How To Make "Proto-Putty" (Modified Oogoo)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 12 тис.

  • @Merkary
    @Merkary 4 роки тому +943

    Rest in peace man, you tell me more than I will ever learn from school

    • @lolbitthegamer8253
      @lolbitthegamer8253 4 роки тому +1

      It is so true

    • @eidolomere
      @eidolomere 4 роки тому +3

      wahappened to him?

    • @Merkary
      @Merkary 4 роки тому +10

      @@eidolomere he died in a paramotoring accident

    • @parrotman4426
      @parrotman4426 4 роки тому

      I like ur pfp

    • @Merkary
      @Merkary 4 роки тому

      Parrot Man thanks! I just really love subnautica!

  • @ethanwilliam3698
    @ethanwilliam3698 5 років тому +232

    I keep getting these recommended and every time i see it I shed a tear R.I.P the true king of random

  • @fantasykatie4675
    @fantasykatie4675 5 років тому +4408

    anyone else watching and crying that this part of their childhood is over
    rip, taken way way too soon

    • @toyfreddy4544
      @toyfreddy4544 5 років тому +30

      Yes been here since his third video 😣😖😫😢😭

    • @wokeupnew
      @wokeupnew 5 років тому +9

      Same 😔

    • @raigamer-xg7ri
      @raigamer-xg7ri 5 років тому +4


    • @benkelly4878
      @benkelly4878 5 років тому +6

      May he rip

    • @Dxrm1263
      @Dxrm1263 5 років тому +2

      Me too 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @celfromwyoming8642
    @celfromwyoming8642 4 роки тому +2960

    This man taught me more science than my actual science teacher R.I.P

  • @Nighthawkinlight
    @Nighthawkinlight 8 років тому +2433

    That seems like a really awesome mold making material there Grant! I'm impressed.

  • @lorrainespringthorpe3041
    @lorrainespringthorpe3041 5 років тому +1888

    Well since he's passed
    He's probably making even cooler stuff in heaven

    • @garl2000
      @garl2000 4 роки тому +12


    • @itzzhazzabtw1200
      @itzzhazzabtw1200 4 роки тому +20

      He’s probably made a hoverboard

    • @SniperScav
      @SniperScav 4 роки тому +29

      I cry every time people talk about his death i have been a fan for so long

    • @aidencargo7138
      @aidencargo7138 4 роки тому +4

      Mitchell Pierce not a bucket list, but probably a list nonetheless

    • @6cyanide622
      @6cyanide622 4 роки тому +9

      Hes showing his makings to the other people from a long time ago:)

  • @Miraxuu
    @Miraxuu 5 років тому +5295

    Anyone here revisiting after hearing the news? I can't believe it.. R.I.P KING OF RANDOM

  • @Hegfith
    @Hegfith 4 роки тому +197

    “Don’t be sad that he is gone, just be happy he was here to begin with” -Doctor Suess

  • @whitewhite4609
    @whitewhite4609 6 років тому +306

    I miss these kinds of videos

  • @TheKingofRandom
    @TheKingofRandom  8 років тому +362

    My Instagram account is pretty weak and needs your strength. ( Would you please check it out and follow me?!
    Quick links to the materials I used, to save you time;
    [✓] All Purpose Silicone:
    [✓] Neon Food Coloring:
    [✓] Cornstarch:
    [✓] Popsicle Sticks:
    [✓] Nitrile Gloves:

    • @theotheo719
      @theotheo719 8 років тому


    • @FarhanKhan-jp7gd
      @FarhanKhan-jp7gd 8 років тому

      Grant Thompson - "The King of Random" 1st

    • @dibudubis6613
      @dibudubis6613 8 років тому

      Grant Thompson - "The King of Random" hello,i am following you on Instagram😊

    • @kschom1
      @kschom1 8 років тому

      Grant Thompson - "The King of Random" why not

    • @Jack-uk6sg
      @Jack-uk6sg 8 років тому

      early subs reply to me

  • @rachelpatterson1115
    @rachelpatterson1115 5 років тому +176

    Rewatching all the OG king of random videos while I cry that this awesome guy has left this world too early.

    • @XGameOn
      @XGameOn 5 років тому +2

      Dude what happened i don't read news . -. Btw can you tell me what happened?

    • @XGameOn
      @XGameOn 5 років тому

      @Moist Tortillas oh so sad rest in peace king of random :(((( 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞

    • @kianfrancis8187
      @kianfrancis8187 4 роки тому +1

      I remember coming home from school and watching him if I had a bad day

  • @BackroomsExplorer-es2tm
    @BackroomsExplorer-es2tm 4 роки тому +361

    Every science teacher in the world should watch this man and teach their kids about him. The world would be 45% smarter than we are now.

    • @saltycade9063
      @saltycade9063 4 роки тому

      Yep rip

    • @pungentsauce2324
      @pungentsauce2324 3 роки тому +4

      Why 45%? Thats an oddly specific number...

    • @calycalyps0
      @calycalyps0 3 роки тому +1

      Yeah i wish they would teach this kind of stuff in school
      Like besides it being cool and fun it can actually become really useful too

    • @bigmamajuju2254
      @bigmamajuju2254 3 роки тому +2

      Not 45%, maybe .14-.20%. There’s 7.6~ billion people.

    • @ninjakaisnake6845
      @ninjakaisnake6845 3 роки тому +1

      57% take it or leave it

  • @timothykelley4495
    @timothykelley4495 5 років тому +25

    You weren't kidding about the gloves... made my first batch of proto putty... but figured I couldn't feel when it was sticky if I wore gloves... Then spent 30 minutes trying to get it off my hands... it's like peeling skin from a sunburn that's been SUPERGLUED on!!!!!!!!!! Even on my FINGERNAILS!!!!!!!

  • @dhiranu8963
    @dhiranu8963 5 років тому +1719

    11M subscribers
    "Perfectly Balanced As All Things Should Be"

    • @mosseater333
      @mosseater333 5 років тому +42

      Now we need 11M comments

    • @eggboi4517
      @eggboi4517 5 років тому +16

      D. Kurusu
      the gang’s all here

    • @dhiranu8963
      @dhiranu8963 5 років тому +25

      11K comments currently lol

    • @endergasimz2099
      @endergasimz2099 5 років тому +7

      D. Kurusu 11k comments hahahha

    • @4m33n
      @4m33n 5 років тому +5

      Calm down thanos

  • @_minimeekshow_3969
    @_minimeekshow_3969 6 років тому +587

    “Stackable plastic bricks” hmmmmm sounds like these bricks are legos

    • @BenjaminGoose
      @BenjaminGoose 6 років тому +6

      Lagos? You mean lego.

    • @pleasantkp
      @pleasantkp 6 років тому +13

      its cuz he didnt want to get copyurited

    • @chickenrat9444
      @chickenrat9444 6 років тому

      Rory Meeker that’s what I thought about

    • @maxxiang8746
      @maxxiang8746 6 років тому +2

      @@BenjaminGoose wth

    • @Jackscalfani2
      @Jackscalfani2 5 років тому +4

      (You cannot get copyright for saying Lego, it's just because legos aren't the only brand of blocks)

  • @asiankidlol3231
    @asiankidlol3231 4 роки тому +1453

    Him: you will regret not using gloves
    Also him: doesn’t uses gloves

  • @mazeshadowlifter6388
    @mazeshadowlifter6388 6 років тому +23

    I honestly owe you on this one! I've been looking for a cheaper alternative to a lot of super expensive materials for molding/casting (specifically for my cosplaying), and this is an absolute lifesaver. Will definitely use in the future, thank you!

  • @RayTitoVlogs
    @RayTitoVlogs 8 років тому +982

    dude your going to put sugru out of the market

    • @someguyontheinternet4277
      @someguyontheinternet4277 8 років тому +1

      supertito1O1 ikr

    • @shad8x936
      @shad8x936 8 років тому +18

      I also thought about sugru. Looks like very nice alternative.

    • @rohizzle
      @rohizzle 8 років тому

      supertito1O1 lol I think sugru actually went out of business recently

    • @bobmanfro6301
      @bobmanfro6301 8 років тому +6

      supertito1O1 you're*

    • @BeatlesCuber
      @BeatlesCuber 8 років тому

      Rohan Sharma it's still in business.

  • @trailosa4487
    @trailosa4487 5 років тому +324

    1:35 *shows him putting on gloves* 5 seconds later, proceeds not wearing gloves and starts touching the silicone...
    R.I.P. to a legend

  • @dyedeggheads5832
    @dyedeggheads5832 4 роки тому +266

    I bet that a family just watched it to find out how to make molds for gummies, and didn't see the video warning.

    • @ItsMeBS0w0
      @ItsMeBS0w0 3 роки тому +7

      All this stuff is like sugru

    • @doggywampus904
      @doggywampus904 3 роки тому +3

      @@ItsMeBS0w0 that’s exactly what I was thinking!

    • @bastienguilbaud5768
      @bastienguilbaud5768 3 роки тому +13

      as Dr. Steven Strange once said "They should not put the warning at the end of the book"

  • @Emdog_25
    @Emdog_25 5 років тому +187

    Rest In Piece
    You helped make my childhood

  • @koyupandawover4148
    @koyupandawover4148 4 роки тому +11

    This man has been my childhood for my teenage year, I never expect it came to be like this.. Hope your making all kind of stuff in heaven

  • @ezosy8169
    @ezosy8169 5 років тому +855

    R.I.P brother gonna miss you

    • @ada......
      @ada...... 5 років тому +4

      He is dead?

    • @ezosy8169
      @ezosy8169 5 років тому +9

      @@ada...... sadly, yes in a paragliding accident

    • @ada......
      @ada...... 5 років тому +4

      @@ezosy8169 :(

    • @Tthompson390
      @Tthompson390 5 років тому +3

      Garett Dillenkoffer he’s not his brother, ever hear people say sup brother???

    • @moonsource2440
      @moonsource2440 5 років тому +3

      @@ada...... yes sadly

  • @mischiefminded
    @mischiefminded 4 роки тому +9

    His content is one of the things my sons and i always enjoyed watching. He has a legacy to be proud of for sure!

  • @Yawn_
    @Yawn_ 5 років тому +234

    When king of random wasn’t just burning something and putting it in a vacuum chamber

  • @theCodyReeder
    @theCodyReeder 8 років тому +789

    Some of my viewers have noticed that I showed off the bight club bar mold in the background of the co-lab video. :)

    • @TheKingofRandom
      @TheKingofRandom  8 років тому +59

      Your viewers are like forensic scientists

    • @akhilrevuri
      @akhilrevuri 8 років тому +4

      Grant Thompson - "The King of Random" woa shots fired ( I think I can't sense sarcasm online)

    • @nixheart3138
      @nixheart3138 8 років тому +2

      To Cody welcome to the club glad to see you here

    • @RedTear3515
      @RedTear3515 8 років тому

      Cody'sLab hey Cody do you think we can use this for metal cast molding? I think it would work up to zinc at most...

    • @미야-h2r
      @미야-h2r 8 років тому


  • @toxicdx2328
    @toxicdx2328 5 років тому +1866

    Rip I wish you never had to leave us hanging 😭😭

  • @evanphilo5709
    @evanphilo5709 Рік тому +8

    He didn't use gloves he was adventurous and I'll forever be grateful for what he did for my childhood

  • @taeminoh7655
    @taeminoh7655 5 років тому +301

    Rest in peace. You will surely be missed

    • @s1ash1
      @s1ash1 5 років тому +1


    • @LetsRestoreIt
      @LetsRestoreIt 5 років тому +6

      s1ash wtf is wrong with you????

    • @CatlikeSoap
      @CatlikeSoap 5 років тому +5

      Yeah do you have no heart

    • @h3dzer
      @h3dzer 5 років тому +3

      @@s1ash1 dude

    • @oliverigel6045
      @oliverigel6045 4 роки тому +2

      @@s1ash1 r/youngpeople

  • @crynllis
    @crynllis 7 років тому +98

    When he put the green silicone on the lego bricks I was like
    Well I guess you ruined your "stackable plastic bricks"

  • @CateChapelle
    @CateChapelle 8 років тому +142

    This is probably one of the coolest things you've ever come up with

    • @CateChapelle
      @CateChapelle 8 років тому

      De Wok babys Sorry for sharing an opinion

    • @elbinopaper4629
      @elbinopaper4629 8 років тому +1

      no i think that confinement should go to most of his channel

    • @energetic_potion9323
      @energetic_potion9323 8 років тому +1

      true that

    • @thatdudeoverthere412
      @thatdudeoverthere412 8 років тому +1

      so true!

    • @Matt-jk8lw
      @Matt-jk8lw 8 років тому +3

      The fact it's also cheap and very straightforward to make just makes it even better.

  • @f.i_ji2528
    @f.i_ji2528 4 роки тому +7

    Prayers to his family. The most creative you tuber of th generation.

  • @TheMilohemlock
    @TheMilohemlock 5 років тому +11

    This is what I've been looking for, for years. A simple to make,
    low cost rubber mold like substance.
    THANK YOU!!!!!

    • @That_CaptainC
      @That_CaptainC Рік тому

      YEAH ME TOO I need to know if it works.

  • @TheKissofjoy
    @TheKissofjoy 5 років тому +424

    LEGO: *exists*
    The King Of Random: *S T A C K A B L E P L A S T I C B R I C K S*

    • @s.982x
      @s.982x 5 років тому +6

      Big D Did you hear he passed in a paragliding accident 😢

    • @adjacent6436
      @adjacent6436 5 років тому +6

      This was before he passed

    • @sugar_ventricles
      @sugar_ventricles 5 років тому

      Heh... Thanks.

    • @john_halo1894
      @john_halo1894 5 років тому +2

      WorthyGamer why?

    • @clown8904
      @clown8904 5 років тому +3

      Well it may be because of copyright

  • @bluegill5192
    @bluegill5192 8 років тому +1922

    Silicone hardens when it gets TRIGGERED

    • @kafeh3300
      @kafeh3300 8 років тому +86

      Just like feminists

    • @charliediaz5357
      @charliediaz5357 8 років тому +15

      When I heard that i laughed so hard

    • @saamb.6265
      @saamb.6265 8 років тому +3

      Charlie Diaz how is that funny?

    • @Iamanaggie2
      @Iamanaggie2 8 років тому +1

      Charlie Diaz

    • @henrybex2159
      @henrybex2159 8 років тому +8

      You 9 year olds, too funny. So original. Wow.

  • @J19_vlogger74
    @J19_vlogger74 Рік тому +10

    Back when things were great... Back when the man himself was alive... 😭

  • @LokrowN
    @LokrowN 8 років тому +3127

    "Use gloves"
    *Records himself putting gloves on*
    *Doesn't use gloves*

    • @ProudOfLalo
      @ProudOfLalo 8 років тому +19

      he meant if you don't wanna use the powder

    • @LokrowN
      @LokrowN 8 років тому +25

      LeoBro29 No, he says it's if you don't mind colour on your fingers. Which he clearly doesn't. :P

    • @kurosaki5683
      @kurosaki5683 8 років тому

      Lokrow P

    • @rebane2001
      @rebane2001 8 років тому +47

      I bet he didn't think of gloves the first time he recorded, but realized his his mistake and added a clip of him putting gloves on

    • @cosmicjoshgaming3655
      @cosmicjoshgaming3655 8 років тому +5

      Hes a savage ! xD

  • @aswinpj1382
    @aswinpj1382 8 років тому +204

    I have been waiting this for a long time

  • @shaxerooney
    @shaxerooney 8 років тому +146

    "I tried making impressions of some -lego- *stackable plastic bricks*"

    • @biggoose0
      @biggoose0 8 років тому +7

      TosiKivaIhminen and he will not be charged for copyright... everybody wins

    • @jonneavittuttaa3968
      @jonneavittuttaa3968 8 років тому

      TosiKivaIhminen ei vittuh :D

    • @jojo_wav
      @jojo_wav 8 років тому

      TosiKivaIhminen lmao

    • @cheaplaundrydetergent9589
      @cheaplaundrydetergent9589 8 років тому +1

      +Superduck2367: The song maker of your nightmares fuh fair fair fair fair faair faaaair uuse fair use fair use fair use fair

    • @spacedoge1369
      @spacedoge1369 8 років тому

      TosiKivaIhminen ifkr

  • @gavino0077
    @gavino0077 4 роки тому +162

    2:31 not legos: Stackable plastic bricks, my favorite

  • @therealbaljeet1231
    @therealbaljeet1231 5 років тому +19

    Your legacy will go on and you will be remembered. May you rest in piece. The way you had to go wasn't fair.

  • @demonyt9433
    @demonyt9433 5 років тому +6

    Gone but never forgotten, by making this video you inspired lots of people to be creative including me...R.I.P King of Random 🙏

  • @Voyager-2-s2y
    @Voyager-2-s2y 5 років тому +23

    This was the first video I watched of him. Visited this video so tmany times to as I felt this video is so cool. RIP king.....

  • @Coffeesleep125
    @Coffeesleep125 Місяць тому +2

    All these years later these videos still help me
    Rest in peace

  • @pheonix6478
    @pheonix6478 5 років тому +136

    R.I.P friend we will miss you 😭😭😢😢😿😿
    I hope he's teaching angels how to build rockets in heaven

    • @goaway9141
      @goaway9141 4 роки тому

      We all do

    • @vicktorviggo2097
      @vicktorviggo2097 4 роки тому +1

      Im not gonna like cuz its at 101 likes

    • @echobeez
      @echobeez 4 роки тому

      Pheonix 647 XD I bet he is

    • @adampustos1155
      @adampustos1155 4 роки тому

      @Toxic Gamer uGh He'S sUcH a WuSs fOr bEiNg SaD oVeR a gReAt HuMaN dYinG sMh

    • @sativa197919
      @sativa197919 4 роки тому


  • @Erklas
    @Erklas 5 років тому +6

    R.I.P You were my childhood and inspired my creativity. You will be missed.

  • @kleid4677
    @kleid4677 5 років тому +13

    I thank you so much for your videos. You gave me a creative childhood. RIP

  • @hpofficejet3743
    @hpofficejet3743 3 роки тому +24

    I feel so bad for his kids, i cant imagine how it would be losing a father like this. RIP

    • @jackmatheson4180
      @jackmatheson4180 3 роки тому +2

      And there so small and don't understand where he is.

    • @LizLuvsCupcakes
      @LizLuvsCupcakes 3 роки тому +4

      At least they have these videos to remember him by. It’s bizarre to think that not very long ago, we couldn’t record every instant of our lives, there are people who have never even heard their parents voices.

  • @Nate.mp4
    @Nate.mp4 8 років тому +12

    0:28 "To minimize the mess"
    _Immediately spills corn starch_

  • @raai6888
    @raai6888 7 років тому +219

    when you put the silicone in the cornstarch it kinda looks like turkish delight

  • @anishnadendla
    @anishnadendla 5 років тому +72

    The true king of random. Thank you for all the creative minds you inspired. See you next time buddy ❤️ rest in paradise

    • @redorvelvet7116
      @redorvelvet7116 4 роки тому

      Mario Splat The Vyonder 2010
      Wtf yes he did

  • @houiet
    @houiet 4 роки тому +174

    The king of random was a part of my childhood, who else?

  • @jonzdovc7193
    @jonzdovc7193 6 років тому +560

    Says you will regret not using gloves then doesn’t use gloves😂😂😂😂

    • @icebadgerOFFICAL
      @icebadgerOFFICAL 6 років тому +1

      Jon Zdovc lol

    • @YuahLee
      @YuahLee 6 років тому +13

      That’s why he knows we’re gonna regret not using it cuz he regretted lol 🤣

    • @lisamanalo6142
      @lisamanalo6142 6 років тому +10

      He made it before he did the voice over

    • @probabvieh
      @probabvieh 6 років тому

      Jon Zdovc 😹🤣😂😅

    • @michealdifiore8143
      @michealdifiore8143 6 років тому

      I know RIGHT

  • @gta-6837
    @gta-6837 5 років тому +87

    You'll be missed. Your family is in my prayers.

    • @AinKrab
      @AinKrab 5 років тому

      wot happend to him

    • @bigmanwafers
      @bigmanwafers 4 роки тому


  • @legendarynoob4862
    @legendarynoob4862 8 років тому +260

    Ok Grant, Now teach us how to make fleshlights. You owe us that.

    • @Feroxylos
      @Feroxylos 8 років тому +6

      Deandre Chitay put the Grapefruit away ans mix some roofies in a Drink and give it so a hot woman

    • @noswalwalker
      @noswalwalker 8 років тому +20

      Legendary Noob I mean just put some of this in a tall cup with a pencil or something smaller in the center

    • @toby5596
      @toby5596 8 років тому +3

      he just said its basically toxic..

    • @jamesgarrett7844
      @jamesgarrett7844 8 років тому +3

      Go into your food cabinet, grab a jar of peanut butter and go ham.

    • @darindial8908
      @darindial8908 8 років тому +7

      Wrap around dong till it hardens. Custom sizes of all shapes. Not sure if it'll come off though.

  • @FubaysReturn
    @FubaysReturn 10 місяців тому +1

    About 5 years ago i first saw this video and I begged my parents to let me do this, they were pretty chill and let me do it! Thanks Grant.

  • @s.982x
    @s.982x 5 років тому +9

    This man was a legend R.I.P you will be missed

  • @garrettjones7837
    @garrettjones7837 8 років тому +109

    now you can make your own... rubber toys ;)

  • @jades5429
    @jades5429 5 років тому +21

    this part of my childhood won’t be here anymore. i can’t believe that.

  • @eatermenplays8907
    @eatermenplays8907 Рік тому +2

    His Oogoo will live on for generations to come.

  • @realmrjangoon
    @realmrjangoon 5 років тому +4

    He was so fulfilled at 38 but it is still too soon, what this man did in 38 years someone could do in 80,he could have been such a great guide for so many creative kids

  • @nettspendrobotclone
    @nettspendrobotclone 4 роки тому +16

    He is sharing his awesomeness in heaven

  • @Aeterin
    @Aeterin 2 роки тому +5

    he's probably enriching the heaven with his knowledge

  • @nates9105
    @nates9105 Рік тому

    This! Exactly what I needed!!!! I need to make a quick custom comfort grip for my GF who suffered a work injury and making her disabled! This enables me to craft handles that reduce the needed grip strength! I can also craft handles I want to make tools more comfortable!

  • @isobelsullivan5320
    @isobelsullivan5320 7 років тому +404

    "Some stackable plastic bricks"
    cough cough LEGOS cough cough

    • @AceofCoins7
      @AceofCoins7 7 років тому +3

      Lego bricks not legos

    • @ammyvl1
      @ammyvl1 7 років тому

      CONNAR ROSSBACH Thank you captain obvious

    • @rayyanhashim5222
      @rayyanhashim5222 7 років тому


    • @nebby7334
      @nebby7334 7 років тому +4

      I'm going to have to put a copyright strike on you for that, sir

    • @marcellabutay1090
      @marcellabutay1090 7 років тому +4

      And also, it's not copyright to say it in a video, it's because Legos aren't the only stackable plastic bricks

  • @blacksheep1094
    @blacksheep1094 7 років тому +198

    but does it float? cause I wanna make a huge batch of this and make a raft

    • @blacksheep1094
      @blacksheep1094 7 років тому +7

      and a pattle

    • @SerHoratio
      @SerHoratio 7 років тому +1


    • @eptdyvpsdy759
      @eptdyvpsdy759 7 років тому +42

      Shape anything in the correct shape, and it will float. How do you think they get metal battleships to sail?
      But yes, in general, rubber does float.

    • @PetAnimalCareReptilesandmore
      @PetAnimalCareReptilesandmore 7 років тому +4

      Have fun XD

    • @drrobotnut
      @drrobotnut 7 років тому

      WarNinja gaming record it

  • @CoolDude-xh1vp
    @CoolDude-xh1vp 8 років тому +22

    Bro you are growing so fast. Congrats

  • @polloprestigioso
    @polloprestigioso 2 місяці тому +2

    7 years later and the stuff I made with this still looks THE SAME. Such an awesome recipe.

  • @mist4488
    @mist4488 5 років тому +298

    I will miss the creator of proto putty...

    • @hellomortal6032
      @hellomortal6032 5 років тому +1

      He did not create it man I mean he's smart but no that smart and also rip

    • @setomulyadi8470
      @setomulyadi8470 5 років тому +9

      @@hellomortal6032 what do you mean not that smart?

    • @equal4268
      @equal4268 5 років тому +2

      Seto Mulyadi yes he did

    • @janeferraren
      @janeferraren 5 років тому +4

      Companies: its free real estate

    • @mist4488
      @mist4488 5 років тому +2

      Jane Ferraren no, just no

  • @jennymk01
    @jennymk01 6 років тому +16

    I’m going to make pool toys with this! Awesome idea, hope chlorine does not effect it but considering it is silicone, I’m sure it is fine. Thank you!
    Also, so much better and cheaper than Sugru. I would never buy sugru in the first place, but I did kinda want it. Thanks for showing how to make it. XD

    • @wolflilyscarredheart2133
      @wolflilyscarredheart2133 6 років тому

      Jennymk01 I tried making bouncy balls with this recipe and the silicone just crumbled due to the use of corn starch.... it might just be me but it was a fail.

  • @xlcarbon3961
    @xlcarbon3961 5 років тому +5

    This was my favorite video...
    R.I.P. the absolute legend of UA-cam
    We’ll pass down your legend

  • @liwelskiliwelski1022
    @liwelskiliwelski1022 5 років тому

    Watched all his video since High-school. Aced my Science activities and projects because of his knowledge.
    You will be forever remembered!

  • @suoppsdn9751
    @suoppsdn9751 5 років тому +13

    For candy molds I would use PVA "Elmer's Glue", Glycerol "Glycerin", Talcum powder "Baby powder" and Borax "twenty mule team"

  • @jerrywhidby5259
    @jerrywhidby5259 8 років тому +30

    This would be cool inside of a tool drawer. Just press your tools in, and walla you have molded tool storage. You could put more time into it and create contrasting layers of silicone with the top layer cut away around the tool. Embed LEDs in the bottom layer?

    • @iratepeople455
      @iratepeople455 8 років тому

      No, don't do that. That is a huge waste of time.

    • @firstnamelastname9398
      @firstnamelastname9398 8 років тому

      I actually really like the idea. Custom tool drawer. Easily organized, nothing moves. It would work really well if you had one of the briefcase toolboxes too

    • @gamertimeheehoo
      @gamertimeheehoo 8 років тому +1

      +Irate People Yeah, in fact, don't make anything. Don't ever make anything. Just be a drone and never attempt anything. Waste of time.

    • @elistewart7799
      @elistewart7799 8 років тому +2


    • @jerrywhidby5259
      @jerrywhidby5259 8 років тому

      Eli LOL. I wish I could change it. As soon as I realized what you were correcting I had a aha moment. I knew how to spell voila, but apparently my brain was not very cooperative that day.

  • @terrariaslash
    @terrariaslash 7 років тому +104

    This guy never has to go shopping

  • @sonia.bennett1
    @sonia.bennett1 4 роки тому +45

    big companies spending ages making molds
    me who can make toys in 20 mins: STONKS

  • @hughjass353
    @hughjass353 8 років тому +239

    I tried making an impression of some -Lego- stackable plastic bricks

  • @Ruffles_RainWorld
    @Ruffles_RainWorld 7 років тому +407

    Am I able to make a phone case???

  • @jmak40gang
    @jmak40gang 7 років тому +10

    custom drumstick grip? I THINK YES!

  • @blufyt8106
    @blufyt8106 5 років тому +3

    I love how he just gets into the video without any delay.

  • @MiguelVicoR
    @MiguelVicoR 8 років тому +40

    Nice to see some proper health warnings! :)

  • @littlesprouts3836
    @littlesprouts3836 5 років тому +32

    Rip king of random
    We will always miss you in our hearts ♥️
    Man my childhood of science was taken away to fast
    Now who gonna teach me science a school ugh forget it 😭😭😭😭😭

    • @kodyshu6320
      @kodyshu6320 5 років тому

      What happen ?

    • @ColdTiger
      @ColdTiger 5 років тому

      @@kodyshu6320 paragliding accident

  • @creativecipher
    @creativecipher 8 років тому +79


    • @tiastez
      @tiastez 8 років тому +4

      silicone: *triggered*

    • @GwynnieGrubbTheNarwhal
      @GwynnieGrubbTheNarwhal 8 років тому +1

      the silicone gets triggered

    • @Robert08010
      @Robert08010 8 років тому +1

      TheCipherBoy Help an old guy out. What does that mean and why is it funny. There are 50 "triggered" comments.

    • @Robert08010
      @Robert08010 8 років тому +4

      Sure, ill tell you what it means. Trigger was the name of Roy Rogers horse.

  • @kwdoug
    @kwdoug 3 роки тому +3

    Still teaching us from beyond the grave..thank you Sir

  • @katiegreening3178
    @katiegreening3178 5 років тому +13

    This was one of my favorites. RIP 🙏

  • @cliquemate6453
    @cliquemate6453 8 років тому +12

    I love that this is #2 on trending

  • @jazztiger07
    @jazztiger07 5 років тому +303

    Me: You’re saying I can make the rubber into anything?
    You: Well depends. What are you making?
    Me: heh. Heh. :) something long_
    YT: B A N N E D

    • @mm_Yu195
      @mm_Yu195 5 років тому +6

      Jazztiger07 1234 bro

    • @jwikle8125
      @jwikle8125 5 років тому +4

      What’cha makin

    • @TrojanHorse1959
      @TrojanHorse1959 5 років тому +6

      Extension or standalone?...LOL!

    • @lia5911
      @lia5911 5 років тому +3

      Jazztiger07 1234 um what

    • @theelevatedsheep
      @theelevatedsheep 5 років тому +16

      Jazztiger07 1234 RIP everyone who wanted to make a snake

  • @SkillfullyBlind
    @SkillfullyBlind 4 роки тому +1

    I used this to replace a broken panel on a laptop i got for cheap, I really wish the new TKOR crew could make this kinds of smart and practical videos

  • @Inisii
    @Inisii 8 років тому +55

    2:58 TRIGGGGEERRRDDD!!!!111!!

  • @namjahs
    @namjahs 8 років тому +188

    "The silicone gets triggered." Grant Thompson 2016

    • @Feroxylos
      @Feroxylos 8 років тому +11

      Aero Aux did you just assume my density?? *TRIGGERED*

    • @kipve
      @kipve 8 років тому +2

      "dab some fresh putty" hes gotta be meming on porpoise

    • @adriancrack8853
      @adriancrack8853 8 років тому

      Aero Aux ikr 😂😂

    • @joegeoff1721
      @joegeoff1721 8 років тому

      😂😂😂I came here just to see if someone said that

    • @alyssazerbe9964
      @alyssazerbe9964 8 років тому


  • @acsents8392
    @acsents8392 8 років тому +105

    Grant: "You may regret using them" (talking about gloves)
    Then doesn't use gloves

    • @LilGamewatch
      @LilGamewatch 7 років тому

      He said "You may not regret using them"
      open your ears bruh.

    • @acsents8392
      @acsents8392 7 років тому +2

      zwillinge Ärger He actually says "you may regret not using them"

    • @badluck2859
      @badluck2859 7 років тому +2


    • @jesiahwillis4220
      @jesiahwillis4220 7 років тому

      he their optional open your ears

    • @Robertm6
      @Robertm6 7 років тому

      He's probably done it so much he doesn't need them becuase he knows how it works completely

  • @dominicballinger6536
    @dominicballinger6536 2 роки тому +4

    These were the great days, I wish they never ended!

  • @avanorman7864
    @avanorman7864 8 років тому +149

    I always want to make thes but I never have the stuff 😫😫😫

    • @avanorman7864
      @avanorman7864 8 років тому +1

      And say I want to make slim I know we're to get glue but not if its nontoxic

    • @bongadong6088
      @bongadong6088 8 років тому +1

      Ava Norman
      A Craft store Duh

    • @tylerdass6828
      @tylerdass6828 8 років тому

      Ava Norman

    • @rcamels3042
      @rcamels3042 8 років тому +1

      Ava Norman SAME!

    • @joeydiab1426
      @joeydiab1426 8 років тому +1

      Ava Norman my parents wont let me

  • @UnnamedChannel111
    @UnnamedChannel111 7 років тому +43


    • @randomguybebo1490
      @randomguybebo1490 6 років тому

      Garvit Jain lol I'm dedddd I thought the same thing

    • @minecraftredstoner7780
      @minecraftredstoner7780 6 років тому +2

      I think he didn't put them on at all, and probably just added that clip as an extra caution since he realized how terribly sticky it was :O

    • @caftood
      @caftood 5 років тому

      Minecraftredstoner thank you for being smart

  • @RicePanda
    @RicePanda 5 років тому +74

    Feels so unreal man. :( Rip

  • @oscarvelocitymusic
    @oscarvelocitymusic 4 роки тому +1

    don’t be sad because he’s gone. Be happy he was here!

  • @Freedomforever2184
    @Freedomforever2184 6 років тому +32

    Why does this have dislikes? I love it!!😁

    • @teod5433
      @teod5433 6 років тому +1

      you got a heart from a comment a day ago on a more than year old video

    • @Freedomforever2184
      @Freedomforever2184 6 років тому +1

      Yea LOL

    • @manp1039
      @manp1039 6 років тому +1

      the dislikes are from sugru stock holders?

  • @nanolith
    @nanolith 8 років тому +9

    You should test this with low-melting point alloy metal casting. Something like Bi58/Sn42 (a common lead-free "stiff" solder) should have a low enough melting temperature to be within the high range of silicone and also be within the temperature range of a cheap toaster oven.

  • @AsianDrag0n
    @AsianDrag0n 3 роки тому +10

    That moment when you realize you can learn more from TKOR’s past than their present:

  • @Dolphins_arent_Real
    @Dolphins_arent_Real 3 роки тому +4

    Who remembers waking up in the morning and watching him in the morning before school? I know I did that everyday.