The Book of Revelation Explained with Dr. Bart Ehrman

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Bart Ehrman joins me to explain many of the mysteries in the Book of Revelation and to correct many of the misunderstandings we have about this book.
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  • @InspiringPhilosophy
    @InspiringPhilosophy  2 роки тому +47

    Link to get your tickets:

    • @anarchorepublican5954
      @anarchorepublican5954 2 роки тому +1

      ...if you don't want to wait until March, for Erhman's, more cynical work .....let me recommend two excellent scholarly commentaries written from a conservative biblical position ...but thoroughly Romano-historicist as to their approach to John's Apocalypse...
      1. William Barclay's Daily Study Bible, Commentary for Revelation (which also includes his insightful Translation) ..Prof. Barclay's understanding of the Greco-Roman world, and culture is encyclopedic...
      2. Homer Hailey's, Commentary on the Book of Revelation , Baker Book House...possibly the most scholarly Romano-Historicist Interpretation ever done by a conservative Christian...his arguments for a historical approach the apocalypse are very convincing...Dr. Hailey's knowledge of all the Old Testament references, are overwhelming (I made the point of looking up every single reference) ...
      Between these two works...prepare to have the mysterious Apocalypse...and all its Signs ...completely (and satisfactory) revealed in their clear historical and Biblical'll never go back to Hal Linsey or Jack Van Impe...ever again...

    • @Archangel657
      @Archangel657 2 роки тому +1

      Would you think that a scribe wrote Revelations in Johns name?

    • @jippedgamer9723
      @jippedgamer9723 2 роки тому +5

      You do realize bart is often flat out lying simply to try to sell more of his books, right?

    • @Seven_1865
      @Seven_1865 2 роки тому +1

      @@jippedgamer9723 do you have examples?

    • @philippaul6039
      @philippaul6039 2 роки тому +1

      PLEASE reach out to James White. He'd be a incredible guest!

  • @UncensoredChristian
    @UncensoredChristian 2 роки тому +781

    For everyone who is mad at IP for not challenging Ehrman let’s take a second to recognize that Ehrman is a scholar who has devoted his life to this work and IP has not devoted his life to this particular form of scholarship. What can we honestly expect IP to argue or ask that Ehrman wouldn’t have had an answer for? If our faith in Christ is justified then listening to opposing views shouldn’t shake us. Great video!

    • @JesustheonlywaytoGod89
      @JesustheonlywaytoGod89 2 роки тому +32

      IP speaking about the book of revelation at 6:35 "why do you think peoples today try to make this about the futur"
      so IP believe the book of revelation is not about the futur! even though the book of revelation is literally talking about the end times and the mark of the beast. go read the book of revelation yourself.
      guys there is no middle ground you cant believe conspiracy theories about the books of the bible promote lies and call yourself a christian, it's either you are a christian and you act like one or you leave the faith there is no middle ground in this you have to choose.
      if you want to believe lies about the books of the bible stop calling yourself a christian you're not a christian.

    • @misterbobby8913
      @misterbobby8913 2 роки тому +13

      ...after watching this video...I am now in a hole of doubt. I'm seriously flabbergasted. And in confusion now. IP saying sternly that the book of revelations is about the past and not the Future and hearing Bart talk and IP in agreement. Well....I'm now questioning alot of things......I was not expecting this to have happened.
      People claiming that Followers of Christ were so disillusioned when romans destroyed jerusalem in 70 A.D. and that Christ never came back....does this mean that honestly Christ didn't fulfill what he said??
      Why would Christ tell them that in their lifetime they would see him return?
      Wow.... can't believe I'm the one now writing this.....before watching this video I was a super Hard Christian. My world has been rocked. 😬

    • @LaymensLameMan
      @LaymensLameMan 2 роки тому +33

      @@misterbobby8913 I will say this. In a time where Christian’s were persecuted and slandered with no financial gain do you really think what they believed in had no substance? Some of those people were alive to see Jesus. I don’t mind the interpretation of the book of revelation to be for the past and not future as the Bible has always had a contemporary application to our modern sentiments. I would encourage you, do not lose faith. As Tim Keller says, I might be paraphrasing, “We put our faith in an air tight person not an air tight idea.” Facts and ideas are always subject to change and therefore our perspectives. But Christ will remain forever. As to what Yahweh chooses to reveal about himself to us that our perspective might change is all in his hands. God bless brother.

    • @wesleybasener9705
      @wesleybasener9705 2 роки тому +1

      Well said,

    • @JesustheonlywaytoGod89
      @JesustheonlywaytoGod89 2 роки тому +3

      ehrman is not a scholar , it's because he has the title scholar attached to his name that people respect him. otherwise nobody would care. the fear of men is what is the problem. ehrman is ignorant and not lead by God. wake up stop idolizing satan childrens because they have become famous and read church history.

  • @luvtowrstle
    @luvtowrstle 2 роки тому +168

    Personally, what most people don't realize is that the book of Revelation is like most of the Bible. It talks of the past, present AND future. It's intertwined within the conversation.

    • @maddog47g
      @maddog47g 2 роки тому +3

      The Old Testament is most of the Bible..

    • @s9523pink
      @s9523pink 2 роки тому +11

      Agreed, with past present and future being intertwined. John is seeing our reality from an eternal perspective, a timeless place, in that respect it makes sense and adds, for me, credence to what is being testified to.

    • @maddog47g
      @maddog47g 2 роки тому +6

      @@s9523pink sheeeeesh!!! Never thought about it like this.

    • @s9523pink
      @s9523pink 2 роки тому +4

      @@maddog47g , sure helped me, and helps me, when I read Revelations...if it were sequential ok, but what would our 3 dimensional reality look like from a totally different higher dimension not at all effected by a past, a present, or a future. In the book of Judges, Elijah and Elisha, are being chased by King Ahab and Queen Jezebel’s army and get surrounded. But Elijah is not afraid because He can see the Army of the Lord encircling that army, but Elisha looks at him as if he’s nuts...because he sees nothing! But Elijah prays for Elisha’s eyes to be opened and when they are, Elisha see what’s always been there. It’s all around us and we get glimpses of it and think it’s something else, because it is transcendent and very present and quite outside our concept of reality.

    • @maddog47g
      @maddog47g 2 роки тому +2

      @@s9523pink I have not got that far into the New Testament! I’ve read Mark and Matthew. Looks like I have more to look forward to.

  • @belialord
    @belialord 2 роки тому +38

    14:53 Thank you for asking that question Michael, as a former JW it's very nice to see a scholar address this

  • @eeeddddddiiieee
    @eeeddddddiiieee 2 роки тому +6

    “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.”
    ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭2:14-16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    • @Denise0752
      @Denise0752 2 роки тому +4

      @Eddie Vasquez; Amen!
      The natural man is spiritually dead. This is why he has no spiritual discernment. Until he is born again in Christ, indwelled with the Holy Spirit, he will not understand.
      "However, when He , the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth”.

  • @giorgirazmadze5102
    @giorgirazmadze5102 2 роки тому +10

    IP is such an unbelievable channel ‼️
    May Jesus Christ bless you brother 💕

  • @vladtepes9614
    @vladtepes9614 2 роки тому +1

    In ancient times, a mark on the right hand or forehead was a symbol of slavery. It was usually the name of the slave's master. We can see this in the Elephantine Papyri from the Persian period: "(I) On the 20th of Siwan,[1] that is the 7th day of Phamenoth,[2] the year 38 of King Artaxerxes[3]--at that time, (2) Meshullam son of Zakkur, a Jew of the fortress Elephantine, of the detachment of Arpakhu said to the woman Tapmut (as she is called), (3) his slave,[4] who has on her right hand the marking "Of Meshullam," as follows:" - (Manumission of a Female Slave and her Daughter, 427 BCE)

  • @seedfarmer0416
    @seedfarmer0416 2 роки тому +14

    Thank Elohim for his Holy Spirit who had revealed secret and mysterious things to us, because of His mercy and grace. I can't imagine how depressed I would have been, listening to these two guys as described in Romans 1:22, without any clear understanding from the book of Revelation.
    Poor Bart Erham says 'the beast is the Romans'!!! Thank Elohim for his word that says ' Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Christ revealed what nation the beast is, in Revelation 2:12 & 13 - And to the angel of the church in PERGAMOS write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where SATAN'S SEAT IS: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where SATAN DWELLETH.
    Revelation 13:2 - And the beast ( Antichrist) which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the DRAGON ( SATAN) gave him his POWER, and HIS SEAT, and GREAT AUTHORITY.
    According to these 2 scripture verses, Satan's seat is in 'Pergamos', and the location of Pergamos today is in Turkey NOT the old Roman empire!

    • @MichaelStratton1993
      @MichaelStratton1993 2 роки тому +1

      As one who has a partial Preterist Historicist interpretation I agree completely with you that the Beast is Turkey, specifically the Ottoman Empire. But I’d also argue that the Ottoman Empire is the continuation of Rome as Mehmed II declared himself the “Roman Emperor: Kayser-i Rum, literally "Caesar of the Romans". Mehmed's claim rested principally with the idea that Constantinople was the rightful seat of the Roman Empire, as it had indeed been for more than a millennium. past alliances between the Ottoman dynasty and Byzantine Imperial families. Byzantine Princess Theodora Kantakouzene had been one of the wives of Orhan I, Mehmed claimed that by this he was a descendant of John Tzelepes Komnenos, which would of made Mehmed Roman nobility. This would make sense of the order of the Beast as well as Muhammad was most likely the false prophet beast of the earth which came after the beast of the sea(Rome). The Beast of the Earth(Islam) converted the first Beast(Rome) too his religion through Mehmed II, interesting how Mehmed is a shorten Turkish Variant too the name Muhammad. The Beast(Pagan Rome) who had a fatal head wound by the victory of the Church, who conquered and Christianized it, is later revived as the Ottoman Empire(Islamic Rome) and the Persecution of Christianity begins again. Mehmed can also be seen as Daniels little horn which uprooted 3 other horns(Byzantium, Serbia, Bulgaria) each of these kingdoms also claimed too be the successor of Rome. The 10 horns that spring from the fourth beast were likely kingdoms that claimed too be successors of the Roman Empire, each of them Christian except for the 11th which uprooted the 3 in the name of Islam the second Beast.

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому +1

      Revelation 11.8 and 17.5,18 make plain that Jerusalem is indeed spiritual Babylon:
      _And their dead bodies will lie on the street of _*_THE GREAT CITY_*_ which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified._ (Rev 11.8).
      _The woman [Babylon per 17.5] whom you saw is _*_THE GREAT CITY_*_ which reigns over the kings of the earth._ (Rev 17.18).
      Even the Babylonian Talmud compares Israel with Babylon, go figure. The harlot is also described in the colors and jewels describing the Levitical high priest’s garment colors and jewels on the breast-piece. I cover these things in my last video which I think you will find interesting, *The Antichrist Kingdom for Dummies*

    • @MichaelStratton1993
      @MichaelStratton1993 2 роки тому

      @@AllOtherNamesUsed I agree with you that chapters 11 and 12 is referring too the destruction of Jerusalem In 70 AD, but I don’t find the arguments that Jerusalem is the Mystery Babylon convincing. The echoing of the phrase “the Great City” may have some significance but I don’t think it’s proof that these verses are referring too the same city. Verse 17:18 refers too this Mystery Babylon ruling over the kings of the Earth, which at that time would of been Rome. Rome has more in common with Babylon, just as Babylon destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and scattered the inhabitants, Rome also destroyed the Temple and scattered the inhabitants. The Apostle Peter directly refers too Rome as Babylon in his Epistle. The gems mentioned in 17:4 are too vague too make the High priest connection, the verse mentioned pearls and the High-priest did not wear pearls and the verse doesn’t tell us what precious stones she is wearing either. The next two objections Is that the kings of the earth was too mourn for Mystery Babylon In Revelation 18:9, yet nobody mourned Jerusalem. Matter of fact antisemitism was on the rise both before and after the destruction of Jerusalem as we see with the Riots in Alexandria. People were celebrating the destruction of Jerusalem, yet the Kings of the Earth were mourning the destruction of Rome, with many trying too recapture and revive that part of the Empire. The last point is Revelation 18:23 where it states “by your sorceries(pharmakeia) the nations were deceived”
      Revelation 18:23 states that Mystery Babylon deceived the nations by pharmakeia, religious rituals where you use mind altering drugs to induce a spiritual experience. None of the Jewish sects in Judea used mind altering substances but we know there were many pagan cults throughout Rome who had such practices.

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому

      @@MichaelStratton1993 i don’t agree that Rev 11 and 12 refer to 70 AD and is still future to us. This is why it doesn’t make sense as you pointed out because it hasn’t taken place also it has nothing to do with Rome, where the temple never stood to begin with and would never fool even the elect if possible. The rabbis would never accept Rome or the pope as the messiah or the seat of His kingdom which would contradict many prophesies from OT and NT alike.
      Rev 11.8 and 17.5,18 speaks for itself and is so obvious I personally use it as a litmus test to decide who is biblically sound or not.
      No, Peter didn’t refer to Rome as Babylon either, that’s just an unfounded yet popular interpretation. Jerusalem is spiritual Babylon in the sense that it will be the focal point of a global false religion with the new temple (long planned by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem training Levites for service as we speak) like at the tower of Babel. It was in Jerusalem on Pentecost when the apostles began speaking in various tongues/languages to communicate the gospel to the men gathered from different nations in a sort of reversal of the confusion of tongues, now that the Holy Spirit had left the temple and was given to believers. Revelation shows the harlot sitting upon the waters (various peoples) gathered around, which again is described wearing the colors of the high priestly garment (questions of exact identity of jewels notwithstanding, they’re still wearing jewels) and even comes on a scarlet beast much like the red heifer the Temple Institute is looking for to cleanse the land and bring in the temple ministry/priesthood once again. The high priest also wore the name YHWH openly on his forehead, however spiritually we see the true spirit nature written on her forehead in Revelation.
      Rev 11.8, 17.5,18 also harmonizes with other scriptures pointing to Jerusalem as spiritual Babylon (in accordance with the theme of also called spiritual Sodom and Egypt):
      _”And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth.”_ (Rev 18.24)
      _”Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her”_ (Mat 23.37)
      _”For you, brethren, became imitators of the congregations of God in Christ Yeshua that are in Judea, for you also endured the same sufferings at the hands of your own countrymen, even as they did from the Judeans, who both killed the Lord Yeshua and the prophets, and drove us out. They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men, hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved; with the result that they always fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them to the utmost.”_ (1Th 2.14-16)
      The Israelis/Judeans are very proud that their own are the heads of the major pharmaceutical (derived from pharmakeia) companies pushing covid vaccines which the new data coming out now is showing very concerning things, a controversial subject beyond the scope of this discussion.

    • @MichaelStratton1993
      @MichaelStratton1993 2 роки тому

      @@AllOtherNamesUsed my mistake, usually when people argue that Jerusalem is Babylon they are taking a full preterist interpretation, comparing the Fall of Jerusalem in 70AD too that written in Revelation 18. As convincing as some of your arguments do seem, I heard them all before from Full-Preterist. Except for the connection you made between Babylon’s Pharmekeia and the current vaccines, I have too admit that is clever though I don’t think that’s what John and his audience were thinking of when he wrote it. Also I am not making the argument that Mystery Babylon is the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church, that would be a Futurist interpretation which I don’t ascribe too, besides the Vatican City doesn’t sit on 7 hills. The city of Rome sits on 7 hills and Jerusalem also sits on 7 hills, Mecca also sits on 7 hills. For me these are the only viable choices as the identification of Mystery Babylon. I don’t take a Futurist interpretation I take a Partial-Preterist Historicist interpretation of Revelation. The Beast trampling upon the Great city for 42 months(3.5 years) and the woman fleeing into the wilderness for 1,260 days(3.5 years) is speaking of how the Jerusalem Church community fled too the Kedarite city of Pella, fulfilling Isaiah 42:11, while the Romans besieged Jerusalem from 66-70AD(3.5 years) and destroying the Temple, fulfilling the end of Daniel’s 70 week vision. Now many Preterist will then go and argue that this is the fall of Mystery Babylon, but I take the Historicist approach that states that Rome’s destruction in the 5th century and the power vacuum that followed, is the fall of Mystery Babylon. Rome is Mystery Babylon because Judah’s history and relationship with Rome reflects Judah’s history with Babylon. When God delivered Judah from the hands of the Assyrians , they then allied themselves with Babylon. When God delivered Jerusalem from the hands of Greece, they then allied themselves with Rome. Babylon besieged Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple and displaced the Jews into captivity. Rome besieged Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and displaced the Jews into captivity. This fulfills Isaiah 6:12-13 which tells of two destructions and two captivities until the Mystery of Isaiah’s prophecy will be revealed and the Messiah the Holy Seed will be revealed.

  • @RAFAEL27769
    @RAFAEL27769 2 роки тому +1

    Why would Christians turn to an unbeliever for an explanation on the book of Revelation? It wasn't written to unbelievers, but to the church.

  • @fieryindian1338
    @fieryindian1338 2 роки тому +1

    Nero died in 68 AD whereas the book of Revelation was believed to be written in 96 AD. Why mention a dude subtly who's been dead for 3 decades? Am I missing something guys??

  • @edwardwicks304
    @edwardwicks304 2 роки тому +7

    Not a bad interview. IP, my feelings towards you vacillate but I find you to be a person of integrity. You have great insights and you offer perspectives that cause us to think. Please, keep up the good work.

  • @kingdizzy2871
    @kingdizzy2871 2 роки тому +4

    What if the apostle John had someone write the gospel for him and he himself wrote revelation after thinking himself learned enough that’s why the gospel would be better than the other book in terms of writing

    • @hans.stein.
      @hans.stein. 2 роки тому +1

      Very likely you are right. In the gospel there is a plural of people around John. Not in Revelation. Thanks.

    • @Nunya_Bidness_53
      @Nunya_Bidness_53 2 роки тому

      It is possible that both "Johns" are not the same person, at least the gospel of John may have been written by Lazarus.

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому

      indeed bible is not coherent book its an eclactic book they sometimes use septuagint and sometimes use masoratic which is corrupted, septuagint also have vast differences and error, new testament also have variants and interpolation in early ages seems like unpreserved and unfinished job until scholars selected which is original word centuries later, we believe god is created fine tuned universe as detailed as molecules there are no maverick molecules that escape god, now with all this great details and fine tuned universe which need to be in balance of matters to be sustained, why the bible is not as perfect as that? why scholars are in quest for the perfect bible?

    • @DontDrinkthatstuff
      @DontDrinkthatstuff 2 роки тому

      No chance. John would've been too old.

  • @RickDelmonico
    @RickDelmonico 2 роки тому +3

    I might have about 10,000 hours of study into the Bible. I don't think an atheist will have much influence on my understanding.

    • @B.S._Lewis
      @B.S._Lewis 2 роки тому +1

      That's because you're stubborn. Ehrman has had way more than that. He probably has that just reading the original Greek.

    • @RickDelmonico
      @RickDelmonico 2 роки тому

      @@B.S._Lewis Who invited the trolls in?

    • @RickDelmonico
      @RickDelmonico 2 роки тому

      @@B.S._Lewis That doesn't make him correct. My point is I know the Bible well enough to see through the arguments.

    • @B.S._Lewis
      @B.S._Lewis 2 роки тому

      @@RickDelmonico PineCreek...

    • @B.S._Lewis
      @B.S._Lewis 2 роки тому

      @@RickDelmonico Yeah it's kinda eye opening that the rock solid foundation of Christianity is all about subjective opinions and arguments...
      But you just keep reading the same book over and over and I'm sure your opinions will change as well.

  • @rlee1185
    @rlee1185 2 роки тому +6

    It is about the future.

    • @jakejerrison5181
      @jakejerrison5181 2 роки тому

      If you have brain damage, maybe you’d think that.

    • @AveChristusRex
      @AveChristusRex 2 роки тому +1

      @@jakejerrison5181 'Everyone before about 5 seconds ago had brain damage but I don't. I'm smart.'
      -definitely NOT smart people

    • @rlee1185
      @rlee1185 2 роки тому

      @@jakejerrison5181 you definitely don't have phds in these areas. Plenty of people that do disagree with you.

    • @jakejerrison5181
      @jakejerrison5181 2 роки тому

      @@rlee1185 That’s why I appeal to facts and not academic authority.

    • @johnnastrom9400
      @johnnastrom9400 Рік тому

      No. It is about 1st century Rome.

  • @clispyleaf
    @clispyleaf 2 роки тому +55

    Forgive me if I don't consider Ehrman the least bit credible or authoratative..

    • @micahhenley589
      @micahhenley589 2 роки тому +13

      You are very correct Sarah. Sadly, Ehrman has rejected Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life(John 14:6). All wisdom and truth is found in Christ alone.

    • @jakejerrison5181
      @jakejerrison5181 2 роки тому +18

      Forgive me if I don’t consider you, a random commenter, the least bit credible or authoritative on Bart Ehrman, a world-renown scholar that clearly has more expertise in this field than *you.*

    • @thatsriiiiight4170
      @thatsriiiiight4170 2 роки тому +11

      @@jakejerrison5181 He knows history but hes certainly not a theologian

    • @jaskitstepkit7153
      @jaskitstepkit7153 2 роки тому +7

      Erman has being seen saying different things to different peoples or showing opinions in his popular wrighting that he doesn't ultimately agree. This has happened several times. This might be him having fluid opinions or double talking. In his interview with Canadian Catholic he has stated that all documents see Jesus as Divine in some extent,so do whatever you want with that.
      There are similarly great scholars who disagree with him. He's not the ultimate authority in the field just because of his popolarizing works.

    • @jakejerrison5181
      @jakejerrison5181 2 роки тому +5

      @@thatsriiiiight4170 He understands more about the theology of Christianity than you Apologists do, and that’s scary.

  • @maskofsorrow
    @maskofsorrow Рік тому

    If you look at the Preterist view alongside the works of Josephus it is pretty easy to see that there is a correlation with what John describes/prophesies in Revelation. The Historicist view also has great merit in it as is espoused by Seventh Day Adventists, and some aspects of the Futurist position, while limited, has support also. (eg. There never has been a time on historical record that i have known anyone to reveal that shows that the whole world/whole land (i.e. Ancient Israel) has had to receive a mark on their forehead or their right hand to enable them to buy and sell.) I know that in some cases this was necessary, in some parts of the Roman Empire (eg. in Trade Guilds) but it was never forced on the entire population. Not a literal Mark anyway. As for the Idealist/Spiritual view, it is a spiritual book so that is a given. For these reasons i sit myself in the Eclecticist camp of interpretation. The overall picture is that of God and His people at war with the Adversary with the final outcome of the triumph of the ages by the Resurrected Son of God and the eternal demise of the Satanic enemy.

  • @PC-vg8vn
    @PC-vg8vn 2 роки тому +1

    The Beast of 666 fame was indeed Nero. 144000 is not a literal number and refers to the complete people of God.

  • @claylemberis4574
    @claylemberis4574 Рік тому

    If you read the book of Daniel and then chapter 1 of Plato’s republic and then revelations it makes a lot of sense

  • @ri3m4nn
    @ri3m4nn 11 місяців тому

    14:35 Reformation happened before the French Revolution... so obviously that interpretation did it come from the French Revolution

    • @ri3m4nn
      @ri3m4nn 11 місяців тому

      16:04 cognitive dissonance ... right, isn't it amazing how John somehow described the vast multitude of Christians even though that didn't exist during his time?

  • @gamerjj777
    @gamerjj777 2 роки тому +2

    Didn't early church fathers thought revelation as futuristic?

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 роки тому +2

      Do be deceived, a atheist without the Spirit can't tell you prophecy
      1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
      1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
      1 Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

    • @gamerjj777
      @gamerjj777 2 роки тому

      @Holy Kafir they didnt that will happen in there time but a far time them.

    • @chemforumlachimie6754
      @chemforumlachimie6754 2 роки тому

      @@TheLionFarm thank you very much

    • @gamerjj777
      @gamerjj777 2 роки тому

      @Holy Kafir please read them and talk.

    • @gamerjj777
      @gamerjj777 2 роки тому

      @Holy Kafir no u never read them.

  • @ABPE92
    @ABPE92 2 роки тому +1

    I can’t take Bart serious on any biblical subject….besides maybe….him confirming that Jesus existed.

    • @dickjones4912
      @dickjones4912 2 роки тому

      Confirmation bias and an ad hominem rolled into one, well done.👏

  • @leonmajcen2577
    @leonmajcen2577 2 роки тому +2

    When the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD, the 10 kingdoms were formed. Later through the centuries number and forms of those divided kingdoms varied, but never came into one big kingdom/empire again. Beast in Revelation 13 are divided kingdoms of the earth united with the roman papacy and Pope as the Antichrist.

    • @tmcwas3717
      @tmcwas3717 2 роки тому +1

      Lol the pope is not the Antichrist you fool

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому

      indeed bible is not coherent book its an eclactic book they sometimes use septuagint and sometimes use masoratic which is corrupted, septuagint also have vast differences and error, new testament also have variants and interpolation in early ages seems like unpreserved and unfinished job until scholars selected which is original word centuries later, we believe god is created fine tuned universe as detailed as molecules there are no maverick molecules that escape god, now with all this great details and fine tuned universe which need to be in balance of matters to be sustained, why the bible is not as perfect as that? why scholars are in quest for the perfect bible?

    • @FozzyBBear
      @FozzyBBear 2 роки тому

      Think 10 ethnoi or tribes rather than 10 kingdoms. Chimeric beasts are multicultural. Historically that's what made them empires rather than monocultural kingdoms represented by natural beasts. The 10 tribes, the ancestors of modern Europe, were invaders of Rome - they devoured her. Those same 10 tribes, the Goths, Huns, Vandals, Alans, etc., have continued to rule the world, but are not currently recognized as a united empire. When that changes we'll know the end is truly nigh.

    • @leonmajcen2577
      @leonmajcen2577 2 роки тому +1

      @@FozzyBBear yeah but the beast in Rev 13 has 10 crowns on the 10 horns. So it means it talks about events after 476 AD.

    • @FozzyBBear
      @FozzyBBear 2 роки тому

      @@leonmajcen2577 Yes, but notice the later little horn as described by Daniel has no crown. It was never a monarchy, yet is more stout than its fellows. Only one nation I know of meets that description, and has already ended three European empires that came before it.

  • @RobSed55
    @RobSed55 Рік тому

    Thanks for this interview. I'd like to hear Bart Ehrman speak more, on Christian channels, about his scholarly view of actual scripture.

  • @MichaelStratton1993
    @MichaelStratton1993 2 роки тому +72

    I like Bart Erhman but he stated that no one interpreted the Book of Revelation as speaking of future events until the French Revolution, where does he get this idea from? He’s an expert on Antiquity but doesn’t he know that the earliest commentaries on Revelation such as Hippolytus of Rome and his teacher Irenaeus of Lyons both believed that events of Revelation was suppose too happen after the fall of the Roman Empire. Later in the 5th century the Idealist interpretation was made popular by Augustine but there were still many who believed it too be speaking of future events, such as Andrew of Caesarea’s commentary on Revelation.

    • @colmwhateveryoulike3240
      @colmwhateveryoulike3240 2 роки тому +3

      I just got my copy of that. Looking forward to reading it.

    • @RealCaptainAwesome
      @RealCaptainAwesome 2 роки тому +19

      Yeah, he likes to gloss over and dismiss things that don't fit his pre conceived ideas. If he makes it seem like a modern idea then he can just ignore it

    • @IamGrimalkin
      @IamGrimalkin 2 роки тому +12

      He also seems to have thought that "wars and rumours of wars" came from Revelation, rather than the Gospels.
      The idea that Revelation is about the past is perfectly respectable (although I disagree), but Ehrman makes some surprisingly basic mistakes for someone who's supposed to be writing a book on it.
      Hopefully he'll have brushed up a bit more by the time he's finished his book.

    • @carsonianthegreat4672
      @carsonianthegreat4672 2 роки тому +7

      He’s just outright lying. I know for a fact that Thomas Aquinas interprets it in as talking about the future. And there are many Church Fathers who do this as well.

    • @troelsvestergaard6644
      @troelsvestergaard6644 2 роки тому

      The mind thing is a bad thing when your goal is to be rational😂😂

  • @RickDelmonico
    @RickDelmonico 2 роки тому +216

    To understand Revelation, you must have a good understanding of the rest of the Bible.

    • @thelordsdayministry2026
      @thelordsdayministry2026 2 роки тому +5

      True. I wrote a book putting Scripture thru out the Bible together like a jig saw puzzle to give you a clear picture of Revelation. Links in about section at The Lord's Day Ministry channel. Also videos about rapture and more.

    • @jeremiah5319
      @jeremiah5319 Рік тому +3

      At the very least, an understanding/study of the O.T. prophets is essential to understand Revelation.

    • @lorenioooooas
      @lorenioooooas Рік тому +2

      Revelation/apocalypse is more about liturgy than predictions.
      It's funny that people obssess about predictions here when maybe only 10 percent is really about eschatology.
      Most of it is about the spiritual realities of heaven and the heavenly worship.

    • @olavurksnadal1837
      @olavurksnadal1837 Рік тому


    • @esthertrouton417
      @esthertrouton417 Рік тому

      Especially the old testament.

  • @טמוציןבורגיגין
    @טמוציןבורגיגין 2 роки тому +151

    It's so amazing to see the mutual respect between these two people, despite their huge disagreements. I'm sure IP interviewed the most infamous critic of Christianity on purpose here - To show how we can learn even from an atheist professor, and build bridges even with critics :)

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 2 роки тому +3

      yep you got it, and erman is promoting his upcoming money maker, they both just ooze integrity, right?

    • @טמוציןבורגיגין
      @טמוציןבורגיגין 2 роки тому +1

      @Gil Yair Yamin
      It’s just the name Genghis Khan was born with. Long ago, when I chose my account’s name and was young and stupid, I thought that would be cool. Now I’m stuck...😅 It’s pronounced Tamuchin Burjigin, I think, though I’m not sure...

    • @טמוציןבורגיגין
      @טמוציןבורגיגין 2 роки тому +1

      @Gil Yair Yamin
      כי אני ישראלי אחי ;)

    • @AdamAlbilya1
      @AdamAlbilya1 2 роки тому

      @Gil Yair Yamin חחח גם אתה הגעת לפה מדאג?

    • @miroslavmatijevic6185
      @miroslavmatijevic6185 2 роки тому +1

      I don't think that IP is a Christian by first century standards

  • @5BBassist4Christ
    @5BBassist4Christ 2 роки тому +60

    Early in the video, Dr. Ehrman said the prophetic interpetation began in the 1800s, but then later he said the Protestant Reformation viewed the beast to be the Pope. But the Protestant Reformation happened a couple hundred years before the time stated for the beginning of the belief the book was prophetic. Did I miss something?

    • @leonmajcen2577
      @leonmajcen2577 2 роки тому +38

      Yeah. He is contradicting himself and saying secular myths

    • @Frodojack
      @Frodojack 2 роки тому +9

      There was also a belief that the end of the world would arrive in the year 1000. Later, the Mongol invasions and the Black Death also led to a belief of the end of time.

    • @js1423
      @js1423 2 роки тому +9

      @@leonmajcen2577 I think he means by “prophetic” the modernist, Left Behind-view (Antichrist rules global NWO, Israel in 1948, technology-based Mark etc) of the End Times, which IP seems to reject as well. Christians have viewed many things before the 19th century as signs of the end (rise and conflict with Islam, plague, protestant reformation, 30 years war)

    • @sukka4pain
      @sukka4pain 2 роки тому +5

      @@leonmajcen2577 What a charitable interpretation!

    • @moderncaleb3923
      @moderncaleb3923 2 роки тому +4

      @@sukka4pain just a blunt way of saying he was mistaken.

  • @AveChristusRex
    @AveChristusRex 2 роки тому +95

    The argument that Revelation was written in 'bad' Greek completely ignores the genre of Jewish Greek, i.e. that Greek which is (deliberately/necessarily) pervaded with Hebraistic usage of the language, due to tendencies to favor the Semitic rather than Hellensitic influences of the culture, or simple inability to make use of native Greek, depending instead on readable Greek intended for Jewish/Semitic audiences, or at least written by a Semite.
    I can't believe 'Greek scholars' are still saying stuff like this.

    • @MichaelStratton1993
      @MichaelStratton1993 2 роки тому +30

      You also got too think, Revelation was said too be written when John was in exile while his Gospel and Epistles were said too be written after he returned too Ephesus when he would of likely had scribes available too help him write in a more coherent Greek

    • @gamerjj777
      @gamerjj777 2 роки тому +3

      @@MichaelStratton1993 ya thats a possibility.

    • @evangeliumproductions3856
      @evangeliumproductions3856 2 роки тому +2

      Nice seeing a trad catholic here

    • @AveChristusRex
      @AveChristusRex 2 роки тому +4

      @@MichaelStratton1993 Excellent point, actually.

    • @michaelparsons3007
      @michaelparsons3007 2 роки тому +13

      Bart Errorman

  • @mrsapostate
    @mrsapostate 2 роки тому +146

    I am not a Christian, but I appreciate your content, IP! 👍I came across your content a few years ago when I was considering Christianity again.

    • @TheLordpeanuts
      @TheLordpeanuts 2 роки тому +10

      Yeah, I think he posed a really compelling case for theism when he debated against Apostate Prophet and, in my opinion, totally showed him what was what.

    • @Reignor99
      @Reignor99 2 роки тому +12

      Same, as an agnostic with a passion for theology, IP is one of my favorite apologists.

    • @knowledge_lantern
      @knowledge_lantern 2 роки тому +2

      Are you like your husband an under cover missionary 🤣🤣

    • @Reignor99
      @Reignor99 2 роки тому +2

      @Darren It's not sensuality, vain imagination, or specious mysticism that causes me not to believe. In fact I'd say one of those is the reason you DO believe.

    • @lil-al
      @lil-al 2 роки тому

      @Darren A lot of people earnestly seeking truth realise that christianity is not it. It fails at every level. You would realise this if you actually cared about truth.

  • @kingndanorth
    @kingndanorth 2 роки тому +17

    Already but not yet. It's hard to understand but it's the correct way to look at revelation in my opinion.

    • @YeshuaMessiah777
      @YeshuaMessiah777 9 місяців тому

      The beast with 7 heads and 10 horns coming up out of the waters, multi-headed means political, singular is religious (being the anti-christ which is Satan).
      7 dominions throughout the earth, 10 kings/world leaders, the waters are the people expecting to be raptured, for it will be as in the days of Noah, those who are taken abide under God's wrath.
      False messiah comes 1st in Rev. 12 Satan and the fallen angels will be cast to earth, he is the son of perdition (perdition means to be put to death, he is the only 1 who has already been judged).
      The harlot, the woman spoken of is that great city Babylon, babel=confusion (Satan is the author of confusion), God said "to come out of her.
      It's not until the son of perdition, after the 2nd woe, on the 7th trumpet is when Jesus returns, the Lord's Day (that 1000yr period, the day John was taken to, even past where were at now), when Jesus returns the dead will rise and we will all (meaning everyone to have ever lived) be in the spirit.
      Yeshua Messiah will reign here on in the new Heaven in the earth till the Great White Throne judgement, then Satan will be let loosed a little while because God is fair and everyone will have a chance and they will be tested by him and some will still even then choose to follow/worship Satan.
      God is that consuming, you don't burn in Hell forever and ever, your name is blotted out, no longer existing, period, all souls return to whenst they came.
      The mark of beast in the forehead are those without the seal of God in their foreheads (meaning the truth), the mark on their hand are those doing the work of the beast, not a tattoo of 666 or a computer chip implanted.
      The 1st beast received a deadly wound on 1 of it's heads, a disagreement via the supernatural entity being Satan when he is cast out of Heaven entirely will come to solve the problem (world peace), no nations to wage war against 1 another we/they will all be as 1, a 1 world rule, under Satan (the beast system).
      The religious beast who was out of the earth (dust/ made flesh) and cast to the earth, the anti-christ isn't a man, it's Satan (looks like a lamb, spake like a dragon).
      He exercises all the powers of the 1st beast (to take advantage, coming to make peace), and when the dragon healed the wound of the 1st beast, all worshipped it (trample like cattle).
      Churches will become the harlot and whore after her, and oh how so difficult it will be to speak/preach against peace/ the wound was by the sword and it is truth, for they/ the world will hate you/us for standing on God's Word till the end.
      Satan uses men, the churches will do the work for him, they'll think your preaching against Jesus, our Messiah to come.

  • @vedinthorn
    @vedinthorn 2 роки тому +79

    Not gonna lie, I don't really respect his ability to interpret scripture seeing as he's a guy who says Mark has a low christology among other things. Getting the right reading from manuscripts is one thing, but getting the meaning from them is another.

    • @jakejerrison5181
      @jakejerrison5181 2 роки тому +7

      Lol. So you’re scared of facts being presented that dismantle your dogma?

    • @vedinthorn
      @vedinthorn 2 роки тому +27

      @@jakejerrison5181 I very much doubt he'll have much to say about dogma. In truth I don't care about escatology at all. It bores me and I find it useless to speculate. That said, no, I'm not scared of anything. I just question his ability to interpret texts of all kinds.

    • @vedinthorn
      @vedinthorn 2 роки тому +23

      @@jakejerrison5181 I mean, seriously, Mark has a VERY high christology, and anyone who actually vests any time into studying the matter can see it, but for some reason Erhman thinks Mark would be surprised to find anyone reading his Gospel and coming away with the belief that Jesus was God. It's right there plain as day as even IP knows.
      Again, if I'm confused about a variant reading I'd have no problem going to Erhman to sort it out. But if I want to know if we should baptize by emmerssion or sprinkling, I'd avoid him since that's not really his expertise.

    • @jakejerrison5181
      @jakejerrison5181 2 роки тому +4

      @@vedinthorn You’re an apologist and that makes me question your capacity for seriously interpreting the text of the Bible. I’ll trust a scholar over an apologist, because a scholar has the resources and knowledge to use in perusing the text, which apologists don’t have and refuse to use to their advantage. When you deny basic facts about the Bible, you’re denying basic facts about your faith and disgracing your own book. That’s the essence of danger to which apologism leads, and it is a very irksome current of thought. I’m confident Ehrman has a greater understanding of Revelations than you because, simply put, he has put in the work to critically investigate the text and the data surrounding it. I can’t say the same for an apologist, whose only intentions are to distort the text (at their leisure!) to fit their narratives, which is a sneaky and unacceptable thing to do.

    • @jakejerrison5181
      @jakejerrison5181 2 роки тому +4

      @@vedinthorn No. The fact is, neither Paul nor any of the Gospel writers believed that Yeshua was an Elohim of any kind. Paul seemed to have believed (though his authorship is questioned!) in Galatians 4:14 that Yeshua was a divine messenger of God, like the Angel of the LORD found in the TANAKH. In other words, Paul believed that GOD spoke through Yeshua and that Yeshua became the Word (i.e., a Son of Adam was to be adopted by God as His most faithful subject). This is a lot of exaltation, but no where is it found that Yeshua is God because nobody believed this at the time. Neither Yeshua, nor the Disciples, nor even any of the authors of the texts we call the Bible believed this. Of course, views of Yeshua changed overtime and eventually, nefarious actors came to say he was literally God or even Yahweh Himself, but this did not become the mainstream view until centuries after the martyrdom of the Christ. Still, the trinitarians called any conflation of Yeshua and Yahweh to be heresy (e.g., Sabellianism), and this is the greatest mistake that so-called trinitarians make today.

  • @carlknaack1019
    @carlknaack1019 2 роки тому +62

    This was interesting. However, I don’t see a conflict between viewing Revelation as both symbolic and about the future. It is not a literal verse by verse of the future, yet it does appear to show things yet to come, by taking soteriology to its fullest. And it is somewhat of a misnomer to say that the Brits first significantly read Revelation as prophecy. There were large groups since the Church Fathers who took it as something more than just a lesson, while it is mainly a lesson, even throughout the Middle Ages.
    Regardless, this discussion is very important, and I am always glad when someone talks about Revelation and they get the Mark of the Beast right.
    Ps. Dr. Licona spoke about Mark, and Dr. Ehrman spoke about the Mark of the Beast.😁

    • @RealCaptainAwesome
      @RealCaptainAwesome 2 роки тому +5

      Yeah the doctor really likes to broad brush things then nitpick details when it suits his needs.

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому

      Well the 666/number of the name simply refers to a census number listed under the head of a family name rather than listing every single name as in the book of NUMBERS conducted by Moses and Aaron when mustering an army and allotting the land (also in the time of Nehemiah with an example using the same number 666) - which will reoccur when the ‘ingathering’ being planned in Israel today by the diaspora ministry finally happens.
      The prophesy of the mark of the name is an old testament reference to the Sinai covenant marriage where the congregation are sealed in the hand and forehead with the name of the Lord in the covenant marriage, as the wife takes the name of the husband in marriage. This is symbolized by the tefillin worn by observant Judeans over the hand/forehead marked with the name Shaddai which is the Holy Spirit. The rabbis are awaiting the prophet Elijah to return to renew the old covenant and law and altar and temple, etc - this answers to the false prophet/second beast of Revelation 13. I have deep studies on my blog linked atop my channel too lengthy to post here on these things.

  • @fandude7
    @fandude7 2 роки тому +19

    While I do believe the book of Revelation is about future events, I really enjoy this channel and support IP financially. Thanks Michael

    • @pleaseenteraname1103
      @pleaseenteraname1103 Рік тому +1

      Yeah I do too.

    • @kieransoregaard-utt8
      @kieransoregaard-utt8 Рік тому

      You’re wrong. Read the book.

    • @kieransoregaard-utt8
      @kieransoregaard-utt8 Рік тому

      @@pleaseenteraname1103You’re wrong. Read the book.

    • @sofidofie
      @sofidofie 11 місяців тому

      @@kieransoregaard-utt8I have read it , if it’s not about the future, what is about?

    • @kieransoregaard-utt8
      @kieransoregaard-utt8 11 місяців тому

      @@sofidofie you read Dr. Ehrman’s book? I don’t think so because if you did, you wouldn’t be asking this question.

  • @Brickeh
    @Brickeh 2 роки тому +62

    This will be interesting for sure. I think atheist Bible scholarship is a good way to try and get a proper understanding of the text without reading modern theology back into the original documents. No one's perfect but both sides coming together certainly are less biased than one side doing all the work

    • @heavnxbound
      @heavnxbound 2 роки тому +1

      Definitely agreed :)

    • @blunelson8226
      @blunelson8226 2 роки тому

      I agree.

    • @wowitsfrostygames155
      @wowitsfrostygames155 Рік тому +3

      Yep. People seem to forget God uses everyone, even his enemies, to do his will even if they dont know it. Its the fact that many atheist scholars and historians DO agree with much of the historicity of the events surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection that make it so compelling.

  • @Eraktab
    @Eraktab 2 роки тому +65

    I think the comment sections "interesting" is a good word. He's a scholar for sure but a highly refuted one. Will at minimum be interesting to hear though

    • @JesustheonlywaytoGod89
      @JesustheonlywaytoGod89 2 роки тому +18

      inspiring phylosophy didn't challenged any of his lies , when bart ehrman said that the bible is not the inherent word of God he said nothing. when bart ehrman said the author of the gospel of john is not the author of the book of revelation he said nothing.He didn't challenged any lies that Bart ehrman said.

    • @JesustheonlywaytoGod89
      @JesustheonlywaytoGod89 2 роки тому +16

      next time let's invite an hindu or a witch to talks about the history of the new testament and promote their books as well.
      i mean inspiring phylosophy literally promoted the book of bart ehrman about revelations right at the begginning of his video.
      it's like promoting the book of a witch basically, ehrman wrotte severals books of lies to discredit the bible and "inspiring phylosophy" promote his book and accept all the lies of bart ehrman.
      can we have a satanist next to give us some knowledge about the bible next? what do you think guys?!

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому

      indeed bible is not coherent book its an eclactic book they sometimes use septuagint and sometimes use masoratic which is corrupted, septuagint also have vast differences and error, new testament also have variants and interpolation in early ages seems like unpreserved and unfinished job until scholars selected which is original word centuries later, we believe god is created fine tuned universe as detailed as molecules there are no maverick molecules that escape god, now with all this great details and fine tuned universe which need to be in balance of matters to be sustained, why the bible is not as perfect as that? why scholars are in quest for the perfect bible?

    • @monotheist..
      @monotheist.. 2 роки тому +1

      even in modern translation like NET bible and NRSV bible for representative they have deliberate change of translation
      see 2 Samuel 21:19

    • @fdsajfldaskjf
      @fdsajfldaskjf 2 роки тому +1

      @@JesustheonlywaytoGod89 Philosophy*

  • @TheLionFarm
    @TheLionFarm 2 роки тому +2

    6:35 what a silly question ⁉️
    A atheist without The Spirit can't guide the church, you should be ashamed of yourself.
    Revelation 20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
    After the 1000 year reign if that's NOT FUTURE then ip is an atheist to me

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 роки тому 📚

  • @AveChristusRex
    @AveChristusRex 2 роки тому +19

    So much for all the fathers who interpreted Revelation as speaking of the end times antichrist.

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 роки тому +9

      You believe a atheist to tell you prophecy?
      2 Timothy 2:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

    • @EternalVisionToday
      @EternalVisionToday 2 роки тому +10

      😁 Right! Lets throw out serious Church fathers who knew Revelations was about the future and accept the snide rumblings from this former religious person with a major axe🪓 to grind.

    • @AveChristusRex
      @AveChristusRex 2 роки тому

      @@bobloblaw4102 The authorship was literally - literally - never not known, or questioned, except for books originally not ascribed, such as Hebrews (which nonetheless were more or less by consensus ascribed to St. Paul, especially in Liturgy, one important source of tradition). This is a fantasy conspiracy theory, not history or scholarship - 'muh anonymous books.' Literally every copy we have of any book in question that's relevant (i.e. is not a fragment without a heading or anything more than a passage or two) has the "according to [author]" part on its heading. Besides this, literally every work that mentions these books ascribes it to whom we do. More than this, these works were disseminated so far and wide, and so early, that the agreement in ascription can only point to the originality or reality of such. The only reason to question it would be out of spite for the unanimous, world-wide ascription.
      So put to rest the 'muh anonymous books' argument. It's cringe, fake, and gay. Regardless of what 'muh scholars' say (the same scholars who literally only date Matthew to after the Temple was destroyed because Jesus predicted the Temple was destroyed - explicitly, as part of their dating method).
      Second, the entire corpus - volumes upon volumes you could never read in a lifetime - of the early Church literature constitutes a witness of so many persons that they can't be counted, not just in one place, but all over the Empire, of what was believed not only in their day, but, by a succession of bishops and writings, the Apostles and their disciples - including writings that pre-date some books of the New Testament.
      Literally the only reasons one would doubt the New Testament/Church Fathers' witness, is because of bias against the message, not against the reliability of the message. You simply can't argue against the consistent transmission from Apostles, to sucessors, to bishops, to the present day, of the beliefs of the early followers of Christ, including the witness of the Apostles who personally saw Christ die and then come back to life as He said.
      Skeptics always say 'we should trust them because ... ?' As though the justice system doesn't judge otherwise useless testimony based on its believability, the credibility of witnesses, circumstantial evidence, internal consistency of witness, etc.
      By their standard, nothing could be established in a court of law, ever. Everything would be 'photoshopped' or 'fake.'
      Besides, even assuming Christianity was false, which it's not, we should go to the contemporaries and followers of the contemporaries, and the followers of the Apostles themselves, instead of Bart Ehrman in 2022, to see what they believed about what John wrote, instead of what an open agnostic apostate from Christianity with that bias on the table thinks about what John meant. With no falsifiability (in the form of traditional interpretation, the key witness to what it meant and how it was understood when it 'dropped').

    • @ikengaspirit3063
      @ikengaspirit3063 2 роки тому

      @@bobloblaw4102 that we should trust cuz Ehrman claims that believe that Revelations predicts the future is a modern thing, while some of the conclusions are modern, the general believe that it describes, even if metaphorically, the future is old.

    • @wizdomministries5720
      @wizdomministries5720 Рік тому

      @EternalVisionToday Exactly, the comment might as well say "So much for the Holy Spirit doing his job right". Ppl seem to think God is just guiding his whole church into a delusion.

  • @sethcaro
    @sethcaro Рік тому +6

    Rev. 1:19: Write therefore the things:
    -Which you have seen
    -Which are
    -Which shall take place after these (or about to take place).
    I think it’s both the things that were clear for the reader at the time and things that would happen in the future.

  • @TheLionFarm
    @TheLionFarm 2 роки тому +4

    1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
    1 John 4:2 Hereby know you the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
    1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
    1 Corinthians 14:22 Why tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serves not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.

    • @TheLionFarm
      @TheLionFarm 2 роки тому it is done

  • @heurisko2103
    @heurisko2103 2 роки тому +35

    Bart Ehrman reminds me of the atheist community college professor trying to debunk the faith of young naive evangelicals. He even has the scoffing laugh. Lol

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому +1

      The 666/number of the name simply refers to a census number listed under the head of a family name rather than listing every single name as in the book of NUMBERS conducted by Moses and Aaron when mustering an army and allotting the land (also in the time of Nehemiah with an example using the same number 666) - which will reoccur when the ‘ingathering’ being planned in Israel today by the diaspora ministry finally happens.
      The prophesy of the mark of the name is an old testament reference to the Sinai covenant marriage where the congregation are sealed in the hand and forehead with the name of the Lord, as the wife takes the name of the husband in marriage. This is symbolized by the tefillin worn by observant Judeans over the hand/forehead marked with the name Shaddai which is the Holy Spirit. The rabbis are awaiting the prophet Elijah to return to renew the old covenant and law and altar and temple, etc - this answers to the false prophet/second beast of Revelation 13. I have deep studies on my blog linked atop my channel too lengthy to post here on these things.

    • @DarrenGedye
      @DarrenGedye 2 роки тому +4

      @@AllOtherNamesUsed hmm, scholars debate these things but somehow you emphatically know all the answers?

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому +2

      @@DarrenGedye sounds like a pharisee argument

    • @rensorek
      @rensorek 2 роки тому +1

      @@DarrenGedye Exactly. If it was "known" there wouldn't be so much study behind it. It's a mystery that will be understood at the appropriate time.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 2 роки тому +1

      @@AllOtherNamesUsed thank god you're here to clear things up, maybe you can explain the rest of the bible too cos no one seems to agree on what anything in it means.

  • @davidgustafson-td6ru
    @davidgustafson-td6ru 9 місяців тому +3

    I am a born again, spirit filled Christian. I have no other God except Jesus. I have no hope except for Him. It breaks my heart that Bart identifies himself as an agnostic. Bart is a scholar. His early contributions to academia are significant. Hopefully his bad philosophy will encourage us to be better stewards of God's word instead of passively accepting whatever we hear.
    Its ok to listen to Bart and be upset by his doctrine. Now is the time to accept the challenge and dig deep into scripture. Now is the time to make God's word more precious than your daily bread. Pray for Bart, right now he is Saul, pray that Jesus would touch his heart and create a Paul.

  • @MrRobfullarton
    @MrRobfullarton 2 роки тому +2

    Why would you have Bart Ehrman talk on Revelation? Why not have Dawkins do a talk on Genesis? The whole point of Revelation is to do with future events, a future one world dictatorship, preceding the ending of the world, everything is wrapped up in the supernatural, considering visions and prophecies, its nothing to do with having X amount head knowledge, that is beside the point, and useless in interpreting, and having an agnostic who has absurd claims on the Resurrection and the life of Christ, give a biased, eisegesis of the text on their very human, dry, worldly interpretation of a book based on supernatural occurances! You cannot use a paper scissors, man centered approach, all scripture is either inspired by the Spirit of God, (not a typical book written by a historical biographer) or it is a mere invention by a man. Consider it for what it is, and what the author intended! It most certainly is about future events, the opening chapters are about Domitian's persecution on the "Lordy day" when all believers were forced to bow down and worship the image of the caesar, and how a man called Antipas was martyred, then its a revelation of Jesus talking to John about the 7 Churches of Asia Minor, but after that it moves to heavenly events, talks about Satan's attack on the Church (possibly on Jesus when he was about to be born) but then switches to future events after that, as it talks about the systematic destruction of the earth, disaster by disaster and the judgment of the inhabitants of mankind. God wraps everything up and returns to Earth!

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому

      Agree with everything but would say that the attack on Christ’s birth in Rev 12 is referring to His second coming which is described in terms of a birth (labor pains of the woman, etc) and the resurrection from the womb of the earth. Christ said “I am the resurrection.” I have a report, “The Woman of Revelation 12,” on the blog listed atop my channel that goes deep into this.

  • @charlesmaeger9542
    @charlesmaeger9542 2 роки тому +9

    IP, appreciate hearing from an educated man on The Book of Revelation.

  • @OrangeRaft
    @OrangeRaft 2 роки тому +2

    I was the 666th like🙁

  • @MrPeterFranc
    @MrPeterFranc 2 роки тому +7

    The early church and all the saints and elders and disciples of the apostles believed the “prophetic” interpretation of the book of revelation. So yeah

    • @AveChristusRex
      @AveChristusRex 2 роки тому +3

      But muh NeW sChoLArly iNteRprETaTion

    • @JesustheonlywaytoGod89
      @JesustheonlywaytoGod89 2 роки тому

      @@AveChristusRex there is no scholarship of the new testament today. they dont know what 1 st and second century christians claimed about the origin of the books of the bible so they make conspiracy theories.

  • @Noctuavida
    @Noctuavida 2 роки тому +10

    Good interview, Dr. Erhman is a big deal! Keep up the great work 👍

  • @RicardoMartinez-mu8od
    @RicardoMartinez-mu8od 2 роки тому +85

    Bart is a weasel when it comes to presenting evidence in its full context. Mike Winger has done an amazing job breaking many of Barts deceptions.

    • @Seven_1865
      @Seven_1865 2 роки тому +6

      @pep kekingson I agree. I’m just starting to tune into these kinds of discussions and I’m very surprised by the authority Ehrman is given. No wonder Christians doubt when those who seem like respected defenders of the faith fail to answer him. That said, some of his arguments are not great but no one would know that if he’s not challenged.

    • @RicardoMartinez-mu8od
      @RicardoMartinez-mu8od 2 роки тому +2

      @pep kekingson I think the point of this video was to encourage people to listen to the debates, however, I think it has done the opposite.

    • @Debunked421
      @Debunked421 2 роки тому +7

      I'd love to see Bart Ehrim debate Dr Michael Hesier. My bets on the good Dr.

    • @user1134b6s
      @user1134b6s 2 роки тому +11

      @pep kekingson IP is very obsessed with modern scholarship and kowtows to it like a Pagan every chance he gets. He's good at researching in that context but he will often give it very fruitless leverage and benefit of the doubt.

    • @ianb483
      @ianb483 2 роки тому


  • @michaelharrington75
    @michaelharrington75 Рік тому +5

    I take everything Ehrman says with a grain of salt.

    • @paulhayes5684
      @paulhayes5684 Рік тому +1


    • @baonemogomotsi7138
      @baonemogomotsi7138 10 місяців тому

      I take everything written in the Bible with a grain of salt (I don't but you admitting that is retarded)

  • @Rimlick
    @Rimlick 2 роки тому +5

    Right, sooooo. Does anyone else see Bart as IP from the future?

    • @Reignor99
      @Reignor99 2 роки тому +1

      lol now that you mention it, sure.
      I sometimes think IP will eventually become an atheist. He's learning too much.

  • @madmanjim795
    @madmanjim795 2 роки тому +24

    I appreciate the input of all scholars on this topic - great interview IP! I am actually open to revelation describing past events but also describing future events. The biggest question mark in my head with Rome being the beast system is that it didn't fulfill all the criteria of being the beast system. Also, repeatedly in the OT specific place names are given when referring to the 'end times', which are all middle east centric (most of which are in modern day Turkey).
    Keep such great content coming out IP!

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому +4

      Revelation 11.8 and 17.5,18 make plain that Jerusalem is indeed spiritual Babylon:
      And their dead bodies will lie on the street of *THE GREAT CITY* which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified._ (Rev 11.8).
      _The woman [Babylon per 17.5] whom you saw is _*_THE GREAT CITY_*_ which reigns over the kings of the earth._ (Rev 17.18).
      Even the Babylonian Talmud compares Israel with Babylon, go figure. The harlot is also described in the colors and jewels describing the Levitical high priest’s garment colors and jewels on the breast-piece. I cover these things in my last video which I think you will find interesting, *The Antichrist Kingdom for Dummies*

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому

      I’m not a Catholic but the militant Jesuit Order was founded by false convert Judeans (see academic work of Judean scholar, Robert Maryks’, Jesuit Order as a Jwish Synagogue). The Vatican was long ago infiltrated by the Frankists, like the Sabbateans infiltrated Islam (which seems to have been invented by talmudic rabbis as a proxy to keep Christianity from spreading and taking over the ME). The Vatican has openly capitulated to the so-called Zionists since Vatican II and Nostra Aetate, and reversed many ancient traditions at their request. The current pope even endorsed Sabbath keeping to the delight of the rabbis.

    • @JesustheonlywaytoGod89
      @JesustheonlywaytoGod89 2 роки тому +1

      ehrman at 4:49 "peoples thought it was not john the disciple that wrotte the book of revelation"
      it's a lie and IP let him say that. Guys please wake up what's next inviting a witch and let her insult jesus ?
      i mean we are almost there please kindly wake up

    • @Nexus-jg7ev
      @Nexus-jg7ev Рік тому +1

      There is only one city in the world located on 7 hills - it's Rome. Revelation is a false prophecy whose purpose was to bring comfort and hope to the suffering Christians who were persecuted by the Roman Empire at the time of Nero. It has nothing to do with our time or the far future. Only lunatics believe that the end is at hand. The future might actually be very bright and the end will realistically come only after millions of years when the Sun explodes. But by that time we'll probably be able to migrate to other galaxies so we might still survive. So, eat, drink and be merry! There are no end times, and there is no afterlife. Make the most out of life while you can.

  • @jasonwolfe2991
    @jasonwolfe2991 2 роки тому +5

    It's one thing to be a preterist. It's another thing to be a preterist while believing that Revelation was written in the 90's, THREE DECADES after the events it's supposedly describing! There's a reason every Christian preterist believes it was written around the year 64, because otherwise it's NOT a prophetic book, but just a weird cryptic history book! You can be a Christian and believe Revelation mostly describes events in our past, but you can't believe it describes events in John's past! Ehrman's book (like almost all of his books) is meant to undermine the truth of Christianity.
    As for 666 referring to Nero, Christian preterists argue that John is identifying Nero in code because he was alive and persecuting Christians when John is writing his letter, but if it wasn't really written until about 30 years later what would be the point in being so cryptic? Why wouldn't he just openly name him?
    Ehrman acts as if all scholars agree that 666 = Nero, and that the only reason anyone disagrees is because they're ignorant fundamentalist hillbillies. There are significant problems with this interpretation: why would the Greek Christians who would have received this letter would be engaging in gematria, which is specifically adding up the values of letters in the Hebrew alphabet? It would be much more natural to assume that they would be practicing isopsephism, which is adding up the values of Greek letters, since that's the language Revelation was written in and what the original recipients read. But scholars reject that because Nero Caesar in Greek doesn't add up to 666, but notice how that's a circular argument!
    Even if we grant this unlikely scenario that the original audience practiced gematria, when we transliterate Nero Caesar into Hebrew it still doesn't add up to 666! It only adds up to 616 in Hebrew, so preterists (once again making a circular argument) propose that it should be spelled Neron Caesar, (which even preterist, Kenneth Gentry, admits is not a common spelling), but even then it adds up to 676! LOL! Then they want to take the letter "yodh" out of his name (since it has a value of 10), and there is literally one fragment of a manuscript from the Dead Sea Scrolls that contains the preterist Goldilock's spelling (although that could just be from being damaged!), and that is the evidence behind Ehrman's belief that 666 refers to Nero! But who cares what the actual evidence is? The scholars have spoken, you ignorant, backwards fundies!
    Funny how Ehrman asserts that the futurist reading of Revelation didn't come about until 19th century fundamentalism, even though the first generation of Christians after the death of the apostles, Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, etc. believed in a future tribulation involving a future antichrist and a future abomination of desolation taking place in a future rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, just like today's premillennialists! Sure, Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp, who was a disciple of the Apostle John, but I guess Polycarp forgot to tell him that the events of Revelation already happened! Oopsie!
    BTW, who were the first people to interpret 666 as referring to Nero? Some German scholars in the 1830's! Ha ha!

    • @lil-al
      @lil-al 2 роки тому

      "is meant to undermine the truth of Christianity." Everything undermines the truth of christianity, because it is demonstrably false. Open your eyes.\
      666 is Jewish gematria - the author of revelation interpreted 666 as Nero. Do you know absolutely nothing about your faith???

    • @shuai83
      @shuai83 2 роки тому

      The fabricator of Revelation referred to a city of 7 hills being the whore, Babylon… yup. Definitely Rome. Do the math for that one.

    • @jasonwolfe2991
      @jasonwolfe2991 2 роки тому

      @@lil-al "the author of revelation interpreted 666 as Nero." No, he gave us that number and didn't explicitly say who it represents. Even Irenaeus said that John didn't tell us who it was referring to. It's really amusing that you went seamlessly from telling me that all of Christianity is demonstrably false to giving me the supposedly correct interpretation of the Bible! If it's all false, how is there a right interpretation?

    • @romeostojka7232
      @romeostojka7232 2 роки тому

      @@jasonwolfe2991 no ur version of Christianity is false the church always interpreted 666 is futuristic sense of coming anti ireneus is example of that. I rather trust ireneus interpretation who was chain of the apostles instead ur modern interpretation

    • @jasonwolfe2991
      @jasonwolfe2991 2 роки тому

      @@romeostojka7232 Ok, well I'm the one who referenced Irenaeus and am saying that 666 is referring to a future antichrist.

  • @philcollins1613
    @philcollins1613 2 роки тому +6

    And now we hopefully see IP's response to the claims made in video form. I think people don't understand that this is an interview, not a debate.

  • @waxworse
    @waxworse 2 роки тому +3

    Proverbs 9: 10The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
    Proverbs 12: 5The thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit.
    1 John 2: 19They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (KJV)

  • @charlesmorse386
    @charlesmorse386 2 роки тому +4

    I like the InspiringPhilosophy channel and respect Bart Ehrman but with regard to this topic he is wrong on the critical point of dating the Revelation and its authorship. The Greek style does not match in John and Revelation because the Gospel of John was originally penned in Hebrew by John and then translated into very literal and formal Greek. Revelation was penned in Greek by John long after he wrote his gospel hence the poor grammar and structure of the Greek. Revelation was written about AD 66. I strongly urge you to familiarize yourself with the work of Professor Bruce Gore on this topic. He has posted his university lectures on the Book of Revelation on UA-cam (60+ videos of over one -two hours in duration). His scholarship on this topic is exhaustive and simply without peer. I also highly recommend his other work also available on his channel. Please do your viewers a great service and interview Professor Gore on this critical topic. If you are a Christian then you absolutely must watch the Bruce Gore series on Revelation. It will blow your mind and bring you to a much deeper understanding of both the Old Testament and New Testament and the nature of the unfolding of the Kingdom of God in time and space.

  • @DominickRT44
    @DominickRT44 2 роки тому +14

    Great discussion. A lot of well known pastors today have abysmal sermon series on Revelation, (Greg Locke, Greg Laurie) but guys like Matt Chandler and Voddie Baucham dispel a lot of the lies that modern evangelicals believe about the book. I would definitely check them out

    • @surf2553
      @surf2553 2 роки тому +2

      Interesting - any links to particular sermons from Matt or Voddie on Revelations you recommend?

  • @sidtom2741
    @sidtom2741 2 роки тому +8

    Ehrman would’ve made an amazing apologist. Despite devoting his work to NT criticism, he is one of my most beloved and admirable skeptics I’ve watched, next to Jeff Lowder and Jordan Peterson

    • @NotChinmayi
      @NotChinmayi 2 роки тому

      Jordan is a christian

    • @sidtom2741
      @sidtom2741 2 роки тому

      @@NotChinmayi how do you figure?

    • @vareshkumar8853
      @vareshkumar8853 2 роки тому

      @@sidtom2741 He said it himself

    • @sidtom2741
      @sidtom2741 2 роки тому

      @@vareshkumar8853 Considers himself Christian in a certain sense. But then proceeds to wish Islam and Judaism were also true along with it.

    • @vareshkumar8853
      @vareshkumar8853 2 роки тому

      @@sidtom2741 He still clearly says that he believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, not just wishes for it to be true. He does wrestle with the idea from what he says, however.

  • @vegetasapologetics3214
    @vegetasapologetics3214 2 роки тому +5

    Bart might be wrong and IP is just gitty about it...what a nice gesture. I take the eclectic approach on reading revelation where it combines the preterist and futurists view. It sure does gives an account of the 1st century occurances Haha..?/ But it is to be recited throughout the ages

  • @zachtbh
    @zachtbh 2 роки тому +4

    Interesting that a Christian and an atheist can have a honest dialogue dispite not sharing the same view. But it's very hard to have a honest dialogue if it is with a Muslim.

  • @cwchang1127
    @cwchang1127 8 місяців тому +1

    Not surprised at this lol, Michael using his platform for Bart to express opinions he agrees with, without any other scholar to debate or discuss, this is after attacking other Christians and pastors in the past, now causing people to leave their faith (check the comments lol) and literally becoming atheists channels’ favorite tool to bash Christians. Love how you made stuff up against Joel Krammer’s video on Egypt, promote Halloween, frame Genesis as allegory while making a video proving historicity of Garden of Eden location at the same time 😂 Thought I was too harsh saying you might end up saying resurrection didn’t happen but thats ok, but holy heck this is exactly where it’s trending, too bad many subscribers will trip but that’s between them and God

  • @icarovdl
    @icarovdl 2 роки тому +4

    Dude this guy hugely missleads people

  • @Charles-tv6oi
    @Charles-tv6oi Рік тому +1

    Not even watching. This is a guy who thinks Jesus said he'd return before disciples died. Not so. He can't even understand what the kingdom is in Matthew 16 etc. And never sought out the matter. Bible explains itself . Any questions?

  • @eastonradio
    @eastonradio 2 роки тому +13

    This is fantastic. Thank you!

  • @trustedsource2617
    @trustedsource2617 Рік тому +1

    Dude, you need to do your homework; elements of a futurist interpretation can be traced back to early church fathers like Irenaeus (2nd century AD), who interpreted some parts of Revelation as predicting events still to come. Also, paintings before the 20th century depict the end times as something happing in the future. I am not religious, but man, get your facts straight. And finally, end times imply something about the future since what is described has yet to unfold.

  • @noahfletcher3019
    @noahfletcher3019 2 роки тому +54

    Great video IP. Thanks for practicing the principle of charity and letting Bart Ehrman speak without trying to refute.

    • @JesustheonlywaytoGod89
      @JesustheonlywaytoGod89 2 роки тому +1

      oh no inspiring phylosophy even liked the comment (i hope the guys that post this is not a christian ) . like you guys openly mocks God now no more hidding , you even have created a new concept to let the ennemies of christianity lie as much as they want about the bible " the principle of charity ".
      i quote " Thanks for practicing the principle of charity and letting Bart Ehrman speak without trying to refute." and IP liked this !
      mind blowing like the pervertion is getting worst now no more hidding let's fight against God and make a mockery of God with the ennemies of the faith, but even worst, you have a new concept in order to not challenge the lies of the ennemies of the faith about the bible when you invite them ! let them discredit the word of god it's the "principle of charity"
      the goal is to make the biggest mockery of God right?

    • @JesustheonlywaytoGod89
      @JesustheonlywaytoGod89 2 роки тому

      noah fletcher are you a christian?!

    • @noahfletcher3019
      @noahfletcher3019 2 роки тому +1

      @@JesustheonlywaytoGod89 yes

    • @noahfletcher3019
      @noahfletcher3019 2 роки тому +1

      @UC7Qi4sHMG42eQb8TKPWPpOA No I didn't say that. Quote me, go on. I'm a christian don't be silly.

    • @dashingtherouxthesnow4017
      @dashingtherouxthesnow4017 2 роки тому +9

      @@JesustheonlywaytoGod89 your aggressive comments are just proving why Christians get such a bad name. Ehrman is an excellent scholar and to dismiss him and attack everyone who listens to what he has to say, purely because he's not a Christian, is utterly ridiculous. You'll win nobody over with your attitude.

  • @OrthodoxEditz
    @OrthodoxEditz Рік тому +1

    Get your theology from the Saints and Church Fathers, not Bart Ehrman.

  • @OldSlyEyes
    @OldSlyEyes 2 роки тому +12

    Hard pass the guy doesn’t believe Jesus rose from the grave how much can i get out of his interpretation of his second coming? Lol

    • @mcgragor1
      @mcgragor1 2 роки тому +4

      I agree, but I do want to see what happens, the bigger question is why ask a non believer to interpret scripture? Do we not believe in the Holy Spirit any more?

    • @harrymaurer7984
      @harrymaurer7984 2 роки тому +2

      I have the same sentiment as you… astounded that Bart would even be featured on this channel. Couldn’t care any less what this guy has to say about anything.

    • @johnnastrom9400
      @johnnastrom9400 Рік тому +1

      @@mcgragor1 Because an atheist Biblical scholar has far more credibility than a preacher as far as being objective when interpreting the Bible.

    • @mcgragor1
      @mcgragor1 Рік тому

      @@johnnastrom9400 It actually goes both ways, the "bias" is with everyone, I could just as easily say because he is an atheist, he cannot be objective, and in fact that is the case, much of his analysis is based on the idea there can be no such thing as miracles, thus, if Christ said He was going to come back and destroy the temple and judge the Jews (which He did in AD 70) it must have been written after the fact, that would be His bias.
      The honest scholar recognizes bias on both sides no matter how hard one tries not to be biased, its always there to some degree and for various reasons, in Bart's case, since prophecy cannot be true, he will always start with that premise and the Christian who believes in prophecy, will start with that bias, has nothing to do with how smart someone is.
      Its the same with YEC Christians, they have a bias on the age of the earth, whereas other Christians like myself see it could be or it might not be, me trying hard to look at all sides, to avoid what bias I have, but even then, its difficult.
      And of course my bias will always be the Spirit of God saves man, man cannot even see Christ as Lord until God opens his eyes.

  • @prime_time_youtube
    @prime_time_youtube 2 роки тому +10

    Ehrman fails big time. Obviously the Book of Revelations starts describing their present, but it also talks about the future. Revelations 20 even talks about 1000 years.
    The Fathers of the Church and the early Christians believed in the prophetic nature of the final part of Revelations.
    When was a fourth of the Earth killed in 70 aC? NEVER! (Rev. 6:8) Soooo, no, Ehrman fails again.

    • @DominickRT44
      @DominickRT44 2 роки тому

      It’s only one Revelation.. and the 1000 years is likely symbolic, signifying a long period of time. And Rev. 6 isn’t talking about literally 25% of life being killed off

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 2 роки тому

      @@DominickRT44 lol. no one has a clue do they, i'm glad physics isn't in this mess - you had one book.... :))

  • @JohnSmith-fp8il
    @JohnSmith-fp8il 2 роки тому +18

    The interesting thing is we live in a time when even many non Christians can realistically anticipate a time when those who don't have a machine readable mark in their forehead or on their hand will be denied the right to buy. We saw a crude approximation of this during the pandemic. The necessary technology will be in place when governments adopt digital currencies and do away with cash.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 2 роки тому +4

      the religious have some really weird ideas about conspiracy.

  • @milosmilivojevic2825
    @milosmilivojevic2825 2 роки тому +1


  • @delanchan699
    @delanchan699 2 роки тому +7

    Interesting. Any books you recommend on Revelation? Besides this new one, of course.

    • @heartsandmindsathome
      @heartsandmindsathome 2 роки тому +1

      I’m not IP but I’m also curious what he’d recommend. A few I’ve found helpful are: Behind the Veil of Moses by Brian Martin; How the End Times Ended in AD 70 by Micah Stephens; Christ Came Again by William Smith Urmy; Pertinent Parousia Passages by Tony Denton... happy studying!

    • @mywinterapocalypse
      @mywinterapocalypse 2 роки тому

      Not a book but a good start.

    • @delanchan699
      @delanchan699 2 роки тому

      Thanks a lot man!

  • @muncleike
    @muncleike 2 роки тому +1

    Revelation talks about the judgement of all mankind and the end of the world as we know it. And GODS kingdom coming to earth (literally ) so how can it not be talking about the future? When was judgment day I missed it? Funny how you bring an atheist to talk about Rev. it's almost as if you share the same beliefs. With all the theist scholars out there you pick this guy. Thats called "confirmation bias" . When I first found your channel I thought I found someone who was looking for the truth is scripture. But I now think your just feeding your ego.

  • @jamiejaegel7962
    @jamiejaegel7962 2 роки тому +9

    Christ was crucified so 2000 years later an atheist can tell us what the Bible means. How we grieve his sacred heart. But does anybody really care? Who really cares about truth?

    • @tonn333
      @tonn333 2 роки тому

      I know right!! All these prideful people....

    • @brotherben4357
      @brotherben4357 2 роки тому

      Well, I doubt devout Christians would want to hear the truth if it shakes their beliefs.

  • @someguyoverthere3275
    @someguyoverthere3275 2 роки тому +2

    Taterhead is a blasphemer.

  • @fernandocoto
    @fernandocoto 2 роки тому +4

    Excelent Michael thanks for the interview. Take a look at Dr. Kenneth L Gentry for an interesting view of Revelation.
    Keep up the good work 👌🏻

  • @christianlacroix5430
    @christianlacroix5430 2 роки тому +4

    Birds of the same feather flock together

  • @austinapologetics2023
    @austinapologetics2023 2 роки тому +6

    This will be interesting

  • @gnhman1878
    @gnhman1878 Рік тому +1

    Lord Jesus Christ, this day and hour, I sincerely pray to You. I pray to You so that You will soften the heart of Bart Ehrman, so that you will bring Him back to the church, so that He will believe in You, place his trust in You and surrender His life to you. Forgive him of his lies, his deceptions and his attempts at attacking You and Your Word, and make him repent of them. Amen.

    • @doc8090
      @doc8090 Рік тому

      Jesus told us to pray in private brother what you do in secret the father will reward you for

    • @savic101
      @savic101 Рік тому

      @@doc8090group prayer is still a concept, and posting a prayer allows other who read it to also pray it

  • @IamTimOtheus
    @IamTimOtheus 2 роки тому +7

    Rev.1:19 - Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this.
    1. Write the things which you have seen = chapter 1
    2. The things which are = Wait for a moment
    3. The things which will take place after this = see chapter 4:1 (“Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”)
    That means that "The things which are" must be chapters 2 and 3. These chapters are talking about 7 churches. Reading this chapters, there is no specific message per church. It's a general message for all churches of all times. This time frame off churches will be over one day. Starting with chapter four, the church cannot be found in the story further. This is when "Lord’s Day'' (1:10), which also is announced in the old testament.

    • @SugoiEnglish1
      @SugoiEnglish1 2 роки тому

      And the Lord's Day referred to the end of the Jewish Age and Old Covenant. That is what is going on in the Book of Revelation.

    • @IamTimOtheus
      @IamTimOtheus 2 роки тому

      @@SugoiEnglish1 end of Jewish age and old covenant 🤔 Can you explain that?

    • @SugoiEnglish1
      @SugoiEnglish1 2 роки тому

      Incorrect. While, you can use the moral warnings for all churches in all times, you can't take those churches and divorce them from the time frame given in the book and the clear relationship to the destruction of Jerusalem 70CE that is has.

    • @nerdatron817
      @nerdatron817 2 роки тому

      @@SugoiEnglish1 I hold the view that the destruction of the temple in 70 BC was the first half of the tribulation and the great tribulation is the latter half.

    • @nerdatron817
      @nerdatron817 2 роки тому

      ​@Matt Seymour Your paragraph about the 2nd woe shows you are not taking it into context, and that you think old english is modern english.

  • @theAshesofDecember1
    @theAshesofDecember1 2 роки тому +1

    Quick question from a layman: how can the book not be about the future but yet God will destroy the planet. Cause last I checked the planet wasn’t destroyed in the past 2000 years.
    Likewise, doesn’t that also call into question what Peter had written, about the coming day of the Lord.
    Just asking as someone without a doctorate
    It distinctly seems in this discussion that neither of you have considered that the book of revelations was both concurrent and predictive. Two things can be true at once.

  • @cosmiccruxbot3841
    @cosmiccruxbot3841 2 роки тому +3

    Erhman's incessant cackling comes through as a constant mockery of all things Christian.
    I'm not sure why, recently it has become neccessary for Christian apologist to give the enemies of Christ a platform to tear down the very foundations of Christianity.
    A 7 hour debate to basically discredit the resurrection of Christ, especially during the Easter season, leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
    I'm not a huge fan of Licona, and so, with the high apostacy rates these days, this fiasco will surely result in more folk leaving the faith than the other way around.... My opinion and I hope I'm absolutely wrong.

    • @dumpsterfire79
      @dumpsterfire79 2 роки тому +3

      Dude. Calm down. This isn't persecution. Just log off and don't watch the debate. Christianity isn't limited to UA-cam. Ehrman isn't out to create more apostates, and like the tired trope states, if any Christians end up losing their faith and deconverting over one debate, there probably wasn't a firm foundation there to begin with.

    • @uekvowzkaebbzuvrgipqxhemmwbhe
      @uekvowzkaebbzuvrgipqxhemmwbhe 2 роки тому +2

      Christianity is fun and comical chill out bud

    • @dickjones4912
      @dickjones4912 2 роки тому

      You’re right, Bart does cackle quite a bit.😂 So much so that not even IP could contain his own laughter, it’s that infectious.🤓

    • @dickjones4912
      @dickjones4912 2 роки тому +2

      @@dumpsterfire79 “Ehrman isn’t out to create more apostates” - I’m not so sure of that, after years of his life spent as a Christian he probably feels betrayed by his faith and wants others to join him, it would undoubtedly give him some satisfaction. It’s just human nature. Christianity was spoiled for him so at least part of him undoubtedly wants it spoiled for everybody else. That’s part of the reason he couldn’t contain his laughter throughout the video too, he was downright giddy about creating more apostates.

    • @dumpsterfire79
      @dumpsterfire79 2 роки тому +2

      @@dickjones4912 ehrmans always giddy with exception to when hes in full on debate mode when he has to have a more serious and professional demeanor. These conversations are probably when he gets to let loose after teaching his classes and doing all the other bureaucratic stuff he's involved with at the University.
      Ironically, Mike called him out on what you're inferring he does (create more apostates) during their 7 hour debate. Mike claimed Bart was on a mission to do that in his college classroom among his students. Bart got offended and responded accordingly. The video is out there, I think Pinecreek might have a clip on it.
      At the end of the day, i don't believe a demon is working through Ehrman. Dude claimed to be an evangelical for decades before he left the faith because of the state of the world. He serves as an entryway for lay people to become familiar with the serious side of biblical scholarship. You start with his UA-cam clips, or his popular books, and from there you discover other scholars or areas of interest within the field.

  • @ri_sha
    @ri_sha 2 роки тому +1

    Peak cringe moment at 18:02.
    Is Michael an atheist now?

  • @s9523pink
    @s9523pink 2 роки тому +15

    Fascinating to me is that this professor is looking for similarities between the Gospel of John, and the Revelation of Jesus, authored by John. When we know that Biblical authors tended to dictate to those who wrote for them; Paul is an excellent example. I would surmise that by the time you get to the writer of Revelation, you have the possibility of a very old author dictating to a different scribe from that of the Gospel. As for this professor, I'd be careful about people who don't believe in the resurrection of Jesus, Paul calls this the crux of our Faith on which it literally rises or falls and defines whether our Faith is true. At least he admits he's an agnostic, so I take what he has to say with the same weight as the admitted used car salesman who says he has a great deal for me; i will listen but with greater criticality.

    • @TheDanEdwards
      @TheDanEdwards 2 роки тому +3

      "Revelation of Jesus, authored by John. " - not the "John" of the alleged young disciple, nor even the author of the fourth canonical gospel (the author is not stated.) _Christian_ scholars have concluded that the John of Patmos was a monk, on Patmos, at the ending decades of the first century, and is described in the book of Revelations as the receiver of said revelations.
      The saddening thing is that so many commenters here don't seem to realize that Ehrman is not saying anything that _Christian_ commentators have not already discussed for a great many years.

    • @harveywabbit9541
      @harveywabbit9541 2 роки тому

      The "Beast" aka sether (666) aka winter, is led by the scorpion/Scorpio aka Satan, father of lies. This is the five signs/months of winter, that can harm man through hunger, cold, rain, darkness, sickness....They include Scorpio (the leader) plus Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These five are also the sons of Shem/Sem who is copied from Hades/Pluto as the underworld.

    • @SugoiEnglish1
      @SugoiEnglish1 2 роки тому

      And Erhman himself has stated they all used scribes!

  • @kevinhutchins4222
    @kevinhutchins4222 2 роки тому +2

    Why are you even talking to an unbeliever on the Bible's most difficult book? I thought you were smarter than that.

    • @wonderpeter5231
      @wonderpeter5231 Рік тому

      Because he has a lot of Knowledge about the book. What does it matter what he believes???

    • @kevinhutchins4222
      @kevinhutchins4222 Рік тому

      Because such a person brings to the discussion a certain bias, which questions his credibility.

    • @wonderpeter5231
      @wonderpeter5231 Рік тому

      @@kevinhutchins4222 what do you mean by 'such a person'?

    • @kevinhutchins4222
      @kevinhutchins4222 Рік тому

      In this case, "such a person" is the unbeliever. I thought that was clear.

    • @wonderpeter5231
      @wonderpeter5231 Рік тому

      @@kevinhutchins4222 So you criticise IP for talking to an unbeliever about Revelations because he may have biases? Why would talking to a believer be better than? Wouldn't they also have biases?

  • @noahfletcher3019
    @noahfletcher3019 2 роки тому +28

    I am a Christian and while I obviously don't agree, I love to hear a qualified person like Bart Ehrman speak on these things. He's probably my favorite anti-christian scholar.

    • @ThePoliticrat
      @ThePoliticrat 2 роки тому +4


    • @noahfletcher3019
      @noahfletcher3019 2 роки тому +4

      @@ThePoliticrat yeah i think that's what he is

    • @ThePoliticrat
      @ThePoliticrat 2 роки тому

      @@noahfletcher3019 I think he is just agnostic

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 2 роки тому +4

      persecuted much?

    • @ikengaspirit3063
      @ikengaspirit3063 2 роки тому

      @@noahfletcher3019 He's you favorite cuz he many times debunked, look for a secular schoolar with more solid arguments that doesn't get dragged into the news as often.

  • @yeetus_reetus_deeleetus
    @yeetus_reetus_deeleetus 2 роки тому +2

    Eh his explanation is pretty abysmal

  • @blue99i
    @blue99i 2 роки тому +5

    I would love to see you interview Ehrman for longer on another topic. Also, is there any book you recommend reading for understanding Revelations?

    • @AllOtherNamesUsed
      @AllOtherNamesUsed 2 роки тому

      The best thing to read/study to understand Rev is the entire old testament. Tel aviv trolls push its fulfillment in 70 ad and/or Rome as Babylon to cover the plan Israel is pursuing like no tomorrow.

    • @MountainFisher
      @MountainFisher 2 роки тому +1

      Revelation not RevelationS. Was written before the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70.

    • @2367J
      @2367J 2 роки тому

      Shawn McCraney

  • @jgunther22
    @jgunther22 2 роки тому +1

    Is the topic really something to laugh about?

  • @PastorJacobFrett
    @PastorJacobFrett 2 роки тому +7

    Revelation 20:6 makes me believe that it is future.

    • @SugoiEnglish1
      @SugoiEnglish1 2 роки тому +1

      The problem is Christ said he would return in that generation! He did. This was the order: Christ returned in judgment, the beast was defeated, the resurrection took place, and the saints inherited the kingdom. “
      So Jesus said to them, ‘Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel'”
      So, basically if Christ is sitting on His throne now, which he is, or else we are still under the law, then also those who were raised are also sitting on thrones!

    • @MetalByzantine
      @MetalByzantine Рік тому

      @@SugoiEnglish1 he didn’t.

  • @imikewillrockyou
    @imikewillrockyou 3 місяці тому

    Okay, scholars agree 666 points to Nero who reigned 15 December AD 37 - 9 June AD 68. That dates the book. If you carefully read the address to the seven churches you will notice these Christians are Jewish congregations. Hence Revelation was very early in Christian history, prior to the destruction of the temple which is still standing when the book was written. This would be nonsensical to the Gentile dominated church in the late 1st century. Even if written as a prophecy after the fact, it would be very early, shortly after 70 A.D., for the same reason, the Gentile dominated early church wouldn't even be looking for an explanation.

  • @misterbobby8913
    @misterbobby8913 2 роки тому +6

    Inspiring philosophy, after watching this video, and seeing You, and Bart Ehrman talk. You have me now in a hole of *doubt* . You have me now Completely questioning the book of revelations. Led me to basically Definitely discount it. -And you have me now wondering about claims of others' that Jesus's prophecy of him coming back never happened...and thus...well, didn't happen. Followers of Christ were so disillusioned when the romans wrecked jerusalem in 70 A.D. and well nothing actually happened regarding Jesus returning as he himself had said he would.
    ....oh well......

    • @johanjonahanyi5107
      @johanjonahanyi5107 2 роки тому +7

      Dont put your faith on man, otherwise it will be flimsy. Keep finding for the truth with an open mind, listening on both sides.

    • @heartsandmindsathome
      @heartsandmindsathome 2 роки тому

      That WAS his return, in AD 70. :) That generation, during which Jesus said those events would take place, would have expected him to come in just the same way the Lord descended and came ‘in the clouds’ as He did in the Old Testament - in glory and in judgement. He did just that. There are many Christians who vindicate Christ by not calling him a liar or a lunatic, who believe not only him, but the other New Testament apostles as well. Why would they have needed to be warned about something if it did not even apply to them? And how could we possibly apply it to us or the future if it DID apply to them?(which it did). The Bible never mentions the end of time. It speaks of the time of the end. The end of what? -we should ask. It was the end of the old covenant age. Jesus lived in the “this age” mentioned in scripture. We live in the “age to come” mentioned in scripture. There is not another future age, for this one has no end! I think the entire Bible is so much clearer when we take the timing and audience relevance into consideration. Happy studying! P.S. I haven’t heard this interview yet.

    • @arandaspis112
      @arandaspis112 2 роки тому +1

      If the doubt would "win," what would you believe in instead of Christianity?

    • @smidlee7747
      @smidlee7747 2 роки тому +1

      In case you didn't know a lot that's in Revelation is mention in the Old Testament. Often the Old Testament refers to in "that day". Also note even Jesus disciples didn't know everything including John the Baptist. They thought Jesus would saved them FROM the Romans and didn't have any idea that Jesus would SAVE the Romans. The gospel writers made it clear they were not know-it-alls. Of course we have atheist who knows everything and can sell books with their great knowledge of scripture.
      Also remember the scribes and Pharisees knew the scripture / Old Testament better than any other group of men yet Jesus said their father was the devil.

    • @Angle98411
      @Angle98411 2 роки тому

      No he didn't,Jesus never said he would return in their lifetimes,when Jesus said all these things must come to pass for "this" generation he was not referring to his generation it was talking about a specific generation but not his.

  • @Punkgiver
    @Punkgiver 11 місяців тому +1

    About the 666 number… If I am not mistaken, “Caesar Nero” would be written as קֵיסַר נֵרוֹ.
    ק (Qof) = 100
    י (Yod) = 10
    ס (Samekh) = 60
    ר (Resh) = 200
    נ (Nun) = 50
    ר (Resh) = 200
    ו (Vav) = 6
    So, the numerical value of “Caesar Nero” in Hebrew is 626, not 666. But close enough I guess 🤷‍♂️

    • @litoaykiu
      @litoaykiu 5 місяців тому

      You forgot to add 40 to compensate for the number of years it was written after Nero's death.

  • @TrevorDowns007
    @TrevorDowns007 2 роки тому +13

    Great work as usual!

  • @deezynar
    @deezynar Рік тому +1

    Revelation references numerous prophecies that are given throughout the Old Testament.
    If you are not familiar with the Old Testament, you will have no idea what revelation is talking about.
    As for the idea that Ehrman has, which is that Revelation makes God look spiteful, petty, and cruel, he seems to have not read many passages in the bible that make it clear that God hates those who disrespect him.

  • @wilkiebunkers1352
    @wilkiebunkers1352 2 роки тому +6

    Really good stuff man. Thanks for having this conversation.

  • @JG-mg2ms
    @JG-mg2ms 2 роки тому +2


  • @U4Eye
    @U4Eye 2 роки тому +3

    The Shroud of Turin is enough to convince me that Jesus rose.

  • @paramedic135
    @paramedic135 4 місяці тому +1

    It's a shame this man, seemingly a very good man, has fallen away from his faith

  • @bakhop
    @bakhop 2 роки тому +6

    Paul rightly said that if Christ was not raised from the dead, Christians are the most to be pitied. Since we live in a society which tends to embrace naturalism and deny all miraculous events, I am not sure I see the value of promoting someone, learned or otherewise, who just promotes the status quo view. Paul also said that if I have all knowledge and have not love, I gain nothng, and am as sounding brass. That's what this dude, with his near incessant giggling, seems to me to be. Usually IP makes good use of his platform, promoting this guy and his next book, doesn't seem like good use to me.

    • @ethanhocking8229
      @ethanhocking8229 2 роки тому

      Christians need to display unbiased intellectual integrity if we want to be taken seriously. And too many Christian spokespeople aren't worth taking seriously.

    • @bakhop
      @bakhop 2 роки тому

      @@ethanhocking8229 I understand where you're coming from, however, no matter how much we bend to accomodate the "intellectuals" in their position, they will never admit the possibility that miracles occur. There's no middle ground where the resurrection is concerned. A person dedicated to the naturalistic or materialistic POV will look at Christians as superstitious fools no matter what because if we say there's room for doubt about key questions like Jesus rose from the dead, then we're no longer Christians. The world platforms the materialists, so why should Christians do so as well? He can go on any number of programs and get heard, but for us, it's not the case. I say let him peddle his atheistic treatise on scripture somewhere else. Christians won't gain by reading it and some weak in faith might be swayed to lose it as the world tries to get them to all the time, with all kinds of media. We're kind of in an information war and we don't have many decent outlets, as you pointed out. But going from ill informed Christian faith to platforming an avowed atheist is a bridge too far.

    • @mcgragor1
      @mcgragor1 2 роки тому +1

      @@ethanhocking8229 No, we should be biased toward the bible, toward Christ. Any Christian, even a strict YEC, would be better to have on than a non Spirit filled anti Christ, who spent the whole 20 minutes bashing Christianity. Its one thing to have them on to discuss and debate, this was awful.

    • @ethanhocking8229
      @ethanhocking8229 2 роки тому

      @@mcgragor1 Why was it awful? Does it threaten your faith?

    • @mcgragor1
      @mcgragor1 2 роки тому +1

      @@ethanhocking8229 Nope, I explained why it was awful. Read what I said again.

  • @haachamachama7
    @haachamachama7 Рік тому +1

    Not a fan of Bart Ehrman, but unlike most atheistic critics of Christianity, he actually does research and is very well-versed in the Scriptures and doesn't just mock and ridicule(for the most part, he does mock a bit haha). I can respect his willingness to sit down and talk with Christians despite being an ex-Christian and, to be honest, a big hater of Christianity lol

  • @Magnulus76
    @Magnulus76 2 роки тому +42

    Thank you for interviewing Dr. Bart Ehrman and being fair to him, he's a great biblical scholar. Too many Christians hold his atheism against him and don't consider the merits of his scholarship, even though it's not that different from the general consensus of mainline Protestant scholarship in general.

    • @biblehistoryscience3530
      @biblehistoryscience3530 2 роки тому +3

      Magnulus76, isn't it true that he used to be a born-again Christian, but he chose to become an apostate and and now leads people away from Christ?

    • @MichaelStratton1993
      @MichaelStratton1993 2 роки тому +18

      I find him arrogant and condescending at times but he is a great scholar and author and it’s hard too hate a guy who donates all his profits too Charity.

    • @christiang4497
      @christiang4497 2 роки тому +21

      I think his scholarship is admirable. What I don't respect is he doesn't do enough to distinguish between his scholarship and his personal opinions in his popular work. This can be misleading. The other thing is that although he's a phenomenal textual critic, he doesn't seem to be all that strong of a theologian. Not the go-to guy for understanding scripture as a whole, but good for understanding its words (not sure if this makes sense).

    • @biblehistoryscience3530
      @biblehistoryscience3530 2 роки тому +6

      @@christiang4497, I've learned that it's hard for believers to understand the mysteries of God. Apostates don't stand a chance.

    • @samueljennings4809
      @samueljennings4809 2 роки тому +9

      @@christiang4497 To be fair, Dr Erhman was never a theologian to start with, his focus was always about history and manuscript evidence, from what I gather.