I know this isn't much of an observation but, you are the only one I've seen so far that doesn't do the ugly poppy exaggerated mid cut, high raise etc.., Love the way you compose, produce, mix and master! It sounds organic and real!
This is absolutely amazing. You have an insane amount of talent. If that's your dream, I really hope you get to make a living out of movie soundtracks, for you and for the ones listening to your creations. Keep up the great work :D (Also, if you could remake "Time" by Hans Zimmer I would truly be the happiest guy in the world xD)
I've been listening to your covers when I saw this one...I wanted to see what you'd do...and you *didn't* disappoint. You dropped an amazing cover. Even to a girl like me, it's beyond epic ;) Tried to do a Heath-Joker thing there, meh. Seriously though, fantastic work!
hello! i just get here looking for diferente versions of Hans Zimmer Batman soundtrack...it was fine till the segment 6:15 shows up...it was so awesome! brain tickles started to show up till the choir shows up...oh...my...BOB KANE GOD! it definitly becomes my favourite epic orchestral cover! i hope you parademics can read this bcs you did such a great job, THANKS for creating this cover
UUUUUUGH I ONLY GOT 23 SECONDS INTO THIS AND I WAS FREAKING OUT ITS SO GOOD!!! And I've never watched this movie... I never seen any of the new Batman movies actually XD That shows just how flippin AWESOME this is!!!
By my sword, my enemies will face death By my shield, my kingdom will be protected With my armor, I stand for my people With my life, I die for those that I love.
Awesome Guy, i'm realy chocked by the power in this track, Nice job dude ;) Maybe a re-make of lotr "the bridge of kazak dum" or "High light" from the guardian of the galaxy can be a great song with your talents :) Sorry for my bad english ^^ +1
+parademics Love your covers parademics. Can I ask what software you use (I would love to dabble in this as a hobby)? Or does orchestral cover mean you actually hire an orchestra to play your music for a day? Either way you do spectacular work. EDIT: just read your description. Logic Pro X. Any tips for learning the software?
I started to make covers and remakes of music I liked. That's how you learn from the pros. Also there are tons of tutorials on youtube. I recommend buying a general orchestral library which contains all important orchestral instruments in sections as a starting point such as ProjectSAM Orchestral Essentials or Spitfire Albion I. ProjectSAM Symphobia I-3 give you quick, good sounding results but these sounds are just so stale in my opinion. The East West Composer Cloud is another thing I recommend.
PLEASE DO INDIANA JONES!!!! Include the main theme, the love theme, and the map room theme!! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please please extend this part @6:13 .. and make a seperate music with more of this style.. also, this rock thing would also look good in pirates of caribbean... thanks... amazing work
Super as always. As a request that I think you would be amazing at covering: King Kong (Peter Jackson) from 2005. Score by James Newton Howard. Would be fantastic to hear your take on it.
Dude .. I love your effort seriously. I listen every morning as my ritual especially the transformer and skyrim. Why not try on Attack on Titan soundtrack. You might come with big idea. I am waiting for your next music
I came here from EMW2's stream. Epic stuff, man :) I know you listed some of the programs you use to make these songs, but I forgot them xP What were they again?
I love the fact that this 8min piece has the exact same essence of three movie soundtracks. Just... WOW!
No words for 6:12, what a change. Great job!
More seconds of that.
Favorite part
Tisch, Tisch, Wasser, Wasser!
Thank you for that. Now I'll always hear Table Table Water Water
Jetzt hast du die ganze epische Stimmung zu Nichte gemacht... ^^
Tish tish basacha basacha
Elatan 😂😎
Fish, fish, pasta, pasta.
+Xiang (Fortehlolz) cannot be unheard
+Xiang (Fortehlolz) This is awesome, awesome.
"What does that mean?" - Bruce Wayne
"Rice" - Prison guy
makes seem a whole heap less creepy. cannot unhear though
Phenomenal. You absolutely deserve way more views. As an avid lover of soundtracks, I can't love these covers enough!
The last one is soooo epic. I would like a few minutes of that
You totally captured the edgy, gritty feel that makes me enjoy Batman as much as I do. Your talent absolutely shines through your work!
That beginning tho.
6:14 is truly amazing
This is a lovely take on an already epic score. I love how it's still Batman but with an deeper and darker feel on it. Brilliant!!
An epic start.. loving it.. you seriously have amazing ear...
I really wouldn't mind a solo extended track of 6:12. That was just awesome.
I know this isn't much of an observation but, you are the only one I've seen so far that doesn't do the ugly poppy exaggerated mid cut, high raise etc..,
Love the way you compose, produce, mix and master! It sounds organic and real!
This is absolutely amazing. You have an insane amount of talent. If that's your dream, I really hope you get to make a living out of movie soundtracks, for you and for the ones listening to your creations. Keep up the great work :D (Also, if you could remake "Time" by Hans Zimmer I would truly be the happiest guy in the world xD)
I've been listening to your covers when I saw this one...I wanted to see what you'd do...and you *didn't* disappoint. You dropped an amazing cover. Even to a girl like me, it's beyond epic ;) Tried to do a Heath-Joker thing there, meh. Seriously though, fantastic work!
This deserves so many more views, still listening to this in 2018, not sure when I found this but it's been a few years anyways...
Christian Bale the Best Batman!!!
MikaelFeinoehr no Ben is
Just like Tobey is the Best Spiderman.
GameSavel Keaton and Bale
Totally agree we need him back as the batman
Amogh Kamble Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahhaaahaahahahaahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahaaahhaahaahahaahahahahahaahaaahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahhaahahahaahaaaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhhhaahhahahaahhahahahahahahhahaahahahaahahahahahaahaahahahahhahaahaahhahahaahhaahahahhahaahahaahaahahahahahahaahahaahhahahahaahahaahahaahhahahahahahahaahhaahhaaaahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahaahahhaahahahhahahhaahahahahahahahahhaahhahahaahaahahhaahahahaahahahhahahahahhhahahahaaaaahaahhahaahaahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhaahahhaahahahhahahahahahhahhaahahhaahahahahahaahhahahahhahahhhaaaahaahahahahaahhaahhahahhahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahaaahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahaahahaahahahaahhaahhhahahahahhahahahhaahahahaahahahaahaahahhahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahaha
PLEASE! extend the 06:13 part! so good.
I usually don't like covers of music but this definitely changed my mind
Soooo nice from the beginning.
OW MY GOD! What a epic start.... Well Done!!
Oh my godddddd!!!! Keep this up and you will go far!
hello! i just get here looking for diferente versions of Hans Zimmer Batman soundtrack...it was fine till the segment 6:15 shows up...it was so awesome! brain tickles started to show up till the choir shows up...oh...my...BOB KANE GOD! it definitly becomes my favourite epic orchestral cover! i hope you parademics can read this bcs you did such a great job, THANKS for creating this cover
Great stuff. Even your pacific rim track was amazing too. Keep ‘em coming champ
awesome Hans n James Newton will be fucking proud of their creation...... grt work done Big Man
That little western-esque part toward the end totally threw me off. Rad.
incredible stuff, good work Paramedic !
bruhhh at 2:24......eargasm 💦💦💦💦💦
ending part especially 6:13 awesome beat. reminds me of Indian wedding
my ears exploded from the beauty
6:53 . More of that please. This is what I listen to when I suit up.
What à phenomenal intro great
UUUUUUGH I ONLY GOT 23 SECONDS INTO THIS AND I WAS FREAKING OUT ITS SO GOOD!!! And I've never watched this movie... I never seen any of the new Batman movies actually XD That shows just how flippin AWESOME this is!!!
Incredible masterpeace ! Bravo !
That's brilliant !!!!! This is true talent , KEEP IT UP !!!
Man I love it, I have been trying so hard to find people like you, with soul with heart screammmmmmmm 🤡🤡🤡
Excellent!!! 😭👍😍😱😱😱😱
By my sword, my enemies will face death
By my shield, my kingdom will be protected
With my armor, I stand for my people
With my life, I die for those that I love.
Incredible intro just WOW!
Awesome Guy, i'm realy chocked by the power in this track, Nice job dude ;)
Maybe a re-make of
lotr "the bridge of kazak dum" or "High light" from the guardian of the galaxy can be a great song with your talents :)
Sorry for my bad english ^^
This is so good wthhh
Wow man, just, WOW!
OMG I love the beginning! so epic
6:36 Wild West Batman
so awesome
Brilliant, WoW!!!!!
The beginning of this is so fucking epic
Can you create original music not a cover? You are very great! :)
You can check out my original composition "up to the stars" on my channel.
+parademics Love your covers parademics. Can I ask what software you use (I would love to dabble in this as a hobby)? Or does orchestral cover mean you actually hire an orchestra to play your music for a day? Either way you do spectacular work.
EDIT: just read your description. Logic Pro X. Any tips for learning the software?
I started to make covers and remakes of music I liked. That's how you learn from the pros. Also there are tons of tutorials on youtube. I recommend buying a general orchestral library which contains all important orchestral instruments in sections as a starting point such as ProjectSAM Orchestral Essentials or Spitfire Albion I. ProjectSAM Symphobia I-3 give you quick, good sounding results but these sounds are just so stale in my opinion. The East West Composer Cloud is another thing I recommend.
Thank you for your response! I wish you the best and if you desire, hope you become a professional, working on the movies you love one day :)
+MazianConrad No problem, thanks for the kind words.
Is there a way to download this beauty? It's phenomenal writing music.
I actually like this more than the original. Stellar work!
What a start
this is amazing. Great work!
PLEASE DO INDIANA JONES!!!! Include the main theme, the love theme, and the map room theme!! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love that.
I was hoping someone would comment this
please please extend this part @6:13 .. and make a seperate music with more of this style.. also, this rock thing would also look good in pirates of caribbean... thanks... amazing work
By any chance would you be willing to cover the “Mask of the Phantasm” opening theme?
you should do a cover for the game of thrones theme.. especially House Stark, House Lannister and House Targaryean themes..
Gloss Baus yesss please do house stark they have amazing songs ! !
"Epic", you ain't kiddin... Thank you
Do the main Kung Fu Panda theme!
pleaseee do the Kung Fu Panda theme!
Good one! but…6:17 - 6:57 ? :D
just dont ask lol
More like Batman on drugs
Definitely my favorite part. Keep on the good work.
Favourite part too
I thought the point of that part was to get a Talia or Ra's al Ghul vibe.
I love it
Bane's head at 00:24 looks like a LEGO Minifigure am I right
EthanNetwork yes lol.
EthanNetwork lego batman the video game
Great. Thank you. Now I can never unsee.
JK, you are right.
best music remix ever!
6:15 - Amazing cover. :)
this music just sneaks up on you
From 6:12 on it gets oddly ethnic. It's like Irish, Mexican, and Japanese Batman
Super as always. As a request that I think you would be amazing at covering: King Kong (Peter Jackson) from 2005. Score by James Newton Howard. Would be fantastic to hear your take on it.
Could you do a cover of the video game series "Fallout"? Much thanks if you would do an intense orchestral remake. Keep up the good work!
AceSurvival I second this! The themes of FO3 in high definition and more intense? Hell yeah!
Intro is solid. Like it more than the original.
Well done---
PLzzz DO Hanz Zimmer TIME in Inception!!!
btw this one was awwwsommmm!!!!
could you make a whole track the beginning song why we fall? it was really well done.
"Why do we fall sir?"
To learn how stand up
So we can solve the problem of gravity
So we can learn to pick ourselves back up
Yeah :) would be so epic*-*
xXHS7Xx YES!!! :)
I totally second this motion!
I have no Words 👍👍😭
Can you do "The Amazing Spiderman - My Enemy"?
Could you do a cover of Gladiator? That would be amazing
That's cool
Amazing ! How to do you do that ?
for 6:14 you deserve a subsciption. such a nice change to original
Dude .. I love your effort seriously. I listen every morning as my ritual especially the transformer and skyrim. Why not try on Attack on Titan soundtrack. You might come with big idea. I am waiting for your next music
The name of 00:40 - 2:20...??
better than movies.
Really nice parademics
1:15 is my favorite part pining for myself
I came here from EMW2's stream. Epic stuff, man :)
I know you listed some of the programs you use to make these songs, but I forgot them xP What were they again?
I use Libraries by Spitfire Audio, Cinesamples, 8dio, Orchestral Tools, EastWest and many more.
parademics This is great. I'm so glad people like you exist :)
parademics Hans Zimmer hat dein Video gesehen!!!
VierKla woher willst du das wissen?
0:01 - 0:33 best part!
could we get a full version of the joker's theme?
Please do Daenerys’s theme!
im done... the beginning is the best!!!!
Hey can I use ur theme for my stop motion batman movie I will give u the credit
Anyone know the name of 5:17 ?
Hello can I use your cover in my video cosplay? Of course I will tell about you in my channel. ^^