I've been using the kaleid on 1000hz on xbox for the past 4 days, coming from a g7 se, and thinking it doesn' feel as good, but since it's a newer controller I thought it must be my imagination. You've confirmed I wasn't crazy, I'll change it to 500hz now. Thanksn
You're welcome I'm glad I could help! I'm also happy to hear further evidence of 1000hz not working on Xbox. Let me know how 500hz feels, should be much better
Yes, it was when I made this video. Not sure if it still is. It's extremely hard to test and I don't have the ability to test it myself so I can't promise anything. I wouldn't be surprised if something has changed since then.
I can’t connect it doing the method and i tried downloading it on the website instead and it won’t let me run the file because it says its dangerous :(
you can set it to 1000hz but its not actually working. currently the 1000hz setting is actually slower than the 250hz and 500hz settings for xbox. 500hz is the sweet spot.
so 1000 hz doesn't work on xbox? this is sad. i have a g7 se, is there no way i can get 1000 hz on the xbox? I also own a xim matrix. it gives an option of 1000 hz. But I don't know if it works or not
No, you can get 1000hz on the G7se. Just gotta set it up on a windows 11 pc, there are tutorials on the gamesir website. It works on Xbox. Not certain, but I heard xim’s can increase input delay so I’d stay away from that. Not sure what you’re using it for anyway lol. I doubt Xim’s 1000hz mode is real, that sounds impossible to me, but I could be wrong.
I don't know if you can access this link here, because you have to register. more literal and two guys arguing about whether or not the 1000 hz on the xim matrix works, and I believe it works. I would like your opinion if you were able to access this link
@@Flak12 It worked on Xbox for certain a couple months ago, the photo techy tested it with a 240fps camera in slow motion. Also, in my opinion it works on Xbox. But Xbox appears to not like gamesir controllers having such an advantage, so who knows if it will work forever.
@@Flak12 Also, you can't really feel 1000hz unless you're playing a game you're extremely good at. I can clearly feel it on Apex. I can't feel it on other games but I do perform better with 1000hz on other games.
3:44 Thanks for saying that ! I agree ! You got yourself a new subscriber !
Haha, thank you!
I've been using the kaleid on 1000hz on xbox for the past 4 days, coming from a g7 se, and thinking it doesn' feel as good, but since it's a newer controller I thought it must be my imagination. You've confirmed I wasn't crazy, I'll change it to 500hz now. Thanksn
You're welcome I'm glad I could help! I'm also happy to hear further evidence of 1000hz not working on Xbox. Let me know how 500hz feels, should be much better
@@chkltsoul how did u get your app to download
So 500hz is the highest for Xbox? I set it to 500hz on pc and it stays 500hz when plugged in the Xbox?
Yes, it was when I made this video. Not sure if it still is. It's extremely hard to test and I don't have the ability to test it myself so I can't promise anything. I wouldn't be surprised if something has changed since then.
I was wondering why everything was so slow on Xbox
500hz should be a lot faster
I’m kinda stuck on the t4k app. The app isn’t recognising the controller while I’m holding the buttons down and plugging it in
That's odd
Did you fix this??
@@Brxckz I just refunded the controller
@@CharGunnr yeah i might do the same tbh and stick with the g7se
@@CharGunnr Just re read your comment. Pretty sure you’re supposed to use the Nexus app on that controller, not the T4K app.
I can’t connect it doing the method and i tried downloading it on the website instead and it won’t let me run the file because it says its dangerous :(
Just search up how to fix the dangerous file issue, it's an easy fix
you can set it to 1000hz but its not actually working. currently the 1000hz setting is actually slower than the 250hz and 500hz settings for xbox. 500hz is the sweet spot.
Thank you bro this helped out a lot!
Glad I could help!
Bro i just got the controller today updated it its amazing best controller
Yeah, I love it!
Bro i have Xbox and i want best controller for fps games g7se or Kaleid please reply
G7SE for response time, but make sure you actually get it set to 1000hz. For comfort I prefer the Kaleid.
And on PC I use the Kaleid at 1000hz
@@acfire9227 i can play with 1000 hz in Xbox with both or only with g7se and in my city 2 controller have same price
@@acfire9227 is 1000HZ only work with G7 se ?
@@acfire9227does the g7 se have 1000hz on pc? Or its not working
@@xdeoxmy811 It works if you set it up correctly
i cant find the app on my xbox do you know how to fix this ?
@@chino8099 I play PC mostly.
Can I do it on a lap top
That app isn’t showing up on my Microsoft store
Try the gamesir t4k app, gamesir nexus, or maybe the gamesir connect app. idk maybe things are different now
Also, try going to the gamesir website and download it directly from them
Do you know anything about like the triggers? I play a lot of sports games
The triggers? I have trigger stops installed but that's probably not necessary for sports games.
@@acfire9227gotchu thanks !
so 1000 hz doesn't work on xbox? this is sad. i have a g7 se, is there no way i can get 1000 hz on the xbox? I also own a xim matrix. it gives an option of 1000 hz. But I don't know if it works or not
No, you can get 1000hz on the G7se. Just gotta set it up on a windows 11 pc, there are tutorials on the gamesir website. It works on Xbox.
Not certain, but I heard xim’s can increase input delay so I’d stay away from that. Not sure what you’re using it for anyway lol. I doubt Xim’s 1000hz mode is real, that sounds impossible to me, but I could be wrong.
I don't know if you can access this link here, because you have to register. more literal and two guys arguing about whether or not the 1000 hz on the xim matrix works, and I believe it works. I would like your opinion if you were able to access this link
more about what you said above about being able to set 1000 hz on Windows 11, does it only work for PC or does it work for the Xbox console too?
@@Flak12 It worked on Xbox for certain a couple months ago, the photo techy tested it with a 240fps camera in slow motion. Also, in my opinion it works on Xbox. But Xbox appears to not like gamesir controllers having such an advantage, so who knows if it will work forever.
@@Flak12 Also, you can't really feel 1000hz unless you're playing a game you're extremely good at. I can clearly feel it on Apex. I can't feel it on other games but I do perform better with 1000hz on other games.
can I get 1000hz on the kaleid flux on pc I just got it and I’m hoping it does support it?
I think so it's basically the exact same. But 1000hz won't work on Xbox
@@acfire9227 I appreciate you bro
@@acfire9227 I have a question bro if I set my controller to 1000hz will it disable my audio jack on pc ?
@@ossmonkjr6515 I doubt it but I don't use an audio jack
@@ossmonkjr6515 I don't use my audio jack, but I doubt it will disable yours
what should i buy g7 se or kaleid??
Kaleid is more comfortable. G7SE is probably better.
I'd go T4K for PC, G7SE for Xbox if you're going to use 1000hz
thank u @@acfire9227
Didn't work for me.