What It Means to Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
  • Sermon on the Mount E6 - What does it look like to have our desires and actions completely aligned with God’s will? In the second triad of the Beatitudes, Jesus paints a picture of the kind of people God is forming in the Kingdom of the Skies. In this episode, Tim, Jon, and guests break down the biblical words for righteousness, justice, mercy, and purity throughout the Bible, leading up to Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount.
    Show Music:
    Original Sermon on the Mount music by Richie Kohen
    BibleProject theme song by TENTS
    Show Credits:
    Dan Gummel is the Creative Producer for today’s show. Production of today’s episode is by Lindsey Ponder, producer; Cooper Peltz, managing producer; Colin Wilson, producer; and Stephanie Tam, consultant and editor. Tyler Bailey and Yanii Evans are our audio editors. Tyler Bailey is also our audio engineer, and he provided our sound design and mix. JB Witty does our show notes, and Hannah Woo provides the annotations for our app. Special thanks to Ben Tertin. Today’s hosts are Jon Collins and Michelle Jones.


  • @mudkow5092
    @mudkow5092 Місяць тому

    Do love and justice for all. At All times. The heart is guided by Him.

  • @carlandre8610
    @carlandre8610 7 днів тому

    Right relationship to God, to other people to myself and to all creation.
    To others mainly because this is how we show right relation to God, for to the least if you do this you do it to me.
    When you see your relationship to God, in perspective we see everyone else as the image of God.
    Truly the origial intent.

  • @marym346
    @marym346 19 днів тому

    I've never thought of the Sermon on the Mount as meaningless. I love it and, when listening to the Statler Brothers song about it, it pierces me. Maybe I'm just one of the rare who gets it?

  • @wellsm2462
    @wellsm2462 5 місяців тому +2

    For a long time i thought i had to fix myself first to be able to genuinely worship God, but Jesus has made it possible, that whoever willing to repent of their sins, a poor or a weak person, a prisoner, a slave, we can come as we are and bear the image of God.

  • @mudkow5092
    @mudkow5092 Місяць тому

    Rad! So good. Editing Milky Way pics from the house. I can not help but see Him, and shall proclaim to all (I am blessed to have lots of non-un-and-unsure believers as friends and family. They will hear his presence in how I interact with them, and post the pics that give Glory to God, and not anything I have done. Your works are so good (Bible Project, I mean), but his works are great, and him working through your works helps MANY! His Kingdome come, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

  • @thatnightwind
    @thatnightwind 8 місяців тому +3

    You confirmed my thoughts on righteousness👍Thank you from South Korea.

  • @mudkow5092
    @mudkow5092 Місяць тому

    SNAP: You helped with the connection, for me. The Pure Heart is like a spigot to everything we do and should do. I must work, all times, all days, every second, to keep the spigot of the Pure Heart fully open at all times, to make the thoughts, actions, works I do be in all purity, for God. For justice for all (Metallica? jk). But, justice and mercy and fairness for ALL people, who are God's creation and image. Do I fail? Always. Do I strive to keep it fully open.. I would like to strive for this until He comes again. Thank you! Thank you! Again, you guys and gals providing these outlets to God's wisdom and a true blessing to me, and I am sure many MANY believers, that hopefully shine the light for all!

    • @BibleProjectPodcast
      @BibleProjectPodcast  Місяць тому +2

      Thanks so much for taking the time to share your story. It's encouraging to hear our resources are impacting you in such a meaningful way. We're honored to be a part of your learning journey.

    • @mudkow5092
      @mudkow5092 Місяць тому +1

      @BibleProjectPodcast I was blessed by God to be a part of crews that rescued 94 people as a military helicopter pilot during my career... You guys help see the way to save people's souls for eternity.

  • @mdsmithic
    @mdsmithic 6 місяців тому +5

    Dorothy Day once said “We can only love God as much as we love the one we love the least”

    • @mudkow5092
      @mudkow5092 Місяць тому


    • @tay9902
      @tay9902 Місяць тому

      Jeeze. That’s a slap in the face for me lol

  • @candacesmith8254
    @candacesmith8254 8 місяців тому +2

    Jesus emphasizes that by being in right relationship with God (loving Him with our whole mind, body and soul) and right relationships with others (loving them as ourselves) we are fulfilling the most important commandments from God.

  • @robertawinters9366
    @robertawinters9366 8 місяців тому +2

    God's blessings from Bay City Michigan

  • @hsi-enlee-ez8fh
    @hsi-enlee-ez8fh 8 місяців тому +1

    I tend to listen to these podcasts while watching some Pallas cat videos. So when I heard John and Tim’s voice my mind will automatically generate a vivid image of two fluffy kittens talking about Abraham and temple and Jerusalem.

  • @rustyrussell3211
    @rustyrussell3211 8 місяців тому +1

    Go9d morning, checking in from Rhododendron

  • @carlandre8610
    @carlandre8610 7 днів тому

    It seems to me:
    Temple worship ended,
    Priest Temple, Sacrafices and Alter as well.
    I am not sure why we went back to this.
    I think
    It became redefined through Jesus.
    We are a Royal Priest hood. We make Holy our offering to love one another, in so doing we show we love God.
    For we love the things God Loves. Our sacrafice is to lay down our life as a living sacrafice and pick up our cross daily. Not a sacrafice for Sin but a way of Holiness. Not all sacrafices in the old testament were For Sins.
    Jesus was the final sacrafice once and for all the atoning sacrafice for our our rebellion and Sin.
    We come into the way when we change our minds and repent. We become part of the new creation which learns to look at our relationships in perspective as how Jesus wants us to see things. Learning to trust in Jesus.
    We gather and assemble mainly to learn from each other how to walk in the way. Not mainly to worship, at least in the modern sense. Of course we do worship, but we gather as part of God's senate, to learn and carry out the functions of the Kingdom of God. The church is not the Kingdom. But more like an administration or embassy. We come together
    Learning from the scriptures and examples in the New testament and understanding how the old testament relates.
    We are New testament people.
    I appreciate the earning here and it was finalized with the collaboration of the makers, i am sure they also were learning and coming into a deeper understanding.
    Thanks for deepening my understanding dear Bible Project
    What do you think?

  • @nickpuccini8651
    @nickpuccini8651 8 місяців тому +1

    Jim Wilder uses “attachment love” for hesed.

  • @mindonthingsabove
    @mindonthingsabove 8 місяців тому +2

    Are these literal as well as spiritual realities, remember how JESUS said: While the BRIDEGROOM is still with HIS friends, they don't fast/mourn [Matthew 9:15] ..I even heard a freaky sermon by Keller about how it's only those who are thirsty that will come to HIM, guess that would exclude those who are too busy virtue signaling trying to impress the crowd/world, but are humiliated [lowered to the dust] by their lack of self-control? But I'm seeing many people [posting online], dismissing/discounting those who still #sin, as a clear sign to them that they have not undergone the rebirth [I think they are talking about: "You will know them by their fruits" Matthew 7:15-20], any thoughts..
    Dallas Willard taught the concept of the Disciple, as s/o who has been under grace forgiven, and is a happy student who still makes mistakes/sins, but knows WHO to go to for guidance to keep plugging away after having undergone course correction [GOD disciplines those whom HE loves, Hebrews 12:6]. Many seem to expect perfection here & now, when that is not actually the case..

    • @thotsaboutGod
      @thotsaboutGod 5 місяців тому


  • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
    @SeanRhoadesChristopher 8 місяців тому +3

    18:30 “You fool! Do you want to be shown that faith without actions is useless? How was our ancestor Abraham put right with God? It was through his actions, when he offered his son Isaac on the altar. Can't you see? His faith and his actions worked together; his faith was made perfect through his actions. And the scripture came true that said, "Abraham believed God, and because of his faith God accepted him as righteous." And so Abraham was called God's friend.” (James 2:20-23, GNB)

    • @FrancisAAfful
      @FrancisAAfful 8 місяців тому

      What's your point??

    • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
      @SeanRhoadesChristopher 8 місяців тому

      @@FrancisAAfful when did this work of faith occur relative to the LORD’s counting Abram’s belief as righteousness?
      “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.” (Genesis 12:1-4, KJV)
      What is the work of faith I speak of?

    • @thotsaboutGod
      @thotsaboutGod 5 місяців тому


  • @Sergio-uo6xv
    @Sergio-uo6xv 6 місяців тому

    "Promo SM"

  • @keansalzer8364
    @keansalzer8364 8 місяців тому +2

    Your meaning feels wrong. Nowhere does the Word indicate that righteousness is for relationships with others. Righteousness is called a Legal Position of living perfectly under the law to qualify for an eternal sacred space with God and His family. It's what JESUS traded us for our sin. Perhaps this Great Exchange is what we are to hunger for. The only food that changes us from guilt to innocence and causes us to stop being sin-conscious and instead experience freedom, rest, joy, love, and peace because of this amazing Grace. Your default is to immediately assume legalists would walk in this posture, but theirs is one of pride and not combined with humility or meekness. Should we look at Paul as the master of your weird "relationship expert take" since he was perceived as less than the guys in Corinth who showed up after he left and took his teachings apart? No honor in his own church. Peter is called a racist by Paul in Galatians when Peter changes his lunch group when the legalists show up from Jerusalem. Barnabas can't get along with his partner. John Mark is such a doofus that Paul won't even have him as part of the team. You are right that we will develop the habits of the family as we learn and grow in the family, but we will struggle with the freedom required for this change if we are always measuring ourselves with anything other than Jesus. "Right relating with everybody" is so wrong it can be dangerous. Treating everybody with love, respect, and grace is correct, but even God won't get along with everybody...he sends millions to hell...that alone should have stopped your pre-broadcast outlining.

    • @sandradelvecchio6894
      @sandradelvecchio6894 7 місяців тому

      Exactly. Ben throws out all the wisdom for a feel good hey be good, turn everything over to those less than you.

    • @thotsaboutGod
      @thotsaboutGod 5 місяців тому


    • @thotsaboutGod
      @thotsaboutGod 5 місяців тому


    • @thotsaboutGod
      @thotsaboutGod 5 місяців тому


    • @thotsaboutGod
      @thotsaboutGod 5 місяців тому


  • @sandradelvecchio6894
    @sandradelvecchio6894 7 місяців тому

    Well I’m disappointed really, first I think I’m only going to listen to the episodes with Tim, and secondly I have no trust in the filter in this Ben, his worldly filter and why he is pushing what he is. I like how he dismisses that just by saying “yeah I’m not talking about today’s issues here”, yes he is. That’s his filter. There is such a thing as being good to those people he mentioned without throwing everything open. There are a lot of opinions of what scripture tells us is wise in dealing with other people. We are not only to be good to be others but to be wise also.