On another side, think of how many times prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam has been called various derogatory titles. It's just one of the (ibrah) lesson we can ponder. May Allah keeps us on the straight path aameen.
Unsolicited advice are never cool, my guy. If you's in school or a similar setting then maybe it's fine, but if you's in a public masjid with randoms then leave em alone. aint everything gotta be amal maruf nahi al munkar
@@tomimn2233 So correcting a Muslim isn’t cool now! Wow ! Al Amr bilmaarouf w nahi aan el monkar Applies Everywhere, Just in Private and not in front of people to not cause embarrassment
Here in indonesia many moslem do bidah like celebrating the prophet alaihi wasallam birthdate 😢 and when a scholar told them its bidah they accused him wahabi and they even banned his dakwah in mosque its really sad
People think they can love the Prophet ﷺ more than the sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them all) loved the Prophet ﷺ. None of the salaf celebrated his birthday. None of the taabieen, none of the taba' taabieen did. I heard it originates from a crypto jew and that the day is actually the day on which the Prophet ﷺ passed away. Subhaanallah.
@@manser-5361wahhabi refers to the followers of sheikh Mohamed ibn Abdul Wahhab. He preached strict monotheism. When he started to preach, Arabia was in the abyss of worshipping things other than Allah, like trees and other bidah. He married into the royal family of the Saud and that's how his teachings spread. People don't like him because he didn't agree with what the people of bidah and shirk were doing. May Allah forgive any shortcomings of the sheikh and admit him to Jannah.
@@manser-5361 it was started by the kuffaar as a sort of slur so as to put practicing Muslims away from the religion by calling them names. Sadly many Muslims fall into this and follow the kuffaar in calling other Muslims "Wahhabis" as if it's a bad thing. I was once called a Wahhabi, made me so proud of myself. 💀 😭 🤣
@@manser-5361 hey I think this guy is lying to you. I'm not sure but research on UA-cam about wahabbi for yourself. Don't easily believe other people whom you don't know. It's better to be safe
Take note of what the Sheikh said before he said ameen; "Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem" the one who is doing the dua is mentioning Allah's name (not asking for something) so it doesn't make sense for us to say "Ameen". To put it simply, its a language thing.
Wahabi is word used by western media. Shame on muslims who imitate them. Wahab is the name of Allah, and he is father of scholar, i.e., muhammad bin wahab
where the heck do you got this source english dont know what a wahabi is. wahabi ideology has been coined since its first establishment by arabs scholars themselves and how its been messing up the tawheed and practice of ahlussunnah. shaytan aint even around this holy ramadhan month and yall still confusing yourself
Biggest Bi dah celebrating birthday When I was young, I used to laugh at my people who came from back home who did not know their exact birth date. Their passport was never correct. But many years later I realised the joke was on me. Birth days were irrelevant from the place that I came from. And it's not just my country or religion. Some of my Christian colleagues from Africa and Hindu colleagues would tell me,their parents said they were born between a festival approximately this much a year ago. Birthday was celebrated by the Europeans. And the story goes like this. People thought they defeated death during winter. They then celebrated by putting candles for their age on a sweet round dish and blow the candles out. When I heard this. My reaction was. Astighfirullah. Almighty Allah has already predestined us the time that we are going to leave this world. When it is time to leave, no Doctor in the world will be able to save us. They cannot even give us that extra breath May Almighty Allah protect us from these Shaytaan actions Ameen
It isn't a religious act hence cannot be classified under innovation. Many people celebrate it in many ways. The mear fact of saying alhamdulillah on the date of your birth because you're thankful to Allah for the life he's given you is rejoicing which falls under celebrating. Be careful of what you classify as bidah.
@@mra7860 culture are forbidden if they go against islam.... celebration of birthday is imitatiing the kuffar so...that's forbidden...wether of the prophet or of anyone...it's a biddah and thus a major sin
@@onemillionpercent there are three eids...one that happens every week (Friday) one that happens after a month...(al fire) and one that happens marking sacrifice( al adha)....so including another festival as a joyous day is biddah
Sayyiduna Umar (RA) called it "EXCELLENT BIDAH" because Tarawih was never ordered by Prophet (Peace be upon him) to be prayed in Jamaah and this kept on happening until Abu Bakr (RA) died and initial part of Umar (RA)'s caliphate. Hence ordering Tarawih to be prayed in Jamah and also something which Prophet had actually "STOPPED" would for sure come in the category of "BIDAH"
They used to pray night prayer in ramadan behind the prophet, its not a mandatory act of worship. After he died people started praying in different groups and Umar simply made everyone pray behind one imam. I don’t see any bidah in this if the prophet himself prayed with the companions in jamaah. People quoting umar should know that he said bidah linguistically and not religiously.
It's crazy that even old men with white beards don't even know this. I've heard countless people do this and just say Haiya AlalSalah / Falah back. Just goes to show how much our previous generations had swayed away from Deen.
Is Imam Mahdi a shia thing? I see shias talk about him all the time and treat him sort of like hes immortal or something but theres nothing about Mahdi in Quran theres prophet isa can someone explain the imam mahdi situation?
Shia put heavy emphasis on ahlul bayt, and since Imam Mahdi will come from prophet Muhammad's lineage, the shia talks alot about Imam Mahdi, and as you mention they treat him like he is immortal etc. (as in ghuluw, exagarating) Honestly, the je ws are trying to hasten the coming of al masih ad dajjal, with the help of some christian (they help because the coming of false messiah also means the coming of Jesus christ) while the Shia also lend a hand in order to hasten Imam Mahdi arrival. A true muslim will understand that the End Times (the Hour) cannot be hastened nor delayed even one bit, thus spreading fasad (corruption) in this earth will only earn the wrath of Allah especially on the day of judgement. May Allah gives us sabr (patience) and keeps us on the straight path aamiin.
Mahdi isn't a shia thing. Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam taught us about him. He will come in the end of times. From the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam. Quraan also does not mention method of wudu and salaah, Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam taught us that which he learnt from the Quraan(not directly). A lot of knowledge is brought out from the Quraan that we laymen cannot extract. Hazrath Ali stated that he has knowledge of Surah fatiha that if he writes the tafseer in books, it can fill on the backs of 40 camels. Forgive me for my way of saying it. The scriptures are there, search for it. May Allah guide us and bless us all.
Bid'ah word mostly used by people, who are netizens I mean learnung Deen on U tube While being a netizen is a big bid'ah itself specially if u r using it for Deen purpose If u look it As per wahabi ideology
@@ArkWn I’m saying that people thinking everyone is a Wahhabi and not listening properly is the fault of Wahhabis themselves. They’ve caused too much confusion for people!
The implication is that you cannot do anything about it if people don’t do it, don’t be arrogant when someone corrects you and don’t be of people of bid’ah thats the implication
Just pray for them so that Allah SWT will guide them to the straight path. Do not argue with them, especially when they call you names or label you Wahhabi etc.
Same here in Indonesia Some misguided muslim when they told that some things that bid'ah because these things are just tradition that Rasulullah SAW never did, they just call them Wahabi
The amount of Bid'ah in most asia countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia n brunei also is a lot... To the point it became part of traditions, n they will without doubt accuse anyone who critics and trying to say something about Bid'ah, will be labeled as wahabism... They're not even understand what the wahabi is the proper way, it just become an serious accusation... Syiah was the first one who started this labeling of wahabi to others to create confusions n make us fighting each other
maknanya hang tak paham apa itu wahabi dan ideologi sejak penubuhan awal yg dibawa keluarga wahab dan saud. tak susah nak baca, ada banyak info jelas bertentangan ahlussunnah. tapi kebanyakan hangpa takda guru pemimpin utk jelaskan kekeliruan 72 golongan sesat, termasuk yg paling celaka zaman ni wahabi. suka berhujah akal, mentakfir, membid'ah amalan org dan bergaduh dalam hal yg dibenarkan ijtihad. semoga diberi hidayah
@@skylight4678 ke hang yang tak paham ni, siapa Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab dan ketiada kaitannya dengan keluarga al saud? Golongan² yang tuduh orang lain wahhabi ni, biasanya benda tu kena balik kat dia. Sekarang ni, hang claim orang lain sesat kan, sila bagi asas dan tunjuk arah mana sesat. Seorang MUSLIM tak hanya buat tuduhan. Kena bagi bukti tuduhan. Kalau tak ada bukti, 80 sebatan, kenyataan sebagai seorang saksi ditolak sampai mati. Silakan, tunjuk. Sebahagian Petikan dari Al-Quran surah al-Baqarah ayat 111 Bawalah kemari keterangan-keterangan bukti untuk apa yang kamu katakan itu, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar. Jangan pula tetiba hang bagi mi6-cia punya propaganda. Maklumlah, gully.
we are allowed to have and accept ijtihad and differences as long as it does not goes against Quran and Sunnah. why making fuss about it? and who exactly is answering with "mashaAllah" after hayya ala solah? maybe the guy in story just saw something or wants to add mashaAllah in the beginning,then recite hawqalah? stop making unnecessary critics and argue on things you dont agree with as long as it does not go against Syar'i. dont do what a wahabi does, or you definitely deserve that title.
Nobody said maashaaAllah Pls correct Actually, ulama are sleeping as in Europe, america,Africa, Australia everywhere people are making there own Deen and imams also don't giving quran and sunnah references Wake up and take a stand. Mixing of women in masjid is common without veil
make dua for him to improve in the makharij and in the rest of the Arabic language. May Allah better his ability in pronunciation and in all of the Arabic language for the benefit of the ummah
Bidah means to innovate something by the means of deen or worship ..How can you judge his actions as bidah just by the head wear ? By ur logic even using phone is bidah
@@Aone9e prophet way of life is sunnah if something not done by prophet s.a..w.w u do its bidah and prophet wear turban not this jewish rabi hear wear what this man wearing. Regarding bidah using tools of jews for islamic work is bidah too he uses facebook youtube its bidab too there is no hadith says muslim can use any tools to preach islam the proof of this is adhan when adhan was ablut to start aome pwople said use bell and somsthing but prophet said we will use natural way human voice so if u aee according to this hadith current method of UA-cam is not natural its purely a tool used which is bidah,
@islamonlysolution461 Brother you have a wrong understanding about the term "Bid'ah." Again, I would suggest you do some research on what actually Bidah is. This has nothing to do with the advanced technology or attire .. Bidah is simply adding up new ways in the form of worshipping other than what Allah has prescribed to us according to Quran and Hadith. Example - Celebrating birthday is Bidah, Celebrating Shab-e-barat is Bidah , Calling yourself a berelvi or salafi whatever sect other than Muslim is Bidah , Ending a Surah by saying 'Sadaqallahul azeem' is Bidah and i can go on.
Do these wahabbi's even know what they saying, this guy is claiming that saying Marshallah after Hayya Alas salah takes you out of the fold of Islam, I didn't realise you can lose your faith that easily
He didn't say that it takes you out of fold of Islam.But it is an innovation so say La Hawla Wala Quwata Illah Billah as mentioned in Hadith of Saheeh Muslim
@faraazsiddiqui1450 This is exactly what I mean you don't understand the words that are being used, someone who commits bidah are out of the fold of Islam, he didn't have to say that, that's simply the consequence of bidah Also he said to say "Marshallah" is bidah, and to say "La haula..." is in hadith, maybe learn Islam from a different source, you clearly don't understand this deviant one anyway
@@kalm4766what? saying someone commit bid'ah does not mean they left Islam completely, necessarily. it depends on the type of bid'ah and if the person knew about it or was ignorant and if its in the foundational matters and beliefs or if its in the subsidiary matters and so on
@user3623 The wahabbi's don't have any nuance to bidah, all bidah is bad regardless of the type, I'm pretty sure intention is irrelevant, it's definitely irrelevant when they're talking about their other favorite word shirk
@@kalm4766 do you mean irrelevant? I don't understand what irreverent means in this sentence. but anyway, actions are rewarded based on their intentions so they are relevant also saying every bid'ah is bad is suuuper different from saying if you do any bid'ah it takes you outside of the fold of islam
This guy doesn’t even have the grasp of atss Arabic language. The word bidah is going. Against the principles of sunnah. If the prophet performed one hall and we do two are we doing bidah? No!!!
@@crongo4284 Yes. A deviant group is what Wahabism is, the modern day Khawarij, deviated from the mainstream Ahlussunna, namely the Ash'ariyya, Maturidiyya and Hanbaliyya.
The amount of times ive been called wahabi and a wobbler trying to correct someone but i guess its their own fault
On another side, think of how many times prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam has been called various derogatory titles. It's just one of the (ibrah) lesson we can ponder.
May Allah keeps us on the straight path aameen.
@@redfield7106 very true alhamdulillah
Unsolicited advice are never cool, my guy.
If you's in school or a similar setting then maybe it's fine, but if you's in a public masjid with randoms then leave em alone.
aint everything gotta be amal maruf nahi al munkar
@@tomimn2233 So correcting a Muslim isn’t cool now! Wow ! Al Amr bilmaarouf w nahi aan el monkar Applies Everywhere, Just in Private and not in front of people to not cause embarrassment
Wow i always say لاحول ولا قوة الا بالله but it never occur to me the wisdom behind it . سبحان الله thank you brother
Here in indonesia many moslem do bidah like celebrating the prophet alaihi wasallam birthdate 😢 and when a scholar told them its bidah they accused him wahabi and they even banned his dakwah in mosque its really sad
People think they can love the Prophet ﷺ more than the sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them all) loved the Prophet ﷺ. None of the salaf celebrated his birthday. None of the taabieen, none of the taba' taabieen did. I heard it originates from a crypto jew and that the day is actually the day on which the Prophet ﷺ passed away. Subhaanallah.
Indo mah the land of bidah 😅
Same in Pakistan
aceh nomor 1@@angcil88
Ramadan mubarak
مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ
MasyaAllah, thank you brother for reminding us...
Very clearly explained 👏
Jazakallahkheir kheir for your dawa - dalil or not some people are clearly arragont you did your best
Barakallahu feekum ❤❤❤
Lol even a Qadiani called me a wahabi for calling out his kufr, subhanallah
Bro, could you tell me the meaning of wahabi cause I heard it a lot and don't know its meaning
@@manser-5361wahhabi refers to the followers of sheikh Mohamed ibn Abdul Wahhab. He preached strict monotheism. When he started to preach, Arabia was in the abyss of worshipping things other than Allah, like trees and other bidah. He married into the royal family of the Saud and that's how his teachings spread. People don't like him because he didn't agree with what the people of bidah and shirk were doing. May Allah forgive any shortcomings of the sheikh and admit him to Jannah.
@iburu Thank you, bro. But what you said tells that it is a good thing, why is it an accusation being a wahabi then?
@@manser-5361 it was started by the kuffaar as a sort of slur so as to put practicing Muslims away from the religion by calling them names. Sadly many Muslims fall into this and follow the kuffaar in calling other Muslims "Wahhabis" as if it's a bad thing. I was once called a Wahhabi, made me so proud of myself. 💀 😭 🤣
@@manser-5361 hey I think this guy is lying to you. I'm not sure but research on UA-cam about wahabbi for yourself. Don't easily believe other people whom you don't know. It's better to be safe
0:37 realest thing ever😂
When making dua and someone supplicates with Allahs names we cant say Ameen?
I don't think he is say that
When someone glorifies Allah (like saying “Allah, you are the most merciful”) in their dua, you shouldn’t say ameen right after that.
Take note of what the Sheikh said before he said ameen; "Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem" the one who is doing the dua is mentioning Allah's name (not asking for something) so it doesn't make sense for us to say "Ameen".
To put it simply, its a language thing.
You say subhanak
You say ameen after the person asks something from Allah.
Wahabi is word used by western media. Shame on muslims who imitate them. Wahab is the name of Allah, and he is father of scholar, i.e., muhammad bin wahab
Use Salafi instead then.
where the heck do you got this source english dont know what a wahabi is. wahabi ideology has been coined since its first establishment by arabs scholars themselves and how its been messing up the tawheed and practice of ahlussunnah. shaytan aint even around this holy ramadhan month and yall still confusing yourself
@@skylight4678 Init.
Wahabi or Salafi name doesnt matter they are on the wrong path.
@@aabe8303 Precisely.
Biggest Bi dah celebrating birthday
When I was young, I used to laugh at my people who came from back home who did not know their exact birth date. Their passport was never correct.
But many years later I realised the joke was on me. Birth days were irrelevant from the place that I came from.
And it's not just my country or religion. Some of my Christian colleagues from Africa and Hindu colleagues would tell me,their parents said they were born between a festival approximately this much a year ago.
Birthday was celebrated by the Europeans. And the story goes like this. People thought they defeated death during winter. They then celebrated by putting candles for their age on a sweet round dish and blow the candles out.
When I heard this. My reaction was. Astighfirullah. Almighty Allah has already predestined us the time that we are going to leave this world.
When it is time to leave, no Doctor in the world will be able to save us. They cannot even give us that extra breath
May Almighty Allah protect us from these Shaytaan actions
It isn't a religious act hence cannot be classified under innovation. Many people celebrate it in many ways. The mear fact of saying alhamdulillah on the date of your birth because you're thankful to Allah for the life he's given you is rejoicing which falls under celebrating. Be careful of what you classify as bidah.
@@mra7860becareful of what you're defending, because your position is on contrary to the ijma'. Meaning you are defending bid'ah.
why so? it is a joyous time to celebrate with people and certainly irreligious.
@@mra7860 culture are forbidden if they go against islam.... celebration of birthday is imitatiing the kuffar so...that's forbidden...wether of the prophet or of anyone...it's a biddah and thus a major sin
@@onemillionpercent there are three eids...one that happens every week (Friday) one that happens after a month...(al fire) and one that happens marking sacrifice( al adha)....so including another festival as a joyous day is biddah
does anyone know the title of this lecture? jazakAllah
This is from his zad al mustaqni commentary.
The section of adhan titled: 41 fiqh zad al Mustaqni (the adhan)
Sayyiduna Umar (RA) called it "EXCELLENT BIDAH" because Tarawih was never ordered by Prophet (Peace be upon him) to be prayed in Jamaah and this kept on happening until Abu Bakr (RA) died and initial part of Umar (RA)'s caliphate. Hence ordering Tarawih to be prayed in Jamah and also something which Prophet had actually "STOPPED" would for sure come in the category of "BIDAH"
They used to pray night prayer in ramadan behind the prophet, its not a mandatory act of worship. After he died people started praying in different groups and Umar simply made everyone pray behind one imam. I don’t see any bidah in this if the prophet himself prayed with the companions in jamaah. People quoting umar should know that he said bidah linguistically and not religiously.
What do you say for the extra lines in Fajr Adhan?
You say sadaqta wa bararta.
I've never heard anyone say masha Allah after hay ala salah/hay alal falah
It's crazy that even old men with white beards don't even know this. I've heard countless people do this and just say Haiya AlalSalah / Falah back. Just goes to show how much our previous generations had swayed away from Deen.
Is Imam Mahdi a shia thing? I see shias talk about him all the time and treat him sort of like hes immortal or something but theres nothing about Mahdi in Quran theres prophet isa can someone explain the imam mahdi situation?
The Mahdi is mentioned in Hadiths. It's not a Shia thing but a Muslim thing. The hadiths about him have different grades.
Shia put heavy emphasis on ahlul bayt, and since Imam Mahdi will come from prophet Muhammad's lineage, the shia talks alot about Imam Mahdi, and as you mention they treat him like he is immortal etc. (as in ghuluw, exagarating)
Honestly, the je ws are trying to hasten the coming of al masih ad dajjal, with the help of some christian (they help because the coming of false messiah also means the coming of Jesus christ) while the Shia also lend a hand in order to hasten Imam Mahdi arrival.
A true muslim will understand that the End Times (the Hour) cannot be hastened nor delayed even one bit, thus spreading fasad (corruption) in this earth will only earn the wrath of Allah especially on the day of judgement.
May Allah gives us sabr (patience) and keeps us on the straight path aamiin.
Mahdi isn't a shia thing. Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam taught us about him. He will come in the end of times. From the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam. Quraan also does not mention method of wudu and salaah, Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam taught us that which he learnt from the Quraan(not directly). A lot of knowledge is brought out from the Quraan that we laymen cannot extract. Hazrath Ali stated that he has knowledge of Surah fatiha that if he writes the tafseer in books, it can fill on the backs of 40 camels. Forgive me for my way of saying it. The scriptures are there, search for it. May Allah guide us and bless us all.
My family calls me wahabi
They should call you a wobbler instead
@@CEO786 at least I'm not blindly following my culture like Abu jahl
Are you called abdulwahab by any chance?
@@Yousif3ateeji they don't know about it, 😂
Most Indian Muslim do not know why wahabis are called wahabi..
They just do whatever they are told to do..
And what exactly triggers that?
Bid'ah word mostly used by people, who are netizens I mean learnung Deen on U tube
While being a netizen is a big bid'ah itself specially if u r using it for Deen purpose
If u look it As per wahabi ideology
I am hanafi but you're right, Sheikh.
But it is the fault of Wahhabism.
@@Informational_Comparisons I don't know.
@@ArkWn It was a statement not a question.
@@Informational_Comparisons I mean, I have no idea about it. Can you explain it, please?
@@ArkWn I’m saying that people thinking everyone is a Wahhabi and not listening properly is the fault of Wahhabis themselves. They’ve caused too much confusion for people!
What is the implication? What do you do to someone who chooses to continue doing this or other bid'ah?
The implication is that you cannot do anything about it if people don’t do it, don’t be arrogant when someone corrects you and don’t be of people of bid’ah thats the implication
Just pray for them so that Allah SWT will guide them to the straight path.
Do not argue with them, especially when they call you names or label you Wahhabi etc.
Hayya does not mean come , really means life, or lively.
come is حَيَّ
alive is حَيْ
the difference is the ّ on the ي
it's اسم الفعل like حذار and صه
The meaning is not come, meaning is not what they missed Translated, on purpose.
في معجم لسان العرب:
الْجَوْهَرِيُّ: وَقَوْلُهُمْ
حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلَاةِ
مَعْنَاهُ هَلُمَّ وأَقْبِلْ، وفُتِحت الياءُ لِسُكُونِهَا وَسُكُونِ مَا قَبْلَهَا كَمَا قِيلَ لَيتَ ولعلَّ، وَالْعَرَبُ تَقُولُ: حَيَّ عَلَى الثَّرِيدِ، وَهُوَ اسمٌ لِفعل الأَمر
and directly:
عَلَى الصَّلَاةِ حَيَّ عَلَى الفَلاح
أَي هَلُمُّوا إِلَيْهَا وأَقبلوا وتَعالَوْا مُسْرِعِينَ، وَقِيلَ: مَعْنَاهُمَا عَجِّلوا إِلَى الصَّلَاحِ وَإِلَى الْفَلَاحِ
Missed Transaction.
@@BabaSalaam360 ??? what transaction???
Can you shed some light on what this ibarah means:
لازم مذهب ليس بمذهب
I’m sure he welcomes his master Saudi celebration of Halloween as not a bidah
Same here in Indonesia
Some misguided muslim when they told that some things that bid'ah because these things are just tradition that Rasulullah SAW never did, they just call them Wahabi
Have you ever thought that they might actually be?
Dammmmmm... wahabi 😂😂😂. 100%true . People actually say it when they got nothing to say
The amount of Bid'ah in most asia countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia n brunei also is a lot... To the point it became part of traditions, n they will without doubt accuse anyone who critics and trying to say something about Bid'ah, will be labeled as wahabism... They're not even understand what the wahabi is the proper way, it just become an serious accusation...
Syiah was the first one who started this labeling of wahabi to others to create confusions n make us fighting each other
No, it was the westerners and then the shi'a, and then these sufi and ahlul bid'ah.
maknanya hang tak paham apa itu wahabi dan ideologi sejak penubuhan awal yg dibawa keluarga wahab dan saud. tak susah nak baca, ada banyak info jelas bertentangan ahlussunnah. tapi kebanyakan hangpa takda guru pemimpin utk jelaskan kekeliruan 72 golongan sesat, termasuk yg paling celaka zaman ni wahabi. suka berhujah akal, mentakfir, membid'ah amalan org dan bergaduh dalam hal yg dibenarkan ijtihad. semoga diberi hidayah
@@skylight4678 ke hang yang tak paham ni, siapa Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab dan ketiada kaitannya dengan keluarga al saud? Golongan² yang tuduh orang lain wahhabi ni, biasanya benda tu kena balik kat dia. Sekarang ni, hang claim orang lain sesat kan, sila bagi asas dan tunjuk arah mana sesat. Seorang MUSLIM tak hanya buat tuduhan. Kena bagi bukti tuduhan. Kalau tak ada bukti, 80 sebatan, kenyataan sebagai seorang saksi ditolak sampai mati. Silakan, tunjuk.
Sebahagian Petikan dari Al-Quran surah al-Baqarah ayat 111
Bawalah kemari keterangan-keterangan bukti untuk apa yang kamu katakan itu, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar.
Jangan pula tetiba hang bagi mi6-cia punya propaganda. Maklumlah, gully.
the bidah police. always looking to divide.
"people of bid3a" such a 'salafi' thing to say.
Yup an don’t say a word about those imams locked in jail in Saudi because they enjoined good an forbade evil
@@junaidmahomed5534 Not all of them are Salafis. The government is though. Plonker.
I don't know who r these people who say MashAllah on these lines... in pakistan i was asked to reply with لاحول ولا قوة الا باللہ since childhood
Yeah same. First time hearing this.
we are allowed to have and accept ijtihad and differences as long as it does not goes against Quran and Sunnah. why making fuss about it? and who exactly is answering with "mashaAllah" after hayya ala solah? maybe the guy in story just saw something or wants to add mashaAllah in the beginning,then recite hawqalah? stop making unnecessary critics and argue on things you dont agree with as long as it does not go against Syar'i. dont do what a wahabi does, or you definitely deserve that title.
some people is uneducated ... but wahabi is a sect and they remain wahabi even if they do dawah
Ya but what people call Wahhabi never say anything other than Allah said and the prophet said
@@user-tn1oh3he8c good joke... what about aqeeda of Ibn taymiya? wahabi always played on words
Wahabi, Salafi! Every time they don't have any argument.
Nobody said maashaaAllah
Pls correct
Actually, ulama are sleeping as in Europe, america,Africa, Australia everywhere people are making there own Deen and imams also don't giving quran and sunnah references
Wake up and take a stand.
Mixing of women in masjid is common without veil
Why are you wearing a head scarf like the Pharoah of Egypt...it's bidah....our Nabi alaihisalam wore amama.
In Islam, bid'ah refers to innovation in religious matters. Linguistically, the term means "innovation, novelty, heretical doctrine.
Why does not speak about muslims in Saudi celebrations of Halloween dance festivals intermingling but worried someone responding incorrectly
Well, many muslims from many countries -not just Saudi- celebrate many festivals that arent frm Islam too. And Saudi doesnt represents Islam either
Shaykh Uthman always: تيّب.
Please learn Arabic. Your pronunciation of even la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah is also incorrect.
make dua for him to improve in the makharij and in the rest of the Arabic language. May Allah better his ability in pronunciation and in all of the Arabic language for the benefit of the ummah
If You talk about bidah
Your head wear
Is bidah too
And i never meet any muslim who say mahsallah here
Bidah means to innovate something by the means of deen or worship ..How can you judge his actions as bidah just by the head wear ? By ur logic even using phone is bidah
@@Aone9e prophet way of life is sunnah if something not done by prophet s.a..w.w u do its bidah and prophet wear turban not this jewish rabi hear wear what this man wearing.
Regarding bidah using tools of jews for islamic work is bidah too he uses facebook youtube its bidab too there is no hadith says muslim can use any tools to preach islam the proof of this is adhan when adhan was ablut to start aome pwople said use bell and somsthing but prophet said we will use natural way human voice so if u aee according to this hadith current method of UA-cam is not natural its purely a tool used which is bidah,
@islamonlysolution461 Brother you have a wrong understanding about the term "Bid'ah." Again, I would suggest you do some research on what actually Bidah is. This has nothing to do with the advanced technology or attire .. Bidah is simply adding up new ways in the form of worshipping other than what Allah has prescribed to us according to Quran and Hadith. Example - Celebrating birthday is Bidah, Celebrating Shab-e-barat is Bidah , Calling yourself a berelvi or salafi whatever sect other than Muslim is Bidah , Ending a Surah by saying 'Sadaqallahul azeem' is Bidah and i can go on.
Do these wahabbi's even know what they saying, this guy is claiming that saying Marshallah after Hayya Alas salah takes you out of the fold of Islam, I didn't realise you can lose your faith that easily
He didn't say that it takes you out of fold of Islam.But it is an innovation so say La Hawla Wala Quwata Illah Billah as mentioned in Hadith of Saheeh Muslim
@faraazsiddiqui1450 This is exactly what I mean you don't understand the words that are being used, someone who commits bidah are out of the fold of Islam, he didn't have to say that, that's simply the consequence of bidah
Also he said to say "Marshallah" is bidah, and to say "La haula..." is in hadith, maybe learn Islam from a different source, you clearly don't understand this deviant one anyway
@@kalm4766what? saying someone commit bid'ah does not mean they left Islam completely, necessarily. it depends on the type of bid'ah and if the person knew about it or was ignorant and if its in the foundational matters and beliefs or if its in the subsidiary matters and so on
@user3623 The wahabbi's don't have any nuance to bidah, all bidah is bad regardless of the type, I'm pretty sure intention is irrelevant, it's definitely irrelevant when they're talking about their other favorite word shirk
@@kalm4766 do you mean irrelevant? I don't understand what irreverent means in this sentence. but anyway, actions are rewarded based on their intentions so they are relevant also saying every bid'ah is bad is suuuper different from saying if you do any bid'ah it takes you outside of the fold of islam
This guy doesn’t even have the grasp of atss Arabic language. The word bidah is going. Against the principles of sunnah. If the prophet performed one hall and we do two are we doing bidah? No!!!
Did you mean Hajj by any chance!
You ARE a Wahabi! It's when you have no proof but your own explanation, when you deviate from the path of Ahlusunna.
ok then show where it tells us to say mashallah in response to the adhan instead of la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
@@crongo4284 That's not what makes him a Wahabi. He's by himself a Wahabi by Aqeeda.
@@truthphilic I was referring to the 2nd part of your comment.
@@crongo4284 Yes. A deviant group is what Wahabism is, the modern day Khawarij, deviated from the mainstream Ahlussunna, namely the Ash'ariyya, Maturidiyya and Hanbaliyya.
@@truthphilic Thats not what I asked. I said where does it say to do this in quran and sunnah
Haram Haram Haram Haram Haram Haram Haram Haram everything is wrong
Stop your Clowness
Just because your forefathers teach you something about islam doesn't mean it's from sunnah
brother, can you even pronounce the word حرام?
If you are angry at the rulings of Islam this is الكفر الكبرى
Type of people that got corrected from others, and instead of doing it the right way, he choose to be arrogant and doesn't accept the teaching😂
Nothing in Islam is real.
Anything else 🤡
What 😂
Cowardice claims