on #2...if you KNOW that either robot will never stiff the Ks(that has been the case with every hand i have watched) then in the 3 card ending with dummy have QXs and a club and declarer having A107 of spades, it is 100% to play the spade QUEEN from dummy. defenders have 3 clubs and 3 spades left......so if rho plays low, you hook since lho if he has Kx of spades ALSO has specifically the TEN of clubs(since rho played the J on the club return previously) then you still get your spade in the end. if(as in the actual hand) lho stiffed down to the Js then you have the last 3 tricks. lho could have come down to JXs and the 10 of clubs and would be endplayed if a club was played at trick 11 from dummy. playing the spade Q is never wrong and often right.
on #1 even thinking about bidding is an error. pard can bid if he chooses(even a robot)
Agree, and a skilled declarer might well make 3D given this defense.
on #2...if you KNOW that either robot will never stiff the Ks(that has been the case with every hand i have watched)
then in the 3 card ending with dummy have QXs and a club and declarer having A107 of spades, it is 100% to play
the spade QUEEN from dummy. defenders have 3 clubs and 3 spades left......so if rho plays low, you hook since lho
if he has Kx of spades ALSO has specifically the TEN of clubs(since rho played the J on the club return previously)
then you still get your spade in the end. if(as in the actual hand) lho stiffed down to the Js then you have the last 3 tricks.
lho could have come down to JXs and the 10 of clubs and would be endplayed if a club was played at trick 11 from dummy.
playing the spade Q is never wrong and often right.
I have actually seen the robots stiff the king...and i think you might have commented on the hand as well saying the robot defended the right way.