For this I'm just mixing in some noise with my regular oscillators and running that through a resonant filter. The envelope on the filter paired with the resonance makes it sound pretty percussive in general, but especially rumbly when the cutoff is lower.
@mickvdzwan precisely! On the third sixteenth note, I'm playing an octave up too for some extra movement. I forgot to mention that I'm also running it through a little bit of distortion for some grunge, too.
gross. I like it.
That was so filthy I had to shower for 45 minutes after. I think there was some blood too.
dark banger. lovely!!!
Insane track dude this is so crisp
Fantastic live performance
So Intens!!🙏❤️🙏
This is insane !
Yeah boy, keep it coming!
Again brilliant timbres and vibe🙌 thanks for you music, dude!🤩
Absolutely killer, love this vibe. Great work Rick, thanks for sharing. I am downloading and adding to my set list.
Hell yeah, thanks for the support!
Great great, Well done, very nice
This is fantastic
incredible track
Could you make a vid how to connect it
I like this. I forgot what the red box top left is, I know it's some sort of semi mod synth of some sort I think.
The behringer neutron. Probably the only original synth behringer has, and I'm a huge fan of it
Hardcore, very nice guvnor.
Hardcore for sure
Awesome, can you talk me thru the bassrumble effect?
For this I'm just mixing in some noise with my regular oscillators and running that through a resonant filter. The envelope on the filter paired with the resonance makes it sound pretty percussive in general, but especially rumbly when the cutoff is lower.
@@RickHowell ok. Clear about the sound but what do use for sequence. Just 16th notes?
@mickvdzwan precisely! On the third sixteenth note, I'm playing an octave up too for some extra movement. I forgot to mention that I'm also running it through a little bit of distortion for some grunge, too.
It’s now in my list also
Oh yeah ❤
Biutiful ❤
fire 🔥
Hell Yeah
Hell yeah indeed
Until 2.40 it is a so called "BRETT" after that too much expression :P - hot stuff keep knobbing boy!
man what are you using for the kick? sounds heavy. some kind of distortion?
No distortion haha. It's just the plain colored kick from the Drumbrute
In technical perspective very good, but Trance Don t touch me... sorry
I don't blame you. Trance isn't really my thing either, but the patch was just calling for me to add some trance elements haha
@@RickHowell 👍😆