  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @aidandelrey
    @aidandelrey 2 роки тому +25

    2014 was one of the strongest years in my opinion… so many of the non qualifying songs were just as amazing as the top 5

  • @ufuksnmez98
    @ufuksnmez98 2 роки тому +10

    Undo is the best 😍

  • @SueNorman-ww9mx
    @SueNorman-ww9mx 7 місяців тому +5

    37 Wild Soul 🇲🇩
    36 Three Minutes To Earth 🇬🇪
    35 Same Heart 🇮🇱
    34 One Night’s Anger 🇦🇱
    33 Mother 🇧🇪
    32 To The Sky 🇲🇰
    32 Cake To Bake 🇱🇻
    30 Heartbeat 🇮🇪
    29 Amazing 🇪🇪
    28 Attention 🇱🇹
    27 Quero Ser Tua 🇵🇹
    26 Moustache 🇫🇷
    25 Round & Round 🇸🇮
    24 Maybe 🇸🇲
    23 Coming Home 🇲🇹
    22 Start A Fire 🇦🇿
    21 La Mia Citta 🇮🇹
    20 Rise Up 🇬🇷
    19 Moj Svijet 🇲🇪
    18 Is It Right 🇩🇪
    17 Children Of The Universe 🇬🇧
    16 Cheesecake 🇧🇾
    15 No Prejudice 🇮🇸
    14 We Are Slavic 🇵🇱
    13 Hunter Of Stars 🇨🇭
    12 Miracle 🇷🇴
    11 Something Better 🇫🇮
    10 Dancing In The Rain 🇪🇸
    9 Cliche Love Song 🇩🇰
    8 Silent Storm 🇳🇴
    7 Shine 🇷🇺
    6 Tick Tock 🇺🇦
    5 Running 🇭🇺
    4 Not Alone 🇦🇲
    3 Undo 🇸🇪
    2 Calm After The Storm 🇳🇱
    1 Rise Like A Phoenix 🇦🇹

  • @NikiTheDancer
    @NikiTheDancer 2 роки тому +28

    8 years later and I'm still mad and shocked Israel ended up so low...

    • @Skylareserve2
      @Skylareserve2 2 місяці тому

      Israel was one of those countries who nobody expected to flop but just randomly did

  • @Timothee13
    @Timothee13 2 роки тому +20

    I don't understand why Europe don't like Ireland...Yes it's the country with the mosy victories (7) but in 2014-2022, they qualified only once in 2018 (and not had a good score in final...)

    • @alexito9600
      @alexito9600 2 роки тому

      why they don't performed in final in 2018?

    • @starESC9
      @starESC9 2 роки тому +2

      Well compare "Rock and Roll Kids" , "In Your Eyes" , "The Voice" , "Mysterious woman" with the songs they send nowadays...

    • @Timothee13
      @Timothee13 2 роки тому

      @@alexito9600 Ok, I want to say they had not a good score

    • @alexito9600
      @alexito9600 2 роки тому

      @@Timothee13 oh okay

    • @Timothee13
      @Timothee13 2 роки тому +1

      @@alexito9600 Not you fault, I was not very understandable.

  • @phooey1012
    @phooey1012 Рік тому +3

    2014 is one of favourites years for Eurovision, so many EDM bangers as well!!

  • @andresmora1518
    @andresmora1518 2 роки тому +5

    Conchita is a legend

  • @ΕυαγγελίαΚαφαλή-λ5υ

    My top 10
    1. Austria
    2. Poland
    3. Armenia
    4. Hungary
    5. Greece
    6. Netherlands
    7. Israel
    8. Moldova
    9. Russia
    10. Norway

  • @Yun-Han120
    @Yun-Han120 2 роки тому +3

    My fav in random order : austria, armenia, sweden, ukraine💙💛, slovenia, portugal, spain, UK
    My guilty pleasure : Denmark and russia

  • @animationds8696
    @animationds8696 2 роки тому +10

    I still don't understand why Portugal didn't qualify 🇵🇹💔

    • @Africkinggod
      @Africkinggod 11 місяців тому +1

      I am happy for valentina though😅

  • @monkington9615
    @monkington9615 Рік тому +5

    I think Finland deserved better.

  • @ZeusIrving2
    @ZeusIrving2 Рік тому +4

    I don’t understand how this used to be my least favourite Eurovision year to one of of my favourites
    Edit:Conchita is really overrated

  • @22nd_Place_Vasil
    @22nd_Place_Vasil 2 роки тому +6

    Moj svijet ❤ Should have won
    This is my fav year of all times
    1. Montenegro
    2. Malta
    3. San Marino
    4. Azerbaijan
    5. Armenia
    6. Denmark
    7. Norway
    8. Greece
    9. Romania
    10. Albania

  • @antonewald9373
    @antonewald9373 6 місяців тому +1

    1- Austria
    2- Sweden
    3- Italy
    8- Poland
    9- Switzerland
    10- Hungary

  • @DrakeLavenderZXShorts
    @DrakeLavenderZXShorts 2 роки тому +2

    Jo.😊 You are the best.❤

  • @sandstrano9107
    @sandstrano9107 2 роки тому +1

    This was the first Eurovision Song contest I’ve ever watched

  • @EurovisionTim
    @EurovisionTim 2 роки тому +10

    2014 is one of my favourite years😍 the top 3 is one of the strongest ever! Israel was robbed btw 😭😭😭

  • @patrickpastor1148
    @patrickpastor1148 2 роки тому +1

    Merci 1000 fois Alan

  • @escpower1144
    @escpower1144 2 роки тому +8

    Moldova and Israel were criminally underrated...💀

  • @Larssonnie06
    @Larssonnie06 2 місяці тому +2

    SLOVENIJA was MY WINNER! 🇳🇱❤️🇸🇮

  • @pawelszmit4
    @pawelszmit4 Рік тому +1

    For me France 🇨🇵 Italy 🇮🇹 Germany 🇩🇪 and Poland 🇵🇱 underatted. I liked Norway 🇸🇯 Ukraine 🇺🇦 Russia 🇷🇺 and Hungary 🇭🇺 this year greetings from Katowice, Poland 🇵🇱❤️

  • @kevincika
    @kevincika 2 роки тому +5

    Armenia 4th deserved

  • @Africkinggod
    @Africkinggod 10 місяців тому +2

    The final except the NQ qualified
    37: 🇫🇷 2 pts
    36: 🇸🇮 9 pts
    35: 🇲🇩 13 pts
    34: 🇸🇲 14 pts
    33: 🇬🇪 15 pts
    32: 🇮🇱 19 pts
    31: 🇦🇱 22 pts
    30: 🇧🇪 28 pts
    29: 🇲🇹 32 pts
    28: 🇱🇻 33 pts
    28: 🇲🇰 33 pts
    28: 🇮🇹 33 pts
    28: 🇦🇿 33 pts
    24: 🇬🇷 35 pts
    24: 🇮🇪 35 pts
    23: 🇪🇪 36 pts
    23: 🇱🇹 36 pts
    21: 🇲🇪 37 pts
    20: 🇩🇪 39 pts
    20: 🇵🇹 39 pts
    And everything stayed the same

  • @ScoreWiz_Creator1
    @ScoreWiz_Creator1 7 місяців тому +2

    My Top 37 From Serbia 🇷🇸 :
    1) Armenia 🇦🇲
    2) Ireland 🇮🇪
    3) Sweden 🇸🇪
    4) Ukraine 🇺🇦
    5) Austria 🇦🇹
    6) Romania 🇷🇴
    7) Hungary 🇭🇺
    8) Belarus 🇧🇾
    9) Norway 🇳🇴
    10) Netherlands 🇳🇱
    11) Russia 🇷🇺
    12) Spain 🇪🇸
    13) United Kingdom 🇬🇧
    14) Poland 🇵🇱
    15) Switzerland 🇨🇭
    16) Germany 🇩🇪
    17) Malta 🇲🇹
    18) Greece 🇬🇷
    19) Finland 🇫🇮
    20) Denmark 🇩🇰
    21) Estonia 🇪🇪
    22) Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
    23) Portugal 🇵🇹
    24) France 🇫🇷
    25) North Macedonia 🇲🇰
    26) Italy 🇮🇹
    27) Iceland 🇮🇸
    28) Israel 🇮🇱
    29) Montenegro 🇲🇪
    30) Slovenia 🇸🇮
    31) San Marino 🇸🇲
    32) Albania 🇦🇱
    33) Lithuania 🇱🇹
    34) Georgia 🇬🇪
    35) Latvia 🇱🇻
    36) Moldova 🇲🇩
    37) Belgium 🇧🇪

  • @alexito9600
    @alexito9600 2 роки тому +1

    My favorite year.

  • @karinakarina9797
    @karinakarina9797 2 роки тому +1

    Greece and denmark 1 th place.

  • @Copyrightbreaker22
    @Copyrightbreaker22 Рік тому +1

    I used to be salty that my country finished 2nd and not 1st but this years top 4 is perfect.

  • @EurovisionSlovenia
    @EurovisionSlovenia 2 роки тому +6

    i'll never understand how israel scored so low

  • @_navesc_
    @_navesc_ 2 роки тому

    Good results!!!

  • @walterescapegame1957
    @walterescapegame1957 2 роки тому +2

    Belgium is so so soooooooooooooooooooooo underrated!!! I love this song so much I am really sad... He deserve to final!!! Why 33rd?
    Same for Latvia I am a big fan of cake to bake is so good so cool so funny. So sad...
    There are 3rd and 4th in my top 37.

  • @fuencislanieto9292
    @fuencislanieto9292 Рік тому +1

    No se si fue la imagen, buena voz tenía

  • @lastdanceforyou
    @lastdanceforyou 2 роки тому +8

    My top ten:
    10: Ireland: Heartbeat
    9: Azerbaijan: Start a Fire
    8: Uk: Children Of The Universe
    7: Poland: We are Slavic
    6: Netherlands: Calm After the Storm
    5: Spain: Dancing in the Rain
    4: Israel: Same Heart
    3: Estonia: Amazing
    2: Portugal: Quero Ser Tua
    1: Ukraine: Tick Tock

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 2 роки тому +1

      1. Montenegro
      2. Malta
      3. San Marino
      4. Azerbaijan
      5. Armenia
      6. Denmark
      7. Norway
      8. Greece
      9. Romania
      10. Albania

  • @tomigamingshqip6436
    @tomigamingshqip6436 2 роки тому +2

    Swedenn perfectttt🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪

  • @robertionut5712
    @robertionut5712 2 роки тому +3

    Us Romanias sshoul send Paula Selling and Ovi again... at least at Eurovision 2023

  • @DaveVampireSlayer
    @DaveVampireSlayer Рік тому +1

    1 The Netherlands
    2 Sweden
    3 Austria
    4 Armenia
    5 Hungary

  • @markusweber8751
    @markusweber8751 2 роки тому +3


  • @lesims45
    @lesims45 2 роки тому +3

    Toujours choqué par Israël en 2014 !

  • @rainbowvamps8988
    @rainbowvamps8988 Рік тому +2

    2014 was such a strong year that all of the NQ songs would've been great at the final, and the Big 5 + Denmark were all amazing songs. Strong year for only having 37 countries.

  • @Skylareserve2
    @Skylareserve2 2 місяці тому +1

    I threw my sock at a lamp and knocked it down after I saw Romania didn’t get top 10

  • @linetiiiic
    @linetiiiic 2 роки тому

    Armenia 🤍

  • @EmoBearRights
    @EmoBearRights 2 роки тому +1

    I feel sorrier for Portugal than Ireland or Israel - sorry.

  • @XimenaGonzález-b7g
    @XimenaGonzález-b7g 9 місяців тому +1

    Second place should have won. The winning song is cheesy and ridiculous.

  • @blqvrry7460
    @blqvrry7460 Рік тому

    ireland came 29 not estonia 😂