Abbey’s BREASTFEEDING STRUGGLES Update | How I Was Able to Freeze 40 L Of Breast Milk

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • In this episode of Abbey’s Kitchen, Abbey wants to share with you an update on her breastfeeding journey. In an old video, Abbey was not making enough milk and she was having latching issues because her son had tongue tie. Abbey was trying to breastfeed everyday but was mostly doing pumping. Now, Abbey wants to update you with some of the changes that have happened.
    Abbey basically gave up breastfeeding altogether and her son has been exclusively fed pumped milk. It became very exhausting to feed three different ways and it was interfering with Abbey’s wellbeing. Exclusively pumping is very exhausting and Abbey was pumpkin every single hour. Since then, Abbey’s supply as steadied and she’s been able to freeze quite a lot of breast milk. To date Abbey has frozen over 40 litres of breast milk and she is very proud of her stash.
    Some of the things Abbey has done to increase her breast milk supply was taking Mother’s Milk Supplements every day, Blessed Thistle Supplements, eating a lot of boob foods we’ve talked about in the past. Abbey was pumping every hour and then was able to drop to a total of nine pumps every single day. And Abbey was taking domeperidone which is often used to increase breast milk supply. Once Abbey as doing all these things, Abbey was able to make her life a little manageable and finally getting off the domeperidone very slowly. After a few months Abbey was able to get off the drug completely. Abbey’s next goal was to start to drop the pumps. Abbey went from nine pumps a day, and decreased the pumps by one each day. When Abbey did that she started to experience blocked ducts. Blocked ducts are very painful and Abbey got mastitis four times. Mastitis is the inflammation and infection of the milk ducts and causes a drop in supply. Abbey tried everything from cabbage in her bra to hot showers.
    Abbey was able to cope with mastitis by having a lactation consultant come over to try to relieve the blockage. She recommended that she go up in size on the phalange and made the world of a difference. Abbey started to feel the blockage come out and she was starting to get more milk. Also, Abbey went to see an acupuncturist who specializes in milk ducts and it was very painful but it really worked and Abbey thinks she is on the mend.
    Abbey hopes that making some of these changes, will help Abbey in keeping this going so she can drop another pump or two in the next few months. Abbey is hoping she will be able to sleep through the night before her son turns one years old.
    Abbey would love some support and Abbey would love to hear from you and your breastfeeding journey. What have you found that works for you to increase your breast milk supply.
    For more tips on staying healthy, recipes, dieting, and information fit for consumption by foodies everywhere stop by Abbey’s blog.