Pinkie is not adopted. In one episode Maud pie as some kind of mud sense.. It's a little bit like the Pinkie sense. And Pinkie Pie says: "It`s in the family".
Also pinkie could have just gotten the recessive genes from her grandparents, great grandparents, ect., though I admit that is sometimes very unlikely. It's just like how diseases can be passed down by generations, Ex. Say you mother has asthma, but you don't, that doesn't mean the genes of asthma are gone, you have it inside you, you just can't express it, but you can still pass it down to some of your children, grandchildren, ect., but it might become less and less likely over time.
The Rumproast IDEA, remember in season 1 episode 2, when Pinkie mentions someone called "Granny Pie", but is never mentioned again? Well, I was thinking "Granny" could be a simple term of endearement. Have you noticed that Pinkie's father is named Igneous Rock Pie? Well, I was thinking about different kinds of literal igneous rocks, and the first one that came to mind was granite. Than I realized that granite (the word, not the rock) was very similar to the name granny, and than I realized that granite the rock is often grey-pink or grey-red. What I think happened was that Igneous had a mother who was grey-pink, and a father who was red-orange. Thus, this colour of coat turned out. Plus, with Cloudy Quartz having so many genes of different "colours", at least one of their daughters would have been a shade of pink or red (I'm still trying to figure out the saturation, though).
My mom has asthma and I do not have asthma. However I had asthmatic reaction to burning cherry wood which only happened once through my life. I do agree some genes can skip a generation then show to the next generation. Since my fiance has asthma and my family on my mother's side are known to have certain illnesses as asthma is one of them, my children are most likely to be asthmatic which I know how difficult it can be
Well, my mother's grandma had mizophonia, and only my sister inherited it, so... Also my parents have the same hair color, but my siblings and me have one of our grandma's hair colour instead. And I look very similar to my grandma when she was my age. There are differences (like straighter hair, taller figure, longer fingers, etc.), but she is the one I resemble the most.
I mean, look at Pumpkin and Pound Cake. They don’t share their parent’s earth pony traits thanks to the Cake’s genetic history of Pegasi and Unicorns, so it’s entirely possible that Pinkie got her colors from a relative.
The RGB wheel does explain that Pinkie Pie is not adopted and found out the reason why she is pink. There is another trait you might need to understand. I am going to explain the mystery and revelation about the parents of Diamond Tiara. In "Family Appreciation Day", we revealed Diamond's father named Filthy Rich. When that episode aired, people asked who was Diamond Tiara's mother? The first pony that matched her was Screwball. Unfortunately, Screwball does look like Diamond but there was a negative to it. Next is Suri, Suri was a bit pink like Diamond. But we didn't know her backstory. Finally, Starlight Glimmer. Starlight is a unicorn who has the same texture as Diamond. But it was revealed that she wasn't Diamond's mother because she never came to Ponyville in the past. It was revealed in "Crusaders Of The Lost Mark" that Diamond's mom was revealed as Spoiled Rich. A look back to the RGB that Diamond Tiara is brighter than her mother. This meant that Spoiled must have recessive gene as well. That is what the RGB might for many MLP characters today. Is there more to this RGB stuff you should know about?
both of my parents are right handed and i was supposed to be left handed, but my dad prevented me from ever using my left hand as a kid so i'm right handed
One word: Genius. WHY DID I NOT THINK OF THIS? IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE! Totally using this next time I make a Next Gen character--I want mine to be unique but still look like their parents, and this will really help me out!
My headcanon is that Party Ponies are actually a biological subcaste of Earth Pony. Since emotions have demonstrable magical effects on the world around them in this universe, up to and including *spontaneously generating demons* that will come to freeze you and yours to death if your society's aggregate camaraderie drops too low (Windigoes = Equestria as stealth psychological horror setting confirmed), party ponies probably develop in response to local deficiencies in the Good Feels Field when they're in utero, keeping the proportion of party ponies to normal ponies in a population in equilibrium and maintaining the Sugar Bowl Effect necessary for Equestria's survival.
Ooo, I love this even better than the RGB genetics theory! Perhaps, if Pinkie wasn't a party pony, she would've been a much more desaturated pink, but because her destiny was to be a party pony, she became vibrant and fun colored!
WOW this is a new way to look at things. I LOVE THIS! Ponies also probably get more colors from being magical, but that may just aid their alleles to go with this logic.
It's so weird thinking back to when the fandom kept having completely insane genetic theories, like Pinkie being adopted, or Sweetiebelle being related to BonBon, and so much nonsense. Pony genetics aren't random or arbitrary, they make sense, and there are often clear signs on who's related. And ironically, having the exact same colors as a parent is often a sign they're not related. I wish the olden day fandom realised that. It is incredibly rare for any offspring to resemble one parent closely. This seems to be more relaxed for siblings, but still exists there too. Fluttershy looks like her mom in color because both her parents have pink hair. And Rainbow Dash looks like her parents because they're both blue coated. Maybe that's a pegasus thing, but it's more likely a case of what happens when parents are already similar looking. I also wonder if the more children a pair have, the more likely the child is to deviate from the likely colors. It's a damn interesting subject. And I think that it's one that can only really be tackled now that we actually know what everyone's family looks like. Also of clear note is how the Apple family proved from episode 1 that coat and mane colors are taken from the same pool. Episode, one. And people seemed to not pick up on that? A blonde maned pony with a pink coat could have a foal that's got a pink mane and a yellow coat.
7:19 Pinkie's curly to straight hair (although not as fast) is something that happens to curly haired people. I used to have really nice curls as a child, but as I grew up, my hair has become flatter on top, but still curly on bottom. My brother when he was a toddler had what we call Shirley Temple hair (huge curls, blond hair), but it's now straight and dark brown.
My grandma always says every 7 years you get different hair. One of my aunts had a time when her hair was light brown, then it became almost bright red when she was like 14, and now it's orangey brown. I used to look like I had red highlights in the sun as a child, but now my hair is darker so it doesn't show as much, also it's becoming a lot less curly (or at least, now I easily loose my curls after brushing). Hair is interesting.
i actually tried talking to my teacher about the theories I had about a certain fandom 😂 She actually entertained it and helped me figure it out until she herself was confused to the point she told me that some shows really just don't pay attention to human logic to make things possible
If you use the rules of genetics in this video, can you explain how Pumpkin Cake has very similar almost exact colors of her father when Pumpkin's TWIN brother Pound Cake doesn't look like his sister or parents?
Mr. Cake: R = 100%, G = 90%, B = 30% Mrs. Cake: R = 55%, G = 90%, B = 100% Pound Cake: R = 100%, G = 100%, B = 80% Pumpkin Cake: R = 90%, G = 90%, B = 60% In other words, the only real difference between the two FRATERNAL twins is that Pound Cake inherited a little more Blue shading from his mother. Pumpkin Cake's Blue is also slightly higher than her father's, again due to the mother's influence. The high levels of Red for both twins was due to the father while the high levels of Green came from both parents.
DragonTrainer201 Ohhhhhhh now I get it Also I believe that Flurry Heart could have been more blue if it wasn't for Twilight Velvet since she and Cadence both have a lot of purple in them. Can you explain it with RGB?
some schools and country's learn things in different grades. as long as you learn it dosent matter xD like i went to 1st grade in a different school from the rest (2-7) and when i started 2nd or 3rd grade i already know a few stuff they didn't
one of the factors not gone into is the concept of incomplete dominance a great example is if you look at the fur of a Panther very closely toy will sill see the spot pattern of a normal Jaguar as the main black fur is not 100% dominant. One of the other factors is what is known as Geno-Environment interactivity theory as having a gene does not guarantee you will express the related phenotypical expression they just have a much higher chance or it this is why people with the BRCA Gene are significantly more likely to get breast cancer but are not guaranteed to get it. Thier are many factors such as diet that can influence if a gene is "switched on" and if so how "switched on it is" . I would love to go into more detail as one of the subjects I did at University was Genetics but I don't think most people would share my passion and interest for the subject
As far as I've always been concerned, ponies can get colors from any part of the parent. Like Twilight being purple cause her moms mane is purple, or Sweetie Belle having pink in her mane cause her mother has a pink coat. Some don't fallow this, like Pinkie of the Cake twins, but that's how I look at pony color genetics.
Well, one of the relatives makes sense. Since they said it was some kind of Great or regular Grandparent. The other one is is some kind of uncle or Aunt. Making it impossible for I'm pretty sure Pound's the one in this case to be a pegasus because of the relative. You can only inherit genes from parents,grandparents,ect. You can't receive them from Aunt's, Uncle, cousins, or anyone like that. Those people can't physically pass genes to you. That doesn't make it impossible for Pound to be a pegasus though. because for either Mrs. or Mr. Cake to have a sibling or their parents to have a sibling who is a pegasus, that means the pegasus gene is in them as well. It just isn't a visible trait. But it is still a passible gene for Pound and Pumpkin to get. But this may mean Pegasi are reccesive? But ya, the show is wrong in how they explain it. But it is still possible(But very unlikely) for Pound to have ended up as a Pegasus.
Igneous Rock Pie is a silver bay, Cloudy Quartz is a classic champaign roan. Pinkie did not inherit the eumelanin gene (from either parent), the aguoti or silver genes (from her father), or the champaign gene (from her mother), but did inherit roan (from her mother). The result is a strawberry roan. Edited to note: No other pony families follow actual equine coat genetic rules. So of course Pinkie does.
besides what you mentioned. in season 5 epsisode 20 when applejack goes to pinkie's home. when meeting the family pinkie introduces marble pie her baby sister and says "my baby sister who is only a few minutes younger then me but she will always be a baby to me" which is normally what older twins born minutes older say. which means most likely marble is pinkie's younger twin
Alex Russell Mother2M&M two righthanded parents give their child a 10% chance of being left handed. If only the father is left handed it stays about the same. But if only the mother is a leftie the percentage shoots up to 25% and if both parents are lefties it reaches 35%. So no matter the combination it’s always more probable to get a right handed child but always possible to get a left handed one.
great video! just one little nitpick (and I call it nitpicking because it's practically a technicism): instead of the RGB scale, I would consider using the CMY levels, since RGB regards light (additive color theory), and CMY relates to pigments (substractive color theory), like the pigments that give color to the skin, eyes, hair or coat... other than that, great research =D!
Takeru Minamoto Ack! I've been meaning to reply to this sooner, but I guess I forgot. Anyways, the reason why I went with RGB was because it was easier to check using screenshots from the show. You're right, though. CMY is certainly a better and more plausible colour model. I'll be sure to keep that in mind for a future video I have planned. ^_^
Didn't she tell us in the Hearts Warming episode that her and Marble are twins, with Marble being born a minute later (making Pinkie the elder sister). To say nothing of the Cakes. Seriously, people come up with odd theories that assume a continuity with our universe that is not state or implied. Besides, prior to that Rainboom, she even had the same hair.
My partner has a friend who has blue eyes and blonde hair while both his parents and his brother have brown eyes and brown hair. He's done DNA testing and yeah, he's their biological child/brother. Both his parents just have the blonde hair, blue eye, genes.
Pinkies song "Gypsy Bard", it said they shipped her to an orphanage "When I was a little filly, a galloping blaze overtook my city So they shipped me off to the orphanage"
its cool to see genetic proof of her being biologically related to her family but pinkie did state in hearthbreakers that her and marble are twins which is pretty cool and its obvious they are fraternal twins its still facinating
Pinkies not adopted, in one episode maud uses maud sense and pinkie told rarity "it runs in the family" she also said that her marble pie and pinkie are twins while introducing her family to the apple family
Mother2M&M two righthanded parents give their child a 10% chance of being left handed. If only the father is left handed it stays about the same. But if only the mother is a leftie the percentage shoots up to 25% and if both parents are lefties it reaches 35%. So no matter the combination it’s always more probable to get a right handed child but always possible to get a left handed one.
I have actually questioned this before. Although I am not able to make any theory videos about this due to lack of equipment such as mic, editing apps, etc. It is very likely that Pinkie is related and I do think it is based off of the RGB chart. Considering it would be much easier to explain and since the color percentages are so close together. It very well does make sense but so does the "Genetics Theory". Also, you didn't mess up when you explained the how to determine genetics and all that.
Each pony race has a chromosome that can be the only one, which causes the different races, gender chromosomes are completely separate, or at least mostly. However a rare mutation in flurry heart, caused (or assisted) by the alteration of her mother's genes when she became an allicorn, creating crossovers of the 3 types of chromosomes which cadence received during her transformation allows flurry heart's genes to latch onto one another creating an extreme boost in her pegasi magic (giving her very large wings from birth), unicorn magic (giving her extreme magical abilities), and earth pony magic (super strength), another reason she might be so powerful is that as said, genes change over time, and her magical genes are likely hyperactive, as a sort of survival mechanism baby ponies have that fades as they grow up, (ex: cake twins) and maybe even a combination of both.
RGB is for color of lights For opaque colors like print or skin color, the complementary CMY or CMYK is used. The difference is that when you mix RGB colors they get whiter (because they are light), while when you mix CMY colors they get darker (because they are physical colors or paint).
I personally love this theory and include it within my personal headcanon, however, due to the fact that this IS pigments, it's much more likely that, rather than using RGB colorings, it would use CMY colorings, because pigments are subtractive color, with all of them mixing together making black, whereas RGB colors are additive color & mix together to make white, only used for colors of light. Although I prefer there to just be three variables (perhaps for the purposes of double-proving this theory with the CMY colors) One could argue for could CMYK colorings to be moreso like some printers, although considering they're fictional magic ponies, I feel like there are magic-based explanations for why they'd have more accurate colors than printers do. I have also heard of printers that use MANY colors, including ones that add in orange & green inks as well, but I'm less sure of that, just thought it'd be cool to mention)
my parents are both right handed and i use both my hands... although my left hand is dominant (drawing, writing, etc) and my left hand is used for minor things (typing, gaming, phone duos, mouse controlling, holding multiple pets at once, etc)
I actually do remember the Punnett square from Bio, and I was totally able to follow along with you. Sure, there might a select few bits from the RGB system that may be a, I guess...but most of it was pretty accurate as far as I can tell. Nice job! ^_^
I think it’s unlikely that on a genetic level pony fur and main colors are determined Buy an RGB system, because the color of something is determined by what frequencies of light it reflects. The best case scenario for color diversity would be if the three pigments each reflected all wave lengths except for a specific range (which gets absorbed) for each, so that when you mix them The resulting mixture would absorb both frequency ranges (to various degrees depending upon which is more prevalent) thus reflecting A different range of frequencies to get a different color (mixing all of them resulting in darker colors, sense they would be a absorbing more and more light). But getting green pigments that work like this is impossible, sense green light is in the middle of the visible spectrum (with red and blue being at the ends), so there is no range of frequencies to absorb to only reflect green light (technically, there can pigments that absorb two ranges of blue and red light respectively, tho I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t help very well with mixing). It would, however, be very possible to use CMY(K) (cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (which is black)), in which each pigment only absorbs one range of frequencies (cyan absorbs red, yellow absorbs blue, and magenta absorbs green) which would make it so that you can mix any two colors to get any color on the visible spectrum while still accounting for the colors that can only be gotten through mixing of light. As proof that this would work, this is the system printers use (using black ink because while in theory mixing all three colors together would get you black, Real life is very complicated and messy, so it’s easier to just use A separate black color. (Plus, since black is used far more often anyway, and black ink can be used to darken colors, it’s cheaper to just use black ink, rather than use all three colors at once to make a neutral color.) This also makes it possible that The absence of any genes for black colors could be the reason why most ponies don’t have very dark fur colors). This wouldn’t really affect your theory in terms of pinkie pie however, all you would have to do to account for this is to infer how much CMY pigments each pony has based off of the RGB estimates, and inverse the amounts pigments (since less pigments means brighter colors).
Just an example and reason for those who don't have same traits as parents. The reason for this is possibly because of the traits you got from your grand parents through your parents, it is a fact that children are likely to have many genes of their grandparents. - e.g both my parents have a small amount of hair with thin strands, mother dark brown, father black. My strands are thin like my parents but i have my grandmothers bronze colour and large amount, (i know this because she has a pony tail of hair from when she cut it at twenty.) - e.g. also both my parents have attached ear lobes though i don't, i get this from my grandfather.
How jeans work: Put one leg in. Put the other leg in. Pull the waist section up. Button the button and zip up the zipper. Jeans, along with all other types of pants protect the wearer's legs from minor injuries such as cuts and scrapes as well as light-based injuries such as sunburns
i have one thing to say: thank you! finally someone decided to explain why pinkie looks different from her family instead of using that she is adopted crap. thank you so much!
that's a pretty good explanation I've learned about punnet squares ant that's pretty much right, because my sibling is blond with blue eyes, but everyone but my dad has brown eyes, but what's weird is that my dad's hair is almost black and my mom's hair is brown, and my little sibling has more birthmarks and freckles then all of us, to say you would probably think that they were adopted, but no, but some of my family's ancestors were blond and blue eyed. So maybe one of pinkies ancestors was pink so basically what I'm saying was that one of her parents was carrying this gene and it only had a 1/10 percent of showing up, so pinkie was the luck of the draw.
Most of your research was spot on. I'm really good at this stuff and other that the X chromosomes crossing over all of it was right. Last year in school we did a lot of things with genetics. I can still remember most of it.
Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks genetics for Rarity makes sense, but Sweetie Belle really just baffles me I mean I keep thinking in my point of view that she's adopted which let alone is becoming a bad habit for me, you might as well say she probably got green eyes and the pink mane streak from one of their ancestors and but to me personally I always remember this when it comes to biology: you can only get 23 from mom, 23 from dad which makes 46 and one some species you need two parents some needed only one parent, and I'm just going to say my feelings for FiM is mixed just right after the series finale now that I'm older
Maybe their's more than 2 sets of genes for Pony genetics. So their Punnett Squares might be four-by-four instead of two-by-two like ours. This would explain the polychromatic manes and tails, it would also explain the different colored hoofs and cannons of the Sublime Sisters and Sunburst.
When I just learnt this in school, this year, I see that Biology (Especially Genetics) are becoming more relevant to me, now! :D Genetics, as a subject, is easy, at least at the beginning :)
it's actually comes from every gene they recieve like from you mother or grand father or grand grand mother or even from their great aunt or someone from their blood family. For example my great great grandfather had green eyes and married our great great grandmother who had brown eyes which makes my grandfather, father and me having some kind of strange hazel eyes. And fur colors and eye colors are practically goes same way.
But to think about it, Pinkie is the only Pie that wasn't named based on the rock. Igneous is a rock, Quartz is a rock, Limestone is a rock, Marble is a rock, Maud is a rock. Pinkamena Diane?
Fur color, not skin color. When Snips and Snails got gum on them, it showed they had pale pink skin beneath their fur and the cutie mark is expressed in the fur, not the skin. Nice Video. Thanks for all the Brainburn.
Pinkie is not adopted. In one episode Maud pie as some kind of mud sense.. It's a little bit like the Pinkie sense. And Pinkie Pie says: "It`s in the family".
Or they're both adopted
Mud sence
@@ethanbeharry9478 well they wouldn’t be adopted from the same fam
@@minecraftmadison462 but maybe-
Also pinkie could have just gotten the recessive genes from her grandparents, great grandparents, ect., though I admit that is sometimes very unlikely.
It's just like how diseases can be passed down by generations, Ex. Say you mother has asthma, but you don't, that doesn't mean the genes of asthma are gone, you have it inside you, you just can't express it, but you can still pass it down to some of your children, grandchildren, ect., but it might become less and less likely over time.
The Rumproast IDEA, remember in season 1 episode 2, when Pinkie mentions someone called "Granny Pie", but is never mentioned again? Well, I was thinking "Granny" could be a simple term of endearement. Have you noticed that Pinkie's father is named Igneous Rock Pie? Well, I was thinking about different kinds of literal igneous rocks, and the first one that came to mind was granite. Than I realized that granite (the word, not the rock) was very similar to the name granny, and than I realized that granite the rock is often grey-pink or grey-red. What I think happened was that Igneous had a mother who was grey-pink, and a father who was red-orange. Thus, this colour of coat turned out. Plus, with Cloudy Quartz having so many genes of different "colours", at least one of their daughters would have been a shade of pink or red (I'm still trying to figure out the saturation, though).
My mom has asthma and I do not have asthma. However I had asthmatic reaction to burning cherry wood which only happened once through my life. I do agree some genes can skip a generation then show to the next generation. Since my fiance has asthma and my family on my mother's side are known to have certain illnesses as asthma is one of them, my children are most likely to be asthmatic which I know how difficult it can be
@Alexander Prime I was talking to the one who made the comment about the whole asthma thing
Well, my mother's grandma had mizophonia, and only my sister inherited it, so... Also my parents have the same hair color, but my siblings and me have one of our grandma's hair colour instead. And I look very similar to my grandma when she was my age. There are differences (like straighter hair, taller figure, longer fingers, etc.), but she is the one I resemble the most.
I mean, look at Pumpkin and Pound Cake. They don’t share their parent’s earth pony traits thanks to the Cake’s genetic history of Pegasi and Unicorns, so it’s entirely possible that Pinkie got her colors from a relative.
The RGB wheel does explain that Pinkie Pie is not adopted and found out the reason why she is pink. There is another trait you might need to understand. I am going to explain the mystery and revelation about the parents of Diamond Tiara. In "Family Appreciation Day", we revealed Diamond's father named Filthy Rich. When that episode aired, people asked who was Diamond Tiara's mother? The first pony that matched her was Screwball. Unfortunately, Screwball does look like Diamond but there was a negative to it. Next is Suri, Suri was a bit pink like Diamond. But we didn't know her backstory. Finally, Starlight Glimmer. Starlight is a unicorn who has the same texture as Diamond. But it was revealed that she wasn't Diamond's mother because she never came to Ponyville in the past. It was revealed in "Crusaders Of The Lost Mark" that Diamond's mom was revealed as Spoiled Rich. A look back to the RGB that Diamond Tiara is brighter than her mother. This meant that Spoiled must have recessive gene as well. That is what the RGB might for many MLP characters today. Is there more to this RGB stuff you should know about?
Give this guy/girl some credit people, this must've taken awhile!
Both my parents are left handed :) I'm right handed :33333
Both of my parents are right handed im left
both of my parents are right handed and i was supposed to be left handed, but my dad prevented me from ever using my left hand as a kid so i'm right handed
Kanye Maryam What?
@@tsuqii9530 basically my dad forced a natural lefty to become right handed and that kinda messed with my brain a bit. look it up, it's kinda sad
Cool, my bro is left my parents are right.
One word: Genius.
Totally using this next time I make a Next Gen character--I want mine to be unique but still look like their parents, and this will really help me out!
My headcanon is that Party Ponies are actually a biological subcaste of Earth Pony. Since emotions have demonstrable magical effects on the world around them in this universe, up to and including *spontaneously generating demons* that will come to freeze you and yours to death if your society's aggregate camaraderie drops too low (Windigoes = Equestria as stealth psychological horror setting confirmed), party ponies probably develop in response to local deficiencies in the Good Feels Field when they're in utero, keeping the proportion of party ponies to normal ponies in a population in equilibrium and maintaining the Sugar Bowl Effect necessary for Equestria's survival.
Ooo, I love this even better than the RGB genetics theory!
Perhaps, if Pinkie wasn't a party pony, she would've been a much more desaturated pink, but because her destiny was to be a party pony, she became vibrant and fun colored!
+ The two (main) ones we know of have the poffy curly hair! (Pinkie and Cheese if you have forgotten)
WOW this is a new way to look at things. I LOVE THIS! Ponies also probably get more colors from being magical, but that may just aid their alleles to go with this logic.
It's so weird thinking back to when the fandom kept having completely insane genetic theories, like Pinkie being adopted, or Sweetiebelle being related to BonBon, and so much nonsense. Pony genetics aren't random or arbitrary, they make sense, and there are often clear signs on who's related. And ironically, having the exact same colors as a parent is often a sign they're not related. I wish the olden day fandom realised that. It is incredibly rare for any offspring to resemble one parent closely. This seems to be more relaxed for siblings, but still exists there too. Fluttershy looks like her mom in color because both her parents have pink hair. And Rainbow Dash looks like her parents because they're both blue coated. Maybe that's a pegasus thing, but it's more likely a case of what happens when parents are already similar looking. I also wonder if the more children a pair have, the more likely the child is to deviate from the likely colors. It's a damn interesting subject. And I think that it's one that can only really be tackled now that we actually know what everyone's family looks like.
Also of clear note is how the Apple family proved from episode 1 that coat and mane colors are taken from the same pool. Episode, one. And people seemed to not pick up on that? A blonde maned pony with a pink coat could have a foal that's got a pink mane and a yellow coat.
Pinkie's curly to straight hair (although not as fast) is something that happens to curly haired people.
I used to have really nice curls as a child, but as I grew up, my hair has become flatter on top, but still curly on bottom.
My brother when he was a toddler had what we call Shirley Temple hair (huge curls, blond hair), but it's now straight and dark brown.
My grandma always says every 7 years you get different hair. One of my aunts had a time when her hair was light brown, then it became almost bright red when she was like 14, and now it's orangey brown. I used to look like I had red highlights in the sun as a child, but now my hair is darker so it doesn't show as much, also it's becoming a lot less curly (or at least, now I easily loose my curls after brushing).
Hair is interesting.
i actually tried talking to my teacher about the theories I had about a certain fandom 😂 She actually entertained it and helped me figure it out until she herself was confused to the point she told me that some shows really just don't pay attention to human logic to make things possible
this brings back memories of 7th grade genetics
If you use the rules of genetics in this video, can you explain how Pumpkin Cake has very similar almost exact colors of her father when Pumpkin's TWIN brother Pound Cake doesn't look like his sister or parents?
Mr. Cake: R = 100%, G = 90%, B = 30%
Mrs. Cake: R = 55%, G = 90%, B = 100%
Pound Cake: R = 100%, G = 100%, B = 80%
Pumpkin Cake: R = 90%, G = 90%, B = 60%
In other words, the only real difference between the two FRATERNAL twins is that Pound Cake inherited a little more Blue shading from his mother. Pumpkin Cake's Blue is also slightly higher than her father's, again due to the mother's influence. The high levels of Red for both twins was due to the father while the high levels of Green came from both parents.
DragonTrainer201 Ohhhhhhh now I get it Also I believe that Flurry Heart could have been more blue if it wasn't for Twilight Velvet since she and Cadence both have a lot of purple in them. Can you explain it with RGB?
High school biology? I learned that in 5th grade!
ahhhh too much maths in this vid
Well I'm in high school and I haven't learned it
+Kendra Benoit same
some schools and country's learn things in different grades. as long as you learn it dosent matter xD like i went to 1st grade in a different school from the rest (2-7) and when i started 2nd or 3rd grade i already know a few stuff they didn't
+Coolgamerjen 222 yeah me too even tho i already knew all of it °^°
well i had just had a biology lesson when i just wanted to know if a pink horse was adopted.
Definitely a simplified explanation of things kinda like how people can have xxy or xxxy genes exist but still quite informative
my dad is a leftie, and my om is a rightie.. I'm a leftie
one of the factors not gone into is the concept of incomplete dominance a great example is if you look at the fur of a Panther very closely toy will sill see the spot pattern of a normal Jaguar as the main black fur is not 100% dominant. One of the other factors is what is known as Geno-Environment interactivity theory as having a gene does not guarantee you will express the related phenotypical expression they just have a much higher chance or it this is why people with the BRCA Gene are significantly more likely to get breast cancer but are not guaranteed to get it. Thier are many factors such as diet that can influence if a gene is "switched on" and if so how "switched on it is" . I would love to go into more detail as one of the subjects I did at University was Genetics but I don't think most people would share my passion and interest for the subject
Ang Das SAME
Did anyone else see a pink pony running across the screen?
that was Ashly H the UA-camr with the alicorn OC and the creater of the MLP atio drama Rememberence
her name is Ashley H, a pegasister youtuber
As far as I've always been concerned, ponies can get colors from any part of the parent. Like Twilight being purple cause her moms mane is purple, or Sweetie Belle having pink in her mane cause her mother has a pink coat. Some don't fallow this, like Pinkie of the Cake twins, but that's how I look at pony color genetics.
Who saw a pony that looks like Diamond Tiara walk in the background around 4:30?
AnnoyingMiner10 that was an OC from Ashley H. But it does look similar
Valentine377 thank is now fixed! :)
AnnoyingMiner10 me
AnnoyingMiner10 me
her name is ashley h a pegasister youtuber
Can you do a video on how one of the cakes foals is a pagasus and neither of the parents are please
Didn't u watch the episode? Mr. Cake said that one of their relatives was a Pegasus and that the gene came from him/her
+X TweenPony yeah I know I forgot about this comment tho 😕
Well, one of the relatives makes sense. Since they said it was some kind of Great or regular Grandparent. The other one is is some kind of uncle or Aunt. Making it impossible for I'm pretty sure Pound's the one in this case to be a pegasus because of the relative. You can only inherit genes from parents,grandparents,ect. You can't receive them from Aunt's, Uncle, cousins, or anyone like that. Those people can't physically pass genes to you. That doesn't make it impossible for Pound to be a pegasus though. because for either Mrs. or Mr. Cake to have a sibling or their parents to have a sibling who is a pegasus, that means the pegasus gene is in them as well. It just isn't a visible trait. But it is still a passible gene for Pound and Pumpkin to get. But this may mean Pegasi are reccesive? But ya, the show is wrong in how they explain it. But it is still possible(But very unlikely) for Pound to have ended up as a Pegasus.
I guess...but Hasbro doesn't think kids understand those kinds of things.
genes can often "skip" multiple generations (allot more than people often expect) if there is incomplete dominance
I knew I remembered a video about explaining magic pony coat color genetics!
Igneous Rock Pie is a silver bay, Cloudy Quartz is a classic champaign roan. Pinkie did not inherit the eumelanin gene (from either parent), the aguoti or silver genes (from her father), or the champaign gene (from her mother), but did inherit roan (from her mother). The result is a strawberry roan.
Edited to note: No other pony families follow actual equine coat genetic rules. So of course Pinkie does.
besides what you mentioned. in season 5 epsisode 20 when applejack goes to pinkie's home. when meeting the family pinkie introduces marble pie her baby sister and says "my baby sister who is only a few minutes younger then me but she will always be a baby to me" which is normally what older twins born minutes older say. which means most likely marble is pinkie's younger twin
did anyone saw Ashley h?
I did
Me! I think if that was the random pony running around then yes
Yes I did
Yes I did SEE her
I'm surprised because I'm the only left handed person in my family to be known XD
Only my Nana (Grandmother) and one of my Uncles are Left Handed like me XD
Alex Russell Mother2M&M two righthanded parents give their child a 10% chance of being left handed. If only the father is left handed it stays about the same. But if only the mother is a leftie the percentage shoots up to 25% and if both parents are lefties it reaches 35%.
So no matter the combination it’s always more probable to get a right handed child but always possible to get a left handed one.
great video! just one little nitpick (and I call it nitpicking because it's practically a technicism): instead of the RGB scale, I would consider using the CMY levels, since RGB regards light (additive color theory), and CMY relates to pigments (substractive color theory), like the pigments that give color to the skin, eyes, hair or coat... other than that, great research =D!
Takeru Minamoto Ack! I've been meaning to reply to this sooner, but I guess I forgot. Anyways, the reason why I went with RGB was because it was easier to check using screenshots from the show. You're right, though. CMY is certainly a better and more plausible colour model. I'll be sure to keep that in mind for a future video I have planned. ^_^
thanks, I'm really happy you're taking it into account ^w^
I'm only in 5th grade and I get this and I watched it three times to practice
Try crash course
Didn't she tell us in the Hearts Warming episode that her and Marble are twins, with Marble being born a minute later (making Pinkie the elder sister). To say nothing of the Cakes. Seriously, people come up with odd theories that assume a continuity with our universe that is not state or implied. Besides, prior to that Rainboom, she even had the same hair.
My partner has a friend who has blue eyes and blonde hair while both his parents and his brother have brown eyes and brown hair. He's done DNA testing and yeah, he's their biological child/brother. Both his parents just have the blonde hair, blue eye, genes.
I learnt more today about genetics than when I was in school.
Ashley in the background
Gosh the beginning is exactly what I’m learning in science right now
both of my parents are right handed and I'm left handed. TAKE THAT SCIENCE!
arnold russo you most likely got that from a grand parent or a great grand parent
Pinkies song "Gypsy Bard", it said they shipped her to an orphanage "When I was a little filly, a galloping blaze overtook my city
So they shipped me off to the orphanage"
She might be adopted because she said her parents were dead
Pinkie mentioned "Grandma pinkie" WHICH MEANS HER GRANDMA IS PINK!!! So she got her pink color from her grandmother.
Rawdha Elshazly i was thinking that but i forgot her grandma's name
Thanks for reminding me
i learned more in this video about biology then ive ever done in my entirety in highschool
looking for artists, writers, and video makers for a kickstarter super villain comedy.
Good video. Though handedness does not pass on that way.
the wonders of wikipedia
its cool to see genetic proof of her being biologically related to her family but pinkie did state in hearthbreakers that her and marble are twins which is pretty cool and its obvious they are fraternal twins its still facinating
Who was that pony walking in the background at one point?
I like how for a small part you had Ashley H in the background 😂
Pinkies not adopted, in one episode maud uses maud sense and pinkie told rarity "it runs in the family" she also said that her marble pie and pinkie are twins while introducing her family to the apple family
It is funny to hear this and then think about how I am right handed and my husband is right but are son is ambidexters but uses his left hand more.
Mother2M&M two righthanded parents give their child a 10% chance of being left handed. If only the father is left handed it stays about the same. But if only the mother is a leftie the percentage shoots up to 25% and if both parents are lefties it reaches 35%.
So no matter the combination it’s always more probable to get a right handed child but always possible to get a left handed one.
I have actually questioned this before. Although I am not able to make any theory videos about this due to lack of equipment such as mic, editing apps, etc. It is very likely that Pinkie is related and I do think it is based off of the RGB chart. Considering it would be much easier to explain and since the color percentages are so close together. It very well does make sense but so does the "Genetics Theory". Also, you didn't mess up when you explained the how to determine genetics and all that.
Each pony race has a chromosome that can be the only one, which causes the different races, gender chromosomes are completely separate, or at least mostly. However a rare mutation in flurry heart, caused (or assisted) by the alteration of her mother's genes when she became an allicorn, creating crossovers of the 3 types of chromosomes which cadence received during her transformation allows flurry heart's genes to latch onto one another creating an extreme boost in her pegasi magic (giving her very large wings from birth), unicorn magic (giving her extreme magical abilities), and earth pony magic (super strength), another reason she might be so powerful is that as said, genes change over time, and her magical genes are likely hyperactive, as a sort of survival mechanism baby ponies have that fades as they grow up, (ex: cake twins) and maybe even a combination of both.
I literally just watched this video as a study guide for my biology test
4:30 Is that AsleyH??
*whispers* Most of my research was done on Wikipedia
This video tought me biology better then my biology teachers. I also learned it better this way then my class lol.
Saw someone walking in the background at 4:34
RGB is for color of lights For opaque colors like print or skin color, the complementary CMY or CMYK is used. The difference is that when you mix RGB colors they get whiter (because they are light), while when you mix CMY colors they get darker (because they are physical colors or paint).
I personally love this theory and include it within my personal headcanon, however, due to the fact that this IS pigments, it's much more likely that, rather than using RGB colorings, it would use CMY colorings, because pigments are subtractive color, with all of them mixing together making black, whereas RGB colors are additive color & mix together to make white, only used for colors of light.
Although I prefer there to just be three variables (perhaps for the purposes of double-proving this theory with the CMY colors) One could argue for could CMYK colorings to be moreso like some printers, although considering they're fictional magic ponies, I feel like there are magic-based explanations for why they'd have more accurate colors than printers do. I have also heard of printers that use MANY colors, including ones that add in orange & green inks as well, but I'm less sure of that, just thought it'd be cool to mention)
Great job. It was an awesome video. I also I recently took genetics and yes alleles do cross over.
You did better with the Explanation then my middle and highschool teachers ever did.
my parents are both right handed and i use both my hands... although my left hand is dominant (drawing, writing, etc) and my left hand is used for minor things (typing, gaming, phone duos, mouse controlling, holding multiple pets at once, etc)
I actually do remember the Punnett square from Bio, and I was totally able to follow along with you. Sure, there might a select few bits from the RGB system that may be a, I guess...but most of it was pretty accurate as far as I can tell. Nice job! ^_^
good video bro! you deserve more audience!!!
I think it’s unlikely that on a genetic level pony fur and main colors are determined Buy an RGB system, because the color of something is determined by what frequencies of light it reflects. The best case scenario for color diversity would be if the three pigments each reflected all wave lengths except for a specific range (which gets absorbed) for each, so that when you mix them The resulting mixture would absorb both frequency ranges (to various degrees depending upon which is more prevalent) thus reflecting A different range of frequencies to get a different color (mixing all of them resulting in darker colors, sense they would be a absorbing more and more light). But getting green pigments that work like this is impossible, sense green light is in the middle of the visible spectrum (with red and blue being at the ends), so there is no range of frequencies to absorb to only reflect green light (technically, there can pigments that absorb two ranges of blue and red light respectively, tho I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t help very well with mixing).
It would, however, be very possible to use CMY(K) (cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (which is black)), in which each pigment only absorbs one range of frequencies (cyan absorbs red, yellow absorbs blue, and magenta absorbs green) which would make it so that you can mix any two colors to get any color on the visible spectrum while still accounting for the colors that can only be gotten through mixing of light. As proof that this would work, this is the system printers use (using black ink because while in theory mixing all three colors together would get you black, Real life is very complicated and messy, so it’s easier to just use A separate black color. (Plus, since black is used far more often anyway, and black ink can be used to darken colors, it’s cheaper to just use black ink, rather than use all three colors at once to make a neutral color.) This also makes it possible that The absence of any genes for black colors could be the reason why most ponies don’t have very dark fur colors).
This wouldn’t really affect your theory in terms of pinkie pie however, all you would have to do to account for this is to infer how much CMY pigments each pony has based off of the RGB estimates, and inverse the amounts pigments (since less pigments means brighter colors).
I have strawberry blonde mixed with a bit of auburn, and a bit of blonde ^^
Is that... mayor mare?
Eh, probably pinkie pie
I just have her in my head from the picture
Just an example and reason for those who don't have same traits as parents.
The reason for this is possibly because of the traits you got from your grand parents through your parents, it is a fact that children are likely to have many genes of their grandparents.
- e.g both my parents have a small amount of hair with thin strands, mother dark brown, father black. My strands are thin like my parents but i have my grandmothers bronze colour and large amount, (i know this because she has a pony tail of hair from when she cut it at twenty.)
- e.g. also both my parents have attached ear lobes though i don't, i get this from my grandfather.
How jeans work: Put one leg in. Put the other leg in. Pull the waist section up. Button the button and zip up the zipper. Jeans, along with all other types of pants protect the wearer's legs from minor injuries such as cuts and scrapes as well as light-based injuries such as sunburns
i have one thing to say: thank you! finally someone decided to explain why pinkie looks different from her family instead of using that she is adopted crap. thank you so much!
My mum: right handed
My dad: left handed
Me: right handed
My brother: adopted
Was that Ashley H in the background? 4:33
that's a pretty good explanation I've learned about punnet squares ant that's pretty much right, because my sibling is blond with blue eyes, but everyone but my dad has brown eyes, but what's weird is that my dad's hair is almost black and my mom's hair is brown, and my little sibling has more birthmarks and freckles then all of us, to say you would probably think that they were adopted, but no, but some of my family's ancestors were blond and blue eyed. So maybe one of pinkies ancestors was pink so basically what I'm saying was that one of her parents was carrying this gene and it only had a 1/10 percent of showing up, so pinkie was the luck of the draw.
Most of your research was spot on. I'm really good at this stuff and other that the X chromosomes crossing over all of it was right. Last year in school we did a lot of things with genetics. I can still remember most of it.
Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks genetics for Rarity makes sense, but Sweetie Belle really just baffles me I mean I keep thinking in my point of view that she's adopted which let alone is becoming a bad habit for me, you might as well say she probably got green eyes and the pink mane streak from one of their ancestors and but to me personally I always remember this when it comes to biology: you can only get 23 from mom, 23 from dad which makes 46 and one some species you need two parents some needed only one parent, and I'm just going to say my feelings for FiM is mixed just right after the series finale now that I'm older
hair can be anything because they can always change it and they can get colors on the parents coat to be their hair color
The colour of pinkie pie is natural I'm not the same colour as my parents I'm the same as my grandparents
So my teachers LIED... Green is a primary color, not yellow, green + red is YELLOW
Ascender Eagle No, green and red is brown. You make green by mixing blue and yellow
being a mad scientist is going to be fun
4:31 hello random pony running across the screen
Maybe their's more than 2 sets of genes for Pony genetics. So their Punnett Squares might be four-by-four instead of two-by-two like ours. This would explain the polychromatic manes and tails, it would also explain the different colored hoofs and cannons of the Sublime Sisters and Sunburst.
thanks for sharing this has been bugging me for a while
I spent half of my seventh grade year learning genetics I should have just watched the first few minutes of this video lil
Also the fact that Pinkie and Marble are twins. Not many people seem to remember.
Well, I'm left handed and both of my parents are right handed, and all my siblings are right handed.
In that first example I was like were do I come in because I am the only one in my whole family that is left handed
Well that just might be my theory out the door
I didn’t think she was but I’m looking forward to watching this video anyway
I don't get why people would question, ponies almost never look anything like their family.
your research is great yes I do think they're called Horizon determined by multiple genes
0:50 IDK but im left handed and neither of my parents nor grandparents are lefties?
4:29 I see you pink pony!
Ashley H
When I just learnt this in school, this year, I see that Biology (Especially Genetics) are becoming more relevant to me, now! :D Genetics, as a subject, is easy, at least at the beginning :)
That sounds more plausible that Pinkie being adopted! it mkes sense too!
Who was the pink pony in the background
Ashley H The UA-camr with the alicorn OC and the creater of the MLP atio drama Rememberence
(Rememberence is a great but upsetting 6 parter)
it's actually comes from every gene they recieve like from you mother or grand father or grand grand mother or even from their great aunt or someone from their blood family. For example my great great grandfather had green eyes and married our great great grandmother who had brown eyes which makes my grandfather, father and me having some kind of strange hazel eyes. And fur colors and eye colors are practically goes same way.
I feel like I have no brain cells after watching this 😭 it's confuse for me
But to think about it, Pinkie is the only Pie that wasn't named based on the rock. Igneous is a rock, Quartz is a rock, Limestone is a rock, Marble is a rock, Maud is a rock. Pinkamena Diane?
It could also be related to her cutiemark
Fur color, not skin color. When Snips and Snails got gum on them, it showed they had pale pink skin beneath their fur and the cutie mark is expressed in the fur, not the skin. Nice Video. Thanks for all the Brainburn.
He: Left handed right handed and all the other stuff !
Me: What are you talking about (/Ò.Ó)/
Oooookay, sooo... I didn't understand a single thing, and I have headache now, thanks for that. XD
Pony walking by at 4:38
wow thanks for the science revew I needed it
Manisha Wal oh i saw it but I can't remember their name
Ashley was in the background
YA she so was😀😁😉😃☺🙂
I like the way you say trait