@Stephen Anthony And my guess is you're a troll with nothing better to do with your time than try to belittle others. Well your in the wrong place. Mr Muttnchop is the kind of man that someone like you will never understand. He's a gentleman.
@Stephen Anthony hi I looked at your channel. I don't like your comment but I do hope and pray some how your health inproves. This is just social media. I don't take it to serious. But your a real person and I really am sorry you're going through that.
Tears came to my eyes when you mentioned your grandfather. This put to mind why I picked up my first pipe in the first place. I'm not a "smoker" per ser, but my O'l Pop smoked a pipe and when I saw a pipe one day it brought back many good memories. Thank you for founding my belief and love for pipe smoking.
May I add another rule? 11. If a person in the mantle has mutton chops he or she is automatically the alpha male of the mantle. If two people in the mantle has mutton chops one must be sacrificed.
Many of these viewers seem to disagree about the religion and politics rule, but I feel that avoiding those topics is a good idea, as they tend to be very "hot" topics and may bring about heated arguments.
HammockerSam - yes, I took a lot of heat for that one, I tend to agree, especially in these volatile times we are experiencing these days here in the states. 😔😔😔
I agree with it to a point. If friends have established relationships and mutual respect its okay. I think we all say things to our closest friends that we would NEVER say to new company. I think that's what he means here.
Don't hang out with clowns that wave a socialist/communist flag and you'll be okay. I don't care to be around anyone that can't respect my political and religious beliefs. Personally, my opinions on those subjects are extremely fringe. I fall into the anarcho capitalist group on my political beliefs and my religious beliefs would be even more crazy to alot of people. I don't even hang out with some of my own family members due to this. It's not because they disagree, its because they don't respect it. They're Satist, that love licking boots and they make me nauseous, when they tell me I need to be a good little boot licker like they are. If people believe the things I believe in, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. My ideals are simple, do unto others as you would have them do unto you and any force, by the government, on a citizen that hasn't harmed anyone is UNJUST. It's just that simple. We let them go around and use the threat of force, to enforce the OPINIONS of the ruling class. In reality, no man has the moral authority to tell another man what to do, as long as hes not infringing on anothers right to life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. This is why they're attacking tobacco. We ALLOW them to attack it. They have no right to tell us we can't smoke tobacco, or marijuana, or any damn thing else. If people started standing up to the authoritarian government in this country, we wouldn't be complaining about "regulations" on things like tobacco. I dont think tobbaco will be the line in the sand where people take a stand against the government overlords, but FIREARMS, now that's a different story. As for myslef, I cannot wait to get it going. It's long overdue. Thomas Jefferson said "The tree of liberty, must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." When they come for the guns (make no mistake it's coming) it will be go time. We'll win our freedom back in less than a year. If just 4% of Americans are willing to stand up to this tyranny and die for freedom, we will have more soldiers than all the worlds militaries COMBINED! 12+ million soilders, using guerilla warfare tactics, is bad for their health. They think smoking's bad for you? Wait till they wake that beast up. Stay safe!
When I think about smoking a pipe I think about people having an intelligent conversation about a variety of topics including religion and politics. There’s no need to argue about these things you have to be excepting of other peoples views whether you agree or disagree with them it is not your place to change anybody but only to put forth your thoughts on these matters. Heck me and my brother don’t agree on politics and religion that doesn’t stop us from discussing it I don’t where he feels that he knows what I feel. That is who we are there’s no shame in it no need to criticize or cut other people down for their beliefs. That’s my view.
What a gentleman over here in the uk 🇬🇧 pipe smoking is no where nearly as popular as it was it’s a dying art ,I’m sure if more people could see your videos it would make a comeback thank you for the effort you put into them and the enjoyment you share with us . I hope you and your family keep well and once again thank you. Phil
As a pipe smoker, and a flyfisherman; I feel like these rules of etiquette could apply in so many realms of peaceful old world traditionalist passtimes. I enjoyed hearing your views, and have really tried to apply many of them (even before your video) to all parts of my life. Well done.
My initiation to pipe smoking took place while in grade school. My class mate's father would drive us kids to school, and he always smoked his pipe. When I was old enough to obtain tobacco,purchased a cheap pipe and tobacco. Took a while for a better pipe and tobacco and finally ventured into Schulte's Pipe Shop. Thanks for sharing your memories.
Not sure if your still alive but this pink and girly world has me tuning in every evening to light up my pipe and hear your manly and humble voice for a few minutes of sanity.
The Articles of the Pipe Smoker Constitution. I am brand new piper smoker here (just smoked my third bowl) but before I took my first draw I watched and rewatched plenty of you videos so I want to thank you very much for this university level analysis and schooling. I genuinely mean that, watching you teach makes me feel like I'm at school not just learning something new but understaning it. I would love for you to do a in-depth video on the experiences a brand new pipe smoker will encounter when joining this fascinating hobby as to not be discouraged and quit the hobby because lord knows I have felt like quitting but I keep watching and rewatching videos like this and it just strengthens my faith and love for this hobby. Oh by the way, just like you sir I too got into pipe smoking because of the Hobbit. Again thank you so much and I'll keep on watching!
welcome to the hobby. If there is one piece of advice I could give to a new pipe smoker it would be: Take your time, tongue bite is a swine so don't rush. 😀
I relly like your rules and the word "mantle" referring to a gathering of pipesmokers is trully appropriate . I hope you dont mind ,iwouldblike to write these guides and frame them to hang over my pipesmoking nook/designated area . Thank you muttonchop you have been a great resourse of pipesmoking knowledge on my journey!
Words to grow by. I too shared a pipe smoke or two with my grandfather and I’ve really been looking to get back into it. I see a piper from time to time and the aroma from their blend seems to always put me on cloud 9.
Good video and list. I'd have to disagree on discussing politics and religion though. I'd say there is no better group with which to discuss those topics than a mantel of cognizant and pensive pipe smokers. Generally the mutual admiration of pipes and tobacco yields respectful and educated discourse on both topics. Enjoying your videos.
I also concur. Religion and politics are frequent, and edifying, discussion points at our pipe club meetings at Allegheny SmokeWorks, and our creeds of faith are usually varied. The atmosphere of a mantle allows more relaxed and provides a better atmosphere than most. However, I understand that some people may get carried away, and that should be avoided. When it comes down to it, it will depend on the individuals, but I do not think that those topics should be banned from the mantle. I should note that one of my other mantles is a group of people based around 1. A Reformed Christian faith, and then 2. A love for pipe smoking. Happy piping!
I yearn for the days when 2 or 3 guys could gather over a good pipe & a sensible discussion of religion or politics & respect the opinion of others. Those were the days.
I have to agree with Schack. Mr. Chris C. Sheets is absolutely easy to listen to. I enjoy listening to him at some point every day !!! Thank you sir !!!
A few thoughts from a new subscriber and a new piper: I have severe depression and a mild bipolar disorder, so I've been on the fence about trying pipe smoking. I know I'll be fine on my own, and have lots of time to find out what works for me, but the thought of sitting with a group scares me to death. Mostly because I didn't think I look the part (as silly as that may sound, its true) but also because I was afraid of what the conversation and atmosphere might be like. However, this video and many of your other videos have served to put my mind at ease. For the most part, the UA-cam and Reddit piping community seem to be pretty accepting, but your videos are so informative and comforting! And this list is a great set of rules to follow, so I'll be adopting them as part of my personal practice. Thank you so much for all the work you've put in to helping me and other newbies to feel comfortable and confident! Happy piping 🙂
On the general view of pipe smokers ( 07:40 ) : I'm a 24 year old from the Netherlands, where pipe smoking is a very rare habit/hobby. When I smoke in public, people passing by usually react in three different ways. Some people laugh, some people think I'm a pretentious brat (which may be true. Who am I to tell them different) but 8 out of 10 times people are curious, melancholic or simply say 'that's so cool! I always wanted to try pipe smoking myself but never got to it.' When someone says the latter I always encourage them to try it, and check out the amazing channels on UA-cam, such as yours. Maybe someday, there will be Dutch 'mantels' again to share experiences and secrets with. Great video!
I agree. My love for pipe smoking is rooted into nostalgia of my grandfather generation, whom I grew up as a child seeing a few of them whom I loved and admired smoking pipes.
No politics and religion is the same rule in lodge and it's to keep every conversation brotherly and unifying instead of causing division and hostility. It is a golden rule in pipe smoking. Great perspective on how people view smokers in General. Thanks for the video Chris
Well said! Excellent set of rules to follow as a piper, and just as a fellow human. You show much respect and gratitude for the small things in life. I appreciate your videos so much.
Hey, new pipe smoker here (2 months). I’ve watched hundreds of videos these past two months on how to, tobacco/pipe reviews, etc. By far my favourite video. Many of us start because of that memory of our grandfathers, fathers, uncles, whatever. It’s a gentlemen’s club (or gentlewoman). Let’s not forget that.
You are absolutely right about how people (or atleast me) see pipesmokers! I lived with my grandparents and my grandfather used to sit on this grand beautiful leather chair and smoke his pipe! I always loved to see it and I loved the smell!
I have, for the past couple days, been considering pipe smoking. I’ve seen a few of your nod others’ videos. I know NOTHING about pipe-smoking, well, ok, I’ve looked at many how-to videos. I’ve never known anyone who smoked a pipe. My father never smoked, but his father smoked packs of cigarettes every day. I just view pipe-smoking as being very relaxing and dignified and you seem to have the highest amount of these traits than any other I’ve watched. In the past 12 or so hours, I’ve ordered a tin of tobacco, 2n2oz bags of tobacco, a standard pipe, and a corn cob. The standard pipe came in a kit with the tamper tool, a few pipe cleaners, a stand, a couple screens. I also ordered a dedicated butane pipe lighter. I’m kind of excited. The first pip, with kit and lighter should be here Wednesday. The tobacco, not sure yet. Wow, I’ve said a LOT. I’d actually love to find a local mantle, but, again, I know zero pipe smokers.
Michael Albanese III - well that was certainly a lot of words that’s for sure, lol, sadly I have to tell you, Pipe smoking is a dying art, but if gentleman like you take up the craft, then it may last a few years more. Make sure and follow my video entitled “Smoke your pipe using the breathe method” it will save you a lot of aggravation in the end. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper well, writing with fountain pens is also becoming a lost art, but they are my go-to. I actually have a question that I hadn't thought of. The pipe and kit I ordered was CHEAP. It was 15.00 from Amazon. It says it is "real wood," so, I mean I am concerned that it is perhaps not well-made. Is there anything I should look for in it that would perhaps make me NOT want to use It? I have a second pipe, from Boswell's coming so, if need be, I can wait for my first smoke if the one tomorrow would be bad idea to use. Yes, I realize that being 44, buying a 14.00 pipe AND kit was perhaps impetuous. I apologize for all my foolish questions, sir.
Michael Albanese III - Don’t apologize, you’re new at pipe smoking, questions are a prerequisite. Now, you’re right you are probably not getting a good quality pipe, and of course it says it’s made of real wood, but not Briar, that’s what your Boswell pipe will be made of, and that’s the best wood to make pipes with. I would say it’s not going to be the best smoke in the world, I’d give it a try just watch the outside, if it’s painted it might bubble. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper it says it's a Naimo dependable pipe. I look at it this way though: even if it's totally garbage, I still am getting a tool, cleaners, a stand, etc. It's really the reason I got the corn cob from Boswell's. The crushing thing is, my tobacco won't be in until tomorrow, Frog Morton's Cellar, which I've heard is pretty good. I watched the breath video. I'm going to have to try that. To be honest, I'm looking to relax and enjoy flavor, not the nicotine hit. Now I just need to locate some pipers near me.
I have been smoking my pipes now for six years. I have never smoked a pipe with another pipe smoker. We are few in number unfortunately. I don't personally know any pipe smokers to smoke with. It would be nice though. Nice video and sweet new pipe. Your Friend did a nice job.
John Ferguson we have a local cigar lounge here that also sells pipes and pipe tobacco. There is always a mix of cigar and pipe smokers enjoying conversation at that location. Maybe there is something similar in your area.
When it comes to he way others see pipe smokers i definetly share those same experiences. Most people who talk to me always bring up a relative and share pleasant experiences with me they remember about them. It honestly is a reward to be able to experience these stories with those individuals
Hello Chris and thank you for sharing your thoughts, as always they did give me something to think about,Have a Great Sunday day, and have my greets from across the ocean, Paul
Thank you for your videos!!, You have inspired me to start smoking a pipe. I have started off with a simple corn cob and a few samples of tobacco to try. I am trying to switch to smoking a pipe instead of cigarettes.
Mainely Acres - I really like Savinelli brand pipes they have a great variety, and prices from $80.00 to $3,000.00 dollars, you can check out Savinelli and a huge selection of pipe makers at smokingpipes.com. 😃😃😃
An excellent set of rules and guidelines. If I may offer another; “nobody shall be mocked or belittled for the pipe they smoke nor the blend they smoke.” I really can’t stand brand snobs or the types who say those who, for example, only smoke sweet aromatics out of an £8 cob pipe aren’t “real” pipe smokers as they pontificate as they smoke their heavy English blend in their £500 Dunhill. I’ve had at least one oaf like this get right up my nose, and I’m sure I’m not the only one to be on the receiving end of such twaddle. Enjoy what you smoke and smoke what you enjoy!
Sir, you're the type of person that represent the decent and commendable values of American society. Rules #4 and #5 made me subscribe and enjoy listening to more of your videos. Thank you and please continue your work.
Sir I have recently started smoking a pipe and you were my first "pipe smoking" video. You are now my mentor I will follow as you say. Might I say I am also an advocate / heavy weed smoker you should make a video like this for the weed community. Especially the one where one should bring some for all to enjoy 😂. Thanks again sir I hope I can ask you some questions becasue being new at this it is alot to take in.
Darrell Houston - of course you can ask me anything you like, believe it or not, but I have never smoked weed, never even tried it, there is nothing wrong with it, I just have what’s called an addictive personality and I was afraid I would have to have it everyday. I will probably give it a try when I retire in about 10 years. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper awww man you are going to love it and definitely going to want it every day lol but I smoke medically for my ankylosing spondylitis a rare auto immune arthritis. I'm 26 and just had to have back surgery 2 weeks ago had 2 discs replaced and 2 rods and 4 screws in my lower back to hopefully stop my spine for shifting. Having said all that this is when I got into pipe smoking it was so relaxing after hitting the Devils lettuce haha, I smoke a bowl of tobacco and it's soo peaceful and relaxing. Thank you sir for replying I will definitely have questions.
You are a sweetheart! Very relaxing videos and also very interesting perspective on enjoying little things, the whole ritual of smoking a pipe. Makes me want to apply this philosophy in more aspects of my life! Thanks a lot sir!
In my opinion expressing your beliefs in a non-offensive way , being able to talk about important subjects such as politics and religion in a calm and civilized manner with people who might disagree is an art, so I respectfully disagree with your 5th rule( I believe that’s the one) , I think you should know when you can talk about these topics and with whom. You are a true gentleman my dear sir , thank you for posting
theluminator - I agree, if you are amongst close friends and have found you can talk about anything in a calm and civilized manner, then by all means, it's the person that brings a stranger to the group who is steadfast in their beliefs and if the subject is brought up will defend their belief at any cost, yelling, arguing, cussing, even coming to blows if necessary, that's the individual I am concerned about. 👍👍😃
Well said teacher. I think you covered it all. The part about people's relatives from their past definitely plays a big part of it I've heard all those kind of comments through my years of smoking
every time I want to watch one of your videos, I grab my pipe, sometimes I smoke and sometimes just hold it in the piping position, and watch you and listen to you as we are friends at a community
Great rules. Very thoughtful and considerate way of acting while together enjoying your pipes with friends! Absolutely Awesome, wish their were more pipe smokers like you. I can't stand those "snobby" pipe smokers who look down at you for the pipe you're smoking,the way you're smoking your pipe,and hypocritical about what ever Tobacco you're smoking at the time. It's happened to me quite a few times but once I ran across someone who acted the way you addressed helped me out immensely. Keep it up, love the videos!
80brax04 - Thank you my friend. I hate those people, think their better then everyone else because of what they smoke, or what they are smoking it in. Stick with us, no judgement here. 👍👍👍
Again,I want to thank you immensely for all the information and knowledge I have gained through your videos. I also had a grandfather who smoked a pipe and became a "pipesman" myself after my grandfather passed away and I was given quite a few of his pipes. I live in Louisiana and unfortunately for me the tobacco store that I used to love going to with my grandfather closed down many many years before I started to enjoy pipesmoking which I have only started the last couple years. I was left a couple pipe's, like I mentioned, from my grandfather and after finding a few unlabelled Mason jars of tobacco he had tucked back I fell in love with the different tastes and smells along with the immediate feeling that my grandfather was looking down just grinning at how much satisfaction and comfort,joy,and peace I got out of smoking his tobacco in his old pipes. The only info I had to go on was the memories of how he lit,tamped, and smoked his pipe and thankfully I ran across your channel to help fill in all the gaps and answers to the questions I would have liked to have asked him. So I truly appreciate and am extremely grateful for all your videos.Please keep them coming as I look forward to seeing more. What can you catch but not throw questions above your shoulder,was that a riddle,or something you stuck in the back to see if anyone would notice? You can catch a cold,a virus, and a number of other dieseases and not "throw" any of them but some can be "passed", lol. Enjoy your weekend Sir!
80brax04 - I am honored to stand in for your Grandfather, to dress up the edges as I always say, I could never replace him, no one could, but it's my pleasure to be here to help. Yes the signs above me in a lot of my videos are riddles, gives you something to work out while your watching, and yes Cold is the correct answer. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper Again,all I can say is thanks. My grandad passed away and my dad did before him and neither can be replaced,but having your videos to help answer my pipe questions has been extremely helpful and enjoyable. I did a decent amount of research on the subject but having someone show you the answer and being able to see a face and listen to a voice works alot better for me than reading it in black and white if that makes sense. I just felt obligated to say thanks.So many many thanks for your continued help, have a great day!
I don't remember much about my great-grandfather. But I remember him smoking a pipe and his cherry tobacco. I remember playing with his pipes when I went to visit. After he passed away I took 2 of his pipes before they were thrown out. Now I smoke them.
Wow!!! your list touches on how we should on even a basic level interact with each other in life. I really enjoyed you talkin about your grandfather I felt the same way about mine, the only difference is my grandfather went from towering over me to me becoming the biggest one in the family LOL.
Muttnchop Piper Chris I couldn't agree with you more I love these rules of edicate of smoking a pipe I've had ppl stop and smile at me because they saw me smoking a pipe ppl respect a pipe smoker I've found that to be so true Chris thank you for the Rules of order in pipe smoking happy smoking my friend☺☺☺☺👏👏👏👍👍 best regards Peter
Same here muttnchop. I have to say my grandy is who influenced me to smoke a pipe. When I was about 3 or 4, I saw him smoking his pipe and I asked him to let me try and sure enough he gave it to me. I coughed so much I turned blue. Now, 17 years later I'm still into pipes, so I guess it didn't have his desired affect on me.
Wyatt Gilliam - I remember being about 8 and watching this giant of a man 6' 6" stride across the yard puffing on his pipe and talking in this booming calm voice. I don't have grand kids yet, but I would like mine to see me in the same way. :)
This is an excellent list, thank you for sharing. I'm brand new to pipes and cigars and I find the culture deep and fascinating. Your videos are very insightful. Thanks again for sharing your passion.
Pipe smokers tend to be very chill (at least when smoking) and as I've gotten into it myself I understand why, it's a very meditative act so understandably those who partake in it are often very relaxed because of it
I agree wholeheartedly...almost. Pipe smokers inherently take time to enjoy life. Not discussing politics I can support, but not speaking of the One who makes all enjoyable things in life possible? Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Sir, I must say I have enjoyed your videos and learned many tips for enjoying my Peterson rathbone. I love to sit by a fire with a brandy and my pipe. I would be honored to join you for a smoke. if your ever in Knoxville TN look me up.
I find myself quite moved by your list. If this list will be adhered to by powerful people, talking about politics and religion might no longer be a problem. Thank you for your sharing respectful wisdom with us viewers. You are a true gentleman. My compliments all the way from The Netherlands are respectfully yours.
sir I must say I have enjoyed your videos and learned many tips for enjoying my Peterson rathbone. I love to sit by a fire with a brandy and my pipe. I would be honored to join you for a smoke. if your ever in Knoxville TN look me up
Thank you so much for sharing! I have adopted this etiquette and will be sharing it with my mantel. Order of the Mantel: (pipe smoking etiquette) 1. When three or more individuals gather for the purpose of smoking a pipe the gathering is known as a mantel of piper smokers. 2. When meeting other piper smokers for the purpose of smoking a pipe and quite conversation it’s the duty of each individual to bring tobacco to the gathering for all to enjoy. 3. During a mantel of pipe smokers tobacco is freely exchanged amongst the participants and no permission to sample tobacco brought to the mantel is required. 4. All are welcome to the mantel no matter the color, creed, sex, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation of the individual. 5. Religion and politics are strictly forbidden as topics of conversation during a mantel. 6. When acquiring a new pipe it is the responsibility of the owner to praise the artist who made the pipe and to allow others to handle and admire your new acquisition. 7. It is the responsibility of the individual admiring a new pipe of another pipe smoker to congratulate and put forth a hardy ‘well done’ while doing so. 8. If a fellow piper smoker asks for help from another pipe smoker to overcome a problem or learn a new skill, help is freely given. 9. Pipe smokers must be respectful of others and present themselves with dignity. 10. Take time to enjoy life, but smoke your favorite pipe with your favorite blend while doing so.
Travis D - I would have to say a Briarworks Calabash with exchangeable bowl, I love the black stem, black rusticated body with light rusticated contrasting bowl, Schwab's tobacconist near where I live has a couple I have been salivating over for a year now, and smokingpipes has a couple, but it's like a jaguar, to much for me to afford, maybe one day I'll save enough to afford one. What would be yours?
Muttnchop Piper Sir just wanted to tell you I really enjoy your channel on UA-cam. Your viewers can feel the passion you have for pipe smoking. I apologize for not introducing myself before sending a friend request on Facebook. My first pipe is on the way in the mail. I went with a church warden. I asked you on UA-cam your dream pipe sort of speaking. Briarworks are impressive as for myself I don't know enough yet to form my opinion on the best. Looking forward to learning more from your videos. Travis
Couldn't love this guy more! What a class act amongst a community of so many unsavory types who have taken to the pipe. I see so many youtube videos about pipe smoking where these unsophisticated, uneducated "children" get on camera and immediately start being sexist or homophobic or transphobic or racist or start preaching and proselytizing. This man is a true confident, kind, and secure gentleman. It's refreshing to see another grown man whose masculinity doesn't depend on denigrating others.
Im very new. Just a couple days in. Every thing that has always appealed to me about pipe smoking has been represented in your videos. I have the exact same two reasons for getting into it. My grandfather and LOTR. I think im in for a good community.
Dear Sir, I hope all is fine with you? I must admit i am a little worried that it's been a while you have not posted a new video. My son and I both smoke the pipe and we miss you.
I agree with you Muttnchop, that is the deep more methodical reason why people in general have a reaction to people smoking a pipe. But I think another reason why people have bad reaction to cigarettes is all the negative research, habbits and sometimes even aroma. I know many people who's parents smoked and they refuse to because of the smell of cigarettes, be that on the person, the smoke itself or in their homes and pipe smoking doesn't have that exact stigma. Pipe smoke generally smells appealing to everyone even though they don't like the smell of cigarettes smoke or smoke and I think that also makes it easier for people to accept. For example in my case I smoke cigarettes for 7 years and I never told my parents cause they would flip on me, but when I decided to buy a pipe I went straight to them and told them. Hey look at what I bought today and now they joke around with me (my mother's father did smoke a pipe). But there is definitely a different behaviour in people towards pipe smokers that cigarette smokers.
+Stefan van Vuuren no worries my friend, and yes, it made sense, when I was 16 I bought my first pipe, told my parents they asked do you inhale the smoke, I said no, they said ok you can keep it. 😃😃
Great thoughtful video my friend! In the end everything you said boils down to "be respectful of others." It is sad that we live in a time when it needs to be codified. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Another great video I have a question on a different subject it's on smoking indoors do you leave a window open or have an air purifier or?? And does the smell stay around like cigarette smell ?
I smoke inside my house without a window open, I have a lucky set up when it comes to smoking a pipe, the filtered intake to my central air system is in the ceiling right outside my smoking room, as I use my pipe the smoke is drawn into that intake. There is a slight tobacco smell that is only noticeable in my smoking room, and no where else in the house. there is no discoloration of walls or ceiling. I expect if I stopped smoking all together the smell would probably dissipate to nothing. 😃😃😃
+Muttnchop Piper that is a good setup I'm just curious about it I'm wanting to smoke inside but don't want to have that stale smoke smell thanks for the input
This is a kind, decent list that I initially thought was silly, because it's common sense, but it's actually not common enough. So good "guidelines" (not absolutes) for all. Many thanks for sharing, sir. My .02 👍
“I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs” - Albert Einstein, German émigré and physicist I think the issue is when the conversation goes from passionate to hostile. There is nothing wrong in a debate between pipe smokers that are passionately disputing things, the problem arises when they cross a line and actually take things personal and start viewing any argument as a personal offence. Debating must be learned and sadly most have never really learned to do this. A good debate can be actually highly rewarding and enriching.
Being president of such a distinguished Club is a job that I enjoy very much and that was a high-quality video words to live by thank you my friend great job take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend the T-shirt it will be coming out again real soon perhaps next weekend I must continue to represent correctly
I agree with most of these points. But I think it is the duty of thoughtful people to discuss religion and politics, but to do so with open mindedness and reason. In fact, i would personally prefer that no subjects should be verboten among intelligent, logical people. This is not a personal attack or critique of you, as you are clearly a kind and gentle man. Thank you for the great videos, Mutt'n.
I watch you .. and I always admire your videos .. this video; my respect towards you and what you stand for; is magnified beyond expression! Thanks for your input, and what you said here today is a reflection of your personality which I have no doubt is an absolute gem !! Thank you sir !!
Jarhead monk I agree. I have never personally smoked Marijuana, but I have had experience smoking a bowl of tobacco with pot smokers. An unpleasant experience, I am sorry to say.
Hey. You know if tobacco smokers were hunted by people like the attorney general and police force the way weed smokers are they might develope similar traits. Remember what prohibition did to alcohol drinkers?....Well alcohol drinkers might be a bad example. But any way the beer was awful for years afterwards? Legal weed states where people can find their correct strain and not lose their job if someone knows they smoke allows for a better variety of par-takers to flourish.
I recently came across your channel! You , sir, are amazing :) absolutely love your videos! I've been on a binge-watching -spree of your videos! Thank you for taking the time to teach us :) have a great day ! You deserve many more subscribers :)
MoeInRealLife ! - thank you so much for your kind words, and on my channel, we don't call them Subscribers, we call them Muttnchop pipe club members, Subscriber is to impersonal, anyway welcome to the pipe club, I'm glad you found me. 👍👍👍
In my experience, #5 just depends on who you're smoking with. I would say that you just have to know your fellow smokers and be ready to change the subject before the discussion devolves into an argument.
Could sneezing while having a cold be considered throwing it? :0) Very good video, I enjoy your channel very much. I am buying my first pipe tomorrow and I am very excited.
You are a true gentleman, sir. Your rules tell a lot about you. It would be a honour to enjoy a pipe with you.
Wilhelm K. Roentgen - thank you my friend. 👍👍👍
@Stephen Anthony And my guess is you're a troll with nothing better to do with your time than try to belittle others. Well your in the wrong place. Mr Muttnchop is the kind of man that someone like you will never understand. He's a gentleman.
@Stephen Anthony hi I looked at your channel. I don't like your comment but I do hope and pray some how your health inproves. This is just social media. I don't take it to serious. But your a real person and I really am sorry you're going through that.
Beautiful quote Sir. May your bowl always be full.
seriously one of the most relaxing guys to listen to, what a man
Schack G. Lystrup - Thank you my friend, I appreciate the kind words. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper Mr. Muttnchop, I hope you are well sir. Thanks for the videos!
You should get into audiobooks!
Tears came to my eyes when you mentioned your grandfather. This put to mind why I picked up my first pipe in the first place. I'm not a "smoker" per ser, but my O'l Pop smoked a pipe and when I saw a pipe one day it brought back many good memories. Thank you for founding my belief and love for pipe smoking.
I really hope to grow up and to be a man of integrity and honor like you
Chris Moyer - thanks Chris, kind of you to say. 👍👍👍
Don't hope, just be. Start today with honor and integrity. The rest will come in time.
You don't really know anything about him. You've never even spoken to him. How can you say that?
May I add another rule?
11. If a person in the mantle has mutton chops he or she is automatically the alpha male of the mantle. If two people in the mantle has mutton chops one must be sacrificed.
TrueBlueNC - Lol, I'll consider it. 😃😃😃
TrueBlueNC lol, sacrifice though. Too funny!
The pipe god DEMANDS his sacrifice!!!
Just let them fight to the death in mutual combat.....
As my teacher in pipe smoking i really miss you and your knowledge.I wish someday we all have you back Mr Chris.🇬🇷
Many of these viewers seem to disagree about the religion and politics rule, but I feel that avoiding those topics is a good idea, as they tend to be very "hot" topics and may bring about heated arguments.
HammockerSam - yes, I took a lot of heat for that one, I tend to agree, especially in these volatile times we are experiencing these days here in the states. 😔😔😔
I agree with it to a point. If friends have established relationships and mutual respect its okay. I think we all say things to our closest friends that we would NEVER say to new company. I think that's what he means here.
Don't hang out with clowns that wave a socialist/communist flag and you'll be okay. I don't care to be around anyone that can't respect my political and religious beliefs. Personally, my opinions on those subjects are extremely fringe. I fall into the anarcho capitalist group on my political beliefs and my religious beliefs would be even more crazy to alot of people. I don't even hang out with some of my own family members due to this. It's not because they disagree, its because they don't respect it. They're Satist, that love licking boots and they make me nauseous, when they tell me I need to be a good little boot licker like they are. If people believe the things I believe in, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. My ideals are simple, do unto others as you would have them do unto you and any force, by the government, on a citizen that hasn't harmed anyone is UNJUST. It's just that simple. We let them go around and use the threat of force, to enforce the OPINIONS of the ruling class. In reality, no man has the moral authority to tell another man what to do, as long as hes not infringing on anothers right to life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. This is why they're attacking tobacco. We ALLOW them to attack it. They have no right to tell us we can't smoke tobacco, or marijuana, or any damn thing else. If people started standing up to the authoritarian government in this country, we wouldn't be complaining about "regulations" on things like tobacco. I dont think tobbaco will be the line in the sand where people take a stand against the government overlords, but FIREARMS, now that's a different story. As for myslef, I cannot wait to get it going. It's long overdue. Thomas Jefferson said "The tree of liberty, must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." When they come for the guns (make no mistake it's coming) it will be go time. We'll win our freedom back in less than a year. If just 4% of Americans are willing to stand up to this tyranny and die for freedom, we will have more soldiers than all the worlds militaries COMBINED! 12+ million soilders, using guerilla warfare tactics, is bad for their health. They think smoking's bad for you? Wait till they wake that beast up.
Stay safe!
@@LogicallyKnot and that's why we don't discuss politics while smoking a pipe :)
When I think about smoking a pipe I think about people having an intelligent conversation about a variety of topics including religion and politics. There’s no need to argue about these things you have to be excepting of other peoples views whether you agree or disagree with them it is not your place to change anybody but only to put forth your thoughts on these matters. Heck me and my brother don’t agree on politics and religion that doesn’t stop us from discussing it I don’t where he feels that he knows what I feel. That is who we are there’s no shame in it no need to criticize or cut other people down for their beliefs. That’s my view.
What a gentleman over here in the uk 🇬🇧 pipe smoking is no where nearly as popular as it was it’s a dying art ,I’m sure if more people could see your videos it would make a comeback thank you for the effort you put into them and the enjoyment you share with us . I hope you and your family keep well and once again thank you. Phil
As a pipe smoker, and a flyfisherman; I feel like these rules of etiquette could apply in so many realms of peaceful old world traditionalist passtimes. I enjoyed hearing your views, and have really tried to apply many of them (even before your video) to all parts of my life. Well done.
My initiation to pipe smoking took place while in grade school. My class mate's father would drive us kids to school, and he always smoked his pipe. When I was old enough to obtain tobacco,purchased a cheap pipe and tobacco. Took a while for a better pipe and tobacco and finally ventured into Schulte's Pipe Shop. Thanks for sharing your memories.
Not sure if your still alive but this pink and girly world has me tuning in every evening to light up my pipe and hear your manly and humble voice for a few minutes of sanity.
The Articles of the Pipe Smoker Constitution. I am brand new piper smoker here (just smoked my third bowl) but before I took my first draw I watched and rewatched plenty of you videos so I want to thank you very much for this university level analysis and schooling. I genuinely mean that, watching you teach makes me feel like I'm at school not just learning something new but understaning it. I would love for you to do a in-depth video on the experiences a brand new pipe smoker will encounter when joining this fascinating hobby as to not be discouraged and quit the hobby because lord knows I have felt like quitting but I keep watching and rewatching videos like this and it just strengthens my faith and love for this hobby. Oh by the way, just like you sir I too got into pipe smoking because of the Hobbit. Again thank you so much and I'll keep on watching!
Thank you for the kind words Adolfo, and keep after it, you will find it gets easier as you gain experience. 😃😃😃
welcome to the hobby. If there is one piece of advice I could give to a new pipe smoker it would be: Take your time, tongue bite is a swine so don't rush. 😀
I relly like your rules and the word "mantle" referring to a gathering of pipesmokers is trully appropriate . I hope you dont mind ,iwouldblike to write these guides and frame them to hang over my pipesmoking nook/designated area . Thank you muttonchop you have been a great resourse of pipesmoking knowledge on my journey!
Thank you for your gentlemanly comments. I, too have fond memories of my grandfather and his love of pipe smoking.
Words to grow by. I too shared a pipe smoke or two with my grandfather and I’ve really been looking to get back into it. I see a piper from time to time and the aroma from their blend seems to always put me on cloud 9.
I completely agree with your entire thought process! I think you should revisit this topic for new viewers who may not go through your older videos
Good video and list. I'd have to disagree on discussing politics and religion though. I'd say there is no better group with which to discuss those topics than a mantel of cognizant and pensive pipe smokers. Generally the mutual admiration of pipes and tobacco yields respectful and educated discourse on both topics. Enjoying your videos.
I agree with you Greg, there is only a few people in the world that can talk intelligently and apparently about religion and politics.
I might have to rethink this rule, thanks for your comment my friends. 😃😃😃
hope you have a good day Muttenchop Piper.
I also concur. Religion and politics are frequent, and edifying, discussion points at our pipe club meetings at Allegheny SmokeWorks, and our creeds of faith are usually varied. The atmosphere of a mantle allows more relaxed and provides a better atmosphere than most. However, I understand that some people may get carried away, and that should be avoided. When it comes down to it, it will depend on the individuals, but I do not think that those topics should be banned from the mantle.
I should note that one of my other mantles is a group of people based around 1. A Reformed Christian faith, and then 2. A love for pipe smoking.
Happy piping!
I yearn for the days when 2 or 3 guys could gather over a good pipe & a sensible discussion of religion or politics & respect the opinion of others. Those were the days.
I have to agree with Schack. Mr. Chris C. Sheets is absolutely easy to listen to. I enjoy listening to him at some point every day !!! Thank you sir !!!
A few thoughts from a new subscriber and a new piper: I have severe depression and a mild bipolar disorder, so I've been on the fence about trying pipe smoking. I know I'll be fine on my own, and have lots of time to find out what works for me, but the thought of sitting with a group scares me to death. Mostly because I didn't think I look the part (as silly as that may sound, its true) but also because I was afraid of what the conversation and atmosphere might be like. However, this video and many of your other videos have served to put my mind at ease. For the most part, the UA-cam and Reddit piping community seem to be pretty accepting, but your videos are so informative and comforting! And this list is a great set of rules to follow, so I'll be adopting them as part of my personal practice. Thank you so much for all the work you've put in to helping me and other newbies to feel comfortable and confident! Happy piping 🙂
How's the pipes going? 🎶
On the general view of pipe smokers ( 07:40 ) : I'm a 24 year old from the Netherlands, where pipe smoking is a very rare habit/hobby. When I smoke in public, people passing by usually react in three different ways. Some people laugh, some people think I'm a pretentious brat (which may be true. Who am I to tell them different) but 8 out of 10 times people are curious, melancholic or simply say 'that's so cool! I always wanted to try pipe smoking myself but never got to it.' When someone says the latter I always encourage them to try it, and check out the amazing channels on UA-cam, such as yours. Maybe someday, there will be Dutch 'mantels' again to share experiences and secrets with. Great video!
I agree. My love for pipe smoking is rooted into nostalgia of my grandfather generation, whom I grew up as a child seeing a few of them whom I loved and admired smoking pipes.
I love this so much. You were the first video that I saw about pipe smoking and learned and still learning from you. Thank you
you sir have such a smooth narrator voice. I could totally see you as radio host or voice of audiobooks. Lovely!
No politics and religion is the same rule in lodge and it's to keep every conversation brotherly and unifying instead of causing division and hostility. It is a golden rule in pipe smoking. Great perspective on how people view smokers in General. Thanks for the video Chris
You're welcome my friend. 😃😃😃
Well said! Excellent set of rules to follow as a piper, and just as a fellow human. You show much respect and gratitude for the small things in life. I appreciate your videos so much.
Hey, new pipe smoker here (2 months). I’ve watched hundreds of videos these past two months on how to, tobacco/pipe reviews, etc. By far my favourite video. Many of us start because of that memory of our grandfathers, fathers, uncles, whatever. It’s a gentlemen’s club (or gentlewoman). Let’s not forget that.
chris14142828 - You are absolutely right, thanks for reminding us. 👍👍👍
I absolutely love your approach to the Ten List. I quickly realize it’s not just about the pipe. Great work sir. Oh and I enjoy your channel
Humble, willing to always correct yourself, exemplifying dignity. Keep it up.
Muttnchop, I believe you hit the nail on the head! We have a significant reputation to uphold. I believe you are doing well to uphold it, sir.
You are absolutely right about how people (or atleast me) see pipesmokers! I lived with my grandparents and my grandfather used to sit on this grand beautiful leather chair and smoke his pipe! I always loved to see it and I loved the smell!
I have, for the past couple days, been considering pipe smoking. I’ve seen a few of your nod others’ videos. I know NOTHING about pipe-smoking, well, ok, I’ve looked at many how-to videos. I’ve never known anyone who smoked a pipe. My father never smoked, but his father smoked packs of cigarettes every day. I just view pipe-smoking as being very relaxing and dignified and you seem to have the highest amount of these traits than any other I’ve watched. In the past 12 or so hours, I’ve ordered a tin of tobacco, 2n2oz bags of tobacco, a standard pipe, and a corn cob. The standard pipe came in a kit with the tamper tool, a few pipe cleaners, a stand, a couple screens. I also ordered a dedicated butane pipe lighter. I’m kind of excited. The first pip, with kit and lighter should be here Wednesday. The tobacco, not sure yet. Wow, I’ve said a LOT. I’d actually love to find a local mantle, but, again, I know zero pipe smokers.
Michael Albanese III - well that was certainly a lot of words that’s for sure, lol, sadly I have to tell you, Pipe smoking is a dying art, but if gentleman like you take up the craft, then it may last a few years more. Make sure and follow my video entitled “Smoke your pipe using the breathe method” it will save you a lot of aggravation in the end. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper well, writing with fountain pens is also becoming a lost art, but they are my go-to. I actually have a question that I hadn't thought of. The pipe and kit I ordered was CHEAP. It was 15.00 from Amazon. It says it is "real wood," so, I mean I am concerned that it is perhaps not well-made. Is there anything I should look for in it that would perhaps make me NOT want to use It? I have a second pipe, from Boswell's coming so, if need be, I can wait for my first smoke if the one tomorrow would be bad idea to use. Yes, I realize that being 44, buying a 14.00 pipe AND kit was perhaps impetuous.
I apologize for all my foolish questions, sir.
Michael Albanese III - Don’t apologize, you’re new at pipe smoking, questions are a prerequisite. Now, you’re right you are probably not getting a good quality pipe, and of course it says it’s made of real wood, but not Briar, that’s what your Boswell pipe will be made of, and that’s the best wood to make pipes with. I would say it’s not going to be the best smoke in the world, I’d give it a try just watch the outside, if it’s painted it might bubble. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper it says it's a Naimo dependable pipe. I look at it this way though: even if it's totally garbage, I still am getting a tool, cleaners, a stand, etc. It's really the reason I got the corn cob from Boswell's. The crushing thing is, my tobacco won't be in until tomorrow, Frog Morton's Cellar, which I've heard is pretty good. I watched the breath video. I'm going to have to try that. To be honest, I'm looking to relax and enjoy flavor, not the nicotine hit.
Now I just need to locate some pipers near me.
I have been smoking my pipes now for six years. I have never smoked a pipe with another pipe smoker. We are few in number unfortunately. I don't personally know any pipe smokers to smoke with. It would be nice though. Nice video and sweet new pipe. Your Friend did a nice job.
John Ferguson
John Ferguson we have a local cigar lounge here that also sells pipes and pipe tobacco. There is always a mix of cigar and pipe smokers enjoying conversation at that location. Maybe there is something similar in your area.
When it comes to he way others see pipe smokers i definetly share those same experiences. Most people who talk to me always bring up a relative and share pleasant experiences with me they remember about them. It honestly is a reward to be able to experience these stories with those individuals
Oh, I feel at home here... Happy piping to you and your family also, good sir!
Hello Chris and thank you for sharing your thoughts, as always they did give me something to think about,Have a Great Sunday day, and have my greets from across the ocean, Paul
Thanks Paul, you have a great Sunday as well. 😃😃😃
You are very easy to listen to and well spoken. Thanks for the effort that you put into these videos.
Great list! Wish you'd come back to making videos. I've really been enjoying watching them.
He’s back
Thank you for your videos!!, You have inspired me to start smoking a pipe. I have started off with a simple corn cob and a few samples of tobacco to try. I am trying to switch to smoking a pipe instead of cigarettes.
Mainely Acres - well, welcome aboard my friend, once you get the hang of it, I have a feeling you will love it. 👍👍👍
Thank you for the welcome!! What kind of a pipe would you recommend for a heavy pipe smoker? I have been using my corn cob three to four time a day.
Mainely Acres - I really like Savinelli brand pipes they have a great variety, and prices from $80.00 to $3,000.00 dollars, you can check out Savinelli and a huge selection of pipe makers at smokingpipes.com. 😃😃😃
An excellent set of rules and guidelines. If I may offer another; “nobody shall be mocked or belittled for the pipe they smoke nor the blend they smoke.” I really can’t stand brand snobs or the types who say those who, for example, only smoke sweet aromatics out of an £8 cob pipe aren’t “real” pipe smokers as they pontificate as they smoke their heavy English blend in their £500 Dunhill. I’ve had at least one oaf like this get right up my nose, and I’m sure I’m not the only one to be on the receiving end of such twaddle. Enjoy what you smoke and smoke what you enjoy!
As Mayor of Rockridge, I extend a laural and a hearty handshake to our new......
Sir, you're the type of person that represent the decent and commendable values of American society. Rules #4 and #5 made me subscribe and enjoy listening to more of your videos. Thank you and please continue your work.
What a great list! Thank you for sharing. You Sr. Are a true gentleman! Looking to get started on pipe smoking.
Felix Espana - Thank you for the high praise my friend, and welcome to the club. 👍👍👍
Just wondering sir, would you by any chance be a fellow Freemason? I ask upon hearing rule 5.
I'm in! Great vid Chris. Always pushing the group towards more respectability.
Thank you my friend. 😃😃😃
Much respect. I agree and can dig all these guidelines. Well done sir.
A cold
David Barnhart i was thinking a disease in general
these hands?
Sir I have recently started smoking a pipe and you were my first "pipe smoking" video. You are now my mentor I will follow as you say. Might I say I am also an advocate / heavy weed smoker you should make a video like this for the weed community. Especially the one where one should bring some for all to enjoy 😂. Thanks again sir I hope I can ask you some questions becasue being new at this it is alot to take in.
Darrell Houston - of course you can ask me anything you like, believe it or not, but I have never smoked weed, never even tried it, there is nothing wrong with it, I just have what’s called an addictive personality and I was afraid I would have to have it everyday. I will probably give it a try when I retire in about 10 years. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper awww man you are going to love it and definitely going to want it every day lol but I smoke medically for my ankylosing spondylitis a rare auto immune arthritis. I'm 26 and just had to have back surgery 2 weeks ago had 2 discs replaced and 2 rods and 4 screws in my lower back to hopefully stop my spine for shifting. Having said all that this is when I got into pipe smoking it was so relaxing after hitting the Devils lettuce haha, I smoke a bowl of tobacco and it's soo peaceful and relaxing. Thank you sir for replying I will definitely have questions.
You are a sweetheart! Very relaxing videos and also very interesting perspective on enjoying little things, the whole ritual of smoking a pipe. Makes me want to apply this philosophy in more aspects of my life! Thanks a lot sir!
In my opinion expressing your beliefs in a non-offensive way , being able to talk about important subjects such as politics and religion in a calm and civilized manner with people who might disagree is an art, so I respectfully disagree with your 5th rule( I believe that’s the one) , I think you should know when you can talk about these topics and with whom. You are a true gentleman my dear sir , thank you for posting
theluminator - I agree, if you are amongst close friends and have found you can talk about anything in a calm and civilized manner, then by all means, it's the person that brings a stranger to the group who is steadfast in their beliefs and if the subject is brought up will defend their belief at any cost, yelling, arguing, cussing, even coming to blows if necessary, that's the individual I am concerned about. 👍👍😃
Well said teacher. I think you covered it all. The part about people's relatives from their past definitely plays a big part of it I've heard all those kind of comments through my years of smoking
robert Blanks - Thanks Robert. 👍👍👍
every time I want to watch one of your videos, I grab my pipe, sometimes I smoke and sometimes just hold it in the piping position, and watch you and listen to you as we are friends at a community
Masih Heidarizadeh - We are, we definitely are. 👍👍👍
Great rules. Very thoughtful and considerate way of acting while together enjoying your pipes with friends! Absolutely Awesome, wish their were more pipe smokers like you. I can't stand those "snobby" pipe smokers who look down at you for the pipe you're smoking,the way you're smoking your pipe,and hypocritical about what ever Tobacco you're smoking at the time. It's happened to me quite a few times but once I ran across someone who acted the way you addressed helped me out immensely. Keep it up, love the videos!
80brax04 - Thank you my friend. I hate those people, think their better then everyone else because of what they smoke, or what they are smoking it in. Stick with us, no judgement here. 👍👍👍
Again,I want to thank you immensely for all the information and knowledge I have gained through your videos. I also had a grandfather who smoked a pipe and became a "pipesman" myself after my grandfather passed away and I was given quite a few of his pipes. I live in Louisiana and unfortunately for me the tobacco store that I used to love going to with my grandfather closed down many many years before I started to enjoy pipesmoking which I have only started the last couple years. I was left a couple pipe's, like I mentioned, from my grandfather and after finding a few unlabelled Mason jars of tobacco he had tucked back I fell in love with the different tastes and smells along with the immediate feeling that my grandfather was looking down just grinning at how much satisfaction and comfort,joy,and peace I got out of smoking his tobacco in his old pipes. The only info I had to go on was the memories of how he lit,tamped, and smoked his pipe and thankfully I ran across your channel to help fill in all the gaps and answers to the questions I would have liked to have asked him. So I truly appreciate and am extremely grateful for all your videos.Please keep them coming as I look forward to seeing more. What can you catch but not throw questions above your shoulder,was that a riddle,or something you stuck in the back to see if anyone would notice? You can catch a cold,a virus, and a number of other dieseases and not "throw" any of them but some can be "passed", lol. Enjoy your weekend Sir!
80brax04 - I am honored to stand in for your Grandfather, to dress up the edges as I always say, I could never replace him, no one could, but it's my pleasure to be here to help. Yes the signs above me in a lot of my videos are riddles, gives you something to work out while your watching, and yes Cold is the correct answer. 👍👍👍
Muttnchop Piper Again,all I can say is thanks. My grandad passed away and my dad did before him and neither can be replaced,but having your videos to help answer my pipe questions has been extremely helpful and enjoyable. I did a decent amount of research on the subject but having someone show you the answer and being able to see a face and listen to a voice works alot better for me than reading it in black and white if that makes sense. I just felt obligated to say thanks.So many many thanks for your continued help, have a great day!
I don't remember much about my great-grandfather. But I remember him smoking a pipe and his cherry tobacco. I remember playing with his pipes when I went to visit. After he passed away I took 2 of his pipes before they were thrown out. Now I smoke them.
Kris Syxx - That's a wonderful story my friend. 👍👍👍
Damn fine video! And some great rules to follow as far as representing fellow pipe smokers and the similitude that brings back great memories.
Jacob Bayer - thank you my friend. 👍👍👍
Wow!!! your list touches on how we should on even a basic level interact with each other in life. I really enjoyed you talkin about your grandfather I felt the same way about mine, the only difference is my grandfather went from towering over me to me becoming the biggest one in the family LOL.
bigsamosb - Unfortunately that’s what age does to us all. 😃😃😃
Muttnchop Piper Chris I couldn't agree with you more I love these rules of edicate of smoking a pipe I've had ppl stop and smile at me because they saw me smoking a pipe ppl respect a pipe smoker I've found that to be so true Chris thank you for the Rules of order in pipe smoking happy smoking my friend☺☺☺☺👏👏👏👍👍 best regards Peter
Thank you my friend, watched your video, thanks for the shout out, cool smokes to you my friend. 👍👍👍
Thank you Chris for watching much appreciated happy smoking my friend☺☺☺☺💨💨💨 best regards Peter
Same here muttnchop. I have to say my grandy is who influenced me to smoke a pipe. When I was about 3 or 4, I saw him smoking his pipe and I asked him to let me try and sure enough he gave it to me. I coughed so much I turned blue. Now, 17 years later I'm still into pipes, so I guess it didn't have his desired affect on me.
Wyatt Gilliam - I remember being about 8 and watching this giant of a man 6' 6" stride across the yard puffing on his pipe and talking in this booming calm voice. I don't have grand kids yet, but I would like mine to see me in the same way. :)
This is an excellent list, thank you for sharing. I'm brand new to pipes and cigars and I find the culture deep and fascinating. Your videos are very insightful. Thanks again for sharing your passion.
Jesus Revezzo - You’re welcome my friend, 👍👍👍
Great rules and protocols for a mantle...long may you and likeminded people enjoy the mysteries and magic of pipe smoking.
John Pounder - Thank you my friend, I appreciate the kind sentiment. 👍👍👍
Yeah you should demonstrate how to smoke a meerschaum pipe versus briar
Pipe smokers tend to be very chill (at least when smoking) and as I've gotten into it myself I understand why, it's a very meditative act so understandably those who partake in it are often very relaxed because of it
I agree wholeheartedly...almost. Pipe smokers inherently take time to enjoy life. Not discussing politics I can support, but not speaking of the One who makes all enjoyable things in life possible? Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
after watching this video, i love this channel more today than i did yesterday. Thank you. simply, thank you. I feel welcomed. I feel wanted. :)
Christopher Ramsey - I’m pleased to hear you say that, I hope everyone that’s a member of the muttnchop pipe club feels like you do. 👍👍👍
Sir, I must say I have enjoyed your videos and learned many tips for enjoying my Peterson rathbone. I love to sit by a fire with a brandy and my pipe. I would be honored to join you for a smoke. if your ever in Knoxville TN look me up.
I find myself quite moved by your list. If this list will be adhered to by powerful people, talking about politics and religion might no longer be a problem. Thank you for your sharing respectful wisdom with us viewers. You are a true gentleman. My compliments all the way from The Netherlands are respectfully yours.
OldskoolnoobNL Lauwke - Thank you my friend. 👍👍👍
Here we go again. The answer to your question is " a cold". I just love your riddles. They keep us thinking. Thanks.
You got it my friend, congrats. 👍👍
I wish to thank you for sharing your Rules. Learning so much from your channel.
sir I must say I have enjoyed your videos and learned many tips for enjoying my Peterson rathbone. I love to sit by a fire with a brandy and my pipe. I would be honored to join you for a smoke. if your ever in Knoxville TN look me up
dieseldriver76 - Will do my friend, will do. 👍👍👍
Thank you so much for sharing! I have adopted this etiquette and will be sharing it with my mantel.
Order of the Mantel: (pipe smoking etiquette)
1. When three or more individuals gather for the purpose of smoking a pipe the gathering is known as a mantel of piper smokers.
2. When meeting other piper smokers for the purpose of smoking a pipe and quite conversation it’s the duty of each individual to bring tobacco to the gathering for all to enjoy.
3. During a mantel of pipe smokers tobacco is freely exchanged amongst the participants and no permission to sample tobacco brought to the mantel is required.
4. All are welcome to the mantel no matter the color, creed, sex, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation of the individual.
5. Religion and politics are strictly forbidden as topics of conversation during a mantel.
6. When acquiring a new pipe it is the responsibility of the owner to praise the artist who made the pipe and to allow others to handle and admire your new acquisition.
7. It is the responsibility of the individual admiring a new pipe of another pipe smoker to congratulate and put forth a hardy ‘well done’ while doing so.
8. If a fellow piper smoker asks for help from another pipe smoker to overcome a problem or learn a new skill, help is freely given.
9. Pipe smokers must be respectful of others and present themselves with dignity.
10. Take time to enjoy life, but smoke your favorite pipe with your favorite blend while doing so.
Paul Wilson - Awesome. 👍👍👍
The word he was looking for was dignified. Pipe smoking is a dignified practice
Perfect - this makes the entire experience more civilized and enjoyable.
Just found this channel and I am learning so much! Thank you!
Great video. If someone offered to give you any pipe you wished, what would it be ? No matter the price
Travis D - I would have to say a Briarworks Calabash with exchangeable bowl, I love the black stem, black rusticated body with light rusticated contrasting bowl, Schwab's tobacconist near where I live has a couple I have been salivating over for a year now, and smokingpipes has a couple, but it's like a jaguar, to much for me to afford, maybe one day I'll save enough to afford one. What would be yours?
Muttnchop Piper Sir just wanted to tell you I really enjoy your channel on UA-cam. Your viewers can feel the passion you have for pipe smoking. I apologize for not introducing myself before sending a friend request on Facebook. My first pipe is on the way in the mail. I went with a church warden. I asked you on UA-cam your dream pipe sort of speaking. Briarworks are impressive as for myself I don't know enough yet to form my opinion on the best. Looking forward to learning more from your videos.
Couldn't love this guy more! What a class act amongst a community of so many unsavory types who have taken to the pipe. I see so many youtube videos about pipe smoking where these unsophisticated, uneducated "children" get on camera and immediately start being sexist or homophobic or transphobic or racist or start preaching and proselytizing. This man is a true confident, kind, and secure gentleman. It's refreshing to see another grown man whose masculinity doesn't depend on denigrating others.
H M - Thank you my friend, I appreciate your kind words. 👍👍👍
Im very new. Just a couple days in. Every thing that has always appealed to me about pipe smoking has been represented in your videos. I have the exact same two reasons for getting into it. My grandfather and LOTR. I think im in for a good community.
Jeramy Stephens - Yes you are my friend. 👍👍👍
Dear Sir, I hope all is fine with you? I must admit i am a little worried that it's been a while you have not posted a new video. My son and I both smoke the pipe and we miss you.
To answer the question behind you.....a cold
"What can you catch, but cannot throw?" A cold, or a film.
I agree with you Muttnchop, that is the deep more methodical reason why people in general have a reaction to people smoking a pipe.
But I think another reason why people have bad reaction to cigarettes is all the negative research, habbits and sometimes even aroma. I know many people who's parents smoked and they refuse to because of the smell of cigarettes, be that on the person, the smoke itself or in their homes and pipe smoking doesn't have that exact stigma. Pipe smoke generally smells appealing to everyone even though they don't like the smell of cigarettes smoke or smoke and I think that also makes it easier for people to accept.
For example in my case I smoke cigarettes for 7 years and I never told my parents cause they would flip on me, but when I decided to buy a pipe I went straight to them and told them. Hey look at what I bought today and now they joke around with me (my mother's father did smoke a pipe). But there is definitely a different behaviour in people towards pipe smokers that cigarette smokers.
Sorry for the long message, I don't even know if it makes any sense.
+Stefan van Vuuren no worries my friend, and yes, it made sense, when I was 16 I bought my first pipe, told my parents they asked do you inhale the smoke, I said no, they said ok you can keep it. 😃😃
Nice to find someone with similar views on life. I hope I discover that most pipe smokers are the same.
My Grandfather smoked a pipe...during the war he'd smoke upholstery as tobacco was hard to come by.
Great thoughtful video my friend! In the end everything you said boils down to "be respectful of others." It is sad that we live in a time when it needs to be codified. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you my friend. 😃😃😃
Muttnchop Piper Hear, Hear....decorum, essential component of civility.
Kenneth Lustig - Exactly my friend. 👍👍👍
Another great video I have a question on a different subject it's on smoking indoors do you leave a window open or have an air purifier or?? And does the smell stay around like cigarette smell ?
I smoke inside my house without a window open, I have a lucky set up when it comes to smoking a pipe, the filtered intake to my central air system is in the ceiling right outside my smoking room, as I use my pipe the smoke is drawn into that intake. There is a slight tobacco smell that is only noticeable in my smoking room, and no where else in the house. there is no discoloration of walls or ceiling. I expect if I stopped smoking all together the smell would probably dissipate to nothing. 😃😃😃
+Muttnchop Piper that is a good setup I'm just curious about it I'm wanting to smoke inside but don't want to have that stale smoke smell thanks for the input
This is a kind, decent list that I initially thought was silly, because it's common sense, but it's actually not common enough. So good "guidelines" (not absolutes) for all. Many thanks for sharing, sir. My .02 👍
Very honorable and admirable set of rules.
Thank you for the well-reasoned and thoughtful list. It projects and promotes intelligence and civility - good traits for a pipe smoker!
Nelson Camacho - I Agree. 👍👍👍
“I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs”
- Albert Einstein, German émigré and physicist
I think the issue is when the conversation goes from passionate to hostile. There is nothing wrong in a debate between pipe smokers that are passionately disputing things, the problem arises when they cross a line and actually take things personal and start viewing any argument as a personal offence. Debating must be learned and sadly most have never really learned to do this.
A good debate can be actually highly rewarding and enriching.
Muttnchop .....one word on this video...AMEN!!!!!!!...great job my friend top notch👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you Mr. President, you are a fine fellow for saying so. 👍👍👍😃
Being president of such a distinguished Club is a job that I enjoy very much and that was a high-quality video words to live by thank you my friend great job take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend the T-shirt it will be coming out again real soon perhaps next weekend I must continue to represent correctly
+Pipes And kayaks thanks again my friend, you are truly appreciated. 😃😃😃
Same here brother 👍
+Pipes And kayaks hey scan down through my comments and check out what "Tobacco andPipesmoker" had to say, real class act this guy. 😳😳😳😳
I agree with most of these points. But I think it is the duty of thoughtful people to discuss religion and politics, but to do so with open mindedness and reason. In fact, i would personally prefer that no subjects should be verboten among intelligent, logical people. This is not a personal attack or critique of you, as you are clearly a kind and gentle man. Thank you for the great videos, Mutt'n.
I sense elements of fraternal etiquette being adopted here. I like it!
GoingWestMedia - I was never in a frat, but yes I would agree. 👍👍👍
You are very knowledgeable about the smoke mantle
Wayne Howg - Thank you my friend. 👍👍👍
I watch you .. and I always admire your videos .. this video; my respect towards you and what you stand for; is magnified beyond expression! Thanks for your input, and what you said here today is a reflection of your personality which I have no doubt is an absolute gem !! Thank you sir !!
Ramy Y - Thank you so much for your kind words my friend. 👍👍👍
wow if only weed smokers lived to this etiquette lol
Jarhead monk I agree. I have never personally smoked Marijuana, but I have had experience smoking a bowl of tobacco with pot smokers. An unpleasant experience, I am sorry to say.
Smoking weed with the wrong people...
Hey. You know if tobacco smokers were hunted by people like the attorney general and police force the way weed smokers are they might develope similar traits. Remember what prohibition did to alcohol drinkers?....Well alcohol drinkers might be a bad example. But any way the beer was awful for years afterwards? Legal weed states where people can find their correct strain and not lose their job if someone knows they smoke allows for a better variety of par-takers to flourish.
Id settle for them just being honest about what it is they are piping.
Unfortunately there are a lot of fuck bois in the weed community
I recently came across your channel! You , sir, are amazing :) absolutely love your videos! I've been on a binge-watching -spree of your videos! Thank you for taking the time to teach us :) have a great day ! You deserve many more subscribers :)
MoeInRealLife ! - thank you so much for your kind words, and on my channel, we don't call them Subscribers, we call them Muttnchop pipe club members, Subscriber is to impersonal, anyway welcome to the pipe club, I'm glad you found me. 👍👍👍
Fantastic! Just, perfect and regular. Have instigated them amongst my group to much applause
Great to hear my friend. 😃😃😃👍
Gentleman. Scholar. Knowledgeable. The man.
Excellent advice Sir. I support your ideas wholeheartedly!
In my experience, #5 just depends on who you're smoking with. I would say that you just have to know your fellow smokers and be ready to change the subject before the discussion devolves into an argument.
Could sneezing while having a cold be considered throwing it? :0) Very good video, I enjoy your channel very much. I am buying my first pipe tomorrow and I am very excited.
Logan Romero - No, but that was a good try, congrats on the new pipe my friend, I to am excited for you. 👍👍👍
love seeing you reply makes me smile
brandon stevens - thank you my friend. 👍👍👍