Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - The Fate of the Gi

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Today I'm discussing the Fate of the Gi, how they found themselves on Gaia, and what ramifications their actions could have had both in the past and going forwards


  • @Drkman454
    @Drkman454 5 місяців тому +5

    I absolutely love conversations like these. A UA-camr, his name alludes me at the moment, did a video where he connected that Gi Nattak was the narrator for the very first trailer back in 2015. I think the Gi are going to play a bigger role in the next part. I think, as you stated, the Gi 'inadvertently' summoned Jenova. Making Jenova herself, in a way, a sort of Summon. What I also found interesting was the correlation between Queen's Blood and the main plot. The 'Emerald Witch' represents the Cetra and, the 'Blood Queen' (I think) represent the Gi. Why? In the series certain entities are denoted and represented by a color. Jenova/Sephiroth - Purple; the Cetra/LifeStream - Green; The Gi - Red. The 'Black' Materia even has hints of red in it. I can't wait for Part 3 which I am sure will be released in 2027 in time for the 30th anniversary.

  • @enjolraslechimiste
    @enjolraslechimiste 5 місяців тому +20

    I really enjoy your videos because you are careful. You look at the specific words used and analyze them, AND have limits on "well, might be general apocalyptic stuff, not really meant". This is EXACTLY the right way to look at this. You look at the specific source material, but do not over-interpret and go off the cliff. You are just a lot smarter than most FF fans, and I love your work.

    • @mr.voidout4739
      @mr.voidout4739 5 місяців тому +2

      Agreed. He doesn't jump the shark, and keeps us on the same page.

    • @jayemerengueli
      @jayemerengueli 5 місяців тому +1

      I agree as well.

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому +2

      Thank you so much, i really appreciate this!
      Been mega busy so very slow on catching up with comments, but yeah, thank you (all of you) and thank you for watching as well!

  • @Jammineyeonline
    @Jammineyeonline 5 місяців тому +7

    I had a theory that is so wild that it might pass by most heads.
    I think that the Gi are originally from Gaia. But the Lifestream! The lifestream may not be originaly from Gaia.
    The lifestream may be alien in nature. That would be the explanation of how the GI been here since eternity. The cetra was created by the lifestream and combat the GI for territory.
    Now this is the part of the theory that will trully make your head spin.
    The lifestream creates different realities based on memories.
    Like a form of simulations.
    That is what the promise land is. A reality based on your memories and happy thoughts.
    Best way to explain this is pretending this is like the MATRiX!
    :Jenova is a virus that effects memories.
    :Saphiroth is smith. A virus who wants to infect all realities.
    :Aerith is the one and oracle.
    :The wispers are agents
    And the lifestream is the matrix.
    I am not saying that everyone is connected to a computer and sleeping somewere.
    But a simulation that creates realities based on the users memories.
    And the GI wish to scape the simulation!!
    I know this is a wild theory and i am sure its full of potholes but a simulation os the best way i can explain how the lifestream is creating all these worlds!!!

  • @Phantomyre
    @Phantomyre 5 місяців тому +15

    This is excellent! Wish more people talked about the Gi.
    My perspective is that Jenova and the Gi are from the same universe, more or less. The Gi have a lot of Jenova-esque likeness to them in some respects. They have red and purple spirits, and as we know, purple is associated to Jenova/Sephiroth. (also just FYI-- those purple floating spirits of the Gi look the same as the purple spirits (of Chaos?) at the end of Dirge of Cerberus, so something to consider).
    I think the situation between the Gi and Ancients is that neither side is all the way evil or all the way good. The Ancients mistreated the Gi. Instead of making them feel welcomed, they treated them as aliens (which they are but still), leading the Gi to feel hatred. We've always pictured the Ancients as good people, but I think it's all meant to be grey.

    • @zekiel2533
      @zekiel2533 5 місяців тому

      If you remember the painting in remake aerith depicts the cetra supporting the creation of meteor and aiding the lifestream
      She had shown cetra aiding both for balance of mercy and judgement.
      The Gi however are definitely unwanted.

    • @Yung-Custard
      @Yung-Custard 5 місяців тому

      @@zekiel2533 That might not make sense though. Because of the fact Sephiroth has entered the life stream before, he has jenova cells no? if Jenova and the gi are similar then jenova couldnt enter the lifestream period?

    • @The3rownie
      @The3rownie 5 місяців тому +2

      Gi probably summoned the meteor in the first place after being mistreated and hence, Jenova came and wrecked havoc on the Cetra haha

    • @hannahevertson8306
      @hannahevertson8306 5 місяців тому

      I find myself wondering about this. Did they draw in Jenova, is Jenova directly related to them, did Jenova destroy their planet? It's very hard to know. The thing is I'm almost certain they're related somehow. It seems super unlikely that two different alien groups (even if Jenova is a group of one) came to Gia and fought with the Cetra. So a connection is implied somewhere and it makes me very curious

    • @mastertucker
      @mastertucker Місяць тому

      @@Phantomyre I just hope them and Jenova come from different planets in the same universe and not from different dimensions.

  • @a61688
    @a61688 5 місяців тому +4

    Astronomically, the Gi planet could have collided with Gaia a very long time ago when their star waned. With no star to hold it in place gravitationally, it could have roamed empty space until it came upon the system that Gaia was in, collided with it, and the Gi jumped ship - either alive or dead. With their planet dead, the Gi couldn't leave and were trapped. I recall the Gears and Gambits quest line talks about how the Cetra would briefly take pity on and show the Gi a temporary peace but then they stopped. They could have learned how to make materia by imitating the Cetra's connection with the planet. Their wandering souls, angry and jealous at not being able to rest, created the black materia with their emotions and will but the Cetra came and took it because presumably they either sensed the malice or were alerted to it by Gaia.
    Separately, Jenova being a planet killing creature, must have been capable of space travel somehow because it is somehow known that this isn't the first time it has done this. It is also possible that Jenova caused the demise of the Gi planet and caused it to roam and collide with Gaia. If Jenova did kill their planet though, I feel like they would have mentioned it as the cause.

  • @DJChamber
    @DJChamber 5 місяців тому +5

    The Gi stuff strongly hints that the only way to destroy Jenova once and for all is also the black materia (as an alien, like the Gi, Jenova cannot return to the lifestream, so cannot be killed by normal means) . So I'm thinking game 3 ends with Cloud and his buster sword (with the white and the black materia slotted in the two slots) using both at the edge of creation to destroy Sephiroth, Jenova (and the Gi tribe, to keep Red XIII's promise to them) once and for all.

  • @JKMlive
    @JKMlive 5 місяців тому +10

    The Gi lore is some of the juiciest stuff. I remember theories in the fandom of a dark Cetra faction that made the black materia for omnicide reasons like Fuhito in before crisis.

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому +3

      Yeah it's definitely a nice insight in to the workings of Gaia and beyond

  • @sithholocron7548
    @sithholocron7548 5 місяців тому +2

    Maybe the Gi had something to do with Omega weapon. Maybe they'd survive somehow by following Omega weapon and they would have been welcomed by the planet, but they came in a way that the planet couldn't accept. I heard some rumors that the cetra might be summoners from FF10. The cetra Temple screams trials from ff10 so why hate the Gi 😂😂😂. Otherwise it sounds like spirits within....

  • @benshihadeh8561
    @benshihadeh8561 2 місяці тому +2

    REBIRTH SPOILER!! A lot of people hate that Nanaki’s moment with his father was interrupted by the Gi storyline but I thought it was a fascinating origin story for the black materia.

  • @BlahNetworkBro
    @BlahNetworkBro 5 місяців тому +3

    I’m playing through dirge rn and the word subsume kinda made me think about how they describe omega….

  • @SubduedRadical
    @SubduedRadical 5 місяців тому +3

    So we're getting some FF9 in our FF7:RR?
    The plot of FF9 seems relevant to the whole subsuming thing. It's a bit confusing. Are they suggesting they were from one of the other shards/timelines based on what we know now? Sort of a Chrono Trigger Reptile vs Human timeline? Maybe...but probably not since no other timeline is like that and Sephiroth's description implies the mergers ARE absorbed into the timeline they crash into. So I wonder what's going on here...
    But sounds kinda FF9-ish.

  • @Varizen87
    @Varizen87 5 місяців тому +3

    If you play FF14, you will find Star is pretty commonly used to refer to a planet in Final Fantasy, often for groups that don't have a specific word for Planet. In all of 14, the only group that you really encounter that use "planet" are the Omicrons, though the Ea probably use planet as well and they only use Star in their dumbing down of scientific explanations in an attempt to me accommodating to the player and the Scions, whom they view as very very very very primitive. But outside of the Omicrons and possible the Ea... They use Star. Which it would make sense following that logic that the Gi would also use Star as an ancient and tribal people. They have the concept there are multiple worlds, but planet is not in their lexicon as they're not differentiating between planets and burning plasma balls fusing hydrogen into helium. As best, such groups in the FF world would say Suns, assuming all stars are life bearing worlds.

  • @ETHomerin
    @ETHomerin 5 місяців тому +3

    It kind of makes me wonder how many times the severing of destiny and the collision of worlds has happened in this planet's history. In OG, Cid said compared the Planet to a small child in space. One frightened and alone, and possibly sick. And it looks like planets can have colliding memories and complexes like our conflicted mercenary friend. Can the Planet repress memories it doesn't like?

  • @dante19890
    @dante19890 5 місяців тому +2

    I felt sorry for the Gi. We are all just lying to them giving them false hope😂

  • @pdizzle10484
    @pdizzle10484 5 місяців тому +2

    The black materia is almost certainly the clear materia filled with negativity

  • @guitarwizard123
    @guitarwizard123 5 місяців тому +2

    instead of taking the form of Tifa Sephiroth will take the form of the Gi to get the Black materia from Nanaki.
    Nanaki wants to help the Gi and Sephiroth was sensed at the Gi village so he knows this.
    Also, hear me out here. What if the Gi are used like the Army of The Dead in Lord of The Rings: Return of the King.
    Kinda like a "Help us out and we will give you the black materia when we get it back" Just a shower brain fart thought lol

  • @enjolraslechimiste
    @enjolraslechimiste 5 місяців тому +4

    I love that you are careful in noting when you have a leap of interpretation. It intrinsically makes me trust you because I know that you know the limits of reasoning.

  • @bdhuffman42
    @bdhuffman42 3 місяці тому +1

    Maybe the Gi just used the Teleport spell to go from Terra to Gaia 😂
    But seriously I have always thought that Jenova was summoned by the Black Materia. The new Gi information makes me feel like this is even more possible.

  • @Oleus
    @Oleus 5 місяців тому +2

    I wonder if we'll find an entry on that specific subject in professor Gast's video files in part 3 or if the devs intend to never touch the subject again, leaving it forever opened to interpretation. 😅

    • @federicamacchia1656
      @federicamacchia1656 5 місяців тому

      No,Nojima said that in the third part,every matter and every character Will have a,i'm sure the Gi Will have again a parte ton play in the final chapter

  • @FoxbatStargazer
    @FoxbatStargazer 5 місяців тому +2

    A more accurate translation would be “time became disordered” which has a much wider range of interpretations. Possibly including what is happening with Zack/Biggs or even fate itself.
    Also the seas simply vanished or dried up, not necessarily boiled. perhaps like the lifestream recedes from Zacks’ worlds.
    As you can see, you can be hamstrung relying on English with how free this translation is.

  • @chrisdillon8376
    @chrisdillon8376 5 місяців тому +2

    Love the expansion of the Gi's lore in this remake project

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому +1

      It is some real juicy stuff!

  • @qhodave
    @qhodave 5 місяців тому +2

    Nice catch with the shattering skies. I like that connection. Is the strongest timeline subsuming the weaker ones?

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому

      Does that mean the Beagle world isn't the strongest as well?
      It seriously makes me think this whole project is a branch off from the OG/AC.

  • @Dontdoit_
    @Dontdoit_ 5 місяців тому +2

    Nobody has been talking about the GI and it surprises me

  • @lukeconner81
    @lukeconner81 5 місяців тому +1

    I would think that the gi are like the ghosts in spirits within

  • @mastertucker
    @mastertucker Місяць тому +1

    Visually I imagine two things with how they physically arrived to the planet. It could have been a smaller meteor-like planet too, but either way I imagine the Gi doing some big teleport while it was crashing, OR imagine how cool it'd look them doing some big village sized protect barrier super spell as the planetary bodies collide and after a huge mass of planetary explosion and destruction settles there's just a flickering magic barrier and the last of Gi land left now embedded in the middle of a big crater on Gaia.
    That said... Cosmo Canyon, where they are situated now insinuating they were before, IS a huge ass canyon after all. It could have been dug out by tiny planetary collision and done so far long before Jenova's meteor that the planet healed over and that's why it is just a natural canyon formation now instead of a huge, more recent, reportedly hard to heal crater like the Northern Crater. If that happened, that could even be why the Cetra journeyed to Cosmo Canyon in the first place. MAYBE Cosmo Canyon was the original pilgrimage the Cetra took to that lead to some branching off to become the rest of mankind, in response to the planetary collision to help heal the planet like they later do towards the Norther Crater to meet Jenova.
    I recognize (and even thought at first) the possibility that they came on the meteor with Jenova but along with the timeframe discrepancies I also find it weird if she landed, corrupted the planet, uses it to travel (implying it's dead when it starts moving towards Gaia) and then the Gi just live on Dead Planet until it hits Gaia - doesn't seem to line up. Plus I like the idea that Jenova came from a separate rock as it implies at least three separate (two former) solar systems with life in FF7, four minimum if Jenova had in fact taken worlds to use as travel meteors before. I love fantasy aliens so much lol.

    • @mastertucker
      @mastertucker Місяць тому

      And thinking on it over a week later, it IS also possible that none survived. That they were just wiped out, but being on Gaia still manifested as spirits plaguing the lifestream. The cetra at first DID build a temple to even commune with them in the first place. Maybe no Gi survived the planetary collision and suddenly there were just dark non compliant spirits in the lifestream so the cetra tried to commune with them before what we know - finding out they wanted to destroy the planet and sealing them away with temples around that. I do like the idea more of some surviving and meeting the cetra alive on the planet for the mentioned prejudice against them to not just be ‘wah the cetra didn’t like that the evil spirits were gonna blow up the planet that’s prejudice against us’ about the Gi. Some living coexistence would be more interesting I think. But the fact that the cetra built a temple to seemingly communicate with them (rather than communicating with the Gi that should have been around first?) raised that possibility so I had to add it.

  • @carlfjnon
    @carlfjnon 5 місяців тому +2

    ... thinking out loud. The way the Gi are presented in Rebirth sounds very similar to The Phantoms from Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому

      The planet repressing memories would actually make so much sense it's wild

  • @malpercio123
    @malpercio123 5 місяців тому +1

    What if theu came on another stars omega?

  • @mr.voidout4739
    @mr.voidout4739 5 місяців тому +3

    That CotA music made me do some deep thinking. That shot of the "clear" materia (which I think is just the White Materia emptied of Holy) has two different kinds of symbolic reflection. The first being Cloud seeing himself in a warped perspective, which is imposed on the duality of the land and sky; symbolizing two worlds. Almost as if he's caught between worlds, and he's having trouble discerning his place in reality (a major theme of the plot.) Maybe they were just flexing the graphics, but I definitely get metalogical vibes from it.

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому

      Yeah that clear materia is super symbolic, and i agree i do feel like it's a hollow white materia.
      I feel that in the end of Remake the White Materia gets split in two.
      My mind says Aerith does it and the same with the Black Materia (Not our Aerith, the well known OmniAerith) and then hides them in the Terrier World.
      And then when Seph finds the BM, she has to recover the WM.
      But the hollow WM surviving is weird, as the hollow BM just power up rather than being swapped.
      It definitely represents Cloud in this moment, but there's more to it as well i feel.

  • @GrandStyles
    @GrandStyles 5 місяців тому

    You got my head spinning with this one. I really love the concept of the Gi attracting Jenova. The parallel I'm drawing are the Gi are probably an example of Shinra from the past. I think they may have done horrible, Hojo-like experiments seeking to divest themselves of their mortal flesh. This insatiable greed may have back-fired (monkey's paw scenario) forcing them into an existence they regretted but had no way out of. Sort of the Gi paying the ultimate price/penance.
    I also think it's interesting how Sephiroth is fueling the negative lifestream while pursuing an object (the black materia) that sort of represents a condensed form of negative emotions from what is already an essentially obliterated group. Since the Gi couldn't die they were able to create what is essentially a infinite hatred-battery (self-hatred) which allowed the pure materia (protomateria?) to become blackened (meteor).
    I just imagine the hilarity of Sephiroth seeing how the black materia was made and going "Wow, what a neat glitch!" lmao

  • @pdizzle10484
    @pdizzle10484 5 місяців тому +1

    I like the idea of Jenova and the Gi being connected in some way. Like it would be cool if they became allies against Jenova/Sephiroth.
    As far as timelines go, I think 2000 years could definitely feel like an eternity to the Gi who are more or less in hell.

  • @asneakylawngnome5792
    @asneakylawngnome5792 5 місяців тому

    Very thought provoking. I like what they did with Gi in this, and they made it a point that they choose every single word very carefully. Meaning upon meanings.

  • @Sector6UK
    @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому +1

    Follow me over on Twitch, Twitter or Facebook to make sure you don't miss any future Final Fantasy News and Theories!
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  • @Hushoo
    @Hushoo 5 місяців тому +1

    Death and renewal seem to be a recurring theme in this series which leads me to believe that the Gi were the precursors to the Cetra. In saying that the planet was subsumed, Gi Nattak could be alluding to a Jenova-like impact BEFORE Jenova itself 2000 years ago. The primitive lifestream at that point was then gradually subsumed by the Cetra.
    This would then have necessitated the Gi to seek out the purest of materia, not the white materia, but something purer: the planet's very own protomateria. We learn from Dirge that this materia is necessary to summon Chaos and Omega, with Chaos being the Weapon that purifies terra corrupt, ie every spirit entering the lifestream. We can infer that the Gi wanted Chaos to cleanse them and incorporate them into the lifestream, their oblivion.
    There is an issue though: both Chaos and Omega are activated when the planet's in danger, something the Cetra worked to actively prevent. Thus the black materia was developed

  • @wontononionslicer1004
    @wontononionslicer1004 5 місяців тому +1

    To me Gi planet’s version of “Omega” brought them to Gaia and maybe Jenova was with it.

  • @bowlympicshero
    @bowlympicshero 5 місяців тому +1

    I think the key to this conundrum is a matter of scale. We understand how multiple "worlds" work within a closed loop at a planetary scale, but what about if we blow it up? (in scale) What if we look at the star system as Gaia? Lifestream is the "very essence of our star". Just like on Gaia the entire system is made of this energy and Jenova comes from even outside that system. Multiple parallel systems that either burn out quickly or stand against the march of time. Perhaps Gaia and the Gi Planet (I call it Terra) are actually 2 sides of the same coin. Perhaps the calamity from the sky was just a cosmic Reunion? The imagery, powers, and motivations of Jenova parallel with Minerva. Both from "on high" that control a planet's Lifestream. Both with gifts or blessings of their own. The Cetra were an itinerant race that traveled the cosmos "seeding" life and cultivating it. Perhaps not too different from Shinra's search for the Promised Land. And on the other side of the coin we have a life consuming "demon" traveling the cosmos "slurping" up all life. What would happen if 2 worlds with both entities were to merge? Perhaps a more gray world? A world of man perhaps? A pure world infected by jealousy and complacency. Minerva works with hopes and dreams which is essentially future worlds and Jenova works with memories and emotions which is anchored in the past. All of it being Lifestream. You can even glimpse the similarities in that final big mural chamber. Not only does the Jenova hologram turn into an angel, but on the wall in that same room you can see a mural of an angelic figure with a staff raised and comets all around, but if you back up a bit you will see this figure is in the middle of a meteor. This to me indicated the "Goddess" came way of a meteor OR summoned meteor.

  • @TheRoyalGherkin
    @TheRoyalGherkin 5 місяців тому +2

    I’ve got it. When the gi planet collided with Gaia they all jumped, just like an elevator crash

  • @kittylovemeows
    @kittylovemeows 5 місяців тому +1

    I think Jenova followed the Gi there.
    I think they may have an idea how to kill her.
    Good video, enjoyed it.

  • @lloydmeadors
    @lloydmeadors 5 місяців тому

    In Japanese it's not Nattak, it's natataku

  • @wd91
    @wd91 5 місяців тому

    What if jenova is a GI?

  • @autumnnnnnnnnnnn
    @autumnnnnnnnnnnn 5 місяців тому +1

    Purist Materia = clear material 😮

  • @nmason361
    @nmason361 5 місяців тому +1

    I really do like your second theory, very plausible!

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому +1

      Thank you (Mega slow responding to comments lol)

  • @JKMlive
    @JKMlive 5 місяців тому +1

    Gaia nomed the Gi planet😂

  • @justjordan802
    @justjordan802 5 місяців тому

    Gi Nattak is also the voice over from the reveal trailer of remake from 2015

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому

      I think thats just a rumour right?
      I don't know if thats ever actually been confirmed but i also haven't checked so maybe?

  • @syaojyn
    @syaojyn 5 місяців тому

    A video about Queensblood by you would be cool, this was a good video.

    • @Sector6UK
      @Sector6UK  5 місяців тому +1

      Yeah i'm gonna dive into the correlation between thee QB story and how that ties in to the world in the future.
      There is just so much to talk about!

  • @Ramma.H
    @Ramma.H 5 місяців тому
