Go to establishedtitles.com/oneshot to shop their Early Black Friday Sale, plus get an additional 10% off on any purchase with code ONESHOT and help support the channel!
They are not recognized by the Lord Lyon King of Arms of Scotland (who is responsible for Heraldry, tracking legitimate Scottish titles (and some other stuff. “Established Titles” is a scam that will sell you a piece of paper “proclaiming” that you are a Lord/Lady of somewhere.
As someone who has a rogue aarakocra with a plus 8 in stealth and kept rolling natural ones whenever they needed to make a stealth check... I felt this.
I have a player who rolled bad for an entire 12 level campaign. His new character does great, we revisited the old party last month for a one shot and he didn't roll above a 13 all night. His character literally cursed him for swapping from pf to 5e for our table
You know what would be the worst you always roll 1 away from then what you needed to get a good result (including all stat, proffinciency, expertise, and whatever other modifier there is) alway leaving something at one health always rolling a 9+6 when the perception/stealth check is 16
My paladin almost always rolled a 1, 2, or 3 for perception for his first five sessions so we joked that his helmet obstructs his vision and he needs glasses. The one time he gets a nat 20 he is looking into a fire, he worships a fire god. Makes sense.
I had a year of gaming where my highest combat roll was 4. Thankfully I eventually had enough bonuses that rolling a 4 to stab someone started working. Turns out your ability to get plusses to attack is higher then the ability to increase AC in Pathfinder. Meanwhile my skill rolls were commonly the highest in the party, which sounds like a good trade off until you realize I was ALSO the only person focused on skills in the party and probably would succeed by rolling 10 much less lower sometimes....Vidar's life was pain.
Not as bad, but last session my cleric didn't hit a single enemy the entire time. It was a 4 hour session, we fight 4 battles, i didn't hit a single enemy. The only thing I did that session was attack and use banish, i hit banish everytime, i did not hit a normal attack anytime
Four Nat ones... Fighting Kobolds. The only consolation was rolling badly on the damage... Which was ruled as my character stabbing himself over and over while in combat. Fortunately I rolled well on intimidation. When a ranger who is obviously insane starts screaming "Our blood is sacrifice!" it tends to put the attacker off.
I feel this deep... deep in my soul... Saturday was the first session of a new campaign I'm in, and 75% of my rolls *ALL. DAMN. NIGHT* were 12 or below... TOTAL. TWELVE TOTAL. Especially my perception rolls, so my guy is just apparently oblivious to *EVERYTHING* and it's just aaghghuhuifhuidhdfg.
This is pretty much me every time I play my wizard Cohort in Pathfinder...his stats are nothing special, and most of my rolls end up being between 9 and 12, meanwhile my Incubus Cohort often has decent rolls, and my main rolls phenomenally XD
For someone the rest of the group nicknamed Wil Wheatons unknown brother, this was much needed. Now to go on to another session and not roll over a 5 for x hours...
This. This is me 😂 I once rolled 9 nat 1s in a single session. It got to the point where my DM asked me, does your character do anything aside from cry? And im just like...absolutely pained....no. There was another session where my paladin (MY PALADIN WHO GOT A BONUS TO SAVING THROWS), failed every single saving throw in a fight. He was paralyzed, frightened, blinded, knocked out, and woken up by his friend's stray eldritch blast.
Nah, bro! You can’t just end a funny sketch with a tear-jerking bit… THAT’S ALSO AN AD!!!😢 Lord Ad-Barian may be gone, but his Established Title lives on!✊
I hope he doesn't die! I almost CRIED! I love his character it will be sad to see him go. But he'll probably bring him back and say something like " Oh you thought I was dead!??!?!? Nonsense!"
Ad-barian, noooooo!!! You must live, my lord! Who else would pop in to let me know of these sweet and amazing deals?! In all honesty though I wasn't expecting such a heart aching ending q.q
This actually happened to me in a session years ago, my DM introduced a rival character to mine that was intentionally weak against magic saves and I was a lvl 8 sorcerer, lol 5 fighter that went prestige class eldritch knight (3.5e). In two rounds of combat I rolled 5 consecutive nat1s.
Ohhh man. I recognize that tone of sad resignation. Also, an actual quote from when my character was pouring a health potion down the unconscious fighter's throat: "You want _me_ ? To roll _dice_ ?" (We were discussing whether I should roll the dice for the healing, or the fighter's player. She immediately backed off and agreed to roll them herself. 😂)
I'm so proud of Lord Ad-Barian. He's come so far in his journey to be the best sponsor there could be. He even finally leaned how to pronounce etc Rest in peace Ad-Barian. Rest in peace
I remember a session called "The Night of a Hundred Ones". The entire group, DM included had terrible rolls. The only successes at the table that day were rolls which we could not fail, that was back in the days when people still played by the rules of "no crit success/failure (20/1) on out of combat skill checks."
I have one die that I retired after a 5-year campaign of Birthright. I've used that d20 for every 'do or die' roll and it either rolled a natural 20 or simply fail, but pass or fail it always turned out to be the best result for the situation. It did well by me and it gets to rest in Dicehalla.
Frequently overlooked in 5e: You can always announce your 'Passive Perception' instead of a cruddy roll, at least. It's automatically your minimum result for the check unless (rarely) specifically instructed otherwise.🤓🎲 It's saved the combined butts of me and mine SO many times!😅 "TERRA PAX"
2:07 "How is that possible?" Clearly, pink Duke had a -1 charisma mod, rolled a nat 1, and therefore got a 0 even though you technically can't. Not that I've...ever had this happen to me before. Haha. Ha. Ah.
I like that you showed not only how frustrating it is to have nothing but bad rolls, but how annoying it is when people try to cheer you up about it XD
I love how someone comes in, asks if they can help someone, and when that someone says yes, the first person changes his mind and decides to be a jerk lol.
Wonder if I should roll a character who honestly is in a state of self doubt and panic all the time so when he rolls low it's expected and when he rolls high it's like the most amazing feat he ever achieved.
Reminds me of one campaign where I was rogue who specialized in acrobatics and failed almost every single acrobatics check 😅 . That being said, I'm also fairly certain the DM had something against me and/or my character, and thinking about it, half of those roles actually weren't that bad when modifiers were taken into account (it was only my second campaign so I tended to just trust the DM,) and given the DM proved he was the type to like to manipulate things to "fit his narrative," maybe I wasn't failing as much as I thought 🤔.... It was generally rather funny at least 😂
This is very relatable. Not rolling anything above 10 for a whole session. 3 nat one one my highest skills even made me lose level in it. (unarmed combat, for my monk). There was also that delightful strech were I did not dodge anything, failed all my acrobaty and stealth check, and nearly died to a staircase.
i feel this in my soul, my cleric just rolls badly on everything, but mostly on stealth and perception, she can't see shit or walk quietly to save her life.
As someone who had a halfling inquisitive rogue (he was a detective apprentice), whose investigation and insight were awful, 2 and 4 mainly (I even got in one round three 1 in a row), this one is too relatable.
I feel you. As a DM this happened to me a couple of sessions already, making it quite easy for my players to play the encounters even when they were quiet hard.
Reminds me a game not so long ago. We went to a village attacked by strange creatures (which were bulets), I play a swashbuckler astral elf. 6 rolls : Three were nat 1 One was an 8 And the two last were 17 and 18. 50% of my rolls were nat 1. I don't think I've ever laughed that much watching my character fall into a Bulet's pit
Our ranger in one of our big fights: Turn 1: Pushed from cliff, climbs back up. Turn 2: Paralyzed by Hold Person Turn 3: Repeat Turn 4: Repeat Turn 5: Repeat and carried away by the Barbarian as the party flees.
I feel that sooo much... At one point I was so convinced that the rolling algorithm on roll20 hated me that I made a spreadsheet to track all my rolls :D Turns out they were average after all... Still, in our final fight against Arkhan and Tiamat I didn't hit ONCE with my +12 bow -.-
That's me! That's my whole life! Any of ya'll play WoW and ran the original Zul Gurub? I ran that dungeon almost every lockout, trying to get the tiger and/or raptor mounts. For YEARS! I saw the raptor mount drop only once and that was one of my first times in there and somebody else won it. Then as they were about to close the raid forever, they increased the drop rate for those mounts. Everybody and their dog had both those mounts....except for me. Never got them. That is my particular brand of luck. All my luck, both in games and in life, is basically used up on seeing my parrot's food on sale or finding a cool rock.
"I rolled another 3" "You look around the room and realise, that last room...was a mimic. There is a chance, however small, that this room is also a mimic and that mimic...might be your dad"
I have something similar to this, but instead of low rolls, they like to cause wild magic and perils of the warp whenever they can. My 40k Dark Heresy games tend to get really weird.
Oh my last dnd session I got two Nat 1s in combat fell in a spike trap went to sleep my friend tried to pick me up rolled a bat 1 when I was on 1 health I lost it and I rolled a 4 a 3 and 2 on death saves and died.
This is basically me on my rogue. If its not a stealth check, I'm not passing it. Period. She's so damn stealthy that if you blink she's gone despite the fact she hasn't moved anywhere, but anything else that requires any sort of check she fails on, even if said skill check she has expertise in.
Hahahaha! I can't pay attnetion to the video, I am so distracted by the comedy version of the swedish national anthem! Like... Why??? I mean sure, why not but... why though? LOL
I once rolled a 2 on crucial attack during a martial arts fight with a magic tattoo guy on top of a moving train going over a ravine. I planned to use Diseased touch to cause him hemorrhagic shock and then chuck him off the train, as things were getting dire and my clothes had burned off, and that wasn’t exactly pleasant during the rainstorm that was happening. Because of the roll, he only got a mild nosebleed, in part because of the sight of a ten foot tall literally chiseled from stone Minotaur touching his pecs. So then I went screw it, rolled for seduction, got a 20, and we gained another ally.
so for the "make a persuasion check convince him to help you" I actually kinda run npcs based on how they would act, for example if someone is already willing to help you, you don't gotta make a chance n but this also works in the reverse where if someone actively hates you and is trying to kill you, not even a nat 20 can save you
Had a session just yesterday where I rolled no higher than a 6 on every ability check and save for the whole sessions. Every monster made every saving throw against my spells and I rolled no higher than a 15 on every attack roll. Today I sacrificed my youngest child to the dice gods to make amends for whatever slight I may have committed.
At character creation I roll 16 or above. Get into game start rolling 5 or below. Get to death saves or saves or save vs TPK nat 20. It is part of the reason. I Min/Max/Power Game. The bonus and extra abilities help offset the bad rolls.
I had this exact thing happen to me last session… 2 nat ones in a combat encounter and all under 10 for everything else. Then I ended it with one nat 20 to kill the giant bugs we were fighting. It was quite the session
Reminds me of the time I rolled 6 nat ones in a row during one of my campaigns. What was supposed to be a simple lock pick check ended up bringing down the entire building and killing almost everyone inside with the only thing still standing being the door.
I have been playing in a campaign for a year now. Level 17 as of writing. I'm playing a Bladesinger Wizard with a max AC of 33, I even have a special homebrew light armor with crit immunity. I've died to regular hits from monsters 4 separate times in the last 4 months while the 16 ac sorcerer watched
as a bard who would alway no matter what miss my persuasion and deception check (with a + 9) i was so happy to get my level 3(college of eloquence) it give you no matter what a minimum of 10 for your persuasion and deception check
See? THIS is why I always play a Halfling Divination wizard with the Lucky feat, the bountiful luck feat, the second chance feat, and the silvery barbs spell!
I remember there was a Pathfinder 1st edition game where I was a kitsune slayer. Mithril lamallar armor, two adamantine scimitars. Was rolling with a +15/13 at level 6 with a 25 AC. Enemies couldn't touch her, and she slashed them all to ribbons. Until 4 natural 1's in a row. Then I got locked in a crypt with a bunch of ancient vampires. So that was fun.
A few summers back (2019 or 2018, can't remember at the moment), I hosted Lost Mines of Phandelver my local com center. Within this party (Frozen Punks), there was a guy who was brand new to 5th edition who was playing as druid. The dice had it out for this druid, because in 9 sessions, he next to never rolled higher than 9. Dice he brought with him? 3's & 5's. Freshly swapped dice? 2's & 8"s. Advantage on rolls? Double natural 1's, & 4's. The only roll he made, was a single melee attack that did 3 damage. Not a single spell landed, after using all leveled slots or cantrip; goblins where running circles around him, goblins! Never before, nor since have I met a man who's dice rolled with disadvantage by default.
“Guys we gotta go! That dragon is the longest living being on the continent we stand no chance against him! RUN! Run so that his sacrifice is not in vain! FIREBALL! TWIN SPELL! Now go hurry now! Come on…”
The first D&D 1st edition game I played, I was a ranger with a longsword (I think). The very first encounter, I managed to roll a critical fail on attack. Then rolled a perfect 100. Cue the party taking my headless corpse back to the starting town. Did that twice more before the session ended, earning myself the dubious moniker of "Crit-Fail Queen/Queen Crit-Fail" for a very long time after.
And that, friends, is where the dice-prison comes into play. And for drastic measure, put the prison in view and range of the trashcans outside, so that they can see where they are heading, if they don't behave next time they are rolled... And somehow, it works... Dice ARE real mimics, that look for a loving home, and sometimes you need to remind them, where they would be without you!
this is how it was for me. me and my party were trying to find a treasury in a castle after we made a mess of the courtyard and as my party was killing everything i could never roll higher than the creatures AC
College of Eloquence has been a blessing for me. Regardless of what I invisioned for any character, I always find a way to lie and manipulate any chance I get. No longer will my perfectly crafted arguments to why we shouldn't be fighting be undone by whatever a little piece of plastic says.
I had this recently in a session my bugbear barbarian was little to no help except for smashing down locked doors and accidentally plastering a kolboids remains on a wall when I wanted to trip him with a mace.....it somehow hit a rock and hit his head
This perfectly represents me in one of the 5e games I'm playing in. I can't seem to roll well when I play in that game. Most recently, my Paladin 4/warlock 1/sorcerer 1 failed his Charisma check (he has an 18 in Cha) to resist a vargouille's kiss. Now we need to cure him before his head pops off, and we are stuck in a unexplored land that was cut off from the rest of the land by a magical sphere of fog, and the only way in or out is by having a guide that can take you through. In the center of the land is a tower that periodically summons monsters into this area. The rest of the party consists of a dragon soul sorcerer, a shadow monk, and a valor bard (with no healing spells). So I'm basically the tank AND the healer. The person playing the sorcerer started the campaign as a cleric but switched several sessions ago. Oh, and the fog sphere means no direct sunlight. At least the sorcerer has the daylight spell...
My very first character was a rogue and I never rolled above an 8 on attack roll (obviously I did occasionally but it was honestly a running joke in and out of character by the middle of the campaign.) The dm gave us all magic items around the end of the campaign and mine was a short sword that had a stacking damage modifier for every round I missed an attack. Best magic item ever because eventually I would one shot something when I randomly hit. Now with that being said. On any dex or charisma check in RP moments I don't think I often rolled below an 18. Sometimes the stories just tell themselves the way they are meant too Lolz. Still one of my favorite characters to this day.
One of my friends always rolls low except for when it doesn't matter. Two of his three characters (yeah, that's how bad he rolls) have been trackers/scouters and without fail, he always rolls the highest difficulty encounters on my random encounter tables. Every time. One of those situations was a .67% chance of rolling the encounter and resulted in his second character death and almost three other party member deaths. They ran away on round 4 of combat and still barely escaped.
Go to establishedtitles.com/oneshot to shop their Early Black Friday Sale, plus get an additional 10% off on any purchase with code ONESHOT and help support the channel!
They are not recognized by the Lord Lyon King of Arms of Scotland (who is responsible for Heraldry, tracking legitimate Scottish titles (and some other stuff. “Established Titles” is a scam that will sell you a piece of paper “proclaiming” that you are a Lord/Lady of somewhere.
How were the beans
@@TotallyHuman He rolled a Nat 0 against the dragon.
So.... *puts on rules lawyer hat*.... At the end with the nat 20, he was poisoned, so he had disadvantage anyway.... :)
As someone who has a rogue aarakocra with a plus 8 in stealth and kept rolling natural ones whenever they needed to make a stealth check... I felt this.
I'm starting to think bird rogues are cursed, I had a player with an aarakocra rogue and they kept rolling low on stealth too!
I guess birds acting as rogues catch the attention of random people pretty easily. Maybe try bard? Performers like attention.
Those are rookie numbers
My fighter rolled 4 natural 1's in a single combat and my DM made him keep throwing all his weapons across the room. Feels bad man.
I play a bard with plus 11 In persuasion I never not a single time in my 1 year campaign rolled about a 5
I have a player who rolled bad for an entire 12 level campaign. His new character does great, we revisited the old party last month for a one shot and he didn't roll above a 13 all night.
His character literally cursed him for swapping from pf to 5e for our table
Dudeee that sucks
Based character
As you deserve for deserting the superior option, lol.
You know what would be the worst you always roll 1 away from then what you needed to get a good result (including all stat, proffinciency, expertise, and whatever other modifier there is) alway leaving something at one health always rolling a 9+6 when the perception/stealth check is 16
You sure he wasn't accidentally using a D12 for most of his rolls?
My paladin almost always rolled a 1, 2, or 3 for perception for his first five sessions so we joked that his helmet obstructs his vision and he needs glasses. The one time he gets a nat 20 he is looking into a fire, he worships a fire god. Makes sense.
Same thing happend with my rouge. Never got above a 4.
I am your characters reincarnation when it comes to luck because he's a paladin too
How to survive in D&D
1: just get good
2: destroyed all bad dies
Not to be nitpicky but "dies" is spelled dice.
Distroy alll death! Become immortal😂
@@broken_vessel42 "dies", as in "nat 1 and he dies"
@@szarekhthesilent2047 forgive me, I had not considered your wisdoms.
Can’t destroy roll 20
RIP Lord Ad barbarian
May he find peace...
Gratz Dragon
May you enjoy your Meal.
Lord ad-barians story was richer than most marvel movies
He owned more land than I and so shall all those who inherit his plot.
Ad-Barian, [Frodo scream] Nnnnnooooooooo!!!!!!!
Well rip dragon it was an valiant effort to try to roast lord god ad-Barbarian
I had a session in starfinder where I rolled, legit, 3 nat ones in a row. And I wanted to cry.
I had a year of gaming where my highest combat roll was 4. Thankfully I eventually had enough bonuses that rolling a 4 to stab someone started working. Turns out your ability to get plusses to attack is higher then the ability to increase AC in Pathfinder. Meanwhile my skill rolls were commonly the highest in the party, which sounds like a good trade off until you realize I was ALSO the only person focused on skills in the party and probably would succeed by rolling 10 much less lower sometimes....Vidar's life was pain.
Not as bad, but last session my cleric didn't hit a single enemy the entire time. It was a 4 hour session, we fight 4 battles, i didn't hit a single enemy. The only thing I did that session was attack and use banish, i hit banish everytime, i did not hit a normal attack anytime
The wheaten is strong with this one
I feel like I'd give you a pass at that point if I was dm lol
Four Nat ones... Fighting Kobolds.
The only consolation was rolling badly on the damage... Which was ruled as my character stabbing himself over and over while in combat.
Fortunately I rolled well on intimidation. When a ranger who is obviously insane starts screaming "Our blood is sacrifice!" it tends to put the attacker off.
I feel this deep... deep in my soul... Saturday was the first session of a new campaign I'm in, and 75% of my rolls *ALL. DAMN. NIGHT* were 12 or below... TOTAL. TWELVE TOTAL. Especially my perception rolls, so my guy is just apparently oblivious to *EVERYTHING* and it's just aaghghuhuifhuidhdfg.
I'm convinced my life is a game of dnd and my player rolls like this.
Ah a good old keyboard smash at the end there, it really made me feel like xhwjrgeien and bdjakjrjeBALDsbnfkwiehfvppqhdn
This is pretty much me every time I play my wizard Cohort in Pathfinder...his stats are nothing special, and most of my rolls end up being between 9 and 12, meanwhile my Incubus Cohort often has decent rolls, and my main rolls phenomenally XD
@@jakegriff4631 My new beautiful dice apparently hate me :(
For someone the rest of the group nicknamed Wil Wheatons unknown brother, this was much needed. Now to go on to another session and not roll over a 5 for x hours...
May the curse of the Wheaton be upon you
This. This is me 😂 I once rolled 9 nat 1s in a single session. It got to the point where my DM asked me, does your character do anything aside from cry? And im just like...absolutely pained....no. There was another session where my paladin (MY PALADIN WHO GOT A BONUS TO SAVING THROWS), failed every single saving throw in a fight. He was paralyzed, frightened, blinded, knocked out, and woken up by his friend's stray eldritch blast.
Your dice don't belong in dice jail. They belong in purgatory. 💀
@@faolan2174 Dice incinerator
I hope you got new dice
oh my god your dice are evil
Your dice but the dungeon in Dungeons and Dragons
Nah, bro! You can’t just end a funny sketch with a tear-jerking bit… THAT’S ALSO AN AD!!!😢
Lord Ad-Barian may be gone, but his Established Title lives on!✊
I hope he doesn't die! I almost CRIED! I love his character it will be sad to see him go. But he'll probably bring him back and say something like " Oh you thought I was dead!??!?!? Nonsense!"
@@Dragonlord13 He's a half orc, he'll pop right back up.
Ad-barian, noooooo!!! You must live, my lord! Who else would pop in to let me know of these sweet and amazing deals?!
In all honesty though I wasn't expecting such a heart aching ending q.q
@@samuelshirley369 No, I’m not talking about Ad-Barian. He’s probably fine! I’m talking about LORD Ad-Barian (COMPLETELY different person)!
@@averysj69 Well, wasn't he still looking for a Lady to accompany him on the throne? Perhaps, dragon-wife?
4:00 definitely wasn’t expecting the ad-barian’s crown to be so wobbly
Poor pupper. Screw the giant mimic room.
This actually happened to me in a session years ago, my DM introduced a rival character to mine that was intentionally weak against magic saves and I was a lvl 8 sorcerer, lol 5 fighter that went prestige class eldritch knight (3.5e). In two rounds of combat I rolled 5 consecutive nat1s.
Burn this dice. And bury the ashes
o, one gaming session i rolled nothing below 17... until i had to make a save versus death roll, then i rolled nothing below a 5
As a player who CONSTANTLY rolls bad (with a very rare good roll), this sketch speaks to my soul.
Ohhh man. I recognize that tone of sad resignation. Also, an actual quote from when my character was pouring a health potion down the unconscious fighter's throat: "You want _me_ ? To roll _dice_ ?" (We were discussing whether I should roll the dice for the healing, or the fighter's player. She immediately backed off and agreed to roll them herself. 😂)
I'm so proud of Lord Ad-Barian. He's come so far in his journey to be the best sponsor there could be. He even finally leaned how to pronounce etc
Rest in peace Ad-Barian. Rest in peace
Grunty Boi is also good
I remember a session called "The Night of a Hundred Ones". The entire group, DM included had terrible rolls. The only successes at the table that day were rolls which we could not fail, that was back in the days when people still played by the rules of "no crit success/failure (20/1) on out of combat skill checks."
"back in the days" what? That's... Those are the rules. That's how you play.
"Oh, Whoops!"
Oh having similar expressions are tight!
And they're super easy, barely an inconvenience
@@anonymousvids2146 beat me by one second.
Wow wow wow... Wow
I have one die that I retired after a 5-year campaign of Birthright. I've used that d20 for every 'do or die' roll and it either rolled a natural 20 or simply fail, but pass or fail it always turned out to be the best result for the situation.
It did well by me and it gets to rest in Dicehalla.
Frequently overlooked in 5e:
You can always announce your 'Passive Perception' instead of a cruddy roll, at least.
It's automatically your minimum result for the check unless (rarely) specifically instructed otherwise.🤓🎲
It's saved the combined butts of me and mine SO many times!😅
2:07 "How is that possible?" Clearly, pink Duke had a -1 charisma mod, rolled a nat 1, and therefore got a 0 even though you technically can't.
Not that I've...ever had this happen to me before. Haha. Ha. Ah.
Player: Ha! I rolled a natural 20!
DM: Ok. What's the total?
Player: Oh just a 20.
DM: Oh. Yeah, the dc was a 21.
Player: *Has exestential crisis*
I like that you showed not only how frustrating it is to have nothing but bad rolls, but how annoying it is when people try to cheer you up about it XD
I never thought I'd see an ad that made more of an emotional impact than the actual video. Well done, Duke. Well done.
I love how someone comes in, asks if they can help someone, and when that someone says yes, the first person changes his mind and decides to be a jerk lol.
Wonder if I should roll a character who honestly is in a state of self doubt and panic all the time so when he rolls low it's expected and when he rolls high it's like the most amazing feat he ever achieved.
This hurts. I feel this.
"Oops!" "Oopsie!" at 1:24. More Pitch Meeting influence?
“Looks like it’s time for me to take a long rest”
😭😭🤣🤣 perfect line
I’m a Cleric Half-Elf Chaotic Neutral who is HORRIBLE at rolling. I did roll a Nat 20 +1 once tho :D! Still proud of that!
This had better not be the death of Lord Ad-Barian, he's just as entertaining as the actual skits!
long live the king
Anyone else notice that the Swedish national anthem was playing in the background the entire beginning?
“Du gamla, du fria, du fjällhöga Nord!”🎶🎶
Reminds me of one campaign where I was rogue who specialized in acrobatics and failed almost every single acrobatics check 😅 . That being said, I'm also fairly certain the DM had something against me and/or my character, and thinking about it, half of those roles actually weren't that bad when modifiers were taken into account (it was only my second campaign so I tended to just trust the DM,) and given the DM proved he was the type to like to manipulate things to "fit his narrative," maybe I wasn't failing as much as I thought 🤔.... It was generally rather funny at least 😂
This is very relatable. Not rolling anything above 10 for a whole session. 3 nat one one my highest skills even made me lose level in it. (unarmed combat, for my monk). There was also that delightful strech were I did not dodge anything, failed all my acrobaty and stealth check, and nearly died to a staircase.
I think Duke was playing Bartholomew Osiris Bladesong from Viva La Dirt League D&D. Those rolls were perfect for Bob. You're the Bob!
That's when you just tear up the character sheet
i feel this in my soul, my cleric just rolls badly on everything, but mostly on stealth and perception, she can't see shit or walk quietly to save her life.
As someone who had a halfling inquisitive rogue (he was a detective apprentice), whose investigation and insight were awful, 2 and 4 mainly (I even got in one round three 1 in a row), this one is too relatable.
Rest In Peace Ad-Barian, we won’t forget you
I feel you. As a DM this happened to me a couple of sessions already, making it quite easy for my players to play the encounters even when they were quiet hard.
Reminds me a game not so long ago.
We went to a village attacked by strange creatures (which were bulets), I play a swashbuckler astral elf.
6 rolls :
Three were nat 1
One was an 8
And the two last were 17 and 18.
50% of my rolls were nat 1. I don't think I've ever laughed that much watching my character fall into a Bulet's pit
Our ranger in one of our big fights:
Turn 1: Pushed from cliff, climbs back up.
Turn 2: Paralyzed by Hold Person
Turn 3: Repeat
Turn 4: Repeat
Turn 5: Repeat and carried away by the Barbarian as the party flees.
I feel that sooo much... At one point I was so convinced that the rolling algorithm on roll20 hated me that I made a spreadsheet to track all my rolls :D Turns out they were average after all... Still, in our final fight against Arkhan and Tiamat I didn't hit ONCE with my +12 bow -.-
I have to do this with dndbeyond. Part of me feels it wants to screw me over
That's me! That's my whole life! Any of ya'll play WoW and ran the original Zul Gurub? I ran that dungeon almost every lockout, trying to get the tiger and/or raptor mounts. For YEARS! I saw the raptor mount drop only once and that was one of my first times in there and somebody else won it. Then as they were about to close the raid forever, they increased the drop rate for those mounts. Everybody and their dog had both those mounts....except for me. Never got them.
That is my particular brand of luck.
All my luck, both in games and in life, is basically used up on seeing my parrot's food on sale or finding a cool rock.
Lord Ad Barian is just gonna make the dragon his lady isn't he?
"I rolled another 3"
"You look around the room and realise, that last room...was a mimic. There is a chance, however small, that this room is also a mimic and that mimic...might be your dad"
Focus, Gorgug.
Rest In Peace Lord Ad-Barbarian… 😢
This is... too relatable for my friend. Her catchphrase during our last campaign as the halfling paladin was "I can reroll that!"
The ending is so beautiful 😭
I have something similar to this, but instead of low rolls, they like to cause wild magic and perils of the warp whenever they can. My 40k Dark Heresy games tend to get really weird.
Who wants to see the Episode with Dragonborn puberty?
It's got to happen at some point.
Must be a Dragonborn conspiracy to supress the episode. They've clearly gotten to Duke! Why wasn't Ad-Barian protecting...oh...oh right...
Oh my last dnd session I got two Nat 1s in combat fell in a spike trap went to sleep my friend tried to pick me up rolled a bat 1 when I was on 1 health I lost it and I rolled a 4 a 3 and 2 on death saves and died.
This is basically me on my rogue. If its not a stealth check, I'm not passing it. Period. She's so damn stealthy that if you blink she's gone despite the fact she hasn't moved anywhere, but anything else that requires any sort of check she fails on, even if said skill check she has expertise in.
I love the background story of Lord Adbarian that progresses each episode!!!
Mate, I think you should watch Scott Shafer's video about Established Titles. And just don't associate with that company anymore. It's a scam.
"Roll persuasion... why not just help us?" The tone, I love it!
Wow, adbarian has had more character development than the entirety of rings of power
I expected the punchline to be.
"You succeed! And because your burst into the room, you set off a party-killing, no-save trap."
Didn't expect to see you here. just finished binging your king of the hill videos
Lord adbarian really playing with my heartstrings 😭
Hahahaha! I can't pay attnetion to the video, I am so distracted by the comedy version of the swedish national anthem! Like... Why??? I mean sure, why not but... why though? LOL
Player: Rolls another Natural 1. DM: Everybody rise up for the Swedish National Anthem
R.i.p lord Add barrian
I once rolled a 2 on crucial attack during a martial arts fight with a magic tattoo guy on top of a moving train going over a ravine. I planned to use Diseased touch to cause him hemorrhagic shock and then chuck him off the train, as things were getting dire and my clothes had burned off, and that wasn’t exactly pleasant during the rainstorm that was happening. Because of the roll, he only got a mild nosebleed, in part because of the sight of a ten foot tall literally chiseled from stone Minotaur touching his pecs. So then I went screw it, rolled for seduction, got a 20, and we gained another ally.
Always funny
so for the "make a persuasion check convince him to help you"
I actually kinda run npcs based on how they would act, for example if someone is already willing to help you, you don't gotta make a chance
but this also works in the reverse where if someone actively hates you and is trying to kill you, not even a nat 20 can save you
Had a session just yesterday where I rolled no higher than a 6 on every ability check and save for the whole sessions. Every monster made every saving throw against my spells and I rolled no higher than a 15 on every attack roll.
Today I sacrificed my youngest child to the dice gods to make amends for whatever slight I may have committed.
I need to do this, but I don't have any children and I'm single. Can I sacrifice one of your remaining kids?
Yup. Thats the vibe. The one good roll you get a session doesn't matter usually
As someone who couldn’t get past a snake in the forest and died to it at level 1, this hurts me on an emotional level.
This is an accurate representation of my dice rolls every time I do it. Just to prove it, I rolled 5 d20s online:
2, 3, 10, 1, 1
Wow first minute
Recently watched a Will Wheaton compilation for the first time and when I tell you my jaw hit the floor. The anti power that man has, incredible
At character creation I roll 16 or above. Get into game start rolling 5 or below. Get to death saves or saves or save vs TPK nat 20. It is part of the reason. I Min/Max/Power Game. The bonus and extra abilities help offset the bad rolls.
I had this exact thing happen to me last session… 2 nat ones in a combat encounter and all under 10 for everything else. Then I ended it with one nat 20 to kill the giant bugs we were fighting. It was quite the session
Reminds me of the time I rolled 6 nat ones in a row during one of my campaigns. What was supposed to be a simple lock pick check ended up bringing down the entire building and killing almost everyone inside with the only thing still standing being the door.
I have been playing in a campaign for a year now. Level 17 as of writing. I'm playing a Bladesinger Wizard with a max AC of 33, I even have a special homebrew light armor with crit immunity.
I've died to regular hits from monsters 4 separate times in the last 4 months while the 16 ac sorcerer watched
I could talk about how relatable this is but *DANG* the Ad-barian bit was good bro I ain’t gonna lie
as a bard who would alway no matter what miss my persuasion and deception check (with a + 9) i was so happy to get my level 3(college of eloquence) it give you no matter what a minimum of 10 for your persuasion and deception check
See? THIS is why I always play a Halfling Divination wizard with the Lucky feat, the bountiful luck feat, the second chance feat, and the silvery barbs spell!
I remember there was a Pathfinder 1st edition game where I was a kitsune slayer. Mithril lamallar armor, two adamantine scimitars. Was rolling with a +15/13 at level 6 with a 25 AC. Enemies couldn't touch her, and she slashed them all to ribbons. Until 4 natural 1's in a row. Then I got locked in a crypt with a bunch of ancient vampires. So that was fun.
A few summers back (2019 or 2018, can't remember at the moment), I hosted Lost Mines of Phandelver my local com center. Within this party (Frozen Punks), there was a guy who was brand new to 5th edition who was playing as druid. The dice had it out for this druid, because in 9 sessions, he next to never rolled higher than 9.
Dice he brought with him? 3's & 5's.
Freshly swapped dice? 2's & 8"s.
Advantage on rolls? Double natural 1's, & 4's.
The only roll he made, was a single melee attack that did 3 damage.
Not a single spell landed, after using all leveled slots or cantrip; goblins where running circles around him, goblins!
Never before, nor since have I met a man who's dice rolled with disadvantage by default.
Bad dice jail is full.
Build a new one in the kingdoms lot.
melt them down in the dragon fire execution room.
“Guys we gotta go! That dragon is the longest living being on the continent we stand no chance against him! RUN! Run so that his sacrifice is not in vain! FIREBALL! TWIN SPELL! Now go hurry now! Come on…”
the trap stuff reminded me of the sage advice for passive perception being your minimum for a check.
The first D&D 1st edition game I played, I was a ranger with a longsword (I think). The very first encounter, I managed to roll a critical fail on attack. Then rolled a perfect 100. Cue the party taking my headless corpse back to the starting town. Did that twice more before the session ended, earning myself the dubious moniker of "Crit-Fail Queen/Queen Crit-Fail" for a very long time after.
2:55 Is the DM a bugbear in disguise? He has a heck of a long arm. :-)
the dictionary: luxurious
this hero: lugjerous
And that, friends, is where the dice-prison comes into play. And for drastic measure, put the prison in view and range of the trashcans outside, so that they can see where they are heading, if they don't behave next time they are rolled... And somehow, it works... Dice ARE real mimics, that look for a loving home, and sometimes you need to remind them, where they would be without you!
this is how it was for me. me and my party were trying to find a treasury in a castle after we made a mess of the courtyard and as my party was killing everything i could never roll higher than the creatures AC
That was a strong well crafted door
The dice needs to go to dice jail to pay for it's sins. That's why I always being extra D20s.
Soooo... Since when does Duke have a left hand at the end of his right arm ?
College of Eloquence has been a blessing for me. Regardless of what I invisioned for any character, I always find a way to lie and manipulate any chance I get. No longer will my perfectly crafted arguments to why we shouldn't be fighting be undone by whatever a little piece of plastic says.
I had this recently in a session my bugbear barbarian was little to no help except for smashing down locked doors and accidentally plastering a kolboids remains on a wall when I wanted to trip him with a mace.....it somehow hit a rock and hit his head
This perfectly represents me in one of the 5e games I'm playing in. I can't seem to roll well when I play in that game.
Most recently, my Paladin 4/warlock 1/sorcerer 1 failed his Charisma check (he has an 18 in Cha) to resist a vargouille's kiss. Now we need to cure him before his head pops off, and we are stuck in a unexplored land that was cut off from the rest of the land by a magical sphere of fog, and the only way in or out is by having a guide that can take you through. In the center of the land is a tower that periodically summons monsters into this area. The rest of the party consists of a dragon soul sorcerer, a shadow monk, and a valor bard (with no healing spells). So I'm basically the tank AND the healer. The person playing the sorcerer started the campaign as a cleric but switched several sessions ago.
Oh, and the fog sphere means no direct sunlight. At least the sorcerer has the daylight spell...
My very first character was a rogue and I never rolled above an 8 on attack roll (obviously I did occasionally but it was honestly a running joke in and out of character by the middle of the campaign.) The dm gave us all magic items around the end of the campaign and mine was a short sword that had a stacking damage modifier for every round I missed an attack. Best magic item ever because eventually I would one shot something when I randomly hit. Now with that being said. On any dex or charisma check in RP moments I don't think I often rolled below an 18. Sometimes the stories just tell themselves the way they are meant too Lolz. Still one of my favorite characters to this day.
One of my friends always rolls low except for when it doesn't matter. Two of his three characters (yeah, that's how bad he rolls) have been trackers/scouters and without fail, he always rolls the highest difficulty encounters on my random encounter tables. Every time. One of those situations was a .67% chance of rolling the encounter and resulted in his second character death and almost three other party member deaths. They ran away on round 4 of combat and still barely escaped.
Me a Swede, wait...thats the Swedish national anthem as background music. Good choice
I got three nat ones in dnd last time I played. The DM rolled 2 nat 20s in a row in that same session.
We have a wizard in our group who literally rolls either the highest or lowest initiatives, he's never in between at all