It is a little known fact that the FIRST proposal was that ALL vehicles stop to show respect. After a brief one or two time trials, airline pilots said that that they would no longer show their respect by stopping as they were losing too many planes. Thanks for your video, Senior Cabview. RT sends/envia, Puebla, México.
While it is of course true that planes in flight do not and cannot stop, they will be guided to a higher altitude during these two minutes to protect the silence. Also all landings and takeoffs are stopped during the 2 minutes. There‘s some great videos of Schiphol when this happens around on UA-cam.
@@Frank-Leu I served 10 years honorable service in the US Navy, enlisted and officer. After being 'asked' (draft notice) in 1970 during Vietnam. ´ No´to Army, but after much testing, ´Yes´ to Navy--Enlisted--I graduated from Nuclear Power and was to go for subs. Officer (to Lieutenant on a full scholarship... to PURDUE University... and I earned a B.S. Math in 2 and 1/2 years). On destroyers, surface ships. My late father, who spoke German, served on a destroyer during WWII which saw action in the South China Sea, often told me Me---From Hamburg, New York and many places inbetweew, to now in Puebla, Mexico (self-taught Spanish). At 74 years of age... I've pretty much seen and heard it all. RT (Robert Thomas West), Puebla, México.
I have a friend here in Vancouver that was born in Amsterdam during WW2 & was 3 yrs old when he received a candy bar from a Canadian soldier from Vancouver (Seaforth Highlander) on Liberation Day . He and his family moved to Vancouver in 1956 taking "The Canadian" dome train from Montreal to get here. I enjoy all your videos as I'm a train-a-holic. Cheers from Vancouver.
Bedankt voor deze prachtige video. Het blijft enorm machtig om te beseffen dat al die treinen tegelijkertijd stilstaan😁 sommige op een station en andere random midden op een baanvak, afhankelijk van waar ze rond 20:00 staan. Fijn dat Nederland dit kan doen en dat op een van de drukste spoorwegnetten ter wereld. Diep respect heb ik ook voor jullie machinisten want alleen met jullie massale medewerking is zulk eervol eerbetoon aan onze helden mogelijk.
In Toronto, Canada, the TTC stops all service for two minutes of silence at approximately 11am (buses will pull over as close to that time as possible) on November 11 (Remembrance Day in Canada). Last September, they also did that for 96 seconds on the day of Her Majesty's Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral in commemoration of her 96 years of life as the longest reigning monarch in the British Commonwealth.
I love the train because it gives a great view of the scenery. I am happy that your country honor the sacrifice made to remain free. Thank you for sharing your world.
In Turkey, we do a similar thing at November 10th to remember the founder of the country. Not just trains but humans and cars are stopped with the sirens echoing everywhere. It looks like the life has stopped in country for 1-2 minutes. Seeing a similar respect in Netherlands made my day.
In Canada and the USA they stop all trains and the railway radio goes silent at 11:00 am for a moment of silence on November 11 Remembrance Day/ Veterans Day after the moment of silence the train crew in the locomotive are supposed to do one long blast of the train horn to pay their respects for the fallen railway workers who died in the wars
What a way honour the fallen !! Obviously a well practiced drill, and definitely unique. This year marks 80 years since D day, those that took part are getting fewer by the year..... We will remember them..... 😔🫡
What a beautiful day and to remember those that have died so we can enjoy peace i know that first hand my father was a captain in the army he was killed in Korea we celebrate memorial day on the 30th of may so it means a lot. I would love to apply to be an engineer but I'm 70 years old but just know if i could i would ❤ i know you will inspire other young people to apply and you will get lots of bonus thank you for your platform, i love all the rides you have shown be safe your friend from Orlando Florida Cindy ❤️
Ik ben internationaal machinist en laat me in Duitsland hiervoor aan de kant nemen, heb me wel voorgenomen om m gewoon 2 minuten op de vrije baan neer te zetten als de Fahrdienstleiter(TRDL) een keer niet meewerkt.
I rember having stopped for Dodenherdenking back in the 80's blocking a railway crossing (causing some car drivers to be annoyed). From the announcement it seems that nowadays they tend to avoid stopping on those.
In Russia, we celebrate the end of World War II on May 9 and call it Victory Day. This year, the Russian Railways company again held the “Victory Horn” campaign and I was lucky to take part in it as a spectator. At 10 a.m. local time, all trains stopped and the typhon was turned on within a minute. The "Victory Horn" simultaneously served as a sign of the end of the war and as a tribute to those who fell on the battlefield. Is there something similar in the Netherlands?
@@2_O-20for how arguably amazing the Dutch railway network is, it's not perfect. Delays of 10 minutes or more happen from time to time, so Noone really bats an eye at a 2 minute stop.
When i'm in the Netherlands i always enjoy train rides. Thanks to the OV-Chipkaart system very customer friendly to use. Amersfoort was the station where i stepped out of a train for the first time on dutch soil. Came with the Intercity from Berlin. Only thing that bothers me a bit is that your stations are so damn clean but your trains are often pretty filthy from the inside. NS really should improve their train cleaning crews. Other than that, thanks a lot for this view on a very special moment.
Altijd al benieuwd geweest hoe dit gecoördineerd werd. Fantastisch om te zien! Bedankt. Klein vraagje: Waarom werd de aankondiging door drie verschillende mensen gedaan? Drie treindienstleiders?
Ik heb één keer meegemaakt dat de trein waarin ik zat, werd stopgezet in verband met de herdenking. Hij stopte in Uitgeest op spoor 2 (spoor zonder perron). En na de herdenking was de trein zonder vertraging aangekomen in Alkmaar. Iedereen in de trein begreep het en accepteerde het. Al heb ik ook gehoord dat er mensen zijn die het er niet mee eens waren. Dat was in de trein bij mij niet het geval.
Helaas ga je altijd mensen hebben die er helemaal niet mee eens waren. Dit zijn respectloze mensen gewoonweg, ik vindt dit dan ook spijtig dat je altijd zo een groepje mensen hebt.
Helaas zijn er nu eenmaal mensen die voor zichzelf leven, niet kunnen of willen indenken wat het nu eigenlijk betekent (ja dus ook voor hun) en in mijn ogen dus het predicaat asociaal verdienen. Wat mij betreft geen enkele aandacht waardig. Ik stond stil op station Wehl en het was doodstil in de trein. Mooi om te mogen doen tijdens je werk!
OMG I so wish I could go over there and apply, as I have some experience as a conductor adn trainee engineman at a Railroad museum in SC, but sadly I also now have osteoarthritis and a degenerative hip and walk with a cane, so I must decline your generous offer. Plus I cant read or speak Dutch...
hiermee stopte de ns begin jaren 70 uiteindelijk zijn ze er weer mee begonnen net als bussen. Vroeger ging de machinist, of de chauffeur naast zijn trein/bus staan met hand in zijn colbert wist je dat?
Having worked in operational settings with various performance metrics, I'm interested to know what's the minimum acceptable level of on time performance. 75%, 80% or 85%? I would imagine if it falls below that level it ought to trigger a review to ensure the reason(s) is known. Staffing problem? Train/track reliability? Unrealistic timetable due to certain factors, which may/may not be temporary? I'd hope further action would then be taken to remove the factors preventing minimum acceptable performance. If not, why measure it?
Although this can be measured by train(route), and I assume will be looked into if it falls below a minimum, the only “hard” limit is what the concession given to NS by the government demands for the network as a whole: a minimum of 88.9% of travelers arriving within 5 minutes of the planned time, and 96.7% arriving within 15 minutes. NS is striving to achieve 91.5% and 97.4% respectively in 2024.
Also good to note that from 2025 (when the new concession applies) this will change to the following minimums: 84.4% of travellers arriving within 3 minutes of scheduled time 94.5% within 10 minutes of scheduled time The new concession also adds more KPIs about quality of connections to other transport providers, and quality of information provided etc.
😅hartelijk bedankt voor deze mooie video.😅fijn weekend verders. heb vandaag 3 uur rijende vort gefilmd,moet wel een uitlees snoertje halen bij de mediamarkt.😅greetz:🍐Peer.🍻🍺🍺Skål.👍👍👍👍
I can understand stopping trains as they are each in their own safe ground. How about other transport concerns. How do they cope? What about motorists? The NOI in Den Haag stands for 'Nieuw Oost-Indië', what was NOS in Hilversum? I can't find any reference other than it got renamed Noord.
Wat mij opvalt: De belletjes en de signalen van de ATB klinken vrij digitaal... Deze trein is toch een ICMm? En dus met analoge belletjes en signalen enzo?
I kind of like that you held remembrance day before liberation day, but is their something significant of 8pm? Was this the time the peace treaty was signed? Here in the US remembrance day (November 11th (11th day of 11th month of 11th hour), the day the treaty of Versailles was signed (end of the first World War). We celebrate independence day on July 4th. Just read a little bit of these days in The Netherlands and I'm very surprised that none of these days of official public holidays? Don't you find freedom important enough to celebrate it?
The 5th of May is a national holiday every 5 years. Whether this should be a national holiday every year is a discussion that goes on for decades already. Basically the Dutch government wants to convert it to a holiday every year, but in return we'd have to give up on another (mind you we have two days of Christmas, two days of Pentecost and two days of Easter in The Netherlands). Giving up another holiday is a rather sensitive topic ;) Good question about 8 PM ;) I don't know why this was chosen, except for the fact that the organisation behind it probably chose this timeframe because it was to be expected that almost everyone would be at home by that time and thus could follow it by radio or television (for as far anyone had a television back in 1946). A second reason could be the 'don't pass the burden' factor: after WW2 there was a strong concensus that the war was over, it was done and over with and thus should not be talked about. Many people were also too traumatised to even talk about what they had experienced, thus it was basically silenced: many youngsters born during the war or shortly after the end of the war never heard any story about the war and if they did, it was usually a story of heroism, celebration and joy. I only heard a horrible story about WW2 from my uncle at my grandma's funeral: while on hungerjourney, as about the north half of the country was completely cut off from supplies at the end of the war, my grandma and my uncle passed a convoy of German soldiers in retreat, when the allies attacked them by airstrikes. They ducked for cover in a ditch, but I guess it was more luck that they survived. He told this story in a abbreviated form because after the funeral, my dads' sister came up to my dad and asked him if he was afraid as well that he was going to go on 'the war-rant': apparently, he did tell that story often for tenths of minutes when my dad and his sister were youngsters, where many other kids never heard any horrible story at all. For me it was a shock as well because I had never heard about it: I asked both my grandma from my moms side and my dads side about 'what the war was like' (hell, I was 8 or so and we got to learn about it in school and I was curious). My moms-side grandma told a story about how horrible and cold it was (that was basically it) and than how the Canadians came and the food-droppings happened (I had no idea what the Canadians had to do with 'the War' in general, just a bit too young to comprehend). Same story from the grandma from my dads side of the family. But both never talked about it to my mom and dad: it was a thing of the past, don't put that burden on kids that have a bright future ahead, that was basically it. Apparently, my uncle was the exception in the family. Okay, I digress... During World War 1, The Netherlands was neutral, so we don't remember any fallen (which is not completely true, as the first minute of the two minute silence is thought to remember the fallen in World War 1, the second minute being for WW2 and every war/conflict after it). 11:11 on November 11 is the day that Prins Amadeiro, Prince of Oeteldonk (The name of the city of 's Hertogenbosch during Carnival) arrives at Oeteldonk Centroal ('s Hertogenbosch station during Carnival) by special train, so that time has already been taken ;). In the evening by the way, the festivities around Saint Martin are celebrated in not that many places in the Netherlands. On that evening, kids go by doors in their neighbourhood, carrying lanterns with them (usually made at school) and sing a song at every door in return for some candy. I guess that we do consider freedom to be important, but as a national important saying goes: 'Doe maar gewoon, dan doe je al gek genoeg' (Act normal, that way you're crazy enough already) I guess we tend to stick to the current situation, paired with the sensitive topic of giving up a national holiday to have the 5th of May off...
Was het toeval dat je precies voor een sein stopte voor de 2 minuten stilte, of had je dat zo uitgekiend? (Ik bedoel dat je wist dat er een sein aankwam) En heb je wel eens gehoord van reizigers die stennis maakten over de extra stop, of collega's die niet stoppen? Met de normvervaging van tegenwoordig zou me dat helemaal niets verbazen.
Ik had vooraf gekeken en hoopte bij het Naardermeer te kunnen stoppen zoals de vorige keer. Ik was iets te laat en de treindienstleider had het volgende sein niet bediend. Bij deze seintjes stoppen leek mij een goed idee vanwege het plaatje waar jullie 2 minuten naar moeten kijken. Ik zat een keer als passagier naast een reiziger die vrolijk bleef doortypen op zijn laptop.
Wat me opvalt bij de 2 minuten stilte is de afstand tussen de seinen in het blok recht voor de trein: o.a. seinen 94 en 104. Dat lijkt me niet de standaard grootte, of wel?
@@basscharenborg6441 I suspect blocks are as long or short as needed for the specific locations. Note that it is possible to have repeater signals in the middle of a control block, especially if the control signal is not visible. {^_-}
@@Wizardess The Signalsystem 1954 has been laid out in such a way that a train should be able to stop within braking distance of the signal at danger and thus enables the train to 'lower speed and expect stop at next signal'. I think it's called a distant signal and basically every signal in our signalsystem is a distant-signal to the next, although the next signal is not an actual main signal (our signals are distant and mains at once). But in some places this setup could not be upheld and thus the numbersignals are there as well. Depending on whether the numbers flash or not, this can have a different meaning, in this case (yellow with a flashing 4) tells the driver that it's likely the speed indicated by the number will not be reached when passing the next signal, but that the driver should remain braking until the indicated speed has been reached. The numbers are the speed divided by 10 (a 4 is 40 km/h, a 6 60 km/h and so on).
@@weeardguy The formal definitions I have are in a file titled "RSV-bijlage04_Seinreglement_geintegreerde%20versie%20per%2001.12.2012.pdf" as per the original's URL. The percent-20 triples are translated to spaces normally. Anyway, I am not a candidate to drive Dutch trains by age, temperament, and depth of interest. (80, not patient enough and autistic, and dilettante.) Do I made a comment with practical reasons at a top level. Lower levels such as you hint at are for the people actually dealing with the physics of the trains on the tracks and the requirement for safety then safety then safety then maybe something else like getting self-loading freight from point A to point B without undue discomfort and a hope of maintaining schedules. {^_-}
0:51 Three rails? Slight extra stiffening? Train detection circuit? No, it's an optical illusion due to the flat camera presentation. That's where the rail spreads out from the web to the base. And it's quite shiny for some reason. 3:22 It might be interesting or amusing to learn "on time" for a +/- 1 minute window. {^_-} 14:33 It has a pantograph today so it must be the front part of a train rather than a Dutch wooden shoe. {O,o} You picked an excellent place to stop and contemplate those who sacrificed that the rest of us may flourish. {^_^}
So eine schöne Fahrt, ich habe Dich oft beneidet. Diese Untertunneln können nur Fahrer sehen, das ist echt Schade, das ist so romantisch! Mein Trost war, dass ich im Himmel bestimmt eine Lock fahren kann. Vielleicht kriege ich sogar den eigenen Zug. Bei Gott ist nichts unmöglich. Ich bin jezt 50 Jahre alt und muss nicht lange warten..........Keiner weiss wie alt er wird. Aber dieses Leben ist schnell vorbei. Je älter man wird, desto schneller läuft es.
2:00 I don't often complain about a livery used by NS, most are bangers, even the special editions. But that vomit green is hideous. In the words of a famous UA-cam Nerd "What were they thinking" As answer to your initial question, I have been on board several times both when it was still just a minute as well as the 2 minute silence. Sadly I have heard people complaining LOUDLY several times about it when it was in effect. Often when about 20 people are looking at them with burning anger in their eyes they often back down quickly
@@ibraahiembaas6213 Die zijn geabonneerd of doneren geld in ruil voor het eerder kunnen zien van de video. De video wordt dan geupload op UA-cam maar staat dan gereserveerd voor een select publiek: daardoor kan er dus wel gereageerd worden, maar dat zie je als niet-lid/niet-betalende kijker dus later pas. Kan inderdaad wat verwarrend werken ;)
Het gebied dat wordt gedekt met een algemene oproep van een treindienstleider overlapt meestal met het gebied van de buurtreindienstleider. Blijkbaar reden we hier net op het grensgebied van meerdere treindienstleiders.
Ik vraag me dan wel eens af hoe de 2 minuten stilte eruitzien voor het stroom net van NL. Enorme afname van de NS en dan opeens weer een toename. Moet toch wel te zien zijn lijkt mij.
Grote kans dat de net-toezichthouder daar niets van ziet: het is gepland, dus men weet dat het er aan komt en omdat het net altijd in balans gehouden moet worden, wordt er bij overschot in productie gewoon een belletje gepleegd naar grootverbruikers om in te schakelen. Bij langdurig overschot wordt (bijvoorbeeld) Delfzijl gebeld, waar men dan de vonkovens (smelt-ovens om schroot-aluminium te smelten naar nieuw aluminium) aan mag zetten. Die trekken zo Megawatts per stuk en vereisen altijd overleg met de toezichthouder om te voorkomen dat ze een te grote aanslag op het net vormen en zo de boel volledig onderuit trekken. Omgekeerd kunnen grootverbruikers ook gesommeerd worden onmiddellijk af te schakelen als er tekorten dreigen.
The Dutch rail service is much better than the uk railway service ive been to Holland loads of times never once i was delayed as im from the uk and train service is terrible in the L
It is a little known fact that the FIRST proposal was that ALL vehicles stop to show respect. After a brief one or two time trials, airline pilots said that that they would no longer show their respect by stopping as they were losing too many planes. Thanks for your video, Senior Cabview. RT sends/envia, Puebla, México.
While it is of course true that planes in flight do not and cannot stop, they will be guided to a higher altitude during these two minutes to protect the silence. Also all landings and takeoffs are stopped during the 2 minutes. There‘s some great videos of Schiphol when this happens around on UA-cam.
@@Frank-Leu I served 10 years honorable service in the US Navy, enlisted and officer. After being 'asked' (draft notice) in 1970 during Vietnam. ´ No´to Army, but after much testing, ´Yes´ to Navy--Enlisted--I graduated from Nuclear Power and was to go for subs. Officer (to Lieutenant on a full scholarship... to PURDUE University... and I earned a B.S. Math in 2 and 1/2 years). On destroyers, surface ships. My late father, who spoke German, served on a destroyer during WWII which saw action in the South China Sea, often told me Me---From Hamburg, New York and many places inbetweew, to now in Puebla, Mexico (self-taught Spanish). At 74 years of age... I've pretty much seen and heard it all. RT (Robert Thomas West), Puebla, México.
helemaal geweldig dat we op 1 van de drukste spoornetwerken het gewoon voor elkaar krijgen om alles te kunnen neerzetten voor 2 minuten! ECHT TOP!
Dat is een dagelijkse gebeurtenis bij de NS
Wow! Top respect to the Dutch railways for their trains to come to a complete standstill in an act of rememberance. Bravo! 👏
I have a friend here in Vancouver that was born in Amsterdam during WW2 & was 3 yrs old when he received a candy bar from a Canadian soldier from Vancouver (Seaforth Highlander) on Liberation Day . He and his family moved to Vancouver in 1956 taking "The Canadian" dome train from Montreal to get here. I enjoy all your videos as I'm a train-a-holic. Cheers from Vancouver.
Bedankt voor deze prachtige video. Het blijft enorm machtig om te beseffen dat al die treinen tegelijkertijd stilstaan😁 sommige op een station en andere random midden op een baanvak, afhankelijk van waar ze rond 20:00 staan. Fijn dat Nederland dit kan doen en dat op een van de drukste spoorwegnetten ter wereld. Diep respect heb ik ook voor jullie machinisten want alleen met jullie massale medewerking is zulk eervol eerbetoon aan onze helden mogelijk.
In Toronto, Canada, the TTC stops all service for two minutes of silence at approximately 11am (buses will pull over as close to that time as possible) on November 11 (Remembrance Day in Canada). Last September, they also did that for 96 seconds on the day of Her Majesty's Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral in commemoration of her 96 years of life as the longest reigning monarch in the British Commonwealth.
I love the train because it gives a great view of the scenery. I am happy that your country honor the sacrifice made to remain free. Thank you for sharing your world.
In Turkey, we do a similar thing at November 10th to remember the founder of the country. Not just trains but humans and cars are stopped with the sirens echoing everywhere. It looks like the life has stopped in country for 1-2 minutes. Seeing a similar respect in Netherlands made my day.
In the Netherlands cars and people are also supposed to be silent, very interesting to hear such a similar thing.
In Canada and the USA they stop all trains and the railway radio goes silent at 11:00 am for a moment of silence on November 11 Remembrance Day/ Veterans Day after the moment of silence the train crew in the locomotive are supposed to do one long blast of the train horn to pay their respects for the fallen railway workers who died in the wars
Very moving.
Every year, I attend the ANZAC dawn service on the 25th of April here in New Zealand.
What a way honour the fallen !! Obviously a well practiced drill, and definitely unique.
This year marks 80 years since D day, those that took part are getting fewer by the year.....
We will remember them..... 😔🫡
What a beautiful day and to remember those that have died so we can enjoy peace i know that first hand my father was a captain in the army he was killed in Korea we celebrate memorial day on the 30th of may so it means a lot. I would love to apply to be an engineer but I'm 70 years old but just know if i could i would ❤ i know you will inspire other young people to apply and you will get lots of bonus thank you for your platform, i love all the rides you have shown be safe your friend from Orlando Florida Cindy ❤️
Thanks Cindy!
16:42 What is the function of the white-painted screens around the fixture in upper right corner of vidframe? MW antenna?
thats just a sceen to make sure no one from the roof can get to the OLE.
Ik ben internationaal machinist en laat me in Duitsland hiervoor aan de kant nemen, heb me wel voorgenomen om m gewoon 2 minuten op de vrije baan neer te zetten als de Fahrdienstleiter(TRDL) een keer niet meewerkt.
Groot respect. Mooie rit, ondanks de regen. Vooral dat stuk tussen Hilversum en Baarn is zo mooi. Een veilige week gewenst.
Much love to all Dutch Railways for the respect they show
1:57 Always love seeing that green train from time to time!
Is not green, it's yellow but netherlands did something to the paintjob
Bedankt voor de video. Als Metroman uit Amsterdam vroeg ik me altijd af hoe NS het deed. Nu weet ik het!
Stoppen jullie ook?
Zeker en zo mogelijk (ondergronds) altijd op stations. Dan staan we zelfs langer stil.
heerlijk dat men elkaar nog respectvol met U aanspreekt. moet weer terugkeren in de maatschappij. het getutoyeerd begin ik zat te worden.
I rember having stopped for Dodenherdenking back in the 80's blocking a railway crossing (causing some car drivers to be annoyed). From the announcement it seems that nowadays they tend to avoid stopping on those.
Howdy from Temple, Texas, USA!
In Russia, we celebrate the end of World War II on May 9 and call it Victory Day. This year, the Russian Railways company again held the “Victory Horn” campaign and I was lucky to take part in it as a spectator. At 10 a.m. local time, all trains stopped and the typhon was turned on within a minute. The "Victory Horn" simultaneously served as a sign of the end of the war and as a tribute to those who fell on the battlefield. Is there something similar in the Netherlands?
sadly enough. no
Ik ben er onder de indruk van, over hoe keurig dit geregeld is.
Respect!!! By the way: Is this planed in the timetable? I suspect so......
No, we have to make up for the time.
What? do you get punished if you don’t make up for it?
@@2_O-20 No, we have to drive as fast as we can to get back on schedule.
@@2_O-20for how arguably amazing the Dutch railway network is, it's not perfect. Delays of 10 minutes or more happen from time to time, so Noone really bats an eye at a 2 minute stop.
When i'm in the Netherlands i always enjoy train rides. Thanks to the OV-Chipkaart system very customer friendly to use.
Amersfoort was the station where i stepped out of a train for the first time on dutch soil. Came with the Intercity from Berlin.
Only thing that bothers me a bit is that your stations are so damn clean but your trains are often pretty filthy from the inside. NS really should improve their train cleaning crews.
Other than that, thanks a lot for this view on a very special moment.
im born on liberation day, the 5th of may, but im from australia so it's technically the 4th of may in NL.
I was born on St.Paddy's Day. Luckily my dad didn't have sense of humor or I'd be Patrick.
Altijd al benieuwd geweest hoe dit gecoördineerd werd. Fantastisch om te zien! Bedankt.
Klein vraagje: Waarom werd de aankondiging door drie verschillende mensen gedaan? Drie treindienstleiders?
Dat komt omdat op deze locatie drie treindienstleidergebieden overlappen.
Weer een hele mooie video meester !!
Ik heb één keer meegemaakt dat de trein waarin ik zat, werd stopgezet in verband met de herdenking.
Hij stopte in Uitgeest op spoor 2 (spoor zonder perron). En na de herdenking was de trein zonder vertraging aangekomen in Alkmaar.
Iedereen in de trein begreep het en accepteerde het. Al heb ik ook gehoord dat er mensen zijn die het er niet mee eens waren.
Dat was in de trein bij mij niet het geval.
Helaas ga je altijd mensen hebben die er helemaal niet mee eens waren. Dit zijn respectloze mensen gewoonweg, ik vindt dit dan ook spijtig dat je altijd zo een groepje mensen hebt.
Ik zat ook eens naast iemand die gewoon door zat te typen op zijn laptop..
Helaas zijn er nu eenmaal mensen die voor zichzelf leven, niet kunnen of willen indenken wat het nu eigenlijk betekent (ja dus ook voor hun) en in mijn ogen dus het predicaat asociaal verdienen. Wat mij betreft geen enkele aandacht waardig.
Ik stond stil op station Wehl en het was doodstil in de trein. Mooi om te mogen doen tijdens je werk!
OMG I so wish I could go over there and apply, as I have some experience as a conductor adn trainee engineman at a Railroad museum in SC, but sadly I also now have osteoarthritis and a degenerative hip and walk with a cane, so I must decline your generous offer. Plus I cant read or speak Dutch...
Me encanta el NS4000 ❤
Parece que el maquinista va a rozar los pelos en los cables de alta tensión 😂
hiermee stopte de ns begin jaren 70 uiteindelijk zijn ze er weer mee begonnen net als bussen. Vroeger ging de machinist, of de chauffeur naast zijn trein/bus staan met hand in zijn colbert wist je dat?
Nee dat heb ik nooit gezien.
Having worked in operational settings with various performance metrics, I'm interested to know what's the minimum acceptable level of on time performance. 75%, 80% or 85%?
I would imagine if it falls below that level it ought to trigger a review to ensure the reason(s) is known. Staffing problem? Train/track reliability? Unrealistic timetable due to certain factors, which may/may not be temporary?
I'd hope further action would then be taken to remove the factors preventing minimum acceptable performance.
If not, why measure it?
Although this can be measured by train(route), and I assume will be looked into if it falls below a minimum, the only “hard” limit is what the concession given to NS by the government demands for the network as a whole: a minimum of 88.9% of travelers arriving within 5 minutes of the planned time, and 96.7% arriving within 15 minutes. NS is striving to achieve 91.5% and 97.4% respectively in 2024.
Also good to note that from 2025 (when the new concession applies) this will change to the following minimums:
84.4% of travellers arriving within 3 minutes of scheduled time
94.5% within 10 minutes of scheduled time
The new concession also adds more KPIs about quality of connections to other transport providers, and quality of information provided etc.
Hoor ik het nou verkeer of heeft deze koploper 'digitale' ATB rinkels? :)
Ja, die geluiden zijn al een paar jaar elektronisch.
😅hartelijk bedankt voor deze mooie video.😅fijn weekend verders. heb vandaag 3 uur rijende vort gefilmd,moet wel een uitlees snoertje halen bij de mediamarkt.😅greetz:🍐Peer.🍻🍺🍺Skål.👍👍👍👍
I can understand stopping trains as they are each in their own safe ground. How about other transport concerns. How do they cope? What about motorists?
The NOI in Den Haag stands for 'Nieuw Oost-Indië', what was NOS in Hilversum? I can't find any reference other than it got renamed Noord.
Nederlandse Omroep Stichting. A broadcasting organization:
What kind of Train engine was pulling on this run?
This is an Electric Motor Unit, or train set, no seperate engine pulling.
Wat mij opvalt: De belletjes en de signalen van de ATB klinken vrij digitaal... Deze trein is toch een ICMm? En dus met analoge belletjes en signalen enzo?
Jaren geleden helaas aangepast naar onaangename elektronische geluiden.
I kind of like that you held remembrance day before liberation day, but is their something significant of 8pm? Was this the time the peace treaty was signed?
Here in the US remembrance day (November 11th (11th day of 11th month of 11th hour), the day the treaty of Versailles was signed (end of the first World War). We celebrate independence day on July 4th. Just read a little bit of these days in The Netherlands and I'm very surprised that none of these days of official public holidays? Don't you find freedom important enough to celebrate it?
The 5th of May is a national holiday every 5 years. Whether this should be a national holiday every year is a discussion that goes on for decades already. Basically the Dutch government wants to convert it to a holiday every year, but in return we'd have to give up on another (mind you we have two days of Christmas, two days of Pentecost and two days of Easter in The Netherlands). Giving up another holiday is a rather sensitive topic ;)
Good question about 8 PM ;) I don't know why this was chosen, except for the fact that the organisation behind it probably chose this timeframe because it was to be expected that almost everyone would be at home by that time and thus could follow it by radio or television (for as far anyone had a television back in 1946). A second reason could be the 'don't pass the burden' factor: after WW2 there was a strong concensus that the war was over, it was done and over with and thus should not be talked about. Many people were also too traumatised to even talk about what they had experienced, thus it was basically silenced: many youngsters born during the war or shortly after the end of the war never heard any story about the war and if they did, it was usually a story of heroism, celebration and joy.
I only heard a horrible story about WW2 from my uncle at my grandma's funeral: while on hungerjourney, as about the north half of the country was completely cut off from supplies at the end of the war, my grandma and my uncle passed a convoy of German soldiers in retreat, when the allies attacked them by airstrikes.
They ducked for cover in a ditch, but I guess it was more luck that they survived. He told this story in a abbreviated form because after the funeral, my dads' sister came up to my dad and asked him if he was afraid as well that he was going to go on 'the war-rant': apparently, he did tell that story often for tenths of minutes when my dad and his sister were youngsters, where many other kids never heard any horrible story at all. For me it was a shock as well because I had never heard about it: I asked both my grandma from my moms side and my dads side about 'what the war was like' (hell, I was 8 or so and we got to learn about it in school and I was curious).
My moms-side grandma told a story about how horrible and cold it was (that was basically it) and than how the Canadians came and the food-droppings happened (I had no idea what the Canadians had to do with 'the War' in general, just a bit too young to comprehend).
Same story from the grandma from my dads side of the family.
But both never talked about it to my mom and dad: it was a thing of the past, don't put that burden on kids that have a bright future ahead, that was basically it.
Apparently, my uncle was the exception in the family.
Okay, I digress...
During World War 1, The Netherlands was neutral, so we don't remember any fallen (which is not completely true, as the first minute of the two minute silence is thought to remember the fallen in World War 1, the second minute being for WW2 and every war/conflict after it).
11:11 on November 11 is the day that Prins Amadeiro, Prince of Oeteldonk (The name of the city of 's Hertogenbosch during Carnival) arrives at Oeteldonk Centroal ('s Hertogenbosch station during Carnival) by special train, so that time has already been taken ;). In the evening by the way, the festivities around Saint Martin are celebrated in not that many places in the Netherlands. On that evening, kids go by doors in their neighbourhood, carrying lanterns with them (usually made at school) and sing a song at every door in return for some candy.
I guess that we do consider freedom to be important, but as a national important saying goes: 'Doe maar gewoon, dan doe je al gek genoeg' (Act normal, that way you're crazy enough already) I guess we tend to stick to the current situation, paired with the sensitive topic of giving up a national holiday to have the 5th of May off...
Was het toeval dat je precies voor een sein stopte voor de 2 minuten stilte, of had je dat zo uitgekiend? (Ik bedoel dat je wist dat er een sein aankwam) En heb je wel eens gehoord van reizigers die stennis maakten over de extra stop, of collega's die niet stoppen? Met de normvervaging van tegenwoordig zou me dat helemaal niets verbazen.
Ik had vooraf gekeken en hoopte bij het Naardermeer te kunnen stoppen zoals de vorige keer. Ik was iets te laat en de treindienstleider had het volgende sein niet bediend. Bij deze seintjes stoppen leek mij een goed idee vanwege het plaatje waar jullie 2 minuten naar moeten kijken.
Ik zat een keer als passagier naast een reiziger die vrolijk bleef doortypen op zijn laptop.
Wat me opvalt bij de 2 minuten stilte is de afstand tussen de seinen in het blok recht voor de trein: o.a. seinen 94 en 104. Dat lijkt me niet de standaard grootte, of wel?
Kort op elkaar bedoel je? Vandaar eerst een geel-4 voor het gele sein.
Ja, dat bedoelde ik. Nu zie ik ook dat "grootte", "lengte" moest zijn.
@@basscharenborg6441 I suspect blocks are as long or short as needed for the specific locations. Note that it is possible to have repeater signals in the middle of a control block, especially if the control signal is not visible.
@@Wizardess The Signalsystem 1954 has been laid out in such a way that a train should be able to stop within braking distance of the signal at danger and thus enables the train to 'lower speed and expect stop at next signal'. I think it's called a distant signal and basically every signal in our signalsystem is a distant-signal to the next, although the next signal is not an actual main signal (our signals are distant and mains at once).
But in some places this setup could not be upheld and thus the numbersignals are there as well. Depending on whether the numbers flash or not, this can have a different meaning, in this case (yellow with a flashing 4) tells the driver that it's likely the speed indicated by the number will not be reached when passing the next signal, but that the driver should remain braking until the indicated speed has been reached. The numbers are the speed divided by 10 (a 4 is 40 km/h, a 6 60 km/h and so on).
@@weeardguy The formal definitions I have are in a file titled "RSV-bijlage04_Seinreglement_geintegreerde%20versie%20per%2001.12.2012.pdf" as per the original's URL. The percent-20 triples are translated to spaces normally. Anyway, I am not a candidate to drive Dutch trains by age, temperament, and depth of interest. (80, not patient enough and autistic, and dilettante.) Do I made a comment with practical reasons at a top level. Lower levels such as you hint at are for the people actually dealing with the physics of the trains on the tracks and the requirement for safety then safety then safety then maybe something else like getting self-loading freight from point A to point B without undue discomfort and a hope of maintaining schedules.
Vraagje, was jij vanmiddag om half 3 op hoorn op spoor 2?
Dan heb ik met jou in de trein naar Haarlem, als dat zo is, wat was er met slt aan de hand?
Nee, dat kan ik niet geweest zijn.
@@CabviewHolland Oké, bedankt.
0:51 Three rails? Slight extra stiffening? Train detection circuit? No, it's an optical illusion due to the flat camera presentation. That's where the rail spreads out from the web to the base. And it's quite shiny for some reason.
3:22 It might be interesting or amusing to learn "on time" for a +/- 1 minute window. {^_-}
14:33 It has a pantograph today so it must be the front part of a train rather than a Dutch wooden shoe. {O,o}
You picked an excellent place to stop and contemplate those who sacrificed that the rest of us may flourish.
Thanks! Also for the analisys ;-)
I was planning on stopping a bit further ahead at between the lake again, but I was slightly late..
@@CabviewHolland I liked the symbolism of the growing grass, the eternal grass always there for us.
Does "on-time performance" take into account the memorial stop?
So eine schöne Fahrt, ich habe Dich oft beneidet. Diese Untertunneln können nur Fahrer sehen, das ist echt Schade, das ist so romantisch!
Mein Trost war, dass ich im Himmel bestimmt eine Lock fahren kann. Vielleicht kriege ich sogar den eigenen Zug. Bei Gott ist nichts unmöglich.
Ich bin jezt 50 Jahre alt und muss nicht lange warten..........Keiner weiss wie alt er wird. Aber dieses Leben ist schnell vorbei. Je älter man wird, desto schneller läuft es.
U kunt toch altijd nog solliciteren voor machinist? Ik kan het aanraden!
oh this was on sunday so eh I wasnt going anywhere with the train rip
Treinen op de HSL, staan die ook 2 minuten stil?
Ja. Toch?
@@CabviewHolland Geen idee 🤷🏻♂️
Alle treinen staan 2 minuten stil: goederen, passagiers....alles
Ik ga vanaf volgend schooljaar de machinist opleiding volgen! 🎉🎉 en heb er geen spijt van!
Dat is goed nieuws collega!
Mooi eerbetoon 😔
2:00 I don't often complain about a livery used by NS, most are bangers, even the special editions. But that vomit green is hideous. In the words of a famous UA-cam Nerd "What were they thinking"
As answer to your initial question, I have been on board several times both when it was still just a minute as well as the 2 minute silence. Sadly I have heard people complaining LOUDLY several times about it when it was in effect. Often when about 20 people are looking at them with burning anger in their eyes they often back down quickly
Good news: that green is not green. It is a mix of yellow and blue :-)
😅leuk de koplopers de 4090 en de 4219.bij het verlaten van Hoofdorp opstel links.😂
Wat de video is maar amper een uur oud en een comment is 3 dagen oud???????
Leden van het kanaal kunnen de videos al eerder bekijken
Maar hoe dan
@@ibraahiembaas6213 Do you see the big "JOIN" button just below the video and to the right of the channel's ID? Betcha that's it.
@@ibraahiembaas6213 Die zijn geabonneerd of doneren geld in ruil voor het eerder kunnen zien van de video. De video wordt dan geupload op UA-cam maar staat dan gereserveerd voor een select publiek: daardoor kan er dus wel gereageerd worden, maar dat zie je als niet-lid/niet-betalende kijker dus later pas. Kan inderdaad wat verwarrend werken ;)
Waarom moet dat 4x worden aangekondigd aan alle machinisten?
Het gebied dat wordt gedekt met een algemene oproep van een treindienstleider overlapt meestal met het gebied van de buurtreindienstleider. Blijkbaar reden we hier net op het grensgebied van meerdere treindienstleiders.
Ik hoor niet dat iemand de reizigers op de hoogte brengt of mis ik nu iets?
Dat gebeurt na het tijdstip dat ik in het intro noem.
Het zit al ruim vóór de aankondiging door menig treindienstleider, dus je hebt het gemist ;)
😅daar verliet de NS Vectron/siemens uit Amersfoort naar Berlijn.😅
😅leuk de groene Virm.😅en we rijden in een top trein de Koploper.👍👍👍👍
Ik vraag me dan wel eens af hoe de 2 minuten stilte eruitzien voor het stroom net van NL. Enorme afname van de NS en dan opeens weer een toename. Moet toch wel te zien zijn lijkt mij.
Dat zal wel meevallen. NS verbruikt per jaar 1,2TWh, dat is 1% van het totale verbruik.
Grote kans dat de net-toezichthouder daar niets van ziet: het is gepland, dus men weet dat het er aan komt en omdat het net altijd in balans gehouden moet worden, wordt er bij overschot in productie gewoon een belletje gepleegd naar grootverbruikers om in te schakelen. Bij langdurig overschot wordt (bijvoorbeeld) Delfzijl gebeld, waar men dan de vonkovens (smelt-ovens om schroot-aluminium te smelten naar nieuw aluminium) aan mag zetten. Die trekken zo Megawatts per stuk en vereisen altijd overleg met de toezichthouder om te voorkomen dat ze een te grote aanslag op het net vormen en zo de boel volledig onderuit trekken. Omgekeerd kunnen grootverbruikers ook gesommeerd worden onmiddellijk af te schakelen als er tekorten dreigen.
The Dutch rail service is much better than the uk railway service ive been to Holland loads of times never once i was delayed as im from the uk and train service is terrible in the
rust in vrede
😅vandaag was de herdenking op 6 juni 2024.😊