Willy Shih - Global Trade and Logistics in an Evolving Policy Landscape

  • Опубліковано 8 чер 2024


  • @damianfitzpatrick3465
    @damianfitzpatrick3465 13 днів тому +1

    It is so interesting to me as a machinist that you can hire 15 machinists in china for my salary. They are much more skilled with equally good machines, i just can't get my head around why they aren't paid a similar salary, they must be so dedicated to their job, eye roll. I hope this slave labor model becomes a thing of the past. The entire model is propped up by exports to richer countrys. We will know we made it when everyone in the supply chain could hope to buy the end products that they are making. Everything else is fake.

    • @LunarGlow92
      @LunarGlow92 12 днів тому

      Did you close your eyes to factories he was showing that were completely automated without "Slave Labor"? Do you think maybe that has anything to do with prices coming down? Do you think maybe that china has 2/3s of all of the manufacturing robots in the ENTIRE world has anything to do with it ? One machinist in china can pay for 15 times more goods in china than you because EVERYTHING is MADE IN CHINA. People like you who just want to masturbate your ego and ignore all of our shortcomings; are the reasons why we can no longer advance at anything. If you were in china the country would give you 6 billion dollars to go start your own factory if you wanted to, but instead we send it to countries to bomb poor people. China also exports much more to the developing world than it does to the rich countries. I know it does not feel good, I know it hurts our feelings that china is better than us, I know it doesn't make us feel special and important but that is the truth that we need to wake up to. Its crazy, we literally cannot have an honest conversation about shortcomings or even consider anything that china is doing because it hurts our feelings. I mean do people in this country just want criticize other countries to feel good, how are we ever expected to improve our country?

    • @exocre9193
      @exocre9193 День тому

      Your people are always one medical emergency away from bankruptcy. 1 in 3 of you are currently skipping meals because of food price inflation. Your public transportation is non-existent and your people are dependent on driving for basic necessities while delinquencies on car loans and mortgages are at historic highs. Your system is worse for everyone who isn't already rich, and your middle class is collapsing while China's middle class is going to double in the next 10 years. You are overpaid for lazy work by your own admission while your life is measurably worse in every way that matters. China exports more to the global south than it does to you. You are not that important.