Pew Research Poll on Knowledge of Religion

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • A recent Pew Research Center survey on religious knowledge in the US has shown atheists/agnostics ranking first... ahead of religious people. In other words, religious people have little knowledge of their own religions and of other religions.



    @UnoWHO22188 yes, we can't just "suddenly" say we're atheists but bear in mind we're ALL born agnostics. that's why it's important that kids be left alone to do their own research of this world, os the belief systems, of history, etc. so that they can make an informed decision about what to believe in (or not)... thx for the comment!


    @doubtingED thanks! I also liked the tidbit in your own video about knowing "the neighbour across the street"... I as an immigrant had/have first-hand experience with North Americans' ignorance of the world cultures (and their own culture) - history, geography, arts and science in general are unfortunately very low on the lists of most of them. I can say without doubt that Education is vastly superior... It's a shame because after all, a lot of N. Americans are of European descent!


    @ZamolxisGebeleizis another pass at being idiotic: "Atheism is an arogant concenption, you deny God". There's nothing arrogant with denying the multitude of gods invented by humans so far, especially the Judeo-Christian one-there is plenty of proof which points to the improbability/impossibility of its existence (god of Old&New Testaments).
    "People which are in clinical death all spoke about God". Also people who did lots of drugs spoke about god, angels,etc.


    @ZamolxisGebeleizis "The new testament doesen't contradict science in nothing"...where should I start?rising from the dead,curing eye blindness & other incurable disease by simply "laying of hands",multiplying bread&fish just by thinking of it....
    "is posible the story of the great flood"-so what?what does this prove,compared to the other countless savageries your god purportedly inflicts upon people? lies is all there is, both NT & OT.


    @ZamolxisGebeleizis "So you are absolutely sure that God is not in the part of things which you don't know?!" First you have to define "god". Then maybe I'll answer although you don't deserve an answer.


    @ZamolxisGebeleizis This is idiotic on a number of counts:
    a."Most of atheists are number 2"-how do you know, have you polled all atheists in the world, or do you have secret access to some secret knowledge?
    b."reallity is that we don't knwo not even 0,0000000000001% of all things"-quantifying how much you don't know (=0,0000000000001%) presumes you already KNOW how much there is to know. see the contradiction?
    c."Agnostic means intelectual superiority" NO, it simply means you don't know shit


    @ZamolxisGebeleizis no, the joke is you - a guy who believes he's a god.... you should check with a shrink, but I
    m afraid it's way too late...


    @valu777 i gave you a chance to have a civilized conversation and instead, you chose to threaten me with passages from your repugnant scripture. i'm sorry but there is no dialogue under these circumstances and you WILL be blocked from this thread.


    @valu777 you're building a strawman. how do you jump from "no moral absolutes" to " no such thing as right and wrong"? atheists have morals, you know, simply by the fact that we live in society and we're not in prisons. morality is something evolution built into us - kindness (to kinship but also to strangers), the golden rule, all that. Moreover atheism is NOT a "belief system", by definition. It's a point of view on the existence of gods, nothing more. You're obviously uneducated...


    @ZamolxisGebeleizis "I know most people are stupid"-again, you're just digging your hole deeper. 'stupid' by what criteria?and who & when has evaluated "most people" with regard to this "stupid" criterion?
    "those atheists which i've spoke with"-so you generalize based on your SUBJECTIVE experience with some atheists.
    "and Einstein said the same"-repeating after Einstein doesn't make you look or be smarter.


    @ZamolxisGebeleizis "This is how you are subjective"-and I'm supposed to take lessons in "objectivity" from an 18-yrs old guy who believes he's a god? bwahahahaaaa... this really takes the prize!
    "they are able to relate things which took place after their death"-well, shit, they haven't really died in the first place!
    ''Life after life'' IS crap. STOP talking to me as if you know everything. You know SHIT. You read a couple fantasy books, that's all. END OF DISCUSSION!