As a Seventh-day Adventist, I knew a few other churches came from the Millerite Movement, but I was under the impression they basically don't exist anymore. The Millerites essentially believed Jesus was coming extremely soon. Nothing more.
@@RonJohn63 David Koresh was kicked out of an SDA church in the early or mid 80s LONG before he ever met that Waco group which he ultimately took over and made whatever it was worse.
As a member of the Evangelical Free Church for the past 45 years I was pleasantly surprised to see how close the Advent Christian Church is to my own association. At many, many points we are in tight agreement, not only in letter but more especially in Spirit. We breathe the same atmosphere of broad acceptance in matters not essential to salvation like Calvinism/Arminianism, open communion and eschatology. Some of the mottoes heard in the Free Church are "Major on the majors and minor on the minors" and "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing" and "In essentials unity; in non-essentials liberty; in all things charity" as Augustine said. I'm sure most of the folks in the ACC would heartily concur with these sentiments. I would like to see these two associations unite under one umbrella. There is one obstacle in the path: conditional immortality and annihilationism. The Free Church has never embraced these ideas. But neither is essential to salvation. Could we not agree to disagree about the state of the dead (as we do about Calvinism/Arminianism) and unite to become one?
That's a great idea! What specific group of evangelical free churches are you a part of? (This isn't meant to be disrespectful, I have heard different denominations claim that same name.)
I have been going to The Advent Christian Church for years and what goes on is this. We simply do the best we can to follow The Scriptures in The Holy Bible. I have read the Bible cover to cover over three times. And there is no act the people there put on, they are genuine and authentic not perfect. It seems to be that way in smaller churches. I love Jesus Christ and the Scriptures. May God bless you and keep you safe.
@@jonatanbarrang4353 Because a Seventh-day Baptists woman influenced Joseph Bates, a key founder of SDA church. Of course most people have no clue what massive influence Bates had on SDA church. Bates tried to convince Ellen White of the Sabbath. It wasn't until a bit later she accepted it after a vision emphasized it.
If you've ever listened to some of the church members of the SDA church. They say some of the exact same things that those who want a Christ to die for not practicing the sabbath and Christ himself said that the sabbath was made for man not man made for the sabbath. Advent is use simply because we are waiting for Christ to come back. Unlike the SDA we don't think we are the only ones going to heaven.
@@67jimi "Unlike the SDA,...." Where did that sentence come from? If you know the truth, you are a liar for posting false information. If you don't know the truth, you have no place writing stuff you don't know about. Adventist do not believe only Adventists will be saved. I don't know any Adventist with that perverse view.
@@americanswan I can only speak for the situation here in New Zealand 🇬🇸, where there is a widespread SDA movement. I am not one, but I had a born again experience in 1969 at 26. I soon learned about cults and found that the #1 sign of one is that a person must belong to their church to be saved. In 1994 I met and talked to a senior SDA church member and in a frank discussion told him of my faith walk and tried to get from him if I would be found in heaven after my demise. He twisted and turned but would not say it. Being an active SDA person was an essential prerequisite to assurance of salvation. So be very careful in your accusations - one of God's hates is a lying tongue.
As a reformed person, I'm surprised to find how much agreement there is. Yes, there are some disagreements as well, but from what was presented, I found myself agreeing with almost 90% of it.
Yes, he did! “Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”” Matthew 16:17-19
Christian unity is not to be found in denominational structures, but in sound, biblical doctrine. I myself is reformed, but found to be in agreement with 90% that was mentioned here. Dispite the disagreements, I think a brotherly discussion of those differences, rooted in scripture, is possible.
1:50 - Belief in the Trinity is hardly limited to Catholicism. Both Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Christians believe in a variant of it, and both groups have been around as long as Catholicism. I won't even pretend to understand in any depth the filioque controversy, but am reasonably sure it was over variations of Trinitarian thought and never over rejection of the idea by any of the parties involved.
Here you go. United Pentecostal Church (Oneness) UPCI (Oneness) vs Foursquare (Trinitarian) Branham Message Believers (Oneness) Swedenborgianism (Oneness) Jehovah's Witness (Unitarian) Iglesia ni Cristo (Unitarian) Church of God Seventh Day (Binitarian) More coming soon!
As a Seventh-day Adventist, I was aware with other Adventist bodies from Millirites movements, the Advent Christian Church adopted not the Biblical Sabbath and stay with the First Day Sunday.. that's why some called them First day Adventists or nominal Adventists, thanks also for some info. God bless!
Church of God GC - Unitarian Church of God (7th day) - Binitarian First Day Adventist - Trinitarian Seventh Day Adventist - Trinitarian This makes me wonder if our belief of who God is really more important than the day we worship him.
It's all a mess now, isn't it. I believe we should abandon all these labels and study closely and follow God's Word alone. Trinitarian is just accepting the unbiblical (and of pagan origin) mandate of Constantine of the Counsel of Nicea in 325 A.D.
Joshua, I really appreciate your videos, I've watched a ton of them. But, having researched so many denominations and details I can't help but ask what denomination are you and why? I think you do a ton of non personal videos without bias and that's very clear, but may you do a personal one regarding what denomination you are and why? Perhaps you could discuss what theological positions of various denominations you've poured hours into researching interest you outside your denomination and positions withiny our denomination you question? Thanks!
Strange that it bothers so few Protestants that there are thousands and thousands of different denominations, all reading the same Bible, yet believing, interpreting, and teaching different things. That's not what Jesus wanted. It's not what Paul taught either. Example: 1 Cor 1:10. Jesus created 1 Church, not thousands and thousands of them, most if not all, teaching error in some aspect. Jesus created One Church in Matt 16:18, the pillar and foundation of truth, in 1 Tim 3:15, and the Final Authority in Matt 18:15-17. In 107AD, St. Ignatius of Antioch, a Bishop in Jesus's Church, wrote a letter calling it "Catholic" or, Universal. There was no Bible until the late 4th Century when the Catholic Church canonized the New Testament at the Council of Rome in 382AD. Martin Luther opened a huge can of worms.
We biblical christians are waiting for Christ and worshipping God each teach original church was a daily church not saturday(sabbath)or sunday (1st day)church ... Acts 2:46-47 Acts 5:42... Blessings in Christ.
Yes, Christians do worship God and pray each day... HOWEVER, God's 4th Commandment, Exodus 20:8-11, commands us to keep HIS (God's) 7th day Sabbath HOLY. It is all explained clearly in that commandment and those verses mentioned above.
Yeah on baptism, I find this fascinating. Why do Christians baptize their hen Christ said that he’d baptize not with water but with the Holy Spirit? Idk I just find this strange how many churches split over something seemingly so petty and possibly misunderstood.
I’m 77 and a member of the same denomination of which my parents were members before I was born but I never thought of them as followers of that organization or its leaders and I don’t think of myself as a follower of the organization either. It seems to me that the vast majority of professed Christians are quite willing to declare anyone an heretic who reads the Bible for himself, studies it for himself and thinks for himself. From my perspective, those so-called “heretics” are the only true Christians. So here’s a suggestion: In the name of Christian unity, suppose we create an organization called “Heretics International” (or whatever other name would convey this idea) the purpose of which is to encourage personal study and personal (as opposed to institutional) religion. No creed. Just a list of things that anyone paid from tithe funds may NOT teach as doctrines of the organization. Advent Christians, for example, could join and tithe while confident that no one paid from those tithe funds would teach that humans are innately immortal. I suppose there are many Christians who would prefer to submit tithe funds to an organization that DOESN’T teach that we must earn or deserve salvation, that God’s grace is received only through sacraments, that there is an organization or hierarchy “authorized” to interpret the Bible for the laity, that we need any mediator other than Jesus and the Holy Spirit or that clergy have any spiritual authority except what is freely available to any laity directly from the Lord himself.
There is NOTHING in the bible as to which is the sabbath, Jesus said, the sabbath is for man, NOT man for the sabbath. God rested from his work of creation, NOT all works. Work six days and rest for one,this is it.
God's 7th Day Sabbath is clearly laid out in the 4th Commandment. Read Exodus 20:8-11. There are also 3 additional Bible verses which pronounce a death decree on those who do not keep God's Sabbath (the 7th day) Holy. His Sabbath has never changed. Man has adopted a spurious / false sabbath - of the first day. This is wrong. God's Sabbath IS the 7th day, sundown Friday night through sundown Saturday night. We are commanded to keep His Sabbath day holy and refrain from work (secular).
Didn't Jesus say that even He didn't know when God was going to send Him back to earth for His second coming. Adventists are a sect not a denomination.
Seventh-day Adventists ARE a denomination today - and have united with Ecumenism and the World Council of Churches and openly teach spiritualism as in Spiritual Formation. It is now time to COME OUT of this and all other fallen churches.
Sunday is not the first day of the week, as decided by Jesus rising from the dead, he rose OVERNIGHT , We was gone well before dawn when Mary went to the tomb. He was not crucified on Friday, either, Jesus said as with Noah, he would be in the ground three days and nights, Friday to Saturday night is not three days and the family wanted his body as the next day was preparation day.
Actually, Jesus _did_ rise on the Sunday, if you count the days like 1st century Jews rather than modern people. For the Jews, the day started at sunset, not sunrise.
@@Hannodb1961 he rose long before dawn, because Mary was there before dawn ,he was long gone and his family wanted his body as the next day was a preparation day for the extra sabbath that week
@@convertedsinner9536 untrue. Vatican 2 made it so all Sacraments, even those served by ones who deny the Sacraments, are valid so the Pope could take Communion at any congregation with Open Communion.
@@acekoala457 You are mistaken. Catholic doctrine and law (even the Vatican 2 form) only recognizes as a valid sacrament of Communion and very specific and limited giving of the sacrament to individuals of those churches which have a valid apostolic priesthood, eg Eastern Orthodox. Protestants, who lack this priesthood, no matter how cordially treated, are not even considered real churches, but "ecclesial communities" and sharing Communion with them is forbidden. Individual Prots who hold RC beliefs about Communion may ask on an individual basis to receive if in danger of death, etc.
As a Seventh-day Adventist, I was unaware of other churches that came out of the Millerite Movement. Thank you for this info!
The Branch Davidians split from a group that split from the SDA.
Yeah bro, it's some crazy stuff. I always love learning about how other theologies reach their conclusion.
As a Seventh-day Adventist, I knew a few other churches came from the Millerite Movement, but I was under the impression they basically don't exist anymore.
The Millerites essentially believed Jesus was coming extremely soon. Nothing more.
@@RonJohn63 David Koresh was kicked out of an SDA church in the early or mid 80s LONG before he ever met that Waco group which he ultimately took over and made whatever it was worse.
Jehovah's Witnesses would fit under this group as well
As a member of the Evangelical Free Church for the past 45 years I was pleasantly surprised to see how close the Advent Christian Church is to my own association. At many, many points we are in tight agreement, not only in letter but more especially in Spirit. We breathe the same atmosphere of broad acceptance in matters not essential to salvation like Calvinism/Arminianism, open communion and eschatology. Some of the mottoes heard in the Free Church are "Major on the majors and minor on the minors" and "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing" and "In essentials unity; in non-essentials liberty; in all things charity" as Augustine said. I'm sure most of the folks in the ACC would heartily concur with these sentiments. I would like to see these two associations unite under one umbrella. There is one obstacle in the path: conditional immortality and annihilationism. The Free Church has never embraced these ideas. But neither is essential to salvation. Could we not agree to disagree about the state of the dead (as we do about Calvinism/Arminianism) and unite to become one?
That's a great idea! What specific group of evangelical free churches are you a part of? (This isn't meant to be disrespectful, I have heard different denominations claim that same name.)
No offense taken, my friend. In the U.S. we call ourselves the Evangelical Free Church of America.
I have been going to The Advent Christian Church for years and what goes on is this. We simply do the best we can to follow The Scriptures in The Holy Bible. I have read the Bible cover to cover over three times. And there is no act the people there put on, they are genuine and authentic not perfect. It seems to be that way in smaller churches. I love Jesus Christ and the Scriptures. May God bless you and keep you safe.
why your church still considered as adventist although not believing we should observe sabbath in saturday?
@@jonatanbarrang4353 Because a Seventh-day Baptists woman influenced Joseph Bates, a key founder of SDA church. Of course most people have no clue what massive influence Bates had on SDA church. Bates tried to convince Ellen White of the Sabbath. It wasn't until a bit later she accepted it after a vision emphasized it.
If you've ever listened to some of the church members of the SDA church. They say some of the exact same things that those who want a Christ to die for not practicing the sabbath and Christ himself said that the sabbath was made for man not man made for the sabbath. Advent is use simply because we are waiting for Christ to come back. Unlike the SDA we don't think we are the only ones going to heaven.
@@67jimi "Unlike the SDA,...."
Where did that sentence come from? If you know the truth, you are a liar for posting false information. If you don't know the truth, you have no place writing stuff you don't know about.
Adventist do not believe only Adventists will be saved. I don't know any Adventist with that perverse view.
@@americanswan I can only speak for the situation here in New Zealand 🇬🇸, where there is a widespread SDA movement. I am not one, but I had a born again experience in 1969 at 26. I soon learned about cults and found that the #1 sign of one is that a person must belong to their church to be saved. In 1994 I met and talked to a senior SDA church member and in a frank discussion told him of my faith walk and tried to get from him if I would be found in heaven after my demise. He twisted and turned but would not say it. Being an active SDA person was an essential prerequisite to assurance of salvation. So be very careful in your accusations - one of God's hates is a lying tongue.
Thank you for your unbiased teaching !!
Glory to God very nice
another interesting denomination I never heard of
Thanx, Joshua 🌹🌲🌹
As a reformed person, I'm surprised to find how much agreement there is. Yes, there are some disagreements as well, but from what was presented, I found myself agreeing with almost 90% of it.
Just for clarification, it wasn’t William Miller that changed the date in 1843 to Oct. 1844. It was a black preacher by the name of William Foy.
Christ founded one Church, to last to the end of time. Pray for Christian unity! 🙏❤️❤️🙏 Pray in the Spirit.
Yes, he did!
“Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.””
Matthew 16:17-19
Christian unity is not to be found in denominational structures, but in sound, biblical doctrine. I myself is reformed, but found to be in agreement with 90% that was mentioned here. Dispite the disagreements, I think a brotherly discussion of those differences, rooted in scripture, is possible.
If there was a congregation of the ACC in my area, I'd probably join it after seeing this video.
1:50 - Belief in the Trinity is hardly limited to Catholicism. Both Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Christians believe in a variant of it, and both groups have been around as long as Catholicism. I won't even pretend to understand in any depth the filioque controversy, but am reasonably sure it was over variations of Trinitarian thought and never over rejection of the idea by any of the parties involved.
Hey Joshua, I don't know if you've covered this topic but could you maybe go over non trinitarian and oneness Christians.
Here you go.
United Pentecostal Church (Oneness)
UPCI (Oneness) vs Foursquare (Trinitarian)
Branham Message Believers (Oneness)
Swedenborgianism (Oneness)
Jehovah's Witness (Unitarian)
Iglesia ni Cristo (Unitarian)
Church of God Seventh Day (Binitarian)
More coming soon!
@@ReadyToHarvest Thank you! I appreciate it! Also thanks for putting them in a list, makes it easier.
God, Holy spirit and Jesus are ONE, God came to earth in human form, NOT another diety. Read John, first chapter, NO mention of Jesus.
@@berniefynn6623 The Word mentioned in John 1 is in reference to Christ, reread John 1:1-14
@@zyriankobani6930 The word is god as it says.And the word was god.
As a Seventh-day Adventist, I was aware with other Adventist bodies from Millirites movements, the Advent Christian Church adopted not the Biblical Sabbath and stay with the First Day Sunday.. that's why some called them First day Adventists or nominal Adventists, thanks also for some info. God bless!
Church of God GC - Unitarian
Church of God (7th day) - Binitarian
First Day Adventist - Trinitarian
Seventh Day Adventist - Trinitarian
This makes me wonder if our belief of who God is really more important than the day we worship him.
It should be. If one is worshiping a false God he should be worship 0 days of the week
It's all a mess now, isn't it. I believe we should abandon all these labels and study closely and follow God's Word alone. Trinitarian is just accepting the unbiblical (and of pagan origin) mandate of Constantine of the Counsel of Nicea in 325 A.D.
@@holdthewinds I totally agree
It’s all confusion now. After much studying I have abandoned all religion to study Yah word alone.
Joshua, I really appreciate your videos, I've watched a ton of them. But, having researched so many denominations and details I can't help but ask what denomination are you and why? I think you do a ton of non personal videos without bias and that's very clear, but may you do a personal one regarding what denomination you are and why? Perhaps you could discuss what theological positions of various denominations you've poured hours into researching interest you outside your denomination and positions withiny our denomination you question? Thanks!
He's mentioned this before: he's a professor at an Independent Baptist university.
He's also mentioned before he won't go into a full discussion on his own beliefs in order that others can't accuse him of lacking neutrality
Strange that it bothers so few Protestants that there are thousands and thousands of different denominations, all reading the same Bible, yet believing, interpreting, and teaching different things. That's not what Jesus wanted. It's not what Paul taught either. Example: 1 Cor 1:10. Jesus created 1 Church, not thousands and thousands of them, most if not all, teaching error in some aspect. Jesus created One Church in Matt 16:18, the pillar and foundation of truth, in 1 Tim 3:15, and the Final Authority in Matt 18:15-17. In 107AD, St. Ignatius of Antioch, a Bishop in Jesus's Church, wrote a letter calling it "Catholic" or, Universal. There was no Bible until the late 4th Century when the Catholic Church canonized the New Testament at the Council of Rome in 382AD. Martin Luther opened a huge can of worms.
I am a Christian. I affiliate with the Advent Christian denomination. I belong to Shamrock Advent Christian Church in Louisiana
That’s really cool! I’ve never been to an Advent Christian church myself, but would love to visit!
We biblical christians are waiting for Christ and worshipping God each teach original church was a daily church not saturday(sabbath)or sunday (1st day)church ...
Acts 2:46-47
Acts 5:42...
Blessings in Christ.
Yes, Christians do worship God and pray each day... HOWEVER, God's 4th Commandment, Exodus 20:8-11, commands us to keep HIS (God's) 7th day Sabbath HOLY. It is all explained clearly in that commandment and those verses mentioned above.
Yeah on baptism, I find this fascinating. Why do Christians baptize their hen Christ said that he’d baptize not with water but with the Holy Spirit? Idk I just find this strange how many churches split over something seemingly so petty and possibly misunderstood.
I’m 77 and a member of the same denomination of which my parents were members before I was born but I never thought of them as followers of that organization or its leaders and I don’t think of myself as a follower of the organization either.
It seems to me that the vast majority of professed Christians are quite willing to declare anyone an heretic who reads the Bible for himself, studies it for himself and thinks for himself.
From my perspective, those so-called “heretics” are the only true Christians. So here’s a suggestion: In the name of Christian unity, suppose we create an organization called “Heretics International” (or whatever other name would convey this idea) the purpose of which is to encourage personal study and personal (as opposed to institutional) religion. No creed. Just a list of things that anyone paid from tithe funds may NOT teach as doctrines of the organization. Advent Christians, for example, could join and tithe while confident that no one paid from those tithe funds would teach that humans are innately immortal. I suppose there are many Christians who would prefer to submit tithe funds to an organization that DOESN’T teach that we must earn or deserve salvation, that God’s grace is received only through sacraments, that there is an organization or hierarchy “authorized” to interpret the Bible for the laity, that we need any mediator other than Jesus and the Holy Spirit or that clergy have any spiritual authority except what is freely available to any laity directly from the Lord himself.
SDA TEACHING us to become a pure worshiper as ourselves are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
ELDONA Lutheran Church of North America.
There is NOTHING in the bible as to which is the sabbath, Jesus said, the sabbath is for man, NOT man for the sabbath. God rested from his work of creation, NOT all works.
Work six days and rest for one,this is it.
God's 7th Day Sabbath is clearly laid out in the 4th Commandment. Read Exodus 20:8-11. There are also 3 additional Bible verses which pronounce a death decree on those who do not keep God's Sabbath (the 7th day) Holy. His Sabbath has never changed. Man has adopted a spurious / false sabbath - of the first day. This is wrong. God's Sabbath IS the 7th day, sundown Friday night through sundown Saturday night. We are commanded to keep His Sabbath day holy and refrain from work (secular).
@@holdthewinds READ what Jesus said and God did not stop working only rested from creation.
Didn't Jesus say that even He didn't know when God was going to send Him back to earth for His second coming. Adventists are a sect not a denomination.
Neither Seventh-day Adventists nor Advent Christians set dates for Christ to come.
Seventh-day Adventists ARE a denomination today - and have united with Ecumenism and the World Council of Churches and openly teach spiritualism as in Spiritual Formation. It is now time to COME OUT of this and all other fallen churches.
Our "cousins"!!!
From THEM and NOT us, came the JWs, unfortunately.
Sunday is not the first day of the week, as decided by Jesus rising from the dead, he rose OVERNIGHT , We was gone well before dawn when Mary went to the tomb.
He was not crucified on Friday, either, Jesus said as with Noah, he would be in the ground three days and nights, Friday to Saturday night is not three days and the family wanted his body as the next day was preparation day.
Noah? Noah wasn't in the ground for three days and nights.
Next day was what?
@@americanswan JONAH/
Actually, Jesus _did_ rise on the Sunday, if you count the days like 1st century Jews rather than modern people. For the Jews, the day started at sunset, not sunrise.
@@Hannodb1961 he rose long before dawn, because Mary was there before dawn ,he was long gone and his family wanted his body as the next day was a preparation day for the extra sabbath that week
Reminder that "Open Communion" means you are in Communion with the Pope
Not really, because the pope would not take communion at a non-catholic Church, and catholics won't commune non-catholics.
@@convertedsinner9536 untrue. Vatican 2 made it so all Sacraments, even those served by ones who deny the Sacraments, are valid so the Pope could take Communion at any congregation with Open Communion.
@@acekoala457 It's illicit to do so. The Pope would be breaking canon law to take communion at a Protestant church.
@@acekoala457 Not true, if you think this is true provide the citation.
@@acekoala457 You are mistaken. Catholic doctrine and law (even the Vatican 2 form) only recognizes as a valid sacrament of Communion and very specific and limited giving of the sacrament to individuals of those churches which have a valid apostolic priesthood, eg Eastern Orthodox. Protestants, who lack this priesthood, no matter how cordially treated, are not even considered real churches, but "ecclesial communities" and sharing Communion with them is forbidden. Individual Prots who hold RC beliefs about Communion may ask on an individual basis to receive if in danger of death, etc.