Anthony's Luxury Travel Diary
Anthony's Luxury Travel Diary
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Celebrity Cruise無特約之終於到我坐郵輪Ep.1帶大家睇下郵輪有咩食玩買睇,仲有第一站帶大家去Livorno比薩斜塔!
去到呢一集郵輪系列真係要上船啦,除左繼續有令我反眼嘅Uncle大控訴外,當然要講重點帶大家去睇下船上有咩設施,有咩食玩買同埋有咩Show睇啦,當然日日行程都咁緊密,我自然要帶大家睇下第一日去嘅比薩斜塔 (leaning Tower Of Pisa),睇下呢個竟然歪左炮都可以屹立不倒幾百年嘅奇蹟,唔好錯過啦!
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Celebrity Cruise 無特約之終於到我坐郵輪啦Ep.0 :上船前狂去羅馬地標
Переглядів 3899 годин тому
今次被阿爸個Friend混左去搭郵輪,點知佢成家辜塞到死都唔係裝漫遊連上船都唔肯加錢用Wi-Fi,結果全程同佢捉衣因,落左機係咁同佢失聯,一怒之下決定分道揚鑣各玩各,真係無下次。不過一肚氣還一肚氣,今次Celebrity Cruise Constellation 郵輪之旅真係令我開左眼界,有得食有得玩仲勝在可以一次過遊好多唔同城市,仲可以Join佢哋Day Excursion,非常專業又唔拍上唔切船。 咁講番第一站,因為未上船,所以先喺羅馬玩下,今次去齊梵蒂岡城、羅馬鬥獸場,許願池,想知啲建築物有幾鬼斧神工,唔好錯過啦! 0:00 出發! 1:31 今次羅馬住嘅酒店 -Marriott Rome Park Hotel 2:08 大控訴同阿爸啲Friend 一直失聯,仲一齊玩做乜? 5:41 結果變左自由行之第一站:我鄉下;梵蒂岡城 14:54 第二個地標 Trevi Fountain...
Surprisingly Good: Intercontinental Dublin King Classic Room with Balcony
Переглядів 19721 день тому
In my recent trip to Dublin, I stayed in the Intercontinental Dublin. I have to say when I look at the facade of the building, I thought this was actually built more than 100 years ago, as it looks classic British old buildings, but I was wrong, it was actually built in 2001 and was originally four seasons hotel’s property. IHG has since taken over the property in 2015 and had rebranded this ho...
爭啲以為伏但又幾有驚喜嘅愛爾蘭都柏林洲際酒店(Intercontinental Dublin) 住宿體驗
Переглядів 19221 день тому
今次去愛爾蘭都柏林我住嘅酒店係Intercontinental,其實有段小插曲,話說我一訂左酒店就Book機場接送啦﹐點知出左個電郵兩個禮拜都唔覆,正常五星酒店莫講一個星期,即日覆係好正常架嘛,打左去幾次Forward左去前抬都仲係無回音,卒之等到差唔多要飛都仲未有人覆,我忍唔住要用重啲語氣話佢啦,佢哋先拿拿臨幫我Book車喎,心諗今次伏啦會唔會只係開始咋。 不過撇除頭一段嘅甩漏,我非常滿意今次嘅住宿體驗,員工服務無可挑剔,做到貼心又唔Intrusive,房間水準好好,設施齊全,食物質素亦唔錯,加上位處大使館區,同市中心近之餘又非常靜侷,仲要行幾步就到Dart火車站同巴士站,呢間酒店好值得推介。想知有幾正?去片啦!
愛爾蘭之旅Ep.2 與維京人有著淵源嘅Dalkey;天涯海角嘅Howth Cliff Walk;無實權但享重要地位嘅總統
Переглядів 483Місяць тому
第二集嘅愛爾蘭之旅,會帶大家睇下天涯海角,探索一下愛爾蘭歷史,原來同維京人有深厚嘅淵源,仲會帶大家睇下都柏林城堡,嗰度係愛爾蘭總統就職嘅場地。同場加映我瘋狂Shopping。 總括黎講,愛爾蘭又係一個我考慮將來退休嘅地方,由醫療治安交通到生活質素都好方便,物價亦比倫敦平,真係非常宜居。 0:00 開始 0:48 第一站坐Dart火車去Howth 睇天涯海角 5:05 揀錯日子無乜攤檔營業嘅Howth Market 6:02 沿海有好多海鮮餐廳 7:17 同維京人好有淵源嘅Dalkey同Dún Laoghaire鎮 10:09 走訪愛爾蘭國家海事博物館 12:23 去左Dalkey啦 12:37 走訪天主教堂 Church Of Assumption 12:51 去Dalkey Duck食好西 13:32 去Dalkey Castle參加導賞團睇愛爾蘭嘅維京歷史 14:24 去睇Mor...
Dublin: A place that transcends English Literature, rich in history and birthplace of Guinness Beer
Переглядів 316Місяць тому
I have decided to shoot this travel vlog in a slightly different way. Instead recording soundbites in Ireland or adding voiceover like my previous episodes, I have decided to share my experience by speaking at home and supplementing my memory trip with all the footages that I have. This trip is kinda of a heritage trip to me as I studied in a Catholic boys' school with many Irish Jesuit priests...
Переглядів 691Місяць тому
臨番工前去左一轉都柏林,源於中學時有個好錫我嘅愛爾蘭神父,佢2000 年上左天國啦,好想睇下佢嘅出生地,呢個國家同英格蘭有著密不可分嘅關係,但幾百年黎兩個之間嘅歷史非常血腥,我嗰位神父一講起愛爾蘭點樣硬生生同北愛爾蘭分裂,更加咬牙切齒。今集會帶大家睇下Trinity College呢個愛爾蘭最古老大學,走訪愛爾蘭大文豪們嘅故居講下佢哋嘅故事,仲會帶大家蒲下吧同去國寶級啤酒健力士倉庫參觀,唔好錯過啊! 0:00 開始 0:30 點解我會揀愛爾蘭去旅行? 1:39 第一站,充滿傳奇色彩嘅Trinity College 4:05 人才輩出之餘仲有泥金裝飾手抄聖經-Book Of Kells 5:01 愛爾蘭作家對英國文學嘅貢獻同對我嘅影響 7:45 第二個景點 James Joyce Centre,喬哀斯的意識流寫作 8:56 才情橫溢但因為同性戀家破人亡及身敗名裂嘅Oscar Wilde...
英國定居生涯Vlog Ep 17+1 之搵足一年,終於搵到Full Time 工啦!
Переглядів 24 тис.Місяць тому
我專登等到Formalities 清晒先至出呢個Vlog,其實自從上個月底出左Conditional Offer之後,個心都仲有啲忐忑,因為呢度最老土嘅係要搵reference!你知我成四年無做嘢,要搵reference咪唯有搵香港間舊舖囉!好彩我走嗰吓都好來好去,非常感激佢哋咁快手,而且NHS聽講真係好等人用,一過晒Checking就即刻要我番工咁滯,下星期二番工啦! 今次個Vlog,其實記錄左我嘅心路歷程,話說由舊年十月開始,我一直搵工都撞牆,連見工嘅機會都無,結果新年之後我決定改變策略,先由義工做起,又好好彩比我搵到一間社區中心由義工做起,之後一度又一度門打開左,我由呢個社區中心介紹參加左NHS(National Health Service)嘅義工就業計劃,結果成功轉介去Interview,得咗! 我好想藉呢個Vlog話比各位仲搵緊工嘅移英港人,山不轉路轉,我撞牆期間曾幾De...
Good but there are better choices: Sheraton Gateway Hotel Toronto
Переглядів 349Місяць тому
As I flew to Toronto at night, I have decided to book the Sheraton Gateway Hotel, which is located right next to terminal 3 of the Toronto Airport, and has direct access from there to the hotel. The moment that I arrived at the lobby, I found this to be oozing Sheraton style, which is quite cozy, but once you have reached the hotel floors, you will realise this is quite the old version of Shera...
Переглядів 168Місяць тому
今次去多倫多因為唔想屋企人夜媽媽車我,於是就住咗一晚機場酒店,呢間喺Terminal 3 真達嘅機場酒店,一晚四百蚊加幣,其實以價錢就唔算太Justify啦,因為全程都令我有住喺香港機場間富豪酒店嘅感覺,最慶係聽咗個Staff講比左70蚊加幣食早餐,真係差到無朋友。但公平啲講,呢間酒店唔差嘅,但多倫多機場唔只佢呢一間酒店,如果計價錢,純租房我覺得下次都係住Four Points算啦。
英國定居生涯Vlog Ep.17之終於現場感受溫布頓網球賽啦!
Переглядів 575Місяць тому
停左半年,英國定居生涯Vlog重出江湖,有咩令我咁做?當然係我最愛嘅溫布頓啦,雖然我最愛嘅費達拿已經無打波,但其實近兩年有啲網球手好似Iga Swiatek同Carlos Alcaraz都開始令我重燃睇網球嘅興趣。再加上今年竟然好運到抽到飛去現場睇喎,梗係順便引埋我嗰位同樣好鍾意睇網球嘅筆友過黎啦! 講起抽飛,其實係咪好奇怪?原來有錢都仲有啲問題未解決到,除非你有錢同 性到走去用八萬英鎊買Debenture,否則就算你肯比錢,呢個賽只可靠親身排隊或Join佢哋嘅Ballot先有機會有飛,咁當然中左獎唔係免費架啦,都要比錢,仲要無得揀位添,本來我都覺得佢哋好老土啦,到我今年想買法網嘅賽事就明晒啦,原來喺歐洲呢兩個大滿貫賽事,真係多人睇過澳網好多架,我去法網真係連網頁都入唔到,等左三個鐘乜都賣晒,慘過當年香港人輪Mirror啊!所以相較之下溫布頓咁樣反而比較公道,起碼唔駛撼贏班電腦專才...
Aer Lingus EI0126 Business Class: Budget or Mainstream Product?
Переглядів 1,4 тис.2 місяці тому
On my return flight from Toronto to London, I have to fly Aer Lingus as a result of my last minute change of flight. I wasn't expecting much as I was flying an old A330 and never heard of this airline before. i was actually surprised it was quite decent. However, there are things that still not quite up there and therefore I might still pick BA next time. Why? Watch my vlog!
原來佢主力飛大西洋線:愛爾蘭航空(Aer Lingus)EI126 多倫多至倫敦商務客位體驗
Переглядів 2512 місяці тому
今次因為要趕番倫敦見工,臨時要改機票,結果揀左Aer Lingus愛爾蘭航空喺都柏林轉機,本來不予厚望,但其實又唔差喎,無論食物、服務以至座位都稱職,而且轉機嗰種經濟位仲好過英航添,仲引起左我去愛爾蘭玩嘅興趣,大家睇下片考慮下會唔會幫襯啦!
The Best Long Haul Business Class? British Airways BA099 London to Toronto Business Class Review
Переглядів 6192 місяці тому
I have to say this long haul business class experience flying with British Airways is one of the best in recent years. And the reason? It's food. They are serving what they are best at: traditional British food. Long considered to be playing second fiddle, my expectation for this long haul flight experience was really low, and I didn't expect this flight experience exceeded my expectation, from...
Переглядів 2272 місяці тому
Переглядів 9172 місяці тому
Переглядів 7732 місяці тому
加拿大「噚」親之旅第一集:表弟帶我周圍去Toronto Island CN Tower,流馬尿自白
Переглядів 6452 місяці тому
加拿大「噚」親之旅第一集:表弟帶我周圍去Toronto Island CN Tower,流馬尿自白
Переглядів 2402 місяці тому
Переглядів 2283 місяці тому
A super yacht hotel experience: Sunborn Gibraltar Superior Room Review
Переглядів 8023 місяці тому
A super yacht hotel experience: Sunborn Gibraltar Superior Room Review
Gibraltar: A love triangle between UK and Spain? Or just Spain's Wishful Thinking?
Переглядів 5353 місяці тому
Gibraltar: A love triangle between UK and Spain? Or just Spain's Wishful Thinking?
Переглядів 17 тис.3 місяці тому
Переглядів 4924 місяці тому
A hotel right at the legendary hairpin corner of the Monaco F1 Track: Fairmont Monte Carlo Review
Переглядів 1,4 тис.4 місяці тому
A hotel right at the legendary hairpin corner of the Monaco F1 Track: Fairmont Monte Carlo Review
蒙地卡羅Fairmont Monte Carlo 酒店住宿體驗
Переглядів 2514 місяці тому
蒙地卡羅Fairmont Monte Carlo 酒店住宿體驗
A rip-off or just typical? British Airways (BA342 and BA355) Business Class London to Nice
Переглядів 8644 місяці тому
A rip-off or just typical? British Airways (BA342 and BA355) Business Class London to Nice
伏唔伏?英航倫敦至尼斯商務客艙(BA342及 BA355)體驗
Переглядів 3044 місяці тому
伏唔伏?英航倫敦至尼斯商務客艙(BA342及 BA355)體驗
搭早機住機場是常識罷之無負Sofitel名聲:Sofitel London Heathrow酒店體驗
Переглядів 2814 місяці тому
搭早機住機場是常識罷之無負Sofitel名聲:Sofitel London Heathrow酒店體驗
A very good way to stay fresh for an early flight: Sofitel London Heathrow Review
Переглядів 5344 місяці тому
A very good way to stay fresh for an early flight: Sofitel London Heathrow Review


  • @ngyuenwa2595
    @ngyuenwa2595 4 дні тому


  • @uncleken3599
    @uncleken3599 4 дні тому


  • @vegangreenbb
    @vegangreenbb 4 дні тому

    對你嘅遭遇真係.... no comment... 唔好比佢地影響去玩嘅心情喇

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel 4 дні тому

      好彩之後幾日決定一人行事、無嘢啦,但都仲係on and off比佢哋再激多兩嘢🤬

    • @vegangreenbb
      @vegangreenbb 4 дні тому

      @@AnthonyLuxuryTravel 你其實已經講得好有保留,唔夠足本😂

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel 4 дні тому

      我下集會變左mean mode潤人多啲😂

  • @idawayo6741
    @idawayo6741 6 днів тому


  • @avfreakfreak
    @avfreakfreak 13 днів тому

    On contract ? Receptionist ? 👍

  • @ZyciewKanadzieAnitaBeataVlog
    @ZyciewKanadzieAnitaBeataVlog 15 днів тому

    Hi Tony. Were you able to get your business class seat selection in advance for free, or by paying BA a fee? Or did you get your seat selection for free - 24 hours before your flight? I have a BA business class booking Toronto - London - Budapest/London-Toronto on hold for 30 Apr - 24 May 2025, but it doesn't let me do any advanced seat selection for the long haul flights- not even with a fee - it simply says: "seats available at check in" All I was able to get is the seat selection for the LHR-BUD flight. I wonder why is that. Many thanks for your answer.

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel 15 днів тому

      Nope, i can’t because back then i wasn’t Bronze member yet. If my memory is correct, i need to pay around £20 if i want to choose seat in advance. That’s the case even for biz which really made me a bit angry. But i guess that’s the norm for European airlines. And yes, for some flights, paying is not even an option. Once I become a bronze member, i am free to select seats.

  • @user-mu3ob2gi1v
    @user-mu3ob2gi1v 25 днів тому


  • @user-mu3ob2gi1v
    @user-mu3ob2gi1v 25 днів тому

    have a great time for your trip. 👍👍🤓😊🙏🙏🙌🙌

  • @elsatsang9814
    @elsatsang9814 25 днів тому

    Anthony 加油呀!希望你遲d可以再揾到一份更加好嘅工,同埋開開心心過英國嘅生活!

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel 25 днів тому


  • @cllau2171
    @cllau2171 27 днів тому


  • @uncleken3599
    @uncleken3599 27 днів тому

    由細到大住酒店都勁鍾意叫公司三文治room service 😂

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel 27 днів тому

      係,其實零失敗嘅嘢都係呢樣😂 我發覺好多時酒店room service先係卧虎藏龍嘅好地方😂

    • @uncleken3599
      @uncleken3599 27 днів тому

      @@AnthonyLuxuryTravel 肉醬意粉係另一個零失敗嘅Room Service項目🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel 27 днів тому

      總之只限Comfort Food🤣🤣🤣

  • @100RHK
    @100RHK 28 днів тому

    無介紹香港人接手 船餐廳, tea room ?

  • @yolondafowler3273
    @yolondafowler3273 29 днів тому

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Not sure if I would fuse this option.

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel 29 днів тому

      My pleasure. Neither would I choose this carrier in the foreseeable future🤣

  • @huiqivlog
    @huiqivlog Місяць тому

    很用心的影片 ❤

  • @chanq7810
    @chanq7810 Місяць тому

    Like ❤ your video

  • @DanielKingstonC
    @DanielKingstonC Місяць тому


  • @LLUK325
    @LLUK325 Місяць тому


  • @AlexColberg
    @AlexColberg Місяць тому

    A backpacker, according to the Cambridge dictionary, is "a person who travels with a backpack, usually not spending very much money and staying in places that are not expensive".

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      I know, I am just kidding.I actually had quotation marks in my original script. Sorry that you don't get my stupid sense of humor.🤣🤣🤣

    • @AlexColberg
      @AlexColberg Місяць тому

      @@AnthonyLuxuryTravel Thanks for the explanation. Now that I get it, I like it!

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      No worries🤣

  • @sfjsfj895
    @sfjsfj895 Місяць тому

    我擔心你哋有抑鬱,朋友又少,家人又唔能夠同你哋一起,你要好好保重自己,保持心境開朗啊! May God bless you all ! 😊

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      謝謝你,我自己無事的,我22年已經預習左去澳洲讀左半年書(不過敗走😂因為肥左佬),我啲最好朋友都過左黎,仲有已經喺度好多年嘅朋友又住得近,所以成日約出黎食飯,再加上我住嗰區去商場都好近,基本上我生活好似喺香港咁,仲可以成日去歐洲玩,再講就好似曬命🫣 但我明白每個香港人嘅難處,對我黎講,我黎到最大嘅難關係搵工,因為一日搵唔到工,總有種被孤立嘅感覺,你都無辦法真正接觸local 人,而家呢個問題解決左,個心就會定好多。當然,我明白同local人加唔同種族嘅磨合會係另一難關,但我會好少少,因為我勝在唔停口又面皮厚😂 同埋我屋企人一早番晒天國,所以我其實喺香港仲唔開心,因為要成日經過佢哋經過嘅地方,我喺呢度有好多可能性,可以當自己做一個新人,反而搵番我自己嘅人生目標,亦都唔駛再好似以前返工咁對自己咁harsh,因為i have nothing to prove now.而家我唯一唔適應嘅仲係天氣,朝早凍晏晝熱,好易攝親。 再次謝謝你,主佑。

    • @sfjsfj895
      @sfjsfj895 Місяць тому

      @@AnthonyLuxuryTravel 非常多謝你講解左你的life situation for me, thanks a lot, once again, carry on ! Take extremely care of yourself. Good luck!☺️

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      Thank you. 😁

  • @lilykwok2100
    @lilykwok2100 Місяць тому

    你啲形容詞真係好搞笑😂我今次都有去,不過唔係喺度住,只係用商場一路行都已經有些迷失的感覺,不過最開心是去到見到特別的Apple shop

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      我真係嗰下係嬲到出煙🤣 如果食錯嘢趕番酒店仲大鑊😂

    • @lilykwok2100
      @lilykwok2100 Місяць тому


  • @baldwinwong4259
    @baldwinwong4259 Місяць тому

    Anthony : I saw your recent post re settling in London and some health issues! Best wishes to you! I’ll be in London this fall and look forward to trying Canton Blu. Other restaurants to try include The Lecture Room & Library ( I’m a fan of Pierre Gagnaire) and the Pavyllon London (Yannick Alléno.).

  • @user-mu3ob2gi1v
    @user-mu3ob2gi1v Місяць тому


  • @user-mu3ob2gi1v
    @user-mu3ob2gi1v Місяць тому


  • @user-mu3ob2gi1v
    @user-mu3ob2gi1v Місяць тому

    We love seafood. You are a great precentor.

  • @user-mu3ob2gi1v
    @user-mu3ob2gi1v Місяць тому

    We have lot of Irish in here. you are our first friend visit beautiful Ireland in this channel. Bless you 😍🤩🤓😊💖💝👍👍🙏🙏🙏

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      Thanks. I really think NZ has a lot of connection with Ireland😁

  • @baldwinwong4259
    @baldwinwong4259 Місяць тому

    Excellent review! concise and to the point!

  • @clementihammock7572
    @clementihammock7572 Місяць тому

    Congratz, Majulah Anthony ! 😁

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      Thanks, Majulah Singapura!🤣

    • @clementihammock7572
      @clementihammock7572 Місяць тому

      @@AnthonyLuxuryTravel 哈哈,想起会唱Majulah哥哥仔。Btw,there is chinese girl home to her childhood Sg memory "YT, A 7-day rip to Singapore...“,very well warm hearted flim-scripted.

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      And that’s only two years ago🫣

    • @clementihammock7572
      @clementihammock7572 Місяць тому

      @@AnthonyLuxuryTravel oh yes, times flies, we may soon old and die. 😂 Come on, 哥哥仔。Let Jimmy Ruffin Song 躺平you。音乐响起,当当当....哦哦哦 As I walk this land of broken dreams I have visions of many things But happiness is just an illusion Filled with sadness and confusion What becomes of the brokenhearted Who had love that's now departed I know I've got to find some kind of peace of mind Maybe

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


  • @clementihammock7572
    @clementihammock7572 Місяць тому

    wah lao eh, 你哥哥仔也快白头翁。😂🤣

  • @clementihammock7572
    @clementihammock7572 Місяць тому

    记得在Galway老友Ryan安排我在他好友Dublin老人村无料过夜。😂 在整个月欧洲背包之旅,爱尔兰算是倒数第二国。有幸享味20 years Single Malt Scotch Whisky,Tasty Pizza and Few Pints of Guinness stout, 满满的回忆。花个50 爱尔兰镑又飞去苏格兰漫游一个星期。

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


    • @clementihammock7572
      @clementihammock7572 Місяць тому

      @@AnthonyLuxuryTravel Before Y2K, before there was an EU. I betcha I were the only Yellow Skin walking and roaming in Galway City. My Irish Friend Ryan, instructed the Pub bouncer to keep eye on me, the local pub there then, were hot, heavy and 丢那星 rough。 😅😇

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      Yeah, the pubs are always like that. I ended up visiting one though.

  • @agneschan1509
    @agneschan1509 Місяць тому

    Anthony,恭喜你!你跟天主教非常有緣!也看到你每見到教堂,必入去望望!恭喜你有緣入到教堂,更可以參加埋彌撒!彌撒完即收到新公司電郵,請你盡快返工with unconditioned offer! 你好醒呀!恭喜灑🎊🎉🎈🍾! 加油呀! Fr. Agnes

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


    • @agneschan1509
      @agneschan1509 Місяць тому


    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


  • @agneschan1509
    @agneschan1509 Місяць тому

    Anthony,恭喜你!你跟天主教非常有緣!也看到你每見到教堂,必入去望望!恭喜你有緣入到教堂,更可以參加埋彌撒!彌撒完即收到新公司電郵,請你盡快返工with unconditioned offer! 你好醒呀!恭喜灑🎊🎉🎈🍾! 加油呀! Fr. Agnes

  • @Alan_Mac
    @Alan_Mac Місяць тому

    That looked good vfm for central London. I'd definitely give it a go. No way does the restaurant date from the 18th century, though.

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      I just copied what they said in their website. Not the current premise though.

  • @cllau2171
    @cllau2171 Місяць тому


    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


  • @cllau2171
    @cllau2171 Місяць тому


    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


  • @cllau2171
    @cllau2171 Місяць тому


    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


    • @cllau2171
      @cllau2171 Місяць тому

      Thanks for sharing 🤓

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому

      You’re welcome ☺️ 。其實返工大家一講退休去邊大家就七嘴八舌,個個都同意London唔適合退休,要走。

  • @MobileDeveloper1965
    @MobileDeveloper1965 Місяць тому


    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Місяць тому


  • @DanielKingstonC
    @DanielKingstonC Місяць тому

    Interesting journey! It's a great video with a perfect length.

  • @weiseetho1482
    @weiseetho1482 Місяць тому

    I really love your voice!