Request by viewer Seltun to play “Old Rugged Cross”. Rev. George Bennard, 1913 Pianist Brian King

  • Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
  • 1. On a hill far a-way stood a rough wooden cross,
    The em-blem of suf-f’ring and shame;
    And I hon-our that cross where the dear-est and best
    For a world of lost sin-ners was slain.
    So I’ll Cher-ish the rough wooden cross….
    Till my bur-dens at last I lay down;
    And by grace I will carry my cross, …
    And ex-change it some day for a crown.
    2. Oh, that rough wood-en cross, so de-spised by the world,
    Has a won-drous at-traction for me;
    For the dear Lamb of God left his glo-ry a-bove
    To bear it to dark Cal-va-ry.
    3. In the rough wood-en cross, stained with blood so di-vine,
    Beau-ty I see; For ‘twas on that rough cross Je-sus suf-fered and died
    To par-don and sanc-ti-fy me.
    4. To the rough wood-en cross I will ev-er be true,
    It’s shame and re-proach glad-ly bear;
    Then he’ll call me some day to my home far a-way,
    Where his glo-ry for ev-er I’ll share.