Firefly | 'Out Of Gas' & 'Ariel' | TV Reaction | Two By Two, Hands of Blue

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @myeckwaters
    @myeckwaters 2 роки тому +76

    "Next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face." That line is practically YogiBerran in its brilliance.

  • @Logan_Baron
    @Logan_Baron 2 роки тому +116

    "There are 6 of them with guns and they just back down"
    It's not even a matter of not wanting the captain to die. They outnumber him sure. How many can he kill before they kill him though? At least one. That one could be any one of them. None of them are willing to die so that the others can have the ship. It's not like they are fighting for some moral reason or anything. Like the Browncoats fighting for independence or even the Alliance fighting for unification. No ideal they are fighting for, so they aren't willing to die for nothing. "Sure he'll kill me but then the others will kill him and then they'll have his ship after I'm dead" is not worth dying for.

    • @brucechmiel7964
      @brucechmiel7964 2 роки тому +4

      Exactly. If it came to a shootout Tom Picket (Red Sash) would be the first to catch a bullet. You think Jessy or Billy be willing to die for that boat after getting back from a score doing God knows what?

    • @mikepeters807
      @mikepeters807 2 роки тому +2

      I would say the crew actually wanted the captain to die, so then one of them could become captain. But in order for that to happen they need their captain to be shot first, therefore they have to wait for Mal to shoot or for the captain to draw his weapon, (so Mal would shoot him and one of them could get the draw on Mal).

    • @larmoth401
      @larmoth401 2 роки тому +15

      There's also the fact that the ship doesn't have life support and Mal is wounded, so if they can wait him out he might die anyway before he can fix it and then they can just take the ship without hassle.

    • @michaelccozens
      @michaelccozens 2 роки тому +2

      @@mikepeters807 I don't see it. The Captain was concerned for his crew's welfare, etc. There didn't seem to be any dissension in the ranks. They basically seemed similar to the Serenity crew, with a slightly lower moral bar; just trying to get by how they can.
      It's also a big step from armed robbery to murder. If they'd wanted to, they could have just shot Mal the moment he opened the door. Had his eyes closed and everything.

    • @IamnotJohnFord
      @IamnotJohnFord 2 роки тому +4

      @@larmoth401 Exactly. All they have to do is wait. The shuttles are gone, so Mal is on his own to die from his wound or from freezing or from lack of oxygen. Why fight him now when you can walk over his dead body in a few hours or minutes?

  • @EvelyntMild
    @EvelyntMild 2 роки тому +72

    Of the dozens of Firefly reactions I've watched, it's so nice someone finally noticed Wash was throwing a catalizer.

    • @singingwolf3929
      @singingwolf3929 2 роки тому +6

      I think a lot of that has to do with most reactors going a week or 2 between episodes. Whereas, if you watch them back to back it's easier to spot.

    • @davedujour1
      @davedujour1 2 роки тому +4

      That's one of my favorite little details in this show that so many people don't even notice.

    • @TheDetailsMatter
      @TheDetailsMatter 2 роки тому +5

      When you need one, you can never find them. When you don't need one, you can never stop finding them.

    • @fanboyhex1555
      @fanboyhex1555 2 роки тому +3

      I noticed the first time I watched the show. Then after awhile I wondered 3 things...
      1. Was the order of episodes out of order?🤔
      2. Did the cast and production crew filming this episode even know the prop that Wash threw at the junkyard was the catalyzer?🤔
      3. Was it a reference that valuable spare parts can be found in unlikely places?🤔
      ... either way after watching "Arial" all I could think was "stupid asses take that part with you, you might need it again!!!"🤬

    • @singingwolf3929
      @singingwolf3929 2 роки тому +3

      @@fanboyhex1555 I believe the idea is that with dirt and and falling out of it, the part at the junkyard was non functioning. Wash throwing it was kinda like, "you little piece of crap! You caused us so much trouble!"
      Also, if you recall in Out of Gas, the "Salvage Captain" says, "Catalyzer's a nothing part..." I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at. I just woke up so my thoughts are kinda all over the place.

  • @r2streu
    @r2streu 2 роки тому +49

    I love "Out of Gas." One of my favorite little moments is when Mal wakes up and the first thing he does is ask Wash if he's okay.

  • @vwlssnvwls3262
    @vwlssnvwls3262 2 роки тому +72

    I love "Out of Gas", especially the ending, and all the backstory.
    In "Ariel" I love when Jayne asks Mal not to tell everyone what he did. It shows that there is more to him than he leads on, he just has trouble breaking old habits.

    • @theendistheend123
      @theendistheend123 2 роки тому +7

      yup. Mal decides to let him live when Jayne admits he wants the crew to like/respect him. It mattered to Jayne what they think of him after he dies.

    • @SirMarshalHaig
      @SirMarshalHaig Рік тому +1

      We got a bit of that in Jaynestown already, but yes and I tink it is what Mal wanted to see. Seeing that he cared at all, so he didn´t flush him out.

  • @davewhitmore1958
    @davewhitmore1958 2 роки тому +14

    "Stop doing that with your thumbs!"
    Yup, they're married :)

  • @sawyer33
    @sawyer33 2 роки тому +39

    Best reaction comment ever: “stop doing that with your thumbs.” 🤣

  • @ALeafOnTheWind42
    @ALeafOnTheWind42 2 роки тому +25

    In an earlier episode (after River tore the labels off of some cans) I mentioned in a comment that there was a plotline which was planned, and seeded a little bit, but never got to be properly explored. I also mentioned that there was one other hint to that plotline that hadn't come up yet, and I'd wait until it came up to talk about it. Well, now it's come up.
    In the Firefly universe, there's a corporation known as the Blue Sun Corporation. Joss Whedon once described it as a combination of Microsoft and Coca-Cola. With a more modern lens, it's probably also part Amazon. Point is, really big corporation. Makes all sorts of products, and its logo is all over the place. In Ariel, Jayne is wearing a Blue Sun t-shirt.
    Well, it was going to turn out that the Blue Sun Corporation has ties to the Academy which held River captive. So the labels she tore off of the cans were because they were Blue Sun products. She slashed at Jayne not to harm him, but to destroy the Blue Sun logo on his shirt

    • @MrsMovies
      @MrsMovies 2 роки тому +5

      This is so interesting! Makes me want to watch again and catch all the underlying Blue Sun references. Thanks for the fun fact!

    • @michaelccozens
      @michaelccozens 2 роки тому +1

      Without divulging spoilers, were Fruity Oatey Bars meant to be a Blue Sun product?

    • @ALeafOnTheWind42
      @ALeafOnTheWind42 2 роки тому +1

      @@michaelccozens Almost certainly. I don't think it's officially confirmed though

    • @Garryck-1
      @Garryck-1 2 роки тому

      @@michaelccozens - Yes. In the very first second of the commercial, a blue sun rises between two trees. (non-spoilery commercial-only video clip)

    • @ALeafOnTheWind42
      @ALeafOnTheWind42 2 роки тому +1

      @@Garryck-1 That's not actually the corporation's logo though, so while it does likely imply as much, it's not total comfirmation

  • @TheBertyBear
    @TheBertyBear 2 роки тому +19

    just so you know in case you didn't realize, in the end when Simon calls River 'Meimei" that's mandarin for little sister.

  • @garretthenderson5738
    @garretthenderson5738 2 роки тому +60

    Jayne deserved what he got, but folks seem to forget he had a legitimate gripe... she just up and stashed him with a butcher knife for (seemingly) no reason. And no one on the ship seemed to really care. He didn't feel like he was receiving any loyalty, so expecting to him to give loyalty is asking a lot.
    Thatt said, I think it would have been better if Jayne'stown came after this episode as it seeemed a little bit of a regression in his character.

    • @ItDoesntMatterReally
      @ItDoesntMatterReally 2 роки тому +16

      It's a chicken/egg thing with Jayne. He's turned on the crew before, so they treat him with apathy. However, that apathetic approach makes him more likely to turn on them again. I'd hope if the show had continued that this episode would've been the end of his vicious cycle considering the events in Jayne'stown and his response of 'make something up' when even remotely threatened with Mal outing him as a traitor even after death. That's why I'm fine with Jayne'stown coming first. It shows that he has learned his lesson somewhat and grown.
      Jayne's a far more interesting character than most people give him credit for.

    • @goldenageofdinosaurs7192
      @goldenageofdinosaurs7192 2 роки тому +5

      I’ve also thought that the series would’ve been better served by airing Jaynestown sometime after Ariel.

    • @MrDrokkul
      @MrDrokkul 2 роки тому +5

      It's all okay because Jayne has his pinnacle moment of redemption in the last episode.

    • @garretthenderson5738
      @garretthenderson5738 2 роки тому +16

      @@ItDoesntMatterReally Agreed. And Adam Baldwin really sold the hell out of the "make something up, don't tell em what I done" line. He showed Jayne was ashamed of his actions and really did value the crews opinion of him.

    • @CaptainFrost32
      @CaptainFrost32 2 роки тому +11

      @@ItDoesntMatterReally The growth of Jayne from 100% self-centered in days gone by in Jaynestown to actually caring about the crew to caring about the mudders and people at large after Jayne's Day, is demonstrated when he has his moments of remorse in Ariel.

  • @MotherAce
    @MotherAce 2 роки тому +34

    Imagine being a Fox Executive in the early 2000s..., thinking THIS was the right show to cancel.

    • @dudermcdudeface3674
      @dudermcdudeface3674 2 роки тому +4

      They didn't think about it at all. Broadcast TV executives don't even watch TV. Their business is 100% just selling ads, so they couldn't care less what goes on between the ads beyond viewer share. Firefly had never been given a proper chance to develop its audience, so easier shows (that are all now forgotten) had priority.

    • @davedujour1
      @davedujour1 2 роки тому +1

      AND Firefly had a huge production cost for a show of the era. There's a lot of subtle and not so subtle CGI in every episode.
      Between the time the show filmed it's 2 pilots (Serenity and The Train Job) and was picked up and the last episode was in production the Fox executive who had spearheaded the show had left (was fired?) and a new person had been brought in. Someone who didn't care about any of the shows as a concept and show the expense to income ratio and cut Fox's losses.

    • @ascii7085
      @ascii7085 2 роки тому +1

      This came after the summer of American Idol.
      FOX had a crazy ratings numbers by repackaging 'Star Search'.
      Why spend all that money on Firefly when you can just do Reality TV.
      They aired it as the first prime time show on Friday night. They promoted it all summer, but then stopped pushing it after its 3rd episode. They kept skipping a week or two, and of course airing it out of order.
      Books have been written about all the ways they mismanaged it (I think 'books' is figurative, but I wouldn't be surprised.)

  • @lizetteolsen3218
    @lizetteolsen3218 2 роки тому +24

    Out of Gas--my fav episode--especially the end.

    • @timmorris2048
      @timmorris2048 2 роки тому +2

      Me Too! 😁

    • @brauliob
      @brauliob 2 роки тому +2

      Finally, someone who says, "Captain goes down with his ship." I've watched several people reacting to this episode and not putting two and two together. Or, maybe it's just obvious...

    • @CaptainFrost32
      @CaptainFrost32 2 роки тому +2

      @@brauliob Inara referred to that custom in the episode. Most reactors took it at face value.

    • @ascii7085
      @ascii7085 2 роки тому

      mine too, not of Firefly, of television.

  • @oscardiggs246
    @oscardiggs246 2 роки тому +12

    The amygdala is the part of the brain that says “stop doing that with your thumbs!”

    • @MrsMovies
      @MrsMovies 2 роки тому +2

      Hahaha probably!

  • @frozenharold
    @frozenharold 2 роки тому +71

    Until Jayne showed that he legitimately showed remorse andcared about how the crew felt about him even after he would be gone, I think Mal was going to let him get sucked out ofthe ship. He is part of Mal's crew as well. River slashed a member of his crew with a knife and he could have booted her and the Doc right then. But he discussed it and warned them. He extended the same courtesy to Jayne. I think he felt he was doing what a Captain should do.

    • @JeffKelly03
      @JeffKelly03 2 роки тому +19

      That’s definitely the exact moment Jayne changed. “Don’t tell them what I did” was him realizing, well, what he’s done.

    • @ThomasPerezGhost
      @ThomasPerezGhost 2 роки тому +9

      Never realized that parallelism. Thanks for pointing that out. It's amazing after all this time, and multiple rewatches, I still learn and realize new things (sometimes with some help).

    • @dunringill1747
      @dunringill1747 2 роки тому +8

      That's a good comparison regarding Captain's courtesy to Simon & River earlier, and Jayne at the end.

    • @frozenharold
      @frozenharold 2 роки тому +13

      It was a very good display of Mal's leadership skills and ability to deal with people differently. He said what he did to each away from any of the other crew. But he essentially gave the same message to both Simon and Jayne, just in the best way to convey it to each. He basically told them both if you mess with my crew again you will be off this ship and it won't end well for you. He could calmly say "we may have to revisit our agreement" to Simon, and he fully understood the seriousness behind that. Jayne needed a giant wrench to the head, some yelling and actual physical threat to his life to get the same point across.

    • @StarkRG
      @StarkRG 2 роки тому +6

      @@JeffKelly03 I wouldn't say it was the moment he changed, I think he's been changing throughout the series (I think the events of Jaynestown had a strong effect on him, for example), but it is really hard to completely change your responses. Jayne has clearly spent his entire adult life chasing big payouts, he's never been particularly fond of River or Simon and being slashed by River made him pretty angry, so I'm not at all surprised that he decided to pursue the reward. When he was facing his imminent death, though, his last thoughts were about how the rest of the crew would think about him and he realized he didn't want them to think of him as a money-grubbing traitor. Mal saw that and gave him a second chance. It wasn't _when_ Jayne changed, but it was when Jayne _realized_ he'd changed.
      I'm not a Jayne/River shipper, but I do like to think Jayne and Simon eventually grew to at least have a healthy respect for each other, if not actual friendship.

  • @NomeDeArte
    @NomeDeArte 2 роки тому +7

    Maybe guys you don't remember, but Kaylee asks Mal to buy a new catalyzerin in episode 1, when they get to Persephone. Nice you feel browncoats already, welcome!

  • @CaptainFrost32
    @CaptainFrost32 2 роки тому +20

    The amygdala helps coordinate responses to things in your environment, especially those that trigger an emotional response. This structure plays an important role in fear and anger.

    • @larrystuder8543
      @larrystuder8543 2 роки тому +2

      There has been a lot of discussion about this. Seems like Joss or the writer got it not quite right.

    • @StarkRG
      @StarkRG 2 роки тому +2

      @@larrystuder8543 It _does_ have a role in emotional responses, so they weren't _too_ far off the mark. Also there are two amygdalae, one for each brain hemisphere. What was off the mark, though, was the removal of them leaving River unable to filter out emotions. Instead, from what I understand, removing them would cause her to have trouble interpreting facial expressions as well as learning new faces. The main reason it's done in reality is to reduce aggression, violence, and self-harm which, apparently, it does. In one case, a patient who had a particular kind of bran damage that completely destroyed her amygdalae with no other damage experienced no fear from external stimuli, but did experience other emotions such as happiness and disgust when shown video clips that should evoke such responses.
      To be honest, I think what they did was start with "she can't filter emotions" and then tried to look for something to explain why.

    • @ItsAsparageese
      @ItsAsparageese 2 роки тому +1

      @@StarkRG This all sounds logical. (I mean obviously the neuroscience is fact lol but I mean your guess at the writers' process sounds logical to me.) I personally like to apply my own pretend fanon that the amygdalae-screwery was just one of many procedures performed on River. Yeah it's a decent loose connection to say her psychic levels of empathy are related to her general experience of emotions, but it also could be a product of numerous other factors, and perhaps the amygdalae-screwery really was indeed more about eliminating or reducing her experience of fear ... just (without getting spoilery) under certain very specifically intended circumstances. Plus I've never really felt it was clear what Simon meant by "stripped", anyway. I always envisioned it being some removal of some superficial membrane of the structure, perhaps some theoretical layer we haven't currently identified as distinct.

    • @magister343
      @magister343 2 роки тому +1

      @@StarkRG The Amygdala has different sections that do different things too. I remember from my psych 101 class that damage to one part of the amygdala can greatly increase aggression while damage to a different part can greatly decrease it.

  • @gauchplant
    @gauchplant 2 роки тому +4

    "He is either going to nail it or completely flop it." Yes.

  • @AnonEyeMouse
    @AnonEyeMouse 2 роки тому +15

    Remember what the effects are of what the academy did to River. She's a reader, now. They took a girl with extraordinary intelligence, a brain capable or handling vast amounts of information and then turned her into a mind reader. Assuming that was their intent, or part of it, she needs to have as few barriers between her and other's minds as possible. They stripped her amygdala to get a better signal and to take away her ability to keep out other voices. She can't turn it off. She shares the mind of everyone around her, their memories, emotional states, hopes, fears. It's no wonder she has lost track of herself. A lesser mind would break.

    • @michaelccozens
      @michaelccozens 2 роки тому +2

      Interesting! I'm not sure the Academy made her a reader, though; I think she was one already, which is why they wanted to experiment on her. If they could simply make readers, there'd be easier ways to do it than kidnapping the scion of a wealthy and powerful family. And if your "lesser" readers break, so what? Nobody minds that you can't use the dishwasher on paper plates, if you take my meaning.

    • @fanboyhex1555
      @fanboyhex1555 2 роки тому +2

      FYi, the reason River slashed at Jayne with the knife was because of the shirt he was wearing... it had the "Blue Sun Co." logo on it... that's the secret corporation that controls The Alliance and made River what she is.
      She was subconsciously lashing out because of what they did to her.

  • @IamnotJohnFord
    @IamnotJohnFord 2 роки тому +5

    They guys didn't get into a gunfight with Mal because they had two other options:
    Wait for him to pass out and die from his wound and the blood loss assuming he is able to repair the engine.
    Wait for him to pass out from lack of oxygen or freeze to death because life support is out.
    In either case, the easiest and safest thing for them to do was wait for Mal to die and then take the ship.

  • @timmorris2048
    @timmorris2048 2 роки тому +23

    YAY! FINALLY! My favorite episode! I absolutely love "Out of Gas".

    • @Pixelologist
      @Pixelologist 2 роки тому +2

      Best ep of the season. A sublimely perfect slice of television.

    • @StarkRG
      @StarkRG 2 роки тому +2

      Out of Gas is my favourite too. Tied with Ariel, actually. Oh, and Trash. Also Shindig. Objects in Space too. Well, now I feel like I've just listed half the show as tied for my favourite episode...

  • @jasonrd316
    @jasonrd316 2 роки тому +9

    It's funny, everyone think Kayle is wholesome because they see her demeanor cute and innocent, but when you really look her character that's never been eluded to. She's always been nice and sweet but never seems like she's not down to get into any kind of dirt, be it crime or casual sex.

    • @michaelccozens
      @michaelccozens 2 роки тому +5

      I think Kaylee is wholesome. It's just that being wholesome and being sex-negative aren't the same thing.

    • @jasonrd316
      @jasonrd316 2 роки тому +1

      @@michaelccozens I get that, I feel that way too, but I think we're not exactly right there...I mean she readily partakes in crime as well and doesn't blink an eye. Not exactly textbook wholesome, or innocent. The character is great I think for that very reason. She give off wholesome vibes, but she more wild thrill seeker. I mean, if she wasn't she wouldn't ditch town to roll with random people from out of town with a less than reputable business.

    • @servantofmelian9966
      @servantofmelian9966 2 роки тому +1

      @@michaelccozens Agree. To Kaylee, sex is just good healthy exercise that happens to be a lot of fun. She is smart enough to understand that others don't see it that way, but in her heart-of-hearts, sex has no moral weight.

  • @TheBunnyodeath
    @TheBunnyodeath 2 роки тому +20

    just from you saying "were brown coats now" I love you. I'm a fan for you now. like I said. I'd so have beers with you. even if we disagree at times we got one thing common. we can talk firefly. that's some good common ground. think all problems could be shinny in a firefly world

  • @Hum0ng0us
    @Hum0ng0us 2 роки тому +3

    All of the sets of the Serenity were built as if they actually made the ship itself. If you watch the show, you can clearly see where they all lineup.

  • @dunringill1747
    @dunringill1747 2 роки тому +12

    *"Out of Gas"* = Oxygen. Nice background on the crew plus we get substantiation behind the argument that Serenity is more than just a home, but could be considered the crew's 10th member.
    *"Ariel"* - At the end, Jayne has genuine remorse, accepts his sentence of death, and shows real concern over what the crew would think of him was the only thing that saved him. Would he have been able to process those feelings in the first place if not for the character growth he went through in "JaynesTown"?

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm 2 роки тому +3

      They show her as the 10th member at the end of "Out of Gas" when they show the guy trying to sell Mal that big, lifeless behemoth, and then Mal sees Serenity sitting there... _full_ of personality.

    • @dunringill1747
      @dunringill1747 2 роки тому +3

      @@Hiraghm Yup, a powerful scene that shows us so much about both Mal and Serenity. They connected from the start.

  • @HiddenWindshield
    @HiddenWindshield 2 роки тому +13

    18:14 Good eye, that was the same prop that they used in Out of Gas.

    • @brauliob
      @brauliob 2 роки тому +6

      The same part that Kayle told Mal was going to wear out in the first episode.

    • @kharma7755
      @kharma7755 2 роки тому +2

      @@brauliob Thank you... I was hoping someone else caught that reference

  • @spook4597
    @spook4597 2 роки тому +11

    "Feels eerily like Alien but with better music... less scary music."
    Good save, Mrs Movies. The toll of the riot would be innumerable.

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm 2 роки тому +1

      Alien had music?

    • @spook4597
      @spook4597 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@Hiraghm Indeed it did. It was a blend of avant-garde and classical. It had a lot of dissonant tones in it to keep the audience on edge. Pretty brilliant actually.

  • @8967Logan
    @8967Logan 2 роки тому +3

    Just to give you some information, "The amygdala is one of two almond-shaped clusters of nuclei located deep and medially within the temporal lobes of the brain's cerebrum in complex vertebrates, including humans. Shown to perform a primary role in the processing of memory, decision making, and emotional responses." Given this, her state makes more sense.

  • @txheadshots
    @txheadshots 2 роки тому +4

    Her: “We’re they secretly training her to be like an assassin or something?”
    Him: 😳😳
    Me: 😂😂💀

  • @fanboyhex1555
    @fanboyhex1555 2 роки тому +3

    FYi... the reason River slashed at Jayne with the knife, was because of the shirt he was wearing.
    The shirt had a "Blue Sun" logo on it... that's the secret corporation that controls the alliance and made River what she is.
    She was subconsciously lashing out at the Blue Sun Corporation out of hate and anger for what they did to her.

  • @Otokichi786
    @Otokichi786 2 роки тому +12

    "Out of Gas": The gas in question is/was Oxygen.
    "Ariel": Where the crew tries to "sound Medical," River gets a checkup, and Jayne doesn't get paid or Spaced.

  • @barkleyadventures6625
    @barkleyadventures6625 2 роки тому +2

    She sensed Mal and Zoe and ran to them. So powerful. She's like "almost there!"....almost to where they can pick us up and take us home. They are also her family now.
    These two episodes solidified this show as my favourite show of all time. No show, in 4(+) seasons, has made me love the characters like this show did in ONE.

  • @mikedignum1868
    @mikedignum1868 2 роки тому +9

    The limited appearance of Zoe aka Gina Tores as she was off getting married to Laurence Fishbourne. Remember in a previous episode Kaylee told Mal that there was a problem with the old catalyzer and it needed replacing...this is what happens when you don't listen to the chief mechanic. The reason River slashed Jayne's chest was of the "Blue Sun" logo, it's the mysterious company behind the experiments done on her.

    • @CaptainFrost32
      @CaptainFrost32 2 роки тому +2

      I came down through the comments to see who would relate the nuptials to them.

  • @irishinnj72
    @irishinnj72 2 роки тому +1

    "Rookie Doctors" Two things you want in your life during bad times. An old Doctor and a young Lawyer.

  • @dead_girl__
    @dead_girl__ 2 роки тому +2

    probably the two most emotional episodes in the series except for the finale. I can't not tear up during these ones, and next episode is one of the best as well

  • @fakecubed
    @fakecubed Рік тому +1

    The cans River ripped the labels off of were Blue Sun. The shirt Jayne was wearing that River slashed was Blue Sun. She apparently doesn't like Blue Sun.

  • @gamesman0118
    @gamesman0118 2 роки тому +4

    I feel like if Jayne didn't express remorse for what he did Mal would have let him die. The fact he asked Mal to "make something up don't tell them what I did" changed Mal's mind. After all Jayne is useful in a viscous dog kind of way. And Mal knows there maybe a time when he'll need someone like Jayne.

  • @danh8804
    @danh8804 2 роки тому +8

    I'm not sure but I think I detected the slightest bit of feels there at the end of "Out of Gas". As there should be.
    Love both of these eps. Nathan Fillion in particular was awesome in both. Love how they showcase the different approaches he takes to the crew through the crisis - gentle and encouraging with Kaylee, forceful and commanding with Wash. A couple little moments I love are that little smile to Inara when he says "so there is kissing" - great touch, that way of signaling "I'm just playing around" since she's used to him making earnest criticism of her work, and the way he looks at Serenity like he fell in love

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm 2 роки тому

      "...the way he looks at Serenity like he fell in love..."
      Which is what happens when you fall in love.,

  • @sherrysink3177
    @sherrysink3177 2 роки тому

    My favorite Firefly episode.

  • @alicequinn505
    @alicequinn505 2 роки тому +2

    24:26, and this comes up: "An Invisalign smile is so powerful, you can face anything!"

  • @christophercurtis4131
    @christophercurtis4131 2 роки тому +4

    Out Of Gas is my favorite episode of the entire series. The flashbacks(I love Kaylee's the best), the switching back and forth showing what happened and Mal trying to fix Serenity, the ending. Mal making the choice to stay, partly in case someone finds Serenity but also because if Serenity is going to die, then Mal is going to die with Serenity. My two favorite parts, though, are Mal waking up in the infirmary and seeing everyone there and asking if they will still be there when he wakes up again(that never fails to bring tears to my eyes) and the flashback at the end when Mal sees Serenity for the first time; I love the look on his face. It was a beautiful moment. I think I am going to re-watch this episode before I go to bed tonight.

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm 2 роки тому

      Mal stays in Serenity because, when you go into Serenity, you never leave.

  • @thebigboo5
    @thebigboo5 Місяць тому

    My two favourite episodes. Out Of Gas for all it's three time periods as we see how the crew got together, what happened to the Serenity/Mal and Mal as he tries to fix the ship. Then Aerial... I love a good heist story :) And Simon has a great plan! The way Mal deals with Jayne is just great.

  • @SirMarshalHaig
    @SirMarshalHaig Рік тому +1

    I think a detail for Jayne here is, that he saw both, what had been done to River and that Simon was actually a great doctor. Something I think he didn´t see or care for till this episode...maybe that is part of his future development.

  • @frontprochproduction
    @frontprochproduction 2 роки тому +3

    Out of Gas, my favorite episode.

  • @jeffburnham6611
    @jeffburnham6611 2 роки тому +2

    Always thought it was strange that they didn't even try to get auxiliary life support functioning. It was just knocked out in the explosion, and might have been easier to fix to give them at least air to breathe, while they maybe try rig something to get the main life support working. Either that or rig the shuttles so they can tow Serenity, then when the shuttles run low on fuel, just refill off Serenity being as how they do have pressure suits.

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm 2 роки тому +1

      yeah, if all they needed to do was get to limping to get near the shipping lanes... tow Serenity with the shuttles. All they have to do is get her moving in the right direction, and she'll get moving (Newton and all that).
      Also, if the shuttles have air recycling systems, which they almost certainly do... they could have tried an Apollo 13 or dialysis if you prefer that as a metaphor. Shut down most of the ship, use the shuttles to recycle the air.

  • @cassandramcbride7007
    @cassandramcbride7007 2 роки тому +4

    Wife: I dont see Kaylee the type of doing a engine guy in a engine room.
    Kaylee is trying to see the doctor´s scalpel since the day she saw him hahahah

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm 2 роки тому

      yeah, I always knew Kaylee was a mattress back.

  • @PrimeCircuit
    @PrimeCircuit 2 роки тому +5

    My two favourite episodes in one! Awesome!

  • @zurnie
    @zurnie Рік тому

    I found it amazing that the part that failed in Out of Gas has had a cameo in almost every episode of this series, looked at, then discarded as un-needed.

  • @bryanobrien2726
    @bryanobrien2726 2 роки тому +5

    Jayne is like the ship dog . When he crapped on the floor Mal had to rub his nose in it to teach him , to shame him . The difference is that if he didn't respond to it correctly he was definitely going to end up a piece of space debris . Mal wasn't playing .

    • @nathanallen7596
      @nathanallen7596 2 роки тому +2

      I imagined Jayne caring what the others thought was what saved him.

    • @bryanobrien2726
      @bryanobrien2726 2 роки тому +2

      @@nathanallen7596 In the end yes , but he did have to be led to that point by the nose . Certainly this was written to show that Jayne had changed from a lone wolf to a loyal part of the crew in a single episode and it worked well I thought .

    • @michaelccozens
      @michaelccozens 2 роки тому +2

      @@bryanobrien2726 I don't think that's it at all. In fact, I think Jayne's betrayal was, in part, an act of loyalty to the crew. He just didn't include Simon and River as part of that group, so they were an (apparently imminent, given the slashy-slashy) threat to Serenity's people. I think Jayne suspected Mal wasn't dealing with the problem out of weakness, so he acted. Making coin was, obviously, also an incentive.
      Remember that Jayne turned around with Inara in "Out of Gas", despite not being called-back. He came back for Mal. If he was a "lone wolf" at that point, he'd have insisted on the better chance for his personal survival, which was continuing with the shuttle in the hopes of coming into range of rescue. It's hard to imagine the other three could have stopped him.
      Jayne's a beaten dog. He's been screwed over and betrayed by everyone he's ever known. It takes a while for someone like that to again take the risk of extending trust. I think Jayne's been demonstrating that throughout the season.

    • @michaelccozens
      @michaelccozens 2 роки тому

      Everything else aside, that's really, really, really not how you train dogs. All that "dominance" crap has been debunked for decades.

    • @bryanobrien2726
      @bryanobrien2726 2 роки тому

      ​@@michaelccozens I don't think so . Jayne was only looking out for himself and arguably Mal who was paying him . The others were simply of use to him . Jayne had issues with Simon and River therefore they were an unnecessary hassle to his world . He admitted that "it would be an interesting day" the moment the money was better from someone else . Nobody protested when Simon drugged Jayne when he decided to take charge when Zoe and Mal got captured . That was always who he was or at least who he always strived to be .

  • @CorwinAlexander
    @CorwinAlexander Рік тому

    One thing I've always loved about the series is the continuity of the lore.
    One thing I like about you is you're the first reacters that spotted the key example I always point out.
    The "part" that blows in Out of Gas is mentioned by Kaylee in the pilot episode and, as you spotted, Wash finds and tosses away the part in Ariel.
    Another one few people spot is that the first space ship Shepherd Book is offered to fly on makes an appearance later in the pilot . . . as the Reaver ship.

  • @Drummer4President
    @Drummer4President 2 роки тому

    When Rivers in the diagnostic, you can see her brain scan lighting up, just before she freaks out. It’s such a cool, blink and you miss it, moment, to show that she is definitely aware of the “hands of blue” arriving.
    And the reason she doesn’t want to be put to sleep is because she’s already aware of Jaynes betrayal. She almost certainly is when she’s waking up.

  • @jean-paulaudette9246
    @jean-paulaudette9246 2 роки тому +1

    One thing tha cracks me up, about "Ariel," is how Dr. Tam drills them and drills them on proper procedure, and then when they get there, no one bothers with proper procedure anymore, on stuff that happens 80 times a day...
    Classic Alliance...make so many rules & strictures, that most people just have to ignore them, to get a day's work done.

  • @sirmoonslosthismind
    @sirmoonslosthismind 2 роки тому +8

    "would you have forgiven jayne?"
    i don't think it has anything to do with forgiveness. i think mal made a last minute decision that jayne was still more useful alive.

    • @ItsAsparageese
      @ItsAsparageese 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, I agree that it's not so much about forgiveness, but I also think it's not strictly about utility either. His value on the crew is one end of the equation for sure, but the calculation shifted when Mal determined that Jayne had committed a deal-breaker act and was thus too great a liability to keep around. But then Jayne showed genuine shame, which is something we've never really seen from him apart from a little in ep 7, and Mal instantly knew it meant he'd truly learned a lesson and therefore was really a much smaller liability now, so the equation shifted back toward keeping him. I don't think Mal ever changed his mind about anything as far as his goals or priorities went, just that he changed his next steps due to the new information of Jayne being ashamed.

  • @Hiraghm
    @Hiraghm 2 роки тому +1

    gunfighting 101: the guy who's already pointing the gun at you is going to hit someone when the shooting starts.
    So unless you're willing to lose crewmen, and unless your crewmen are willing to get hit, when one person points a gun at six people... you back down.

  • @mbulelobam7529
    @mbulelobam7529 2 роки тому +3

    This means Kaylee spends her time Jilling off in the engine room.

  • @cynicallysweet7441
    @cynicallysweet7441 2 роки тому

    If I'm remembering my old neuro classes correctly - the amegdla is the oldest part of our brains. It's basically the first station for any sensory processing. Fight or flight is the amegdla. So jerking your hand away from a heat source before you even realize you've burned your hand. I've never been entirely sure the explaination makes sense (mostly because neroplasticity can only go so far) but I've always chalked that up to it being the future.

  • @sharkdentures3247
    @sharkdentures3247 2 роки тому +2

    Two GREAT episodes! (this is like inside a BLOCK of top-tier episodes) Excellent reactions too.
    Also, I agree, Mal was smart keeping his gun trained on the Scavenger Captain. Knowing the rest would very likely follow their Captain's orders to cooperate. (unless the Captain was willing to Die - which he WOULD have if Mal opened fire) If Mal pointed his gun randomly, or at anyone else, the Captain MIGHT have been more willing to sacrifice a crewmember to take Mal out & steal Serenity.

  • @TheTrienco
    @TheTrienco 2 роки тому +8

    I vaguely remember that the original plan was for Jayne to die in this one, but they liked Adam Baldwin's performance too much and changed their mind.
    Also, yes, their description of the Amygdala is.. uhm.. very creative.

  • @zom8979
    @zom8979 2 роки тому +3

    Out of gas is my favorite episode

  • @HuntingViolets
    @HuntingViolets 18 днів тому

    I like that "bound by law."

  • @kharma7755
    @kharma7755 2 роки тому +8

    Out of Gas is my favorite episode, though it's definitely hard to pick a fave, since they are all brilliant...

  • @warrengday
    @warrengday 2 роки тому +1

    Jayne is a part of my crew, public relations.
    OOG was my first fav episode, but its a bit melocolic so now its Ariel.

  • @WolfHreda
    @WolfHreda 2 роки тому +1

    Ooh, you guys are almost done. Getting into my favorite episodes.

  • @timmorris2048
    @timmorris2048 2 роки тому +4

    Here is a good Serenity song:
    I find it appropriate to share now.
    Also, don't badmouth the meatloaf cake. Mashed potato frosting is amazing.

    • @MsCathrynC
      @MsCathrynC 2 роки тому

      And this is another good Serenity song,
      The man in brown.

  • @startingQB
    @startingQB 2 роки тому +1

    Since you joined the brown coats with Firefly maybe you can join the "Raza Crew" and react to Dark Matter. Where one of the tag lines is "We make terrible heroes". I think you would really enjoy it!

  • @104w44n
    @104w44n 2 роки тому +1

    Our of Gas is a great story structure for any series - great plot device.

  • @davidbergfors6820
    @davidbergfors6820 Рік тому

    Out of Gas is a great episode, well balanced between the three timelines and so many good backstories!
    I always get a laugh out of the unexpected way we met Kaylee.
    It's hard do discern what part of River is the messing with her brain and the part that is her natural abilities. and moreover, what have they been "teaching" her in that "academy" it can't all be slice and dice her brain out...

  • @McBeelzebub
    @McBeelzebub 2 роки тому +7

    Here’s my problem with Jayne’s betrayal. Sure he betrayed them and Mal had a right to be pissed. It think about it. This starts out with Jayne being stabbed. And far from making Jayne feel like part of his crew Mal actually kinda berates and abuses him. Jayne had first dibs on feeling betrayed and so I feel the show kind of dropped the ball there. Sure he took it too far but to me this episode was Mal’s one real failure as captain. All of this could have been avoided if he hadn’t shit on Jayne after River stabbed him.

  • @colindeane9759
    @colindeane9759 2 роки тому +1

    We just saw how Jayne joined the crew... He is and always will be about the money... Mal got him to turn on his old crew by offering him a better cut, and a room of his own... Jayne will always be looking out for the next better thing.... Even if JaynesTown did give him pause and a chance to grow, Jayne will always be Jayne. Mal understands this, Knows he is a wildcard, but up to that point he had been Mal's wild card.

  • @mikepeterson6907
    @mikepeterson6907 Рік тому

    I'm pretty sure that Kaylee told Mal more than once previously that the catalizer was going to need to be replaced. You have to go back and watch for them.

  • @lordofalltime
    @lordofalltime 2 роки тому +4

    it's sometimes weird seeing Nathan Fillion (Mal) and Gina Torres (Zoe) as good guys in this show, then they become villains in other Joss Whedon show Buffy for Nathan and Angel for Gina

    • @ernesthakey3396
      @ernesthakey3396 2 роки тому +1

      Buffy and Angel were before Firefly - so they were villains first. And Joss liked them enough to bring them into the future as heroes. ;)
      Edit: see below, I stand corrected on Nathan. :)

    • @mlodestar2743
      @mlodestar2743 2 роки тому

      Also, Gina was a reoccurring villain on the program Alias (she was a Russian assassin).

    • @fiddiehacked
      @fiddiehacked 2 роки тому

      Lordo has it right.
      Buffy & Firefly both ended in 2003, with Firefly having only a half season (just like BtVS 1st season) - only they filmed rarly & got FOX delayed.
      Nathan was The First after being Capt Mal. Angel ended in 2004, but Gina was Zoe first, then did 5 episodes with the scent of Jasmine - in Angel's 2003 season as well.
      Then Nathan also appeared as an Ass in Whedon's interpretation of Shakespeare in 2012.

    • @ernesthakey3396
      @ernesthakey3396 2 роки тому +1

      @@fiddiehacked cool - I had the run times slightly off. Nathan was Caleb - not The First, just the First's "priest", in Buffy, in 2003, and Mal in Firefly in 2002-2003. So nearly simultaneous. I was probably subliminally misdirected by having watched Firefly on dvd later while having watched Buffy on broadcast TV.

  • @CameronBuckcamdeeman
    @CameronBuckcamdeeman 2 роки тому +3

    The medula oblongata... Momma was wrong again... No you're wrong Colonel Sanders!

  • @borednow5838
    @borednow5838 2 роки тому

    Loving these Firefly reactions. One of the greatest one season shows. Out of Gas is my fave episode of the low. Both these episodes are really strong and do a lot for trhe characters.

  • @mkely9032
    @mkely9032 2 роки тому +3

    Now you know why River slashed Jane at the start of the episode Ariel.

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm 2 роки тому

      River did not slash Jayne.
      She slashed the Blue Sun logo on his shirt.
      "Blue Sun" is a front company for the yankee government.

  • @hulkslayer626
    @hulkslayer626 2 роки тому

    I would have let him back on... for the same reason Mal did. He finally showed that he cared about something other than himself. He was dead. He accepted that he was going to die. He was no longer trying to talk his way on board. And on that moment he realized that he cared what the others thought about him. And his dying wish was that his friends didn't know that he had betrayed them all. That is why Mal closed the outer door. Love that part.

  • @AmadanMath
    @AmadanMath 2 роки тому +3

    Kaylee is super innocent... but without any of the sex hangups that are prevalent in the current society, which treats any sex positivity (especially in a woman) as a sign of a bad character. She's the girl that's been trying to get Simon into her for like ever, she wishes Inara to "have a good sex"... She's exactly the kind of girl who would have sex in the engine room, and show absolutely no shame at being "caught", because she didn't _do_ anything shameful.

  • @armaghedron
    @armaghedron 2 роки тому +3

    The analogy of the amygdala being a filter is wrong. If anything it is more like a regulator. You see a hostile dog running toward you. Your frontal lobe processes the dog as a threat. Your amygdala adjusts the amount of chemicals in your brain to generate anxiety.

  • @ahdvd
    @ahdvd Рік тому

    I think Mal was all for letting Jane die, but when Jane asked what he was going to tell the others it showed that Jane actually did care what they thought of him, and so there was still that connection - that he wasn’t all just about himsel because if part of him genuinely cared about them

  • @gregwodzynski941
    @gregwodzynski941 Рік тому

    Two great episode's. Captain Mal taking care of business.

  • @Zallerquad
    @Zallerquad 2 роки тому +1

    The fight or flight instinct comes from the R Complex at the base of the brain, right under the limbic system.

  • @gallendugall8913
    @gallendugall8913 2 роки тому +3

    I believe the only reason Mal let Jayne stay was so that he didn't have to fulfill Jaynes last request (which he would be obligated to do) and lie to the crew.

    • @Garryck-1
      @Garryck-1 2 роки тому

      Nah.. I think it was more that Jayne's request proved that he actually could feel ashamed of what he'd done. So there was at least a chance that he wasn't beyond redemption.

  • @jerrypeacock2234
    @jerrypeacock2234 2 роки тому

    My two fav episodes.

  • @sailorbychoice1
    @sailorbychoice1 4 дні тому

    I always figured Jayne disliked Simon and River because they were obviously higher class than he, but I don't think he would have actually try turning them in if River hadn't sliced him with the knife at the beginning of the story.
    I always figured he saw her craziness as the real threat to the ship and the crew.
    From his POV he wasn't totally wrong.

  • @whocaresreallly5886
    @whocaresreallly5886 2 роки тому +1

    Jayne the type of man to nail and flub a line at the same time

  • @tenchraven
    @tenchraven 2 роки тому +6

    The medical accuracy of Firefly is like the accuracy of the physics in Star Trek. Don't worry about it. :P
    As for letting Jayne back on the ship... Stitches hurt, and he has poor impulse control. He screwed up, was impulsive. In Mal's boots, I've let him sit in the airlock, with atmo, until someone else let him back in. I would have told Zoey. But I would have told Simon first. Let Simon decide to let the cat in or out.

  • @dallesamllhals9161
    @dallesamllhals9161 Рік тому

    6:31 Yup! THAT is IT... ;-D

  • @coolasfire111
    @coolasfire111 2 роки тому +3

    It would be pretty sweet if you guys reacted to BSG... it is underserved in the reaction community.

  • @blacktronlego
    @blacktronlego 2 роки тому +3

    Kaylee lover her engines, I'm wondering whether that may not be the first time she's used her feminine wiles to get to see an engine. I think she's not as innocent as she sometimes appears. Still she's very much the little sister to the rest of the crew!

  • @philipocallaghan
    @philipocallaghan 2 роки тому +1

    Broke to a wealthy person has a different meaning.

  • @omalleycaboose5937
    @omalleycaboose5937 2 роки тому +2

    There was 6 of them with guns but he was pointing his gun at the leader. The other 5 can't let the leader get killed.

    • @ronaldjeffrey8712
      @ronaldjeffrey8712 2 роки тому +3

      Plus all they had to do was back off, let Mal bleed out and come back later.

    • @goldenageofdinosaurs7192
      @goldenageofdinosaurs7192 2 роки тому +2

      Yep. Also, you figure he’s bound to get off at least a couple shots, minimum. Do you wanna take the chance of being one of the folks in the way when those bullets start heading downrange, or would you rather just come back in 12 or so hours & Mal will most likely be dead by then.

    • @martinacosta3821
      @martinacosta3821 2 роки тому +1

      not even that, nobody wanted to be the one to die, and you know he at least could take one of them out

    • @markblom8039
      @markblom8039 2 роки тому +1

      unless one of them is Jayne :)

    • @Otokichi786
      @Otokichi786 2 роки тому +1

      That reminds me of a scene in the movie "Stand By Me." Ace was about to kill Chris Chambers when Geordie fired into the air. Ace asked him if he was going to shoot everybody. Geordie said: "Just YOU, Ace." And Ace's gang backed off and drove off.

  • @GSA-32
    @GSA-32 2 роки тому +1

    Love your reaction

  • @TheBunnyodeath
    @TheBunnyodeath 2 роки тому +2

    you are good people's

  • @mikejackson5666
    @mikejackson5666 2 роки тому

    Man , you are different to most Americans I've met , you don't have to explain everything,kudos..

  • @ruthrunyon5515
    @ruthrunyon5515 2 роки тому

    I love the stop doing that with your thumbs comment. I figure you’ve been married 10 years or less. When you’re married 52 it’s just go ahead and twiddle , I’m just glad we’re still alive and still married.💕

  • @alexflores7652
    @alexflores7652 2 роки тому +3

    The Alliance are the douche canoes throughout the whole entire series. The Hands of Blue men pay homage to the Gentlemen from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were the guys with gaunt faces that didn't speak through the whole episode and no one else could speak either.

    • @fiddiehacked
      @fiddiehacked 2 роки тому

      Will you .... HUSH?

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm 2 роки тому +2

      well, you know, Whedon though up Firefly after reading a book about the Confederate War. The Independents represent the Confederacy, so of course the Alliance are going to be douche canoes, since they represent the other side... who were douche canoes.

  • @Tardisius
    @Tardisius 26 днів тому

    Anara: "That's Incense".....Anara: "And that's Not Incense"....same line , diff ep....=)

  • @mikepowell8611
    @mikepowell8611 2 роки тому

    Meatloaf with chocolate frosting!

  • @neil_9000
    @neil_9000 2 роки тому +4

    Looking forward to this one, Ariel is my favourite episode, mostly due to the end scene with Jayne and Mal.

  • @ralphar
    @ralphar 8 місяців тому

    When Zoe woke up on the shuttle, what did she say to the others that made them turn around and head back to a ship with no engine or life support?

  • @deankay8894
    @deankay8894 2 роки тому

    How does the amygdala regulate emotion?
    The amygdala is responsible for processing strong emotions, such as fear, pleasure, or anger. It might also send signals to the cerebral cortex, which controls conscious thought. Signals sent from the thalamus to the autonomic nervous system and skeletal muscles control physical reactions.

  • @gordondavis6168
    @gordondavis6168 2 роки тому +3
