Very interesting to watch, and a very nice end result, too! I'm not a big fan of the flame paint jobs, but this looks really nice especially with the white. I have a similar buggy I bought second hand, it's the Laser Alpha. The previous owner already restored it nicely, so all I have to do it fit a nice new body shell, some electronics and a set of wheels and tyres, good to go! Only concern I got is the belt is really slack, so your solution looks really good... It's just a screw on a bracket with a couple bearings on it? Very inspirational, your videos. Not all are relevant for me, I don't manage to watch too many UA-cam videos, but these are nice.
Love it, the lazer zx and zx-r are on my want list 😎 and hopefully i’ll get around to adding them to the collection next year 🤞
What's the difference between the zx and zxr?
@@colbillington the zx-r was an updated model, with a sleeker body.
First 4wd buggy that I bought and raced back in day!
Love the vintage stuff. Would be great to see it on track and you applying some of your tuning knowledge!
Thanks, glad you liked the video, I will take it along to the next carpet meeting and get some footage of it on track
Now this is what a ZX ought to look like!!! Still hard to believe it came with plastic hubs up front, those alloy ones are choice brother 👍
Because it didn't. It came with cast aluminum hubs.
Very interesting to watch, and a very nice end result, too! I'm not a big fan of the flame paint jobs, but this looks really nice especially with the white.
I have a similar buggy I bought second hand, it's the Laser Alpha. The previous owner already restored it nicely, so all I have to do it fit a nice new body shell, some electronics and a set of wheels and tyres, good to go! Only concern I got is the belt is really slack, so your solution looks really good... It's just a screw on a bracket with a couple bearings on it?
Very inspirational, your videos. Not all are relevant for me, I don't manage to watch too many UA-cam videos, but these are nice.
Thanks for the nice comments! Yes it’s just a angle bracket and some bearings but try and find something on eBay off a touring car
Really nice! Hopefully Kyosho one day will rerelease the Lazers.
With the way things have gone with the legendary series I would say it’ll happen!
@@MH-RC Fingers crossed!
Looks very capable, and neat. Any running footage?
Not yet.... must take it to the track soon and give it a run, should be soon!