How I Made My First Million Dollars Part 1 | Ask Mr. Wonderful Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,7 тис.

  • @briiank13
    @briiank13 4 роки тому +1628

    This is the first time I feel I’m watching genuine content in a long time.

    • @lenapetrova
      @lenapetrova 4 роки тому +9

      I agree that the video was very good!

    • @milesgaither534
      @milesgaither534 4 роки тому +12

      @g quin probably the reason that he tells them the don't have a business model is because they actually dont. Why would you lie about something so important to success to someone. It is like sabotage. If anything it is like when you go through a military camp that they make it absolutely horrible so that when you get out in the real world it it a whole bunch easier. The same goes for being brutally honest. Now the person feels that their mistakes can literally destroy them so that they are more careful, making them in return more prepared.

    • @HeyBuddays
      @HeyBuddays 4 роки тому +11

      @g quin There's a difference between filling a hole to create a business and getting outside investment for your business. Through grit and hard work, he was able to fill a hole to create a business. To get outside investment, you have to know your numbers or have somebody that can handle the numbers like he said.

    • @sheridan7475
      @sheridan7475 4 роки тому +1

      I agree

    • @vmtenorsinger
      @vmtenorsinger 4 роки тому

      Awesome video! I have some great content to share about money making potentials...let me know what you think.

  • @MusicalBasics
    @MusicalBasics 4 роки тому +572

    this is literally the most honest, transparent answer, to a question, I've ever seen someone give, NICE

    • @marcalcober1832
      @marcalcober1832 4 роки тому +2

      I agree, it actually reminds me of a year ago when I was so broke that I could barely pay my bills. I remember the most important step in my life when I invested my last income with an experienced Forex trader who was recommended to me by a friend. It may seem a bit, but it took courage to know that investing was the right thing to do at the time. Today my small investment of just $ 300 generated over $ 150,000,After I kept Investing and reinvesting. To be successful, you must take a big step. It all start with a decision. Forex is a good investment though

    • @davidedelman6427
      @davidedelman6427 4 роки тому +1

      @@marcalcober1832 I'm not surprised, Forex trading is very profitable. When you have a professional forex trader who is good at what he does, your profits can increase by more than 100%. My investment in the forex market earned me the home of my dreams.

    • @jaragon7020
      @jaragon7020 4 роки тому +2

      @@davidedelman6427 My investment in Forex trading and the profits it generated raised the capital I needed to start my new real estate business. I made more than 300% profit. I invested in a Forex company, invested $ 700 at the end of the month, and made over $ 7,000 in profit. I kept reinvesting. Currency trading is very profitable and can change people's lives very quickly.

    • @danielyentzer4746
      @danielyentzer4746 4 роки тому

      @@jaragon7020 True, it actually does change lives, I for one have seen a lot people make money trading Forex no jokes

    • @jeremybowen2762
      @jeremybowen2762 4 роки тому +1

      @@marcalcober1832 How do I reach your trader?? Help a brother

  • @abtransport13
    @abtransport13 4 роки тому +187

    Finally someone who is genuine in explaining and doesn't just say "Real Estate"

    • @jellyhandle6151
      @jellyhandle6151 4 роки тому +3

      Real estate is how I made everything I am today. it still by far has the most most profit vs very little risk scenario though..

    • @arta276
      @arta276 4 роки тому

      @@jellyhandle6151 how’d you go about real estate investing?

    • @thabsmkhize2481
      @thabsmkhize2481 2 роки тому


    • @ClintLoweTube
      @ClintLoweTube 2 роки тому

      @@arta276 get a loan - buy whatever you can afford

  • @ferndog1461
    @ferndog1461 4 роки тому +410

    This is a rare event: a sucessful person sharing tools, mindset, & discipline involved in financial success. Sound Financial teachings are woefully missing in High School/college. Peace.

    • @bennettdavid904
      @bennettdavid904 4 роки тому +8

      Most successful folks share advice, it's just how you take it. I firmly believe they want everyone to be successful l.

    • @DylanZyrek
      @DylanZyrek 4 роки тому +8

      The reason things like this are not taught in school is because the people who are teaching you have not figured it out either. Not everyone is going to pursue wealth and attain it either. There is a ton of luck involved.

    • @ZZMAU-m5t
      @ZZMAU-m5t 4 роки тому +1

      what do you mean? they always do. People just don't know how to listen or to see it.

    • @money_talk
      @money_talk 4 роки тому

      I agree. My channel is to share mindset and tools to early stage investors in the financial markets - with less jargon.

    • @lepq30
      @lepq30 4 роки тому

      @@DylanZyrek They are not taught this in High School because the parent will always have been the child's primary educator. We teach you the math skills, anyone with a checkbook knows when you have 0 in the bank, you can't write a check.

  • @Kraggathor
    @Kraggathor 4 роки тому +1863

    He is... a lot nicer than you would think when you see him on Shark Tank.

    • @dizizviet
      @dizizviet 4 роки тому +78

      He's actually seems got a lot nicer since season 1 of shark tank. I feel bad when he doesn't get the deal because it seems people still think he's an asshole and chooses other sharks most of the time.

    • @omarelmohri
      @omarelmohri 4 роки тому +46

      In Shark Tank the Show is better done with that side of him, the brutaly honest

    • @nanayaw6285
      @nanayaw6285 4 роки тому +74

      yh, I noticed. the successful entrepreneurs seem nicer in person but when it comes to business they go into cold blooded mode. scars from the journey

    • @gala_fan_1905
      @gala_fan_1905 4 роки тому +47

      Hes not an asshole.. hes a real businessman

    • @fultzey
      @fultzey 4 роки тому +7

      Honesty can be more valuable than some capital that goes down the drain in a couple weeks

  • @hotrod3769
    @hotrod3769 4 роки тому +154

    Kevin is a great storyteller. I love hearing him talk about finance, business, watches. He makes everything interesting.

    • @DJTFLO
      @DJTFLO 3 роки тому +3

      Facts tell, stories sell.

  • @jturk9855
    @jturk9855 4 роки тому +283

    Kevin is my favorite shark, people are harsh on him because he is the only one to say the harsh truth that most people don't want to hear.

    • @bader9205
      @bader9205 4 роки тому +4


    • @Steve_305
      @Steve_305 4 роки тому +2

      What about Cuban?

    • @adamkendall997
      @adamkendall997 4 роки тому +6

      @@Steve_305 Cuban is a sellout. He treats his business one way but then tells other people and votes another way. He's basically a RINO.

    • @DJcyberslash
      @DJcyberslash 4 роки тому +1

      @@adamkendall997 when did he EVER say he was a republican? You are definitely a FULL republican based on your idiocy alone.

    • @chrisdominguez5097
      @chrisdominguez5097 3 роки тому +2

      @@DJcyberslash When and where did the other guy say that Cuban said he was a Republican?
      His point is: Cuban's policies when it comes to business is one way (right leaning) while he votes and talks the other way (lefty)
      Not that I agree with his point but you completely missed it. Ironic, since you're attributing being right wing with "idiocy".

  • @upper9052
    @upper9052 4 роки тому +171

    “If you can’t explain where you want to go, no one will follow you. “ That’s gold!

  • @helenegrey2441
    @helenegrey2441 3 роки тому +247

    Having multiple income sources is very crucial to financial growth.

    • @repliedbajapanesewithhanak6676
      @repliedbajapanesewithhanak6676 3 роки тому +2

      I realized the benefits of investing during this period. My source of income had previously been my job. But I lost my job when the pandemic started and I had to live with the little I had in my savings which really affected my plans.

    • @admin3427
      @admin3427 3 роки тому

      This is exactly what I'm talking about. For the past four years, my income has never been dependent on any firm or work place, because I chose to invest and the more money I get the more I seek for new investment opportunities.

    • @wilsonfred7863
      @wilsonfred7863 3 роки тому

      @@repliedbajapanesewithhanak6676 Unfortunately having a job doesn't mean security. So I really appreciate Expert Rex Coleman transparency and help on my trades.

    • @audreyandriana1968
      @audreyandriana1968 3 роки тому

      @@wilsonfred7863 I came across this name Rex Coleman, when I was really looking to start up some investments. But I wasn't given much information about him.

    • @savannahximena3349
      @savannahximena3349 3 роки тому

  • @jorgegiron96
    @jorgegiron96 4 роки тому +21

    "My point is: It was never about the money.. It's the jorney, it's the passion for the business, that's what got me going." It hit me when he got emotional about it. I can feel the depth. Amazing, just amazing.

  • @jerrylim1121
    @jerrylim1121 4 роки тому +446

    Look how happy Kevin is talking about his road to his first Million.
    This just shows that “success is about the journey, not the destination”

    • @mwambasol9556
      @mwambasol9556 4 роки тому

      Ok kobe

    • @jordanphilip2454
      @jordanphilip2454 4 роки тому

      Well said, 100%!

    • @draneym2003
      @draneym2003 4 роки тому

      Yeah I'm sure he's really happy...he treats people as means to an end, the end being money. His relationships are completely transactional, so once he's gotten what he wants out of you he'll toss you aside

    • @larryo6874
      @larryo6874 4 роки тому

      It was interesting that when his company went public he was surprised that he was a millionaire.

  • @garthbuck4274
    @garthbuck4274 3 роки тому +26

    "It was never about the money, it was the journey that got them (other successful entrepreneurs) going. That was my first million dollars". Great story line. Really like the video format. Kevin calls it as he sees it. Cheers

    • @Charlie015
      @Charlie015 2 роки тому

      👆👆Thanks for watching 😊
      Text *LOVE*
      For Beneficial knowledge /profitable advice
      & mentorship information contact above ❣️❣️--..

  • @RamblinAround
    @RamblinAround 4 роки тому +987

    Please do more videos in this conversational style. It was simple, insightful, and inspirational. It was cool seeing how emotional you got, when talking about the moment you realized how successful you had become.

    • @casgainsacademy4280
      @casgainsacademy4280 4 роки тому +3

      Great comment. Talking about being successful?! All I see is workhorse Electric vehicle stocks have been on fire in 2020. Workhorse Group (NASDAQ:WKHS) has been no exception. Shares of the electric delivery van manufacturer are up about 400% year-to-date

    • @bitcoin8138
      @bitcoin8138 4 роки тому

      @@casgainsacademy4280 The first big reason to like Workhorse stock long-term is that the company is at the epicenter of what will be an enormous disruption of the last-mile delivery market over the next 5 to 10 years

    • @moonlambo5938
      @moonlambo5938 4 роки тому

      Long story short, the mass electrification wave is rapidly proliferating across all things transportation. Passenger cars. Buses. Planes. Trains. Ships. And, yes, delivery vans

    • @theplainbagel6420
      @theplainbagel6420 4 роки тому

      you're right.. In few years to come people will be kicking themselves in regrets if they miss this opportunity of investing in workhorse stocks.. they're the best stocks currently and I make very good profits with John ward Harrison as my broker

    • @satoshistacker3273
      @satoshistacker3273 4 роки тому

      @@theplainbagel6420 Wow. You guys trade with expert Mr Harrison too? He's been my account manager and broker for a while now he's really good at making profits for his clients

  • @texasdiscountland
    @texasdiscountland 4 роки тому +725

    "If you can't explain where you want to go nobody will follow you." -Kevin

    • @lenapetrova
      @lenapetrova 4 роки тому +5

      100% true!

    • @Theanh23
      @Theanh23 4 роки тому +1

      Very true having trouble with this one my whole life. Im in my early 20s but i feel like im slower than most of my generation

    • @RabbitConfirmed
      @RabbitConfirmed 4 роки тому +1

      That's essentially my life problem. And I am good at explaining things. But Im not a "leader/Alpha". I can get people excited to a certain extend but I think I could never do it alone.
      If someone would partner up with me who is 100% loyal and has the same goal of getting rich, but would have that alpha gene to make people follow him, then the mix could have potential.
      That said, my life is too fucked up and insecure, Im glad that I have some workplace that doesn't treat me as a complete slave.
      Interpreneurship is hard when you have no mommy or daddy on which you can rely on if things go incredibly wrong.
      You have to be a motherfucker to make it, especially as a poor dude with no relatives or anything.
      It's a risk. Either you lose or you win. How many enterpreneurs have you seen that failed.
      So I guess I will still have to develop a certain confidence to be actually able to do it. Or fate will send me a dude that has exactly that and will go with me.

    • @DarkAngelEU
      @DarkAngelEU 4 роки тому

      This is life advice for any career. Wanna be a great novelist/artist? Your first publication should be a clear indication where you want to go. Even for bands, who make a debut album that is extraordinary and then just do an okay follow-up, or even one that completely sucks, will still have more fans by the time their third album comes around than the ones that entered with an okay debut album and had a phenomenal sophomore album.
      First impressions are of the utmost importance if you want to turn your passion into a career. The world always remembers the first time it heard your voice.

    • @MikeSoko42
      @MikeSoko42 3 роки тому +1

      If you fail to make a plan for your life, then you will become part of someone else's plan. - me

  • @lleiding
    @lleiding 4 роки тому +9

    I have to laugh because I have had a few dreams about being married to Kevin O'Leary but it really is about my husband Mike becoming a smart investor. We learn from listening and watching the best. Thanks Kevin for sharing how you made your first million dollars. I look forward to part 2. Bless you

  • @ash-li6gv
    @ash-li6gv 4 роки тому +340

    literally, Kevin is the only shark from shark tank that looks like a shark

  • @naesplace
    @naesplace 4 роки тому +573

    Biggest takeaways to earning your first million dollars:
    1. Do not be afraid to ask
    2. Surround yourself with the right people
    Thank you for sharing Uncle Kevin!

    • @missionpupa
      @missionpupa 4 роки тому +31

      thats what you took from this video? How about: dont chase the money and solve problems instead.

    • @jackyzhang43
      @jackyzhang43 4 роки тому +5

      And taking initiative! At every step of the process, he approached the people who could make his vision happen, and then delivered!

    • @easydimez554
      @easydimez554 4 роки тому +4

      1.*Don’t do it for the money

    • @dewmontain123
      @dewmontain123 4 роки тому

      So basically just be like my boss. Lol I'm on my way. I'm here to learn anything and everything. I want to know as much as I can. How to fix things so that I never outsource....

    • @silentlessons4221
      @silentlessons4221 4 роки тому +1

      thansk for saving me 25 minutes

  • @randy4773
    @randy4773 2 роки тому +21

    What I do is invest into ETFs and blue chip stocks but I like to focus on ETFs that mirror the performance of a major index like the S&P 500 for good ROI monthly and long term

    • @denisegar2327
      @denisegar2327 2 роки тому

      how do you do it? I mean invest for profits because I have never done it before although back in college I had friends trading stocks and making money but it was never my thing

    • @Pauliy1
      @Pauliy1 2 роки тому

      I once dabbled in stocks and bought shares worth 9k but was growing slowly and learnt to understand the higher the investment the higher returns plus I lack the skill

    • @randy4773
      @randy4773 2 роки тому

      I use the service of a fiduciary under a great broker, that is the most effective way I have known

    • @denisegar2327
      @denisegar2327 2 роки тому

      @@randy4773 who is your fiduciary, I need his help too

    • @randy4773
      @randy4773 2 роки тому

      Look up the name Benjamin ravies, that's the name of my fiduciary he trades the market for me with his expertise while I earn he charges commission on profits

  • @Ballerclan8
    @Ballerclan8 4 роки тому +1026

    No one:
    Ice Cream Boss: I'm about to start this man's whole career

    • @Iamrich00
      @Iamrich00 4 роки тому +18

      Lmao this was a good one ngl

    • @rossi2225
      @rossi2225 4 роки тому +7

      Nice video that reminds me of a year when I was so broke that I could barely pay my bills. I remember the most important step in my life when I invested my last income with an experienced Forex trader who was recommended to me by a friend. It may seem a bit, but it took courage to know that investing was the right thing to do at the time. Today my small investment of just $ 300 generated over $ 150,000,After I kept Investing and reinvesting. To be successful, you must take a big step. It all starts here. Forex is also a good investment.

    • @frantz4752
      @frantz4752 4 роки тому

      I had a similar experience to yours. My investment in forex trading saved me from financial burdens after losing my job. Forex trading is very profitable when you have a good Forex trader.

    • @klaus1618
      @klaus1618 4 роки тому +1

      @@rossi2225 You're right though.Forex trading is very profitable. When you have a professional forex trader who is good at what he does, your profits can increase by more than 100%. My investment in the forex market earned me the home of my dreams.

    • @hans1487
      @hans1487 4 роки тому

      @@rossi2225 True! Investing in Forex is very profitable. Last year I made over $ 45,000 of my long-term investment in the forex market.

  • @omegainscribeinc-theartofw8089
    @omegainscribeinc-theartofw8089 4 роки тому +105

    Already negotiating deals with the Dean, right at admission into the school - Clearly, it's a natural talent :)

    • @11cacoo
      @11cacoo 3 роки тому +6

      yeah I think something he failed to mention that really helped him was being able to spot and sieze opportunities

  • @freedomguider
    @freedomguider 4 роки тому +27

    “You can either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice is yours.” You are GREAT. You are pushing me to continue the pursuit of my dreams and freedom. Thanks, Kevin!!!!

  • @goodphotoideas
    @goodphotoideas 4 роки тому +6

    "If you can't explain where you want to go, no one will follow you." AND "In 100% of the time, the people who got financed were able to answer every single question about their business model and their numbers, with perfection!" - These are profound keys to success. Thanks, Mr. Wonderful!

  • @bodyslam12177
    @bodyslam12177 4 роки тому +72

    "Its a passion for personal freedom"; will hold this phrase very close to me from this day onward. Thank you, Kevin.

  • @ZidanYounis
    @ZidanYounis 4 роки тому +10

    This is one of the most inspiring videos I've seen, 3 main points:
    1- There is 2 type of people: Icecream shop owner, and slaves
    2- Follow your passion, Freedom one of the most passion you can follow
    3- Don't look for money, Enjoy the journey, and one day you will say: I'm Fu@#ing rich!
    Thank you Kevin for this video :)

  • @Kyle-sr3ff
    @Kyle-sr3ff 4 роки тому +311

    This man's children are so damn lucky, being financially educated

    • @natalieibelhaupt1154
      @natalieibelhaupt1154 4 роки тому +35

      You can educate yourself financially too

    • @natalieibelhaupt1154
      @natalieibelhaupt1154 4 роки тому +24

      Nothing is stopping you. People do what they want. If you want to be financially educated you will.

    • @bigchungus920
      @bigchungus920 4 роки тому +26

      @@natalieibelhaupt1154 that's absolutely true but I assume it's easier to learn about money when someone teaches you than learning by yourself

    • @KahnSkins
      @KahnSkins 4 роки тому +15

      They are more lucky for being able to learn off this mans true life experiences. He could be dirt poor but his kids would have all the tools they need to become anything.

    •  4 роки тому +3

      @@natalieibelhaupt1154 yeah but it helps if you have an expert instead of most american parents that don't teach anything but bad habit to their kids when it comes to money

  • @CaseyBurnsInvesting
    @CaseyBurnsInvesting 4 роки тому +97

    Basically be practical, work to learn rather than to earn, and chase your passions until they become your living. Then you can live out your passions.
    “There are the people who own the store and the people who scrape the shit off the floor.” Love the message here.

    • @GreyException
      @GreyException 4 роки тому

      "There are also people who own the store AND scrape the shit off the floor with less money than their employees"... but let's not discuss that type of entrepreneurship lol.

  • @RebeccaGorin
    @RebeccaGorin 6 місяців тому +16

    *“Shortcuts To Success”*

    • @RebeccaGorin
      @RebeccaGorin 6 місяців тому +1

      The first step to attaining wealth is figuring out your goaIs and risk toIerance - either on your own or with the heIp of a financiaI pIanner, and foIIowing through with an inteIIigent pIan, you wiII gain financiaI growth over the years and enjoy the benefits of managing your money.

    • @RebeccaGorin
      @RebeccaGorin 6 місяців тому +1

      I am fortunate I made productive decisions that changed my finances (gathered over 1M in 2years) through my financiaI planner. Got my 2nd house in Feb, and hoping to retire soon. Give this a try and attain good-returns.

    • @RebeccaGorin
      @RebeccaGorin 6 місяців тому

      Give this a try and attain weaIth. Get to her

    • @RebeccaGorin
      @RebeccaGorin 6 місяців тому +1

      Elizabeth Green Hunts

  • @connorberry9766
    @connorberry9766 4 роки тому +96

    You can tell Kevin plays it up in Shark Tank, he seems like a fantastic guy

  • @sethmacomber3497
    @sethmacomber3497 4 роки тому +187

    “That was my first million dollars... well it was more than a million” .. now that is a “Wonderful” thing.

    • @kevinoleary
      @kevinoleary  4 роки тому +79

      You know it!

    • @healthproff3053
      @healthproff3053 4 роки тому +1

      @@kevinoleary yes! Have you ever tasted the samples you were giving to customers

    • @johnboyled-analyst1503
      @johnboyled-analyst1503 4 роки тому

      Passion, great ideas and a ton of discipline are the foundation to becoming a millionaire.

  • @kelvin-ck3xr
    @kelvin-ck3xr Рік тому +106

    A perfect storm is brewing in the United States. Inflation, bank collapse, severe drought in the agricultural belt, recession, food shortages, diesel fuel and heating oil shortages, baby formula shortages, available automobile shortages and prices, the price of living place. It's all coming together and it could lead to a real disaster towards the end of this year (or sooner). With inflation currently at about 6%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/ retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

    • @albertbush9361
      @albertbush9361 Рік тому

      These are the conditions in which life-changing money is made by those who remain calm, patient, and take controlled risks. Volatility goes both ways. The bigger the red candles, the bigger the green ones.

    • @bastianopapi858
      @bastianopapi858 Рік тому

      i don't know much about the market, but based on what little knowledge I have of economic supply and demand, this is the best time to venture into the market, but the only thing holding me back is the constant fluctuations in prices, which it's not supposed to be a problem, but i really need guidance because i want to use this avenue of everything being on discount to build a portfolio that pays dividends and takes care of me in retirement.

    • @kelvin-ck3xr
      @kelvin-ck3xr Рік тому

      ​@@bastianopapi858 Yes i agree and right now the markets are going berserk right now. This is the best time to watch them, get to know them better, and strike when the opportunity presents itself. I learned that from my mentor, "TRACY BRITT COOL" she's seen dozens of market cycles over the past few decades, and she has a feel for how they move, why they move, and what comes next

    • @bastianopapi858
      @bastianopapi858 Рік тому

      People underate the importance of a financial advisor and Business analytics...what you do with your money is more important than the money you get...unwise investments has rendered a lot of people,celebrities inclusive bankrupt.

    • @bastianopapi858
      @bastianopapi858 Рік тому

      ​@@kelvin-ck3xrPlease do you mind sharing any means of reaching out to her easily? I'm really interested i believe this is genuine.

  • @christinabryan6194
    @christinabryan6194 4 роки тому +179

    I was 18/19 years old when I had my first “scrape the gum off the floor experience”. I got fired that day and the manager said to me “you have the attitude of someone who wants to be the boss, there is no place for you here anymore”... I’ve been self employed ever since...

    • @brydakam1168
      @brydakam1168 4 роки тому +15

      This story is so original u didn’t do that😭

    • @larryo6874
      @larryo6874 4 роки тому +11

      What I got from this is that it wasn’t so much that he was trying to make a million but rather he didn’t want anyone else to have control over him. As he said it is the journey, the money is just a result of doing something you love.

    • @mrthatguyam
      @mrthatguyam 4 роки тому +5

      @@brydakam1168 nah most entrepreneurs have one. I know i did

    • @MegaErnieMAN
      @MegaErnieMAN 4 роки тому


    • @demonslayer783
      @demonslayer783 3 роки тому +2

      @@mrthatguyam First time I have seen someone here that has their political compass test results as the display picture...nice!

  • @BehindtheBrand
    @BehindtheBrand 4 роки тому +189

    Good to see you keeping up with the UA-cam channel Kevin.

  • @tyrt400z
    @tyrt400z 4 роки тому +64

    You can feel that he gets emotional when he gets to the exact point where he realized he was a millionaire or more important, gained financial freedom and that the company he had worked so hard to build had become so big and successful.

  • @mimin67
    @mimin67 4 роки тому +87

    If you can't explain where you want to go,no one will follow you"Mr Wonderful. Thanks Kevin.

    • @MofosRealReviews
      @MofosRealReviews 4 роки тому +1

      I literally read this comment right when he said it 😳

  • @tomerator
    @tomerator 4 роки тому +441

    “At the time psych classes cause I wanted to meet some girls” - you already gave me good advice
    edit: I'm a finance major, and I was joking, I would never actually employ this strategy.

    • @synecdoche8783
      @synecdoche8783 4 роки тому +1

      they love the smart, compassionate types or the stubborn ones to argue with

    • @bennettray8465
      @bennettray8465 4 роки тому +10

      speaking as someone who got a bachelors in psych - it's a completely useless degree, if you want to meet girls, go on tinder, don't study psych unless you plan on getting a masters or phd afterwards or you will really struggle to get a job

    • @jaisenallen6394
      @jaisenallen6394 4 роки тому


    • @jaisenallen6394
      @jaisenallen6394 4 роки тому

      Synecdoche r tryrÿr TY

    • @DocShields84
      @DocShields84 4 роки тому +18

      Never chase a woman or a bus... Theres always another one coming in 10-15 min

  • @AaronThibodeaux
    @AaronThibodeaux 6 місяців тому

    Awesome watching him speak so freely about it. Kevin gets choked up at 14:20, showing ho much that success meant to him.

  • @brianmcmanus57
    @brianmcmanus57 4 роки тому +34

    Kevin, after watching you speak in this video I have a new found respect for you. Thank you for being so humble and sharing this :) it made my morning,

  • @Hamzah597
    @Hamzah597 4 роки тому +21

    That glare in his eyes when he talks about his first million is of a man that truly loves what he does. Hope one day we can all share that glare, when we talk about our professional lives!

  • @Rogcui
    @Rogcui 4 роки тому +35

    Wow. The content is so engaging I watched the entire 25min straight through. Excellent story-telling! Thank you Kevin

  • @prednosttrake
    @prednosttrake 4 роки тому +61

    Kevin got choked up when he said "I'm rich".....Money has a very sentimental value Kevin, sort of like family album for other people.

  • @danieltaylor--65
    @danieltaylor--65 5 місяців тому +327

    I sometimes wonder how successful investors manage to accumulate enormous wealth from their investment endeavours because I am an avid investor. I currently have equity from a recent house sale that exceeds $545K, but I'm not sure what to do with my money next. Is now the right moment to buy stocks, or should I wait for a better opportunity?

    • @EthanBrown_23
      @EthanBrown_23 4 місяці тому +5

      If you're new to investing or don't have much time, it's best to get advice from an expert. Investing without proper guidance can lead to mistakes and losses. I've learned this from my own experience.

    • @donaldwayne7023
      @donaldwayne7023 4 місяці тому +3

      Yeah, financial advisors could make a lot of difference, particularly in a market such as this. Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are a lot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look. I have been using an FA since 2019, and I return at least $275k ROI, and this does not include capital gain.

    • @debbygradley25
      @debbygradley25 4 місяці тому +2

      I'm pleased I found this conversation. If you're comfortable with it, could you share how I can get in touch with the advisor you rely on for your investments?

    • @donaldwayne7023
      @donaldwayne7023 4 місяці тому +2

      Actually its a Lady. Yes my go to person is a ‘LAURELYN GROSS POHLMEIER '. So easy and compassionate Lady. You should take a look at her work.

    • @Angelinacortez495
      @Angelinacortez495 4 місяці тому +3

      I just Googled her name and her website came up right away. It looks interesting so far. I sent her an email and i hope she responds soon. Thanks

  • @Rise_est2014
    @Rise_est2014 3 роки тому +2

    Wow! Thanks Kevin...I own an Embroidery business and just listening to positive information helps me keep moving forward. Owning my own business is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I want to give up daily sometimes but I don’t because I love what I do and love working for my self. The freedom is priceless, it’s not for everyone for sure. Thanks again!

  • @butthatfeeling2631
    @butthatfeeling2631 4 роки тому +176

    We need more of him talking about his life,u know just talking

    • @rockyshadow3356
      @rockyshadow3356 4 роки тому +2

      It's like a grandpa for me

    • @Iamrich00
      @Iamrich00 4 роки тому +1

      @ wym no one, maybe u don't but every other people are okay, they would like to have a job in a big business yk?

    • @musicalmercy5204
      @musicalmercy5204 4 роки тому

      Yes we do omg hit me up with like minded youtubers

    • @P1PE_Recrt
      @P1PE_Recrt 4 роки тому +1

      @Carter Mushrooms Just stop, like honestly. Don't envy those with more wealth than you. Instead, learn from them, learn and take action. Maybe you could one day become a multi millionaire, hell billionaire if you push yourself to the limit.

  • @sjoewiiedelis6028
    @sjoewiiedelis6028 4 роки тому +71

    Y'all just missed the golden nugget of this video untill now: "If you can’t explain where you want to go, no one will follow you."

    • @thecapone45
      @thecapone45 4 роки тому +3

      That stuck out to me too. Had to pause and think that over.

  • @artemistheory
    @artemistheory 4 роки тому +1

    "If you can't explain where you want to go, no one will follow you." Wow. That sentence went to my core. I was just clicking on the next interesting video on the left and I'm now blown away. Thank you for this.

  • @fquezada15
    @fquezada15 4 роки тому +5

    I really appreciated how genuine and emotional he got rethinking that moment when he realized he was a millionaire.

  • @moamenmohamad
    @moamenmohamad 4 роки тому +713

    "I went to psych class... to meet some girls" hahaha love this guy

    • @Ari-lu5ve
      @Ari-lu5ve 4 роки тому +6

      hahaha love his honesty

    • @MasterofPlay7
      @MasterofPlay7 4 роки тому +4

      hope that girl wasn't a psycho xD

    • @MHCE444
      @MHCE444 4 роки тому +1

      read between the lines, a lot of what he went through is condensed here 😉

    • @aaronvideo
      @aaronvideo 4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for sharing this story. There’s a lot of paths that are tough.

    • @censura1210
      @censura1210 4 роки тому +4

      and that's how he lost his hair 😂

  • @mikeg3439
    @mikeg3439 3 роки тому +1

    My wife and I, beyond the "hard work, being frugal, being disciplined", struggled and built a business and sold it and now we're both millionaires (plus some), I have watched Shark Tank during that entire journey with my wife and I understand it's entertainment, but it does also have some potent reminders of the facts of life and business so it also helped. Love your videos, my wife and I were born living in trailer parks (and nothing wrong with that, it's not where you are, it's where you are headed) and we're focusing on what our next adventures will be (working on ensuring we have multiple income streams, doing well on that now). Cheers.

  • @maxwellnaslund1989
    @maxwellnaslund1989 4 роки тому +752

    It’s interesting how he’s nearly come full circle now by returning to a film based profession with UA-cam.

    • @williamwoods477
      @williamwoods477 4 роки тому +12

      This is not his profession though it makes him less than $1000 a year

    • @williamwoods477
      @williamwoods477 4 роки тому +6

      $1000 a month even

    • @drummerboy5
      @drummerboy5 4 роки тому +3

      William Woods do you know how much 200k subs will make you?!

    • @manrajbhandal2508
      @manrajbhandal2508 4 роки тому +11

      LaMaxwell Ball he’s probably not even making 5% of his income through UA-cam, guys loaded in every sense of the word

    • @tbled52
      @tbled52 4 роки тому +13

      Hes building a brand

  • @MusaDumakude
    @MusaDumakude 4 роки тому +5

    Wow, what an inspiring story! Thanks to the woman who asked you Mr Kevin to share how you made your first Million Dollars!
    You are a great story teller too Mr Kevin,
    Thank you so much!

  • @LevelofClarity
    @LevelofClarity 3 роки тому +1

    14:22 Damn... That emotion. Totally real. Brilliant. So much respect for this dude.

  • @norahyde5733
    @norahyde5733 4 роки тому +299

    Kevin O'Leary: I wanna be a filmmaker
    Dad O'Leary: Go to college for business
    Kevin O'Leary: Convinces Dean to give him credits for business school by making a film (and gets paid for it)

    • @hispanica316
      @hispanica316 4 роки тому +12

      For real when tf does that happen? My school barely gave out work-study

    • @justanotherone9685
      @justanotherone9685 4 роки тому +37

      @@hispanica316 Sounds like you've been looking for a pre-established route. The opportunity was available to him because he created it

    • @JuiceAddiction
      @JuiceAddiction 4 роки тому +12

      @@hispanica316 bro just go and stream your school life on twitch now lmao. This is a new path btw lol

    • @syedali9179
      @syedali9179 4 роки тому +2

      @@hispanica316 Different times mate although you should network get to know lots of higher ups never know what gonna happen.

    • @s.broyal5128
      @s.broyal5128 4 роки тому

      Why u have craby channel

  • @TheBoliviaShow
    @TheBoliviaShow 4 роки тому +27

    Hearing you negotiate your credits with the teachers just reminded me how smart you are. You really are may favorite shark. "The only disciplined investor in the Shark Tank"

  • @almaguapa-sailboatliveaboa440
    @almaguapa-sailboatliveaboa440 4 роки тому +3

    Kevin is one of the rare businessman-multimillionaires to very clearly state life experience and down to earth elements to make it happen.

  • @jdstarek
    @jdstarek 4 роки тому +103

    I suspect most people make their “first million” without even realizing it. At least speaking for people I know (and myself) just go to work, eliminate debt, invest wisely and one day as you are balancing the check book you realize, “holy cow, I’m a millionaire.” Read “The Millionaire Next Door”...the overwhelming majority of millionaires are just people with good careers who spend wisely. It takes time.
    BTW, Kevin, fantastic Lange Zeitwerk, love it. Zeitwerk Date is on my grail list.

    • @stefanegger
      @stefanegger 4 роки тому +1

      wow, you are millionaire? I would love to be one, drive lambo, high life, b*tches every day. Dang, son. Shit, this must be incredible.

    • @Hakiri27
      @Hakiri27 4 роки тому +18

      @@stefanegger i don't think you understand what a millionaire really is.

    • @RK831
      @RK831 4 роки тому +4

      This approach to first million is through budgeting and investing. Kevin's approach here is through starting a business, which is a different approach. A burger flipper can make it through the former approach, but the burger store owner can make it through the latter.

    • @cardster7980
      @cardster7980 4 роки тому +2

      Stefan Egger that’s a WSB millionaire

    • @seanmoses5225
      @seanmoses5225 4 роки тому +2

      I disagree, when the cash starts coming in, you’ll realize what you’re doing is very efficient and you’ll continue doing it because it brings in cash. People realize as soon as it’s consistently bringing in money. You don’t exactly need a good career to earn money, you just need a good business idea with good cash to invest.

  • @caraliu3660
    @caraliu3660 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you for sharing your story Kevin. I'm an entrepreneur myself, living the grind and hustling every day, and sometimes when I don't see progress I feel disheartened, but like you said it's all part of the journey. It really is never about the money, it's the thrill of closing the deal, making the sale, and just the difficulty and excitement of the challenge and the personal growth that comes with it...Honestly, I would still live this life, even after I've made it. Looking forward to more of your content like this!

  • @jasonmarshall1572
    @jasonmarshall1572 3 роки тому

    I thoroughly enjoyed this segment and perspective on the origins of Mr. Wonderful. As a recent EMBA grad, knowledgable (but never gum scrapping) employee, and budding veteran entrepreneur. As a shark tank fan, this video provides a different light and shines a deep dive into your identity that swims in the tank each week; This sitdown was a refreshing look back on past experiences that helped shape your core principles & business perspective. Well done. And a great question from Yasmina. And another quality film from the one and only, Kevin O'Leary!

  • @JustJoshTech
    @JustJoshTech 4 роки тому +9

    As a fellow entrepreneur, this is an absolutely excellent video. Great job Kevin

  • @gregcampbell7034
    @gregcampbell7034 4 роки тому +8

    Thank you for sharing. This had genuinely added value to me. Similarly, I’m very interested in business, just finishing a Media & Environmental Communication degree and looking to start my own UA-cam channel and Video Production company... nice to hear a few similarities in your starts.

  • @robnagelhoutmusic
    @robnagelhoutmusic 3 роки тому +2

    I know Kevin himself won't see this, but I have to say that Darkglass bass rig behind him in the living room is an awesome choice! Also this video is very inspiring, great to hear how passionate he was about not only the work he was doing but also the desire to be independent and self sufficient.

  • @timhally869
    @timhally869 4 роки тому +26

    Being in my early 20s and at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, hearing Kevin’s story gives me hope. I never judge my process too hard and often find myself in opportunistic situations by simply riding the wave of life and exploiting chances when I get them. Little do we know, but we are always being guided to where we need to be so long as our hearts our full and our intentions are whole. Do more think less and always be learning.

    • @russelljamesmassey
      @russelljamesmassey 4 роки тому +1

      Love it man! Thanks so much for sharing!!

    • @healthproff3053
      @healthproff3053 4 роки тому +1

      Yes. work hard

    • @healthproff3053
      @healthproff3053 4 роки тому +1

      Mr. Wonderful. Experience and Success $$$

    • @canadude6401
      @canadude6401 4 роки тому

      This is a great message and you are wise to know it at the gate. I am double your age and still learning and will still be learning even on my death bed.

  • @guelphmortgagebroker
    @guelphmortgagebroker 4 роки тому +6

    That moment (14:15) when Kevin gets emotional about the breakthrough from broke to wealthy, that there shows you that every entrepreneur struggles so much at the begin. And the fact that re-telling that story and the flood of emotion that comes over him is so strong, that shows that he's not as cold as the media portrays. Brilliant work, Kevin. Nobody ever tells these stories when shitting on the 1%.

  • @adbirds
    @adbirds 3 роки тому

    Oh boy do I have a story. Tried to grow organically with a BETTER platform, great ideas etc but ran out of steam and cash ten years ago. Now recharged and planning with the freedom of no debt and early ( enough ) retirement after 36 years in corporate America. But I always watched Shark Tank knowing we weren't "Shark Tank ready". Now getting ready,
    This will be a great ride. Thank you for your generosity by sharing on this channel.

  • @stanleyfujiwara1394
    @stanleyfujiwara1394 3 роки тому +56

    getting into Investing to create a passive income should be every wise man priority...i made my first million from having a diversified portfolio that spread across stocks, grade bonds, coins and etfs also with the help of an investment advisor handling my portfolio. smart investing is key

    • @katelynrenesse4798
      @katelynrenesse4798 3 роки тому +2

      Truly Stocks, ETFs and Mutual funds are the best investment decision you can make both short term and long term for steady money flow. Kudos

    • @jakehart9346
      @jakehart9346 3 роки тому +1

      please do you mind me getting in touch with your consultant . i'm really interested in making passive profit

    • @stanleyfujiwara1394
      @stanleyfujiwara1394 3 роки тому +1

      @@jakehart9346 i could do that, just google her yourself, her full name is " Nancy Jane Gluck " she's quite known, you best leave a message to connect with her on her webpage.

    • @shirleymark8413
      @shirleymark8413 3 роки тому

      wow.... she checks out.

  • @4NWHIP
    @4NWHIP 4 роки тому +5

    14:05 - 14:20 Your response was priceless. I like how you sum it all up in the end. Very inspiring and insightful. Thank you for sharing this.

  • @RocketshipSails
    @RocketshipSails 3 роки тому +2

    Amazing how you listen to this and hear words like “we” or “us”…… to do what Kevin did required trust, effort and help from other people, the right people. We all need help at some point. Unity is the key to success. How you find and integrate that unity or help is what matters. This is gold. Loved every second. Thanks Kevin!

  • @MoementumFinance
    @MoementumFinance 4 роки тому +34

    "Entrepreneurship is a passion for personal freedom" ... What an incredible story, Mr. Wonderful :)

  • @mkfremkglmfekwgnkr1727
    @mkfremkglmfekwgnkr1727 4 роки тому +33

    i love this guy ,so interesting and really calm about the art of deal making.

    • @healthproff3053
      @healthproff3053 4 роки тому

      Experience and Success

    • @milo_o6335
      @milo_o6335 4 роки тому

      Not so calm when it comes to shark tank lool

  • @alan380
    @alan380 3 роки тому +1

    I love, love, love this message. I love that you started in film making, like I did. My goal was never really to "be rich." I got into film making for the love of the work, and it was a way to gain FREEDOM! I wanted to be the owner of my own time. I make a comfortable living doing great work, and I achieved that freedom I so wanted. Great hearing your words of wisdom.

  • @marumisu9560
    @marumisu9560 4 роки тому +6

    17:00 I had multiple experiences like that. People who have worked those jobs all their life and they love shitting on people and what's worse is they purposely teach their co-workers wrong so that they get to yell at them or do something shitty to them later. That story hit me hard.

  • @RadReelingFishing
    @RadReelingFishing 3 роки тому +4

    "It's the journey, it's the passion." What a great story! Thanks for sharing.

  • @jimsunny3707
    @jimsunny3707 4 роки тому +43

    I can feel the blood, brain racking and tears and discipline in the process already.

    • @bathelomewings4899
      @bathelomewings4899 4 роки тому

      Exactly why I just invest, all I do is get the profit and save myself alot of emotional and financial risks.

    • @jimsunny3707
      @jimsunny3707 4 роки тому

      @@bathelomewings4899 True. I am a student of Joyce Davies of Fortune Academy. But I invested with her since early this year, before the pandemic, which was a huge help to me and my family throughout the pandemic. As a student now learning to trade myself, I understand that it is not as easy as they make it look like, giving out those profits to investors.

    • @kirasparks6379
      @kirasparks6379 4 роки тому +1

      @@jimsunny3707 You know Joyce Davies too, I invested with her back then when I was saving up for med school here in Atlanta, she was helpful. I plan on attending Fortune academy too when I am settled.

    • @luciaroberts7058
      @luciaroberts7058 4 роки тому +1

      Can I get Mrs Joyce's contacts please?

    • @timothygibbs8903
      @timothygibbs8903 4 роки тому +1

      @@kirasparks6379 Join the academy already, we need more female brokers like Mrs Joyce. Investing cryptocurrency with her has truly been life changing.

  • @jakelundy9614
    @jakelundy9614 4 роки тому +4

    Sounds like he had major financial support and guidance from his father. Opening doors, paying for things, teaching him.

  • @APennyPinchersGuide
    @APennyPinchersGuide 4 роки тому +3

    Definitely an inspiration. Been watching Shark Tank for over 10 years and love almost every episode. Mr. Wonderful is definitely a top shark and I hope to follow in his footsteps and develop a 1/10 of his business acumen.

  • @DJMegabit
    @DJMegabit 3 роки тому +1

    Mr O'Leary - I want to thank you. Your help and advice has actually change my life. Thank you again for being who you are.

  • @alinup
    @alinup 4 роки тому +717

    Going to college and then not doing college is entrepreneur 101

    • @russelljamesmassey
      @russelljamesmassey 4 роки тому +72

      Hahaha finding a way to get paid by the college you're attending as well as getting a degree form them...pretty smart!!!

    • @denzelgarcia
      @denzelgarcia 4 роки тому +4


    • @healthproff3053
      @healthproff3053 4 роки тому +4

      Turn your life into success

    • @DeepInDaSand
      @DeepInDaSand 4 роки тому +17

      Uni is for like connections 80% then 20% useful learning

    • @electricv564
      @electricv564 4 роки тому +1

      169th like

  • @marc4770
    @marc4770 4 роки тому +20

    Underated quote: "In life there's two kind of people, there's the people that own the store, and the people that scrap the shit out the floor. And you have to decide, which one you want to be."

  • @ChaoticMatters
    @ChaoticMatters 4 роки тому +1

    As someone who makes videos for a living this had me in awe from start to finish. Entrepreneurs definitely have a different mentality. I've been trying to make money since I was a kid. I wrote my own children's book when I was in first grade, printed copies and tried to sell them and always tried coming up with different inventions knowing that's the way to make it big. Had some ideas I probably should've executed, but i'll get there.

  • @acorneyelid
    @acorneyelid 4 роки тому +4

    That was actually inspiring. Lot of stuff I'm learning on UA-cam these days I wish they taught back in HS

  • @anjanravisrinivasan1131
    @anjanravisrinivasan1131 4 роки тому +1389

    So basically, Mr. Wonderful started Vlogging in the 80s!

    • @ehtishamamin5601
      @ehtishamamin5601 4 роки тому +9

      My thoughts exactly....

    • @phillbon3457
      @phillbon3457 4 роки тому +5

      spoiler alert!

    • @Realizinq
      @Realizinq 4 роки тому +3

      Anjan Ravisrinivasan Yea if you were born in 2010 thats what youd call it

    • @griesrt
      @griesrt 4 роки тому +1

      I know. what a hipster!

    • @elisegabriel
      @elisegabriel 4 роки тому +2

      So far ahead of his time. #Legend

  • @VinnyVinDogg
    @VinnyVinDogg 4 роки тому

    I'm a fan of Kevin. Watching him get choked up talking about the journey really touched me. I feel like I have that same passion! Thanks for sharing.

  • @wilkesamish5957
    @wilkesamish5957 4 роки тому +51

    Making money is easier through investment,saving doesn’t multiply your money,don’t save,buy assets,trade,invest but make sure you run a background check up on your source before investing, Ensure You are investing through a solid foundation source to avoid blowing money away

    • @andreijohin8451
      @andreijohin8451 4 роки тому

      Absolutely right,i have lost a couple bucks investing with freelance brokers on here,i’m currently trading and learning to improve my technique,i just need to research on a more reliable source to earn other than youtube

    • @PińnėdbyRödŚquåd
      @PińnėdbyRödŚquåd 4 роки тому

      It is quite a productive move to invest because investments often leads to favorable outcomes,the only reason you should save money is to ensure you are investing it wisely

    • @sammyjevons3290
      @sammyjevons3290 4 роки тому

      @@andreijohin8451 through my years of trading and research the most productive effort was getting in touch with trading expert Wilson and getting to earn massively through her,she offers all kind of trading assistance,contact her i trust she’ll help you earn

    • @sammyjevons3290
      @sammyjevons3290 4 роки тому +5

      Ellenwilson020@gmailcom,Tele gram Ellenwilson020

    • @bobkaiser3549
      @bobkaiser3549 4 роки тому

      This is a refreshing coincidence,i invest and earn with wilson as well,usually I don’t leave comments but i must acknowledge having a seasoned manager like wilson handling my trades is the best way to secure and multiply money

  • @psychology26
    @psychology26 4 роки тому +9

    Hahah oh man he's such a good story teller! I would buy an audio book just to listen how he would tell his stories and experiences.

  • @alexs3187
    @alexs3187 4 роки тому +1

    Kevin, I didn’t realize my story was similar to yours. Started out wanting to do acting but by the time I finished high school, I changed that to corporate video production. Changed my undergrad to Psychology, then got my MBA and went in to own two successful businesses.

  • @MichaelOrtega
    @MichaelOrtega 4 роки тому +31

    Who’s finally early to Kevin’s video?

  • @carlosmoran6522
    @carlosmoran6522 4 роки тому +25

    I'm 19 years old, you have done an impact in this little grasshopper thanks Mr wonderful....💎

    • @RussellD11
      @RussellD11 4 роки тому +1

      its not the same now as it was in the 80's/90's .... Good luck tho!

    • @LarryIAm
      @LarryIAm 4 роки тому +2

      TheRusschannel you’re right, we have more technology

  • @johnnymula2305
    @johnnymula2305 4 роки тому +1

    Great story! I always enjoy hearing about people’s success stories from their hard work. I know the Mr. Wonderfull name is because of your candid bluntness on Shark Tank. But i think it fits more because you’re a wonderful human being. You deserve the success you’ve earned.

  • @Keggplant
    @Keggplant 4 роки тому +24

    The gum story is so good

  • @clarkkaylee4376
    @clarkkaylee4376 3 роки тому +82

    Buy a good cross section of an economy and you should do well over the long term. The market will be high in 10 to 20 years, and significantly higher in 30. It's almost impossible for a company with no debt to go bankrupt.the U.S. is about 50% of the global marketplace, Pay yourself first. It's time in the market, not timing the market. last year I invested 100 grand in the S&P 500/ an allocation fund (with the help of my advisor Jane Marie Kunak of course) and made 370k, but guess what? I reinvested

    • @harrisahmed3066
      @harrisahmed3066 3 роки тому +1

      damn that’s goals! I’d be hyped to get 1K a month dividend atleast

    • @davidohare6861
      @davidohare6861 3 роки тому +4

      Awesome content, i have come across various recommendations. I must say this one stands out.

    • @michelledavies7634
      @michelledavies7634 3 роки тому +2

      I did read about Jane Marie Kunak., quite an interesting lady to look up on the web.

    • @clairehunter6389
      @clairehunter6389 3 роки тому

      Definitely looking up Ms Jane Marie Kunak

    • @WSmith_1984
      @WSmith_1984 2 роки тому

      How much you got now.......

  • @456123zach
    @456123zach 3 роки тому

    I've seen quite a few of your videos in full length and I appreciate each of the ones I've seen. The amount of content in your videos is exponential.

  • @canadude6401
    @canadude6401 4 роки тому +63

    Kevin, You've made some good decisions and successfully moved from starving artist to millionaire. Most creatives do what they love, but don't bank much cheddar. You dun good! I had no idea you were involved with Sports broadcasting and with no other than Don Cherry! Cool. By the way, that is a sick "K Way" jacket at 3:37

  • @EmanuelDXB2023
    @EmanuelDXB2023 4 роки тому +6

    I love to get to know more about you Mr. Amazing, I mean, Mr. Wonderful... I'm sorry, there is so many adjectives to qualify you that I get lost in words! A big hug from a HUGE FAN!!

  • @jeffbotelho5035
    @jeffbotelho5035 4 роки тому

    He got a little choked up there in the middle talking about taking SoftKey Public. Great story, so inspiring. I am 15 years in film now, and this makes me love Kevin.

  • @noah_deitch
    @noah_deitch 4 роки тому +8

    this is a great story and I was really surprised to learn that you have a big background in filmmaking. I am also a filmmaker and I find successful entrepreneurs almost always have similarities with a connection to creativity in some way.

  • @furqaanmonga
    @furqaanmonga 4 роки тому +90

    U inspire me. "I didn't want anybody to have control over my life"

    • @nsebast
      @nsebast 4 роки тому +1

      Exactly. If you work for someone, you're saying you trust him over yourself how to produce money.

    • @CannonHat
      @CannonHat 4 роки тому +2

      @Mechanical Chris not when you're richer than they are

  • @knz1950
    @knz1950 3 роки тому

    Never saw shark tank.... Quit watching TV 15yrs ago. Saw you on a fine watch channel, stumbled on this. Very true life experiences.

  • @Alfrednells-tp6nv
    @Alfrednells-tp6nv Рік тому +106

    I traded well on my Demo account but when I invested in to my main account i lost all my funds. Please i need an expert to assist me with my trading. It's frustrating how people loss funds in this trading, I really feel so bad.

    • @WillieRoy-jj6zz
      @WillieRoy-jj6zz Рік тому

      It's very obvious that forex and crypto trading is one of the profitable money exchange services that elevates investors and their financial status.

    • @WillieRoy-jj6zz
      @WillieRoy-jj6zz Рік тому

      I will advise you to seek the help of a professional because it’s really hard to create a strong professional portfolio. This will help you to achieve your goals and long term financial objectives

    • @marcelLawson-cn8dd
      @marcelLawson-cn8dd Рік тому

      That's true,. Its really needful for beginners not to settle for videos alone or they will see themselves losing all their money just like me when I newly started trading with this videos here on UA-cam.

    • @marcelLawson-cn8dd
      @marcelLawson-cn8dd Рік тому

      Many won't accept this truth but allow them, they'll understand when they become bankrupt as a result of unavoidable losses trading from mere UA-cam videos.

    • @AldoGiovanni-hq8jl
      @AldoGiovanni-hq8jl Рік тому

      Living with fear really stops us from taking risks,definitely if you don’t go all out you’ll never get out of any financial situation.

  • @Je.rone_
    @Je.rone_ 4 роки тому +96

    This is a phenomenal video in exactly the reason why I want to be an entrepreneur,

    • @mrurchu4812
      @mrurchu4812 4 роки тому

      You got a nice channel. Subbed.

    • @doncosmopolitan
      @doncosmopolitan 4 роки тому +1

      You don’t just become an “Entrepreneur “. It’s something more than a physical thing or profession. Entrepreneurship is a spirit you either have or don’t have. It is about innovation, connecting the dots. Creating a change that not only benefits you, but the entire world. It is something more than just materialistic desire. Most people look at Business owners and Entrepreneurs for the lifestyle they live or because of the way the have achieved financial success. It’s not just about that. There are so many layers to true entrepreneurship.

  • @mosesnandi
    @mosesnandi 3 роки тому

    Excellent talk. Probably one of the best UA-cam videos I have seen in such a long time! He's the real deal!

  • @LTD_Outdoors
    @LTD_Outdoors 4 роки тому +5

    The gum scraping incident happened to me, except not “gum on the floor”. With me it was bugs on my bosses truck. He would make me clean the “love bugs” off the front of his truck EVERY SINGLE DAY at my after school job. I was an honor roll student, hard worker who could he left alone with a task, and he has me scrubbing bugs off his truck! I quit and never looked back. Took jobs making less money to get away from him. That set me on a path to not have to waste my days doing things I don’t want to do.
    Been in business over 20 years now.
    Sometimes it takes a little incident like that to wake a person up to the realities of life. When you work for someone by the hour, they literally are buying your time, so it is their time now and you are a tool, like a screwdriver, that they use to do what they need done. The world takes all kinds, and I’m not knocking hourly employees, but it’s not for me.