MY OCD and GAD and other rebound symptoms is nothing short of pure panic and I have tried to relate it to people........and it feels like my soul is being torn apart. I have been through this at least 4 to 5 other times in my life and every time I have tried to go off of my psych meds, I have ended up suicidal and homicidal and have such horrific intrusive thoughts that if It were not for the fact that I recognize this BS symptom cluster, i might have given up a long time ago. I feel neurologically damaged....BUT I am doing everything I can to not go back inpatient. I feel traumatized by these fucking chemicals I was totally sober from alcohol for 13 .5 years, and then a combo of CV-19 social isolation and I reversed several medical co-morbidities and have lost almost 100 lbs and am no longer t-2 diabetic .....no more high cholestreol and no more sleep apnea ....I have been so very blessed to get healhy on paper in so many ways....bariatric weightloss surgery last year on June 2nd all of this extra stress caused me to break my sobriety and I began binge drinking and overusing energy drinks. I HAVE NEVER ABUSED A BENZO......MAINSTREAM PSYCHIATRY AND THE ADDICTION MODELS THAT ARE PUSHED AND PERPETUATED ARE NOT THE TOTAL TRUTH!!!!!! Addiction and dependence and abuse ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!! I ran out of Ambien and a few days short of a 7 yr stable dose of KPIN and I could not turn my brain off. I went to the er. and I had a tonic clonic seizure and went cyontoic and almost died I was impatient for almost 4 days and my life was saved......Needless to say I am not DRINKING ALCOHOL AND still not taking KPIN.....I do not know how I still have hope. BUT I am not giving in to the beast. Benzos are the devil!!!!! I hope that we all can maintain the corus and be able to truly HEAL!!!!!!!
Hi Clint, Thanks for your comments. I am so sorry to hear of your battle with mental health and meds. You have been through to much and I'm so glad that you are still have hope. I do believe things are improving for you and I am so glad that you have found some healthier ways to to deal. Thank you for your feedback and please take care, D
@@clintcarle6254 - it sounds like you're describing my life Clint. I wish I would have seen this comment earlier. Boy do I feel your anger my friend. I became so angry it took me 3+ years to process it, deal with it and finally let it go. I didn't survive the mental health system only to have my own anger/rage kill me. You will heal. I promise. only the brain heals in it's time, not ours and we are left with permanent cognitive impairment, sleep issues, but they're all workable. Besides, any day off the drugs is better than a day on them. I'm sending you so much Love Clint it barely fits through my computer screen. :) if you ever want to chat, my email: (sanderella57@att.net)
Every Podcast , radio, or Panel I am on, I make it a Point to Mention this Beautiful Woman. So committed to Our Community, and So Grateful. I appreciate Benzo Free and Jen Leigh
Hi Phil, I agree. Jennifer has helped out so many people through this difficult time. Thanks for listening to the podcast and it's great to hear from you. Best, D :)
Addiction-A neuropsychological disorder characterized by a presistent and intense urge to use a drug despite substantial harm and other negative consequences. I saw this definition in Wikipedia. I don't think chemical dependancy has the same behavior as addiction. The addiction circuit has helped a little by being around people who are trying to deal with new emotions but the people haven't truly grasped the fact that I've never done anything wrong to feed a need.
Hey Greg, Good to hear from you again. Most of us steer away from the term "addiction" when it comes to benzos. As you mentioned, it often includes the intense urge, which most of us do not exhibit. People can become addicted to benzos, but it is rare. Most of us are dealing with "physical dependence" and even "neuroadaptation" and "neurotoxicity." Actual changes to our nervous systems that can take months even years to heal for some of us. Thanks for the feedback, D :)
Agreed, d...it’s like we had no other choice to be exactly who we are mostly because we don’t have the energy or clarity to be anything but real and raw. I love the idea of a compound. Who knows, huh? That would be magical...❤️
Hey Donna, I think it's a bit of the 70s child in me. The whole "compound" or "commune" idea. If I won the lottery, that might be the first thing I set up. A place for people struggling with benzos and anxiety. Maybe one day. Peace, :) ✌
Thanks Julie, Jennifer has been providing an invaluable service to the benzo community for some time now. It was a pleasure to have her on the show. Best, D :)
We don't really know why the healing takes so long for some people. That's something we need to find out, but it takes research, which takes money and time. But we are learning more every year. As for why it has been ignored, your guess is as good as mine. Senator Ted Kennedy presented the benzo case in front of a senate subcommittee hearing back in 1979, but not much happened. And Malcolm Lader and others started raising concern as far back as the 1960s. I wish I had an answer, but I don't, and it is extremely frustrating. But we are making progress now. The FDA warning last year is an excellent step forward. We just can't give up, and keep trying. Best, D :)
@@easinganx thanks.... got 5mg Valium left to ween off so far mood and lack of joy the biggest symptom Does mood come back.... thanks do any supplements help
Hello Cheryl....I have been in the feeling alone up and down feeling as well...I think the Holiday season has sparked mine ....even tho this is the time to gather and be with family to not be alone , it makes me feel pressured to do things I don't feel I'm ready for ...just not in the spirit of it I guess...I have had the feeling of being in a box and no one is able to get to me, or me to them , even tho I can physically touch them ....wife , kids , family....almost like an invisible barrier existed that I couldn't break thru.....it has eased some...I do get the old crappy feelings of this once in a while , like lately ...it does suck ...I wish there was a clear cut answer for fixing it..... But not sure there is...I guess in short , I feel ya...been there and can understand how it is to feel this way....hope you can cheer up some and overcome the lonely feeling asap...about all I can say is I wish the best to you and hope you can enjoy the holidays ....take care......Paul
@Cheryl I understand that feeling far too well. Even if we have people around us, we can feel so incredibly isolated and alone. Perhaps it is part of the human condition, perhaps it is escalated by benzo withdrawal. I hope that is one of the benefits of the podcast, so that we all feel just a little less alone. Always here if you need to chat. Take care, D :)
@paul yancey The "invisible barrier" you speak of is familiar to me also. This experience affects so many aspects of our lives, and it's so hard for us to feel "normal" - whatever that is. Take care, Paul, talk soon. D :)
Never alone, Cheryl. Never. We are all part of this Community and most importantly, part of this big, beautiful, scary, sad, lovely World. I understand how it can feel like that too. I surely do. We’re right here, Cheryl. ❤️
Hi Joe, I believe that the resources you are referring to are the ones I shared in the Benzo News section of that episode. I included those in the show notes of the podcast. Here is a link to that episode on our website (easinganxiety.com/videos/a-conversation-with-jennifer-leigh-psyd-bfp014/). If you scroll down under "References" you should see those links. Hope that helps, D :)
@@easinganx Yes, that's it! Thank you. I got to this video from another site, so I didn't have your website address. I really like your podcasts so far and have ordered your book.
Hi Joe, Glad that was what you were looking for and thanks for ordering my book. Let me know if it helps. I hope to do a revision eventually, but it might still be a year out or so. Best, D :)
@@easinganx I know you're not a medical doctor, but do you know about or have you heard of people micro-tapering to get off z-drugs -- namely zolpidem/Ambien? Yes, I stupidly started taking that nightly too -- fortunately, not a huge amount -- and I'd like to micro-taper off that. I know you can't say if that's medically feasible in my case, but I'm just wondering if you've heard of people tapering off them similar to benzos. Nothing I've read online has indicated this is a bad idea, so I'm heartened so far.
Hi Joe, Thanks for writing back. I can talk about tapering, I just can't give advice to individuals as to how they should taper. That is a conversation for each individual to have with his/her doctor. There are four ways that I am aware of to taper. One, is direct taper. One tapers off the drug they are on directly. Sometimes they might cut the pill, but it's rarely an exact science. Second, is micro-taper. Again, they are on the same drug, but they use scales and other devices to create micro doses. Third, is liquid titration. And fourth, is substitution, when one substitutes one benzo with another which has a longer half-life and smaller dosing. I know that there are several people on some of the discussion boards who talk about micro-dosing, but you might have to do a bit of searching to find them. I think each method has its pros and cons, and you and your doctor need to decide which is best for you. Hope that helps, D :)
How can this medication be legally prescribed? It totally DESTROYED MY LIFE! I’m just trying to rebuild my place in the world after a 4 Year nightmare…after tapering! I’m still sick & looking for ways to cope! I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to save my life 🙏
Hi Michele, Thanks for all the comments. It's been a while since we chatted. Let me see if I can respond to each. On this one, I understand your anger, as it is anger I too have had for a long time. I'm glad you have found ways through this. I'm so sorry for what you have had to experience. We are working on changing things, I'm just so sorry that our progress can't be faster. There's only a small group of us, and so much to be done. Take care, D
We do get better. We do learn to accept. Why though? Is biology destiny? I don't thinks so. I do think there is a large biological component to it though. It's hard to believe I would have accepted anything in early withdrawls. I've always tried to take the noble path. I tried in early withdrawls but it was a challenge just to not to be a jerk. I think we are spiritual beings but our spirituality is manifested biologically.
Hey Greg, Yes, we do get better. Absolutely. I do think our bodies like to be in a natural state. In harmony with itself. And even though we bang 'em around a bit and put bad things into them, they still try and right themselves. We adjust, adapt, and reset. It's a good process. Best, D
It sure feels like that sometimes, doesn't it? I'm not sure I would call it madness, but I get where you are coming from. The symptoms combined with the cognitive difficulties can be quite severe. I hope you start feeling better soon. Please take care, D
Hi Sangeeta, Stomach distress (aka Benzo Belly) is one of the most common symptoms of benzo withdrawal. Bloating and even distension are frequent. The digestive system has a large number of GABA receptors which are affected by the addition of, and removal of, benzodiazepines. Thus, it makes sense that the digestive system gets hit hard. Some people have found that a reduced diet (reducing foods that irrate their condition) has helped, others have found help from some probiotics, etc. I can't recommend any solution here, except trial and error and to work with your doctor / nutritionist. I wish you well and I'm sorry for your distress, D
I sooooo wish i had the $$$ resources to go to the Colorado rockies and stock up on excellent food and nutrients and calm and peace for my broken mental health and broken brain and spirit..........Nature is my happy place and i long for healing and true joy and complete peace of mind. I used to know this place so many years ago, before I bought into the bullshit chemical imbalance theory...of depression and anxiety disorders. I KNOW the truth is out there and drugs do not cure , we need true love and compassion and real human connectivity and not fear and isolation.............I doo know that actual mental illness does exist...BUT I have come to realize that we need each other and NOT JUST drugs and symptom mangement. I am going to get my life back. Knowledge is powerful. Educate yourselves and fight the good fight and take back your mental and phsycial health.
Hi Clint, Thanks for the feedback. The Rockies are a nice backdrop and I agree, nature is an amazing tool for easing our worries and anxiety. It is my happy place too, among others. Many drugs have been life savers for many people, but they also can, and have been, overprescribed, as we all know. And yes, we do need each other. More now than ever. If only we could stop putting up walls, and starting finding ways to work together and grow closer. Take care and thanks for the message, D :)
Hi Thomas, Because it's our nervous system. Our CNS is the transmitter of pain, and it has been damaged. Thus, as it heals, it has what I think of as "healing pains." Sometimes mild, sometimes severe. It's a nightmare for some, but it's an unfortunate part of the process for far too many. Hope we can find a way of easing it soon. Take care, D :)
I love Jennifer Leigh! I described my cold-turkey Klonopin withdrawal in my book as feeling like being on 10 hits of pure LSD, with no way out. Less than a year later a c/t Effexor, Trazodone, Lithium withdrawal drove me into being homocidal for 8 months. Now that I'm 7 years completely drug free after being poly-drugged for 35 years w/ECT's I own my own thoughts, feelings & behavior and my mental & physical health, not Psychiatry. I do.
Hi Smile,
Thanks so much for your comment. And congratulation on being 7 years free. I'm so happy for you. It sounds like you are doing well and I'm so happy to hear that. And yes, Jennifer Leigh is great. She has helped so many people. Take care, D :)
I can soooo relate to your story. I have been off and on at least 45 to 50 psych drugs in the last 30 years. 50 ECTs ,all most every damn drug side effect and 14 to 16 hospitalizations. Multiple alphabet DSM-diagnoses. I am sick and fucking tired of BIG PHARMA and mainstream psychiatry. I was just yanked off of 2 mg of KPIN and ambien and 50 mg of effexor and propanol. MY OCD and GAD and other rebound symptoms is nothing short of pure panic and I have tried to relate it to people........and it feels like my soul is being torn apart. I have been through this at least 4 to 5 other times in my life and every time I have tried to go off of my psych meds, I have ended up suicidal and homicidal and have such horrific intrusive thoughts that if It were not for the fact that I recognize this BS symptom cluster, i might have given up a long time ago. I feel neurologically damaged....BUT I am doing everything I can to not go back inpatient. I feel traumatized by these fucking chemicals I was totally sober from alcohol for 13 .5 years, and then a combo of CV-19 social isolation and I reversed several medical co-morbidities and have lost almost 100 lbs and am no longer t-2 diabetic .....no more high cholestreol and no more sleep apnea ....I have been so very blessed to get healhy on paper in so many ways....bariatric weightloss surgery last year on June 2nd all of this extra stress caused me to break my sobriety and I began binge drinking and overusing energy drinks. I HAVE NEVER ABUSED A BENZO......MAINSTREAM PSYCHIATRY AND THE ADDICTION MODELS THAT ARE PUSHED AND PERPETUATED ARE NOT THE TOTAL TRUTH!!!!!! Addiction and dependence and abuse ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!! I ran out of Ambien and a few days short of a 7 yr stable dose of KPIN and I could not turn my brain off. I went to the er. and I had a tonic clonic seizure and went cyontoic and almost died I was impatient for almost 4 days and my life was saved......Needless to say I am not DRINKING ALCOHOL AND still not taking KPIN.....I do not know how I still have hope. BUT I am not giving in to the beast. Benzos are the devil!!!!! I hope that we all can maintain the corus and be able to truly HEAL!!!!!!!
Hi Clint, Thanks for your comments. I am so sorry to hear of your battle with mental health and meds. You have been through to much and I'm so glad that you are still have hope. I do believe things are improving for you and I am so glad that you have found some healthier ways to to deal. Thank you for your feedback and please take care, D
Smile Mor Phony how r u now
@@clintcarle6254 - it sounds like you're describing my life Clint. I wish I would have seen this comment earlier. Boy do I feel your anger my friend. I became so angry it took me 3+ years to process it, deal with it and finally let it go. I didn't survive the mental health system only to have my own anger/rage kill me. You will heal. I promise. only the brain heals in it's time, not ours and we are left with permanent cognitive impairment, sleep issues, but they're all workable. Besides, any day off the drugs is better than a day on them. I'm sending you so much Love Clint it barely fits through my computer screen. :) if you ever want to chat, my email: (sanderella57@att.net)
Every Podcast , radio, or Panel I am on, I make it a Point to Mention this Beautiful Woman. So committed to Our Community, and So Grateful. I appreciate Benzo Free and Jen Leigh
Hi Phil, I agree. Jennifer has helped out so many people through this difficult time. Thanks for listening to the podcast and it's great to hear from you. Best, D :)
Addiction-A neuropsychological disorder characterized by a presistent and intense urge to use a drug despite substantial harm and other negative consequences. I saw this definition in Wikipedia. I don't think chemical dependancy has the same behavior as addiction. The addiction circuit has helped a little by being around people who are trying to deal with new emotions but the people haven't truly grasped the fact that I've never done anything wrong to feed a need.
Hey Greg, Good to hear from you again. Most of us steer away from the term "addiction" when it comes to benzos. As you mentioned, it often includes the intense urge, which most of us do not exhibit. People can become addicted to benzos, but it is rare. Most of us are dealing with "physical dependence" and even "neuroadaptation" and "neurotoxicity." Actual changes to our nervous systems that can take months even years to heal for some of us. Thanks for the feedback, D :)
Agreed, d...it’s like we had no other choice to be exactly who we are mostly because we don’t have the energy or clarity to be anything but real and raw. I love the idea of a compound. Who knows, huh? That would be magical...❤️
Hey Donna,
I think it's a bit of the 70s child in me. The whole "compound" or "commune" idea. If I won the lottery, that might be the first thing I set up. A place for people struggling with benzos and anxiety. Maybe one day. Peace, :) ✌
@@easinganx haha, love it! You and me both...70’s kids ROCK!! 🤘🏻🙌🏻😎
We’ll share stories one day...😉❤️
Sounds fun... D:)
I love this podcast with Jennifer Leigh. So informative and positive. I’m going to look into her services. A great interview D. 🙂
Thanks Julie,
Jennifer has been providing an invaluable service to the benzo community for some time now. It was a pleasure to have her on the show.
Best, D :)
I'm still devastated at 21 months shaking numbness rage hostility psychosis etc ...why so damn long and why is it ignored so long ??
We don't really know why the healing takes so long for some people. That's something we need to find out, but it takes research, which takes money and time. But we are learning more every year. As for why it has been ignored, your guess is as good as mine. Senator Ted Kennedy presented the benzo case in front of a senate subcommittee hearing back in 1979, but not much happened. And Malcolm Lader and others started raising concern as far back as the 1960s. I wish I had an answer, but I don't, and it is extremely frustrating. But we are making progress now. The FDA warning last year is an excellent step forward. We just can't give up, and keep trying. Best, D :)
@@easinganx this is NOT ACCEPTABLE! Most ALL SUICIDES are because of Benzo Torture !
This is a great channel awsome
Thanks Gary, keep in touch, D :)
@@easinganx thanks.... got 5mg Valium left to ween off so far mood and lack of joy the biggest symptom Does mood come back.... thanks do any supplements help
Mood does come back, but it takes time. We can help it along with anxiety tools and therapy, though. D :)
I feel alone too 😔
Hello Cheryl....I have been in the feeling alone up and down feeling as well...I think the Holiday season has sparked mine ....even tho this is the time to gather and be with family to not be alone , it makes me feel pressured to do things I don't feel I'm ready for ...just not in the spirit of it I guess...I have had the feeling of being in a box and no one is able to get to me, or me to them , even tho I can physically touch them ....wife , kids , family....almost like an invisible barrier existed that I couldn't break thru.....it has eased some...I do get the old crappy feelings of this once in a while , like lately ...it does suck ...I wish there was a clear cut answer for fixing it..... But not sure there is...I guess in short , I feel ya...been there and can understand how it is to feel this way....hope you can cheer up some and overcome the lonely feeling asap...about all I can say is I wish the best to you and hope you can enjoy the holidays ....take care......Paul
@Cheryl I understand that feeling far too well. Even if we have people around us, we can feel so incredibly isolated and alone. Perhaps it is part of the human condition, perhaps it is escalated by benzo withdrawal. I hope that is one of the benefits of the podcast, so that we all feel just a little less alone. Always here if you need to chat. Take care, D :)
@paul yancey The "invisible barrier" you speak of is familiar to me also. This experience affects so many aspects of our lives, and it's so hard for us to feel "normal" - whatever that is. Take care, Paul, talk soon. D :)
Never alone, Cheryl. Never. We are all part of this Community and most importantly, part of this big, beautiful, scary, sad, lovely World. I understand how it can feel like that too. I surely do. We’re right here, Cheryl. ❤️
Thank you, Tasha. I'm glad you liked it. D :)
Where can I find the resources you mention just before the interview (coping resources, etc)? I'm not sure where they are located. Thanks.
Hi Joe, I believe that the resources you are referring to are the ones I shared in the Benzo News section of that episode. I included those in the show notes of the podcast. Here is a link to that episode on our website (easinganxiety.com/videos/a-conversation-with-jennifer-leigh-psyd-bfp014/). If you scroll down under "References" you should see those links. Hope that helps, D :)
@@easinganx Yes, that's it! Thank you. I got to this video from another site, so I didn't have your website address. I really like your podcasts so far and have ordered your book.
Hi Joe, Glad that was what you were looking for and thanks for ordering my book. Let me know if it helps. I hope to do a revision eventually, but it might still be a year out or so. Best, D :)
@@easinganx I know you're not a medical doctor, but do you know about or have you heard of people micro-tapering to get off z-drugs -- namely zolpidem/Ambien? Yes, I stupidly started taking that nightly too -- fortunately, not a huge amount -- and I'd like to micro-taper off that. I know you can't say if that's medically feasible in my case, but I'm just wondering if you've heard of people tapering off them similar to benzos. Nothing I've read online has indicated this is a bad idea, so I'm heartened so far.
Hi Joe, Thanks for writing back. I can talk about tapering, I just can't give advice to individuals as to how they should taper. That is a conversation for each individual to have with his/her doctor. There are four ways that I am aware of to taper. One, is direct taper. One tapers off the drug they are on directly. Sometimes they might cut the pill, but it's rarely an exact science. Second, is micro-taper. Again, they are on the same drug, but they use scales and other devices to create micro doses. Third, is liquid titration. And fourth, is substitution, when one substitutes one benzo with another which has a longer half-life and smaller dosing. I know that there are several people on some of the discussion boards who talk about micro-dosing, but you might have to do a bit of searching to find them. I think each method has its pros and cons, and you and your doctor need to decide which is best for you. Hope that helps, D :)
How can this medication be legally prescribed? It totally DESTROYED MY LIFE! I’m just trying to rebuild my place in the world after a 4 Year nightmare…after tapering! I’m still sick & looking for ways to cope! I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to save my life 🙏
Hi Michele, Thanks for all the comments. It's been a while since we chatted. Let me see if I can respond to each. On this one, I understand your anger, as it is anger I too have had for a long time. I'm glad you have found ways through this. I'm so sorry for what you have had to experience. We are working on changing things, I'm just so sorry that our progress can't be faster. There's only a small group of us, and so much to be done. Take care, D
We do get better. We do learn to accept. Why though? Is biology destiny? I don't thinks so. I do think there is a large biological component to it though. It's hard to believe I would have accepted anything in early withdrawls. I've always tried to take the noble path. I tried in early withdrawls but it was a challenge just to not to be a jerk. I think we are spiritual beings but our spirituality is manifested biologically.
Hey Greg, Yes, we do get better. Absolutely. I do think our bodies like to be in a natural state. In harmony with itself. And even though we bang 'em around a bit and put bad things into them, they still try and right themselves. We adjust, adapt, and reset. It's a good process. Best, D
We have to juggle with madness
It sure feels like that sometimes, doesn't it? I'm not sure I would call it madness, but I get where you are coming from. The symptoms combined with the cognitive difficulties can be quite severe. I hope you start feeling better soon. Please take care, D
Stomach cramps bother me too much.i feel tons of gas in my stomach.
Hi Sangeeta, Stomach distress (aka Benzo Belly) is one of the most common symptoms of benzo withdrawal. Bloating and even distension are frequent. The digestive system has a large number of GABA receptors which are affected by the addition of, and removal of, benzodiazepines. Thus, it makes sense that the digestive system gets hit hard. Some people have found that a reduced diet (reducing foods that irrate their condition) has helped, others have found help from some probiotics, etc. I can't recommend any solution here, except trial and error and to work with your doctor / nutritionist. I wish you well and I'm sorry for your distress, D
Finally. Someone else 😮
Rotten day a gain. In a snif. Almost 0 help. Pray.
I am so sorry. I wish I could make it go away. One day at a time, it does get better. D
I sooooo wish i had the $$$ resources to go to the Colorado rockies and stock up on excellent food and nutrients and calm and peace for my broken mental health and broken brain and spirit..........Nature is my happy place and i long for healing and true joy and complete peace of mind. I used to know this place so many years ago, before I bought into the bullshit chemical imbalance theory...of depression and anxiety disorders. I KNOW the truth is out there and drugs do not cure , we need true love and compassion and real human connectivity and not fear and isolation.............I doo know that actual mental illness does exist...BUT I have come to realize that we need each other and NOT JUST drugs and symptom mangement. I am going to get my life back. Knowledge is powerful. Educate yourselves and fight the good fight and take back your mental and phsycial health.
Hi Clint, Thanks for the feedback. The Rockies are a nice backdrop and I agree, nature is an amazing tool for easing our worries and anxiety. It is my happy place too, among others. Many drugs have been life savers for many people, but they also can, and have been, overprescribed, as we all know. And yes, we do need each other. More now than ever. If only we could stop putting up walls, and starting finding ways to work together and grow closer. Take care and thanks for the message, D :)
Cronic pain tha drs to docters
The pain is hard. I hope you feel better soon. D
@@easinganx why so much pain
Hi Thomas, Because it's our nervous system. Our CNS is the transmitter of pain, and it has been damaged. Thus, as it heals, it has what I think of as "healing pains." Sometimes mild, sometimes severe. It's a nightmare for some, but it's an unfortunate part of the process for far too many. Hope we can find a way of easing it soon. Take care, D :)