The Cure - Fascination Street

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 4,6 тис.

  • @lauraroach3512
    @lauraroach3512 Рік тому +849

    The Cure is like the sweetest love letter to the darkness inviting it to be loved.

    • @corey-bird3489
      @corey-bird3489 Рік тому +22


    • @tmingng
      @tmingng Рік тому +24

      What are you, some sort of genius wordsmith who can write parallel to Robert's lyrics? I wish I formed those words you put together...

    • @andrewvass4773
      @andrewvass4773 Рік тому +7

      nice put Laura ... 🖤

    • @stevenmathews7621
      @stevenmathews7621 Рік тому +7

      I'd say - The void within constantly grasps at the edge of comprehension.. Occasionally breaching beauty
      The Cure is such an occasion

    • @MrVegasdeuce
      @MrVegasdeuce Рік тому +5

      Like a black veil covering an unknown bush. Remove the cover and its lilacs. Even the ones that are allergic cannot resist a smell...

  • @lelatr85
    @lelatr85 2 роки тому +3564

    Imagine being a teenager in the 80s and listening this on the radio for the first time... What a rush!

    • @tracebuster.B
      @tracebuster.B 2 роки тому +193

      I don't have to imagine 😊 was a rush, especially with one of those funny cigarettes 😉

    • @jaliscotalents4212
      @jaliscotalents4212 2 роки тому +43

      In this time of my life and now I enjoy that song

    • @michaeljohnson7282
      @michaeljohnson7282 2 роки тому +104

      ...or on a cassette tape with basic stereo on a portable ghetto blaster....

    • @zoraboch286
      @zoraboch286 2 роки тому +71

      I listened it outdoor in the dark, ist was... FASCINATING

    • @Semihumanbeing
      @Semihumanbeing 2 роки тому +71

      been there....done that 🙂 (most music modern days is crap)

  • @17primemover
    @17primemover Рік тому +941

    No band could make guitars sound so gorgeous as The Cure did.

  • @jamesross824
    @jamesross824 Рік тому +202

    Fascination Street has a killer bass rift.

    • @Hans_Gerber
      @Hans_Gerber 3 місяці тому +5

      The string height is set super low and it rattles. Sort of like natural distortion 😊

    • @CarlosMeza-p3f
      @CarlosMeza-p3f 3 місяці тому +5


    • @quicksilva155
      @quicksilva155 2 місяці тому

      Where is the bass player in the video? I guess he couldn't make the shooting for the video.

    • @stevenbrahma1509
      @stevenbrahma1509 Місяць тому +3

      ​​@@quicksilva155with hat...simon gallup..not much exposed in this video😅

    • @zoeherriot
      @zoeherriot Місяць тому

      @@quicksilva155 It's Simon with the hat at 1:05 - he is playing a Bass VI in the film clip (yes, it looks like a normal guitar, but it is in fact a short scale 6 string bass). There is some argument as to whether it was recorded with the Bass VI (Robert Smith wrote the bassline on a Bass VI, and you can hear it in his home demos) - but consensus seems to be that this is played on a Stingray bass on the recording.

  • @crystaltopia5795
    @crystaltopia5795 Рік тому +693

    My 14 year old daughter blasting the cure in her room ❤❤ what a joy ❤❤ there's hope for this generation yet

    • @lisaparkhill682
      @lisaparkhill682 Рік тому +11

      ❤Thanks for that, I think I'm destined to keep breathing for another forty years.

    • @sorchaah
      @sorchaah Рік тому +23

      Make sure you tell her how cool she is, I was a teen listening to the cure in thr y2k era and only now I look back and realise how damn cool I was. ❤

    • @jasonbierley4860
      @jasonbierley4860 Рік тому +10

      I just took my daughter to see them live in ATL!

    • @asher-v1l
      @asher-v1l Рік тому +6

      i rememebr when i was 3 my mom would make me and my brother listen to the cure i would act like it was a chore but now i ask her to play them lol

    • @srujan00
      @srujan00 Рік тому +3

      Why - because they stick to the past and don't forge their own identity?

  • @lyarnes
    @lyarnes Рік тому +941

    I am 53 years old now, have been a huge fan of The Cure since the beginning. Yet somehow their music and Robert’s iconic voice and lyrics mean more to me now than they ever have before. I find new meaning and significance in their songs now when I listen to them, and for that I am eternally grateful. It is hard enough these days, navigating through the darkness, but with The Cure’s music it can be done.

    • @jane-scotsflower72
      @jane-scotsflower72 Рік тому +20

      Dear Leah Yames,
      I couldn't have written it better. 🙏💜
      its the same with me ~...

    • @neffort
      @neffort Рік тому +16

      They are the cure, indeed

    • @just_Janet
      @just_Janet Рік тому +10

      I'm right there with you Leah!

    • @jesuslovesyou1702
      @jesuslovesyou1702 Рік тому +6

      God Bless u Leah! 💕

    • @carynfisher9139
      @carynfisher9139 Рік тому +19

      I just introduced my 12 yr old daughter to The Cure. She said she never thought one band could make you smile, laugh, feel included when you're lonely, and help you cry if need to, all on one album.

  • @rhtorres
    @rhtorres Рік тому +243

    Disintegration is by far the best album from The Cure. A true masterpiece!!

  • @EricWGagnonEZE
    @EricWGagnonEZE Рік тому +219

    That BASS LINE is insane!

    • @jespercervin9618
      @jespercervin9618 7 місяців тому +4

      I always thought that the bassline is very similar to the bassline in 'State of the Nation' by New Order that came three years earlier.

    • @EricWGagnonEZE
      @EricWGagnonEZE 7 місяців тому +3

      @@jespercervin9618 new order never played a Gibson Thunderbird Bass onstage for 3 hours

    • @17secondzz
      @17secondzz 6 місяців тому +6

      Simon is so underrated

    • @nirv8
      @nirv8 4 місяці тому +4

      Sick bass line is right, and you know the bass player played the riff and the boys just worked around it

    • @karenglenn6707
      @karenglenn6707 4 місяці тому +2

      Simon is and has always been amazingly great at what he does!!

  • @heatherharrington2563
    @heatherharrington2563 Рік тому +68

    I was 18 when this album came out, and the radio stations in my area sucked. They all played 80’s bubblegum music, hair bands, or classic rock. So no, this song wasn’t played on the radio at all where I was from. At least not when it first came out in ‘89. The only way you could hear it was to pop in a cassette, or if you were lucky and had enough money for a CD player, which were ridiculously expensive then, that’s how you listened to The Cure in the 80’s, before a song hit the mainstream Top 40. Which this song did, but not till 1990. When Disintegration came out in ‘89, my best friend skipped school to go to the record store and get it. That evening, she called me and said “OMG…you HAVE to come over right now and listen to this!” And we stayed up all night and just listened over and over for hours. It was great! Good memories, and we are in our 50’s now, but will still both adore The Cure.

    • @pnwozzy
      @pnwozzy 2 місяці тому +1

      Love your comment. ❤

  • @juliearvaniti7336
    @juliearvaniti7336 3 роки тому +624

    the very specific sound of this band does something deep in my heart like it paints it in a beautiful grayish blue tone...I love The Cure

  • @hexdump8590
    @hexdump8590 7 років тому +869

    Bass line, Bass line and more bass line. Awesome bass line!

  • @Bishop472
    @Bishop472 9 днів тому +4

    If you've been rocking this one for decades raise your hand 🖐️👍✌️

  • @DayByDavidO
    @DayByDavidO Рік тому +60

    Probably my all time favorite Cure song.

  • @wearmouth2630
    @wearmouth2630 3 роки тому +443

    Saw them in concert 2016. Cried all the way through. I'm a middle aged woman who still adores this extraordinary set of proper musicians!!!

    • @xReflamed
      @xReflamed 2 роки тому +12

      I saw them in 2016 as well! I'm only 26 but it was my favorite concert I've ever been to so far.

    • @olevet75
      @olevet75 2 роки тому +6

      they played almost 3hrs at MSG on that tour!!! I never been to concert that lasted that long by 1 act, and I've been to lots of gigs

    • @bowiefaniamiam8118
      @bowiefaniamiam8118 2 роки тому +10

      I'm 62 and still play their music full blast and dance like no one's looking💖💖

    • @shashmishra
      @shashmishra Рік тому +1

      Hey, they are playing this year and I’m thinking of going just to hear this song live, any thoughts?

    • @InnerCityGirl1
      @InnerCityGirl1 Рік тому

      I feel you.

  • @yanaeiriksson749
    @yanaeiriksson749 4 роки тому +2845

    The Disintegration album is a gift to humanity

    • @c.w_
      @c.w_ 4 роки тому +22

      The only cure album I ever bought!

    • @j9andphoenix
      @j9andphoenix 4 роки тому +74

      I have them all but Disintegration is a reason to be alive.

    • @lXlQueenofScots
      @lXlQueenofScots 4 роки тому +8

      Ill second that Yana

    • @nayan0368
      @nayan0368 3 роки тому +1

      @Ashleigh Pankhurst true!😎

    • @evadiazgarcia5665
      @evadiazgarcia5665 3 роки тому +5

      I completely agree with you 🤩

  • @bginagain
    @bginagain 2 дні тому +1

    Roger O’Donnell is always looking around like he owns the place.

  • @luckyuwus
    @luckyuwus Рік тому +87

    Possibly the most perfect song ever created

    • @andrewleet1942
      @andrewleet1942 9 місяців тому +1

      Couldn't agree more!

    • @amywilkinson4404
      @amywilkinson4404 8 місяців тому +2

      Love song close second...

    • @iranign
      @iranign 8 місяців тому

      @@amywilkinson4404 🏆

    • @Gabriel071293
      @Gabriel071293 6 місяців тому

      Honestly this or Disintegration

    • @jjmontes1414
      @jjmontes1414 3 місяці тому

      And your bird can sing. Beatles

  • @lush6049
    @lush6049 2 роки тому +653

    I remember being 2nd grade, my dad used to pick me up from school. He has always played The Cure in the car, i remember it being cold, dark and rainy, this song was playing. I fell asleep on the way home

    • @isabelguimaraes1722
      @isabelguimaraes1722 2 роки тому +5


    • @wowie7568
      @wowie7568 2 роки тому +12

      Aw beautiful

    • @ehheeajeshika
      @ehheeajeshika 2 роки тому +9

      This is so sweet and what I want with my future kids 🥰 I have a similar bond with my dad when it comes to music. I've been to so many good concerts with him and they are my best memories 🖤

    • @DJdext
      @DJdext 2 роки тому +3

      This is still a jam. So glad we're gonna have a Cure winter in my home with the release of Wish at 30 urs old. Bring on the second wave of memories.

    • @ronsworld250
      @ronsworld250 2 роки тому +3

      @@DJdext My CD copy just came the day after Thanksgiving here in the States. The album sounds so good. The remaster really does the album justice. Wish is a great album but the original CD pressings back in ‘92 always sounded muffled and muted. The remaster sounds so rich and crisp. When I heard Open and High I cut loose w/ a yell because I could hear all of Boris’ wind chimes and wood blocks clearly. Don’t even talk about the sea of sound coming from the guitars. Well worth the price!!!!

  • @PhyllisHannah
    @PhyllisHannah 2 місяці тому +8

    My son introduced me to the Cure in 1991. He was 15 years old. Still reaches my heart. My son passed away in 2010, sure do miss jamming with him. He met Porl at the Hard Rock Cafe in Washington DC in 1991 or maybe 1992 and got his autograph. Said that he was a really nice guy. 😊

  • @cardboardboxification
    @cardboardboxification 11 днів тому +1

    I'm a metal head but always loved the hard bass on this song ... Long live the 80's

  • @adammartin3591
    @adammartin3591 6 місяців тому +95

    Why can't this song make a comeback, it's better than anything on the radio now.

    • @jlouis4407
      @jlouis4407 5 місяців тому +1

      This was a single I’ve heard it on the radio a few times

    • @LSUOdyssey
      @LSUOdyssey 5 місяців тому +2

      I was disturbed it wasn't played in salt Lake when I saw them last year.

    • @r3stl3ss
      @r3stl3ss 3 місяці тому +1

      why would something that is eternal need a comeback?

    • @Blackshuck51
      @Blackshuck51 2 місяці тому

      ​@@r3stl3ssexcellent answer 👏

    • @Blackshuck51
      @Blackshuck51 2 місяці тому

      ​@@LSUOdysseyMormon influence

  • @annah.1569
    @annah.1569 3 місяці тому +16

    Get well soon, Roger O'Donnell! Keep The Cure's keyboardist in your thoughts and prayers and send positive vibes as he battles Blood Cancer!😘

  • @ngreen3151
    @ngreen3151 8 місяців тому +9

    The Cure, just timeless brilliant music. 👌👍

  • @intrepidvirgo938
    @intrepidvirgo938 22 дні тому +4

    Pure Gen-X….The Cure was at the forefront of everything my generation thought about as we were trying to find our way through the dark.

  • @llexuss07
    @llexuss07 4 роки тому +63

    Такую музыку, могли придумать только THE CURE. Роберт Смит,и остальным парням, моё уважение.

    • @martinavettori
      @martinavettori 4 роки тому +8

      У вас хорошие музыкальные вкусы!

    • @ДиксисДиксис-ш9е
      @ДиксисДиксис-ш9е 4 роки тому +8

      Раньше слушала треш и дет металл. Но сейчас так захотелось речальной и мистической мелодичности. Хотя эту группу знаю,они написали саундтрек к фильму ворон. Но слушать стала сейчас.

    • @anastasias.7186
      @anastasias.7186 3 роки тому +5

      это чудо в нашей жизни)
      сегодняшняя молодёжь такой шлак слушает, а рок вообще мёртв RIP

  • @girlintheback4940
    @girlintheback4940 Рік тому +197

    That bass line rattles my soul!!! This album has been in my top ten since I was 14. I'm 48 this year & I feel every bit my age - but when I look back on the music of my generation, I'm so grateful to have been a teenager in the 80's, red lipstick & all...

    • @edmundmcgrath213
      @edmundmcgrath213 Рік тому

      Took nothing to wear red lipstick in the 80's, but do you do it today. Shmear some on tonight and walk into a biker bar, and then you''ll know you've arrived and are a real man, even if the red lipstick rubs off on the red ambulance whisking you off to hospital.

    • @zoeherriot
      @zoeherriot Рік тому +4

      @@edmundmcgrath213 what a weird and obtuse thing to say...

  • @drummerboy6199
    @drummerboy6199 12 днів тому +1

    This song is deep. Way ahead of the time. His commentary on the scene, still relevant. As is his commentary on politics “ killing an Arab” and of course he is the king of love songs. Timeless.

  • @lilythebassetpuppy
    @lilythebassetpuppy Рік тому +12

    I was 16 years old, in 1992, on a class field trip to some mines and caves and there were bats all across the 'ceiling'(? Is that called a ceiling in a cave? Lol guess I should've paid attention to the teacher* 😂) and I was listening to my Disintegration cassette tape on my Walkman lol when this started playing I was looking up at the bats thinking I had the BEST soundtrack for this field trip. Listen carefully, you hear what sounds like bats in the far background of the music. It was perfect. I was in love with Robert Smith already, but that tape in that cavern was *just like heaven*. 😂❤

  • @ReedMcGowan
    @ReedMcGowan Рік тому +84

    Remembering when I was a DJ in the alternative clubs and this album came out. What a perfect song at the time to set the tone for the night and the epitome of the 80s.

    • @josephlozano7792
      @josephlozano7792 Місяць тому

      Can you give me an alternative club playlist? I'm trying to find more songs like this

  • @irvingsantin6682
    @irvingsantin6682 3 роки тому +518

    En lo personal, pienso, al igual que muchos, que ésta es una obra maestra, de principio a fin, puedo estar enojado, feliz, triste, harto de la vida, desilusionado, emocionado, nostálgico, enamorado etc. en cualquier estado de ánimo, con esta rola puedo hacer catarsis con todas esas emociones.
    Musicalmente tiene todos los elementos para hacerla perfecta, la línea de bajo, la batería, las guitarras, el teclado, la voz, la letra, todo es de otro mundo!
    Todo esto hacen de ésta, mi canción favorita de toda la vida.
    Volumen al máximo y a volar!!

    • @santospineda3534
      @santospineda3534 3 роки тому +7

      Así es

    • @julioalbertosolanogutierre1554
      @julioalbertosolanogutierre1554 3 роки тому +12

      Es un himno ochentero clásico.

    • @samus-rd1channel
      @samus-rd1channel 3 роки тому +10

      Just like Heaven es igual de perfecta, al igual que Friday I'm in Love!

    • @Attack126
      @Attack126 3 роки тому +8

      Amigo Irving deduzco que eres argentino, además de un tío muy culto. Que bonitas palabras para hablar de una canción " Fascinesion Strett "; saludos desde el estado español, más concretamente de Euskal Herria!!✊✊😎😎

    • @irvingsantin6682
      @irvingsantin6682 3 роки тому +7

      @@Attack126 Amigo Roberto, soy de la Ciudad de México, pero gran fan del rock argentino y español también, muchas gracias por tus palabras, saludos!

  • @patriziagozzoli4427
    @patriziagozzoli4427 8 днів тому +1

    I will never stop listening to ThE cUrE

  • @Gea2222
    @Gea2222 2 місяці тому +10

    2 days to hear new single of The Cure, what a time to be alive

  • @timbuchanan8425
    @timbuchanan8425 8 місяців тому +28

    " and lets move to the beat like we know that its over"....amazing lyrics.

  • @RachidRachid-xh6vf
    @RachidRachid-xh6vf 2 роки тому +15

    Robert Smith is a genius hé invented his own World i love this artist

  • @Lara1985
    @Lara1985 5 років тому +468

    This song is a Masterpiece, especially extended version. ❤️ Robert Smith is a genius.

    • @arieltentorio1804
      @arieltentorio1804 5 років тому +3

      Totally agree whit u...the EV is coat over coat of sounds like a hammer smashing my head an my ears...first the drums,after the superb words for this song

    • @cocosloan3748
      @cocosloan3748 4 роки тому +5

      I feel sorry fot kids nowadays that missed their music.. But i made sure my kids were listening to them from age 7 !
      This song goes so good LAAUUUDD!!!! Full bass and treble!

    • @cocosloan3748
      @cocosloan3748 4 роки тому +1

      The saddest song from them ...

    • @arieltentorio1804
      @arieltentorio1804 4 роки тому

      @@cocosloan3748 Yes Jule...this bass is like a hammer in the middle of chest smashing once and again

    • @anSealgair
      @anSealgair 4 роки тому

      I thought something is missing! It's not right because it's not the full version.

  • @bobblowhard8823
    @bobblowhard8823 2 роки тому +22

    The Cure never fails to put out a brilliant, timeless song.

  • @darkknightplayer
    @darkknightplayer 3 роки тому +224

    The perfect intro..... is like going down an highway at night inside a car. A straight and empty highway that leads to nowhere ..... Pure magic

    • @runawaylady1833
      @runawaylady1833 Рік тому +6

      The Cure was my favourite night driving music! Except I was driving winding roads into the hills watching the fog bounce across the road in front of my car...awesome.

    • @brownie4032
      @brownie4032 Рік тому +6

      Listened to this song driving down the highway at night the other day it was awesome

    • @darkknightplayer
      @darkknightplayer Рік тому

      @@brownie4032 😎😎

    • @83aquastar
      @83aquastar Рік тому +1

      Literally just added this to my “Songs to play while driving at night” list 🤯😍

    • @darkknightplayer
      @darkknightplayer Рік тому

      @@83aquastar well done 👍

  • @SkuaringtheCirkle
    @SkuaringtheCirkle 28 днів тому +2

    Blessed are the fair, for they are cunning.
    Be solemn towards evil, for its prize is the good and the knowledge.
    Orcrist! Glamdring!

  • @Kraftpunk1983vc
    @Kraftpunk1983vc Рік тому +90

    This song slaps so hard. There is an energy and excitement about this song that makes me feel alive.

    • @mindyengledow6860
      @mindyengledow6860 Рік тому +2

      Me too. I first heard Fascination Street when I was 17-18 in a club in Pasadena , Calif. I'll never forget it.

    • @slimequeensupreme3437
      @slimequeensupreme3437 Рік тому

      It's about going to nudie clubs on Bourbon Street.

  • @sergmadzonni5637
    @sergmadzonni5637 Рік тому +23

    Greatest song! Thank you, Mr. Robert Smith! Thank you, "The Cure"!

  • @Greece-empowered
    @Greece-empowered 7 років тому +152

    That bass🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻...Like never ends...

    • @samgou1724
      @samgou1724 5 років тому


    • @arieltentorio1804
      @arieltentorio1804 3 роки тому

      Entaxi agapimemi mou Kosta...Simon Gallup is and will be the best bass player in the world

    • @amandaprill1508
      @amandaprill1508 3 роки тому

      Simon Gallup excellent Bass player

  • @albertarthurparsnips5141
    @albertarthurparsnips5141 22 дні тому +4

    I’ve long wanted this incredible song to go on for at least half an hour. Or more. And with a FAR heftier mix to that extraordinary bass. And a louder, more ‘trebly’ guitar from Robert.

  • @silversonik1064
    @silversonik1064 Рік тому +34

    One of the best songs by The Cure ever!!! :)

  • @vanhalen407
    @vanhalen407 Рік тому +12

    Это БОМБА🤘🏻

  • @myrespect6338
    @myrespect6338 4 роки тому +100

    Этот альбом можно назвать квинтесенцией творчества The Cure, и эта песня просто невероятно красива. Спасибо за творчество Смиту, в данный момент состоящим в группе людям, а также тем, кто когда-либо учавствовал в ней.

  • @aussieboyss
    @aussieboyss 5 днів тому +1

    Why they are so freaking cool?! 😭😭😭😭😭, between the vocalist back to the kibordist ,back again to the vocalist ❤❤❤

  • @TheCartmansp
    @TheCartmansp 4 роки тому +68

    This song is how I became a Cure fan. The music is pure sorcery ❤️

  • @manduheavyvazquez5268
    @manduheavyvazquez5268 2 роки тому +22

    0:05 epic bass ever. Greatness

  • @arthurmcgarrett8580
    @arthurmcgarrett8580 2 роки тому +43

    32 года прошло, а мурашки по коже до сих пор. Лучшая их вещь и одна из лучших в истории мировой музыки.

    • @arthurmcgarrett8580
      @arthurmcgarrett8580 2 роки тому

      @dfbg cnnddb, ну это же клип. Сингл.

    • @jesustrivino2465
      @jesustrivino2465 Рік тому

      Coincido plenamente contigo 👍👍👍👍👍👍

    • @GalovaT
      @GalovaT Рік тому +1

      Вообще нет сравнения не только этой песне, но и их собственному звучанию.
      А песня просто мёд для ушей!❤

  • @sofiacoelho204
    @sofiacoelho204 15 днів тому +1

    The cure was the first concert in my life, I was 14 and this was 1989 and I was a huge fan, a totally memorable moment in my life! ❤️

  • @ethanbrettbarnhill1436
    @ethanbrettbarnhill1436 2 роки тому +20

    For me Robert Smith is litterally one of,if not the best songwriters of all time. Let alone for being "different". The cure have been with me as my mum loves them so I grew up listening to them, but finding my own love for Robert Smith and the cure is just unreal, they are truly unmatched, just amazing that something released in the 1980s can keep so many people connected even if it's on UA-cam etc, wow

    • @Rodrigo79799
      @Rodrigo79799 2 роки тому +1

      He is the best, no one can get where he is

  • @olye65
    @olye65 4 роки тому +53

    The Climax of this song with that descending line in the lead guitar is ridiculously powerful - The Drumming is brilliant throughout, there is around 4 variations in the snare pattern within the first few bars!

    • @zoeherriot
      @zoeherriot 2 роки тому +7

      I've always loved this drum pattern - it's got its own hook.

    • @confidentwreck
      @confidentwreck Рік тому +5

      @@zoeherriot especially those jarring double beats. So good.

    • @zoeherriot
      @zoeherriot Рік тому

      @@confidentwreck damn straight! :)

  • @carlosmedrano7005
    @carlosmedrano7005 2 роки тому +25

    I was a problematic teen which got sent to Monterrey Mexico back in the summer of 89 to live with my grandparents because of the trouble I was getting in. There were only a handful of tv stations and I was bored af. But at 7pm one station played music videos and this song would play almost every airing. I looked so forward to it. Plus I was also introduced to a band called Caifanes which had a song called “Viento.” These two songs held me through my time there. I needed that break.

    • @elderbat3333
      @elderbat3333 Рік тому +2

      Aaah caifanes 🖤 the mexican cure

    • @carlosmedrano7005
      @carlosmedrano7005 Рік тому +1

      @@elderbat3333 I’m a huuuge fan of The Cure but Caifanes, imo, has awesome writing. It’s another level. When I heard, “matenme porque me muero” and his line “when I die and they bury me - I want them to bury me with a picture of you …. so I won’t forget your face and can feel a bit alive while I’m down there….” I can see why they are legends too. I’ve been a fan since.

    • @elderbat3333
      @elderbat3333 Рік тому +1

      @@carlosmedrano7005 Caifanes is truly legendary! That song is art it’s always cool to find others who like them the same! I was lucky enough to see them do a US tour last year and it was a cathartic experience. The whole raza and their abuelas were there and it wasn’t even a Latin American city. Their music resonates with so many and understandably so 🖤 Caifanes en la piel

  • @mauriceslevines6100
    @mauriceslevines6100 Рік тому +18

    You cannot hear this song for the first time without trembling in awe.

  • @davidpedder9048
    @davidpedder9048 Рік тому +17

    Been a Cure fan since the 80s. Loved the music back then and even more now. With new remastered sound and much better sounding speakers.

  • @GabyB-r5h
    @GabyB-r5h 8 місяців тому +4

    Ese bajo y esa guitarra y esa voz, son la pura esencia de la música gótica. Son perfectos.

  • @mr.g4785
    @mr.g4785 8 місяців тому +19

    I worked in a high end audio store at the time. First time I heard this was in the sound room with a big AMP and some Klipsch speakers. I will never forget.

    • @T.R.27
      @T.R.27 3 місяці тому +1

      Gives me the best chills simply imagining this. 🖤

    • @lorigava7157
      @lorigava7157 2 місяці тому +2

      I remember opening the cassette and the request on the liner notes was to play it loud. I was happy to comply.

  • @sewaseem
    @sewaseem Рік тому +53

    In another 30 years this song will continue to fascinate

  • @tylerskiss
    @tylerskiss 14 днів тому +1

    This was (in America) the first taste we got. My friends and o had a rough recording off WDRE that was actually the album version. You just knew something special was coming… then there was Babble and Out of Mind, which were equally amazing.
    I still remember giving money to our friend as he caught a ride to the local record store and waiting him to return with 5 copies of Disintegration for my friends and I. I remember the smell of the artwork and the indescribable feeling of hearing Plainsong for the first time. The confusion Mike had that his record was missing 2 songs (that wasn’t really common yet), and having to fast forward the cassette after Fascination Street to start side 2…

  • @josegerardorodriguezriojas5620
    @josegerardorodriguezriojas5620 5 років тому +1312

    2020 and still listening, this is an EPIC SONG and ALBUM

  • @richardjohnboy7968
    @richardjohnboy7968 3 роки тому +13

    Absolutely the coolest 80’s band. Robert was the shyest man in the world, but look what he achieved

  • @fredrivers9685
    @fredrivers9685 3 роки тому +14

    1989 was a huge year in music.
    Disintegration, Technique and Black Comedy albums released. We will never ever see this level of excellence in one year in music again.

  • @TheMusikettie
    @TheMusikettie 2 роки тому +15

    Какие колоритные ребята! Ни один не похож на другого. Взгляд у главного Лекаря ну очень выразительный...

  • @marmimow
    @marmimow 3 роки тому +37

    I'm in love with the bass, the lyrics, Robert's vocals. It makes me so happy and there is a level of comfort. I always found a connection with him and the music when I was a tween up to now as an adult. I love how everyone is like minded too

  • @thomasnee270
    @thomasnee270 Рік тому +35

    I wasn't really ever into The Cure but I always loved this song. It's dark, brooding, and kind of heavy. I did see The Cure in Philadelphia back in 2007/2008 and it was an incredible concert. They sounded great and their chemistry was unbelievable. I especially remember the drummer really striking those drums just like he did in this video.

    • @lisazoria2709
      @lisazoria2709 Рік тому +4

      If you like darker heavier stuff don't miss their early albums, especially Pornography. Give them a listen if you haven't already. I wasn't really into the Cure either until I discovered their earlier stuff.

    • @thomasnee270
      @thomasnee270 Рік тому +3

      @@lisazoria2709 I grew up in the eighties as a headbanger Lol but when I went to high school out in the county, I was introduced to all kinds of different genres of music. Punk, hardcore, industrial, techno, gothic, new wave, etc. I'll never forget being introduced to Ministry, Nitzer ebb, and Front 242 by this one goth kid in my school when I was in the tenth grade. it was definitely one of the best experiences in my life to date.

    • @thomasnee270
      @thomasnee270 Рік тому +1

      @@lisazoria2709 I did like and still listen to Depeche Mode especially their material from the eighties - early nineties. I was hit or miss with The Cure growing up but now that my taste in music has evolved since I have gotten older, I'll definitely give their earlier stuff a try. I'm almost certain that I have heard some songs off of "Pornography" but I'll take your suggestion and take that trip down memory lane to listen to it and their other early albums as well.

    • @MelTheMuppetslayer
      @MelTheMuppetslayer Рік тому +1

      I was at that Philly show. Incredible experience. Can’t wait to do it again in June. 🖤

  • @CarlosZepeda-p4k
    @CarlosZepeda-p4k 5 місяців тому +3

    Sin lugar a duda unas de las mejores bandas tengo 50 años y de verdad me encanta el álbum de mixes y todo lo que hizo esta gran banda desde sus inicios cundo tenían su radio pirata en los 80’s saludos desde México 🇲🇽👍🏽✌🏽

  • @iliveonagreatisland4092
    @iliveonagreatisland4092 5 років тому +11

    his music & lyrics were way ahead of it`s time, been a fan from the late 70s still am!!!

  • @polimazzola1712
    @polimazzola1712 11 років тому +41

    I'm obsessed with Roger's face in this video. He's gorgeous ♥
    And the song is amazing! I love it!!!

    • @simongallup9147
      @simongallup9147 2 роки тому

      Hello, How are you doing? It’s nice seeing you here

  • @НацПопулизм
    @НацПопулизм 4 роки тому +17

    Хорошая песня из моего любимого альбома. Спасибо Роберт Смит за такой подарок человечеству.

  • @javieracabello7079
    @javieracabello7079 4 місяці тому +2

    0:16 IS WONDERFUL😻‼️

  • @thegirlbehindthesun
    @thegirlbehindthesun 10 років тому +870

    I can't stop listening to this song

    • @e30_rr85
      @e30_rr85 7 років тому +9

      Ana Lucia Digo lo mismo es mi fav de esta banda. 😉

    • @lucaschacon8362
      @lucaschacon8362 6 років тому +3

      Ana Lucia. Es muy buena.

    • @lyantomsing5231
      @lyantomsing5231 6 років тому +2


    • @tonp2917
      @tonp2917 5 років тому

      Why? Now you miss all the other great songs of the Cure!

    • @roaggrocha5124
      @roaggrocha5124 5 років тому

      Sigo en lo mismo y está sé Apeida cómo yo jjjaaa bye

  • @ali-zay
    @ali-zay Рік тому +2


  • @heroicmedicine1
    @heroicmedicine1 Рік тому +245

    Gotta hear this song through club speakers to appreciate how mind blowing that bass line is

    • @a.b.c.investing8692
      @a.b.c.investing8692 Рік тому +10

      Serious base line!

    • @kirkleejacobs
      @kirkleejacobs Рік тому +6

      The subs would thump! I remember.

    • @mindyengledow6860
      @mindyengledow6860 Рік тому +21

      I was in a club in Los Angeles when I was 16 when I first heard Fascination Street. I was going down a spiral staircase in this very big dark club. It was intense, I'll never forget it.

    • @andreamonceaux2747
      @andreamonceaux2747 Рік тому +1

      True story

    • @monchichi5677
      @monchichi5677 Рік тому


  • @taliertagreen7264
    @taliertagreen7264 4 роки тому +75

    Это одна из лучших песен, которые я только слышала в своей жизни👍👍👍

    • @мнепохуй-ф2в
      @мнепохуй-ф2в 4 роки тому +10

      о боже,ты описала мою ситуацию,я не могу наслушаться,хотя прошло много лет с тех пор,как только я ее услышал!

    • @Labyrinth629
      @Labyrinth629 Рік тому +2

      Последний день лета песня тоже огонь

    • @alexanderphonarev7748
      @alexanderphonarev7748 Рік тому

      Прикольно, как мы по-разному воспринимаем. Меня никогда не трогала эта песня - на этом альбоме есть песни куда более интересные.

    • @Labyrinth629
      @Labyrinth629 Рік тому

      Вот эта мощь!

  • @tonyheymunkets
    @tonyheymunkets 9 місяців тому +2

    This album came out in the late 80s I love it I listened to it over and over and over and over and over I was in love with a girl that didn't love me and I just listened to the cure and cried

  • @gabrielbehd704
    @gabrielbehd704 5 років тому +38

    Without a doubt, they are one of the best bands of all times of the music ...♠ THE CURE ♪

  • @kotrearh
    @kotrearh Рік тому +13

    Я из России, узнал The Cure в 31 год. Классика. Как можно было жить без этого

  • @Sharon-fw9qw
    @Sharon-fw9qw 8 місяців тому +13

    Best album ive owned. I'm 63 now been loving these guys for a few decades.

  • @Cauquen-l4q
    @Cauquen-l4q 3 дні тому +1

    Para esa época. Escuchar esto por la radio era como música de otro planeta..

  • @Syria-fz1rl
    @Syria-fz1rl 8 років тому +110

    Robert your voice is incredible, still today on live... it is unbelievable ♡

  • @R.EileanSiar
    @R.EileanSiar 7 років тому +47

    This album is pure art.

  • @unclequack5445
    @unclequack5445 9 років тому +247

    There the best I've ever heard ever No other band sounds like The Cure Disintegration is a master work.

  • @4everwithUD
    @4everwithUD 5 місяців тому +3

    I am 19 years old and I am from Russia. I discovered this group a year ago. And I don't regret it.
    About Fascination Street, the track is great, as, in principle, is all the work of The Cure. It feels like watch a noir movie and watching the love line of the main character and antagonist.
    By the way, I would like to tell you about the alleged similarity of this song and one of the songs of another band from Russia. (I warn you: what I will describe below is not an advertisement or an attempt to advertise the work of another group!)
    In Russia, we had a band, very popular at the time, called Агата Кристи (Agatha Christie; Yes, the band was called that throughout its existence. And no, the band's songs were in no way related to her works). This band was inspired by the work of The Cure, starting with the image and ending with the atmosphere and sound some of their tracks. If you are interested, you can read about this group on the Internet. I'm not quite talking about that now.
    In 1997, the band released the album "Hurricane" which is considered one of the darkest and most difficult to perceive. So, on this album there is a song "Корвет уходит в небеса" ("Corvette goes to heaven"), which is considered to be something like a copy of "Fascination Street".
    And now, after listening to this track, I want to say this: "Corvette..." is in no way like Fascination Street! There is no way at all! The sound of "Corvette..." is much darker, the atmosphere is completely different. And in the end, the texts are completely opposite in meaning. In general, I don't understand how we were able to see something in common between two completely different songs. In general, who is interested, you can listen, the song is in the public domain.
    I apologize in advance for any mistakes, because I don't know English well.
    Greetings to The Cure fans from Russia!

  • @pacus1970
    @pacus1970 5 років тому +22

    So brilliant, so powerful, so intense, so The Cure ! Takes me back to 1989, I was 19 then...Great memories... A masterpiece

  • @johnnyjohnson1326
    @johnnyjohnson1326 Рік тому +11

    Didn't really appreciate the Cute until I graduated high school (c/o 89). I'm my early 20s my musical tastes expanded and I got into this band.
    Now that I'm 52 I'm glad I got into them. The music changes meanings sometimes, but the feeling is always there.

  • @DavidSush1
    @DavidSush1 Рік тому +11

    Simply a great song from a great album by a great band. So unique, so atmospheric, so wild, so entrancing, so moving, so Cure.

  • @MarkJordan-cf7ir
    @MarkJordan-cf7ir 4 місяці тому +4

    This is my all time favorite song by them. I never get tired of listening to it!

  • @kevinhancock9475
    @kevinhancock9475 4 роки тому +26

    Listening to the Cure still, at the grand old age of 60.

  • @kate9341
    @kate9341 2 роки тому +40

    Просто нереально. У меня от этой песни голова кружится (в хорошем смысле).
    Ощущение, что я пьяная или сильно влюбилась ✨

    • @menyabesit5070
      @menyabesit5070 2 роки тому +8

      Хах ниже ваш комментарий датирован 3 года назад и вот вы снова здесь, до сих пор восхищаетесь этой песней) А я только сегодня влюбилась в неё, потрясающее звучание!

    • @Dotastreem74
      @Dotastreem74 2 роки тому +3

      @@menyabesit5070 никогда не поздно приобщиться)

    • @barzakhran
      @barzakhran 2 роки тому +2

      мою любимая группа, мадмуазель)) возможно, мы можем «опьянеть или влюбиться» вместе)) я из москвы.

  • @ladygloomweaver6623
    @ladygloomweaver6623 Рік тому +33

    The Cure’s music instantly transports me to a place of melancholy comfort and longing. As a teen… it was part of me… I felt like I could burst with emotion when I would listen to their music or even think about it…. I had such deep seated love for every song. Today… I still love listening to The Cure and I get instantly transported back to a place of emotional innocence and I let those memories wash over me with a yearning nostalgia. I wish I could go back to those times…..

  • @heribertoabrego4429
    @heribertoabrego4429 Місяць тому +1

    I've been a fan since 89 dear god time flies love these guys they tell the story of my life.

  • @maxtaylor7533
    @maxtaylor7533 2 роки тому +10

    I had the album on a cassette tape listening at work on my walkman. One co-worker always asking to borrow it, returning the tape to me at the song starting just after Fasination Street EVERY time!! 😄

  • @tornikeyifiani7229
    @tornikeyifiani7229 7 років тому +20

    My favorite... My favorite.... My favorite from the cure

  • @rickytoddbotelho9555
    @rickytoddbotelho9555 Рік тому +15

    One of the best beats in recording history 🙌 👌

  • @michaelpasquarella8818
    @michaelpasquarella8818 5 місяців тому +2

    AWESOME after all these years. The 80's needed more than 10 years...Bring it back. Some music lifts you while others keep you down. The Cure...what an appropriate name.

  • @kate9341
    @kate9341 6 років тому +283

    Волшебство, рассыпающееся искрами во все стороны

    • @ЕгорБаев-х8р
      @ЕгорБаев-х8р 4 роки тому +37

      согласен , cure это шедевр

    • @ElGatoPardo693
      @ElGatoPardo693 4 роки тому +8

      You can say that again!

    • @Shestnick1
      @Shestnick1 4 роки тому +41

      Как приятно прочитать русский комментарий)

    • @leticiaolvera9114
      @leticiaolvera9114 2 роки тому +1

      Así es, exacto.

    • @pirlovcin
      @pirlovcin Рік тому +1

      @@Shestnick1 да,мы здесь

  • @julioalbertosolanogutierre1554
    @julioalbertosolanogutierre1554 3 роки тому +87

    "Fascination street" fue una "vacuna musical" en mi juventud, porque cuando estaba en momentos reflexivos, me acompañaba al estar sólo en mi recámara, recostado, cerrando los ojos y me sumergía en un éxtasis placentero, logrando que me olvidara de todo a mi alrededor.
    Hoy a mis 48, sigue (y seguirá) siendo mi "vacuna" contra todo este caos de pandemia, economía, guerras, políticos, racismo, cambio climático y más.
    Ya sea en mi oficina (como en estos momentos con audífonos) o en mi casa, igual recuerdo esos momentos y vuelvo a hacer lo mismo (ahora con UA-cam): sólo cerrar mis ojos y que ese sonido enigmático me transporte a un mundo de tranquilidad y paz espiritual ... realmente es LA CURA para mi alma.

    • @eduardoteodorobracamonteal397
      @eduardoteodorobracamonteal397 2 роки тому +2

      momentos de depresion, y de desamor adolescente ochentero

    • @julioalbertosolanogutierre1554
      @julioalbertosolanogutierre1554 2 роки тому +3

      @@eduardoteodorobracamonteal397 todo el ánimo mi estimado amigo, ya que fuímos privilegiados con estas leyendas musicales que nos dieron sentido de vida ... hasta la fecha. Bendiciones y saludos !!!.

    • @eduardoteodorobracamonteal397
      @eduardoteodorobracamonteal397 2 роки тому +2

      @@julioalbertosolanogutierre1554 EL MEJOR ROCK SE CREO EN LOS 80s

    • @karmentomazic7922
      @karmentomazic7922 2 роки тому +1

      Zame bodo za vedno geniji. Se to je "preslaba" beseda. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @bv2225
    @bv2225 5 років тому +19

    The Cure at their absolute best!

  • @RobertoRossi-k3o
    @RobertoRossi-k3o Місяць тому +2

    This got the touch! Mesmerizing guitar, magic synth and awesome drums.

  • @koalan1028
    @koalan1028 8 років тому +67

    Amazing basslines, rhythm, and melody