The Realism of Hoth from Star Wars

  • Опубліковано 3 тра 2019
  • Happy Star Wars Day, everyone! May the Fourth be with you! In this episode of Planetary Anomaly, I'll be looking at the frigid planet of Hoth from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
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  • @Coridimus
    @Coridimus Рік тому +11

    Of note, planetary systems have been found orbiting stellar remnants before. Therefore, Hoth's system may have survived or reformed after the primary went Subdwarf type-B.

    • @draugarnatt3816
      @draugarnatt3816 Рік тому +2

      That's an actual possibility yes. A star loses a lot of its mass before becoming a hot subdwarf, so the remaining planets' orbits are prone to change; a planet might first be driven outward during the red giant stage, but through interaction with the ejected material it can experience orbital decay and migrate inwards again (also, ~2AU appears to be reasonably far away to survive the RGB and possibly even AGB stage for a formerly Sun-like star). The question here is whether a B-type subdwarf can remain stable for a sufficiently long amount of time.

  • @Phrenotopia
    @Phrenotopia 2 роки тому +25

    OMG Unbelievable how wrong they got this system! And all they needed to do is ask a grad student of astronomy to go through the scientific accuracy, or lack thereof.

    • @darkyboode3239
      @darkyboode3239 Рік тому

      And you have to wonder why George Lucas didn’t get his facts from an astronomer before making Star Wars.

    • @thomaskalbfus2005
      @thomaskalbfus2005 Рік тому +1

      The assumed the star was blue so it must be cold.

    • @titan-1802
      @titan-1802 Рік тому

      @@thomaskalbfus2005 no not really, if the Star is blue, then its more hotter.

  • @jorgeelijahrodriguez9132
    @jorgeelijahrodriguez9132 3 роки тому +8

    The Planet Mars was probably like Hoth!

  • @Phrenotopia
    @Phrenotopia 2 роки тому +10

    8:31 LOL I guess some of the Taun Tauns escaped and started to become a pest, so they brought in some predator in an effort to control the population, as one stupid thing people are known to have done. Alternatively, Wampas evolved from (a common ancestor with) Taun Tauns. They do have the horns in common. BTW what would Tauns Tauns themselves eat?

  • @Fenris77
    @Fenris77 Рік тому +2

    From what you said I think we just blame it on either the Midichlorians or the Rakata, the Kwa or even the Celestials...

    • @titan-1802
      @titan-1802 Рік тому +1

      though knowing that the Celestial's, the Rakata, the Midi-chlorian's, and the Kwa are all mostly shown differently in Canon compared to Legends, i say they had no part with Hoth whatsoever

    • @Fenris77
      @Fenris77 Рік тому

      @@titan-1802 Indeed but "Legends" or the Expanded Universe is canon as Disney is still very scatterbrained.
      First came the Celestials by whatever name they left and their disciples the Kwa took over and then those made the mistake of teaching the Rakata and rest we know.

    • @titan-1802
      @titan-1802 Рік тому +1

      @@Fenris77 we can assume that either of them brought most of the Species to Hoth, either being very careful or not even caring about any safety measures

    • @Fenris77
      @Fenris77 Рік тому

      @@titan-1802 OR perhaps Hoth was warmer during whatever era?! And the specimens that survived evolved in order to survive...

  • @draugarnatt3816
    @draugarnatt3816 Рік тому +2

    Personally I'd say Hoth orbits an F-type main sequence star. It'd match up with the distance given, and the star would appear "bluer" in comparison to a G-type star like the Sun. Moreover, certain gases in the atmosphere might cause the star to look even bluer from Hoth's surface. Now, early F-type stars also have rather short lifespans of around 3 billion years, basically how long it took life to evolve into complex forms here on Earth. However, it is possible that life evolved faster on such a world with intense stellar radiation, especially if Hoth once had a warmer past - it might be in a snowball state like the Earth in the past - and life evolved to cope with the increased UV light, even using it to its advantage. While I'm an astrophysicist and not a biologist, I'm very certain that life can evolve at very different paces elsewhere due to the nature of evolution itself. Around a hotter and faster evolving star, there might be even more pressure to adapt. I would even consider at least late A-type stars to have potential to host planets habitable for complex lifeforms under these considerations. In short, I believe that the star Hoth is an early F-type MS star.

  • @wardogies
    @wardogies Рік тому +2

    If you could do some videos on the mass effect video games planets that would be cool 😅

  • @nicholaswalsh4462
    @nicholaswalsh4462 2 роки тому +6

    Star Wars systems are largely named for the inhabited world, not the star.

    • @nicholaswalsh4462
      @nicholaswalsh4462 2 роки тому +1

      If there is no inhabited world, then it's largely named for the more important world. If it is only a star, then it is named for the star.

    • @nicholaswalsh4462
      @nicholaswalsh4462 2 роки тому +1

      @@AlienPlanetology on that we are agreed. However, much of Star Wars lore was not conceived prior to the initial release of the first few films but written afterwards, largely by authors with little to know knowledge of astronomical naming conventions.
      As others would say, it's Star Wars. It's not supposed to make sense.

    • @Voltorb1993
      @Voltorb1993 2 роки тому +1

      @@AlienPlanetology we should nit forget that Star Wars is older than the discoveries of the first confirmed exoplanets and as such, the naming convention of exoplanets was probably not firmly estabilished when Star Wars was written. Also, Star Wars takes place "long ago in a far away galaxy" so there is no reason for them to have the same naming conventions we do, right?

  • @thestrangecrisismalachi4121
    @thestrangecrisismalachi4121 3 роки тому +2


  • @thestrangecrisismalachi4121
    @thestrangecrisismalachi4121 3 роки тому +2

    How was your day

  • @wardogies
    @wardogies Рік тому

    I have another idea for you how about the Lylat System from the star Fox games for the future

    • @titan-1802
      @titan-1802 Рік тому

      The Lylat System is.. definitely a Huge Mess to begin with...

  • @Amit_Gupta216
    @Amit_Gupta216 Рік тому +1

    The host star of planet hoth is a f type star. My friend said. F5V

  • @cityman2312
    @cityman2312 Рік тому

    Looks like the architects of the Hoth system did no research whatsoever.

  • @Amit_Gupta216
    @Amit_Gupta216 Рік тому

    I have that hoth star has a companion star and planet bespin is orbiting it.

    • @Amit_Gupta216
      @Amit_Gupta216 Рік тому

      @@AlienPlanetology can you explain next planet jedha.

    • @Amit_Gupta216
      @Amit_Gupta216 Рік тому

      Or scarif

    • @titan-1802
      @titan-1802 Рік тому

      @@Amit_Gupta216 considering that Jedha orbits another terrestrial Planet, we could actually Calculate the Mass of NaJedha (Really original naming you've got right there Star Wars)

  • @thestrangecrisismalachi4121
    @thestrangecrisismalachi4121 3 роки тому +1


  • @robertcorbell1006
    @robertcorbell1006 3 роки тому +5

    You almost lost me at showing the wampa prematurely (hidden horrors are better for building suspense) and the reference to Midichlorians. The Force is a faith thing and needed and still needs to stay that way. Star Wars is fantasy, Star Trek is Sci-Fi with some occasionally questionable elements chalked up to Clarke's rule about sufficiently advanced tech and beings as Levar Burton told Mr. Rogers out-of-character. As for what science is portrayed in regards to blue stars, now you know why I have a love/hate relationship with Who Watches the Watchers. Mintaka is this hot if not hotter if I remember correctly and wouldn't exactly have even a single microbe, let alone bronze-age descendants of the same seed race as Vulcans and Romulans. But who can forget that facepalm... or in the same vein the green-skinned Orion species from a whole constellation like this (although Enterprise finally said they actually come from the same F-type the Dracs from Enemy Mine do 36 light-years from us).

    • @robertcorbell1006
      @robertcorbell1006 3 роки тому

      @@AlienPlanetology Never thought it was anything else, although being a theatrical Oridge Tridge-only guy sort of leaves me defensive. My bad. Also my bad for screwing up star locations and mixing them together. 26 light-years for Chi Draconis and Tabit, both of which are different stars entirely. The latter is the home-star of the Orions and their slave-trade syndicate while the former is the literary location of the Drac homeworld. The film version of Enemy Mine uses Sigma Draconis, the same star that's home to the airheaded Eymorgs from Spock's Brain. A lightly terraformed (killing all but the heartiest of local life) desert world such as Fyrene IV which is by a K-type (ditto for the other and also a K, where they actually got the cool-looking sky right) could have two to four smaller moons around the same size as Callisto and not face serious consequences, but those three giant spherical ones in the sky over Drakkon would cause that sea during the powerful ending to tsunami over them constantly. Your Halo video shows that at least those writers knew something as opposed to little-to-nothing. While it's low-to-unlikely, the bigger multiple moons over a terrestrial world aren't impossible as you've mentioned and they would indeed wreak havoc on the tides and make living by the sea impossible. The more you learn about science, the less fun Sci-Fi sadly becomes.

    • @jalejablonsky2396
      @jalejablonsky2396 2 роки тому

      I disagree on the midichlorians thing and that The Force should stay faith based. It is based on East Asian ideas and those faiths tend to answer things. In this case, you need to measure it, somehow

  • @seand.g423
    @seand.g423 Рік тому

    I mean, as a fan far more of Star _Wars_ than Star _Walt,_ I'd rather blame Peak-Rakatan fuckery, but, with Disney's chickenshit reset unfortunately in mind, I suppose "Midi-Chlorians" bullshitto will suffice...