I worked there in the 1980's, for the BBC, when they owned it and used it as offices, very run down then, my office was the first floor balcony opposite All Souls church and stored files in the sub-basement, probably where the pool is, I could here tube trains and traffic there. Great to see it back to it's former glory.
This is my favourite hotel in the West End, maybe only second to the Savoy, but love its character and the personalised service from the staff. Big win for me that’s it’s under HK management now, it used to be a Hilton, yikes.
I’m surprised by the simplicity of the room’s interior - given the hotel’s look from the outside - pretty decent as it’s not looking “too Victorian” like you described 😎
Yes, very cosy without being to “classic”🤣 and double glazed windows which is so important to my sleep as it was located in one of the most vibrant shopping areas.
Thank you for the thorough review. This is on my list!
My pleasure!
Also I subscribed as wel! Glad you have English language as well 😊
Thank you! 😃
Thank you for showing the gym/fitness area; Was happy to see a Concept2 Rower there.
My pleasure 😁🙏🏻
I worked there in the 1980's, for the BBC, when they owned it and used it as offices, very run down then, my office was the first floor balcony opposite All Souls church and stored files in the sub-basement, probably where the pool is, I could here tube trains and traffic there. Great to see it back to it's former glory.
So glad to hear your story! No wonder the new BBC building is just opposite to it!
This is my favourite hotel in the West End, maybe only second to the Savoy, but love its character and the personalised service from the staff. Big win for me that’s it’s under HK management now, it used to be a Hilton, yikes.
Thank you for the information. Indeed, this is one of my favourite hotels in London😁.
I’m surprised by the simplicity of the room’s interior - given the hotel’s look from the outside - pretty decent as it’s not looking “too Victorian” like you described 😎
Yes, very cosy without being to “classic”🤣 and double glazed windows which is so important to my sleep as it was located in one of the most vibrant shopping areas.
@@AnthonyLuxuryTravel Perfect for singing too 🤣
@@DanielKingstonC I don't want anyone, I mean any one whether I can see or not, to knock on my door🤣🤣🤣
@@AnthonyLuxuryTravel 😆 Right. But I do that all the time during my business trips 🫢 Oops
One time i sang a Jacky Cheung song in an SG hotel room and someone knocked my door. 🤣🤣🤣
Did you encounter any ghosts? Supposedly the hotel is haunted 🤔
Fortunately I didn’t have any supernatural experience while staying in this hotel🥶