I’ve had this problem in my T5 for at least 10 years and disassembled the door about 5 times trying to resolve it. It also wouldn’t recognise the door open too. Your video prompted me to have another go. I resoldered the circuit board. Sprayed electrical Clean & Lube in the motor while spinning it in a cordless drill. Also lubricated the internal mechanism. Success! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I had the same problem on my t5. Cleaning brought back to life for a few months. Ended up with new lock from ebay for about £25. Worked perfect. Not worth wasting time repairing then in and out again. Would just replace if same happened
I’ve had this problem in my T5 for at least 10 years and disassembled the door about 5 times trying to resolve it. It also wouldn’t recognise the door open too. Your video prompted me to have another go. I resoldered the circuit board. Sprayed electrical Clean & Lube in the motor while spinning it in a cordless drill. Also lubricated the internal mechanism. Success! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
That's great you got sorted 10/10 for perseverance
Ese tiempo dedicado no solo para reparar la cerradura, sino que realizar un video para que muchos podamos hacer lo mismo, es digno de agradecimiento.
Thank you 👍👍
I had the same problem on my t5. Cleaning brought back to life for a few months. Ended up with new lock from ebay for about £25. Worked perfect. Not worth wasting time repairing then in and out again. Would just replace if same happened
I'll always try and fix it first it's a character flaw, I like pulling things apart