Welcome welcome ever welcome. Praise God!!! These truths and errors the Lord has lead you to expose warms my heart and pours oil in me to keep the fight of faith for it is of greatest importance even eternal interest. May the Father and the only begotten Son continue to richly bless you.
You forgot to ask for the blessing of the third person of the Godhead ...the one that guides you into all truth, that convicts of righteousness, truth and judgement...the HOLY SPIRIT
@@juliebaum2648 Surely you cannot seriously believe that, in light of the message presented in this video and Joseph's OBVIOUS appreciation thereof, that he FORGOT any such thing! Perhaps you would do well to watch the video again, AFTER your own prayer for a miraculous UNpredjudicing of your own mind. Only a contrite, SERIOUS desire for THE Truth will allow the light to penetrate the very darkness warned against in letter 253! God is absolutely interested in ANY honest seeker of the truth asking for His blessing on that study, and will move heaven and earth to accommodate and facilitate that study.
This is magnificent BEAUTIFUL truth that FINALLY lifts us out of the darkness we are so determined to stay in! This man is a servant of the one true God and His only begotten son. You haters commenting in this space, do not understand what manner of truth you are choosing to reject. "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness!" This was your opportunity to hear this life-changing truth. And, believe me, NO ONE has made these lost truths clearer than this man in his videos!!!! He is called by God Himself to the office of a modern day reformer - a present-day Martin Luther. This reformer needs our support! He's calling on those who yet retain a love of the truth, to see with new eyes just how far we have been dragged off the actual platform of truth by Kellogg, by leadership, by the Jesuits and Freemasons that we allowed into the church. It' time the remnant to rise and take the work.
@@juliebaum2648How is he in error? If you are going to make such accusations and statements such as he is in error and there is no light in this man you need to back it up.
I was raised in the Baptist Church, and I was taught the Trinity doctrine. But I've come to realize that the nature of God is beyond my simple understanding.
Thank you Mike! Very important message. I pray the corporation church will listen and take heed. So far they are following in the same stubbornness of Kellogg. It takes much humility to repent and be converted. God bless you and Natalia
Two Serious Questions Here: I am studying this issue. A friend of mine has become fully convinced that the trinitarian view is the incorrect view and this is virtually all he talks about. He used to speak a lot concerning the sanctuary, the health message, and on spiritualism, but now its only trinity, trinity, trinity! This has made me a bit nervous that this doctrine is making him unbalanced in his christian experience. However, it does not necessarily mean that his new view is wrong. Can someone speak to this. Secondly, the speaker in the video makes it seem like people holding the trinitarian view do not believe in the pre-incarnate sonship of Christ. In my case, this is not true. I've always believed that Jesus was the son of God sent to earth just like John 3:16 claims. Why does the speaker seem to suggest that most adventists that believe in the trinitarian view cannot believe in the pre-incarnate sonship of Christ? Thank you and only serious replies please.
"The Father-Son relationship in the New Testament must always be understood in the light of the event of Bethlehem. The only child born into this world with a divine, rather than a human, father is Jesus. The title, 'Son,' refers to His entry into time and does not deny at all His eternal origin. There are references in the Old Testament to Sonship, but these are always in anticipation of the Incarnation."-Ministry Magazine, June 1982, Vol. 55, No. 6, p. 24.
How is your friend now? Has he calmed down a bit since you first wrote of his religious zeal for the truth he received regarding the Catholic trinity doctrine? Honestly, even when I took Bible studies many years ago, I recall only that "the trinity" was described as the existence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but didn't include the finer details of the Catholic teaching of the trinity and that it is a wholly Catholic doctrine. I have only learned the truth concerning the trinity in recent years, and as such, I am a non-trinitarian, just as EGW and the founding fathers of the SDA Church were in their day. God bless.
So Ministry Magazine has made this statement. We cannot be safe unless we stick to the Bible and the Bible only. Doesn't matter what magazine, review and herald or whatever. We have the Bible and it as many references to the Father and only Begotten Son. Ellen White has much material on the trinity subject. The Bible has all we need. For example, the book of John has many statements from Jesus Himself. His words present the facts very clearly. The Jews knew what He was talking about. That is why they killed Him.
If the Trinity was what Sister White was referring to, why wouldn't she just name that doctrine as part of the problem. Instead, she never mentions it. To me, it sounds like she saw what Kellogg was doing - he had devised a new way that his book could still be right - a way for him to save face.
Why Rev.13 isnt plain saying "the 1st day mark of the beast" or clearly something like that? When the prophet saying that the crisis is about the presence and personality of God, then thats clear to me.
@@sickletrumpeter Please go and read chapter 25 - The Foundation of Our Faith from Selected Messages book 1 the whole of it, then you will understand what she was talking about the personality of God, that is Jesus, his mission and work as a high priesthood in the Sanctuary, because we need Christ as our mediator/intercessor and then go and read by yourself The living Temple which teaches that God already exists in us, therefore, we don´t need an intercessor which is wrong. Living Temple is getting rid of the sanctuary message, and this is what Ellen White meant by saying that men are working in a powerful way to tear down the foundation of our faith, and the foundation of our faith are pillars of our faith/landmarks of our faith which are seven namely: 1. The State of the Dead. 2. Health Message. 3. Spirit of Prophecy. 4. The Sanctuary. ( which she meant has been attacked by John Harvey Kellogg through his book THE LIVING TEMPLE. 5. Law of God ( SABBATH ) 6. Victory over sin ( which also has been attacked by John Kellogg 7. Righteousness by Faith ( The Faith of Jesus Christ )
Notice in the following quote, one very similar to the one quoted from Selected Messages, that she was FORBIDDEN to discuss the nature of God with JHK - and advised ALL our ministers to refrain from any such speculation. Sadly, this instruction has been grossly IGNORED by FAR too many pontificators with too much pride of opinion to hold their peace. "In Living Temple the assertion is made that God is in the flower, in the leaf, in the sinner. But God does not live in the sinner. The Word declares that He abides only in the hearts of those who love Him and do righteousness. God does not abide in the heart of the sinner; it is the enemy who abides there. There are some things upon which we must reason, and there are other things that we must not discuss. In regard to God-what He is and where He is-silence is eloquence. When you are tempted to speak of what God is, keep silence, because as surely as you begin to speak of this, you will disparage Him. Our ministers must be very careful not to enter into controversy in regard to the personality of God. This is a subject that they are not to touch. It is a mystery, and the enemy will surely lead astray those who enter into it. We know that Christ came in person to reveal God to the world. God is a person, and Christ is a person. Christ is spoken of in the Word as “the brightness of His Father’s glory, and the express image of His person.” I was forbidden to talk with Dr. Kellogg on this subject, because it is not a subject to be talked about. And I was instructed that certain sentiments in Living Temple were the Alpha of a long list of deceptive theories. These sentiments have had an effect on our people everywhere." 1SAT343 Clearly this is not directing ANY of us to avoid studying the Bible on this topic, but any attempts to paraphrase or expand or explain one's own conclusions are likely to be SPECULATION: WORSE than useless! Likewise, attempts to try to quote SoP in hopes of supporting one's foregone conclusions are ill advised. But one after another of our biggest and brightest plow right through the warning that SILENCE is GOLDEN - assuming instead that their ideas are above the gold of Inspiration!
The "set up" for the book Living Temple was in the publishing house when it burned down and the fire fighters said they never saw such a fire in that the water they sprayed on acted like fuel instead of water. The Lord can turn the water not only into wine...
How do you explain this? Written by Ellen White: ''The eternal heavenly dignitaries-God, and Christ, and the Holy Spirit-arming them the disciples with more than mortal energy, ... would advance with them to the work and convince the world of sin.-Manuscript 130, 1901. Ev 616.4''
Sharing a study on it: static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/5d10700317e3300001f3a66f/1561358361540/Third+Person.pdf static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/5d966b4b13fc433538079fa1/1570139041251/AJAG.pdf
13 minutes and 32 seconds into this film, a photo Dr. John Harvey Kellogg is shown holding up a glass of what looks like juice. He is very old in that photo. Next to Ellen White, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was the greatest health reformer that ever was. Over time I have sung many public praises to Dr. Kellogg in the context of health reform - including the Dr. Kellogg Discovery Center, of which I designed, word-smithed, and installed in Battle Creek. However, Judgment hour addressed the other side of Dr. Kellogg. He did more evil to the true Gospel than anyone I can think of in the SDA church with both his Pantheism and his manipulative use of the Trinity. I knew he had another side to him, but I didn't understand the implications of it until judgment hour explained it so thoroughly. Initially, Kellogg and Ellen White brought about our own Adventist Golden Age of Solomon. But, like Solomon, he apostatized greatly, and brought in great evil to the church to this very day - ESPECIALLY this day. To reform what Kellogg began, seems nearly an impossibility. Yet the maker of this film, "LETTER 253", is doing a heroic work to that end. His work here clearly spells out how the trinity doctrine was introduced to the unsuspecting Adventist church and how it has taken us off our own platform or truth without us even realizing it. The resistance to hearing that shocking truth is overwhelming - but the story must be told.
You are doing THE SAME WORK Kellog did...stop attacking the biblical Godhead. You are warring against God. Beware of your influence. I had a lot of respect for you...but you have fallen into error, just as Kellog did :( Ellen White rejected Kellogs pantheistic view of the Holy Spirit NOT the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead. She is clear that the Holy Spirit IS the third person of the Godhead (or trinity). You of all people should know Satan only counterweights the true...and the Catholic 'trinity' is the 'Christianised pagan trinity' including simaramus and tamuz...sun worship.
Nonsense! And God [Eloh[im]] said, Let *us* make man in *our* image, after *our* likeness... {Genesis 1:26a} Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for US? Then said I, Here am I; send me. {Isaiah 6:8} The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Then *the LORD* rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire *from the LORD out of heaven* {Genesis 19:23-24} (Twain speaking as one) Thus saith *the LORD* the King of Israel, and his redeemer *the LORD of hosts* I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. {Isaiah 44:6} Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now *the Lord GOD* and *his Spirit* hath *sent me* {Isaiah 48:16} In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was *with* God, and the Word *was* God. The same was in the beginning with God. *All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made* In him was life; (Original, Unborrowed, Underived) and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. {John 1:1-5}
It's imperative to first define exactly what is "trinity". Because the Catholic idea of a three Person trinity is markedly different than the Adventist three Person trinity or Godhead.
Right! I pray for this relatively new brother in the faith bc in our zeal and self-confidence, it's possible to err. I don't think we need videos on this issue! We will have enough to do in settling reasons for our faith instead of reaching into the nature of God and Godhead! 🤷♀️
There are satanic driven winds of doctrine likely jesuits etc pulling the strings are tons of infiltrators over all these years in positions of power.. Three person God head is clear in one verse that's been there way before wycliff even.. Hebrews 9:14 Paul the super Apostle reveals the Holy Spirit is divinly eternal thus just what Sister White wrote 3 Great Powers of Heaven and the Holy Spirit of Great Power Omnipresent that is the same as the Heavenly Father.. All-knowing would follow also as he represents the Heavenly Father and Christ Jesus Our King... We can say nothing negative about any in Heaven.. The only thing that is fact is that Lucifer had over 50% in his deceptions but only took 1/3) many figured out the trap. So many evils have been allowed to flourish in the New Organization the GC apostate church.. NLP EVEN HUNDREDS OF PASTORS TRAINED TO TEACH IT... THE FALSE LACTO OVO DIET WORLDLY ALL THE WAY ICE CREAM, PIZZA, YOGURT, CHEESE THE WORST, CHOCOLATE, SOY BUT POISION GMO, SODAS COFFEE EGGS.. BABY CHICKENS.. FISH.. THE TESTIMONIES DECLARE USE NO NONE OF THUS NONE, NONE ARE FIT FOR FOOD... TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE LAST DAY'S AND HEAVENS CULTURE
@Nirky no its exactly the same, please get diagrams of both and put them next to each other, they are exactly the same because in 1981 the sda adopted the trinity officially with the following words " There is another universal and truely CATHOLIC organisation, the seventh day adventist church ". Neil c wilson, ( teds dad( adventist review, mar 5th, 1981. This can all be confirmed by checking out the fundamental beliefs of the early church against today's catholic sda fundamental beliefs. And it can also be seen in its evil logo. Fact is none of the pioneers would be allowed to enter the doors today, much less speak, fact is each and every quote the catholic sda uses written by any of the pioneers, was written by Arians .
@Nirky " most of the founders of the seventh day adventism would not be able to join the church today if they had to subscribe to the denominations fundamental beliefs. More specifically, most would NOT be able to agree to belief number 2,which deals with THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY ". George knight, Ministry magazine, oct 1993. " The development of the trinity doctrine demonstrates that sometimes doctrinal changes require the passing of a previous generation. For seventh day adventists, it took over 50 years for the doctrine of the TRINITY to become normative". Burt merlin . 2006, ' history of the seventh day adventist church has apostatized from biblical truth'. " Adventist beliefs have changed over the years under the impact of " present truth " , most startling is the teaching regarding Jesus Christ, our saviour and Lord....the trinitarians understanding of God, now part of our fundamental beliefs, WAS NOT GENERALLY HELD BY THE EARLY ADVENTISTS ". William G Johnsson, Adventist review, jan 6th, 1994, p 10.
It would be helpful to me if you defined the trinity. As I understand it, the catholic trinity and the protestant trinity are different. Then, there is the godhead.
I found these videos helpful... ua-cam.com/video/NnYOuJQMhe0/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/1MxlJRK9Udo/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/DH7QAQijRcg/v-deo.html
One must also understand that three work in union and three have different purposes there is no salvation except we come to Jesus and we are convicted of our sins and we must strive till the end to be pure and holy just as Jesus was provided celestial confidence and strength by His father so will we be given ...all three work for our salvation...but Catholic heresy speaks that one is forgiven even at the end of ones sinful life he can ask god pardon even. After his death ....
Yes. Here is a study on it. May God bless you in finding His truth about it. static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/5d10700317e3300001f3a66f/1561358361540/Third+Person.pdf
And another good study on the topic according to the Bible and SOP: static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/5d966b4b13fc433538079fa1/1570139041251/AJAG.pdf
I watched this today, and also do not believe in the trinity, praying for guidance as I recently came back to the Adventist Church after a very long time. The 1st reading of my membership was mentioned in Church last Sabbath, and the 2nd Reading this Sabbath, I got rebaptised several months ago with my brother and sister who also came back to church. Is it okay to have membership when you do not believe in the trinity, I wish I could send this through to our church so everyone sees this.Not sure what to do, as I now have a friend coming to church, and am apart of our health team, where most like me do not believe in the trinity.
I too, struggled with, whether to "let the wheat and tares grow up together", as it teaches in Matthew 13:29, 30, 37-43... or to "come out of her", as it teaches in Revelation 18:4... I only became aware of this issue, on July 16th, as a friend shared a video, with me... ua-cam.com/video/QciLTP2wB_M/v-deo.html That started my learning journey, that has "set me free", as the truth does... (John 8:32) ... when I saw "The Triune God", in the Sabbath School lesson quarterly, on Sunday October 8th, I knew that I could no longer return my tithe to a triune god... so the next Sabbath was the last Sabbath at my Burr Ridge S.D.A. church, and I asked them to take my name off of the membership list... I have been looking for "like minded" believers, on the internet, ever since... I have not figured out what group to join, just yet. though... I do miss my "home church" a lot, as I know they are a loving and careing group, I have been with them for the past 30 some odd years... that was the best group, that I ever worshiped with... I am a third generatio S.D.A....
@carolkenealy1587 hi,I feel and understand what you are going through,I left the church for the same reason and I haven't be able to find a group I do get together with a group on line that have been on the same situation,I hope you keep you self strong and your eyes on Jesus,God bless you and yours
Please study and share: static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/5d966b4b13fc433538079fa1/1570139041251/AJAG.pdf www.earthenvessels.org.au/s/Third-Person.pdf
@@carolkenealy1587The church will almost crumble but it will stand fast. The shaking is happening and tares will leave and are leaving. SDA's greatest enemies will be disgruntled ex SDA. I plan on staying with the church. Why listen to this man. Search the scriptures for the truth. Do you not think satan will be using EGW, by using false prophets who can show you anything they wish and you believe it. Be very careful. Satan loves doubtful people. He can confuse, plant falsities and deceive. Why is this trinity (I hate that word) such an issue only in the last days? He's clever! 🙋♀️🙏🐨🦘
@@papflower610 Jesus Himself said; a house divided cannot stand. In my opinion satan is causing division in an attempt to destroy the church. I've just become aware of this trinity issue. I've done some research on the origins of the trinity, and wasn't surprised to find it's roots in Babylon. It has pagan origins and was adopted by the catholic Church. Apparently this was used by the rcc to persecute people during the dark ages. In my opinion that's why they pray to Mary as an intercessory to Jesus. Most ancient cultures worshipped a god, mother god, and son of god.
Thank you for posting this! I have studied this topic extensively and heard many presentations and EGW quotes about it, but this is new to me. I weep for my brethren in the SDA church who are blinded to the truth of our heavenly Father - the one true God, and His only begotten son.
Amen. One key statement by sister White in her letter to Kellogg, that reveals, confirms and settles that she was speaking of the trilogy god was that of which we read... @30:15. 'The religious world is fast going over the SAME road that you have been following. If you continue to follow this road, you will have PLENTY of company.' Apparently she is NOT speaking of PLENTY of company on the SAME road of > pantheism
This presentation is good but it's not accurate. Ellen white never said the doctrine of the trinity was erroneous. She did say that some of Kellogg's writings in the book living temple, were in harmony with her writings but other parts were not in harmony. I do believe that Ellen white was writing against his pantheistic views which he reiterated by saying that Holy Spirit was in everything in nature which is still pantheistic. So Ellen white addressed that error. Other statements by Ellen white showed she believed in three persons in the Godhead, the heavenly trio, The Holy Spirit is the third person of The Godhead. So it's clear that she is referring to pantheistic views of Kellogg.
Hi Robert, James White vehemently spoke against the Trinity and ....I have have never seen Ellen White rebuke him on this issue. There are only 2 explanations for this: 1) James White and Ellen White had a beautiful union and were equally yoked doctrinally. Ellen White supported her Husband as he rebuked the Trinity, but the General Conference has suppressed that information (for now). 2. Ellen White and James White had serious marriage problems. They were not equally yoked spiritually. James White was a staunch AntiTrinitarian while Ellen White was a Closet Trinitarian. NEAL WILSON was a saint of God and brought the entire Church into greater light in 1980 when the Trinity Doctrine was brought in.
Would you be kind to point me into direction where the denomination rejects entirely the preexistence sonship of Christ? I have not been aware of that. Thank you. Ps. Very well done graphics.
Thank you for taking the time to lay out the events in order so it is clear that Ellen White did NOT ENDORSE the TRINITY. AND by the way more pointedly God Himself does not endorse it.
@@stinawiik4468 What about your Bible? The KJV exposes EGW, and tells us God used prophets to direct our fathers in times past, but in these last days, Christ is our example and prophetical guide. Hebrew 1:1-2, Revelation 19:10, 1 John 2:27. What need is there for a "lesser light" when we have a greater light, the KJV, that is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path?
@@kalvinmccoy8574 Why would one presume I have never read EGW, is it because I do not agree with her? I have read plenty of EGW, growing up a SDA, and I can tell you EGW does not agree with EGW, her older books contradict the new ones.
Kellogg's view of the Trinity is wrong, doesn't mean that the Doctrine of the Trinity is also wrong. There are many variations of the Trinity doctrine. You need to look more into this.
Dear bro please study this from the Bible and SOP: static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/5d966b4b13fc433538079fa1/1570139041251/AJAG.pdf www.earthenvessels.org.au/s/Third-Person.pdf
𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗧 𝗜𝗙 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗪𝗔𝗡𝗧 𝗧𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗜𝗧 𝗧𝗢 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡 The Catholic Church brought "the trinity doctrine" into Christianity ! The trinity doctrine is not biblical. There is one God, The Father ! Jesus Christ is His only begotten son and therefore Divine. (Divine Nature) The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of The Father and His Only Begotten Son. (Not a 3rd god) And this is Life Eternal, that they might know YOU THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom YOU have sent. (John 17:3) __________________________________________ The Holy Spirit is not a 3rd God, called God The Holy Spirit. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17) And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth ''THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON'' into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. (Galatians 4:6) The Holy Spirit = The Spirit of God and Christ _________________________________________________ Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved My, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for My Father is greater than I. (John 14:28) Jesus Christ Himself said that His Father is greater than Him. _____________________________________________________________ Jesus Christ the Son of God died for our sins ! Not God The Father. God The Father cannot die. See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god with Me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of My hand. For I lift up My hand to Heaven, and say, I live for ever. (Deuteronomy 32:39-40) Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. (Psalm 90:2) But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. (Psalm 102:27) ___________________________________________________________ “Even he shall build the temple of God, and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon His throne, and He shall be a priest upon His throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them BOTH.” (Zechariah 6:13) In this verse it's very clear, the plan of salvation shall be between them BOTH ! 1) God The Father 2) Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son Two persons ! Not 3. _______________ Look at this interesting conversation between Christ and the Samaritan Woman ! Did Jesus preach to her about a Trinity god ? Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, WORSHIP The Father. (John 4:21) Ye worship ye know NOT what: we KNOW what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. (John 4:22) But the hour cometh, and now is, when the TRUE Worshippers shall WORSHIP The Father in spirit and in Truth: for The Father seeketh such to worship Him. (John 4:23) God is a Spirit: and they that WORSHIP Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24) These verses talk about our Father who is spirit, and we are to worship Him in spirit and in Truth. Many think that our God is a "mystery" which they call a Trinity. The words of Jesus "Ye know NOT what ye worship" would apply if our God is a mystery. When we get to Heaven, God will not then say “Meet My Spirit”. We will see God face to face, and we will know Him ! The Father of Jesus Christ. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, (Ephesians 1:17-18) _________________________________________ Does Matthew 28:19 proves a Trinity ? Read the quote below, The Catholic Encyclopedia, II, page 263: “The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church in the second century.”
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." James 1:5 All discussion in the world will never help anyone understand this truth without praying for WISDOM. What I say to Trinitarians: "Pray for wisdom and listen for God's answer. If it doesn't become plain, it is not for you at this time. Believe as you will, but know that some of us tried to warn you."
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; 21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: 23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. "Oneness" as a quality not a quantity.
You didn't mention that it was the book, Living Temple, that was on the printing press when the publishing house burned to the ground...Ellen White warned against printing the book but they printed it anyway... It was said that the water acted like fuel; the more water they put on the fire the higher the flames got...
EGW never in her correspondence specifically declare that Dr. Kellog's belief in the trinity is in error. She is denouncing his belief in the philosophy of the Living Temple. A wrong impression is made by connecting his thoughts on The Living Temple with the Trinity. She denounced his belief in pantheism and that is all.
Precisely. If you read some of his correspondence from that time period, you see a very confused man. At one moment, he seemed all repentant and willing to submit to the judgment of his brethren. Then a short while later, he's back to defending himself, and accusing others. His idea of fastening on the "trinity" was just another excuse to try and push his book through; a last-moment patch-up job.
Thank you Michael! This is unequivocally Present Truth! I also like your use of colored lines/circles; helps bring out their truth! God Bless your Ministry!
This is so excellently done. This truth can not be gainsayed yet I sadly see comments reflecting that some are still resisting the spirit of Christ on this issue. I pray all will study this deeply for themselves🙏 Happy Sabbath
Excellent presentation both in content and visual effects. If this doesn't convince our brethren in the trinitarian corporate sda church i don't know what will. God bless you.
Very well done. Kellogg’s wife was not an Adventist but was a Seventh-day Baptist (or was it Seventh-day Church of God?). But since she worshipped on the Sabbath day, Kellogg felt little alarm by going with her to church at times. Her pastor was of course a trinitarian and eventually by dallying on these enchanted grounds, he succumbed. He forgot the lesson of Eve.....
Pagan Trinity is three heads on one body - UnBiblical, rather Bible Godhead is three Persons united in Truth, Love and Freedom by Thought, Character and Personality.
Australasian Union Conference Record, Oct. 7, 1907: Those who have by baptism given to God a pledge of their faith in Christ, and their death to the old life of sin, have entered into covenant relation with God. The three powers of the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are pledged to be their strength and their efficiency in their new life in Christ Jesus. The Desire of Ages, p. 671: The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. Evangelism, p. 615: There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.
@@PracticaProphetica it seems to me that this letter he is refering to in the video is not refering to the trinity. Especially since the letter doesn't specifically say the trinity.
Thank you Bro. For this well researched and delivered message on the Trinity. I now understand why the SDA church is split between the Trinitarians and the non Trinitarians. You have done this topic justice. God bless you, your family and your work of truth.
...In the judgment men will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, *but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what is truth.* Patriarchs and Prophets, p.55.1
...Eve really believed the words of Satan, but her belief did not save her from the penalty of sin. She disbelieved the words of God, and this was what led to her fall. In the judgment men will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, *but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what is truth.* -PP 55.1 Notwithstanding the sophistry of Satan to the contrary, it is always disastrous to disobey God. We must set our hearts to know what is truth. All the lessons which God has caused to be placed on record in His word are for our warning and instruction. They are given to save us from deception. Their neglect will result in ruin to ourselves. *Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan.* -PP 55.2
....God will not condemn any at the judgment because they honestly believed a lie, or conscientiously cherished error; *but it will be because they neglected the opportunities of making themselves acquainted with truth.* The infidel will be condemned, not because he was an infidel, but because he did not take advantage of the means God has placed within his reach to enable him to become a Christian. -TM 437.1 ...God will not condemn any at the Judgment because they honestly believed a lie, or conscientiously cherished error; *but it will be because they neglected the opportunities of making themselves acquainted with truth.* The infidel will be condemned, not because he was an infidel, but because he did not take advantage of the means God has placed within his reach to enable him to become a Christian. -PH077 14.2
Andrew’s university student has written a thesis on whether Ellen White supported Trinity. It’s available on the internet, the conclusion was she never explicitly denied the Trinity. In fact, there is evidence that she upheld the Trinity after the 1888 message. What Ellen White opposed was how JH Kellogg twisted the Trinity to suit his view of God. He believed that the Holy Spirit was in everything, literally filling up all physical space. This is the danger of pantheism. God is Omnipresent, meaning He is everywhere. JH Kellogg believed and argued that God is in everything and God is everything. This is why he mentions that he now believes Holy Spirit fills everything. This is what Ellen White was opposing. Trinity is clearly seen in the Bible. Father, Son and Holy Spirit were present during creation, Father, Son and Holy Spirit were present at Jesus’ Baptism, the great commission puts Holy Spirit equal to Father and Son, etc. The greatest evidence is 1 John 5:7, commonly referred to as Johannan Comma. There is lot of contention on this verse by many scholars, but this verse mentions Holy Spirit in KJV version. KJV translators used Waldensian manuscripts which clearly have Holy Spirit in that verse and hence this was added in KJV. NIV and few other versions add footnote with the full verse as in KJV.
Is it the Trinity/Holy Spirit she was rejecting or his ideas or pantheistic udnerstanding of it?Because I'm reading the letters you shared and it's ambiguous to me
@watchndatube1 Yes I believe in the Heavenly Trio that leads to the Holy Spirit being both the presence of the Father and the Son, personalities is the word not person that substituted it by changing EG White actual hand written writtings... There is wisdom in why EG White never penned the word trinity, remember if you believe she was a Messenger of God then believe her and don't quench their Spirit of Truth Resisting the Father and Son is not wisdom 🙏
@@wymank I will respond by saying read Matt. 28:19... Also, Sis. White said person not presence when speaking about the Holy Spirit. Don't deceive yourself brother.
@@timoflink2686 Amen 🙏 I was hoping you could supply one quote where in her 70 years of service to the SDA Church EG White uses the word Trinity? If not then we are to submit ourselves to the Father's will in this matter as He spoke through His messenger 🙏 Do you believe she was a Messenger of God ? If not then we have different understanding and faith in God, His silence on this matter through EG White is enough for all of us 🙏
We need to go all ‘the Way’ in worshipping, as you say, the One True God, the ‘Most High’… ‘He’ who ‘Himself’ (!) is in the great ‘Most Holy’ compartment of the spiritual temple (Heb 9,10). He is not a Trinity. Use His Name, and enjoy a much closer relationship with Him; be “contrite, and tremble at His word” (Isa 66;1,2) by joining the Spirit-led ‘harvest’ in this time of the end, as we preach in obedience to the ‘commission’ (Mt 28) literally in every place, globally. Be part of God’s people ‘for His Name’ (Acts 15;14) in uniquely being neutral in world politics, and courageously harmless in times of war (e.g. WW2 ‘purple triangles’, and Rwanda 1994)… awake too to the detailed prophecies in Scripture, and trying to unselfishly be ‘ready’ with as many meek people as possible, for the imminent establishment of Jehovah God’s Kingdom with its earthly restoration and paradise blessings under the rulership of his anointed king, the Christ. (Rom 8, Rev 21… you know them all!). Join your local loving JW congregation.
Kellogg's problem was still pantheism. He had inserted the Holy Spirit in place of the Father as the One who was in all space and all living things. In other words, he still believed and taught pantheism. This was the charge against him in her letter. The Bible is plain about the Holy Spirit. Acts 5:3-4 says that Ananias lied to God, the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is no more a Catholic doctrine than the sanctuary is an Adventist doctrine. They are Bible doctrines.
It was not only pantheism. He was trying to patch up his pantheistic ideas with the trinity. Both were from Satan. The trinity doctrine was adopted into the Catholic church at the Council of Nicea in the fourth century. It was LeRoy Froom who brought it into our church in the 1930's. I understand that he was a Jesuit.
Please study this bro from the Bible and SOP: static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/5d966b4b13fc433538079fa1/1570139041251/AJAG.pdf www.earthenvessels.org.au/s/Third-Person.pdf
"A lie, believed, practiced, becomes as truth to them." ....But how do men fall into such error? By starting with false premises, and then bringing everything to bear to prove the error true. *-Lt 55, 1895, par. 30*
Sda trinity is different with catholic trinity.. the dna of catholic trinity is same and antitrinity.. Jesus not came from the father, and not sharing spirit with the Holy ghost. You clearly misunderstood the therm "son of God" Begotten son happened in Jerusalem.. and Jesus present had nothing to do with His birth.. Jesus is the son of God, simply mean part of God..
Please explain to me the comments written by EG White There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.- Evangelism, p. 615. {7ABC 441.9}
This is deceptive. The issue is not the trinity. Dr. Kellogg stated that the Holy Spirit is in all things when he changed his position. What he said about the Holy Spirit is pantheistic. To make this about the trinity is untrue. SDA do not believe the trinity as do the Catholics do. The Catholic Church teaches that there is one God operating in all three offices as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost at the same time. SDA believe there are three separate beings, separate and distinct from each other.
It seams you have the right understanding about what an "office" means. If you go to the dictionary that EW used, the Webster 1828, and search for the word "person" and look at the sixth definition, you'll certainly have a glad surprise. So, neither the catholics nor the triteistic adventists are right, but the Bible and SOP speak about 2 beings in the Godhead: God, which is the Father, and Jesus, which is the Son of God (not God the Son). Indeed Jesus is God in infinity (nature), but not in personality. And His divinity depends entirely on His Sonship with God, His Father. Deny that saying His sonship is metaphorical or anything else than literal, and you'll deny His divinity. He is indeed equal with God as my son is as human as I am. But that doesn't deny the fact that my son was brought forth from me, and his humanity depends on mine. Look at you birth certificate, does it say the name of your parents? Well, as you inherited the name of your parents, He inherited the name of Jehova, His Father. Otherwise, why would the Bible call Him Jehova? Then, what about the "third person"? Well, as you can see by now, one of the definitions of "person" in the dictionary EW used every day, is office. Surprise! So I can ve the office of the doctor and the office of the father, and still be the same individual or being. Its that simple! 2 beings, 3 offices. Now you can understand why EW says that Jesus is the Holy Spirit, and also the Bible. There's no contradiction in inspired writings, but a lovely harmony! God bless!
The "trinity" is clearly taught in the New Testament (by other names) and hinted at in the Old Testament. Ellen White's letter of warning to Dr Kellog concerned other issues (such as embracing the teachings of Hinduism). Those who reject the trinity can quote Jesus' words such as "My Father is Greater than I" or "Only my Father Knows" (the time of Jesus' second coming). But keep in mind that Jesus "emptied Himself" (Phillipians 2:7) to become a human and save us. From the beginnings of our church, SDA teachings have developed and became more clear over time. This time taken to clarify and develop a better understanding also happened from the start of the church that Jesus established. After Jesus had been crucified, His disciples walking with Him on the road to Emaus (before they knew who it was walking alongside them) expressed their bitter disappointment , because they had been expecting their Lord to overthrow the Romans and set Israel free from occupation. And in fact, some of the prophecies about the coming Messiah stated that this coming one will overthrow the enemies of Israel, etc. So those of Jesus' followers who had been expecting Jesus to conquer the enemies of Israel militarily can be excused for midunderstanding the mission of Jesus at that stage. But on the road to Emaus Jesus gave His two disciples an amazing Bible lesson to begin clarifying what the Messiah's mission was intended to be. And so the early church needed time to develop a more clear understanding, just as the disappointed Adventists (before there was a Seventh Day Adventist Church) needed time to develop a more clear understanding of many doctrinal issues - such as the "trinity".
With all due respect, new light doesn't contradict previous light. If it does, it's not new light but apostasy. Your example is deceitful because the belief of the disciples about the Messiah liberating them from the Romans was their imagination and worldly expectations. Not so with the "firmly established by God" pillars of our faith, "a line of truth that goes until the very second coming of Jesus".
This is brilliant. I read a statement from the white estate where she say, "we still believe in the 3rd person of the Godhead, but we are NOT trinitarians" late Prof Ralph Larson explained this in his Firm Foundation article, "the devils trinities", explaining how the TRINITY doctrine is a counterfeit of the truth, just as Satan counterfeits everything. What Ted Wilson said( as shown in this video) as if 3 gods. Just like EG & James White I believe the holy spirit is a HE not an IT, but like them I AM NOT A TRINITARIAN.
Studies you can share. God bless www.earthenvessels.org.au/s/Third-Person.pdf static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/5d966b4b13fc433538079fa1/1570139041251/AJAG.pdf
No. In this letter, EGW says nothing against the Trinity. See what she herself wrote in this letter: "By declaring that our institutions are undenominational, you have put our people and our work in a false position." Par. 22 "I have hesitated and delayed about the sending out of that which the Spirit of the Lord has impelled me to write. (...) I shall have to obey the command given me of God." Par. 23 "I present to you the things that the Lord has presented to me." Par. 24
I don't recall Sis White actually calling out "the trinity" doctrine of Kellog, only "patchwork theories" , Her main address belongs to his pantheism, God in everything, and its correction the HS is in everything, I don't recall seeing or hearing that she was addressing his trinitarian beliefs or even identifying them as such.
I believe you are using Sister Whites letter, and her lack of specifically addressing or using the term, ‘trinity’ out of context. She was addressing, it seems to me, the book Dr Kellog had written and by saying He believed in the Trinity, did not negate what he wrote in the book in any way, shape or form. His belief in the Trinity did not reverse his idea of pantheism, (patchwork) and she was addressing that, not the Trinity. Of course we as SDA’s believe Christ was before He became man, He was the creator, all three of the Godhead were there, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The same as at His baptism, the same as we are commissioned by Jesus to ‘ baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’. All are God or He would not instruct us to do so. I don’t understand what you are trying to explain when it comes to there NOT being a Trinity? Three as One is their unified and equal existence as God, is not non-biblical. How do you explain them if not as all One, yet 3 separate persons? ‘One’ can mean more than singular, it means united, like minded, or like man and wife, joined together. Please explain your non-trinitarian view, because I just don’t get what you are trying to say when you don’t believe in the Trinity. I really do want to understand and you need to use Scripture to do it please, otherwise it’s just theory. And just because other denominations and Catholics belief in the trinity, does not negate it as anti-Christ or blasphemy. I look forward to your response. Thanks.🌹
why doesn't the yandex browser's artificial intelligence offer to translate this video? what's wrong with it? maybe you forgot to add other languages to this video? we also want to know what elena white said about the trinity question. i live in russia. please make my browser able to translate this video.
I have'nt heard where Sis.White said the Trinity doctrine is wrong directly and futher what's the other teaching or alternative to the Trinity doctrine.
So... the conclusion of this presentation is A REACH at best. What she is attacking for sure is pantheism which is from the living temple. However, even the first statement of letter 253 states that she has an issue with " some things" that he is saying. this means to know which part she disagrees with, you'd have to know what his letter said and then evaluate what she agreed with and disagreed with. She could have easily been against his APPLICATION of trinity in him still believing that the HOLY SPIRIT is in everything, meaning it is still panthestic. This could be what she disagreed with. You did a great job showing her disapproval, but a very poor job at exactly what she disapproved. If she was against the trinity, you still have not shown this through her writings. speculation at best
She talks about his patchwork, because he was trying to save his face by patching up his panteism with the trinity doctrine. If she had thought that the trinity doctrine was the truth, she would have said so.
@stinawiik4468 And you know this because??? Are you assuming what you would do and projecting that unto her? You cannot say for certain what someone would say or do...
And God [Eloh[im]] said, Let *us* make man in *our* image, after *our* likeness... {Genesis 1:26a} Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for US? Then said I, Here am I; send me. {Isaiah 6:8} The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Then *the LORD* rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire *from the LORD out of heaven* {Genesis 19:23-24} (Twain speaking as one) Thus saith *the LORD* the King of Israel, and his redeemer *the LORD of hosts* I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. {Isaiah 44:6} Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now *the Lord GOD* and *his Spirit* hath *sent me* {Isaiah 48:16} In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was *with* God, and the Word *was* God. The same was in the beginning with God. *All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made* In him was life; (Original, Unborrowed, Underived) and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. {John 1:1-5}
Hello Larry, We have the divine testimony of Christ which gives light to the Scriptures. God and Christ are two distinct persons. "After the earth was created, and the beasts upon it, the FATHER AND SON CARRIED OUT THEIR PURPOSES, . . . And now GOD[Elohim] SAID TO HIS SON, ‘LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE.’” (The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, pp. 24, 25) "Two of the heavenly messengers departed, leaving Abraham alone with Him whom he now knew to be the Son of God". (Patriarchs and Prophets 139,2) Isaiah 44:6 I see no problem of one person speaking. The Lord God and HIS Spirit(Spirit OF God) has sent me? John 1:1 are two personalities: God and the Son of God(John 1:14). The Son of God "was God" and the Son of God was made flesh"(John 1:14) i.e human Both are saying what he was by nature not who he is. Christ is by nature God equal divine as God(Philippians 2:6) but he is not God in personality. "The Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, is truly God in infinity, but not in personality. "(Ms 116, 1905, par.19)
MICHAEL -- Are you still monitoring these comments here? I HOPE so? I came across 3 videos on YT that APPEAR to be posted by your channel - in response to a search for this video. Odd thing was: I could not find these other videos anywhere ON your channel! How does this guy manage to post things that LOOK like their yours, when they are actually quite CONTRARY and conflicting? All 3 are apparently 4 months old; all SAY "Judgment Hour" under the title, where one expects to see the "owner" identified. BUT - these are actually a 3-part RESPONSE to this video by someone arguing against your presentation here! Kindof a slick trick, seems to me! Fortunately, those 3 videos show only a few hundred views in their 4 months of exposure. Still, it seems that you SHOULD be able to protect your own brand identity better than this? I do see that several viewers have already taken him (Norman) to task for the slimy stunt of trying to infringe upon your channel! I see that, although his videos' owner's name appears to be identical, he uses an underscore between Judgment and Hour in his ACTUAL channel ID. Pretty devious. I'm guessing he never approached you to discuss his issues, right? BTW - how's it coming with the pronunciation of unanimity? 😁
Jesus Himself calls the Holy Spirit a person. I don't understand all of the hullabaloo about this. Satan always tries to divide and cause strife. Love Jesus and follow His commandments. That is what is important.
This dude decided to twist White's writings concerning Kellogg's writings from the Living Temple - Ellen did not refute the "trinity", and she never wrote that the "trinity" doctrine was a pagan, catholic teaching, but actually CONFIRMS it in SEVERAL of her writings. - if you want to start your own sect, don't try to twist Ellen's writings to push your own agenda.
@@Masterleechan Australasian Union Conference Record, Oct. 7, 1907: Those who have by baptism given to God a pledge of their faith in Christ, and their death to the old life of sin, have entered into covenant relation with God. The three powers of the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are pledged to be their strength and their efficiency in their new life in Christ Jesus. The Desire of Ages, p. 671: The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. Evangelism, p. 615: There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.
This is true. The word "trinity" never appears in the writings of Ellen White. This silence shows how God views the matter. The problem is not with the "three persons in the godhead" for that was supported by Ellen White, E. J. Waggoner, and many others. The main problem with the "trinity" as defined by Catholic theologians (and maybe Protestant theologians also) is that it is an attempt by man to explain God's nature, and all it accomplishes is to add human speculation and human ideas, which do not help one bit. God has not given man the job of exploring the metaphysical nature of His being. Any attempt to do so is a manifestation of self-exaltation, and of putting man above God. But that there are three persons in the Godhead, and that they share the same character, aims, and innate immortality, is plain Bible teaching. Please see the book, "Rock of Ages," by E. H. Bickersteth (1860), whose father participated in the Advent awakening in England.
Its not a strong endorsement of his book. Though I reject the Catholic and Protestant notion of the trinity, I find that what you are targeting is missing, at best it is circumstantial or implied trinitarianism that she is addressing when it is apparent to me that she is addressing his pantheism, which may be laced with trinitariansim but not explicitly, at least not until she addresses the 'change' from God is in everything to the HP is in everything, but could still be identified as strictly pantheism. Its disturbing to me when we try too hard to make what is already obvious more obvious (we think) but we really make it more obscure and difficult to identify. Sort of like the book Ten Commandments Twice Removed, DS. The book was good until two thirds of the way through he tried to hard to add to the "proof" by using texts that really did not mean what he wanted them to mean. Like the OJ Simpson court case, "if it doesn't fit then we must acquit" thus freeing him from a murder. Planting the glove was their undoing just like making something mean what it doesn't actually mean.
Well, the big question I have is, Why would she not just say and use the word " Trinity"? Making it clear! It is not really that clear! She should have said; "The Trinity doctrine is totally wrong... . Why did she not jus say that ? I am a non trin.
My opinion, is that God intended to use this heresy to test His people to see who would follow a thus saith the Lord and who will follow a thus saith the church. 1844 is another example of God allowing misunderstandings for the purpose of testing and shaking and sifting His people. That is what we see happening now-a shaking and sifting happening. Who will return to the platform of eternal truth built by the Master Worker and stand on a thus saith the Lord, and who will not.
You're clearly reading a bit much into Mrs. White's rebuke there. She very plainly denounced the fact that he is merely swapping the idea of a pantheistic Holy Spirit to replace his idea of a pantheistic Father. That's the patchwork. Which implies that the issue is the pantheism, not the issue of a Triune Godhead. If she was against that issue, she would not have elsewhere spoken so plainly of the one God in three persons. Even the angels cry Holy Holy Holy and the number 3 is seen so often in symbolism because it represents the Godhead. However, you are correct that Mrs. White did not condone the catholic concept of the trinity and chose distinct wording to maintain a certain distance from their errors. But if she taught, as you seem to believe, that Christ was not in the beginning with God and was instead created by the Father at some point after that (and is therefore not eternal like the Father), then she is in direct contradiction to the scriptures (John in particular) and would thus be a false teacher. So I hope you do not mean to insinuate that is the true nature of Christ. If so, I fear for you because you have ultimately missed the same thing as Kellogg did. The only difference is that you err in a different respect. But you both completely anul the true nature of God and of Christ.
It is just like the scripture in Revelation "...the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Revelation 13:8. Jesus did not die at the foundation of the world. It was just determined that He would die. It was just determined that He would begotten of the Father through a woman. The reason why I say that is because if we believe that Jesus was begotten of the Father at some point in time. That means that Jesus had a beginning. And we know that Jesus did not have a beginning because he was the order of Melchisedec. Hebrews 7:1-3, 16-22. With this train of thought, they also believe that the Holy Spirit is not a person of the Godhead. When the Holy Spirit actually speaks in many different times of the Bible. Acts 8:29; Revelation 2:11-29; 3:6-22; 22:17
ONE of the problems with the trinity is that the teaching itself is pantheistic. If someone believes that the Holy Spirit is a third god being like most SDA do then quotes like this from Ellen White force us to believe the exact same thing that Kellogg was teaching in living temple. “He must depend on God to do that which no human power can do. The Lord puts his own spirit into the seed, causing it to spring into life. Under his care the germ breaks through the case enclosing it and springs up to develop and bear fruit. 8T 326.4” Also this quote... “The heart not yet hardened by contact with evil is quick to recognize the Presence that pervades all created things. Ed 99.1” How can Ellen White say these things then also say “We are not to say that the Lord God of heaven is in a leaf, or in a tree; for he is not there. He sitteth upon his throne in the heavens. The work of the Creator as seen in nature reveals His power. But nature is not above God, nor is God in nature as some represent Him to be. God made the world, but the world is not God; it is the work of His hands. 4 MR 59.1” God is not in nature as Kellogg represented Him to be. But Ellen White said that “the Lord puts His own spirit into the seed” in order for her to say this her understanding of what the Holy Spirit is must have been different from what Kellogg and present day adventists believe it to be. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Romans 8:9 The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Father and the spirit of the Son and not a third divine god being as the majority of SDA’s teach. Because if the Holy Spirit is a third god being then Ellen white would have had no problem with Kellogg’s revised version of the living temple. To see this line of thinking more fully drawn out watch the “Kellogg Crisis” by Seventh Day Press. ua-cam.com/video/HQYg9JNtGdQ/v-deo.html
That statement is from an edited stenographers report. So she didn’t write that, she didn’t publish that, and there is a high probably that she didn’t even say that, also because it contradicts many other statements she did write and publish, such as the first sentence of the four volume series of the spirit of prophecy which reads “Satan in Heaven, before his rebellion, was a high and exalted angel, next in honor to God's dear Son.” 1SP 17.1 If there are “three holiest beings” how does that work when there is God and His Son and the next in honor was Lucifer?
Welcome welcome ever welcome. Praise God!!! These truths and errors the Lord has lead you to expose warms my heart and pours oil in me to keep the fight of faith for it is of greatest importance even eternal interest. May the Father and the only begotten Son continue to richly bless you.
You forgot to ask for the blessing of the third person of the Godhead ...the one that guides you into all truth, that convicts of righteousness, truth and judgement...the HOLY SPIRIT
@@juliebaum2648 Surely you cannot seriously believe that, in light of the message presented in this video and Joseph's OBVIOUS appreciation thereof, that he FORGOT any such thing! Perhaps you would do well to watch the video again, AFTER your own prayer for a miraculous UNpredjudicing of your own mind. Only a contrite, SERIOUS desire for THE Truth will allow the light to penetrate the very darkness warned against in letter 253! God is absolutely interested in ANY honest seeker of the truth asking for His blessing on that study, and will move heaven and earth to accommodate and facilitate that study.
This is magnificent BEAUTIFUL truth that FINALLY lifts us out of the darkness we are so determined to stay in! This man is a servant of the one true God and His only begotten son. You haters commenting in this space, do not understand what manner of truth you are choosing to reject. "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness!" This was your opportunity to hear this life-changing truth. And, believe me, NO ONE has made these lost truths clearer than this man in his videos!!!! He is called by God Himself to the office of a modern day reformer - a present-day Martin Luther. This reformer needs our support! He's calling on those who yet retain a love of the truth, to see with new eyes just how far we have been dragged off the actual platform of truth by Kellogg, by leadership, by the Jesuits and Freemasons that we allowed into the church. It' time the remnant to rise and take the work.
This gentelman is in agreement, with that... ua-cam.com/video/CgY53Q9XNpg/v-deo.html
It is the darkest of dark ERROR!! There is NO LIGHT in this man AT ALL
@@juliebaum2648How is he in error? If you are going to make such accusations and statements such as he is in error and there is no light in this man you need to back it up.
Brilliant. Praise the Lord. He knows His own truth, we are to simply trust and obey. All is a test of faith in Him and His Son!
I was raised in the Baptist Church, and I was taught the Trinity doctrine. But I've come to realize that the nature of God is beyond my simple understanding.
Thank you Mike!
Very important message.
I pray the corporation church will listen and take heed. So far they are following in the same stubbornness of Kellogg. It takes much humility to repent and be converted.
God bless you and Natalia
His message is incorrect. Sorry. There is plenty of evidence that shows EGW believed in a three person Godhead.
Two Serious Questions Here: I am studying this issue. A friend of mine has become fully convinced that the trinitarian view is the incorrect view and this is virtually all he talks about. He used to speak a lot concerning the sanctuary, the health message, and on spiritualism, but now its only trinity, trinity, trinity! This has made me a bit nervous that this doctrine is making him unbalanced in his christian experience. However, it does not necessarily mean that his new view is wrong. Can someone speak to this. Secondly, the speaker in the video makes it seem like people holding the trinitarian view do not believe in the pre-incarnate sonship of Christ. In my case, this is not true. I've always believed that Jesus was the son of God sent to earth just like John 3:16 claims. Why does the speaker seem to suggest that most adventists that believe in the trinitarian view cannot believe in the pre-incarnate sonship of Christ? Thank you and only serious replies please.
"The Father-Son relationship in the New Testament must always be understood in the light of the event of Bethlehem. The only child born into this world with a divine, rather than a human, father is Jesus. The title, 'Son,' refers to His entry into time and does not deny at all His eternal origin. There are references in the Old Testament to Sonship, but these are always in anticipation of the Incarnation."-Ministry Magazine, June 1982, Vol. 55, No. 6, p. 24.
How is your friend now? Has he calmed down a bit since you first wrote of his religious zeal for the truth he received regarding the Catholic trinity doctrine?
Honestly, even when I took Bible studies many years ago, I recall only that "the trinity" was described as the existence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but didn't include the finer details of the Catholic teaching of the trinity and that it is a wholly Catholic doctrine.
I have only learned the truth concerning the trinity in recent years, and as such, I am a non-trinitarian, just as EGW and the founding fathers of the SDA Church were in their day. God bless.
@@gazinatstars3127 Babylon king saw the son before he came as a human false doctrines
So Ministry Magazine has made this statement. We cannot be safe unless we stick to the Bible and the Bible only. Doesn't matter what magazine, review and herald or whatever. We have the Bible and it as many references to the Father and only Begotten Son. Ellen White has much material on the trinity subject. The Bible has all we need. For example, the book of John has many statements from Jesus Himself. His words present the facts very clearly. The Jews knew what He was talking about. That is why they killed Him.
I found that this video was helpful to clear thigs up, a bit... ua-cam.com/video/CgY53Q9XNpg/v-deo.html
If the Trinity was what Sister White was referring to, why wouldn't she just name that doctrine as part of the problem. Instead, she never mentions it. To me, it sounds like she saw what Kellogg was doing - he had devised a new way that his book could still be right - a way for him to save face.
Why Rev.13 isnt plain saying "the 1st day mark of the beast" or clearly something like that? When the prophet saying that the crisis is about the presence and personality of God, then thats clear to me.
@@sickletrumpeter Please go and read chapter 25 - The Foundation of Our Faith from Selected Messages book 1 the whole of it, then you will understand what she was talking about the personality of God, that is Jesus, his mission and work as a high priesthood in the Sanctuary, because we need Christ as our mediator/intercessor and then go and read by yourself The living Temple which teaches that God already exists in us, therefore, we don´t need an intercessor which is wrong. Living Temple is getting rid of the sanctuary message, and this is what Ellen White meant by saying that men are working in a powerful way to tear down the foundation of our faith, and the foundation of our faith are pillars of our faith/landmarks of our faith which are seven namely:
1. The State of the Dead.
2. Health Message.
3. Spirit of Prophecy.
4. The Sanctuary. ( which she meant has been attacked by John Harvey Kellogg through his book THE LIVING TEMPLE.
5. Law of God ( SABBATH )
6. Victory over sin ( which also has been attacked by John Kellogg
7. Righteousness by Faith ( The Faith of Jesus Christ )
Notice in the following quote, one very similar to the one quoted from Selected Messages, that she was FORBIDDEN to discuss the nature of God with JHK - and advised ALL our ministers to refrain from any such speculation. Sadly, this instruction has been grossly IGNORED by FAR too many pontificators with too much pride of opinion to hold their peace.
"In Living Temple the assertion is made that God is in the flower, in the leaf, in the sinner. But God does not live in the sinner. The Word declares that He abides only in the hearts of those who love Him and do righteousness. God does not abide in the heart of the sinner; it is the enemy who abides there.
There are some things upon which we must reason, and there are other things that we must not discuss. In regard to God-what He is and where He is-silence is eloquence. When you are tempted to speak of what God is, keep silence, because as surely as you begin to speak of this, you will disparage Him.
Our ministers must be very careful not to enter into controversy in regard to the personality of God. This is a subject that they are not to touch. It is a mystery, and the enemy will surely lead astray those who enter into it. We know that Christ came in person to reveal God to the world. God is a person, and Christ is a person. Christ is spoken of in the Word as “the brightness of His Father’s glory, and the express image of His person.”
I was forbidden to talk with Dr. Kellogg on this subject, because it is not a subject to be talked about. And I was instructed that certain sentiments in Living Temple were the Alpha of a long list of deceptive theories.
These sentiments have had an effect on our people everywhere."
Clearly this is not directing ANY of us to avoid studying the Bible on this topic, but any attempts to paraphrase or expand or explain one's own conclusions are likely to be SPECULATION: WORSE than useless! Likewise, attempts to try to quote SoP in hopes of supporting one's foregone conclusions are ill advised. But one after another of our biggest and brightest plow right through the warning that SILENCE is GOLDEN - assuming instead that their ideas are above the gold of Inspiration!
Study this from the Bible and SOP:
Im still waiting for this to go away..but it never will..
Why do people think that Jesus HAS NOT always existed?
The "set up" for the book Living Temple was in the publishing house when it burned down and the fire fighters said they never saw such a fire in that the water they sprayed on acted like fuel instead of water. The Lord can turn the water not only into wine...
How do you explain this? Written by Ellen White:
''The eternal heavenly dignitaries-God, and Christ, and the Holy Spirit-arming them the disciples with more than mortal energy, ... would advance with them to the work and convince the world of sin.-Manuscript 130, 1901. Ev 616.4''
EXACTLY! Apostates are among us! Be careful!
Which one is God?
"The Father and the Son Alone are to be exalted." E.G. White, YI, July 7, 1898.
The book Evangelism was compiled by LeRoy Froom and he added his own ideas into it.
Sharing a study on it:
13 minutes and 32 seconds into this film, a photo Dr. John Harvey Kellogg is shown holding up a glass of what looks like juice. He is very old in that photo. Next to Ellen White, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was the greatest health reformer that ever was. Over time I have sung many public praises to Dr. Kellogg in the context of health reform - including the Dr. Kellogg Discovery Center, of which I designed, word-smithed, and installed in Battle Creek. However, Judgment hour addressed the other side of Dr. Kellogg. He did more evil to the true Gospel than anyone I can think of in the SDA church with both his Pantheism and his manipulative use of the Trinity. I knew he had another side to him, but I didn't understand the implications of it until judgment hour explained it so thoroughly. Initially, Kellogg and Ellen White brought about our own Adventist Golden Age of Solomon. But, like Solomon, he apostatized greatly, and brought in great evil to the church to this very day - ESPECIALLY this day. To reform what Kellogg began, seems nearly an impossibility. Yet the maker of this film, "LETTER 253", is doing a heroic work to that end. His work here clearly spells out how the trinity doctrine was introduced to the unsuspecting Adventist church and how it has taken us off our own platform or truth without us even realizing it. The resistance to hearing that shocking truth is overwhelming - but the story must be told.
I whole hartedly agree... ad so does this fella... ua-cam.com/video/CgY53Q9XNpg/v-deo.html
You are doing THE SAME WORK Kellog did...stop attacking the biblical Godhead. You are warring against God. Beware of your influence. I had a lot of respect for you...but you have fallen into error, just as Kellog did :(
Ellen White rejected Kellogs pantheistic view of the Holy Spirit NOT the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead. She is clear that the Holy Spirit IS the third person of the Godhead (or trinity). You of all people should know Satan only counterweights the true...and the Catholic 'trinity' is the 'Christianised pagan trinity' including simaramus and tamuz...sun worship.
And, look how awful cereals have become by our methods of industrial farming. GMOs, pesticide resistant to round up!
And God [Eloh[im]] said, Let *us* make man in *our* image, after *our* likeness...
{Genesis 1:26a}
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for US? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
{Isaiah 6:8}
The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar.
Then *the LORD* rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire *from the LORD out of heaven*
{Genesis 19:23-24}
(Twain speaking as one)
Thus saith *the LORD* the King of Israel, and his redeemer *the LORD of hosts* I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.
{Isaiah 44:6}
Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now *the Lord GOD* and *his Spirit* hath *sent me*
{Isaiah 48:16}
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was *with* God, and the Word *was* God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
*All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made*
In him was life; (Original, Unborrowed, Underived) and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
{John 1:1-5}
It's imperative to first define exactly what is "trinity". Because the Catholic idea of a three Person trinity is markedly different than the Adventist three Person trinity or Godhead.
I pray for this relatively new brother in the faith bc in our zeal and self-confidence, it's possible to err.
I don't think we need videos on this issue! We will have enough to do in settling reasons for our faith instead of reaching into the nature of God and Godhead!
There are satanic driven winds of doctrine likely jesuits etc pulling the strings are tons of infiltrators over all these years in positions of power.. Three person God head is clear in one verse that's been there way before wycliff even.. Hebrews 9:14 Paul the super Apostle reveals the Holy Spirit is divinly eternal thus just what Sister White wrote 3 Great Powers of Heaven and the Holy Spirit of Great Power Omnipresent that is the same as the Heavenly Father.. All-knowing would follow also as he represents the Heavenly Father and Christ Jesus Our King... We can say nothing negative about any in Heaven.. The only thing that is fact is that Lucifer had over 50% in his deceptions but only took 1/3) many figured out the trap. So many evils have been allowed to flourish in the New Organization the GC apostate church.. NLP EVEN HUNDREDS OF PASTORS TRAINED TO TEACH IT... THE FALSE LACTO OVO DIET WORLDLY ALL THE WAY ICE CREAM, PIZZA, YOGURT, CHEESE THE WORST, CHOCOLATE, SOY BUT POISION GMO, SODAS COFFEE EGGS.. BABY CHICKENS.. FISH.. THE TESTIMONIES DECLARE USE NO NONE OF THUS NONE, NONE ARE FIT FOR FOOD... TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE LAST DAY'S AND HEAVENS CULTURE
Exactly: Early Adventists studied history and knew the Nicene Creed castigated Christ's humanity making his substance 100%Gods substance.
@Nirky no its exactly the same, please get diagrams of both and put them next to each other, they are exactly the same because in 1981 the sda adopted the trinity officially with the following words
" There is another universal and truely CATHOLIC organisation, the seventh day adventist church ".
Neil c wilson, ( teds dad( adventist review, mar 5th, 1981.
This can all be confirmed by checking out the fundamental beliefs of the early church against today's catholic sda fundamental beliefs.
And it can also be seen in its evil logo.
Fact is none of the pioneers would be allowed to enter the doors today, much less speak, fact is each and every quote the catholic sda uses written by any of the pioneers, was written by Arians .
@Nirky " most of the founders of the seventh day adventism would not be able to join the church today if they had to subscribe to the denominations fundamental beliefs. More specifically, most would NOT be able to agree to belief number 2,which deals with THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY ".
George knight, Ministry magazine, oct 1993.
" The development of the trinity doctrine demonstrates that sometimes doctrinal changes require the passing of a previous generation. For seventh day adventists, it took over 50 years for the doctrine of the TRINITY to become normative".
Burt merlin . 2006, ' history of the seventh day adventist church has apostatized from biblical truth'.
" Adventist beliefs have changed over the years under the impact of " present truth " , most startling is the teaching regarding Jesus Christ, our saviour and Lord....the trinitarians understanding of God, now part of our fundamental beliefs, WAS NOT GENERALLY HELD BY THE EARLY ADVENTISTS ".
William G Johnsson, Adventist review, jan 6th, 1994, p 10.
It would be helpful to me if you defined the trinity. As I understand it, the catholic trinity and the protestant trinity are different. Then, there is the godhead.
EXACTLY! Apostates are among us! Be careful!
The trinity doctrine is wholly a Catholic doctrine. The protestants, as the "daughters," believe as the "mother", the RCC.
I found these videos helpful... ua-cam.com/video/NnYOuJQMhe0/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/1MxlJRK9Udo/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/DH7QAQijRcg/v-deo.html
The problem that I find with that is that no one can explain or define the diferent and the reason for that is that is no different,God bless you
One must also understand that three work in union and three have different purposes there is no salvation except we come to Jesus and we are convicted of our sins and we must strive till the end to be pure and holy just as Jesus was provided celestial confidence and strength by His father so will we be given ...all three work for our salvation...but Catholic heresy speaks that one is forgiven even at the end of ones sinful life he can ask god pardon even. After his death ....
There is a SOP quote about 'three persons' in the godhead. I have questioned the trinity issue for several years now.
This may help answer so questions, for you... ua-cam.com/video/CgY53Q9XNpg/v-deo.html
Yes. Here is a study on it. May God bless you in finding His truth about it.
And another good study on the topic according to the Bible and SOP:
There are MANY.. its ALL through her writings
I watched this today, and also do not believe in the trinity, praying for guidance as I recently came back to the Adventist Church after a very long time. The 1st reading of my membership was mentioned in Church last Sabbath, and the 2nd Reading this Sabbath, I got rebaptised several months ago with my brother and sister who also came back to church. Is it okay to have membership when you do not believe in the trinity, I wish I could send this through to our church so everyone sees this.Not sure what to do, as I now have a friend coming to church, and am apart of our health team, where most like me do not believe in the trinity.
I too, struggled with, whether to "let the wheat and tares grow up together", as it teaches in Matthew 13:29, 30, 37-43... or to "come out of her", as it teaches in Revelation 18:4... I only became aware of this issue, on July 16th, as a friend shared a video, with me... ua-cam.com/video/QciLTP2wB_M/v-deo.html That started my learning journey, that has "set me free", as the truth does... (John 8:32) ... when I saw "The Triune God", in the Sabbath School lesson quarterly, on Sunday October 8th, I knew that I could no longer return my tithe to a triune god... so the next Sabbath was the last Sabbath at my Burr Ridge S.D.A. church, and I asked them to take my name off of the membership list... I have been looking for "like minded" believers, on the internet, ever since... I have not figured out what group to join, just yet. though... I do miss my "home church" a lot, as I know they are a loving and careing group, I have been with them for the past 30 some odd years... that was the best group, that I ever worshiped with... I am a third generatio S.D.A....
@carolkenealy1587 hi,I feel and understand what you are going through,I left the church for the same reason and I haven't be able to find a group I do get together with a group on line that have been on the same situation,I hope you keep you self strong and your eyes on Jesus,God bless you and yours
Please study and share:
@@carolkenealy1587The church will almost crumble but it will stand fast. The shaking is happening and tares will leave and are leaving. SDA's greatest enemies will be disgruntled ex SDA. I plan on staying with the church. Why listen to this man. Search the scriptures for the truth. Do you not think satan will be using EGW, by using false prophets who can show you anything they wish and you believe it. Be very careful. Satan loves doubtful people. He can confuse, plant falsities and deceive. Why is this trinity (I hate that word) such an issue only in the last days? He's clever! 🙋♀️🙏🐨🦘
Jesus Himself said; a house divided cannot stand. In my opinion satan is causing division in an attempt to destroy the church. I've just become aware of this trinity issue. I've done some research on the origins of the trinity, and wasn't surprised to find it's roots in Babylon. It has pagan origins and was adopted by the catholic Church. Apparently this was used by the rcc to persecute people during the dark ages. In my opinion that's why they pray to Mary as an intercessory to Jesus. Most ancient cultures worshipped a god, mother god, and son of god.
Thank you for posting this! I have studied this topic extensively and heard many presentations and EGW quotes about it, but this is new to me. I weep for my brethren in the SDA church who are blinded to the truth of our heavenly Father - the one true God, and His only begotten son.
One key statement by sister White in her letter to Kellogg, that reveals, confirms and settles that she was speaking of the trilogy god was that of which we read...
'The religious world is fast going over the SAME road that you have been following. If you continue to follow this road, you will have PLENTY of company.'
Apparently she is NOT speaking of PLENTY of company on the SAME road of > pantheism
Thanks so much great work indeed
I researched it like the Bereans.
Trinity is The Godhead.
This presentation is good but it's not accurate. Ellen white never said the doctrine of the trinity was erroneous. She did say that some of Kellogg's writings in the book living temple, were in harmony with her writings but other parts were not in harmony. I do believe that Ellen white was writing against his pantheistic views which he reiterated by saying that Holy Spirit was in everything in nature which is still pantheistic. So Ellen white addressed that error. Other statements by Ellen white showed she believed in three persons in the Godhead, the heavenly trio, The Holy Spirit is the third person of The Godhead. So it's clear that she is referring to pantheistic views of Kellogg.
Hi Robert, James White vehemently spoke against the Trinity and ....I have have never seen Ellen White rebuke him on this issue.
There are only 2 explanations for this:
1) James White and Ellen White had a beautiful union and were equally yoked doctrinally. Ellen White supported her Husband as he rebuked the Trinity, but the General Conference has suppressed that information (for now).
2. Ellen White and James White had serious marriage problems. They were not equally yoked spiritually. James White was a staunch AntiTrinitarian while Ellen White was a Closet Trinitarian. NEAL WILSON was a saint of God and brought the entire Church into greater light in 1980 when the Trinity Doctrine was brought in.
Would you be kind to point me into direction where the denomination rejects entirely the preexistence sonship of Christ? I have not been aware of that.
Thank you.
Ps. Very well done graphics.
Thank you for taking the time to lay out the events in order so it is clear that Ellen White did NOT ENDORSE the TRINITY.
AND by the way more pointedly God Himself does not endorse it.
Ellen White isn't the standard by which Christian doctrine is decided.
We need the counsel that God gave through her. Otherwise we would be led astray by Satan, because he sends all kinds of doctrines. I sure need them!
@@stinawiik4468 What about your Bible? The KJV exposes EGW, and tells us God used prophets to direct our fathers in times past, but in these last days, Christ is our example and prophetical guide. Hebrew 1:1-2, Revelation 19:10, 1 John 2:27. What need is there for a "lesser light" when we have a greater light, the KJV, that is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path?
If you bothered to read EGW yourself, you would see she clearly believed in the Trinity. See my quotes above.
@@kalvinmccoy8574 Why would one presume I have never read EGW, is it because I do not agree with her? I have read plenty of EGW, growing up a SDA, and I can tell you EGW does not agree with EGW, her older books contradict the new ones.
Kellogg's view of the Trinity is wrong, doesn't mean that the Doctrine of the Trinity is also wrong. There are many variations of the Trinity doctrine. You need to look more into this.
Exactly, he was using the trinity to support what seems like heresy. That doesn't delegitimize trinity theology.
Dear bro please study this from the Bible and SOP:
Then why didn’t she say you have this part of it wrong, but this part right? Especially since she was supposedly a trinitarian by now.
The Catholic Church brought "the trinity doctrine" into Christianity !
The trinity doctrine is not biblical.
There is one God, The Father !
Jesus Christ is His only begotten son and therefore Divine. (Divine Nature)
The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of The Father and His Only Begotten Son.
(Not a 3rd god)
And this is Life Eternal,
that they might know YOU
and Jesus Christ, whom YOU have sent.
(John 17:3)
The Holy Spirit is not a 3rd God, called God The Holy Spirit.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
(Romans 8:14)
Now the Lord is that Spirit:
and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
(2 Corinthians 3:17)
And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth ''THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON'' into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
(Galatians 4:6)
The Holy Spirit = The Spirit of God and Christ
Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you.
If ye loved My, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for My Father is greater than I.
(John 14:28)
Jesus Christ Himself said that His Father is greater than Him.
Jesus Christ the Son of God died for our sins !
Not God The Father.
God The Father cannot die.
See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god with Me:
I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal:
neither is there any that can deliver out of My hand.
For I lift up My hand to Heaven, and say, I live for ever.
(Deuteronomy 32:39-40)
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
(Psalm 90:2)
But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.
(Psalm 102:27)
“Even he shall build the temple of God,
and he shall bear the glory,
and shall sit and rule upon His throne,
and He shall be a priest upon His throne:
and the counsel of peace shall be between them BOTH.”
(Zechariah 6:13)
In this verse it's very clear, the plan of salvation shall be between them BOTH !
1) God The Father
2) Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son
Two persons !
Not 3.
Look at this interesting conversation between Christ and the Samaritan Woman !
Did Jesus preach to her about a Trinity god ?
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe Me,
the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, WORSHIP The Father.
(John 4:21)
Ye worship ye know NOT what:
we KNOW what we worship:
for salvation is of the Jews.
(John 4:22)
But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the TRUE Worshippers shall WORSHIP The Father in spirit and in Truth:
for The Father seeketh such to worship Him.
(John 4:23)
God is a Spirit:
and they that WORSHIP Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth.
(John 4:24)
These verses talk about our Father who is spirit, and we are to worship Him in spirit and in Truth.
Many think that our God is a "mystery" which they call a Trinity.
The words of Jesus "Ye know NOT what ye worship" would apply if our God is a mystery.
When we get to Heaven, God will not then say “Meet My Spirit”.
We will see God face to face, and we will know Him !
The Father of Jesus Christ.
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of glory,
may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him:
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling,
and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
(Ephesians 1:17-18)
Does Matthew 28:19 proves a Trinity ?
Read the quote below,
The Catholic Encyclopedia, II, page 263:
“The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church in the second century.”
excellent my brother, blessings
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." James 1:5
All discussion in the world will never help anyone understand this truth without praying for WISDOM.
What I say to Trinitarians:
"Pray for wisdom and listen for God's answer.
If it doesn't become plain, it is not for you at this time.
Believe as you will, but know that some of us tried to warn you."
I don't know about your Bible, but my Bible clearly shows the divinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit... And so does EGW.
Where can I get the electronic copies of the letters? I want to do similar video in Russian.
Check out the app EGW2 from the app store
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
"Oneness" as a quality not a quantity.
You didn't mention that it was the book, Living Temple, that was on the printing press when the publishing house burned to the ground...Ellen White warned against printing the book but they printed it anyway...
It was said that the water acted like fuel; the more water they put on the fire the higher the flames got...
Thanks for another well done presentation Michael !!!!
EGW never in her correspondence specifically declare that Dr. Kellog's belief in the trinity is in error. She is denouncing his belief in the philosophy of the Living Temple. A wrong impression is made by connecting his thoughts on The Living Temple with the Trinity. She denounced his belief in pantheism and that is all.
I agree.
Precisely. If you read some of his correspondence from that time period, you see a very confused man. At one moment, he seemed all repentant and willing to submit to the judgment of his brethren. Then a short while later, he's back to defending himself, and accusing others. His idea of fastening on the "trinity" was just another excuse to try and push his book through; a last-moment patch-up job.
Thank you Michael! This is unequivocally Present Truth! I also like your use of colored lines/circles; helps bring out their truth! God Bless your Ministry!
This is so excellently done. This truth can not be gainsayed yet I sadly see comments reflecting that some are still resisting the spirit of Christ on this issue. I pray all will study this deeply for themselves🙏
Happy Sabbath
Excellent presentation both in content and visual effects. If this doesn't convince our brethren in the trinitarian corporate sda church i don't know what will. God bless you.
Very well done. Kellogg’s wife was not an Adventist but was a Seventh-day Baptist (or was it Seventh-day Church of God?). But since she worshipped on the Sabbath day, Kellogg felt little alarm by going with her to church at times. Her pastor was of course a trinitarian and eventually by dallying on these enchanted grounds, he succumbed. He forgot the lesson of Eve.....
Thank you! Great work. 🙏🏼🙌🏼
Thank you for this clear presentation. Will share it with our SDA friends who are misled by the trinity doctrine.
SDA began in the 1800's. It isn't original Christianity.
We must be Beareans and study for ourselves!!!
WOW! Excellent revelation of truth! Thank you!
Amen Brother... Amen...
Thank you for making this video! It brings a lot of light into the matter of Alpha and Omega...
Pagan Trinity is three heads on one body - UnBiblical, rather Bible Godhead is three Persons united in Truth, Love and Freedom by Thought, Character and Personality.
The pagan trinity is more then that
How do trinitarians explain Revelation 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, and 5:6? The Bible clearly states God has seven Spirits, are going to say that is wrong?
Didn't ellen white speak about the trinity in other letters and writings in support of the doctrine?
Australasian Union Conference Record, Oct. 7, 1907:
Those who have by baptism given to God a pledge of their faith in Christ, and their death to the old life of sin, have entered into covenant relation with God. The three powers of the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are pledged to be their strength and their efficiency in their new life in Christ Jesus.
The Desire of Ages, p. 671:
The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power.
Evangelism, p. 615:
There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.
@@PracticaProphetica it seems to me that this letter he is refering to in the video is not refering to the trinity. Especially since the letter doesn't specifically say the trinity.
@@Eric-fq5wx Yes, that's probably true. The word "trinity" is a "red rag at the bull" these days.
Amen and Amen!!
This is brilliant & true & of utmost importance thank u so much sir
Thank you Bro. For this well researched and delivered message on the Trinity. I now understand why the SDA church is split between the Trinitarians and the non Trinitarians. You have done this topic justice. God bless you, your family and your work of truth.
...In the judgment men will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, *but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what is truth.*
Patriarchs and Prophets, p.55.1
...Eve really believed the words of Satan, but her belief did not save her from the penalty of sin. She disbelieved the words of God, and this was what led to her fall. In the judgment men will not be condemned because they conscientiously believed a lie, *but because they did not believe the truth, because they neglected the opportunity of learning what is truth.*
-PP 55.1
Notwithstanding the sophistry of Satan to the contrary, it is always disastrous to disobey God. We must set our hearts to know what is truth. All the lessons which God has caused to be placed on record in His word are for our warning and instruction. They are given to save us from deception. Their neglect will result in ruin to ourselves. *Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan.*
-PP 55.2
....God will not condemn any at the judgment because they honestly believed a lie, or conscientiously cherished error; *but it will be because they neglected the opportunities of making themselves acquainted with truth.* The infidel will be condemned, not because he was an infidel, but because he did not take advantage of the means God has placed within his reach to enable him to become a Christian.
-TM 437.1
...God will not condemn any at the Judgment because they honestly believed a lie, or conscientiously cherished error; *but it will be because they neglected the opportunities of making themselves acquainted with truth.* The infidel will be condemned, not because he was an infidel, but because he did not take advantage of the means God has placed within his reach to enable him to become a Christian.
-PH077 14.2
Amen brother 🙏🏻amen, to God be the Glory, May God bless you and your family 🍇❤️🕊🙏🏻
Andrew’s university student has written a thesis on whether Ellen White supported Trinity. It’s available on the internet, the conclusion was she never explicitly denied the Trinity. In fact, there is evidence that she upheld the Trinity after the 1888 message.
What Ellen White opposed was how JH Kellogg twisted the Trinity to suit his view of God. He believed that the Holy Spirit was in everything, literally filling up all physical space. This is the danger of pantheism. God is Omnipresent, meaning He is everywhere. JH Kellogg believed and argued that God is in everything and God is everything. This is why he mentions that he now believes Holy Spirit fills everything. This is what Ellen White was opposing.
Trinity is clearly seen in the Bible. Father, Son and Holy Spirit were present during creation, Father, Son and Holy Spirit were present at Jesus’ Baptism, the great commission puts Holy Spirit equal to Father and Son, etc. The greatest evidence is 1 John 5:7, commonly referred to as Johannan Comma. There is lot of contention on this verse by many scholars, but this verse mentions Holy Spirit in KJV version. KJV translators used Waldensian manuscripts which clearly have Holy Spirit in that verse and hence this was added in KJV. NIV and few other versions add footnote with the full verse as in KJV.
Is it the Trinity/Holy Spirit she was rejecting or his ideas or pantheistic udnerstanding of it?Because I'm reading the letters you shared and it's ambiguous to me
Praise God the Father!! In the Spirit of Christ, decreased that He may be increased 🍇🕊
The Trinity doctrine has no place in our hearts
What about the doctrine of the 'godhead or 'trio'? Either way 3 is implied.
@watchndatube1 Yes I believe in the Heavenly Trio that leads to the Holy Spirit being both the presence of the Father and the Son, personalities is the word not person that substituted it by changing EG White actual hand written writtings...
There is wisdom in why EG White never penned the word trinity, remember if you believe she was a Messenger of God then believe her and don't quench their Spirit of Truth
Resisting the Father and Son is not wisdom 🙏
@@wymank I will respond by saying read Matt. 28:19... Also, Sis. White said person not presence when speaking about the Holy Spirit. Don't deceive yourself brother.
@@timoflink2686 Amen 🙏 I was hoping you could supply one quote where in her 70 years of service to the SDA Church EG White uses the word Trinity? If not then we are to submit ourselves to the Father's will in this matter as He spoke through His messenger 🙏 Do you believe she was a Messenger of God ? If not then we have different understanding and faith in God, His silence on this matter through EG White is enough for all of us 🙏
We need to go all ‘the Way’ in worshipping, as you say, the One True God, the ‘Most High’… ‘He’ who ‘Himself’ (!) is in the great ‘Most Holy’ compartment of the spiritual temple (Heb 9,10). He is not a Trinity. Use His Name, and enjoy a much closer relationship with Him; be “contrite, and tremble at His word” (Isa 66;1,2) by joining the Spirit-led ‘harvest’ in this time of the end, as we preach in obedience to the ‘commission’ (Mt 28) literally in every place, globally.
Be part of God’s people ‘for His Name’ (Acts 15;14) in uniquely being neutral in world politics, and courageously harmless in times of war (e.g. WW2 ‘purple triangles’, and Rwanda 1994)… awake too to the detailed prophecies in Scripture, and trying to unselfishly be ‘ready’ with as many meek people as possible, for the imminent establishment of Jehovah God’s Kingdom with its earthly restoration and paradise blessings under the rulership of his anointed king, the Christ. (Rom 8, Rev 21… you know them all!). Join your local loving JW congregation.
Praise God for this. Thank you brother for such an eye opening presentation. God bless your ministry. 🙏
Kellogg's problem was still pantheism. He had inserted the Holy Spirit in place of the Father as the One who was in all space and all living things. In other words, he still believed and taught pantheism. This was the charge against him in her letter. The Bible is plain about the Holy Spirit. Acts 5:3-4 says that Ananias lied to God, the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is no more a Catholic doctrine than the sanctuary is an Adventist doctrine. They are Bible doctrines.
This is the truth thank you!
It was not only pantheism. He was trying to patch up his pantheistic ideas with the trinity. Both were from Satan. The trinity doctrine was adopted into the Catholic church at the Council of Nicea in the fourth century. It was LeRoy Froom who brought it into our church in the 1930's. I understand that he was a Jesuit.
Please study this bro from the Bible and SOP:
Amen, thank you brother for this clear presentation. GBU.
"A lie, believed, practiced, becomes as truth to them."
....But how do men fall into such error? By starting with false premises, and then bringing everything to bear to prove the error true.
*-Lt 55, 1895, par. 30*
GOD bless you brother 🙏! Please change font and size! Thank you!
Sda trinity is different with catholic trinity.. the dna of catholic trinity is same and antitrinity..
Jesus not came from the father, and not sharing spirit with the Holy ghost.
You clearly misunderstood the therm "son of God"
Begotten son happened in Jerusalem.. and Jesus present had nothing to do with His birth..
Jesus is the son of God, simply mean part of God..
"swayed you in wrong lines" is not identified specifically as the "trinity", since most of this letter addresses his pantheism.
Keep it up. All glory to God.
Please explain to me the comments written by EG White
There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.- Evangelism, p. 615. {7ABC 441.9}
Evangelism was NOT written by EGW
This is deceptive. The issue is not the trinity. Dr. Kellogg stated that the Holy Spirit is in all things when he changed his position. What he said about the Holy Spirit is pantheistic. To make this about the trinity is untrue. SDA do not believe the trinity as do the Catholics do. The Catholic Church teaches that there is one God operating in all three offices as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost at the same time. SDA believe there are three separate beings, separate and distinct from each other.
It seams you have the right understanding about what an "office" means. If you go to the dictionary that EW used, the Webster 1828, and search for the word "person" and look at the sixth definition, you'll certainly have a glad surprise.
So, neither the catholics nor the triteistic adventists are right, but the Bible and SOP speak about 2 beings in the Godhead: God, which is the Father, and Jesus, which is the Son of God (not God the Son). Indeed Jesus is God in infinity (nature), but not in personality. And His divinity depends entirely on His Sonship with God, His Father. Deny that saying His sonship is metaphorical or anything else than literal, and you'll deny His divinity. He is indeed equal with God as my son is as human as I am. But that doesn't deny the fact that my son was brought forth from me, and his humanity depends on mine. Look at you birth certificate, does it say the name of your parents? Well, as you inherited the name of your parents, He inherited the name of Jehova, His Father. Otherwise, why would the Bible call Him Jehova?
Then, what about the "third person"? Well, as you can see by now, one of the definitions of "person" in the dictionary EW used every day, is office. Surprise! So I can ve the office of the doctor and the office of the father, and still be the same individual or being. Its that simple! 2 beings, 3 offices. Now you can understand why EW says that Jesus is the Holy Spirit, and also the Bible. There's no contradiction in inspired writings, but a lovely harmony!
God bless!
The "trinity" is clearly taught in the New Testament (by other names) and hinted at in the Old Testament. Ellen White's letter of warning to Dr Kellog concerned other issues (such as embracing the teachings of Hinduism). Those who reject the trinity can quote Jesus' words such as "My Father is Greater than I" or "Only my Father Knows" (the time of Jesus' second coming). But keep in mind that Jesus "emptied Himself" (Phillipians 2:7) to become a human and save us.
From the beginnings of our church, SDA teachings have developed and became more clear over time. This time taken to clarify and develop a better understanding also happened from the start of the church that Jesus established.
After Jesus had been crucified, His disciples walking with Him on the road to Emaus (before they knew who it was walking alongside them) expressed their bitter disappointment , because they had been expecting their Lord to overthrow the Romans and set Israel free from occupation. And in fact, some of the prophecies about the coming Messiah stated that this coming one will overthrow the enemies of Israel, etc. So those of Jesus' followers who had been expecting Jesus to conquer the enemies of Israel militarily can be excused for midunderstanding the mission of Jesus at that stage. But on the road to Emaus Jesus gave His two disciples an amazing Bible lesson to begin clarifying what the Messiah's mission was intended to be. And so the early church needed time to develop a more clear understanding, just as the disappointed Adventists (before there was a Seventh Day Adventist Church) needed time to develop a more clear understanding of many doctrinal issues - such as the "trinity".
With all due respect, new light doesn't contradict previous light. If it does, it's not new light but apostasy.
Your example is deceitful because the belief of the disciples about the Messiah liberating them from the Romans was their imagination and worldly expectations. Not so with the "firmly established by God" pillars of our faith, "a line of truth that goes until the very second coming of Jesus".
Amen. Such a beautiful explanation!. Praise God!!!
This is brilliant. I read a statement from the white estate where she say, "we still believe in the 3rd person of the Godhead, but we are NOT trinitarians" late Prof Ralph Larson explained this in his Firm Foundation article, "the devils trinities", explaining how the TRINITY doctrine is a counterfeit of the truth, just as Satan counterfeits everything. What Ted Wilson said( as shown in this video) as if 3 gods. Just like EG & James White I believe the holy spirit is a HE not an IT, but like them I AM NOT A TRINITARIAN.
There is one true God..keep the first commandment !! One God NOT three
Thank your for this video. Great information and clarity to the pillars of our faith,
Studies you can share. God bless
Great video
Bible says there is one God the father , and Jesus the son of God
And the spirt of God and Jesus
No. In this letter, EGW says nothing against the Trinity. See what she herself wrote in this letter:
"By declaring that our institutions are undenominational, you have put our people and our work in a false position." Par. 22
"I have hesitated and delayed about the sending out of that which the Spirit of the Lord has impelled me to write. (...) I shall have to obey the command given me of God." Par. 23
"I present to you the things that the Lord has presented to me." Par. 24
In which book are those letters
I don't recall Sis White actually calling out "the trinity" doctrine of Kellog, only "patchwork theories" , Her main address belongs to his pantheism, God in everything, and its correction the HS is in everything, I don't recall seeing or hearing that she was addressing his trinitarian beliefs or even identifying them as such.
I believe you are using Sister Whites letter, and her lack of specifically addressing or using the term, ‘trinity’ out of context. She was addressing, it seems to me, the book Dr Kellog had written and by saying He believed in the Trinity, did not negate what he wrote in the book in any way, shape or form. His belief in the Trinity did not reverse his idea of pantheism, (patchwork) and she was addressing that, not the Trinity. Of course we as SDA’s believe Christ was before He became man, He was the creator, all three of the Godhead were there, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The same as at His baptism, the same as we are commissioned by Jesus to ‘ baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’. All are God or He would not instruct us to do so.
I don’t understand what you are trying to explain when it comes to there NOT being a Trinity? Three as One is their unified and equal existence as God, is not non-biblical.
How do you explain them if not as all One, yet 3 separate persons? ‘One’ can mean more than singular, it means united, like minded, or like man and wife, joined together.
Please explain your non-trinitarian view, because I just don’t get what you are trying to say when you don’t believe in the Trinity. I really do want to understand and you need to use Scripture to do it please, otherwise it’s just theory. And just because other denominations and Catholics belief in the trinity, does not negate it as anti-Christ or blasphemy. I look forward to your response. Thanks.🌹
why doesn't the yandex browser's artificial intelligence offer to translate this video? what's wrong with it? maybe you forgot to add other languages to this video? we also want to know what elena white said about the trinity question. i live in russia. please make my browser able to translate this video.
I have'nt heard where Sis.White said the Trinity doctrine is wrong directly and futher what's the other teaching or alternative to the Trinity doctrine.
The trinity isn't pantheism. Kellog was wrong and confused to combine them. This odd combination doesn't delegitimise the trinity.
Then why didn’t she say that part was correct(trinity), but the rest was wrong?
I struggle to read the writing.
So... the conclusion of this presentation is A REACH at best. What she is attacking for sure is pantheism which is from the living temple. However, even the first statement of letter 253 states that she has an issue with " some things" that he is saying.
this means to know which part she disagrees with, you'd have to know what his letter said and then evaluate what she agreed with and disagreed with.
She could have easily been against his APPLICATION of trinity in him still believing that the HOLY SPIRIT is in everything, meaning it is still panthestic. This could be what she disagreed with. You did a great job showing her disapproval, but a very poor job at exactly what she disapproved.
If she was against the trinity, you still have not shown this through her writings. speculation at best
Very good thank you
She talks about his patchwork, because he was trying to save his face by patching up his panteism with the trinity doctrine. If she had thought that the trinity doctrine was the truth, she would have said so.
@stinawiik4468 And you know this because??? Are you assuming what you would do and projecting that unto her? You cannot say for certain what someone would say or do...
Why do you all call Ellen G White a prophet when she herself said she was not?
And God [Eloh[im]] said, Let *us* make man in *our* image, after *our* likeness...
{Genesis 1:26a}
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for US? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
{Isaiah 6:8}
The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar.
Then *the LORD* rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire *from the LORD out of heaven*
{Genesis 19:23-24}
(Twain speaking as one)
Thus saith *the LORD* the King of Israel, and his redeemer *the LORD of hosts* I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.
{Isaiah 44:6}
Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now *the Lord GOD* and *his Spirit* hath *sent me*
{Isaiah 48:16}
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was *with* God, and the Word *was* God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
*All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made*
In him was life; (Original, Unborrowed, Underived) and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
{John 1:1-5}
Hello Larry,
We have the divine testimony of Christ which gives light to the Scriptures.
God and Christ are two distinct persons.
"After the earth was created, and the beasts upon it, the FATHER AND SON CARRIED OUT THEIR PURPOSES, . . . And now GOD[Elohim] SAID TO HIS SON, ‘LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE.’” (The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, pp. 24, 25)
"Two of the heavenly messengers departed, leaving Abraham alone with Him whom he now knew to be the Son of God". (Patriarchs and Prophets 139,2)
Isaiah 44:6 I see no problem of one person speaking.
The Lord God and HIS Spirit(Spirit OF God) has sent me?
John 1:1 are two personalities: God and the Son of God(John 1:14).
The Son of God "was God" and the Son of God was made flesh"(John 1:14) i.e human
Both are saying what he was by nature not who he is. Christ is by nature God equal divine as God(Philippians 2:6) but he is not God in personality.
"The Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, is truly God in infinity, but not in personality. "(Ms 116, 1905, par.19)
Get thee hence satan.
MICHAEL -- Are you still monitoring these comments here? I HOPE so?
I came across 3 videos on YT that APPEAR to be posted by your channel - in response to a search for this video. Odd thing was: I could not find these other videos anywhere ON your channel! How does this guy manage to post things that LOOK like their yours, when they are actually quite CONTRARY and conflicting? All 3 are apparently 4 months old; all SAY "Judgment Hour" under the title, where one expects to see the "owner" identified. BUT - these are actually a 3-part RESPONSE to this video by someone arguing against your presentation here! Kindof a slick trick, seems to me!
Fortunately, those 3 videos show only a few hundred views in their 4 months of exposure. Still, it seems that you SHOULD be able to protect your own brand identity better than this? I do see that several viewers have already taken him (Norman) to task for the slimy stunt of trying to infringe upon your channel! I see that, although his videos' owner's name appears to be identical, he uses an underscore between Judgment and Hour in his ACTUAL channel ID. Pretty devious. I'm guessing he never approached you to discuss his issues, right?
BTW - how's it coming with the pronunciation of unanimity? 😁
Jesus Himself calls the Holy Spirit a person. I don't understand all of the hullabaloo about this. Satan always tries to divide and cause strife. Love Jesus and follow His commandments. That is what is important.
EGW wrote against Kellogg's Pantheism teaching, that God was supposedly physically everywhere.
This is why it destroys His personality.
This dude decided to twist White's writings concerning Kellogg's writings from the Living Temple - Ellen did not refute the "trinity", and she never wrote that the "trinity" doctrine was a pagan, catholic teaching, but actually CONFIRMS it in SEVERAL of her writings. - if you want to start your own sect, don't try to twist Ellen's writings to push your own agenda.
Show me one please where she supports it just one 🙏 please
Can't correct because there is no trinity
@@Masterleechan Australasian Union Conference Record, Oct. 7, 1907:
Those who have by baptism given to God a pledge of their faith in Christ, and their death to the old life of sin, have entered into covenant relation with God. The three powers of the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are pledged to be their strength and their efficiency in their new life in Christ Jesus.
The Desire of Ages, p. 671:
The power of evil had been strengthening for centuries, and the submission of men to this satanic captivity was amazing. Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power.
Evangelism, p. 615:
There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.
This is true. The word "trinity" never appears in the writings of Ellen White. This silence shows how God views the matter. The problem is not with the "three persons in the godhead" for that was supported by Ellen White, E. J. Waggoner, and many others.
The main problem with the "trinity" as defined by Catholic theologians (and maybe Protestant theologians also) is that it is an attempt by man to explain God's nature, and all it accomplishes is to add human speculation and human ideas, which do not help one bit. God has not given man the job of exploring the metaphysical nature of His being. Any attempt to do so is a manifestation of self-exaltation, and of putting man above God.
But that there are three persons in the Godhead, and that they share the same character, aims, and innate immortality, is plain Bible teaching. Please see the book, "Rock of Ages," by E. H. Bickersteth (1860), whose father participated in the Advent awakening in England.
I think you are intoxicated by the "wine of Babylon" (Satanic Trinity lie)...
REPENT and come out of her....
I thought this was going in the opposite direction that it ended up going!
Good to hear the Truth!!!
Its not a strong endorsement of his book. Though I reject the Catholic and Protestant notion of the trinity, I find that what you are targeting is missing, at best it is circumstantial or implied trinitarianism that she is addressing when it is apparent to me that she is addressing his pantheism, which may be laced with trinitariansim but not explicitly, at least not until she addresses the 'change' from God is in everything to the HP is in everything, but could still be identified as strictly pantheism. Its disturbing to me when we try too hard to make what is already obvious more obvious (we think) but we really make it more obscure and difficult to identify. Sort of like the book Ten Commandments Twice Removed, DS. The book was good until two thirds of the way through he tried to hard to add to the "proof" by using texts that really did not mean what he wanted them to mean. Like the OJ Simpson court case, "if it doesn't fit then we must acquit" thus freeing him from a murder. Planting the glove was their undoing just like making something mean what it doesn't actually mean.
Much truth with little but just enough error to mislead...twisting and deceiving...becareful.
Precisely! Thanks God 🙏 I knew my understanding 10years ago coincides with Ellen White interpretations and visions.
Well, the big question I have is, Why would she not just say and use the word " Trinity"? Making it clear! It is not really that clear! She should have said; "The Trinity doctrine is totally wrong... . Why did she not jus say that ? I am a non trin.
My opinion, is that God intended to use this heresy to test His people to see who would follow a thus saith the Lord and who will follow a thus saith the church. 1844 is another example of God allowing misunderstandings for the purpose of testing and shaking and sifting His people. That is what we see happening now-a shaking and sifting happening. Who will return to the platform of eternal truth built by the Master Worker and stand on a thus saith the Lord, and who will not.
You're clearly reading a bit much into Mrs. White's rebuke there. She very plainly denounced the fact that he is merely swapping the idea of a pantheistic Holy Spirit to replace his idea of a pantheistic Father. That's the patchwork. Which implies that the issue is the pantheism, not the issue of a Triune Godhead. If she was against that issue, she would not have elsewhere spoken so plainly of the one God in three persons. Even the angels cry Holy Holy Holy and the number 3 is seen so often in symbolism because it represents the Godhead.
However, you are correct that Mrs. White did not condone the catholic concept of the trinity and chose distinct wording to maintain a certain distance from their errors. But if she taught, as you seem to believe, that Christ was not in the beginning with God and was instead created by the Father at some point after that (and is therefore not eternal like the Father), then she is in direct contradiction to the scriptures (John in particular) and would thus be a false teacher. So I hope you do not mean to insinuate that is the true nature of Christ. If so, I fear for you because you have ultimately missed the same thing as Kellogg did. The only difference is that you err in a different respect. But you both completely anul the true nature of God and of Christ.
Acts 20:28
It is just like the scripture in Revelation "...the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Revelation 13:8. Jesus did not die at the foundation of the world. It was just determined that He would die. It was just determined that He would begotten of the Father through a woman. The reason why I say that is because if we believe that Jesus was begotten of the Father at some point in time. That means that Jesus had a beginning. And we know that Jesus did not have a beginning because he was the order of Melchisedec. Hebrews 7:1-3, 16-22. With this train of thought, they also believe that the Holy Spirit is not a person of the Godhead. When the Holy Spirit actually speaks in many different times of the Bible. Acts 8:29; Revelation 2:11-29; 3:6-22; 22:17
Jesus was begotten on April 29, 31AD.
ONE of the problems with the trinity is that the teaching itself is pantheistic.
If someone believes that the Holy Spirit is a third god being like most SDA do then quotes like this from Ellen White force us to believe the exact same thing that Kellogg was teaching in living temple.
“He must depend on God to do that which no human power can do. The Lord puts his own spirit into the seed, causing it to spring into life. Under his care the germ breaks through the case enclosing it and springs up to develop and bear fruit. 8T 326.4”
Also this quote...
“The heart not yet hardened by contact with evil is quick to recognize the Presence that pervades all created things. Ed 99.1”
How can Ellen White say these things then also say
“We are not to say that the Lord God of heaven is in a leaf, or in a tree; for he is not there. He sitteth upon his throne in the heavens. The work of the Creator as seen in nature reveals His power. But nature is not above God, nor is God in nature as some represent Him to be. God made the world, but the world is not God; it is the work of His hands. 4 MR 59.1”
God is not in nature as Kellogg represented Him to be. But Ellen White said that “the Lord puts His own spirit into the seed” in order for her to say this her understanding of what the Holy Spirit is must have been different from what Kellogg and present day adventists believe it to be.
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Romans 8:9
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Father and the spirit of the Son and not a third divine god being as the majority of SDA’s teach. Because if the Holy Spirit is a third god being then Ellen white would have had no problem with Kellogg’s revised version of the living temple.
To see this line of thinking more fully drawn out watch the “Kellogg Crisis” by Seventh Day Press.
When you say the trinity what is your concept of the trinity and what you believe in? The Godhead mean Divine Nature.
1 cor 8 v 6, john 17 v 3❤
Very nice this is presentation!!!!
It is interesting that a "pillar," Kellogg, was just as twisted as Ted Wilson on our Health Message.
Please do a video on the 144000 i am hearing all this confusing messeges , all of your Videos wore , a blessing to me . Thank u
So one must not believe that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are God?
Another misdirection here
ELLEN G. WHITE describes the Godhead.
1 John 5:7 KJV.
That statement is from an edited stenographers report. So she didn’t write that, she didn’t publish that, and there is a high probably that she didn’t even say that, also because it contradicts many other statements she did write and publish, such as the first sentence of the four volume series of the spirit of prophecy which reads “Satan in Heaven, before his rebellion, was a high and exalted angel, next in honor to God's dear Son.” 1SP 17.1 If there are “three holiest beings” how does that work when there is God and His Son and the next in honor was Lucifer?