I think they only care if the adults pay and not about behavior, which is what is wrong with this country. And kids ride the bus for free so that was probably how the bus driver was thinking.
I helped a black blind man one time. Two bus drivers told him that they had an option to not let him on. I was his eyes when the right bus came, I told him what happened. He said they can’t do that
Two totally different scenarios. Assuming you’re telling the truth, that would be a blatant ADA violation. In this situation, the child was having a tantrum. She could’ve distracted the driver and cause an accident. The driver was right IMO.
I remember my son having a major meltdown in the doorway of a small store. I was trying to move him out of there, but he was big for his age and I was struggling….it was a terrible time! It’s a pretty normal thing that happens to almost every mother. He has grown into a wonderful young man, btw!
I get both sides. As someone who takes the bus all the time, I totally get it. It is annoying for everyone when children keep screaming on the bus. Also, as a passenger, I want the driver to be fully concentrated. Any distraction could lead in an accident. I feel sorry for the family though. And sure I understand the frustration of every mum. Kids are kids. And they do have their meltdowns always in the worst moments ever.
If the driver was worried that the child having a fit might distract him he could’ve simply asked the mom to take the child further to the back of the bus.
Yes, both sides are valid I feel. It would be nice if there were more services for families like this, such as their own transportation with trained drivers. Ah well, one can dream.
@hadley407 that makes no sense. Even if they moved towards the back of the bus, the bus driver would still be confined in a closed box on wheels with a screaming child. What you’re saying would make no difference really; even with distance between them.
leaving a little kid and a mom stranded because of a tantrum? that's awful. adults act worse than kids throwing tantrums and they take the bus all the time.
a meltdown isn’t a tantrum. Children with autism have meltdowns because their nervous system detects threat from the environment. my assumption in this particular case would be that the store that carried the child’s routine chip snack was closed, throwing her usual routine off kilter. The child needed help co-regulating. But when out in public this is difficult sometimes and getting on the bus probably would have been the best place for them to get to since it would resume the routine as well as being able to free up mom for co-regulating.
There it is. Respect for others already on the bus. The mother said the child would have quieted right down once on the bus. And what if the child continued to have a melt down and made everyone else miserable for the entire ride?
But we also don't know if she had to go somewhere that was important. Also, busses take junkies, alcoholics and creepy people all of the time. The driver was just having a power trip.
@@MyHeart1955 The bus company said it wasn't the driver's decision to deny boarding, but that they are to reach out to a supervisor if there is a problem. The driver didn't follow protocol
I don't think most of the people on the comments even take a bus. I commute to work and ride 2 buses to work and back home. Ive been subjected to adults with mental problems who are aggravated, homeless people who are belligerent, screaming children who cannot be consoled, etc.... I do thank the bus drivers who do not allow these types of people to board the bus...its just more of a peaceful commute.
Thank you, I agree with you. Some of these people that say you can't handle a crying baby have never been near them. Some can get violent. Some screaming kid can make others violent. It is distracting to the driver. Then you get those people the try to fight the bus driver for their money back because they can't be in the bus with that child. We were not there so we don't know what was going on. That child was quite for the news but don't know how bad she gets. The mother saying she would have calm down is an excuse she could be lying about. And why can't she drive. Is the child so unruly she gets distracted when driving. We don't know. So should the bus driver kick out all the people that can't handle a screaming possibly violent child. Or kick out one person. The bus still runs from the funds generated from multiple people not just one.
Your desire for a peaceful commute is not more important than a disabled person's right to use PUBLIC transportation. If you don't like it, drive or wear ear plugs. I am suggesting that you should be subjected to any kind of harassment or abuse. I do think however, that someone who is noisy or- as you put it, screaming children who can't be consoled, are not justification for you to decide that they are less entitled to a seat on the sus as you. Maybe at least one of said children, are out of control because they are reacting the discriminatory judgement/condemnation of a selfish jerk like you.
@@GregLakatosChradm She said they just left the transit center 00:34 so as a responsible parent of an autistic child I would have calmed her down before getting on a bus and possibly distracting the driver from paying attention to his job driving the crazy streets on his route. In this day and age with all the people “driving” and using their phones, it is a dangerous job. I understand not discriminating, but this isn’t the case, the drive saw a bad situation and dealt with it. If a non disabled person was acting like that it wouldn’t be discrimination it would be safety.
I get both sides. I was a frequent bus rider for years and kids screaming on a bus is annoying and distracting. I wouldn't want the driver to be distracted and possibly have an accident. And ai get the family relying on the bus for transportation. I say have a backup plan. The meltdown was caused by the break in routine with the chips. Whether she would have been fine on the bus or not is not relevant. The mom needed to have a backup plan for her and the best one is simple keep a bag of chips in your purse in case the store is closed so she can still have her routine if plan a falls through or find a different store nearby. They had to have others close so find a back up.
Agreed. The mom should have planned better with a bag of chips on hand. She knows any disruption in her child’s routine would cause exactly what happened and could have tried to prevent it. Why put her child through all of that and then knowingly inflict it on a bus full of passengers because she didn’t want to be inconvenienced? Why not wait until the child has calmed down to catch the bus or phone a friend or grandma for a ride? Everyone including her child has to suffer because mom didn’t plan better.
To add something to my previous post, I don't consider Autism a good excuse for bad behavior, not unless the child has a severe case, and even then there are ways to manage. I was diagnosed with autism as an adult in my late 30s. I was never treated for it, unlike my little brother, who was diagnosed as a child. But we both knew better and how to behave by 3-4. Sorry, but the greatest tool to deal with autism is a parent. My parent taught me how to live and work, not even knowing I had a condition and made me a functioning adult, employed Profesional with several degrees under my belt. No joke that it is HARD, but it's not impossible. She dealt with me as needed, anticipated my needs to avoid meltdowns, and put me in my place when needed. That's the job of a parent, and autistic kids are no different in this regard than any other child just require more work and management and treating with kid gloves and excusing their behavior with autism ultimately does them a huge diservice.
All types of autism are different. Yours might have been more high functioning, you might not be remembering the full extent of your meltdowns if you had any, and underlying temperament do a lot in how it presents for you. What worked for your parents might not work for others whose kids don’t handle autism like yours. It’s highly presumptuous to think everyone is treating their autistic kid with “kid gloves” and that’s the reason why meltdowns occur smh
@LP-ct9nk highly presumptuous, especially if they werent diagnosed until 30. Seems likely it was high functioning. I had a cousin who was non verbal and who had his way of being smart but would be highly sensitive to certain sounds that could cause something. Its too much info out here to be this again presumptuous 😢
@LP-ct9nk I am well aware of all that, however, I am also a healthcare professional with experience dealing with autistic children, and this is discussed a lot in healthcare. Children with autism get away with bad behavior and are permitted to do as they please and get excused with, they are autistic. Here's the deal, that excuse just hurts them in the end because the world will not change for them. They have to learn to function in the world, and excusing bad behavior doesn't help them learn how to behave and act in situations. That child will be an adult before you know it, and then what? Yeah my tantrums were bad but I wasn't excused, I behaved or there were consequences. I kee how I should act and I could either misbehave or behave and deal with the consequences of my behavior. That's life, discipline teaches u boundaries and how to interact with the world. All children need that autistic or not. No one is born knowing how to take a bath or sit at a dinner table to eat, we are taught that and so many kids who are on the spectrum are never taught this because, "oh he/she's autistic. But it's expected if them to know how bathe and eat at a table without being told oh kid do this or that. No, now a days sadly dogs get better training than autistic children so they can learn to navigate the human world. Well an autistic child, he'll all children, are the same they need teaching and training and it's on the parents. It takes a village but the main person that rears a child is the parent, it's in the job description
His superiors in their statement literally said he's trained to help in situations with disabilities. Actually pay attention next time, you don't decide these things (which is what you just thought you could do.)
You say it’s not his job to help her EXCEPT to permit boarding. He wasn’t asked to help. He did not allow the child on because she was having a fit. So he denied boarding to an autistic child (therefore disabled). If he had said no to a wheelchair user (it takes a bit of Tito get them on and off the bus and is also annoying to passengers) would you say the same?
These same people in the comments section saying how bad this was of the bus driver are the same 1s that would've been complaining about the little girls noise if they were on the same bus as her. All of y'all get the side eye from me. 🙄
I agree if it’s disrupting the other riders and driver then it’s kind of unfair for everyone. Just like when people listen to their music on the bus, although it’s public, certain people will complain about the music playing too loud while they’re riding. No one wants to hear a child yell and scream because they can’t have it their way. Autism doesn’t mean the child doesn’t know any better, it means they know what to do to trigger you so they can get what they want.
If the driver had an accident because they couldn't concentrate due to a child misbehaving, everyone would be asking why the child was allowed on the bus. Surely the mum could have calmed her child down and caught the next bus? Why does this mum think that she is more important than the driver's safety, the safety of other passengers or the safety of other drivers and pedestrians? Hopefully the driver doesn't get into trouble for potentially saving dozens of lives.
So many Karens who don't understand how autistic children need to be treated, blaming the parents, they have no idea about the struggle and the suffering, it's so easy to criticize
It is awful. That mother and child were having a very difficult moment, and that driver made it so much harder. They saw an upset child and judged very quickly. It doesn't take that much energy to give others a little bit of kindness and grace so that we can all continue on with our lives.
Please never reproduce. Your a terrible person. Chips will make them unhealthy and make them likely to cry again when they need more chips. This is why the world is such a bad place. People like you. Please stop.
Because she couldn't predict that a place that regularly sells chips was out of stock from a place she needed to take the bus to get to, that should cause her and her kid to not be able to ride the bus? Y'all are out of your damn mind. Go learn some things about how autism works
While I can most certainly sympathize with the mother and understand her frustration, I can also see the bus driver's point, in sparing his passengers from a screaming child and removing distractions to his driving. Get the child under control first and then catch the next bus. Autism is a challenge, but I've worked with autistic children and know that they can give better behaviour if someone calms them down , is clear with expectations and prevents them from being over stimulated. Of course, if this was the last bus of the day, the situation would be different.
I noticed they are not clear on the specifics of the "meltdown". People should be able to deal with noise/crying/screaming coming from a kid, but if the episode involved thrashing, hitting, bitting, etc....then the driver has a responsibility to protect the other passengers. I empathise with everyone who has a disability situation, and reasonable accomodations should always be available to them, but a disability should also not be a license to inflict a potentially dangerous situation on everyone else.
I Remember during Covid 19 when schools had classes remotely MANY videos of Parents with Autistic Children were uploaded to UA-cam showing them acting out and their extremely uncontrollable behaviors. Those same Parents were making the case for Schools to Re-open for Their Children because they as Parents were NOT Trained to Deal with them ALL Day. They can't Control Their Own Child Yet they Expect Others to Deal With Them while they Stand there and do NOTHING. I've Watched these same parents in Public in the Mall and in Stores Get UPSET with Clerks or Customers if they tell their child No or Stop Physically touch them to Stop them from causing damage in the store or injuring themselves or someone else.
Its weird how many parents of autistic children themselves don’t seem to consider that the captive audience members of their child’s breakdown may also be autistic or have triggered episodes from things like PTSD. That other such people exist and work hard to avoid being triggered the best they can. Seems these parents expect the world to bow to they and their child because they or their child’s situation trumps all others. If you can’t control your child then you can expect others to make way for you. Accommodate, yes we must try, but we can’t force others to suffer to accommodate poor parenting.
I'm going to take a different stand here. Have you ever sat next to a screaming child for a few blocks? Of course the child can't help it, but wait and let her settle down and take the next bus. Be thoughtful of the people around you. They should not have to suffer because your child has an illness. Would this have been big news if the child had a simple cold? Using your child as a means for your 15 minutes is not nice............
@@Goldenhawk583When you have a child with autism your life is having to have constant backup plans to address your child’s needs. You can’t account for environmental triggers which is why you can’t travel anywhere without a planning for a recoup space and other backup plans before going out.
@@FolkloreLover sure, for the most part, yes, but sometimes shit happens, and life gets in the way. I have extensive experiencee with autistic people, from those that have it barely detectable, to those that are completely locked in their own world. It is important to let them experience normal life situations, in order to get used to them happening, rather than getting a meltdown whenever something new occours.. but it seems that most of the commenters here, would preferr these people to be locked in a room from infancy, its disgusting.
Had one start to hit me . and the parent pulled the autism card. And I made sure the parent knew if the did it again I would automatically lash out. The parent picked up the kid and found another seat.
@@Goldenhawk583I saw comments saying the kid should be calmed before getting on the bus…which comments said autistic kids should be “locked in a room from infancy”? Or are you just lying?
That is actually a very good point! My husband went to the psychiatrist with me once, when he was half drunk. He was being loud and annoying in the waiting room. The receptionist called me up and asked if I could get him to be quiet, or go outside, because he was agitating a patient in the waiting room. Dude was a big ol boy, and none of us wanted to see him agitated!
Try driving a bus , with a kid having a meltdown 😂😂😂, dangerous for everyone on the bus, and the roads. So why is this a issue. I agree with the driver,that is responsible for everyone's safety, child or a adult, don't matter, safety first.
she may be autistic but that does not mean everyone elses day has to be made bad by added stress because of someone whether a child or adult is having a meltdown or outburst, we all have the right to not be forced subjected to that.
Even if the next bus isn’t for hours? Even if waiting for the next bus causes you to miss a child’s doctor appointment? Why not assume that parents are doing the best they can and nobody is getting on the bus with a crying child because they think it’s fun to do that?
I side with the bus driver. The other passengers have a right to have a peaceful ride on the bus. And no the child would not calm down on the bus. It would be a nightmare for the other passengers.
Sorry supporting the driver on this one, he has other passengers to be concerned about. I'm a mother with 2 children who relied on bus service because we don't drive, neither of my children ever had an epic meltdown in public, well brought up, well behaved, (and before you start my son is autistic), and if they had I certainly would not expect a group of people in a confined space with no escape to just sit and listen to it. Not to mention a screaming child is a distraction to the driver and therefore a safety risk.
Well, I'm glad your kids are perfect little ones. 😂 Every kid is different. Not all kids are like yours. Some can handle situations better than others, and some can't, especially when they are disabled...it's not their fault, and it's not bad parenting either
This is bs. Poor woman. Children will cry. Get over it, and let them ride the bus. Besides the child is in a federally protected class. Big no no on part of bus driver if mother informed driver of child's condition.
You are a liar. Why are you on line trying to make yourself look perfect and your kids look like angels. You know your kids were snot nosed screaming little fuckers that wouldn't shut up and you sat there and said and did nothing cause you were so high you didn't even hear them. And you know yall were all so filthy and stay to high hell. 😅😅😅
You gotta understand that the child wouldn't have calmed down. Children with autism are taught how to cope with life through a set schedule. If even one thing gets changed on that schedule, whether planned or unplanned, the child will not know how to respond and they'll have a meltdown. They just can't understand things happen unexpectedly like the rest of us.
Had a flight that circled for 45 minutes once due to weather w/a crying baby in the back, change in air pressure likely hurting its ears. Also, on a 10+ military charter carrying dependents & military personnel w/ crying & irritable children. Both weren’t pleasant, but myself & others survived w/out permanent harm.
@@devviedowner13 mothers should know the best way to alleviate ear pain for babies is sucking. So using a bottle is very helpful. If they havent learned that then they should not fly .
@@eileenmcdonald1599 You clearly don’t have children or haven’t had small children in god knows how long because one method does not work on all children. So just f*ck off in your high ivory tower.
@ItsForTheDogs Sorry, I don't think it was a jerk move. It wasn't handled well, but I was a frequent bus user through my entire college education, even grad school. Screaming kids on the bus are annoying and distracting. I was actually on a bus where the driver had a screaming child sitting behind them, and even hit the driver multiple times. Mom's excuse was the same kid is autistic. Which to me means nothing as I too am autistic, adult diagnosis, and my little brother is as well, child diagnosis, and we BOTH knew better than to throw tantrums by the age of 3, it's called parenting, harder with autistic kids but not impossible, especially when my parent understood our behavior and needs and acted accordingly to prevent tantrums whenever possible and it was certainly possible here. The bus I was on got into an accident because of the kid's behavior as a hit from the kid pushed the driver and he accidentally turned the wheel into the median wall. Several riders including the kid were hurt. I was lucky ai had my backpack to act as an airbag and save me from hitting my head on the seat in the front. Police agreed it was the child's fault and therefore the mother's for not handling Her kid's behavior. Could be the same here
@@BellaKarim23 You do realize that no everyone who has autism is going to experience it the same way, right? And that avoiding/ending a meltdown is a lot easier for some than for others?
Totally in the right. It's obvious there parenting skills are all about sitting back and wait for the tantrum to pass while everyone around them deals with it. You know she lied saying it would stop when they get on the bus and then what? Good job bus driver!
@@BrightSoul736 it’s not heartless to expect a parent to have control over their disruptive child. Autism or not screaming child does not belong on the bus and the parents could walk or learn to have control over the little brat.
When my children had a tantrum, I waited the tantrum out before boarding. The mother said "she would have calmed down on the bus ride". Yeah, after screaming for a while. I sympathize with the driver.
No, if a screaming child distracts a bus driver they shouldn't be a bus driver. That's part of being a bus driver. You can't crash because one of the many passengers distract you.
@@robwiljasSorry, you're wrong. The bus driver could have potentially crashed if the child having the meltdown got away from the mom and was running around on the bus and putting all of the other passengers in danger.
@@TruckDriver2005 False. My father was a driving instructor for Greyhound and later trucking, my mother was a school bus driver. A child screaming is not a safety factor. No modifications were needed to accommodate her, and neither the mother nor the child violated any Metro Transportation rules. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits disability-based discrimination by public transportation services. Public transportation agencies cannot refuse to serve people with disabilities, and must provide them with reasonable accommodations (also called “reasonable modifications”) that they need to use their services. The driver discriminated. There's a reason the company apologized and said he violated policy. The driver screwed up.
Probably, I am not in Ohio, but if they have paratransit, and it works similarly to where I grew up (my granny drove public busses for over 40 years until she retired) You have to call for it a day or more shead, it picks you up between this time and this time, picks up and drops other off as they do the route, so you can be on a bus several hours between boarding and being dropped off. It isn't like a taxi that picks you up and drops you off. And it isnt a situation where you are the first person picked up, you will be the first drooped off. The routes are organized for efficiency, not first on, first off. So a person picked up 3rd but only needs to go a few miles will get dropped off before a person who was picked up first but has to go across town. But yeah, if her daughter is prone to meltdowns she should be dealing with paratransit who are better equipped to cope with the disabled.
Depends on availability and the reason for the trip. Most just cover medical type needs. And they can't use the service if they don't fill out the paperwork and if its not ordered by the doctor
@@thedailygrind-m70that’s the parents responsibility not anyone else’s. If the parent can’t control their child no else should have to deal with it but them. An autistic child can be taught how to behave in public and how to properly conduct themselves.
@@thedailygrind-m70 and that’s the parent’s responsibility to get control of the situation. They decided to have children so if they can’t parent no one else should have to suffer. Just because a child is autistic does not mean they can’t be taught how to properly behave. Giving them their way when they have meltdowns or tantrums only encourages them to do it more.
@@janicemorin1929 It has nothing to do with giving a child their way, and they are taught, but it takes a LOT longer and some still have meltdowns into their teens, and it is not because they have not been taught. They often have meltdowns for many different reasons. Please educate yourself before throwing around your OPINION of what a parent should do. Autism is a disability with a wide spectrum of behaviors and ability levels. Generalizing and thinking there is a one size fits all, control the kid answer shows your lack of understanding, but go ahead and just keep thinking a parent can just wave a magic wand and fix the kid.
Drivers have the right to refuse a child that could potentially make their drive unsafe and be a risk to other children. Driver should’ve contacted dispatch at the time. The amount of people these days that have entitlement syndrome is amazing.
Go read up on the Americans with Disability Act before talking about what public transportation officiants can or can not discriminate on. Hint: Autism is not one of them
@@Avarren it’s called distracted driving. Not to mention that if this child has maladaptive behaviors she could be self injurious or aggressive toward others. Could you drive safely in these conditions? Educate yourself!
@@JinxedG educate yourself. Given my career choice I’m completely aware of ADA. I also understand children on the spectrum and driving. Furthermore, the refusal wasn’t denying transportation of the child but rather the refusal of the state the child was in.
As a parent, I wouldn’t want to bother other people riding the bus if I had a screaming child, I think I would have automatically waited for the next bus and work on trying to calm my child…that’s just me.
When you have an Autistic child, you never know how long a meltdown like that would last. Not being able to get your child home in that situation is awful.
agreed ! see, you are not selfish or entitled like so many people are especially when it comes to disabled people and their ''rights''; now i agree discrimination and hate against the disabled is a problem, but this is not a matter of disability discrimination, this is a matter of ''how will this effect other people: while i understand she may be autistic but that does not mean everyone elses day has to be made bad by added stress because of someone whether a child or adult is having a meltdown or outburst, we all have the right to not be forced subjected to that.
@@Shannonbarnesdr1 so, you agree that discrimination is not ok, but you apparently seem to think that while in public, the world should cater to your feelfeels? That is pretty hateful.. and leads to what you say you would do, discriminate that child and demand it gone from your royal presence:P
Autism is not a choice. It’s a disability. And you’re a jerk. I guess that you’re disability being a jerk. If you had autistic child, you would understand. I guess you’re too superior.
No that's unacceptable, being a parent of an autistic daughter, I know that child would have eventually calmed down. She is paying a fare just like everyone else. Leaving a Mother and child stranded is shameful. So many adults expect children, even developmentally delayed children to act like soldiers in public, but grown adults don't even do that. And it wasn't just over the freaking chips! Autistic child really have a tough time when something changes in their usual routine! That's not bad parenting! A kid having a meltdown in public is not bad parenting! It's called emotions! Kids are still developing and learning to control their emotions. It's ridiculous that a lot adults can't understand that. Edit: the replies to my comment show just how cruel this world is that grown adults are so sensitive to a child's crying that they think it's better to leave a mother and a 4 year with a developmental delay stranded on the side off the road because they don't want 10 minutes of their day inconvenienced. You all are truly sick.
If I drove the bus, I believe the outburst would not be safe conditions for me to drive a bus of souls that I'm responsible to protect. I'm sorry your beautiful daughter has a condition, but the other passenger safety and the other innocent drivers on the roads are the priority.
@@janerockstar Bus drivers have to work hard to prevent violence on the bus. There are even signs revealing the consequences you could face if you attack a bus driver. That is a felony.
@janerockstar and I'm sorry to say this but if you're that rattled by a child crying I'm not sure anyone was ever truly safe with you driving. Commotions of all kinds can happen at anytime.
@@brittneyp9208 and yet it didn’t happen on the bus because the driver intervened before there was a chance for something to happen. Maybe we should also stop allowing people who are pissed drunk to get on a plane and ask everyone to just suck it up.
That's horrible, if people don't want to hear a kid cry or anything even though they was also a kid then....they need to just go, go somewhere, it pisses me the feck off so much, that people complain and hate kids so bad, like they wasnt one, like it's not normal for kids to fuss and cry sometimes
Okay so an intoxicated man or woman who is singing songs from the top of their lungs and touching people inappropriately can hop aboard but not an autistic child throwing a tantrum who's just having a rough day? Jeez...... What a world of hypocrisy we live in.
The bus driver was right, the other passengers have the right to a peaceful bus ride. The mother should have provided her kid with whatever was needed to keep her pacified, failing that she should have not attempted to board the bus. Only reason the bus driver was penalized was because the hire ups were afraid of the bad PR image. If it had been a drunk singing out loud and the driver refused to let him board, not a peep would have been heard about the drivers action. Hell, he might have been praised! Double standards in action!
Are you having an emotional breakdown that will disrupt the other passengers if so, then no you should not be allowed on the bus. Your mental disorder is not a license to infringe on other peoples peace.
It’s not fair for the other riders to hear a screaming child just like in stores. Perhaps she can get on medical transportation for her daughter when she has appts and see if her health insurance will pay for that. Could she had gotten her to calm down and then take the next bus? Ask her doctor to prescribe something that will keep her clam and use it as needed when traveling. I did that for my special need daughter. Had to fly one time with her and the doctor prescribed something that would keep her clam and she did during the entire flight.
i understand both sides, but i'm on the bus driver's side. if someone has a kid having a meltdown screaming so loud to destroy someone's eardrums, (and we know at that age they have the lung capacity and frequency) I would not want to be subjected to that in an enclosed space for long. I can't even tolerate it in passing, far less for a long ride. even if they said the child would calm down once they got on the bus, I still would not take the chance. the kid needs to calm down BEFORE getting on the bus. if you want consideration FROM others, be considerate OF others. a screaming child is a distraction to the driver and an annoyance to passengers.
It is not the bus driver's place to school passengers on parenting. The driver knows nothing of her, or the child's life. It's their job to transport people around safely and on time. Period.
As a fully grown autist, listening to children screaming is physically painful as I have sensory processing issues. Also the best thing that wouman can do for her child is to take away the ipad. The child does not need to be constantly stimulated 24/7
the ipad that most autistic kids use is their communication devise. When breakdowns happen the child can be guided to use words which may very well be on that ipad. It has made a big difference for my grandchild who is five and struggles to communicate. Taking away what may be the only source of communicating is not something to be encouraged.
Even though it’s awful this happens I can also get where the bus driver is coming from. They’re trained to make sure that they avoid disruption on the bus like a screaming child. He also doesn’t know the child or when it’s going to calm down. It’s easy to say that the child will calm down but unfortunately that’s not how it works.
Get your kid under control and wait for the next bus. The entitlement that these people feel they have to get on public transportation no matter what their personal situation is is laughable.
The bus driver has to pay attention without distractions having a toddler on the bus no matter what disability they may have or not is going to distract him from driving I'm on the bus driver side here If your kids autistic and they're going to be screaming and yelling everywhere then maybe you should get yourself a car
I drive for the city of Denver unless they settle down it becomes a distraction and safety concerns I give two warnings to quit down and behave or they have to get off the bus for being disruptive and then I notify dispatch to send a supervisor to deal with the unruly passenger
i would not let her on bus. i understand that the kid is autistic. however. you also have to be considerate of the other people on the bus. They do not want to hear the kid have a fit. If the kid was NOT having a fit. the driver would of let them on the bud.
@@clintmatthews3500 An airline pilot doesn't own the plane but he is definitely in charge, if he says you're not boarding then you're no boarding and a bus driver is definitely in charge of the bus and he'll decide who does or doesn't get on the bus, no further discussion needed.
A little compassion wouldn't have killed the bus driver. We were all kids and even neurotypical children lash out because they are still learning coping skills.
@@GregLakatosChradm Quit being a dick. It's called growing up and dealing with it. It happens everywhere. If you can't handle a child crying or people being loud then you need to stay in your home and never leave. You all miss the point that public transportation is't quiet all the time. If you want quiet then buy your own vehicle to get around. Or bring a pair of headphones and listen to music on your phone.
Nor in a restaurant, movie theaters and by all means; never on a plane. I did not subject others when my son was experiencing the toddler/pre-school tantrums. Courtesy is nearly extinct nowadays.
actually the drvier was in the wrong they dont have the authority according to metro rta only the supervisor does and plus this was a ada violation which can leave a nasty mark on the record for metro rta
With or without a diagnosis, certain behaviors are not okay to display on the bus. And to the grandmother, the bus driver has to make it to each stop on time. They do not have allowances in the schedule for the driver to help placate a child who is having a meltdown. The child has a right to ride the bus. The child does not have the right to be a disturbance to others while on the bus. If she needed some cool down time, then she can catch the next bus. Nobody said she couldn't ever ride the bus ever again in life.
I feel for the mother and child, but the driver made a good call. Some kids can scream and have such a meltdown, that it becomes distracting and annoying. And why doesn't the parent have that snack at the ready for her kid, to prevent this kind of issue?
I’m glad he didn’t let her on, other passengers shouldn’t have put up with a disruptive child. Autistic or not if a parent knows there’s potential for outbursts then leave the child at home unless an emergency
I know what it feels like to ride a bus with children who are screaming and crying. If her daughter is autistic, then she should speak to her daughter's doctor about getting a social worker and finding transportation companies that transport people with behavioral problems to the store and other places without having to ride a public vehicle like a city bus.
I have never dealt with anyone who has Autism, but if II had been on that bus I would have stood up and berated the driver. That's just wrong on every level.
They shouldn't let some adults on the bus too.
By adults, you mean the non-paying passengers.
I think they only care if the adults pay and not about behavior, which is what is wrong with this country. And kids ride the bus for free so that was probably how the bus driver was thinking.
@@yaelfeder9042that’s what I’m thinking too. Kids get free rides, meals, etc.
But they let crazy adults on the bus.
@@aliciagwrjrnfj 100%
I was just about to comment that!
I saw a picture of a crackhead smoking crack on the bus and the bus driver did nothing.
@@aliciagwrjrnfj They can’t legally do that. They would be become targets.
I Agree Houston is one of them
I rather take a toddler having a tantrum than drunk guys sexually harassing me.
I helped a black blind man one time. Two bus drivers told him that they had an option to not let him on. I was his eyes when the right bus came, I told him what happened. He said they can’t do that
Two totally different scenarios. Assuming you’re telling the truth, that would be a blatant ADA violation. In this situation, the child was having a tantrum. She could’ve distracted the driver and cause an accident. The driver was right IMO.
@@Leonard_Wilson If a crying child phases the bus driver, they're in the wrong profession.
Why did you mention he was black?
Autism is also under ADA.
Your post is confusing. Like why did you need to explain to him? He's blind not deaf.
I remember my son having a major meltdown in the doorway of a small store. I was trying to move him out of there, but he was big for his age and I was struggling….it was a terrible time! It’s a pretty normal thing that happens to almost every mother.
He has grown into a wonderful young man, btw!
I get both sides.
As someone who takes the bus all the time, I totally get it. It is annoying for everyone when children keep screaming on the bus. Also, as a passenger, I want the driver to be fully concentrated. Any distraction could lead in an accident.
I feel sorry for the family though. And sure I understand the frustration of every mum. Kids are kids. And they do have their meltdowns always in the worst moments ever.
If the driver was worried that the child having a fit might distract him he could’ve simply asked the mom to take the child further to the back of the bus.
Yes, both sides are valid I feel. It would be nice if there were more services for families like this, such as their own transportation with trained drivers. Ah well, one can dream.
Get some patience.
Shes autistic.
@hadley407 that makes no sense. Even if they moved towards the back of the bus, the bus driver would still be confined in a closed box on wheels with a screaming child. What you’re saying would make no difference really; even with distance between them.
Homeless guy can use the bus like a toilet. But a baby can't ride a bus
Yea, your right. Neither should be allowed honestly.
We had a lady take a whole bath w a bucket and dump the bucket 😮😮
That comment was uncalled for😮😢 Stick to the topic.
@@mikecypret1045 🤖
leaving a little kid and a mom stranded because of a tantrum? that's awful. adults act worse than kids throwing tantrums and they take the bus all the time.
a meltdown isn’t a tantrum. Children with autism have meltdowns because their nervous system detects threat from the environment. my assumption in this particular case would be that the store that carried the child’s routine chip snack was closed, throwing her usual routine off kilter. The child needed help co-regulating. But when out in public this is difficult sometimes and getting on the bus probably would have been the best place for them to get to since it would resume the routine as well as being able to free up mom for co-regulating.
@@tayloredin99 planning ahead is up to the parent.
His bus his rules
@@autigaming1376 Not his bus, he does not own his bus he works for a company and it is considered discrimination dumbass
A child under the age of five (autism or otherwise) throwing a fit is considered so abnormal they can't ride the bus?
no one wants to listen to a crying child on a bus, plane, or train
Well I wouldn't want them on a bus with me.
@@Kit-cd8ph. Don’t tell us you NEVER cried or pitched a fit as a child of that age
@@Gator777spanking does nothing. So hitting a a child to make them stop crying? Lovely!
@RaccCity55 That's what should be said to the entitled Mom of the screechy-ass kid!
And? She thinks everyone should have to listen to that? You have to figure out how to calm her down. I have an autistic son, that is not cool, lady.
I would not have taken my kid on the bus until she calmed down, take the next bus.
There it is. Respect for others already on the bus. The mother said the child would have quieted right down once on the bus. And what if the child continued to have a melt down and made everyone else miserable for the entire ride?
But we also don't know if she had to go somewhere that was important. Also, busses take junkies, alcoholics and creepy people all of the time. The driver was just having a power trip.
@@anneshirley95 Like someone else said, can see both sides.
BTW is that your real name or a Lucy Maude Montgomery fan?
@@anneshirley95 But your junkies, alcoholics and creepies might just be quiet and not be saying anything, therefore they can ride the bus.
@@MyHeart1955 The bus company said it wasn't the driver's decision to deny boarding, but that they are to reach out to a supervisor if there is a problem. The driver didn't follow protocol
I don't think most of the people on the comments even take a bus. I commute to work and ride 2 buses to work and back home. Ive been subjected to adults with mental problems who are aggravated, homeless people who are belligerent, screaming children who cannot be consoled, etc.... I do thank the bus drivers who do not allow these types of people to board the bus...its just more of a peaceful commute.
ICAM. If you don't behave, then IMHO you shouldn't be allowed to ride the bus and if you misbehave you should be kicked off.
@@carolr7823Agreed but the problem is people always have a "medical" excuse for bad behaviors.
Thank you, I agree with you. Some of these people that say you can't handle a crying baby have never been near them. Some can get violent. Some screaming kid can make others violent. It is distracting to the driver. Then you get those people the try to fight the bus driver for their money back because they can't be in the bus with that child. We were not there so we don't know what was going on. That child was quite for the news but don't know how bad she gets. The mother saying she would have calm down is an excuse she could be lying about.
And why can't she drive. Is the child so unruly she gets distracted when driving. We don't know. So should the bus driver kick out all the people that can't handle a screaming possibly violent child. Or kick out one person. The bus still runs from the funds generated from multiple people not just one.
Your desire for a peaceful commute is not more important than a disabled person's right to use PUBLIC transportation. If you don't like it, drive or wear ear plugs.
I am suggesting that you should be subjected to any kind of harassment or abuse. I do think however, that someone who is noisy or- as you put it, screaming children who can't be consoled, are not justification for you to decide that they are less entitled to a seat on the sus as you.
Maybe at least one of said children, are out of control because they are reacting the discriminatory judgement/condemnation of a selfish jerk like you.
Could she have taken the next bus when the child was calm? No thought or consideration for other passengers?
WHEN was the next bus?
Was there a safe place to wait out of the sun?
Or was this just a sidewalk with a "Bus Stop" pole and no solid schedule?
@@lazygardens What are you talking about? LOL!!!
@@GregLakatosChradm She said they just left the transit center 00:34 so as a responsible parent of an autistic child I would have calmed her down before getting on a bus and possibly distracting the driver from paying attention to his job driving the crazy streets on his route. In this day and age with all the people “driving” and using their phones, it is a dangerous job. I understand not discriminating, but this isn’t the case, the drive saw a bad situation and dealt with it. If a non disabled person was acting like that it wouldn’t be discrimination it would be safety.
@@yaimamess1111 I agree. Good post.
I dont no
I get both sides. I was a frequent bus rider for years and kids screaming on a bus is annoying and distracting. I wouldn't want the driver to be distracted and possibly have an accident. And ai get the family relying on the bus for transportation. I say have a backup plan. The meltdown was caused by the break in routine with the chips. Whether she would have been fine on the bus or not is not relevant. The mom needed to have a backup plan for her and the best one is simple keep a bag of chips in your purse in case the store is closed so she can still have her routine if plan a falls through or find a different store nearby. They had to have others close so find a back up.
Agreed. The mom should have planned better with a bag of chips on hand. She knows any disruption in her child’s routine would cause exactly what happened and could have tried to prevent it. Why put her child through all of that and then knowingly inflict it on a bus full of passengers because she didn’t want to be inconvenienced? Why not wait until the child has calmed down to catch the bus or phone a friend or grandma for a ride? Everyone including her child has to suffer because mom didn’t plan better.
To add something to my previous post, I don't consider Autism a good excuse for bad behavior, not unless the child has a severe case, and even then there are ways to manage. I was diagnosed with autism as an adult in my late 30s. I was never treated for it, unlike my little brother, who was diagnosed as a child. But we both knew better and how to behave by 3-4. Sorry, but the greatest tool to deal with autism is a parent. My parent taught me how to live and work, not even knowing I had a condition and made me a functioning adult, employed Profesional with several degrees under my belt. No joke that it is HARD, but it's not impossible. She dealt with me as needed, anticipated my needs to avoid meltdowns, and put me in my place when needed. That's the job of a parent, and autistic kids are no different in this regard than any other child just require more work and management and treating with kid gloves and excusing their behavior with autism ultimately does them a huge diservice.
All types of autism are different. Yours might have been more high functioning, you might not be remembering the full extent of your meltdowns if you had any, and underlying temperament do a lot in how it presents for you. What worked for your parents might not work for others whose kids don’t handle autism like yours. It’s highly presumptuous to think everyone is treating their autistic kid with “kid gloves” and that’s the reason why meltdowns occur smh
@LP-ct9nk highly presumptuous, especially if they werent diagnosed until 30. Seems likely it was high functioning. I had a cousin who was non verbal and who had his way of being smart but would be highly sensitive to certain sounds that could cause something. Its too much info out here to be this again presumptuous 😢
@LP-ct9nk I am well aware of all that, however, I am also a healthcare professional with experience dealing with autistic children, and this is discussed a lot in healthcare. Children with autism get away with bad behavior and are permitted to do as they please and get excused with, they are autistic. Here's the deal, that excuse just hurts them in the end because the world will not change for them. They have to learn to function in the world, and excusing bad behavior doesn't help them learn how to behave and act in situations. That child will be an adult before you know it, and then what? Yeah my tantrums were bad but I wasn't excused, I behaved or there were consequences. I kee how I should act and I could either misbehave or behave and deal with the consequences of my behavior. That's life, discipline teaches u boundaries and how to interact with the world. All children need that autistic or not. No one is born knowing how to take a bath or sit at a dinner table to eat, we are taught that and so many kids who are on the spectrum are never taught this because, "oh he/she's autistic. But it's expected if them to know how bathe and eat at a table without being told oh kid do this or that. No, now a days sadly dogs get better training than autistic children so they can learn to navigate the human world. Well an autistic child, he'll all children, are the same they need teaching and training and it's on the parents. It takes a village but the main person that rears a child is the parent, it's in the job description
I understand the child is disabled but it's not his job to help her except to permit boarding. the grandma got that incorrect.
His superiors in their statement literally said he's trained to help in situations with disabilities. Actually pay attention next time, you don't decide these things (which is what you just thought you could do.)
@@BurnLikeAFlame and he made a judgment call because he has to consider the other riders too.
You say it’s not his job to help her EXCEPT to permit boarding. He wasn’t asked to help. He did not allow the child on because she was having a fit. So he denied boarding to an autistic child (therefore disabled). If he had said no to a wheelchair user (it takes a bit of Tito get them on and off the bus and is also annoying to passengers) would you say the same?
@@benu_bird I'd say she has to deal with her child's problem and not expect everybody else to.
These same people in the comments section saying how bad this was of the bus driver are the same 1s that would've been complaining about the little girls noise if they were on the same bus as her. All of y'all get the side eye from me. 🙄
Yup. Everybody usually comments being the “Monday quarterback.”
I agree if it’s disrupting the other riders and driver then it’s kind of unfair for everyone. Just like when people listen to their music on the bus, although it’s public, certain people will complain about the music playing too loud while they’re riding. No one wants to hear a child yell and scream because they can’t have it their way. Autism doesn’t mean the child doesn’t know any better, it means they know what to do to trigger you so they can get what they want.
If the driver had an accident because they couldn't concentrate due to a child misbehaving, everyone would be asking why the child was allowed on the bus. Surely the mum could have calmed her child down and caught the next bus?
Why does this mum think that she is more important than the driver's safety, the safety of other passengers or the safety of other drivers and pedestrians? Hopefully the driver doesn't get into trouble for potentially saving dozens of lives.
So many Karens who don't understand how autistic children need to be treated, blaming the parents, they have no idea about the struggle and the suffering, it's so easy to criticize
They need to be controlled and contained, taught how to behave from the start , because the world won't put up with it
So sad my son is autistic and I can’t imagine, so sorry that that happened ❤
Everyone’s autistic these days 🙄🙄🙄
Over vaccinated is the cause of that.. research it with an open mind yourself.
It is awful. That mother and child were having a very difficult moment, and that driver made it so much harder. They saw an upset child and judged very quickly. It doesn't take that much energy to give others a little bit of kindness and grace so that we can all continue on with our lives.
If you can't control a brat over chips the you are sad
@@eileenmcdonald1599if they have autism they can’t control it my child has autism and could be set off by a loud noise or bug
Go to another store and grab a bag of chips for your little air raid siren, then take the next bus.
Should of had a bag prepared just in case...
Please never reproduce. Your a terrible person. Chips will make them unhealthy and make them likely to cry again when they need more chips. This is why the world is such a bad place. People like you. Please stop.
That's a fucking 4 year old child. Have some respect. Let a kid be a kid ffs
Because she couldn't predict that a place that regularly sells chips was out of stock from a place she needed to take the bus to get to, that should cause her and her kid to not be able to ride the bus? Y'all are out of your damn mind. Go learn some things about how autism works
How could she go to another place if the driver didn’t allow her on the bus?
While I can most certainly sympathize with the mother and understand her frustration, I can also see the bus driver's point, in sparing his passengers from a screaming child and removing distractions to his driving. Get the child under control first and then catch the next bus. Autism is a challenge, but I've worked with autistic children and know that they can give better behaviour if someone calms them down , is clear with expectations and prevents them from being over stimulated. Of course, if this was the last bus of the day, the situation would be different.
I noticed they are not clear on the specifics of the "meltdown". People should be able to deal with noise/crying/screaming coming from a kid, but if the episode involved thrashing, hitting, bitting, etc....then the driver has a responsibility to protect the other passengers. I empathise with everyone who has a disability situation, and reasonable accomodations should always be available to them, but a disability should also not be a license to inflict a potentially dangerous situation on everyone else.
From a four year old in a stroller? Seriously. Driver was a bully! Bet he wouldn't have done that to a tall male who was acting out.
Bet you can't deal with any child under the age of 7 crying for any reason hay? Kids cry and have meltdowns deal with it.
@@roxannesigurdsson2218and they can be stopped. Whatever happened to the look mothers used to have that ensured you knew "carry on at your peril"
I Remember during Covid 19 when schools had classes remotely MANY videos of Parents with Autistic Children were uploaded to UA-cam showing them acting out and their extremely uncontrollable behaviors. Those same Parents were making the case for Schools to Re-open for Their Children because they as Parents were NOT Trained to Deal with them ALL Day. They can't Control Their Own Child Yet they Expect Others to Deal With Them while they Stand there and do NOTHING. I've Watched these same parents in Public in the Mall and in Stores Get UPSET with Clerks or Customers if they tell their child No or Stop Physically touch them to Stop them from causing damage in the store or injuring themselves or someone else.
Its weird how many parents of autistic children themselves don’t seem to consider that the captive audience members of their child’s breakdown may also be autistic or have triggered episodes from things like PTSD. That other such people exist and work hard to avoid being triggered the best they can. Seems these parents expect the world to bow to they and their child because they or their child’s situation trumps all others. If you can’t control your child then you can expect others to make way for you. Accommodate, yes we must try, but we can’t force others to suffer to accommodate poor parenting.
Distraction is dangerous.
Especially for autistic children, they suffer the most with distractions
I'm going to take a different stand here. Have you ever sat next to a screaming child for a few blocks? Of course the child can't help it, but wait and let her settle down and take the next bus. Be thoughtful of the people around you. They should not have to suffer because your child has an illness. Would this have been big news if the child had a simple cold? Using your child as a means for your 15 minutes is not nice............
what if this was the last bis to their destination.. they walk?
@@Goldenhawk583When you have a child with autism your life is having to have constant backup plans to address your child’s needs. You can’t account for environmental triggers which is why you can’t travel anywhere without a planning for a recoup space and other backup plans before going out.
@@FolkloreLover sure, for the most part, yes, but sometimes shit happens, and life gets in the way.
I have extensive experiencee with autistic people, from those that have it barely detectable, to those that are completely locked in their own world.
It is important to let them experience normal life situations, in order to get used to them happening, rather than getting a meltdown whenever something new occours.. but it seems that most of the commenters here, would preferr these people to be locked in a room from infancy, its disgusting.
Had one start to hit me . and the parent pulled the autism card. And I made sure the parent knew if the did it again I would automatically lash out. The parent picked up the kid and found another seat.
@@Goldenhawk583I saw comments saying the kid should be calmed before getting on the bus…which comments said autistic kids should be “locked in a room from infancy”? Or are you just lying?
Maybe he knew someone was borderline unhinged on the bus already?
That is actually a very good point!
My husband went to the psychiatrist with me once, when he was half drunk.
He was being loud and annoying in the waiting room.
The receptionist called me up and asked if I could get him to be quiet, or go outside, because he was agitating a patient in the waiting room. Dude was a big ol boy, and none of us wanted to see him agitated!
That is a BS reason. Get the unhinged off the bus. That person is a threat to everyone on the bus.
@@roxannesigurdsson2218 Exactly. If someone is a threat, get them off the bus. That mother and child were no threat.
Guess again
So if the mother knows that the trigger of the child is a small bag of chips and does not have at least one who is the problem.?
She could get small bags of chips in a store to have at home just saying
Try driving a bus , with a kid having a meltdown 😂😂😂, dangerous for everyone on the bus, and the roads. So why is this a issue. I agree with the driver,that is responsible for everyone's safety, child or a adult, don't matter, safety first.
she may be autistic but that does not mean everyone elses day has to be made bad by added stress because of someone whether a child or adult is having a meltdown or outburst, we all have the right to not be forced subjected to that.
Let’s see. Let your daughter calm down and get on the next bus?
It’s her schedule not yours
@@mayssaqra3311 But the good of the many outweigh the good of the few.
Even if the next bus isn’t for hours? Even if waiting for the next bus causes you to miss a child’s doctor appointment? Why not assume that parents are doing the best they can and nobody is getting on the bus with a crying child because they think it’s fun to do that?
Um, let's see. Mind you own business?
@@MyHeart1955 No, it's doesn't. That's called mob rule.
Nobody wants to deal with someone elses screaming kid no matter what the issue is!
It’s a PUBLIC bus!!
I side with the bus driver. The other passengers have a right to have a peaceful ride on the bus. And no the child would not calm down on the bus. It would be a nightmare for the other passengers.
Tell that to some entitled Karen.
I think it’s because of people safety that’s why I didn’t want the person get on the bus
Sorry supporting the driver on this one, he has other passengers to be concerned about. I'm a mother with 2 children who relied on bus service because we don't drive, neither of my children ever had an epic meltdown in public, well brought up, well behaved, (and before you start my son is autistic), and if they had I certainly would not expect a group of people in a confined space with no escape to just sit and listen to it. Not to mention a screaming child is a distraction to the driver and therefore a safety risk.
Ok, Karen.
Well, I'm glad your kids are perfect little ones. 😂 Every kid is different. Not all kids are like yours. Some can handle situations better than others, and some can't, especially when they are disabled...it's not their fault, and it's not bad parenting either
This is bs. Poor woman. Children will cry. Get over it, and let them ride the bus. Besides the child is in a federally protected class. Big no no on part of bus driver if mother informed driver of child's condition.
You are a liar. Why are you on line trying to make yourself look perfect and your kids look like angels. You know your kids were snot nosed screaming little fuckers that wouldn't shut up and you sat there and said and did nothing cause you were so high you didn't even hear them. And you know yall were all so filthy and stay to high hell. 😅😅😅
Congratulations your the one reason why people prefer private cars than public transport
I was thinking school bus at first for some reason and was a little confused.
Maybe an option was to take the next bus after the child calmed down alittle. 🤔
On a Sunday, when the next bus might be an hour, and be forced to hang around a bus station for that long? Why don't YOU do that?
@@charleswoods2996 been there and done it and it didn't kill me.
@@charleswoods2996don't it multiple times,and the world didn't end. Put your big boy pants on and suck it up
@@sugarfree8303 And, those people in this story aren't you.
You gotta understand that the child wouldn't have calmed down. Children with autism are taught how to cope with life through a set schedule. If even one thing gets changed on that schedule, whether planned or unplanned, the child will not know how to respond and they'll have a meltdown. They just can't understand things happen unexpectedly like the rest of us.
Had a flight that circled for 45 minutes once due to weather w/a crying baby in the back, change in air pressure likely hurting its ears. Also, on a 10+ military charter carrying dependents & military personnel w/ crying & irritable children. Both weren’t pleasant, but myself & others survived w/out permanent harm.
Poor planning on parents .
@@eileenmcdonald1599Please explain to me how a child crying because of pain in their ears is poor planning??? Da fuq are you on about?
@@devviedowner13 mothers should know the best way to alleviate ear pain for babies is sucking. So using a bottle is very helpful. If they havent learned that then they should not fly .
@@eileenmcdonald1599 You clearly don’t have children or haven’t had small children in god knows how long because one method does not work on all children. So just f*ck off in your high ivory tower.
I used to ride the bus everyday. Most drivers were friendly, but there were a couple drivers who would be real jerks and this is an example of one.
@ItsForTheDogs Sorry, I don't think it was a jerk move. It wasn't handled well, but I was a frequent bus user through my entire college education, even grad school. Screaming kids on the bus are annoying and distracting. I was actually on a bus where the driver had a screaming child sitting behind them, and even hit the driver multiple times. Mom's excuse was the same kid is autistic. Which to me means nothing as I too am autistic, adult diagnosis, and my little brother is as well, child diagnosis, and we BOTH knew better than to throw tantrums by the age of 3, it's called parenting, harder with autistic kids but not impossible, especially when my parent understood our behavior and needs and acted accordingly to prevent tantrums whenever possible and it was certainly possible here. The bus I was on got into an accident because of the kid's behavior as a hit from the kid pushed the driver and he accidentally turned the wheel into the median wall. Several riders including the kid were hurt. I was lucky ai had my backpack to act as an airbag and save me from hitting my head on the seat in the front. Police agreed it was the child's fault and therefore the mother's for not handling Her kid's behavior. Could be the same here
Thank goodness for kind, understanding people. It makes a big difference in the lives of kids with autism and of their parents.
@@BellaKarim23 You do realize that no everyone who has autism is going to experience it the same way, right? And that avoiding/ending a meltdown is a lot easier for some than for others?
They end up cranky because they have had to deal with many assholes like this.
Screaming brats need to be taught. Even those with autism can learn
As frustrating as a child’s crying can be, they had no good reason to refuse. It’s public transport, it’s needed. The child poses no threat
Not going to lie, nothing worse than being on a bus or a plane with a noisy, annoying kid.
Or movie theater or restaurant.
I can say the same about rude entitled adults
@@Pirategirl4nightwish true, but not nearly as many as them as there are annoying children whose parents don't control them.
The bus driver had to be mindful of the other passengers...
You are wrong. YOU NEVER deny children that young a ride on public transportation.
Exactly and also the driver has to be able to concentrate on the road…..
You really are ignorant
@@DarthTrishallaso then why even have school busses? Or why even allow.any children on any busses at all? Your train of thought is twisted.
What a dumb thing to do!
@@shaneinkster4775 The driver did it to prevent violence on the bus.
Well, you saw them in the interview. Both those women looked pretty stupid so don’t expect them to do anything intelligent.
@@liamwatson5125your a dumbass go do something else
@@liamwatson5125 the driver did it cause he didn't want to deal with an autistic child on the bus.
Violence? What violence? A 4 year old in a stroller throwing a tantrum because she doesn’t know better? Oh yeah what a threat
Totally in the right. It's obvious there parenting skills are all about sitting back and wait for the tantrum to pass while everyone around them deals with it. You know she lied saying it would stop when they get on the bus and then what? Good job bus driver!
And all of the passengers on the bus cheered!
Sign of the times. Heartless
@@BrightSoul736 Agreed.
@@BrightSoul736more like gratefulness for peace
@@BrightSoul736peace for a bus ride THEY paid for mind you
@@BrightSoul736 it’s not heartless to expect a parent to have control over their disruptive child. Autism or not screaming child does not belong on the bus and the parents could walk or learn to have control over the little brat.
When my children had a tantrum, I waited the tantrum out before boarding. The mother said "she would have calmed down on the bus ride". Yeah, after screaming for a while. I sympathize with the driver.
You know that if he had let them on, the adults would have had an equal meltdown about a screaming child. That's a lose/lose for the driver.
Bus drivers need to be focused when they drive. A screaming child could mess up their concentration. I feel bad for the mom, but the driver was right.
No, if a screaming child distracts a bus driver they shouldn't be a bus driver. That's part of being a bus driver. You can't crash because one of the many passengers distract you.
@@robwiljasSorry, you're wrong. The bus driver could have potentially crashed if the child having the meltdown got away from the mom and was running around on the bus and putting all of the other passengers in danger.
@@TruckDriver2005 False. My father was a driving instructor for Greyhound and later trucking, my mother was a school bus driver. A child screaming is not a safety factor. No modifications were needed to accommodate her, and neither the mother nor the child violated any Metro Transportation rules.
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits disability-based discrimination by public transportation services. Public transportation agencies cannot refuse to serve people with disabilities, and must provide them with reasonable accommodations (also called “reasonable modifications”) that they need to use their services.
The driver discriminated. There's a reason the company apologized and said he violated policy. The driver screwed up.
What about the paratransit? Can that be an option?
Probably, I am not in Ohio, but if they have paratransit, and it works similarly to where I grew up (my granny drove public busses for over 40 years until she retired) You have to call for it a day or more shead, it picks you up between this time and this time, picks up and drops other off as they do the route, so you can be on a bus several hours between boarding and being dropped off. It isn't like a taxi that picks you up and drops you off. And it isnt a situation where you are the first person picked up, you will be the first drooped off. The routes are organized for efficiency, not first on, first off. So a person picked up 3rd but only needs to go a few miles will get dropped off before a person who was picked up first but has to go across town. But yeah, if her daughter is prone to meltdowns she should be dealing with paratransit who are better equipped to cope with the disabled.
@@rosameryrojas-delcerro1059 I'm sure the paratransit program is standard and offered with all public transit systems. Yay ADA
Depends on availability and the reason for the trip. Most just cover medical type needs. And they can't use the service if they don't fill out the paperwork and if its not ordered by the doctor
Looks like someone needs to work at the ticket counter.
The other passengers have rights too
Sorry but I wouldn’t want to listen to it either
Is not a luxury cruise. If we can't deal with normal every things that happen for a limited amount of time then maybe you need to be taking a taxi.
@@lyndaek99 nope. I’ll take whatever transit I want. And if there’s a kid having a temper tantrum I wouldn’t exactly be happy about it.
Mothers have to help a little, is very annoying kids crying and screaming
Have you ever had to deal with an autistic child?
@@thedailygrind-m70that’s the parents responsibility not anyone else’s. If the parent can’t control their child no else should have to deal with it but them. An autistic child can be taught how to behave in public and how to properly conduct themselves.
@@janicemorin1929 An autistic toddler? As a mom of a child with special needs, and as a special ed teacher, i can say that you are incorrect.
@@thedailygrind-m70 and that’s the parent’s responsibility to get control of the situation. They decided to have children so if they can’t parent no one else should have to suffer. Just because a child is autistic does not mean they can’t be taught how to properly behave. Giving them their way when they have meltdowns or tantrums only encourages them to do it more.
@@janicemorin1929 It has nothing to do with giving a child their way, and they are taught, but it takes a LOT longer and some still have meltdowns into their teens, and it is not because they have not been taught. They often have meltdowns for many different reasons. Please educate yourself before throwing around your OPINION of what a parent should do. Autism is a disability with a wide spectrum of behaviors and ability levels. Generalizing and thinking there is a one size fits all, control the kid answer shows your lack of understanding, but go ahead and just keep thinking a parent can just wave a magic wand and fix the kid.
Drivers have the right to refuse a child that could potentially make their drive unsafe and be a risk to other children. Driver should’ve contacted dispatch at the time. The amount of people these days that have entitlement syndrome is amazing.
What if the next bus wouldn't come for hours?
You really think that little girl is a risk to others? Are you scared of kittens and puppies too?
Go read up on the Americans with Disability Act before talking about what public transportation officiants can or can not discriminate on. Hint: Autism is not one of them
@@Avarren it’s called distracted driving. Not to mention that if this child has maladaptive behaviors she could be self injurious or aggressive toward others. Could you drive safely in these conditions? Educate yourself!
@@JinxedG educate yourself. Given my career choice I’m completely aware of ADA. I also understand children on the spectrum and driving. Furthermore, the refusal wasn’t denying transportation of the child but rather the refusal of the state the child was in.
I'd rather a child have a tantrum instead of inhaling crack smoke on the bus
Literally this isn’t a story. They had to get on another bus. Apologize to the family give them some bus passes. Next
Maybe cuz no one wants to hear his loud melt downs!
The child is a girl you twit.
As a parent, I wouldn’t want to bother other people riding the bus if I had a screaming child, I think I would have automatically waited for the next bus and work on trying to calm my child…that’s just me.
When you have an Autistic child, you never know how long a meltdown like that would last. Not being able to get your child home in that situation is awful.
Even if the next bus wasn’t for another 4 hours? You wouldn’t either.
agreed ! see, you are not selfish or entitled like so many people are especially when it comes to disabled people and their ''rights''; now i agree discrimination and hate against the disabled is a problem, but this is not a matter of disability discrimination, this is a matter of ''how will this effect other people: while i understand she may be autistic but that does not mean everyone elses day has to be made bad by added stress because of someone whether a child or adult is having a meltdown or outburst, we all have the right to not be forced subjected to that.
@@Shannonbarnesdr1You also have the right to show some empathy and understanding.
@@Shannonbarnesdr1 so, you agree that discrimination is not ok, but you apparently seem to think that while in public, the world should cater to your feelfeels? That is pretty hateful.. and leads to what you say you would do, discriminate that child and demand it gone from your royal presence:P
Bravo to that driver!!! Neither he nor his passengers should be subjected to a screaming out of control kid in a confined space.
Agree 💯
Autism is not a choice. It’s a disability. And you’re a jerk. I guess that you’re disability being a jerk. If you had autistic child, you would understand. I guess you’re too superior.
They don't alow disruptive passengers on the bus, no matter WHAT age. Period.
its not up to the driver its up to the supervisor MTA said that themselves
Children often have meltdowns. It's part of life.
Yes. Autistic or not, it can happen.
You wish to deal with this go ahead
And why should others deal with this
@@eileenmcdonald1599 it's not a matter of dealing with anything. It's their right as citizens
Yet half the people who ride the bus shouldn’t even be on the bus
Personally, I haven’t taken a bus since my late teens, but I don’t think I’d want a screaming child in a confined space no matter the explanation.
Former Bus Operator here.
Seems child would qualify for handicap transt , if available in there area. It might be a smoother/peaceful ride for all.
Mom maybe just to lazy to do the paper work. Or does not want to call and schedule in advance. Most though this can only be used for medical reasons.
I can’t imagine it’s the bus driver who makes the policy; it’s the people for whom (s)he works.
No that's unacceptable, being a parent of an autistic daughter, I know that child would have eventually calmed down. She is paying a fare just like everyone else. Leaving a Mother and child stranded is shameful. So many adults expect children, even developmentally delayed children to act like soldiers in public, but grown adults don't even do that. And it wasn't just over the freaking chips! Autistic child really have a tough time when something changes in their usual routine! That's not bad parenting! A kid having a meltdown in public is not bad parenting! It's called emotions! Kids are still developing and learning to control their emotions. It's ridiculous that a lot adults can't understand that.
Edit: the replies to my comment show just how cruel this world is that grown adults are so sensitive to a child's crying that they think it's better to leave a mother and a 4 year with a developmental delay stranded on the side off the road because they don't want 10 minutes of their day inconvenienced. You all are truly sick.
If I drove the bus, I believe the outburst would not be safe conditions for me to drive a bus of souls that I'm responsible to protect. I'm sorry your beautiful daughter has a condition, but the other passenger safety and the other innocent drivers on the roads are the priority.
@@janerockstar Bus drivers have to work hard to prevent violence on the bus. There are even signs revealing the consequences you could face if you attack a bus driver. That is a felony.
@janerockstar and I'm sorry to say this but if you're that rattled by a child crying I'm not sure anyone was ever truly safe with you driving. Commotions of all kinds can happen at anytime.
@@brittneyp9208 It makes the driver feel unsafe, and it could cause an accident.
@@brittneyp9208 and yet it didn’t happen on the bus because the driver intervened before there was a chance for something to happen. Maybe we should also stop allowing people who are pissed drunk to get on a plane and ask everyone to just suck it up.
That's horrible, if people don't want to hear a kid cry or anything even though they was also a kid then....they need to just go, go somewhere, it pisses me the feck off so much, that people complain and hate kids so bad, like they wasnt one, like it's not normal for kids to fuss and cry sometimes
Okay so an intoxicated man or woman who is singing songs from the top of their lungs and touching people inappropriately can hop aboard but not an autistic child throwing a tantrum who's just having a rough day? Jeez...... What a world of hypocrisy we live in.
That person could potentially assault the driver
It’s a federal crime to be intoxicated on public transit.
@@mildbillhiccup844 STOP LYING!
No, neither person should be aboard the bus.
So you think the end result of all your imaginary people could ride the bus together with no problems? Probably NOT.
The bus driver was right, the other passengers have the right to a peaceful bus ride. The mother should have provided her kid with whatever was needed to keep her pacified, failing that she should have not attempted to board the bus.
Only reason the bus driver was penalized was because the hire ups were afraid of the bad PR image. If it had been a drunk singing out loud and the driver refused to let him board, not a peep would have been heard about the drivers action. Hell, he might have been praised!
Double standards in action!
No, you don't have a RIGHT to a "peaceful bus ride." Who the F do you think you are?
Your wrong, children are a protected class and your in a public place. If you don't like being in public then don't step outside your house. 😂
It could become an ADA issue. The bus company doesn't want a lawsuit.
Unless the bus company has an ironclad rule that says "no upset or crying children allowed on the bus", the bus driver is not right.
@@ericemmons3040 then YOU drive that bus..
I have high functioning autism. Does that meam I'm not allowed on the bus. What about loud obnoxious people. They ride the bus without being denied.
Are you having an emotional breakdown that will disrupt the other passengers if so, then no you should not be allowed on the bus. Your mental disorder is not a license to infringe on other peoples peace.
Loud people are unwelcome, that would include (but not be limited to) people with autism.
Same I’m autistic it’s really annoying when people don’t understand it
Actually, I've seen a driver once kick someone off the bus because he was being loud and obnoxious.
Good for you.
Wild teens can hop on the bus for free smelling like weed, homeless get on with 4 garbage bags of stench, but noisy toddlers are too much.
Glad they’re actually admitting they made a mistake instead of trying to cover it up like other places do.
What mistake?
@@FreedomcustomThe driver failed to consult his supervisor.
Not a mistake. The parent is the problem
Driver kept to the schedule that the other passengers relied upon.
It’s not fair for the other riders to hear a screaming child just like in stores. Perhaps she can get on medical transportation for her daughter when she has appts and see if her health insurance will pay for that. Could she had gotten her to calm down and then take the next bus? Ask her doctor to prescribe something that will keep her clam and use it as needed when traveling. I did that for my special need daughter. Had to fly one time with her and the doctor prescribed something that would keep her clam and she did during the entire flight.
i understand both sides, but i'm on the bus driver's side. if someone has a kid having a meltdown screaming so loud to destroy someone's eardrums, (and we know at that age they have the lung capacity and frequency) I would not want to be subjected to that in an enclosed space for long. I can't even tolerate it in passing, far less for a long ride. even if they said the child would calm down once they got on the bus, I still would not take the chance. the kid needs to calm down BEFORE getting on the bus. if you want consideration FROM others, be considerate OF others. a screaming child is a distraction to the driver and an annoyance to passengers.
If I were an adult bus driver, then I can get in the bus and drive it perfectly
Well, I don't blame the bus driver.
You don't blame him for breaking the law huh?
@@robwiljasthat sounds like Sentive training needs to be done.
No, I kinda agree and he’s way too fucking big for the stroller🤷🏾♀️
It is not the bus driver's place to school passengers on parenting. The driver knows nothing of her, or the child's life. It's their job to transport people around safely and on time. Period.
I like the way that lady spoke she got to the point and she was very held herself
As a fully grown autist, listening to children screaming is physically painful as I have sensory processing issues.
Also the best thing that wouman can do for her child is to take away the ipad. The child does not need to be constantly stimulated 24/7
Very well put and I agree 100%
the ipad that most autistic kids use is their communication devise. When breakdowns happen the child can be guided to use words which may very well be on that ipad. It has made a big difference for my grandchild who is five and struggles to communicate. Taking away what may be the only source of communicating is not something to be encouraged.
@@farmwife7944defenly not a good idea to take away for children who can't talk or minmaly verbal.
Even though it’s awful this happens I can also get where the bus driver is coming from. They’re trained to make sure that they avoid disruption on the bus like a screaming child. He also doesn’t know the child or when it’s going to calm down. It’s easy to say that the child will calm down but unfortunately that’s not how it works.
What about ‘customer service’ to the passengers already on board?
Get your kid under control and wait for the next bus. The entitlement that these people feel they have to get on public transportation no matter what their personal situation is is laughable.
She's autistic😮
Way too many whiners in the comments and those looking for payouts!!
@@momsterzz is your kid autistic too? Good for you
The bus driver has to pay attention without distractions having a toddler on the bus no matter what disability they may have or not is going to distract him from driving I'm on the bus driver side here If your kids autistic and they're going to be screaming and yelling everywhere then maybe you should get yourself a car
I drive for the city of Denver unless they settle down it becomes a distraction and safety concerns I give two warnings to quit down and behave or they have to get off the bus for being disruptive and then I notify dispatch to send a supervisor to deal with the unruly passenger
It was nice to finally read a comment from another bus driver.
Thank you, but this driver failed to do that.
This driver could have called dispatch. Then the other passengers would be made to wait and possibly miss their appointments or connections.
i would not let her on bus. i understand that the kid is autistic. however. you also have to be considerate of the other people on the bus. They do not want to hear the kid have a fit. If the kid was NOT having a fit. the driver would of let them on the bud.
A child having a meltdown. Happens all the time.
Kid's throwing a fit, bus driver said no, he's in charge, fair enough.
He’s not. It’s not his bus.
@@clintmatthews3500 An airline pilot doesn't own the plane but he is definitely in charge, if he says you're not boarding then you're no boarding and a bus driver is definitely in charge of the bus and he'll decide who does or doesn't get on the bus, no further discussion needed.
@@clintmatthews3500 It is while he's driving it. LOL!!!
Unfortunately passenger denial and ejection isn't as cut and dry as the CDL manual makes it out to be.
@@GregLakatosChradm In this very video his employer expressed otherwise.
A little compassion wouldn't have killed the bus driver. We were all kids and even neurotypical children lash out because they are still learning coping skills.
Ok. But depends on how loud the meltdown is.
The mother should have some compassion for other riders.
thats not an excuse.
Good for the bus driver. I am so tired of these people thinking the rest of us should endure their problems.
Seriously? This a child with a neurological diagnosis with no other means of transportation. Shame on you for being so unkind.
@@jojozep7820 That's your problem. Quit expecting the rest of the world to deal with it. The only one being unkind is the selfish mother.
@GregLakatosChradm you clearly don't have a clue what autism is. Educate yourself on the subject before you go spouting off like a moron.
@@GregLakatosChradm Quit being a dick. It's called growing up and dealing with it. It happens everywhere. If you can't handle a child crying or people being loud then you need to stay in your home and never leave. You all miss the point that public transportation is't quiet all the time. If you want quiet then buy your own vehicle to get around. Or bring a pair of headphones and listen to music on your phone.
It’s too dangerous to even wait for the bus around here
The driver did the right thing. Those of us who also use public transport don't want to sit on a bus with a screaming child!!
Nor in a restaurant, movie theaters and by all means; never on a plane. I did not subject others when my son was experiencing the toddler/pre-school tantrums. Courtesy is nearly extinct nowadays.
actually the drvier was in the wrong they dont have the authority according to metro rta only the supervisor does and plus this was a ada violation which can leave a nasty mark on the record for metro rta
With or without a diagnosis, certain behaviors are not okay to display on the bus. And to the grandmother, the bus driver has to make it to each stop on time. They do not have allowances in the schedule for the driver to help placate a child who is having a meltdown. The child has a right to ride the bus. The child does not have the right to be a disturbance to others while on the bus. If she needed some cool down time, then she can catch the next bus. Nobody said she couldn't ever ride the bus ever again in life.
I feel for the mother and child, but the driver made a good call. Some kids can scream and have such a meltdown, that it becomes distracting and annoying. And why doesn't the parent have that snack at the ready for her kid, to prevent this kind of issue?
I’m glad he didn’t let her on, other passengers shouldn’t have put up with a disruptive child. Autistic or not if a parent knows there’s potential for outbursts then leave the child at home unless an emergency
I can't stand take screaming children, post traumatic stress syndrome.
Dont judge what you dont understand
I know what it feels like to ride a bus with children who are screaming and crying. If her daughter is autistic, then she should speak to her daughter's doctor about getting a social worker and finding transportation companies that transport people with behavioral problems to the store and other places without having to ride a public vehicle like a city bus.
That's a clear violation of the Americans with disabilities act, so, that bus driver put his employers in a very actionable position.
People don't care, and ur problem isn't going to be their problem.
I have never dealt with anyone who has Autism, but if II had been on that bus I would have stood up and berated the driver. That's just wrong on every level.
You could have been shown the door as well
@@eileenmcdonald1599 OK.
Kudos to the driver, others shouldnt be subjected to your childs nonsense
that driver likely lost their job they violated company guidelines and violated ada
@@dawn1berlitz wrong, he's currently on a different route🫠