Process of making Korean traditional bamboo bow. Korean best bow master



  • @MegaProcess
    @MegaProcess  2 роки тому +38

    🔎 Information (정보)
    🔔 Bamboo bow in the video (영상 속 대나무 활) : 달구벌죽궁 (010-6540-0430)
    🗺 Address (주소) : 89, Yeonamgongwon-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea (대구광역시 북구 연암공원로 89)

    • @Hain72
      @Hain72 Рік тому +1

      Was für maße hat dieser Bogen. Breite der wurfarme, dicke und Länge der wurfarme. Sowie die maße des mittleren Teil des Bogen. Im voraus vielen Dank für die Informationen.

    • @1islam1
      @1islam1 Рік тому

      @@Hain72 Was ist Islam?
      🔴 Der Islam ist nicht einfach eine weitere Religion.
      🔵 Es ist dieselbe Botschaft, die von Moses, Jesus und Abraham verkündet wurde.
      🔴 Islam bedeutet wörtlich: 👇
      ‘Gottergebenheit’, und er lehrt uns, eine direkte Verbindung mit Gott zu haben.
      🔵 Er erinnert uns daran, dass seit Gott uns geschaffen hat, keiner angebetet werden sollte, außer Gott Allein.
      🔴 Er lehrt uns auch, dass Gott nicht wie ein menschliches Wesen ist oder wie irgendetwas, das wir uns vorstellen können.
      🔵 Das Konzept von Gott wird im Qur´an folgendermaßen zusammen gefasst:
      📖 „Sprich: "Er ist Allah, ein Einziger; Gott, der Absolute (ewig Unabhängige, von Dem alles abhängt). Er zeugt nicht und ist nicht gezeugt worden und Ihm ebenbürtig ist keiner." (Qur´an 112:1-4) 📚
      🔴 Muslim zu werden, bedeutet nicht, Jesus den Rücken zu kehren.
      🔵 Es ist eher eine Rückkehr zu den ursprünglichen Lehren von Jesus und ihm zu gehorchen

    • @1islam1
      @1islam1 Рік тому

      선지자 무함마드 의 말씀
      신앙인들은 서로가 서로에게 마치 한 몸처럼 사랑과 자
      비와 친절함을 보여 주어야 합니다. 신체의 한 부분이
      아플 때 몸 전체가 열이 나고 쉴 수 없는 것과 마찬 가
      “신앙인 가운데 믿음이 가장 독실한 사람은 그의 아내
      에게 가장 예절바르고 친절한 남자입니다."
      “자신을 사랑하는 것처럼 타인을 사랑하지 않는 사람이
      있다면 그는 신앙인이라 할 수 없습니다.
      “자비로우신 하나님은 자비가 많은 사람에게 자비를
      베푸십니다. 그러므로 지구촌 모든 피조물들에게 자비
      를 베푸십시오. 그리하면 하늘로부터 자비를 받으실 것
      “여러분의 형제에게 웃음을 지어 보이는 것이 자비입
      “고운말 한마디도 자비입니다."
      “하나님과 최후의 날을 믿는 신앙인은 이웃에 좋은 일
      을 해야 합니다."
      하나님은 사람의 육신을 보시지 않고 형상도 보시지 않
      습니다. 그분이 보시는 것은 사람의 마음과 그가 남긴
      “일꾼의 땀이 마르기 전에 임금을 주십시오."
      “길을 걷고 있던 한 남자가 무척이나 갈증이 났습니다.
      그러던 차에 우물을 발견하고 그 안에 내려가 물을 마
      시고 나왔습니다. 그 때 갈증이 난 개 한 마리가 혀를
      내밀고 갈증을 식히기 위해 진흙을 핥고 있었습니다. 그
      남자는 혼자말로 이렇게 말했습니다. ‘이 개도 조금 전
      내가 그랬던 것처럼 갈증을 심하게 느꼈나 보다.’ 그
      리고서 그는 다시 우물 아래로 내려가 그의 가죽 양말
      에 물을 가득 채워 입으로 물고 올라와 그 개에게 주어
      마시도록 했습니다. 하나님은 이 남자의 행동에 감사하
      고 그의 죄를 용서하여 주셨습니다. 하나님의 사도 께
      서 질문을 받으셨습니다. "하나님의 사도여, 동물에게
      사랑을 베풀 때 저희도 그와 같은 보상을 받습니까?"

      분께서 이렇게 대답하셨습니다. "살아있는 생명체에 사
      랑을 베풀 때 그에 상응하는 보상이 있습니다."

    • @devendrapingulkar3392
      @devendrapingulkar3392 Рік тому

      What is Cost in Indian Rupee

    • @greencho2959
      @greencho2959 Рік тому +1

      구입은 직접 전화로 주문해야 되나요?
      구입사이트는 따로 없나봐요

  • @ダッジ-i2z
    @ダッジ-i2z Рік тому +6


  • @Galileo9.81
    @Galileo9.81 Рік тому +6

    professionally made by a true professional with a very understandable experience that can only be achieved by age not like some other fake videos of making these kinds of war bows with dramatization and beautiful music with no skills of shooting arrows with the very bow he/she made.

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @whitetiger2501
    @whitetiger2501 Рік тому +7

    죽궁이 너무 이쁘고 성능도 좋네요

  • @rafaellondono1882
    @rafaellondono1882 Рік тому +2

    Los que hacen y los que hablan...gracias por complementar mi aprendizaje... abundancia, prosperidad,, salud, alegría, armonía...para ud y su familia....hare Krishna

  • @carlosgrajales6532
    @carlosgrajales6532 Рік тому +4

    Excelente trabajo y lo mejor que conserven la cultura 👏👏👏❤️🇨🇴

  • @rpoddy9698
    @rpoddy9698 2 роки тому +23

    Absolutely fascinating artisan. The end result is amazing! This is an art that you must have practice for years. Very impressed.

  • @Ghouleh3133
    @Ghouleh3133 Рік тому +3

    Absolutely superb craftsmanship.

  • @Bentre678
    @Bentre678 Рік тому +13

    Thank you for sharing this 🙏 Beautiful bow. Beautifully made!

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

    • @Nirusu87
      @Nirusu87 11 місяців тому +1

      @@spiritofbow Has the website/webshop already been made? I'm trying to find out where to potentially buy one of these. Many thanks.

    • @Benjammin2dv
      @Benjammin2dv 11 місяців тому

      @@Nirusu87same here. Only thing i could do was to write a mail, but no answer yet.

  • @carlosalbertosilva3176
    @carlosalbertosilva3176 Рік тому +5

    Thank you for sharing this Beautiful bow Simply fantastic

    • @carlosalbertosilva3176
      @carlosalbertosilva3176 Рік тому

      Thank you very much

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @annag8613
    @annag8613 Рік тому +9

    Fantastic. Thank you for posting this🙏

  • @richardgrognard6394
    @richardgrognard6394 Рік тому +5

    c'est du beau et bon travail. bravo !!!

  • @assisjaimedeoliveira5042
    @assisjaimedeoliveira5042 Рік тому +8

    Pure art! Good job!

  • @josegodoy9160
    @josegodoy9160 Рік тому +8

    Excelente trabajo muy lindo arco

  • @이명수-n5q
    @이명수-n5q Рік тому +3

    이명수정형외과 원장입니다 대단하시네요 저도 꼭 주몽의 후예답게 활의 세계에 입문하고싶네요

    • @김병연-d2e
      @김병연-d2e Рік тому

      이렇게 만나니 더 반갑습니다

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      안녕하세요. 달구벌죽궁입니다! 웹사이트와 유튜브 영상을 제작하여 좀 더 전문적으로 발전시키려고 노력중입니다ㅎㅎ

  • @Chr.U.Cas1622
    @Chr.U.Cas1622 2 роки тому +11

    👍👌👏 Simply fantastic! 2) Bamboo truly is a gift from heaven. Nearly anything can be made/done with or made from bamboo. Unfortunately it does not grow big in Germany.
    Thanks a lot for making teaching explaining recording editing uploading and sharing.
    Best regards, luck and especially health to all involved people.

    • @AstrixCloud
      @AstrixCloud Рік тому +1

      @@KevinWahyudi5196That had nothing to do with he said :o

  • @simonphoenix3789
    @simonphoenix3789 Рік тому +3

    it looks beautiful and works well despite being made of something so light. What is the maximum draw weight these can be made to?

  • @marsmal7442
    @marsmal7442 Рік тому +2

    Danke !!!!!! Gute Arbeit !!!!!

  • @COWOKkeren12
    @COWOKkeren12 Рік тому +1

    Woooww..!!! Amazing very nice video 👍👍👍

  • @WV591
    @WV591 Рік тому +2

    Amazing Bamboo, the natures fiberglass.

  • @আদিত্য-ভ৮ঞ
    @আদিত্য-ভ৮ঞ Рік тому +2

    Beautiful Bow👌👍

  • @marcofantechi
    @marcofantechi Рік тому +3

    fantastico archi meravigliosi complimenti

  • @gianfrancolodezzano
    @gianfrancolodezzano Рік тому +3

    Congratulations from Italy...
    Extremely clever artisan, excellent craftmanship....
    My respect and best regards.

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @WhatAWondWorld
    @WhatAWondWorld Рік тому +3

    Хороший мастер

  • @franciscojosemorcillocolom4902

    Que arco artesanal más bien hecho y con bambú esté hombre es un gran maestro. 👍

  • @Mohamad-95-homs
    @Mohamad-95-homs 2 роки тому +1

    ‏كان النَّبيُّ ﷺ وقت الشِّدة يقول؛
    " إني عبد الله ولن يُضيعني "

  • @3DIYOriginal
    @3DIYOriginal 2 роки тому +5

    Awesome build 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @lucianosilva3880
    @lucianosilva3880 Рік тому +14

    Simplesmente fantástico

  • @MantisVD
    @MantisVD Рік тому +1

    какой нахрен лучший корейский мастер, это декоративные поделки...

  • @awiedevilliers1288
    @awiedevilliers1288 Рік тому +2

    Beautifully made

  • @johndurfee5925
    @johndurfee5925 Рік тому +4

    Those are the most beautiful bow limbs I have ever seen

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому +1

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @83project
    @83project Рік тому +2

    Busur bambu yg sangat bagus dan di buat dengan tangan yang ahli.

  • @jositom
    @jositom Рік тому +12

    Magnífico artesano.

  • @dundeeorganix
    @dundeeorganix 4 місяці тому

    How old is bamboo before harvest?

  • @zikriirfandi
    @zikriirfandi 2 місяці тому

    Won't bamboo bow loose poundage over time?

  • @to3280
    @to3280 Рік тому +9


  • @jefferyneedham1581
    @jefferyneedham1581 Рік тому +2

    Beautiful bow thank you for sharing

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @adityabhandari9259
    @adityabhandari9259 Рік тому

    Jai Shree Ram!
    Love from India ❤

  • @geraldofabianoartes3074
    @geraldofabianoartes3074 Рік тому +8

    Lindo demais parabens. Grande abraço Brasil

  • @kkondaego
    @kkondaego Рік тому +1

    와 과녁 적중하는 소리 박력있네요 !

  • @davemartin8113
    @davemartin8113 Місяць тому

    What species bamboo are you using and which do you suggest

  • @ilhamnyasikin
    @ilhamnyasikin Рік тому

    Great from Indonesia sir, i'am a maker of pvc airrifle

  • @darrenminter3304
    @darrenminter3304 Рік тому +3

    Amazing skills 👏 what's the draw weight ?

  • @philippinespaulregbruceukl7802

    ❤ fantastic 🇵🇭❤️🇬🇧

  • @Thor1642
    @Thor1642 Рік тому +3

    Magnífico arco... Quantas libras ele ficou? Gostaria de comprar um... Brasil.

  • @ЕвгенийКозин-к1п

    Зделано с душой! Я б такой попробовал бы сделать, но где взять бамбук у нас , не растёт. Чем его заменить в районах Поволжья?

  • @matuskadoun929
    @matuskadoun929 Рік тому +2

    Very very nice. Big thumbs up for this man and his wife.

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @平安京都
    @平安京都 Рік тому +2

    일본의 활보다 우수하다. 이 멋진 장인의 동영상을 보면 기쁩니다.

    • @eblee132
      @eblee132 5 місяців тому

      @kasamine8 이해하십시오 열등감입니다 😂

  • @leszekpatalas2378
    @leszekpatalas2378 Рік тому +4

    Chętnie bym pozyskał taki łuk świetne wykonany ciekawe ile kosztuje i czy jest możliwość kupić

  • @fishmaniachannel
    @fishmaniachannel Рік тому +2

    Wonderful what is the poundage of this?

  • @cuocsongthuviquanhta
    @cuocsongthuviquanhta Рік тому

    Great video. Love from Vietnam!

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @sindobrandnew
    @sindobrandnew Рік тому +6

    It reminds me of a vid about making a composite bow with ox horn, tendons and glue from some fish, they're well known for using various kind of ingredients for a bow, eh.

  • @pedrofz05
    @pedrofz05 Рік тому +1

    That’s beautiful.

  • @johnatan108
    @johnatan108 Рік тому +1

    how many pounds does a bow like that produce?

    @MANUELDUNKERQUE Рік тому +2

    Je serais intéresser par ce genre d'arc ,ou peut t'on en trouver , respect au maitre

  • @antonioguxman7614
    @antonioguxman7614 Рік тому +1

    El Bamboo me parece un material impresionante, pareciera algún sintético de alto rendimiento, obviamente todos sabemos que es orgánico, me regalaron una tabla para picar alimentos de Bamboo y es impresionante su firmeza a la vez que es muy ligero y resistente.

  • @jameswever8738
    @jameswever8738 Рік тому

    What did you paint on the arms of the bow it looks like some kind of varnish?

  • @vonanthonymacaraig1211
    @vonanthonymacaraig1211 11 місяців тому

    Can dry bamboo be use in making this?

  • @marceloguilemond1632
    @marceloguilemond1632 Рік тому +9

    Excelente arco. Sem dúvida o artesão é um perito.

  • @namrudin.rlahasannamrudin3956

    Mantap 👍 kira2 kalau dipesan boleh nga ni untuk berburu🤔

  • @田舎平田吾作
    @田舎平田吾作 11 місяців тому +1


  • @jonnypreece8143
    @jonnypreece8143 Рік тому +1

    True dedication

  • @tanksouth
    @tanksouth Рік тому +2


  • @jobobcowman5155
    @jobobcowman5155 Рік тому +2

    It’s amazing that the two halves are held together only by twine

  • @wagnerrenno5301
    @wagnerrenno5301 Рік тому +4


  • @김재원-o8e
    @김재원-o8e Рік тому +2

    I'm so surprised that most of the comments
    are from abroad. How could foreigners get to find this? I've never thought many people
    still have interest in bows in 21 century.
    My small knowledge is that the strength of
    bamboo increases almost up to 10 times
    compared to merely dried bamboo,
    when it is well baked over fire.

    • @robinbarrett6671
      @robinbarrett6671 Рік тому

      I don’t think so. It is my understanding from reading a lot about bow building and actually building lots, is that it just speeds the drying process. It doesn’t harden the wood or bamboo anymore than if it were left to dry over a long period of time.

    • @김재원-o8e
      @김재원-o8e Рік тому

      @Robin Barrett 'Cause you've never tried it,
      you may think that way. But the truth is that
      when bamboo is dried, baked over fire properly, its strength gets marvelously higher. When it is bent after heat-cured,
      it doesn't even break easily just bending much.
      In Korea n' Japan many people used to make
      bamboo fishing rods in the past, and they even used to hand down the fishing tackles to their sons. Actually it had been practiced in Japan more than in Korea. But now it's not easy to find people fishing that way, because
      fiber glass fishing tackles replaced bamboo

  • @kevinmencer3782
    @kevinmencer3782 Рік тому +1

    I wish I could get bamboo that large in the United States. I'd love to try my hand at this.

  • @hoamisai5420
    @hoamisai5420 Рік тому

    Ông giỏi nhất vậy chắc ông là con cháu của vua thiện xạ Jumong rồi nhỉ 😁

  • @로또1-w8x
    @로또1-w8x Рік тому +1

    각궁과 대나무 궁 의 장단점좀 알려주세요

  • @김재원-o8e
    @김재원-o8e Рік тому +7

    대나무 활도 짱짱하군요. 놀랍습니다.

  • @sudimanoleng2295
    @sudimanoleng2295 Рік тому +1

    Kereennn master...👍

  • @곰배어
    @곰배어 4 місяці тому

    활이 너무 아름답습니다

  • @Mohamad-95-homs
    @Mohamad-95-homs 2 роки тому

    "" يا جِبْرِيلُ، اذْهَبْ إلى مُحَمَّدٍ، فَقُلْ: إنَّا سَنُرْضِيكَ في أُمَّتِكَ، ولا نَسُوءُكَ.""
    يا أمة محمد ﷺ ..صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما. ❤️

  • @pauldean8638
    @pauldean8638 Рік тому +2

    They always say a bow is a stick 9/10 broke . I got a feeling I’ll take 9/10 breaking bows before I get one to work ha ha . Nice skills 👍 . I leaned something as this bow uses hard outer an soft back , opposite to European bows

  • @paulogomes2236
    @paulogomes2236 Рік тому +9

    Muito bonito

  • @kensomers8936
    @kensomers8936 Рік тому

    Is There a contact for this Bower. I would like to purchase one of his Bows

  • @曾僅丹
    @曾僅丹 Рік тому

    이 활과 화살은 얼마입니까? 저는 대만 사람입니다. 한국 원화인지 대만 달러인지 알려주세요.

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi Thank you for your interests. We are preparing for website to sell. You can get my contact info in my UA-cam channel. I can't post my personal contact in comment. If you send the msg, I will be in touch with you!

  • @bobwebber8521
    @bobwebber8521 2 роки тому +2

    It's all in the sniffing! No - Great skill and would be proud to own one. I noticed he shoots with the arrow on the down side of his grip. Thank you for the video, there must be lots of old techniques hidden away and we hope they are not lost.

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @mohamadhasanbaroogazada4921

    بسیارعالی استاد گرامی ممنون😀

  • @Galaxy_Tubes
    @Galaxy_Tubes Рік тому

    Hello sir, could I use your video for a contest please?

  • @brunotartari675
    @brunotartari675 Рік тому +1

    How do you get the balance without tillering?

    • @notapplicable531
      @notapplicable531 Рік тому +3

      Very likely from the two blanks used to make the limbs coming from the same section of the bamboo stalk. While you dealing with something that was a living thing and subject to possible differences in its growth, the thickness of the walls, etc. at the same point on the stalk, will be close.
      Another factor is experience. He knows his bamboo! From personal experience, the bamboo-arrow fletcher I buy my arrows from can provide me consistently with arrows within a two-grain difference and an foc within 5-6 millimetres. That I find impressive.

  • @bambuartesanatoemadeira2226
    @bambuartesanatoemadeira2226 Рік тому +3

    Muito bonito. Parabens

  • @greenbull4649
    @greenbull4649 Рік тому

    how much money do i have to spend to get this best bow ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @devendrapingulkar3392
    @devendrapingulkar3392 Рік тому

    안녕하세요 🙏🏻
    이 전통 대나무 활을 사고 싶다면 어디서 어떻게 주문해야 하나요?
    인도 통화로 환산하면 몇 루피입니까?

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому +1

      Hi Thank you for your interests. We are preparing for website to sell. You can get my contact info in my UA-cam channel. I can't post my personal contact in here so. I will be in touch with you!

    • @devendrapingulkar3392
      @devendrapingulkar3392 Рік тому +1

      @@spiritofbow wait for your msg 🙏🏻

  • @Sin7301-qg2sx
    @Sin7301-qg2sx 3 місяці тому


  • @ludvigtande1236
    @ludvigtande1236 Рік тому +1


  • @Light-cp8jz
    @Light-cp8jz Рік тому

    안녕하세요 선생님, 콘테스트에 비디오를 사용할 수 있습니까?

  • @NTNSX
    @NTNSX Рік тому +2

    그냥 민간에서 급히 사용할때 만드는 방법이네요.
    탄속은 그리 빠르지 않고 막쓰기 좋은 활입니다.

    • @firstnamelastname-tz8tw
      @firstnamelastname-tz8tw Рік тому +2

      민간용 아니고 궁궐용입니다. 행사나 의식에 쓰던 활이에요.

    • @NTNSX
      @NTNSX Рік тому +1

      @@firstnamelastname-tz8tw 그러기엔 너무 단순하고 약한거 같은데요. 강하고 좋은 활 그리 많은데. 민간에서 대충 만들어 쓰는 죽궁을 궁궐 의식에 사용하나요? 처음 듣습니다. 저런 죽궁은 저도 어릴적 10은 만들어 본거 같은데 진짜 그걸 궁궐에서 사용했나요?

    • @NTNSX
      @NTNSX Рік тому

      @@dskim9242 저거 가지고는 토끼 정도나 잡을거 같은데... 그냥 제사용 아닌가요 ㅋㅋ 제가 실전 국궁했뎐 사람이라서 묻는겁니다

    • @루피님-y8q
      @루피님-y8q Рік тому +2

      @@NTNSX 그러니까 궁궐용이죠

    • @NTNSX
      @NTNSX Рік тому +1

      @@루피님-y8q 무슨 조선이 무당국가인가 ㅋㅋ 쟁쟁한 각궁냅두고.. 이성계가 지하에서 웃겠네요

  • @tigerganeral5109
    @tigerganeral5109 2 роки тому +7

    How much... I want to order.💪👍👌

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      Hi Thank you for your interests. We are preparing for website to sell. You can get my contact info in my UA-cam channel. I can't post my personal contact in comment. If you send the msg, I will be in touch with you!

    • @JohnLee-db9zt
      @JohnLee-db9zt Рік тому

      You asked so you can’t afford it.😂

    • @elee9056
      @elee9056 Рік тому

      i hope you want it for decorative purpose. objectively they are not good bows.

    • @pedrofz05
      @pedrofz05 Рік тому

      @@elee9056Why not?? Genuine question

    • @elee9056
      @elee9056 Рік тому +1

      @@pedrofz05 inferior material. which can be somewhat compensated by making it larger like yumi but in this case korean bows stay under 54”. some around 48”.

  • @didikharjito
    @didikharjito Рік тому

    Apakah ketahanan bIsa sampai 5 tahun ..?

  • @mohaazza9508
    @mohaazza9508 Рік тому +1

    Passion et patience.

  • @조재원-e4w
    @조재원-e4w Рік тому

    활과 화살 셋트로 얼마면 구입할수 있는지요 저는전통 무기에 관심이 참많아요 그래서 여쯤니다 선생님

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому

      안녕하세요 연락처 정보란에 있는 걸로 문의를 주시면 감사하겠습니다

  • @cool06alt
    @cool06alt Рік тому +1

    I would like to use this bow for East Asian-style crossbows. I know that Korean repeating crossbows use actual reflex bow.

    • @spiritofbow
      @spiritofbow Рік тому +1

      Hi. This is 달구벌죽궁 channel, and we are going to film and make websites for people who have interests on our bow. It would be selling the bow with arrows and information on bow and its history with great value. Thank you for your interests!

  • @hoanghung2473
    @hoanghung2473 Рік тому

    Tôi rất muốn sở hữu 1 cây cung như thế! Ai đó có thể chỉ giúp tôi mua nó như thế nào không?

  • @gentilcardosodossantos5208
    @gentilcardosodossantos5208 Рік тому

    Boa noite, você tem pra vender?

  • @Hain72
    @Hain72 Місяць тому

    Und nurit diesen beiden Wicklungen soll das auf Dauer halten? Wage ich Stark zu bezweifeln.

  • @riyatamang-od6td
    @riyatamang-od6td Рік тому

    What kind of liquid he used in that bamboo 🏹 bow

  • @ighlinkbudidaya
    @ighlinkbudidaya Рік тому +1

    Semoga suatu saat saya bisa buat sendiri

  • @와아앙-k8n
    @와아앙-k8n Рік тому

    이게 예술이지

  • @해결-o6y
    @해결-o6y 11 місяців тому +1

    각궁은 장군이나 간부들만 사용하고 일반병은 대나무활 사용했을듯