Medieșu Aurit (Șuculeu, jud. Satu Mare) - Cuptoarele dacice / Dacian ceramic kilns

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2010
  • Continuarea sapaturilor din anii '60 au scos la iveala zeci de cuptoare...
    After resuming the digs from the 60s, archaeologists discovered tens of ceramic kilns...
  • Наука та технологія


  • @SacaluBrasov
    @SacaluBrasov 13 років тому

    My romanian brother you don't need to listen what DavidItzak is barking. He is just another hungayrian hater. That's what they know: lie and deny !
    Felicitari pentru toata munca ta ! Esti un adevarat patriot !


    @DavidItzak here, idiot another reference to Dacians from "The Alexiad" of the Byzantine princess Anna Comnena (book VII "War with the Scyths (1087-90)"): "At the approach of spring Tzelgu (the supreme commander of the Scythian army) crossed the passes above the Danube with a mixed army of about eighty thousand, composed of Sauromatians, Scythians, and a number from the Dacian army (over whom the man called Solomon was leader)".

  • @AntiSovinism
    @AntiSovinism 12 років тому

    Minunat (și foarte valoros) documentar !
    Stau și mă întreb CINE (dracu) putea să dea dislike la o asemenea Capodoperă, decât nenorocitul de Davidltzak, (bănuiesc din comentarii), și....poate....monstrul de Szatmari1, ”vedeta YT-ului”, care e frustrat ptr că se trage de pe aceste meleaguri MINUNATE !?
    Mulțumiri prietene ptr asemenea videouri încărcate ! Cinste Ție, ptr că promovezi această Țară minunată și demnă de invidiat de către orice altă nație de pe acest Glob !


    @SacaluBrasov It's true I don't need to listen to his ineptitudes but he's been following and pestering my videos for a year now.... Still he hasn't provided an answer to my very simple question: Where is his brother David Struhl??? :))


    you can really help Romanian archaeology while having fun: visit archaeotek(.)org (n.b. remove parantheses). For Romanians abroad or their kids (students) who want to get back in touch with their roots, this is a very good opportunity!


    @tunaspha păi da, numai jigodia de szatmari1 a votat din 2 conturi negativ. clipul ăsta-l doare cel mai rău, că e din județul unde s-a născut (zice el). cel mai mult mă bucură faptul că szatmari1, aflat demult pe ștatul de plată al ”“Fundaţiei Wass Albert de Czege” și a lui Soros în SUA, va fi în curând depistat de SRI în cooperare cu FBI...


    @ImmaSkyWalker1 David Ițic & Struhl is the same idiot as Damaskusz who is the owner of the website, see also :))
    He has been exposed over and over again.


    @TedsterMania Well, it's very easy why I call him that - his agenda is that of a zionist if you read the comments he posts on YT especially those addressed to Romanians. You surely know what the definition of "zionism" is! On top of that all he wants is to provoke people and instigate ethnic hatred between Hungarians & Romanians. Because Romanians will never give up Transylvania he calls us "nazis" and invents all sorts of fake stories about Romanians' history. He's a real dick. :D


    @DavidItzak "fairy tales"??? YOU have yourself quoted from WIKIPEDIA, shithead. It is CLEARLY written in Wikipedia that Dacians were related to Thracians, nothing about a relation between Dacians & Scythians, cretinoid.... It is also written in WIKIPEDIA that Thracians were looked upon by their neigbouring Greeks as being barbarian. Which Greek would consider other Greeks "barbarian", you fucking idiot?


    @DavidItzak idiot, read slowly: the territory of present-day Romania fits perfectly inside the former territory of Dacia! plus, there are hundreds if not thousands of DACIAN archaeological sites in Romania. plus, there are traditions & customs in Romania which can be traced back to our Dacian ancestors. plus, one of our great rulers - Mihai the Brave (Mihai Viteazu) was called "Malus Dacus". plus MANY,MANY other sources... and for the last time:DACIANS WERE NOT SCYTHIANS, IDIOT! READ ARCHAEOLOGY


    @DavidItzak Riiiiight...and the fact that Romanians today inhabit the exact same area where ancient Dacians were is a pure coincidence. There's no need for "historical documents", idiot, there are no "historical documents" to prove any connection between today's Frenchmen and the gauls, or between the ancient Celts & today's Irish people. The Romanian popular culture actually has numerous roots in Dacian culture - the peasant's clothes, for instance. DNA is a work in progres.... Zionist prick.