Roman Catholicism: Contending for the Faith

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • I try to graciously, honestly and without misrepresentation, deal with a number of important issues related to Catholicism; the Pope, purgatory, Mary, the authority claims of Roman Catholicism, historical challenges to official teachings of the RC church, theological problems with the gospel as it is taught in the official councils of Catholicism (especially Trent) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
    The truth is that I wish I could say the disagreements I have with official Roman Catholic teaching were merely secondary issues. But, despite incredible agreement on many primary issues such as the inspiration and authority of scripture, the Trinity and the death and resurrection of Jesus, there remains the fact that Roman Catholicism teaches errors that seem to compromise the very gospel itself. I really wish I could affirm that the gospel is still in tact in the council of Trent or the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but I am honestly convinced it's not. So, with a heavy heart I think we need to talk about it. While the biggest issue here is the gospel I will still deal with a number of other connected topics and hope you'll find it helpful.
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 19 тис.

  • @harleygirl4life6
    @harleygirl4life6 Рік тому +1286

    I was born to Catholics. I went to 8 years of Catholic School. I however at the age of 25 realized I NEVER read the Bible tho I claimed to believe it. So I started reading a King James Version a friend gave me. I told my husband we won’t change religion I just want to be closer to God. I got to Exodus & God said he is a jelous God & not to have images of anything in the heavens & not to bow down to them ….hmmm at my wedding I had to bow down in front of a statue of Mary & pray to her! I had statues in my house. I read call no man father but your father in heaven. I read have No mediator between you & god except Christ. So not the priest in the confessional?? It said Do not pray in vain repetition & gave an OUTLINE for prayer the our father so the rosary?? That I repeat ‘ repeat & repeat? Then in scripture someone said. Praise the womb you came from to Christ but Christ responded NO & pointing to the crowd said you are my mother & you my brother & you my sister. So no praising Mary? She is just a blessed woman. WOW as a Catholic this is news to me. Then to find out after Christ she was no longer a virgin Christ had brothers & sisters!! Joseph & Mary had children. After reading all of that. The entire Bible reading it. I knew it was either follow the tradition of men or is God the inerrant word of God. Yes J picked God & left the Catholic faith. I also prayed for the dead as a Catholic. Heck we had masses for the dead to pray them into heaven. When you are dead? It’s done. Absent from the body present w/ the Lord for those who are saved & Christ surely said you must be born again & Roman 6 explains dying to yourself & coming alive for Christ & Paul says do we continue in sin so that grace may abound certainly not!! To me Roman 6 sums up Baptism & the symbolism of Dying with Christ & yes as an adult I chose a Christian baptism out of obedience to God. A baby can’t chose. I took all the statues in my house & began boxing them to give my sisters who are still Catholic. Then it came on me it’s not good for you it’s not good for them. Throw them out & in that moment it was revealed of course God was right!!! As much as Zi said these religious statues of Mary & Jesus are just to remind me to keep me thinking of God but in the moment of tossing them I knew of course God is right bcz I felt like it was sacrilege throwing those objects away. So obviously they meant more to me then they should have. They are not little gods they are ceramic!!! Yes I was indeed glad I threw them out that was right. My children were 3 & newborn when I came to Christ & I raised them in the church & they married Christians & home school. I have been so very blessed. God did call me & delivered me from being a Catholic. I loved Jesus but I didn’t know Jesus & in my Catholic faith I had to be good to be saved. It was very works based. Jesus said it is finished & indeed it was or he died for nothing !! I know looking back that I was dead in that religion, in spite of that God called me to know him by knowing his word. I am humbled by his Grace & so unworthy. In Christ though I am made whole. In Christ , being washed in his blood I have eternal life !!!

    • @ifeanyichukwu3644
      @ifeanyichukwu3644 Рік тому +19


    • @SalvarezP
      @SalvarezP Рік тому +29

      My husband is catholic by inheritance. He doesn't read the bible or go to church. I'm a Jehovah witnesses but I have started to lose faith in this community. I'm starting to realized that we are not different than the rest. The only thing that we differentiates us is that we don't believe in the trinity. I want to go and experience for myself what is like in other christian communities. But it's really hard for me to let go of the non-trinitarian believe. We decided to start going to mass on Sundays. But I feel very anxious. I know in my heart catholics have many traditions and I'm not sure if I can convert and still not follow all their traditions. Kinda like doing my own thing you know. If I know something is not biblical, I can choose to not participate. But then, I could pretty mu h do the same elsewhere😔😏😒🙏

    • @ifeanyichukwu3644
      @ifeanyichukwu3644 Рік тому +1

      @@SalvarezP I pray God takes you away from your cult and to Him

    • @RandyEscalanteGarcia
      @RandyEscalanteGarcia Рік тому +57

      Beautiful testimony sister! You found the truth in Jesus! God bless you and your babies! ❤️

    • @RandyEscalanteGarcia
      @RandyEscalanteGarcia Рік тому +59

      ​@@SalvarezP if I could offer one reason why you are losing faith, in these religions is exactly because of the fact that they are religions. There is only one genuine way, and it's the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. Being a Christian is not a religious denomination, it's the faith. Salvarez, I'm here to encourage you in the truth of the gospel. Jesus Christ is alive today, He dwells within born again believers. An encounter with Christ changes everything. It's spiritual and it's more than religion. The real Jesus Christ is the one we encounter, and if you call on Him and Him alone, He will save you and He will respond. The fabrications of religion keep people in bondage and they become spiritually dead. Ma'am, if you look at it through the lense of religion, it will be easy to lose faith because it's not anchored in the foundations of Christ. Seek Jesus for yourself, read the gospel for yourself believe in Him and Him only, cry out to him be honest where you're at ask him to help you and I promise you he will answer. I promise you. Thousands of testimonies exist in the name of Jesus, people being saved, salvation itself is a beautiful gift and it's real and I want to to know it's bigger than religion, it's relationship, it's not about works, ma'am that's what makes it genuine, not religion. Seek Jesus for yourself, believe in Him, believe that He is. Ma'am that's where the birth happens, faith in Christ saves. I promise if you seek Him, you call on His name. He will find you, I promise. Don't let Satan and the religion and even opinions of loved ones try to change you for doing other wise. I know you're confused, scared and tired, but I promise you, Jesus is bigger and so much more than all this, and yes it's something you can have and it's not earned. I promise. Call out to Jesus, call out to him, with your heart. Be honest with Him but trust Him, even if it's as small as a mustard seed. God loves you and wants you to know the Truth, His love and mercies and grace are legit, have faith in God, not the people. I will be praying for you, God bless you and remember, He loves you and wants you to know that, Jesus wants your whole heart.. don't be convinced by the counterfeits, Jesus saves and He's the real deal. Call out to Him ❤️

  • @Acts-1915
    @Acts-1915 3 роки тому +1943

    I don't do good works to BE saved. I do them because I AM Saved.

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 3 роки тому +14

      See Matt. 5: 46-48.

    • @sidgar1
      @sidgar1 3 роки тому +105

      This is true. We first have to be made "good trees" (saved) in order to bear "good fruit" (good works) (Mt. 12:30). But faith without works is dead. Jesus cursed the fig tree that failed to bear fruit in its season. If we claim to be born-again Christians, we will produce good works as naturally as a good tree bears fruit. If we do not bear fruit, the ax is laid to our roots and we are thrown into the fire (Matthew 3:10).

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 3 роки тому +8

      @@sidgar1........If YOU mean to be ' perfect,' see Matt.19: 21.

    • @sidgar1
      @sidgar1 3 роки тому +55

      @@miketeixeira7853 Where did I say perfect? I just said we need to produce fruit as a result of our changed hearts.

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 3 роки тому +8

      @@sidgar1..........So.......who judges what is good fruit or not ??? Jesus judges, for only He can see our hearts......see Mark 12: 39-44.

  • @kathysowers
    @kathysowers 4 місяці тому +69

    "The gospel is extremely complicated" in Catholicism. Yes. I was raised Catholic and began drifting away because of the weight of "the rules." The balance scales are a heavy burden, you can't win.
    Then The Jesus People (from the Jesus Revolution in San Diego) came to town and I heard the gospel in its simplest terms. I could hardly believe it. I was floored. And I received it. Never looked back. It's 53 years later and I am still growing in the grace and knowledge of God, forever grateful for what Jesus did on the cross.
    Thank you for this excellent exegesis.

    • @toneyh1
      @toneyh1 3 місяці тому +2

      The gospel message is to repent and believe, this is what is taught in catholicsm I should know I’m catholic and find it simple enough I’m only average intelligence,ish 😊

    • @mary_puffin
      @mary_puffin 3 місяці тому +6

      @@toneyh1 I don't think you're listening to your own church. You can do so much more for your salvation in Catholicism, including engaging on the vatican's social media (see the vatican decree made for World Youth Day special indulgences). The vatican can flippantly grant pardon from punishment like this, making a mockery of Jesus' cross, and using false authority to promote their own events and activities. Repenting and believing has never been enough in the Catholic church.

    • @estherdavis4802
      @estherdavis4802 2 місяці тому

      No, it is not complicated.
      It has been very poorly taught.
      And it is also not true that we think we get to Heaven by works

    • @christineploeg1992
      @christineploeg1992 2 місяці тому +4

      @@estherdavis4802 you may not think that. And protestants love you and rejoice with you. Get your church surely does teach salvation by works. That’s why you need to earn indulgences and pray to dead people to pray to God for you. In the true good news of the Christian way Christ Jesus does everything for you even giving you a new heart which brings you closer to Him and to other believers.

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 2 місяці тому +2

      @@christineploeg1992 YOU = your ( Catholic ) church surely does teach salvation by works.
      ME = .Sadly, Protestants have gotten their doctrines totally wrong. Despite claiming " Sola Scriptura " meaning that the Bible is their sole authority, they have based their doctrines on just 2 " cherry-picked " and non-Gospel ( meaning not the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke & John ) verses that of Romans 10:9 and Ephesians 2:8-9.
      Protestants should be basing their doctrines on the 4 Gospels which the Heavenly Father sent Jesus to be as well as to teach us the Way, Truth and Life back to The Father and which are essentially TOUGH LOVE messages =If you love Me, keep My Commandments, especially the Love of God and neighbour, even enemies.
      Jesus defined a Christian - Must take up your Cross daily, deny yourself and follow Me - Matthew 16:24.
      Jesus fasted - superhumanly - 40 days/nights. He dismissed Satan who mocked Him for fasting when He could have all the bread to eat - Matt. 4. Jesus dismissed Satan because Christianity is the way of the Cross.
      Moreover, Jesus did a World of Works - John 21:25 and declared that the final Judgement is based on Works of Mercy = Matthew 25.
      Even Paul, like a faithful Christian= boasted =of the Cross -Galatians 6:14,
      Moreover, God has - expectations - and requires - MORE - from Christians because we have the perfect example of Jesus - Luke 12:48
      Catholics believe that Jesus came down from Heaven to pay the penalty of Adam's sin which closed Heaven's gates and placed " Original Sin " on all Adam's descendants - you & me. " It is finished " was Jesus' cry of mission accomplished and that Heaven's gates were now opened. And Baptism is a one-time = grace = event that washes away all our past sins, but we are still responsible for all sins afterwards. This is exampled by God's " execution " of Ananias & Sapphira from the 1st Christian = Faith = community for just dishonesty and lying just = after = Jesus' heavenly ascent = Acts 5.
      The importance of Works as well as sacramental Confession, Holy Communion and Mass.
      Because He was going away, Jesus empowered His Apostles to forgive sins = or = retain them = John 20:22-23.
      Moreover, Jesus declared that His Flesh & Blood was = Real = food & drink = for Eternal Life = John 6:53-58.
      And the 1st Christian Faith community = devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching, to the breaking of Bread and The Prayers = Acts 2:42 = which has evolved into the Catholic Mass.
      Moreover, Jesus urged Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving and Good Works which are rewarded by The Father who sees in secret = Matthew 6.
      On the other hand, Protestants believe that Jesus' death on the cross satisfied for all sins, past, present and future. If that was the case there would be = NO DEVILS, the Other Thief on the Cross would also be promised paradise, and the Heavenly Father would not need to chastise and scourge = every = child before admitting them into Heaven = Hebrews 12:6.
      And By declaring that only Faith is necessary for Salvation, Protestants have effectively cancelled the Cross - the very symbol of Christianity.
      Jesus declared that Faith was the means by which He was able to perform miracles especially of healing = Your Faith has made you well ! However, for salvation, it is Faith + Works = James 2:14 = especially that of LOVE of God & neighbour, even enemies.
      Protestants beware !!! Your salvation is at stake. Kindly heed God's Tough Love messages.
      Remember, outside Catholicism there is NO salvation

  • @r.o.b
    @r.o.b 9 місяців тому +116

    I was a Catholic for 22 years and realised I was a sinner and didn't know Jesus whatsoever! I gave my life to Christ and now I just walk with God and build my relationship with God through reading his beautiful word! I have been born again! John 6:29

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng 9 місяців тому +3

      Unbelievable !!! So who do YOU think the confessional was for ??? Sorry that YOU were not taught that the RCC is the hospital for sinners and Jesus is the Divine Healer.

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken 9 місяців тому +4

      "I have been born again! "
      You were Born Again scripturally when you were baptized.
      "didn't know Jesus whatsoever!"
      Sounds like you never took time to learn your faith. I suspect you seldom went to Mass, where you received his Resurrected Body and Blood in the Eucharist, a means for receiving his Grace. So too, a relationship with him, instituted by HIM, that no protestant has.

    • @revolverguy
      @revolverguy 4 місяці тому +8

      ​@@Michael-nb4ngthe confessional, for most Catholics I know, is the thing you have to do occasionally so you can continue in sin.

    • @almakarina13
      @almakarina13 4 місяці тому

      Hi, I’m not sure why you thought you couldn’t get to know Jesus as a Catholic. But ok.

    • @jdvisualz3391
      @jdvisualz3391 4 місяці тому +8

      @@Michael-nb4ng a sinful priest does not have authority to forgive sins.

  • @Diegocurt73
    @Diegocurt73 4 місяці тому +132

    Born and raised Catholic. Went to a Protestant church on the North Shore of Oahu. First time I heard the Bible taught. They were reading from the gospel of John Chapter One. The Holy Spirit opened my heart when I heard John’s gospel read. I then researched Catholicism and never went back. I’m so thankful for God opening my heart to receive the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • @AnnTeixeira-v3l
      @AnnTeixeira-v3l 4 місяці тому +12

      At every Mass the OT prophesies are read, followed by a psalm of longing; then we stand for the NT fulfillment of Jesus. Don't know how YOU never heard the Bible. Enjoy YOU Protestant Church, for there is where God wants YOU for now.

    • @rooforlife
      @rooforlife 4 місяці тому +6

      At EVERY Catholic Mass scriptures read or sung today's is First Reading Acts 14:5-18,
      Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 115:1-4, 15-16, Gospel John 14:21-26
      Yesterdays>>>First Reading Acts 9:26-31, Second Reading 1 John 3:18-24,
      John 15:1-8

    • @alexanderkaufman3575
      @alexanderkaufman3575 4 місяці тому

      Are you serious!? You must have fallen asleep for the Liturgy of the Word then, or just never went to a Catholic Mass. I find it impossible to believe you NEVER hear the Bible as a Catholic. It just does not check out.

    • @clarenceappleton2915
      @clarenceappleton2915 4 місяці тому +4

      You claim the church reads these scriptures, but none of them support many of the doctrines that the Catholic Church claims. It's one thing to say you read the Bible. It's another thing to understand and interpret it correctly.

    • @AnnTeixeira-v3l
      @AnnTeixeira-v3l 4 місяці тому +9

      @@clarenceappleton2915 Self-interpretation is pride, and pride is satan's realm......see 2 Peter 1: 20.

  • @Myrdden71
    @Myrdden71 3 роки тому +619

    Justice: Getting what you deserve. (as in: punishment)
    Mercy: Not getting what you deserve. (punishment withheld)
    Grace: Getting what you don't deserve. (as in: a blessing)
    Grace does not equal Merit (having earned something). The Bible talks about Merit in Romans 6:23 - "The WAGES of sin is death,...". That is all we merit. But God gives Grace, Hallelujah!

    • @blindvision4703
      @blindvision4703 3 роки тому +11

      Amen! I have to use that one.

    • @pbuck3387
      @pbuck3387 3 роки тому +10

      This was amazing! Thank you!

    • @gabriellekelly3462
      @gabriellekelly3462 3 роки тому +8

      Loved this explanation. Very succinct.

    • @harleymann5711
      @harleymann5711 3 роки тому

      Romans 2:6-11 corrects all of you!

    • @Myrdden71
      @Myrdden71 3 роки тому +29

      @@harleymann5711 Taken out of context, perhaps. For example, those verses say, "but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good", but the Bible says that there are None who do good. It also says, "He will render to each one according to his works", but we've "all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God," and "there is none without sin." So we'll all go to Hell, if there is no grace. Read those verses literally and out of context, and there is no such thing as mercy or grace, only justice, i.e., getting what we deserve. But we all deserve Hell! Everything must be read in context, my friend. :)

  • @JensSchraeder
    @JensSchraeder 3 роки тому +475

    I need prayers to strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ. My Saviour and King.

      @NOVALITEPROD 3 роки тому +8

      Prayed for ya and will continue❤

    • @JensSchraeder
      @JensSchraeder 3 роки тому +7

      Thanks. And i will pray for you. God Bless

    • @blindvision4703
      @blindvision4703 3 роки тому +2

      As often as I remember to

    • @blindvision4703
      @blindvision4703 3 роки тому +2

      And I would ask for the same

    • @oprophetisfake9482
      @oprophetisfake9482 3 роки тому

      Amen, brother. We all do! God bless you and keep you, the LORD look upon you and be gracious to you, the LORD make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
      I pray that God will strengthen you to know, if you are in Jesus (I trust that you have put your trust in Jesus alone for your salvation), just more and more the dimensions of the love of God for us who are in Christ. Amen.

  • @superpaul968
    @superpaul968 Рік тому +101

    59:25 This hit me really hard. I’m a protestant at a catholic conference right now and they have been trying to convert me. 2 guys who genuinely believe what they say have been saying things about the catholic church that made sense in isolation, but after this video it solidified my faith in Christ alone! Thank you Mike!

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng Рік тому +5

      A protestant at a Catholic Conference. Sadly, this is how satan works to infiltrate the Church.......see Acts 20: 29.

    • @Notevenone
      @Notevenone Рік тому +21

      @@Michael-nb4ngwow that remark is completely uncalled for and very ungodly. Very sad indeed

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng Рік тому

      Jesus warned us that the gates of hell will attack but not prevail......see Matt. 16: 18-19.@@Notevenone

    • @johnsteila6049
      @johnsteila6049 Рік тому

      Use your head.

    • @bridgefin
      @bridgefin Рік тому

      Protestantism is precisely the gate of Hell attacking the only church established by God.

  • @maureencharron752
    @maureencharron752 4 роки тому +71

    You have spoken the truth in love Mike. I was raised in the Catholic church but walked out when I was 12 and Jesus Christ found me at 23. It has been 46 yrs of continuing adventure, exciting growth & joy in spite of some hard things. All praise & glory to God because of Jesus Christ our Lord & Saviour.

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 4 роки тому +2

      At 12 yrs. YOU walked out of YOUR Father's House and found adventure. At 12 yrs. Jesus was found in His Father's House and said , " I must be about My Father's business", and loved us to death.........see Luke 2: 49.

    • @libertyresearch-iu4fy
      @libertyresearch-iu4fy 4 роки тому +5

      @@miketeixeira7853 Do you think your comment is useful here in any way?

    • @maureencharron752
      @maureencharron752 4 роки тому +1

      @@miketeixeira7853 What an interesting observation.

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 4 роки тому +3

      @@libertyresearch-iu4fy..........Could be !!! It is also one of the sacraments that the RCC teaches..........the sacrament of Confirmation. It is also the fifth of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.

    • @josephcasley7979
      @josephcasley7979 4 роки тому

      @@libertyresearch-iu4fy Were you very sensible at 12 to walk away from anything for good?

  • @zombietactical
    @zombietactical Рік тому +47

    “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭33‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @alexanderkaufman3575
      @alexanderkaufman3575 4 місяці тому +3

      If God is not the author of confusion, then tell me exactly what someone must believe to be a Protestant.
      Sola Scriptura? Methodists do not believe this
      Sola Fide? Lutherans reject this
      If all I need to do is profess that Jesus is Lord, well Jesus Himself rejects this claim (Matthew 7:21)
      Jesus also prayed that His Church should be one as he is one with the Father, yet you have various denominations preaching things that are contradictory on things like Baptism and the Eucharist, so to what extent should I stop listening to Lutheranism and start listening to Calvinism? If is just whatever I say is true, than am I not placing myself over Scripture?
      I feel like Sola Scriptura in practice devolves into what I have termed "Sola Me-de" that the individual decides what Scripture means, because there is no singular correct interpretation that is taken to be authoritative. Does Christ speak with one voice or over 180 (an estimate of the number of Protestant denominations)? I think all the Protestant denominations that exist are pretty confusing don't you?

    • @christineploeg1992
      @christineploeg1992 4 місяці тому +9

      @@alexanderkaufman3575methodists and Lutheran’s are not the standard. The Bible is the standard. As for your objections. Don’t quote parts of verses. You must confess and believe in your heart that Jesus is lord to be saved. It has to be real. And make no mistake, the church of Jesus Christ IS one!! We from every nation and denomination agree on 99.9% and we do so without threatening eachother with anathemas !! That’s only you guys who curse the people of God.

    • @christineploeg1992
      @christineploeg1992 3 місяці тому

      @@alexanderkaufman3575 these things are elementary. So study your Bible and stop looking to corrupt institutions of mankind for your final authority. Especially cults like the Roman Catholic ’church’.

    • @christianmoore7932
      @christianmoore7932 3 місяці тому

      ​@@christineploeg1992in not Catholic but this is not a Christian way to speak to someone.

    • @estherdavis4802
      @estherdavis4802 2 місяці тому +3

      Indeed. That is why am no longer Protestant, but Catholic

  • @tonyaradcliffelovell2487
    @tonyaradcliffelovell2487 Рік тому +309

    Thank you for your grace in discussing this. I'm in turmoil. My head is swimming. My heart is bothered. But I will pray to Jesus Christ for guidance.

    • @skwabo
      @skwabo Рік тому +17

      I hope you find the answers your heart seeks. Jeremiah 29:13

    • @margaretlobo9466
      @margaretlobo9466 Рік тому

      Jesus defined a Christian - Must take up your Cross daily, deny yourself and follow Me - Matthew 16:24.
      Jesus fasted - superhumanly - 40 days/nights. He dismissed Satan who mocked Him for fasting when He could have all the bread to eat - Matthew 4. Jesus also rebuked Peter as Satan when Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from His path of sufferings and death. And Jesus did not take the sour wine offered to Him whilst on the Cross to deaden the pain. And Jesus did a World of Works - John 21:25.
      ==== Christian Rule of Thumb is that if anything is hard/difficult, it is from God. On the other hand, if it is -easy - it is from the devil ========
      The fact is that there are Catholics who leave the Faith because they say it has too many rules and regulations. Of course, they don't realize it is that rules and regulations are like Commandments which were God issued so that these create a boundary beyond which the devil like a roaring is prowling about seeking somebody to devour.
      On the other hand, Protestantism has no rules and regulations, no requirements and only promises - Easy Christianity and cheap Grace.
      List of - Hard - Facts = Commandments - Love God and Neighbour, including Enemies; God's Testing; Strive to enter Heavenly narrow gates for Few will enter - Mat. 7:14 & Luke 13:23-24; Confess to another - John 20:22-23; Eat My Flesh, drink My Blood - Real Food - for Eternal Life - John 6:53-58; Jesus' Parables requiring the multiplication o Talents, becoming more fruitful "soil," wise "virgins" carrying oil, etc.; Vengeance is Mine, I will repay; Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving = Rewarded by the Father who sees in secret - Matthew 6. Jesus urged the necessity of praying always - Luke 18:1. Thus Catholics have adopted the responsibility of praying for others, just as Jesus urged Peter to pray and thereby strengthen the others - Luke 22:32.
      List of - Easy - Facts = With Faith alone, one is saved and name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, never to be erased; God's Commandments and Testing have been overtaken by Jesus' sacrifice and covered with His Precious Blood. Thus the Guarantee - Absent in the Flesh, present with the Lord, forever; The 4 Gospels were meant for the - lost - people of Israel. Now there is a new covenant in the Blood of the Lamb which means - Once Saved, Forever Saved; Works are unnecessary for Salvation and are boastful; Marriages that end in - easy - divorce and remarriages.
      What is the Gospel Message ??
      The 4 books of the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are titled - The Gospel - according to Matthew / Mark / Luke / John. This was the same Gospel message revealed to Paul by Jesus - Galatians 1:12 - which reflected the Teachings and Doings of Jesus and which Paul proclaimed - verbally - on his missionary journeys.
      Later on, after Paul had received reports from faithful and trustworthy members, he sent out letters to the churches he had established to commend them or to correct them and even provide more insight and clarification. The Bible titles these letters as - Epistles - to the various churches of Corinth, Philippi, etc. Thus, these Epistles were Paul's means of keeping in touch with, as well as providing a Review/Report of the status of the churches he wrote to and to whom he had previously preached - verbally - the Gospel. Besides, 2 of Paul's letters have gone missing - see 1 Cor. 5:9 and Col. 4:16
      Common sense would therefore dictate that we place our doctrines and belief systems first and foremost on these Gospels, and keep everything else secondary. This is because our Salvation is the most important question we will ever face.
      It is thus obvious that these Epistles are way-down secondary to the 4 Gospels which Jesus brought from the Heavenly Father's mind and heart for our Salvation.
      Sadly, Protestants have based their - Doctrines - and belief systems on these commentaries and Epistles - instead - of the 4 Gospels. They have created doctrines that require no Confession as per Jesus' formula, denial of the - Real Presence - of Jesus in Holy Communion, and the need for Good Works despite that the Great Judgement is based on Works - Matthew 25. By declaring that only Faith is necessary for Salvation, they have effectively cancelled the Cross - the very symbol of Christianity. Yet even Paul, like a faithful Christian, boasted of the Cross -Galatians 6:14,
      Will they be raptured ? Will they be saved.?

    • @fredfreeman7230
      @fredfreeman7230 Рік тому +13

      Has there ever been a storm where by the intercession of Mary has been quelled? Or is by your faith in God? However you live your life are you more deserved heaven than the man who Jesus saved who was crucified next to him?

    • @troyjustinguitar
      @troyjustinguitar Рік тому +11

      ​@@fredfreeman7230 no one is more deserving than another it is on acceptance of the gift of salvation is for everyone and anyone ❤❤❤

    • @_jillkay
      @_jillkay Рік тому +21

      Have you figured anything out? I feel the same. Raised in a Catholic family but just now learning what it means to be Catholic and it’s making me question everything.

  • @nicholasgeranios
    @nicholasgeranios 4 місяці тому +12

    Catholic convert from a Greek Orthodox childhood and non denominational re- entrance into the faith.
    15 minutes into this, and I see a few caricatures. Keep your heart open, Mike and keep asking questions.
    God bless you

  • @skwabo
    @skwabo Рік тому +219

    Tonight we had a baptism service and a lady's testimony touched me. She spoke about how she realized Jesus did it all on the cross, and how she didn't have to do anything to earn salvation. I talked to her after service and she told me this video helped her understand salvation. God had led me to this video this week, so we could commiserate. Keep up the good fruit brother Mike!

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng Рік тому +1

      But there is John 20: 19-23.

      @THE-WAY_THE-TRUTH_THE-LIFE. Рік тому +10

      I haven't watched this video yet, but she didn't have to do anything to earn Salvation?
      What about repenting of her sins?
      Or changing her ways?
      What about Baptism?

    • @granthintz5111
      @granthintz5111 Рік тому +9

      I never understand this about Protestant thinking. So please respond and let me know what I’m thinking wrong but,
      Jesus dying on the Cross gave us the OPPORTUNITY to choose him and live the correct life.
      We don’t automatically go to Heaven because he died for us. By dying he erases our sins if we repent and do what he told us. God doesn’t force us to go to Heaven he gives us free will to choose because love is a choice. So to choose we live the correct life and therefore have our sins erased.
      Now if we just do whatver we want and don’t care what we do cuz Jesus died so your fine and can do whatever. Do you really care about Jesus. No. How can you. You don’t live how he told you so your not choosing him and therefore your sins don’t get erased because you didn’t want them to you didn’t care about Jesus.
      If you murder tons of people and then die, you broke commandment. If Protestants don’t believe in mortal and venial sins then if that lady lived mostly good but committed small sins she also would’ve broken commandments why would that first person go to Hell and this lady wouldn’t.
      At the end of the day saying you don’t have to do anything is just a cop out of what Jesus did for us and taking the easy way and verifying for yourself that you can sin and do whatever you want so you can make yourself feel better about sinning and tell yourself you’ll still go to Heaven.

    • @abford03
      @abford03 Рік тому

      @@granthintz5111that’s not the point.
      Salvation is achieved through faith and repentance. “By grace you have been saved through faith.” Ephesians 2:8
      It’s when you are already saved that you start to change through the power of the Holy Spirit.
      If I keep punching you and saying sorry to you for doing so but keep making a practice of punching you am I truly sorry? No. It’s through repentance and faith that the Holy Spirit changes us, making us feel disgusted by our sins and making us feel pleasure in our faith and conviction.
      So someone who’s truly saved who’s truly born again will not keep sinning because to be truly saved is to repent of your sins and have them washed away.
      Through faith good works come.
      Through faith we become kinder, more loving, more merciful and less sinful people.
      Are born again Christians still victims of temptation? Of course. But they don’t make a practice of it and repent after failing.

    • @EmilySlater-te7yz
      @EmilySlater-te7yz Рік тому +4

      @@THE-WAY_THE-TRUTH_THE-LIFE. but it feels so easy and nice 😅we are lazy humans and if you present these two options as if they are both valid and let’s say they were then 100% of humans would choose Sola Fide. Welcome to Relativism where your truth is valid and my truth is valid and we can ALL be right!!!! Kind of reminds me of the BIBLE where every man did what was right in his own eyes and we saw how that turned out. 😖

  • @VinceOlson96
    @VinceOlson96 Рік тому +158

    Former Roman Catholic here, I'd just like to say, in regards to the sacrament of confirmation, if you're raised in the church, it's mostly done when the person is around the age of 13 (at least in the U.S.) So even though it's a "conscious" choice, It's more like a "I have to do this and agree to this because this is what my parents told me I have to do" choice. When I was 18 I went to 3 separate masses by myself. When I was there I was very observant of what was actually going on, especially during eucharist/communion. Each week I continued to get a very off-putting feeling. After the 3rd I decided I'd only step foot inside a Roman Catholic Church if it was an event I was doing with my family. Basically just Easter, Christmas, and funerals. It made me realize all of the theological decisions I made were made for me, I wasn't consciously making them myself. I ended up becoming lukewarm/borderline agnostic. Until I had a dream that when I woke up from made me think "Where am I going when I die?" All I had was a Catholic Bible, and I didn't want to associate myself with that organization anymore so I bought an NKJV, started reading, and now I'm just a Bible believing Christian. I was baptized at a non-denominational church about 2 months ago.

    • @SylvesterPeter-sf3fy
      @SylvesterPeter-sf3fy Рік тому +11

      "There are not 100 people who hate the Catholic Church,
      But there are millions who hate what they mistakenly think what the Catholic Church is."-Archbishop Fulton Sheen
      "He who steeps himself in history ceases to be a Protestant." ~ St. John Newman, a convert to the Catholic Church
      “We began to see that as non-Catholics, in good faith we had submitted our lives to Jesus Christ on our terms, not his.
      We had no other terms. Our Christian lives had been based on our interpretation of Scriptures
      or that of other persons whom we had chosen to follow.” ~
      Fr. Ray Ryland Former Episcopalian Priest now Catholic
      Jesus renamed his apostle, Simon Bar Jonah to Kepha,
      Rock in Aramaic, the language of Jesus.
      Later, it was translated to the more popular ancient Koine Greek, Petros, then to the English, Peter.
      BTW: The Dead Sea Scrolls were originally written in Aramaic.
      Kepha set the first tenets of the Church at the
      Council of Jerusalem in 50 ad.
      He also appointed the first bishops to the 7 churches,
      listed in the Book of Revelation,
      St Justin Martyr and St Ignatius of Antioch***.
      There were also referred to as the early first century
      Church Fathers.
      St Paul and the apostles acknowledged Kepha
      as the authority of the Church at this Council.
      St. Ignatius of Antioch*** -
      "Let no one do anything of concern to the Church
      without the bishop.
      Let that be considered a valid Eucharist,
      which is celebrated by the bishop or by one whom he (the Pope) ordains [i.e., a presbyter].
      Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there;
      just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church."
      (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 - 110 A.D.)
      LUKE 10:16
      Jesus said, "He who hears you, Kepha, hears me,
      and he who rejects you, rejects me,
      and he who rejects me, rejects him who sent me."
      Thou art Kepha and upon this Rock I will build My Church: Matthew 16:18-19
       Peter is “Kepha” (Rock): John 1:42
      (Jesus spoke Aramaic and called Simon “Kepha”)
      GALATIANS 1:9 If any man preaches any other Gospel unto you than that you have received, let him be accursed.
      2 THESSALONIANS 3:6 And we charge you, brethren,
      in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw yourselves
      from every brother walking disorderly and
      not according to the Tradition which they have received of us.
      2 John 1:10 If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house or welcome him.
      Venial (minor) sins can be confessed directly to God.
      Unconfessed venial sins will send you to Purgatory and
      then to Heaven.
      Mortal (major) sins need to be confessed to a priest,
      the vessel of Jesus in the confessional.
      Unconfessed mortal sins will send you to Hell.
      Reference to a priestly confession.
      Matthew 16:19:
      I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,
      and whatever you bind (sins) on earth shall be bound in heaven,
      and whatever you loose (sins) on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
      Matthew 18:18: Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,
      and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
      The Catholic Church was started by Jesus Matthew 16:18
      all sacraments are in scripture John 6 51 55
      John confession when Jesus breathes on disciples and
      give them authority to forgive sins or retain sins.
      Jesus wants one flock. Must know the old scripture
      From Gen 3 15 to Luke to Isaiah 7 14 Rev 12
      Apostolic succession: Acts 1:23-26; 2 Timothy 2:2, Titus 1:5
       Clement of Rome (4th Pope, taught by St Peter)
      wrote in 96 A.D. :
      “Our apostles also knew, through our Lord Jesus Christ,
      and there would be strife on account of the office of the episcopate.
      For this reason, therefore, inasmuch as they had obtained a perfect fore-knowledge of this,
      they appointed those presbyters already mentioned,
      and afterwards gave instructions,
      that when these should fall asleep,
      other approved men should succeed them in their ministry.”
      We are not given saving faith by good works,
      but with the purpose that we do good works.
      Works like compassion, forgiveness, and honesty.
      "See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone”. (James 2:24)
      Not all who say “Lord, Lord” will enter Heaven: Matthew 7:21
       God renders to us according to our works: Romans 2:6
       Those who die in mortal sin won’t be saved: 1 Corinthians 6:9
       Faith, Hope, Charity, and the greatest of these is Love:
      1 Corinthians 13:13
       Works and Faith alone don’t save,
      but grace by Faith that works in love: Galatians 5:6
       Work of Faith: 1 Thessalonians 1:3
       Those rich in good works may lay hold of eternal life:
      1 Timothy 6:17-19
       Those who hear but don’t do the word are lost: James 1:21-27
       Faith without works is dead, even devils believe: James 2:14-26
      PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11
      9 And for this God raised him high,
      and gave him the name which is above all other names;
      10 so that all beings in the heavens, on earth and in the underworld, should bend the knee at the name of Jesus
      11 and that every tongue should acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
      Praying for the dead: 2 Maccabees 12:43-46
       Chastisement of the worthy dead: Wisdom 3:1-7
       Some awake to life, some to shame, some to everlasting contempt: Daniel 12:2
       Many will be purified: Daniel 12:10
       Refining by fire: Zechariah 13:9
       Purified like silver: Malachi 3:2-3
       We won’t get out until we pay the last farthing: Matthew 5:26
       Forgiveness in the age to come: Matthew 12:32
       We pay the last mite: Luke 12:58-59
       Sins unto death, sins not unto death: 1 John 5:14-17
       Works’ll be revealed by fire; some will suffer loss but be saved:
      1 Corinthians 3:13-15
       Paul prays for the dead Onesiphorus: 2 Timothy 1:16-18
       We must be perfect before we go to Heaven:
      Hebrews 12:22-23, Revelation 21:10, 27

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Рік тому +10

      I agree with Sylvester. Jesus started Catholic church. Facts over feelings

    • @VinceOlson96
      @VinceOlson96 Рік тому +20

      @@SylvesterPeter-sf3fy I don't have time to sit here and argue with people on the internet, nor do I feel like it so I'll just say this. My guy you are taking the Bible so far out of context and stretching the meaning of it, that it's not funny at all, it's just sad. Also you sited an apocryphal book (2 maccabees) which I don't want to offend you, but it's not Holy Spirit inspired. The Jews don't even have it in their Bible because it contradicts what's said in the Old Testament. I agree that Jesus started the Catholic.... However he DID NOT start the ROMAN Catholic Church. Do some history research because it's really going to help. The Roman Catholic Church states that the papacy is an unbroken line and started by the apostle Peter. Peter never went to Rome, there's little to no evidence of him ever being in Rome. And most of the popes have been terrible, awful people. We're talking crusades, torturing people and killing people for trying to translate the Bible into their own language, or because they disagree with the Roman Catholic Church, rape, incest, and many more atrocious acts. So please, do some research and throw out that catholic bible because it has false teachings that contradicts the rest of the Bible.

    • @LintyOmlett
      @LintyOmlett Рік тому +11

      ​@@SylvesterPeter-sf3fy Exodus 20:4-5
      "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments."
      Mathew 23:8-10
      "But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ."

    • @LintyOmlett
      @LintyOmlett Рік тому +13

      ​@@johnyang1420 i would be inclined to agree, Jesus started the universal church which i believe was at first called the way. However the Roman Catholic Church was a merging of biblical christianity and paganism. Hence, the idols and the worship of the "Queen Mother"

  • @StraitGateApologetics
    @StraitGateApologetics Місяць тому +8

    "God is not the author of confusion but of peace" .... if I follow Jesus ... I can't follow Catholicism

  • @kasial2335
    @kasial2335 Рік тому +69

    Thank God, I found the courage to stand up to my family and leave the Catholic Church. Now I know the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ❤ He changed me and my life🙌

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng Рік тому +1

      There is only one place in the Gospel where Jesus declared ' salvation.' See Luke 19: 9.

    • @johnsteila6049
      @johnsteila6049 Рік тому

      I’m happy for anyone who can get closer to God. Please realize that your path may not be the only path.

    • @daltonbrasier5491
      @daltonbrasier5491 Рік тому

      ​@@johnsteila6049Jesus is the only path.

    • @BWB7777
      @BWB7777 Рік тому +7

      Amen!! I left Catholic Church after 53 years and have been born again since 2020!! Praise God !! The Holy Spirit led me away from the oppression I had been feeling as a Catholic! Saved by God's grace and faith/trust in the blood of Christ!!!

    • @johnsteila6049
      @johnsteila6049 Рік тому

      @@BWB7777 I had the opposite experience. I’m glad that you found a closer relationship with Christ, but don’t be so absolute in your judgment.

  • @blindvision4703
    @blindvision4703 3 роки тому +193

    “In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song. This corner stone, this solid ground, firmed through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, when fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My comforter, my all in all. Here in the love of Christ I stand.”

    • @alfray1072
      @alfray1072 3 роки тому +6

      the false sola scriptura doctrine is not your home. Christ did not declare "sola scriptura" and follow your own personal opinion of the bible

    • @blindvision4703
      @blindvision4703 3 роки тому +37

      @@alfray1072 Nor the sacraments, nor talking to Mary or the saints. But Jesus DID say, "It is written"; and, "Have you not read?" a lot, referring to the text of the Old Testament. He also railed against man-made traditions a lot, and called out the Pharisees (who seemed to act a lot like the modern Catholic Church/Majesterium) in Matthew 23. Do as they say, not as they do. Follow the Old Testament law that they teach, but not the extra traditions.

    • @alwayschasingjesus3452
      @alwayschasingjesus3452 3 роки тому +1

      @@blindvision4703 No. Jesus condemned the Pharisees because they had exchanged the commandments of God in favour of their traditions. Don’t manipulate that scripture to suit your hostility towards the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church agrees that one should never abandon scripture in favour of traditions

    • @alwayschasingjesus3452
      @alwayschasingjesus3452 3 роки тому +3

      @@blindvision4703 The point is that Catholics aren’t claiming sola scriptura. You are, but then adding to scripture by doing so. So saying “neither the sacraments, nor speaking to Mary and the Saints were mentioned either” means nothing because we are not the ones claiming that scripture stands alone. You are.

    • @blindvision4703
      @blindvision4703 3 роки тому +24

      @@alwayschasingjesus3452 2 Timothy 3:16-17:
      "All Scripture is inspired by God, and is valuable for teaching us the truth, for reproof, for correction in wrongdoing, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God MAY BE COMPLETE, FULLY EQUIPPED for EVERY good work."
      If Scripture can make me complete, why do I need the Pope? And if the Scriptures AREN'T sufficient, why do I need the POPE of all things? Why can't the Holy Spirit make up for whatever I lack?
      Let's just say, hypothetically, Rome was suddenly razed to the ground, in one day, and all of the Vatican and everyone in it, including the Pope and all the Cardinals, were killed? Who would you go to now? More than that: what if EVERY Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox priest just suddenly dropped dead? Who would you go to? There are people who can memorize the Bible; name ONE person who's memorized ALL of church history and tradition. I'm just saying: the BIBLE teaches Sola Scriptura, not Scriptura et Ecclesia or whatever. And MY doctrine only relies on what Jews and Christians have been using for nearly 3500 years-God's holy, flawless, eternal word: the Bible.

  • @dunkinvideos
    @dunkinvideos 3 роки тому +130

    I think you could have a great, thought provoking conversation with Michael Knowles (of the DailyWire), he's a very intellectual Catholic on top of his political commentary

    • @evanf111og
      @evanf111og 3 роки тому +11

      i second this

    • @toolegittoquit_001
      @toolegittoquit_001 3 роки тому +8

      Nah, Roman Catholicism is indefensible Too much heresy

    • @dunkinvideos
      @dunkinvideos 3 роки тому +26

      @@toolegittoquit_001 so just let your brothers and sisters perish? Or would you rather have them have a conversation and possibly save some souls?

    • @bufficliff8978
      @bufficliff8978 3 роки тому +22

      Michael Knowles is great. Klavan is my favorite, but Knowles is MUCH more in touch with where we are and what we need to do to help recover morality.
      I disagree that he'd be good for Winger to talk to, though. When Knowles is pressed about a theological point from a Protestant he gets a little surfer-dude, can't-we-all-just-get-along-y. He speaks very freely with other Catholics, but his main concern is bringing Protestants back into the fold of Roman Catholicism rather than truly wrestling with our greatest disagreements.
      I'd LOVE to see them have a sit down, but I don't think it serves either of their goals because Winger just wants to focus on expositing the Scriptures as they are, and Knowles wants to focus on bringing all denominations under one banner.
      I think if they both had the same mission, to not dance around our true, important disagreements and to find where we truly do and don't shake hands in order to better understand one another and be honest with one another without fear, THAT would be cool and a true powerhouse discussion. But Winger just wants to exposit scripture and Knowles wants everyone under the Catholic banner, and with two different mission statements I don't think the conversation would be as amazing as you and I would wish for.
      If ever there's a time where they're both on the same page about wanting to have that kind of conversation then I'd be BEYOND thrilled because they both genuinely care about their beliefs, genuinely enjoy learning and understanding, genuinely enjoy thorough intellectual rigor, and have come to their opinions after a lot of thought. We'd learn a lot about both sides that way.
      Very happy to find a Knowles fan out in these corners!

    • @keithjones2194
      @keithjones2194 3 роки тому +12

      @@bufficliff8978 You speak as though Mike's mission is somehow a negative. The duty of ALL believer's should be to exposit Scripture because therin lies the ONLY source of truth. It is not on Mike to somehow compromise and meet Knowles half-way. It is on Mr. Knowles to be intellectually honest be teachable and to seek the truth of God above all others with humility.
      (I am a Michael Knowles fan myself.)

  • @MexicanMartialArts
    @MexicanMartialArts 4 роки тому +418

    One of the VERY few channels I watch ads for. 💯

    • @MexicanMartialArts
      @MexicanMartialArts 4 роки тому +25

      FaithHopeGrace Ay, I’m tryna show some love for Mike. You should change your name to FaithHope cause you’re not showing any grace. 🙏

    • @jermss_
      @jermss_ 4 роки тому +6

      same here bro I love his content

    • @lkae4
      @lkae4 3 роки тому +9

      If y'all have he funds, I definitely recommend UA-cam premium family subscription. Mike gets a portion of the premium pay and you can watch and support more water of life Christian content on UA-cam. ☝🏼

    • @cleberferreiradejoao1306
      @cleberferreiradejoao1306 3 роки тому +4

      JAMES 2, 14-26: "14.What [doth it] profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? 15.If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 16.And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be [ye] warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what [doth it] profit? 17.Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. 18.Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19.Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20.But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21.Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22.Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 23.And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. @t see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. 25.Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent [them] out another way? 26.For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."
      James 2, 14-26 - @t
      ABOUT WORKS AND PURGATORY: 1Cor 3, 13-15: "13.Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14.If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15.If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."

    • @lkae4
      @lkae4 3 роки тому +8

      @@Charity-vm4bt Why are you worried about his income? That is a spirit of envy, gossip and unholy judgment. Repent.

  • @johnchlanda5772
    @johnchlanda5772 29 днів тому +3

    When a church does not recognize Jesus as head of the church then it cannot be considered a Christian church.

  • @patk3601
    @patk3601 2 роки тому +119

    I very much enjoyed your discussion on Catholicism. I don't know many Catholics who are saved. I'm a former Catholic myself. I can remember the nuns talking about accumulating grace through the sacraments. My Mom was a Protestant who converted to marry my Dad. She's no longer Catholic. She always read the Bible & prayed. We had children's Bibles, which I read on my own. As a result, I had difficulty reconciling what the Bible said with what the RC taught. At 14, a friend of mine led me to Christ. I'm forever grateful to him.

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 2 роки тому +4

      YOU should really read Matt. 25: 31-46.

    • @jesusmaryjoseph831
      @jesusmaryjoseph831 2 роки тому +2

      Capsulized HISTORY of CHRISTIANITY
      To get a full understanding of the whats and hows and whys of the Christian Church today, you need to know a little about Church history. Not just because it’s important to know, but because so many of the major events that have significantly shaped Church doctrine and history throughout the years have been the direct result of other events that happened before them.
      Before I begin, I think it is important to say, in no way, shape or form am I even trying to give a complete report. I’m writing a blog post, not a book. Therefore, I am forced to choose only the information I feel is most pertinent while trying to be as unbiased and educated as possible. Feel free to add more in the comments!
      While the overarching story of Christianity began with the creation of the Universe, the story of Christianity as a religion essentially began with the birth of Jesus Christ around 4 BC.
      Prior to Jesus’s birth, life and ministry, the only way God’s people (the Jews) could have any hope of knowing God and going to Heaven was to keep the Law of Moses. For Jewish people, the law was their life, and they followed their laws like their salvation depended on it (because it did). Non-Jewish people had no hope of Heaven, according to Jewish belief.
      Jesus was born a Jew and was raised in Jewish culture. All of the first Christians were as well. For the first few years, all Christians were Jews, but not all Jews were Christians. Instead, many, many Jewish people HATED Christians, because they saw the Christians as blaspheming against God.
      The Spread of Christianity
      News of Jesus’s death, resurrection and ascension quickly spread through the area and then out to cities farther and farther away as the apostles went out to evangelize. Keeping the message consistent was likely pretty easy in Jerusalem, where there were several witnesses, but as the Good News spread farther and farther away, it became more and more difficult to keep the message consistent. This is why Paul wrote many letters to the churches in far off cities-to correct wrong beliefs that had crept up in his absence.
      The first Christians didn’t all believe the exact same things. Some Christians practiced infant baptism while others waited, for example. Still, people seemed to get along well enough for the most part. They were all of the same religion, even if they didn’t exactly agree on all of the specifics.
      The Rise of Heretics
      It wasn’t long, however, until some people began making claims that weren’t simply “off a little” - they were downright heretical. For example, the Gnostics rejected all things physical and claimed that Jesus was divine but not human. Arius claimed that Jesus was not eternal God, but was the first being God created. Jovinian objected to the idea that Mary was a virgin.
      In order to combat these heresies and others, the Church had to take an official stand and formally state their beliefs. These declarations were not new information; they were simply affirming and clarifying what the church had always held to be true so that believers wouldn’t unknowingly succumb to heretical teachings. The Catholic Church still does the same thing today.
      One such clarification was the Nicene Creed, which was written at the Council of Nicea in 325 and which Catholics still recite at Mass today. It states the basic truths that all Christians believed then and that all Catholics (should) still believe today.
      In addition to the heresies, new writings (such as the Gospel of Thomas) began to circulate that claimed to be inspired that really were not. As a result, church leaders met to decide and make an official statement about which books were in fact inspired. They did not MAKE them inspired-they always were-the church simply made an official declaration.
      While opinions varied somewhat on which books should be included, an official list was written up in 367, then approved by the Pope and formally approved by the church in 382. This list contained the Bible pretty much exactly as we have it today, although modern Protestant Bibles do not contain the Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical books - 7 books of the Old Testament that are still in dispute today.
      The church didn’t decide which books to include willy-nilly of course. With prayer and careful debate, they compared the proposed books against certain criteria, including:
      • The books had to be written by an apostle or a close follower of an apostle.
      • The books had to be consistent with the rest of Scripture.
      • The books had to be consistent with what church Tradition affirmed to be true. (Remember: they didn’t have a Bible yet, so church Tradition was the ultimate measuring stick up until this point.)
      • The books had to already have gained widespread use and acceptance.
      On a side note, it is important to keep in mind:
      • This was before the printing press, so books had to be transcribed by hand onto scrolls.
      • As a result, these scrolls were very expensive, especially

    • @jesusmaryjoseph831
      @jesusmaryjoseph831 2 роки тому +9

      Some Christians, especially those who call themselves “non-denominational,” criticize Catholicism for its rituals, especially those of the Mass. They may argue that such ritualized forms of worship were only for the Old Covenant. Since we’re in the New Covenant, we don’t need all that stuff anymore.
      The objection is based merely on the assumption that God didn’t intend such rituals to be a part of worship for his people in the New Covenant. To challenge that assumption, we can begin with passages in the New Testament that provide evidence that the early Christians viewed ritual as essential to their worship. See, for example, Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 10:16 and 11:24-29, and Matthew 28:19.
      But I think there’s something more fundamental to the objection than a search for New Testament prooftexts. It’s more of revulsion to ritual itself.
      This is what I’d like to address here.
      There are no non-ritual cultures. The fact that every culture in human history has had rituals indicates that ritual corresponds to something in human nature.
      Even American culture, which historically has tried rid itself of formality and tradition, has rituals. And I bet your non-denominational friend doesn’t mind them.
      For example, we don’t think having rituals at graduation ceremonies, or in military procedures, is a bad thing. And most still think that rituals at weddings are important. I doubt your non-denominational friend would be fine with having the bride and groom just say, “Okay, we’re married. Let’s get on with it.’”
      I think it’s safe to say that your friend will not deny that these secular rituals are good.
      Your task now is to draw out the reason why your friend intuitively believes this. You can take your cue from St. Thomas Aquinas, who teaches that it’s befitting to man that he should “employ sensible signs in order to signify anything” (Summa Theologiae II-II:85:1).
      The reason for this is that man is a body-soul composite. The body is essential to our personhood and thus is essential to our communicative powers. It makes sense, therefore, for us to use ritual-formal words and gestures by our bodies-to communicate the value of the things we’re celebrating, and how much we appreciate those things.
      If it’s fitting to our human nature to use sensible signs when we’re communicating our appreciation and respect for worldly things, then it’s even more fitting to use sensible signs when communicating our appreciation and respect for God, since he is far superior in dignity to any worldly thing, and since we have a natural obligation to order all things-including our bodies-to him.
      It was this sort of reasoning that led Aquinas to conclude,
      Hence it is a dictate of natural reason that man should use certain sensibles, by offering them to God in sign of the subject and honor due to him, like those who make certain offerings to their lord in recognition of his authority (ibid).
      There’s more to the story, however. Notice that in the above examples we recognize that not just any rituals will do. The magnitude of certain events demands words and gestures outside those of everyday life.
      For instance, just to have graduating seniors come and grab their diplomas off a table set up in a parking lot would not be fitting for a commencement event. Merely having soldiers gather together in a field and saying with a bullhorn, “Hey guys, pretty good job,” and then sending them on their merry way doesn’t do justice to the value of their sacrifice. And couples who get married by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas dressed up in their camouflage outfits do not befit the dignity of marriage. (Although even in this scenario there is some formality!)
      So, as human beings not only do we need to use sensible things to communicate how much we appreciate something, we sense that we need to use special words and gestures that befit the dignity of the thing being celebrated. And if this is true of secular things, how much more true is it of divine things?
      According to Aquinas, the most befitting exterior gesture for worshipping God is sacrifice. He argues that other things that pertain to worship, such as “genuflections, prostrations, and other manifestations of this kind of honor” may also be shown to men, although when directed to God they are performed with different intentions (Summa Contra Gentiles 3:120). “But,” Aquinas continues, “it is agreed by any man that sacrifice should be offered to no person unless he is thought to be God or unless one pretends to think so.”
      His rationale for this is that the exterior sacrifice signifies the interior sacrifice by which the human mind offers itself to God as the “principle of its creation,” “the author of its actions,” and “the end of its happiness.” Since such attributes can only be ascribed to God, St. Thomas concludes that sacrifice and worship ought to be given to God alone.
      As to what must be offered in sacrifice, and how it is to be offered: God must tell us.

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 2 роки тому +1

      Please watch "What is the Mark of the Beast" by Hope Through Prophecy

    • @thomasmaughan4798
      @thomasmaughan4798 Рік тому +3

      @@jesusmaryjoseph831 "employ sensible signs in order to signify anything"
      When quoting Thomas Aquinas, it helps to explain the words. Almost nothing he writes uses words with their common, modern meaning. "Sensible" in this case does not mean wise or reasonable, but rather, "can be sensed with human senses"; rituals that one can see, touch, hear, smell.

  • @clairesanfelix3131
    @clairesanfelix3131 3 роки тому +128

    I'm from Philippines, when I started reading the Bible I have "ahha" moments about being saved while I am still a sinner and Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father, not Mary, Pope or reciting 10x the rosary after confession... And life for a catholic is full of mystery no need to discover it, let it be.. Thank you for this vedio. All the merit for our salvation is through Christ alone.

    • @LetGodbeGlorified
      @LetGodbeGlorified 3 роки тому +10

      clarita san you should also study what the Catholic Church really teaches before coming to your own conclusions.

    • @lonelyberg1316
      @lonelyberg1316 3 роки тому +14

      @@LetGodbeGlorified right. Many Catholics don't know their faith unfortunately but just do what they do because of the culture. ( It was the same with me a few months ago, even though I have a lot to discover )

    • @LetGodbeGlorified
      @LetGodbeGlorified 3 роки тому +3

      @@lonelyberg1316 You are absolutely right.

    • @lonelyberg1316
      @lonelyberg1316 3 роки тому +2

      I suggest you Dr Brant Pitre's video, he will blow your mind. An excellent cathechist

    • @LetGodbeGlorified
      @LetGodbeGlorified 3 роки тому +4

      @@lonelyberg1316 true. I bought that book twice for my friends. The Catholic faith( and therefore Orthodox faith) is based on the understanding of salvation in full context of the Old Testament. We won't get a full understanding of the New Testament without understanding it properly in the wider context of Old Testament. Typology is an important key to unlock the meaning of many things in the New Testament.

  • @run4cmt
    @run4cmt 2 роки тому +168

    I do admire the reverence of the way the mass is done in Catholic churches. In my Lutheran church we have a coffee shop in the lobby. People bring coffee into the service as if they were going to a movie theater. We are coming in the presence of God. We do not show enough reverence.

    • @priyanka5316
      @priyanka5316 2 роки тому +64

      The presence of God is everywhere. Think about it...buildings called "churches" aren't a special place where He resides. We need to show reverence at all times and wherever we go. Saving it for a "church" building is worshiping a building. The followers of Christ met in each other's homes-Christ prophesied the Temple would be destroyed and they were getting ready for that. The Temple system was done away with, but man decided to start it again without God's permission, and ever since, man has used "church" buildings to create his own fake religions, and the preachers, pastors and priests think they are their own gods. That's why they dress in robes and stand above you. Christ was accessible to everyone, owned nothing, and anyone could approach him. These false "shepherds" act like celebrities. Just read the book of Acts-and ask the Lord to show you.

    • @kathrynstiles3509
      @kathrynstiles3509 2 роки тому +14

      I so agree with this statement! In our church people are eating snacks and drinking coffee. :(

    • @caman171
      @caman171 2 роки тому +41

      imagine the first century church where people met in homes and brought a lunch. reverence doesnt always equate to "silence" or abstaining from food etc. i bet they had their water jugs beside them (or wine or grape juice) and took a sip whenever they got thirsty while listening to one of the apostles teach. now when someone prays, or they sing a hymn, or communion is happening or an invitation is given, its inappropriate to eat and drink or talk.

    • @mrjustadude1
      @mrjustadude1 2 роки тому +5

      @@caman171 that's all pure speculation though. And we do know the Apostles prayed and fasted...and not even just from food. Paul discusses mutually agreed on fasting from marital relations for a time even.

    • @caman171
      @caman171 2 роки тому +14

      @@mrjustadude1 no its not "speculation". the early church were full of converts who didnt even know about judaism much less christianity. they were talking and asking questions, and i have no doubt the apostles or the pastors encouraged their questions. every meeting was somewhat of a "catechism" class if you will. there were no cars, most didnt even have a horse or donkey, so they traveled a long way, and the "services" probably lasted several hours. so in a house with no running water or rest room, i am sure there were people coming and going. dont get me wrong, respect and 'silence" are appropriate at times, but there was much more than that

  • @Francis0316
    @Francis0316 Рік тому +70

    The catholic church kept me from knowing Jesus until I was 50. My life is finally complete, thank you Jesus for never giving up on me.

    • @pelomocho8567
      @pelomocho8567 5 місяців тому +5

      Keep this in mind, if Mike winger is correct Christianity was wrong for 1500 years until Martin Luther came !

    • @lanettezunica7314
      @lanettezunica7314 5 місяців тому

      Same…I was catholic for 20 years. I buried my husband and 4 brothers. I was heart broken that I became born again after I left the Catholic Church. If I was born again when they were dying, I would have lead them to the lord. I repented….breaks my heart

    • @pelomocho8567
      @pelomocho8567 5 місяців тому +6

      @@lanettezunica7314 so you joined a believe that is 100 years old and left one that is 2000 years old and has roots in the apostles

    • @m_arcus_m2626
      @m_arcus_m2626 5 місяців тому +2

      ‭Matthew 7:13-14
      [13] “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. [14] For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
      Just because there have been many does not mean those many were not led astray.
      It seems more likely to me that the majority who simply relied on their catholic status (easy way) rather than submit to Jesus alone to save them missed the narrow gate.

    • @pelomocho8567
      @pelomocho8567 5 місяців тому +4

      @@m_arcus_m2626 its ironic you quote a book written by, preserved and compiled by the catholic church, and yet use your 21st evangelical interpretation of that book to attack that very institution. So according to you that paassage means that the church from the time of the apostles until the 16th century was lost right? is that logical to you?

  • @vtaylor21
    @vtaylor21 3 роки тому +31

    For all of the videos he has on Catholicism, Winger hasn't debated one Catholic. He said he talked to Catholic apologists, but he hasn't set up a public debate for people to watch.
    I wish he debates someone like Trent Horn and Michael Lofton instead of saying he debate some random Catholic with no name.

    • @ApostolicEchoes
      @ApostolicEchoes 3 роки тому +6

      Does he have to debate someone from every false religion or just yours?

    • @vtaylor21
      @vtaylor21 3 роки тому +5

      If you are going to go into the apologetic world and make numerous videos against a certain group, you need to debate at least one person to show how accurate you are about that particular group.
      Mike put in a lot of dedicated time about Catholics, and he hasn't debated one Catholic yet. He made a lot of videos on atheism, and he was able to debate at least one time against Matt Dillahunty. He has been offered to a debate by Trent Horn, and Winger ignored the invitation. You can read the screenshot from Trent Horn’s Twitter that shows a UA-cam comment from Mike saying he’s not answering Trent.
      Debate is also a great way to get a better understanding of someone's views and beliefs. Mike made numerous erroneous claims, and he is not willing to have at least one debate with the amount of content he made about a certain group.

    • @ApostolicEchoes
      @ApostolicEchoes 3 роки тому +1

      @@vtaylor21 so yes. Thanks.

    • @vtaylor21
      @vtaylor21 3 роки тому +1

      My comment is not saying yes to your question. You asked should Mike debate someone from every false religion or just Catholics.
      I said if he constantly going to talk about a particular group, he needs to debate someone from that group. That is not saying he should debate every false religion. He believes the Muslim religion is false. He barely makes videos about Muslims, so I don't expect him to debate a Muslim.
      I don't know how that is a yes to your question when I made a distinction to showed he should debate certain religions and not every religion (including Catholicism if he is not making numerous content).

    • @SuperNintendoMii
      @SuperNintendoMii 3 роки тому +7

      He's already explained why he won't debate people. And personally, I prefer his videos this way rather than just arguing with people for over an hour on a video like most debates turn into

  • @gabymeyer8003
    @gabymeyer8003 4 роки тому +55

    You have a thorough understanding of how Catholicism differs from Biblical Christianity. I was brought up Catholic but was saved at age 24. Stayed in the RC church another seven years but couldn't stand the non-gospel and distortions any longer and left. My heart 💔 bleeds for the family members still adhering to Catholicism, praying to saints, wearing medals, with confused theology and no assurance of salvation. It seems impossible to get through to them. I shall share this link with them if ever there's an opportunity to do so, because you hit the nail on the head in the kindest way without compromising the truth.

    • @defenderoftruth6000
      @defenderoftruth6000 4 роки тому +3

      I was brought up Christian but was saved at age 34. Stayed in the Christian church another seven months but couldn't stand the non-gospel and distortions any longer and left. My heart 💔 bleeds for the family members still adhering to Christianity, honoring the day of the Sun, celebrating pagan festivals (Xmas, Ishtar), with confused theology, living lawlessly and no knowledge of sin. It seems impossible to get through to them. I shall share the Torah with them if ever there's an opportunity to do so, because it hits the nail on the head in the kindest way and IS the Truth.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 4 роки тому +5

      If you left the Catholic church, you left the one church that Jesus started! Why would you do that?

    • @jimmys6566
      @jimmys6566 4 роки тому +4

      The Catholic Church teaches the Gospel exactly. Yhere are no disortions I know of, but go on and try to name one

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 4 роки тому +3

      The RCC does have assurance of is in confession/charity/atonement........see the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19: 1-10; the only place in the Gospel where Jesus declares SALVATION.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 4 роки тому +3

      Google “which church did Jesus start?” Catholic....are you in it? Get your questions answered by a Catholic apologist!

  • @CatholicReCon
    @CatholicReCon 4 роки тому +12

    I’ve always liked Mike and his calm demeanor. He asks questions that others refuse to.
    However, I see confirmation bias permeating this talk. It is amazing for anyone to go into Christian history and completely leapfrog Catholicism and Orthodoxy, as if there was an underground church for 1,500 years. No mention of the heresies that were condemned, the truths that were declared (most of which modern-day Protestants would affirm and be grateful for). The councils were not held by some nebulous Protestant-esque church (which, by the way, happens to be a body which is divided beyond recognition).
    One thing that never gets mentioned when critiquing Catholic Tradition and authority is how a parallel is taking place in Protestantism. Their foundation of teaching authority largely comes from former Catholic men (via the Reformation). These men, and those who came after, don't affirm an earthly authority, even as they themselves become authoritative (saying they are truly the ones being guided by the Holy Spirit). They don't affirm infallibility, even as they themselves declare the "true" meaning of various verses. Additionally, they tend to dismiss Tradition, even while ignoring their own tradition of interpretation (knowing what is correct exegesis and what is not).
    If you dismiss the Pope and other Catholic clergy, you must defend why your interpretation is correct and whether or not it itself is infallible (and at the same time, you need to explain where such interpretation originated). And you must explain why your exegesis trumps your fellow studied Protestant who holds to a completely different view on, say, baptism and salvation. You cannot escape ultimate authority and tradition. It's impossible.
    The person who holds to sola scriptura isn't really saying much. If their interpretation is wrong according to others who also hold to sola scriptura, who is right? The one with more time in seminary? The one who unpacked the Greek meaning? The one who received a vision? Sola scriptura, without an ultimate authority, is a dog chasing its tail. Sadly, simply saying, “I follow the Holy Spirit” or “It’s me and Jesus” isn’t the answer, as it has produced exponential separation and a diluted view of absolute truth.
    We must go upstream and follow each split and division. Over time, it--at the very least--leads to Catholicism and Orthodoxy, not a historic Protestant church or the hazy “Biblical Christianity.” It's simply not there and has no continuity, just rebellion based on sins of others and disagreements about who has authority.
    Who founded your denomination? Which man or woman? And where did they come from? Where did they get their proper interpretation? Is such interpretation infallible?
    If the Reformation was loaded with Catholic men who disagreed with the Church, what were they returning to? When will we reach a satisfactory reform in their memories? Which denomination got it right or is in the process of getting it right? out your salvation...
    …those who persevere… my flesh...
    ...shall not inherit the Kingdom... by fire...
    ...No unclean thing...
    ...bind and loose...
    ...forgive and retain...
    ...upon this rock... of witnesses...
    ...God of the living...
    ...we can do nothing apart from God...
    Not my interpretation, but that found in the Tradition of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

  • @scwork445
    @scwork445 9 місяців тому +7

    i grew up as Roman Catholic and educated in catholic church then went to live wt RVM nuns for 2 yrs in the convent. That changed my thought about their holiness. I began to search the true meaning of a relationship wt Jesus. It was a long journey 11 yrs ago i was baptised as a Born Again Christian and 💯 % sure now of my salvation in Christ alone. I am heaven bound and rapture ready hallelujah

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng 9 місяців тому

      Jesus spoke about having a personal relationship with Him in Matt. 25: 31-40.......via the ' least of these.'

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken 9 місяців тому

      You were "Born Again" scripturally when you were baptized and part of the relationship with Jesus that you lost was receiving him, his Resurrected Body and Blood in the Eucharist, a means for receiving his Grace. Protestant grape juice and crackers is just that, nothing more, and a man-made 16th c invention.

    • @toneyh1
      @toneyh1 3 місяці тому

      O yes the born again vs Catholic lie I have heard so many times from the ‘ex catholic’ Maffia yawn

    • @rubenmundaca5405
      @rubenmundaca5405 День тому

      @@scwork445 😏 It seems that nuns have done a lazy work with you, or you haven't learned what they teached to you.
      Sorry for you. 😏

  • @MajorasTime
    @MajorasTime 4 роки тому +120

    Trent Horn, a Roman Catholic kindly requested to have a debate with you and to challenge you on your claims. Why haven't you got back to him if you're so confident about your protestant position? This is a sincere question, not trying to be a rude. I'm a protestant who's doubting protestantism and I'm wondering why most protestant apologists turn down debates against catholic apologists..

    • @MikeWinger
      @MikeWinger  4 роки тому +105

      He asked me a number of times over the past year and I’ve answered. He’s got me on messenger. It seems like he’s just posting publicly to stir people like you to come onto my channel and post comments.

    • @Seethi_C
      @Seethi_C 4 роки тому +32

      @@TheCounselofTrent Go Trent!

    • @GratiaPrima_
      @GratiaPrima_ 4 роки тому +23

      Wow. Really? Nobody worshipped Trent. As a former Protestant, Protestants have GOT to get an accurate definition of worship to be preached.

    • @VirginMostPowerfull
      @VirginMostPowerfull 4 роки тому +14

      @@MikeWinger I like how you said "I've answered" and not "I refused", LOL.
      Pathetic, do you have no honor?????? Ave Christus Rex

    • @micahmatthew7104
      @micahmatthew7104 4 роки тому +21

      Mike Winger debate him if your so confident

  • @bloopz3212
    @bloopz3212 4 роки тому +75

    I'm cringing so hard. Hearing all this is so uncomfortable and makes me really sad. A lot of my family is still heavily involved and won't listen to facts proving the undoctrinal ways of the church. I was born and raised Catholic. Came out after 22 years. So many questions were unanswered and I was even hushed for asking questions, that I felt at 10 years old, contradicted the bible. Went thru four sacraments. I thank God for learning many things thru the Catholic Church by His grace, but I'm still dealing with self-condemnation due to what it teaches with confession, repentance, saved by works. I know what the Bible says about it now, but I'll be lying if it still doesn't have a hold on me. Prayers please. Thank you Jesus for your grace, love, and mercy.
    Thank you, Mike, for speaking on this subject.

    • @deespence8629
      @deespence8629 4 роки тому +6


    • @persephonestars2587
      @persephonestars2587 4 роки тому +4

      I’m in the same boat. I still have anxiety and worry.

    • @thomasm8317
      @thomasm8317 4 роки тому +10

      "Saved by works". Tell me, where in the catechism can that be found? And use one before the second Vatican council. Thanks.

    • @Wgaither1
      @Wgaither1 4 роки тому

      Thomas M works of satisfaction

    • @lauraluna9465
      @lauraluna9465 4 роки тому +12

      I know what you mean. Also bring in a catholic home. But they didn’t go to church or anything like that. Only for events( like baptism, wedding, funeral) type of things. Yet we were forced to go the classes. To get my first communion and confirmation. Like you I knew something wasn’t lining up with what was being taught, all I knew is that I love GOD. Eventually I wanted nothing to do with religion, especially catholic religion. But by the grace of our LORD JESUS . I have been saved and full understand where I stand with HIM. Been save going on my 2nd year. Like I you my heart brakes to see my parents fallow traditions and what they hear from friends, then going in to the word them selves. Because of their example my siblings are lost. They don’t know the LORD. I’ll be praying for you. Please pray for my family. The “ Lunas”
      May GOD keep fill you with HIS love and mercy always!!

  • @annhinz6326
    @annhinz6326 4 роки тому +329

    I would love to hear a comparison between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox and the other Orthodox sects that separated from Rome

    • @sarahmarchisio523
      @sarahmarchisio523 4 роки тому +48

      Not a comparison per se, but I recommend Ten Minute Bible Hour's learning about other churches playlist. He has this series where he goes to different churches and has them explain their denomination to a protestant. You should take a look!

    • @MZONE991
      @MZONE991 4 роки тому +19

      you'll find little to no differences
      most differences are Pastoral or terminological, not Doctrinal

    • @daddydaycareky
      @daddydaycareky 4 роки тому +21

      Hi Ann, it really isn't fair to lump all orthodox churches together, since they are not unified in any way. However, I would like to point out some similarities between the "Orthodox" Church, specifically the Eastern Orthodox and The Roman Catholic Church.
      1) Eastern Orthodox has maintained Apostolic succession. This means that every Patriarch and Priest has had hands laid upon them by someone who can trace that Sacrament back to a specific Apostle. This allows Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox to have valid Sacraments.
      2) Both agree on every truth revealed to the Catholic Church by Jesus and then sufficiently clarified by the Church until, essentially 1000 AD. This includes honoring Mary as the Mother of God, intercession of the saints, the Trinity, the books of Scripture, etc...
      1) The Orthodox Mass is much more historically accurate than the current Roman Catholic Mass (Post Vatican II).
      2) The Orthodox Church does not recognize the primacy of the Bishop of Rome (aka the Pope). Therefore, the Orthodox Church cannot call a council or define anything to be infallible. I am not sure what background you are from Ann, but this was the process used by the early Church to discover the truth of the Trinity in Scripture and then infallibly declare this as a Dogma of the faith at the Council of Nicea. But, because of their schism, the orthodox church is no longer protected from error by the Holy Spirit. This is the gift of infallibility. Infallibility means that a teaching from the Bible is carefully studied over hundreds of years to see how scripture was interpreted by the earliest Christians and study to see if this interpretation was refuted, contradicted, or elaborated on throughout the entire history of the Church. If a teaching is elaborated on and refined throughout history, it can be elevated to a Doctrine. A teaching that becomes a Doctrine can is then studied further, often over hundreds of more years and numerous more generations, and if it can be studied in entirety without any room for doubt, this Doctrine can be elevated to a Dogma.

    • @albusai
      @albusai 4 роки тому +11

      daddydaycareky si pretty much both are heretics

    • @GaryBallardToney
      @GaryBallardToney 4 роки тому +8

      Roman Catholic Christianity and Eastern Orthodox Christianity differ in some very significant ways. For example what they believe about Mary, the Pope, life after life, Communion, the Church Councils, etc.
      In many ways, I have heard it said that Protestant Christianity and Roman Catholic Christianity have more in common than Eastern Orthodox Christianity. I am not completely sure how true that is but I can see how it could be said.

  • @geographyofmoney
    @geographyofmoney Рік тому +81

    The main struggle for me as a Roman Catholic is that it feels like I am turning away from God if I question church traditions. For example, why do we have a lot of idols and why is there a patriarchial heirarchy, it reminds me a lot of the Roman empire . Then, why I need to confess to a priest as opposed to praying directly to God. I had a not so happy experience, seeing the priest i was confessing to was reading a newspaper while I was pouring my heart out through him. :( There are a lot of good catholics, but i fear if we are being led towards a wrong path. God bless us all.

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng Рік тому +8

      Would YOU consider YOUR avatar or pictures of those YOU love or even the money in YOUR wallet to be idols ??? Can an statue of Jesus be an idol ???
      Confession to a priest is God's Will........see John 20: 19-23. God even sent His Prophet to King David to get him to confess his sins.......see 2 Samuel 12. And yes, we ought to feel uncomfortable when we offend God..........see Luke 18: 9-14. David's Psalm 51 and his grief at offending a loving Father made him a ' man after God's heart ' as is written in 1 Samuel 13: 22. I have always had caring priests and the idea that a priest would read a newspaper while in the confessional is tragic. Maybe, he was looking for a suitable prayer/or saint to help YOU ( at least I hope so.) Blessings !!!

    • @countryboyred
      @countryboyred 11 місяців тому +15

      You need to be born again and have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Don’t despair friend.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 11 місяців тому +13

      @@dman7668 quote---We don't practice idolatry pal. -unquote
      What do you call praying to Mary? Bowing to her statues, paintings???

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 11 місяців тому +7

      @@dman7668 quote----Veneration isn't the same as idolatry. But I understand in your world view you think Catholics are worshipping statues and think they are all individual pagan God's.--unquote
      definition of "Venerate"--to worship!~!!!!
      -OBVIOUSLY whay GOD Commanded means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to Catholics. That is why Ex 20:4-6 ARE NOT in your list of Ten Commandments!!!
      3 “You shall have no other gods before me.
      4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
      ----IMAGE of any form!!! WE are made in the image of God!!!
      Statues are made to represent God, Jesus, Mary, etc. Images are same as an IDOL!! When you bow to it, pray to it, etc, IT IS AN IDOL!!!! AN IMAGE of someone or something!!!

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 11 місяців тому +6

      We do not have *ANY* idols in the Catholic Church

  • @duncescotus2342
    @duncescotus2342 3 роки тому +14

    They worship what they don't understand. You worship what you do understand. But the hour is coming and is now here for us all to worship in SPIRIT and truth.

  • @miked1254
    @miked1254 2 роки тому +120

    First off, this is an excellent video littered with salient points. Secondly, as pertaining to the Peter the rock interpretation, it should be noted that almost immediately after Jesus uttered those words, he rebuked Peter and said to get behind me Satan after Peter was not being mindful of the things of God but rather the things of men. The good news is that Christ IS STILL the head of the church, not man, and the word of God is still the ultimate authority to put our trust in, not man, not tradition, and not a religious affiliation, hierarchy, or inherited authority. As a former Catholic, the moment I began to read scripture and absorb it, the more that quite a bit of the theology that I was taught through my Catholic education and CCD began to stick out as being in opposition to scripture. I still have many family members, including my amazing mother, and very dear friends whom I love that are devoutly Catholic, and who love Jesus, so it’s not unbelief that is at stake here. What is needed more than anything is for Catholics to read scripture and pray, but also to recognize scripture as even the Jews do as the ultimate authority, not any of the aforementioned things of men.

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 2 роки тому +8

      Peter is infallible when he speaks God's Words, but he is ' fallible ' when he speaks his own thoughts........see Matt. 16: 16, 22-23.

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 2 роки тому +10

      @@veritasmuy2407 Simple, the pope speaks his own words when he says something that is not in the Bible.

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 2 роки тому +2

      @@veritasmuy2407 What makes you think that Peter was the "first pope"??

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 2 роки тому +2

      @@veritasmuy2407 You refer to Mat 16:21-23. You do know that Peter eventually did catch on to what Jesus taught?

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 2 роки тому

      @@veritasmuy2407 You keep repeating that Peter was the first pope, yet you do not show any proof to support your opinion in this matter. Seems you know perfectly well that you are presenting something that is false here. So without lies Islam dies??
      And Peter only started teaching what Jesus commanded after he understood what was correct. So again we "without lies Islam dies".
      And Peter did not teach the mistake he makde but learnt from that. Again "without lies Islam dies".
      We know from the many heretical groups like the Gnostics and the Arians etc that people did teach something that was wrong about Jesus. But God ensured that their false teachings are no longer being taught as being correct. So non-Biblical doctrines like Islam are exposed and are being rejected by Christians.
      You refer to John 19:25-27 English Standard Version >> 25 but standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son!” 27 Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.

  • @Illycrium
    @Illycrium 3 роки тому +117

    I would love a conversation between Pastor Mike and Trent Horn. This is an exceptionally good rebuttal of the Catholic faith, and I'd love to hear a back and forth with a Catholic apologist.

    • @toolegittoquit_001
      @toolegittoquit_001 3 роки тому +12

      I have no interest in hearing heresy defended

    • @catholicfemininity2126
      @catholicfemininity2126 2 роки тому +4

      What about Jesse Romero or Steve Ray. Smart men.

    • @nathanaelculver5308
      @nathanaelculver5308 2 роки тому +22

      Check out Trent’s UA-cam channel, The Counsel of Trent. He has responded to a number of Mike’s videos on Catholicism.

    • @spudmcdougal369
      @spudmcdougal369 2 роки тому +1

      Maybe Spitzer.

    • @sunnydaze1185
      @sunnydaze1185 2 роки тому +6

      How about NO man and only G od himself? That's how allllll these different sects gets started. Just stick to his word ( even better if you are born again and read it with his aid ).

  • @142myles
    @142myles 8 місяців тому +11

    The supremacy of the Pope and submitting to doctrine is what actually made me become Catholic. The non-denominational churches could or would never answer my questions. I was always told to just pray about it and see what God says. Having a core set of beliefs, rules and guidelines has actually given me the freedom to enjoy and worship our God. Before Catholicism, I questioned every pastor and their teachings. Now I just trust in a 2000 year old theology to interpret scripture for me. I know that may sound wrong, but I am not a smart man or well read man. When I tried reading and interpreting the Bible for myself, I steered myself into some dark corners. I truly needed the help of a Church I trusted to teach me what God was saying.

    • @lawr5764
      @lawr5764 8 місяців тому +1

      Your experience is why "Sola Scriptura" is a flawed idea. Even Martin Luther lamented the idea that some random milkmaid would think she could interpret the Bible for herself.

    • @jamescampbell3605
      @jamescampbell3605 7 місяців тому +4

      The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth (God’s word is truth), not the Church, Pope, or Priest. The Church does not decide who gets the Spirit and who does not. That is Jesus’ role.
      Your intellect does not hinder you from understanding God’s plan for you and the world. The apostles were common men but they had God’s word (Old Testament) written on their heart. The same can be true of you but in Catholicism too many unbiblical beliefs have been laid upon people that study of God’s word suffers. I pray you seek God with all your heart, mind, and strength because you can’t rely upon your priest to do that for you.

    • @alfray1072
      @alfray1072 7 місяців тому +1

      @@jamescampbell3605 The church is led by the Holy Spirit, because the church is the authority not your own personal opinion of the bible i.e. false sola scriptura doctrine. Now who among the 40K+ protestant denominations should I listen to that is guided by the Holy Spirit?

    • @shanequa555
      @shanequa555 7 місяців тому +1

      Boy, did you pick the wrong one though! Peter never even went to Rome! Google it!

    • @boooorad
      @boooorad 7 місяців тому

      Straw man characterization of sola scriptura

  • @proverbs2522
    @proverbs2522 3 роки тому +150

    It's apparent that Paul was having the same problem with Rome being confused about grace by the fact he had to write all this in this letter. It is an ongoing problem with Rome that spread. I used to be traditional Roman catholic and by the time I turned 18 I almost lost complete faith in the church, but instead of becoming a buddhist or something I started from scratch. Now I know I'm allowed to be a Christian without maintaining all that nonsense, that and my problem with mary worship and idols

    • @bufficliff8978
      @bufficliff8978 3 роки тому +14

      Thanks for your comment. It helped me understand better something I've been trying for figure out for a while: how the culture of Rome (and Europe in general) influenced the Catholic Church. Your note that there was confusion from the start in Rome is insightful and increases my curiosity. I appreciate you

    • @stanyukica382
      @stanyukica382 2 роки тому +3

      You completely Misunderstand the letter to the Romans. These are written primarily for Jewish And Gentile communities Living in a pagan culture. When Paul refers to the works of the law He is referring to the dietary laws and the laws concerning animal sacrifice a in the Old Testament. The good boys that do I do this are in love with God and love our neighbor..this fulfills The law through Christ.. The Catholic Church does not teach that we are saved because of works but faith working through love.
      I bet you never read your catechism Either the Baltimore catechism or the catechism of the council trent or catechism of the Catholic Church

    • @stanyukica382
      @stanyukica382 2 роки тому +4

      @@bufficliff8978 I think pastor Mike miss represents the Catholic Church badly. I don't think you ever read the catechism of the Catholic Church Or the old Baltimore catechism Number three. Because it does Not teach works based salvation

    • @stanyukica382
      @stanyukica382 2 роки тому +2

      The Catholic Church does not teach worksbased salvation. I bet you never Read you Baltimore catechism

    • @xMCxVSxARBITERx
      @xMCxVSxARBITERx 2 роки тому +11

      It most definitely does teach works based salvation.

  • @InfinityProTeam
    @InfinityProTeam 4 роки тому +265

    I think you and Matt Fradd (a fellow UA-camr who is catholic) could have a deeply interesting and helpful dialogue together hashing out these differences.

    • @augustv123
      @augustv123 4 роки тому +78

      Trent Horn has offered to debate him several times and he won’t do it unfortunately.

    • @purgatorean
      @purgatorean 4 роки тому +34

      @@augustv123 I have challenged Mike Winger to enter the discussion in this forum and many other of his youtube video comments section. He will not do it. That should prove to his protestant disciples that he is nothing more than a charlatan working hard for Satan to keep souls from going to Heaven through the Catholic Church.

    • @destynationq7400
      @destynationq7400 4 роки тому +48

      @@purgatorean That is telling I must admit, he can't deal with actual Catholics.

    • @destynationq7400
      @destynationq7400 4 роки тому +8

      @FaithHopeGrace Romans are in a pretty good light in the Bible, maybe you didn't notice but the biblical narrative sets them up as the successors to the Jews.
      Pilate famously said "What I have written remains written" and what did he write? Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, rejected by the Jews, proclaimed by the Romans. And all the key Roman figures eventually converted, like the men who did lots for the clothes of Jesus, and St. Longinus who trusted the spear into Jesus' side, or St. Cornelius the Centurion who was the first gentile convert.

    • @bethanyann1060
      @bethanyann1060 4 роки тому +24

      I would LOVE to see this. Matt is always so gracious and already has charitable friendships with some Protestants on his channel.

  • @robertweidner2480
    @robertweidner2480 4 роки тому +24

    I am a Catholic Convert (Easter 2011) from Protestantism, and here's my two cents:
    It was MANY reasons, all of which came back to the same answer: The Catholic Church is "it." It is The Church founded by Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church IS Christianity.
    The Apostolic Fathers were what really "sealed the deal" for me, especially St. Ignatius of Antioch. I had to ask: If my belief that the Eucharist is "symbolic" how come this person, who is a student of St. John, is willing to die for the belief that The Eucharist really is Jesus in his Letter to the Smyrnaeans?
    Every scientific instrument you can bring to the table, every God-Given sense of mine says it is a piece of bread. Here's a man,. St. Ignatius of Antioch dying for that piece of bread, saying it is The Creator-King of The Universe. (That doesn't prove it is, but it does prove that at least that earliest Christian leader believed it to be so.)
    I was free to believe that the Eucharist was "symbolic." I was not free to believe that the earliest Christians, disciples of St. John no less, believed it was "symbolic."
    Without the Catholic Church, a lot of beliefs I held as a Protestant fell apart. And ended up admitting to myself: "I can no more be a Protestant, than I could be an Arian."
    I, as a Catholic, now ask my former Protestant brethren: Why do you preach an incomplete Gospel? The Catholic Church is necessary for Salvation. You can't have Jesus without The Church He Founded and Died for. You cannot have The Cross without Jesus. And you cannot have The Resurrection without Good Friday
    I URGE everyone here to give the Catholic Church a serious look! It IS Wonderful!

    • @peacel5629
      @peacel5629 3 роки тому +1

      you guys worship idols. Jesus said to not worship idols because He is a jealous God . Exodus 20:1-26, Exodus 20:4, Exodus 20:4:5

    • @joehinojosa24
      @joehinojosa24 3 роки тому +3

      Thanks Robert. On the "other side" in the dark realms of spiritism ,they are SWORN ENEMIES OF CATHOLICISM. THEY DEFILE THE EUCHARISTIC HOST in their " Black Mass". They even use incantations in LATIN. Satanists don't worry about Protestantism. The Eternal War between the Demonic , between light vs darkness is the CATHOLIC CHURCH VERSUS SATAN. Always has been from the Beginning read Revelation chapter 13.

    • @joehinojosa24
      @joehinojosa24 3 роки тому

      @M. Faith You're probably not addressing me but here's my 2 cents or 2 denari?1) I Don't like to debate Protestants. This is Because THEY ARE SO CLOSE TO THE ONE HOLY TRUE APOSTOLIC CHURCH UNIVERSAL( Catholicism). Right now there is a rampant " New Atheism" that is infusing itself into Generation Z. And will possess their Hell destined souls. Rampant scepticism is a better foe to engage. 2) Obviously you are a lover of Holy Scripture and dedicated to its teachings doctrinal and practical. Living like Christ is far more important than winning arguments .3) But you must acknowledge that there are different interpretations of scripture. You have your own and others may disagree with your conclusions.4) Who then is the final authority for interpretation? Yourself? Your pastor? A theological professor? Catholics assume the same Church that was guided to finalize the canon of the NT in the 4th century, ALSO is guided in TEACHING , INTERPRETING THOSE SCRIPTURES.

    • @MountainFisher
      @MountainFisher 3 роки тому +1

      You became a Romanist based on the writings of Ignatius? Do you know that some of his writings are disputed?
      Also not all Protestants believe the Communion bread is only symbolic? Reformed Calvinists and Reformed Arminians believe the Spirit of Christ is in the bread as it obviously does not turn into flesh.

    • @lonelyberg1316
      @lonelyberg1316 3 роки тому


  • @charlescresap4451
    @charlescresap4451 8 місяців тому +12

    I fully understand why you cannot be Catholic. However, I also know that for 2000 years the Catholic Church did all they could to acquaint people with the Lord. When a catholic was born in the middle ages and could not read the Bible even if he had one, finally died and came to the judgement, he would be able to tell the Lord "I know you, I saw the story of your life on the wall of my church".

    • @Elizabeth-rk3do
      @Elizabeth-rk3do 8 місяців тому +2

      The true, original church was started by Peter in Jerusalem ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven. We know exactly what they taught and believed by reading the book of Acts.
      You would do well to read the New Testament. It won't matter on Judgment Day what the Book of Mormon said. It will only matter what God has already told us.

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng 8 місяців тому +3

      Yep !!! We love the Lord with ALL our mind; so we love Him in the music/poetry/the Rosary, and through the prayers pf Mary and the saints.......our great ' cloud of witnesses ' as seem in Hebrews 12: 1. Blessings !!!

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken 8 місяців тому +2

      @@Elizabeth-rk3do "We know exactly what they taught and believed by reading the book of Acts. "
      Jesus : THIS IS MY BODY
      The Church of Winger: No it is not, Jesus was speaking symbolic only
      Christianity for 2000 years has taught exactly what Jesus said. 500 years ago some men formed protestantism and denied his words. Mike follows that latter and not "the New Testament."
      *St Ignatius of Antioch was taught by St John, the very same St John who was taught by Jesus and of whom wrote the Bread of Life discourse.*
      _“They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they confess not the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again.”_ Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle to Smyrnaeans, 7,1 (c. A.D. 110).
      *St Justin Martyr writes a few years later:*
      _“For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but in like manner as Jesus Christ our Saviour, having been made flesh and blood for our salvation, so likewise have _*_we been taught that the food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, [the words of the priest at Mass] and from which our blood and flesh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh.”_* Justin Martyr, First Apology, 66 (c. A.D. 110-165).
      *St Ireneaus too:*
      _“He acknowledged the cup (which is a part of the creation) as his own blood, from which he bedews our blood; and the bread (also a part of creation) _*_he affirmed to be his own body,_*_ from which he gives increase to our bodies.”_ Irenaeus, Against Heresies, V:2,2 (c. A.D. 200).
      Why should anyone follow the Church of Winger on his fallible interpretation of the Lord's Supper, a means for receiving Grace?
      So no, you do NOT know exactly what they taught.

    • @adelbertleblanc1846
      @adelbertleblanc1846 8 місяців тому

      @@Michael-nb4ng very true Michael ! Gospel of JOHN, chapter 14 : a true follower of JESUS-CHRIST knows him. Moreover, because he knows JESUS-CHRIST he Knows the Father. Thank you for your smarts comments !

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng 8 місяців тому

      And a Happy Christmas to YOU and YOURS !!! @@adelbertleblanc1846

  • @NIDisciple
    @NIDisciple 4 роки тому +52

    I was a Roman Catholic... but Got Saved at 17... wasnt easy because My Family have never accepted my Faith

    • @annhinz6326
      @annhinz6326 4 роки тому +4

      After my father died, my Uncle tried to influence my mother to come back to Catholicism after about 40 years

    • @cubenerf
      @cubenerf 4 роки тому +12

      @TradCat Sister Amen. The church is the body of Christ, and Christ only has one body.

    • @IVChan
      @IVChan 4 роки тому +8

      Good on you brother. I was not Catholic but an uninformed believer with Catholic family and I know how it feels to be rejected because it happened to me once I was saved by the Lord. My support to you

    • @contramundum2.0paradigmshi10
      @contramundum2.0paradigmshi10 4 роки тому +6

      @TradCat Sister the Church of Jesus Christ has to be corrected at times including its leaders. Just like Paul corrected Peter. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, not the Church. If a group points you to something or someone as preeminent before Jesus Christ that leads to error.

    • @contramundum2.0paradigmshi10
      @contramundum2.0paradigmshi10 4 роки тому +5

      @TradCat Sister unfortunately for you and those of your persuasion there is ZERO Scriptural evidence to support the office of the Papacy, it simply isn't there. That's why the emphasis (by you and others like you) and overreach on verses that point to the Church as God's vessel for HIS truth, because that enables any Biblically invalid interpretation of verses as somehow authoritative. Those Jedi-mind tricks (for lack of a better term) don't work on a Bible believing saint of God, because we see the weak foundation of such nonsense. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

  • @frisco61
    @frisco61 2 роки тому +8

    What exactly is Mike’s obsession with the Catholic Church? Stunning how he apparently believes that the Bible sprang into thin air out of nothing.

    • @ss.fx3626
      @ss.fx3626 2 роки тому

      Are you saying the catholics wrote the bible?????????🤔

    • @michaelcarr4915
      @michaelcarr4915 2 роки тому


  • @marcusanthony488
    @marcusanthony488 7 місяців тому +16

    Loved when u said "we have to talk about Catholicism because it is a part of Christianity.".. yeah, dude, like it WAS Christianity for the first 1500 hundred years . And let's not forget about the Orthodox. And now since the Reformation how many thousands of little Christianities do we have running around?

    • @alexamaya3208
      @alexamaya3208 5 місяців тому +3

      The Catholic Church is the same as it was that first 1500 years, actually even better. Why do you say WAS Christianity?

    • @minagelina
      @minagelina 4 місяці тому +7

      The Catholic church as it is now is NOT the first church and the same teachings. Those came a couple of hundreds of years later and developed over time.

    • @alexamaya3208
      @alexamaya3208 4 місяці тому

      @@minagelina of course it’s not the same as it was in the beginning. It was 2000 years ago lol. That doesn’t mean the teachings have changed, which is your claim.

    • @yashathebelgianmalinois348
      @yashathebelgianmalinois348 4 місяці тому

      The Catholic church has nothing to do with Christ. It was a power grab and is Pagan.

    • @itsjuicenotwine
      @itsjuicenotwine 3 місяці тому +3

      @@alexamaya3208 It did change though lmao they added so much. You can literally look up the timeline of how much has changed [ most in the middle ages] , even some catholics themselves do not agree now with Pope Francis and Vatican 2. They consider him an anti pope.
      Read the whole bible yourself and see how much different it is. If you believe it is the word of God, read it in entirety.

  • @Antonia_D
    @Antonia_D Рік тому +24

    Protestant “self interpretation” of the Holy Scriptures leads to thousands of different denominations, and eventually leads to so-called “progressive Christianity” that interprets LGBT behavior & promotion as acceptable.
    Just like we need a Supreme Court as the final backstop to determine what US laws mean, we also need an interpretive authority for clear guidelines and boundaries in understanding God’s Word. - from a Catholic in Texas, USA

    • @joelwoody517
      @joelwoody517 Рік тому +2

      Yes. The Supreme Court has been great. No problems there.

    • @Antonia_D
      @Antonia_D Рік тому +4

      @@joelwoody517 Regarding problems with SCOTUS...
      1) The members of the Supreme Court do not have special protection & guidance from the Holy Spirit. The Catholic teaching authority (called the "magisterium") does have this protection, without which the Catholic Church wouldn't have lasted 2 weeks, much less the 2,000 years it has been passing down the same, authentic teaching of Jesus through the Apostles.
      2) In the SCOTUS analogy, would we be in better position if every legislator and law enforcement officer in the United States had the final say in determining what the laws mean FOR THEMSELVES?

    • @IanGrantSpong
      @IanGrantSpong 5 місяців тому +1

      Catholic "self interpretation" leads many Catholics to disagree with Rome on issues like contraception, and creates orders that differ from one another too like Benedictines, Franciscans, etc. On the other hand, different Protestant denominations, other ancient churches and Romans amazingly agree on what Jesus taught.

    • @Antonia_D
      @Antonia_D 5 місяців тому

      @@IanGrantSpong "Catholics" who know the teachings and moral requirements of the Church, but who don't even try to follow Catholic theology and/or morality, are simply dissenters, fallen-away Catholics, or false Catholics, not actual practicing Catholics.
      For example, say that there were so-called "vegans" who joyfully eat meat 5x a week... or so-called "Baptists" who conduct monthly satanic rituals mocking God and sacrifice children to Moloch every occult holiday. They would simply not be practicing vegans or Baptists, no matter how much they insisted on the labels.
      Different Catholic religious orders merely emphasize the different aspects of Catholic Christianity, while recognizing the gifts of all the other orders, and wholeheartedly accepting all Catholic theology, liturgy, and morality. For instance, the Dominicans emphasize preaching, evangelizing, and study of God in Holy Scripture and theology. Franciscans emphasize the renunciation of worldly pleasures, and humble service to others. Carmelites emphasize deep prayer, Scripture reading, and mystical contemplation, and are cloistered so they also renounce worldly pleasures as penance to unite with the sufferings of Jesus on the Cross (Luk 9:23-24, Mat 17:21, Col 1:24, Rom 5:3, 2 Tim 1:8, 1 Pet 2:20-21, Phi 1:29, Phi 3:10, 1 Pet 4:13). These are just matters of emphasis depending on Catholics' personality, gifts, and call of God to build His Kingdom in different ways.

  • @tempstep4058
    @tempstep4058 4 роки тому +7

    Protestants attack the Catholic church and say to Catholics this is not an attack on you. It's confusing to me because as a person who grew up as a Catholic, from experience, Catholics (the ones who truly practice) are probably the most humble and patient Christians I have ever seen. By their fruits I know them. I can't hear a criticism on the church and yet receive it as not a criticism on me. The Catholic church is what Catholics are. They are not 2 separate entities. I do believe you have the right to critique anyone and anything, but you cannot say it is not a criticism on me. It is, though, you do have the right to criticise the Catholic church - me.

    • @run4cmt
      @run4cmt 2 роки тому +1

      I think you should be open to hearing the ways your church may be operating contrary to the Bible. I have Catholic family members. The Catholic church gets a great deal of teaching correct. They are very close to Lutherans. The one great exception is the church goverance including the Pope. We also do not venerate Mary and our clergy can marry. To disagree on these things does not mean I do not love my Catholic brothers and sisters.

    • @tempstep4058
      @tempstep4058 2 роки тому

      Still waiting on what the "contrary to the Bible" claim is.

  • @mikecorrado4971
    @mikecorrado4971 4 роки тому +73

    This video confirms everything I have believed since I left Roman Catholicism 37 years ago! Praise the Lord!

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 4 роки тому +9

      Google “which church did Jesus start?” just left Jesus church! You can come back! You should!

    • @DavidTextle
      @DavidTextle 3 роки тому +12

      @@johnyang1420 you’re 200% right, Catholic
      Not Roman Catholic

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 3 роки тому +3

      Catholic typically means Roman Catholic and an allegiance to Peter primacy. Catholic really includes Orthodox church.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 3 роки тому

      You left the church that Jesus started. Stupid!

    • @vibeauxssxuaebiv3489
      @vibeauxssxuaebiv3489 3 роки тому +14

      @@johnyang1420 bruh, he literally covers how your assumption here is incorrect In This Video.

  • @BrotherJohnElving
    @BrotherJohnElving 4 роки тому +137

    I love this guy. I am a knuckle head street minister. Mike is awesome. I learn so much.

    • @thomasm8317
      @thomasm8317 4 роки тому +8

      So much heresy.

    • @Keesha_Hardy
      @Keesha_Hardy 4 роки тому +4

      @FaithHopeGrace 😂😂😂 You ain't lyin though!

    • @davidn9518
      @davidn9518 4 роки тому +3

      He is a hack and a false profit who will have to answer to Christ on Judgement day.

    • @libertyresearch-iu4fy
      @libertyresearch-iu4fy 4 роки тому +1

      @@thomasm8317 We need examples; not platitudes.

    • @kellyanne7225
      @kellyanne7225 4 роки тому +14

      Brother John Elving It takes a lot of courage to evangelize on the street! 👍🏼

  • @user-ts8sn5ts2z
    @user-ts8sn5ts2z 2 дні тому +3

    A Cathlic friend told me she venerated Mary as the mother of Jesus but even Mary had to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. I left Catholism at 23 when I began to read the Bible.

    • @casey8726
      @casey8726 2 дні тому

      The truth will set you free

  • @mollyjv1
    @mollyjv1 3 роки тому +15

    Many great men came and gone but the Catholic church is still standing tall! Catholic church is founded by Christ himself, and He is true to His promise. May the Lord bless you and bring you to the fulness of faith.

    • @matthiasdinkelbach1661
      @matthiasdinkelbach1661 2 роки тому

      @@veritasmuy2407 You may be interested to know that while the Catholic Church teaches that sacred Tradition and the teaching office of the Magisterium are sources of divine revelation, it does not say that these sources are infallible as the Bible is. Scripture supports that tradition is for the good of the believer so long as it is in service to Christ (1 Cor. 11:1-3). Paul writes in his first letter to the Thessalonians that the solution to errancies in teaching is not to reject all teachings, but that we have a responsibility to receive them and judge their fruitfulness (1 Thess. 5:19-22). Nobody should deny that there are evil powers that would abuse the Church for their designs; the Church is a body of sinners led by the sinless Christ. But we do not believe that that is reason to turn away from the Spirit who speaks through the lowly.
      Edit/Revision: I would like to clarify that Catholic teaching defines Sacred Tradition as the body of truths revealed by Christ and the apostles and passed down, not necessarily recorded explicitly in Scripture, and in that sense Tradition is infallible. I conflated that definition with teaching as is presented by modern Church leaders. Similarly, there are specific conditional occasions in which the Magisterium can make definitive statements of teaching, though this is not the case of everything that a person says. An infallible teaching by definition necessarily has no conflict with Scripture, and so the Bible is a helpful and necessary metric against which teaching is to be tested.

    • @papadomlady2011
      @papadomlady2011 2 роки тому

      Nope. It was founded by the Romans.

  • @CanalRosanaRibeiro
    @CanalRosanaRibeiro 3 роки тому +21

    Here in Brazil catholicism is huge. It will help me a lot. I dont write in English but I understand 100%. I am very pround of you Mike you are sooo great. Catholic people dont read their bible and they have no clue their church teaches those things.

    • @ergonomicsthesis1396
      @ergonomicsthesis1396 3 роки тому +1

      do you really believe what Mike is saying here are what the Catholic Church teaches? and do you think he is the one teaching the truth? try studying Catholicism from Catholic sources. And yes in any religion/denominations/church there are people who dont really know what their religion/denomination/church actually teaches.

    • @sunnydaze1185
      @sunnydaze1185 2 роки тому +9

      @@ergonomicsthesis1396 how about just cut straight to the source G od Himself, and study the b ible he left.

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 2 роки тому +8

      @@ergonomicsthesis1396 Yes, he has no reason to lie, and he studies and is well informed

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 2 роки тому +1

      @@ergonomicsthesis1396 Please watch "The Mark of the Beast" by Hope Through Prophecy

    • @margaretlobo9466
      @margaretlobo9466 Рік тому

      Protestants read the ONE Bible, but explode into thousands of - confused - denominations. And Protestants have missed the Gospel message. Paul, on his missionary journeys, boldly proclaimed - verbally - the Gospel message which Jesus revealed to him - Galatians 1:12 - and which reflected the Teachings and Doings of Jesus as recorded in the 4 - Gospels - of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Later on, after Paul had received reports from faithful and trustworthy members, he sent out letters to the churches he had established to commend them or to correct them and even provide more insight and clarification. The Bible titles these letters as - Epistles - to the various churches of Corinth, Philippi, etc. Thus, these Epistles were Paul's means of keeping in touch with as well as providing a Review/Report of the status of the churches he wrote to. For example, Paul urged the Corinthian church to - expel the wicked man living in sin with his step-mother - 1 Cor. 5. Sadly, Protestants have based their - Doctrines - and belief systems on these commentaries and Epistles - instead of - the 4 Gospels which will be the basis of all judgement by Jesus, God and Judge - John 5:22. By way of example, Protestants hold Romans 10:9 to be more important than Matthew 7:21.
      On the other hand, the Gospels speak of Tough Love - If you love Me, keep My commandments - and - If you wish to be My disciple, take up your Cross daily, deny yourself and follow Me - and - More - is expected of Christians to whom much has been entrusted - Luke 12:48. Moreover, Jesus' Parables are often prefaced with - the kingdom of Heaven - or - the Reign of God - and require us to multiply our talents, become more fruitful " soil " as well as become wise virgins, etc. So by ignoring the Gospel messages and clinging to - parts - of the Epistles and commentaries, Protestants are arriving at a watered down - Easy Christianity and cheap Grace - belief system.
      Jesus also on the very day of His Resurrection from the dead, breathed His Spirit and - empowered - all the Apostles to forgive - or retain - Sins - John 20:22-23. This breathing was the same as the Breath that gave the life-force to the earth-created Adam - Genesis 2:7. Why did Jesus empower humans to forgive sins ? It is because Christ died to re-open the gates of Heaven which had been closed by Adam's sin - Original Sin - While Baptism - a One-time Grace event - will cleanse us of all PRIOR sins and unrighteousness, we are responsible and accountable for all sins committed AFTER. Below are 3 Examples
      - Firstly, Matthew 18:32-35 tells that Heavenly Father will "in anger" hand us over to the Torturers, all those who do not forgive UNTIL Divine Justice is satisfied.
      - Secondly, Jesus, in Matthew 5:25-26 refers to Himself indirectly as the Judge who will imprison - Catholics give the name Purgatory to that Prison - those who do not reconcile and where release is only made UNTIL the last penny justice is served. Note - By way of elimination, this prison does not refer to Heaven or Hell where there is no release. It does not refer to Earth either, where human justice is flawed and the rich and powerul have gotten away with serious crimes, even murder.
      - Thirdly, in Acts chapter5, the Holy Spirit "executed" Ananias & Sapphira for lying. So all 3 Persons of the Trinity act "in anger" against those who trespass God's Commandment - not suggestion - of Love of Neighbour. And if God has acted so harshly in cases of unforgiveness, non-reconciliation and lying, what will He do to those who commit murder, adultery or dishonour parents, etc ? Yet we all sin continually which could disqualify us from inheriting Heaven - Galatians 5:19-21.
      - ( continued )

  • @lessingtom
    @lessingtom 4 роки тому +37

    Jesus and Paul never beat around the bush when false doctrines were the issue. For instance, they never tried to excuse or tone down their abhorrence of false doctrines and the twisting of Scripture with regard to salvation and wished to rather not have had to say what they said. What did they say? Jesus said, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44), and Paul said, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:8). We should never tone down the offense of the Gospel.

  • @NewCreationInChrist896
    @NewCreationInChrist896 Рік тому +13

    Romans 4:5 👑💝
    "However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness."

    • @jediv3381
      @jediv3381 Рік тому +3

      ​@@dman7668 *Wow you are changing God's Word. Rev 22:18-19 is for you. Romans does mean good works.*
      Rom 4. Vs 1-2 - justified Not By Works!
      Vs 3 - Abraham believed (Faith) and was accounted as Righteousness.
      Vs 4 - Works are debts . Vs 5 - he who Does Not Work is Justified .
      Vs 5 - God justifies the ungodly, Vs 5 - Faith was accounted as Righteousness.
      Vs 6 - Blessedness Apart from Works! Imputation of Righteousness by Faith.
      Vs 8 - imputation of Righteousness apart from Works!
      Vs 9-10 - Abraham was made Righteous By Faith before any Works.
      Vs 9-10 - Abraham received seal of Righteousness of the Faith by imputation. Not Works!
      Vs 11 - Promise to Abraham was through Righteousness Of the Faith.
      Vs 14-15 - Faith is made void by works of the law, works of the Law brings Wrath, Not salvation.
      Vs 22 - Abraham believed (Faith) and was accounted as Righteousness .
      Vs 22 - Righteousness imputed on those who believed. Not those who works!
      Rom 11:6 - If it is works, it's no longer grace
      you said
      Romans isn't talking about works the way you understand it. When it says to the one who does not work, it's talking about sin.
      To the one who does not sin but trusts God who justifies the ungodly their faith is credited as righteousness.
      It's not saying you don't need good works in order to be justified before God.

  • @richterumali7828
    @richterumali7828 4 роки тому +15

    Correction, Catholics believe in Faith and Works. Works is meaningless without Faith and Faith without works is dead. Please do not confuse our theology. James 2:26, Galatians 6: 7-9, Romans 2: 6-7.

    • @wilsonw.t.6878
      @wilsonw.t.6878 4 роки тому +7

      Protestants believe faith alone saves us, but we are commanded to do good works which do NOT contribute to salvation, but are us "working out our salvation". Sola Fide is also taught by 1 Clement.

    • @jmanuel722
      @jmanuel722 4 роки тому +2

      @@wilsonw.t.6878 Grace ALONE saves us brother. Faith + works

    • @levymanlapig8970
      @levymanlapig8970 4 роки тому +1

      @@jmanuel722 Yes, by *GRACE* through faith *AND* works/ or good works/ or works of love. It is not "either", not "or", and also, it is not "plus/+" ---- but *and* , because they are inseparable. 🙂
      Peace and *GOD bless* !

    • @liamblumeris6933
      @liamblumeris6933 3 роки тому

      @@wilsonw.t.6878 sorry you contradict your self.
      Working out your salvation implies it's a process which goes against sola fide being a moment in time when you are saved choose one otherwise you contradict yourself.
      Plus sola fide itselfnisnt biblical it isn't mention in the bible except for you are not saved by faith alone.
      I would recommend that you revisit clements take on sola fide. Because he does not support sola fide.

  • @patrickspitlerjr2929
    @patrickspitlerjr2929 2 роки тому +61

    I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic schools, and thought of myself as Catholic until about 10yrs ago. When I read the Bible looking for a deeper understanding. And I started to see how much the church's teaching were at odds with the Bible. Also the priests became defensive and upset.
    So I'm very interested in hearing this

    • @sorenpx
      @sorenpx 2 роки тому +3

      Out of curiosity, as a former Catholic how do you feel about the points Mike makes?

    • @patrickspitlerjr2929
      @patrickspitlerjr2929 2 роки тому +16

      @@sorenpx Vindicated, would be the best way to describe the feeling. I mean you have to understand, I was all in and bought into everything 100 percent ever since I was a kid. I even considered the priesthood for a time after high-school, but I felt like I would've literally felt a calling, if that's what the Lord wanted. It was hard for me to accept that so many of the teachings are downright heresy and blasphemy. Especially the sacraments of communion and confession. Some of that stuff is still so ingrained, like not eating meat on Friday's during lent, or getting palms and ashes on ash Wednesday. But they have kind of a sinister connotation now, knowing what the Holy Spirt has helped reveal to me. Like Mike Winger said, I don't dislike or judge Catholic's but Catholicism it's self.

    • @sorenpx
      @sorenpx 2 роки тому +16

      @@patrickspitlerjr2929 Thanks for the response. I did at one time seriously look into Catholicism, but the deeper I went the more it sounded like the Catholic church was literally just making stuff up. For instance, confession to a priest rather than directly to God, the Marian doctrines, and the teachings on mortal and venial sins were simply a bridge too far. I found all that, and more, literally unbelievable.

    • @thovenach
      @thovenach 2 роки тому +2

      I'd be interested in what you found that were at odds with the Catholic faith. Every time I have a question or concern with the Catholic church I can actually find plenty of sources or reasons in the bible.

    • @patrickspitlerjr2929
      @patrickspitlerjr2929 2 роки тому +13

      @@thovenach Okay. The first commandment, yet catholics worship Mary and the saints. The second commandment, no gravin images, yet they bow to the crucifix and disregard the second commandment completely and lump it with the third. The third commandment, to keep the sabbath Holy, the catholics changed the day from Saturday to Sunday, which is a Pagan Sun worship. Easter is a Pagan celebration of rebirth, that's why the catholics observe it on the third Sunday after the third new moon of the year and not during Passover. The solstice calendar is what the Lord gave to the Jews. Lunar calendar is Pagan and satanic. How about purgatory? Jesus's one time sacrifice wiped away our sin. Purgatory was established in order for the church to collect more money with the practice of indulgences. Indulgences are extra Biblical. The idea that salvation can only come through the catholic church and not from Jesus. The tradition of calling priests Father is a direct contradiction to Jesus telling us to not call anyone on Earth Father. The idea of the immaculate conception, which teaches that Mary was born without out sin, and a perpetual virgin. Yet Jesus had brothers and sisters. The false teaching that Mary Magdalen was a prostitute when the Bible states she was cleaned from seven unclean spirits, although I believe they've walked that one back in the last 20yrs. That only a priest can grant you forgiveness from sin, thus diminishing Jesus's sacrifice. Actually, all the sacraments are extra Biblical. They're works to obtain Grace and righteousness, when the Bible teaches that Grace is freely given and faith is attributed to righteousness. I mean seriously, the only few things that the Catholic church teaches that is Biblical is, the Holy Trinity, Jesus being both all God and all Man, and the crucifixion, death and resurrection on the third day. And they even get the days wrong with that due to the lunar calendar they follow. They, and I'm speaking of priests, bishops, cardinals, and the pope. Are quite literally the Pharasees of the Bible. Haven't you read that at the moment of Christ's death, that the veil in the temple was torn in two, thus granting everyone, Jew and gentile, access to the Most Holy, God the Father. With Jesus as our intermediary and the Holy Spirt as a comforter and bringer of Wisdom? The pope and the Vatican rule with a false power and teachings and tradition that are anti-Christ thus satanic.

  • @revmolter
    @revmolter 4 роки тому +101

    As a Lutheran...the Eucharist and Baptism are a means of grace. We receive salvation through faith. Baptism and Eucharist continue to be tangible signs for us to know, remember, and embrace the grace we already received. These sacraments sustain our faith they aren't a work they are a reminder of God's work already done for us.

    • @jonkelley7713
      @jonkelley7713 3 роки тому +23

      As a 30 plus year Protestant(Baptist, Evangelical, 4SQUARE), never had reverence or Sacraments. So life drew me towards Catholicism and knowing church history. I am happily in RCIA classes still. UA-cam Keith Nesters and Scott Hanh testimonies.

    • @inmyownbiasedopinion4482
      @inmyownbiasedopinion4482 3 роки тому +39

      History? Isn’t history written by a victor? Why would I depend on it when I have the Bible. I was a cradle Roman Catholic and I thank God that I am no longer. Christ alone, grace alone through faith.
      I shall only boast in Christ and not in any congregation or institutional church.

    • @vickilarrabee8154
      @vickilarrabee8154 3 роки тому +29

      I disagree. You are using the word grace too loosely. You say the Eucharist and Baptism are a means of “grace”. I would say a better explanation is that they are a public demonstration of our faith in Christ. You cannot ascribe grace to a deed or to win more of Gods favor.
      The “grace” we receive is because of Christs death on the cross. My sins are imputed onto Christ and Christs righteousness is given to me. Because of His death on the cross He can then say “it is finished.” Baptism and communion only looks back to the event.

    • @revmolter
      @revmolter 3 роки тому +9

      In Lutheran theology, Baptism and Eucharistic are tangible signs of God's grace that serve as touch stones of tge Grace we have already received. Water is everywhere but we find it more readily at a well. The sacraments serve as a place we know God's grace can be found. It serves as nourishment and reminder in our walk of faith as disciples.

    • @lippoe
      @lippoe 3 роки тому +7

      @@vickilarrabee8154 In the Sacrament of the Eucharist, we are spiritually present at the Crucifixion and receive the Body and Blood of Christ, as he commanded us in his new Covenant.

  • @bumpercarjoe6391
    @bumpercarjoe6391 11 місяців тому +59

    I have been struggling with Sin & Demons. And as a Roman Catholic I started going back to confession. However every time I walk on the grounds and see statues of saints, and a “white Jesus” on the cross I’m feeling I’m being mislead. The act of confessing has done nothing for me. And while I say the Hail Mary and our father the demons kept coming. It wasn’t until recently and videos from you and other Christians I’m starting to understand. A sincere thank you, I say to you.

    • @otallono
      @otallono 11 місяців тому +13

      We all struggle with sin and demons, that's literally why God sent His son to die on the cross. Pray to Jesus, not some man. Let God be true and every man a liar.
      Oh and what you see is a dead Jesus on the cross in a Catholic church. Every time you go to a Catholic church you have to look at a dead Jesus. Even though He is alive.

    • @richardcastro4293
      @richardcastro4293 11 місяців тому

      Whether you like it or not, Jesus died on a cross. And he was resurrected. They are both him.
      Wow, the devil really can access people's intellect and pride. That is why they write these horrible things.
      Jesus was a Jew. We don't know exactly what he looked like. Have faith. Just look at a humble Jewish person and that is roughly what Jesus looked like. Maybe you'll see him someday, but he may not be a person - like a light.
      Don't let your heart be so heavy.
      Look up divine mercy here on UA-cam.
      Some Protestants will attack Roman Catholics all day long. They are okay with listening to their interior hatred. The devil can reach the intellect and a person's pride.

    • @metalforever12085
      @metalforever12085 11 місяців тому +12

      You need to learn about Catholicism from Catholic theologians, not Pastor Mike who pulls out definitions in a religious context from a dictionary.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 11 місяців тому +1

      @@metalforever12085 quote---You need to learn about Catholicism from Catholic theologians, not Pastor Mike who pulls out definitions in a religious context from a dictionary. unquote
      I WILL QUOTE FACTS to you: anf then tell me I pulled them out of a dictionary.
      --The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13
      --The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 24:36-41
      Biblical Proof the seventh day (Saturday) IS the Sabbath
      Matt 27:62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day......(.Saturday)
      Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, (Sunday)
      Mark 15:42 - It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath).
      Mark 16:1-2 - When the Sabbath was over,(After sunset Saturday)
      Mark 16:9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week (Sunday)
      Luke 23:54 It was Preparation Day, (friday) and the Sabbath was about to begin
      Luke 23:56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.( Just before sunset Friday)
      Luke 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, (Sunday)
      John 19:31 Now since it was preparation day (Friday), in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one,
      John 19:42 because of the Jewish day of Preparation (Friday), since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there. 42 And so, because it was the day of preparation for the Jewish Passover
      About the catholic church: Change the Sabbath"
      Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her,- she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."- "A Doctrinal Catechism," by Rev. Stephen Keenan, page 174.
      "The Catholic Church of its own infallible authority created Sunday a holy day to take the place of the Sabbath of the old law."- Kansas City Catholic, Feb. 9, 1893.
      "The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."- Catholic Mirror, official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893.
      "Ques.- Which is the Sabbath day?
      "Ans.- Saturday is the Sabbath day.
      "Ques.- Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
      "Ans.- We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A. D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday ."- "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R.., page 50, third edition, 1913, a work which received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, Jan. 25, 1910.
      What was done at the Council of Laodicea was but one of the steps by which the change of the Sabbath was effected. The date usually given for this council is 364 A. D.

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 11 місяців тому +3

      You ought to talk about this in confession and ask your priest for spiritual direction. Abandoning the Church for heresy is not the answer. What is your concern about the statues of saints and the "white Jesus"?

  • @shaolinshowdown1123
    @shaolinshowdown1123 4 роки тому +116

    Jesus did it all. No council can over rule the word of God. God over men.

    • @michaelmulder1289
      @michaelmulder1289 4 роки тому

      But they all are combined. You take one away, you do not have God that did, does and will do.

    • @kellyanne7225
      @kellyanne7225 4 роки тому +4

      Dan Ihde It’s plainly written in the Bible, yet it’s blatantly false? There aren’t 3 separate plans for salvation just because there is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It’s not like they have 3 different insurance plans and many options that you choose from. 3in One body. They’re all God. One plan for salvation. Jesus paid it all and said it was finished on the Cross. I don’t see your Biblical reasoning here to the contrary.

    • @shaolinshowdown1123
      @shaolinshowdown1123 4 роки тому +2

      @@SeekingAlfalfa yes but the phrasing God the Father is a fleshful idiomatic expression you use to understand in your way. The bible was not written to us, our grammar our understanding. It was written for us. We need to understand it, not the other way around. Doesnt the bible also say that God's ways are not ours? Even how he perceives time. Words included?

    • @shaolinshowdown1123
      @shaolinshowdown1123 4 роки тому +3

      @@SeekingAlfalfa bro you cant know the full context of OT without the NT. Jesus came to give detail through the apostles of the mysteries of the old. The NT has the answers amd it highly suggests that God is one being three persons. 3 forms of himself. Like mind body and soul.

    • @shaolinshowdown1123
      @shaolinshowdown1123 4 роки тому +6

      @@SeekingAlfalfa jesus IS God

  • @cajuncalvin865
    @cajuncalvin865 3 роки тому +40

    I am Roman Catholic and went to confession after 30 years of not going. I confessed all of the stuff that I don't believe that the Catholic church teaches. It was the most liberating confession that anyone could have.

    • @markamehjamesiii5653
      @markamehjamesiii5653 3 роки тому +4


    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 3 роки тому +2

      Guess there is a party in heaven.....see Luke 15: 7.

    • @anunpopularstance
      @anunpopularstance 3 роки тому +16

      @@markamehjamesiii5653 that's ridiculous. You are basically saying the Bible us not enough and we must also follow historical tradition outside of the what is spelled out plainly in the Bible itself. That's not biblical or proper doctrine. Simply put I should be able to hand ANYONE without having heard the gospel a Bible and they have ALL they need to properly obtain full salvation. The Catholic church has added to what's required to be in God's full favor which is heresy.

    • @jesusfaith2232
      @jesusfaith2232 2 роки тому +3

      @@markamehjamesiii5653 "It has often been charged... that Catholicism is overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation - and even to make it her boast... the great god Pan is not really dead, he is baptized" -The Story of Catholicism p 37
      "It is interesting to note how often our Church has availed herself of practices which were in common use among pagans...Thus it is true, in a certain sense, that some Catholic rites and ceremonies are a reproduction of those of pagan creeds...." (The Externals of the Catholic Church, Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sacramentals and Devotions, by John F. Sullivan, p 156, published by P.J. Kennedy, NY, 1942)
      Cardinal Newman admits in his book that; the "The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields; sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church." -An Essay on The Development of the Christian Doctrine John Henry "Cardinal Newman" p.359
      The penetration of the religion of Babylon became so general and well known that Rome was called the "New Babylon." -Faith of our fathers 1917 ed. Cardinal Gibbons, p. 106
      "In order to attach to Christianity great attraction in the eyes of the nobility, the priests adopted the outer garments and adornments which were used in pagan cults." -Life of Constantine, Eusabius, cited in Altai-Nimalaya, p. 94
      "The Church did everything it could to stamp out such 'pagan' rites, but had to capitulate and allow the rites to continue with only the name of the local deity changed to some Christian saint's name." -Religious Tradition and Myth. Dr. Edwin Goodenough, Professor of Religion, Harvard University. p.56 57

    • @lwmaynard5180
      @lwmaynard5180 2 роки тому +1

      Mike is a sub Catholic, he teaches PAGAN APOSTATE DOCTRINES ? ? ? He promotes the TRINITY , HE'LL FIRE , The CROSS all ancient PAGAN BABYLONS PRACTICES ? ? ? ? HE'S a DISCIPLE OF NIMROD !!

  • @HarZoiD
    @HarZoiD 3 роки тому +35

    I consider myself Catholic but have rejected many of the man-made additions. I don’t view the Pope as the “world boss”, I never agreed with praying to saints etc, I view communion more symbolic that literal.
    The word of the Bible is key.
    Salvation is thru Jesus, not thru confession to priests. Much better to confess directly to the Lord. Most of my friends are Protestant and we agree on pretty much everything because we are Christians first.

    • @alfray1072
      @alfray1072 3 роки тому +8

      You are a heretic and a heathen if you reject the authority of the church. Where in Catholic doctrine say that the pope is the boss? I think you should direct that statement to the false sola scriptura doctrine that makes a person's personal interpretation the infallible truth that can be flip flopped 24/7 anytime and anywhere. 2ND Jesus gave authority to the church the power to forgive sins, not the false faith alone doctrine

    • @HarZoiD
      @HarZoiD 3 роки тому +9

      @@alfray1072 Brother, need not condemn me for following the scriptures of the Holy Bible for the sole eternal authority is God and God alone.
      We are Christians, not “Churchians”. The idea of needing authority over people is of the nephilim, of the babylonians. Jesus did not come as a authoritarian warrior with weapons and an army threatening people to submission. He came with the Gospel, with good news. The church was created as a place to spread the good news. No mortal human or institution can forgive sins, that power resides solely with God.

    • @alfray1072
      @alfray1072 3 роки тому +5

      @@HarZoiD Where and when did Jesus declare sola scriptura? If you really follow scriptures, then why reject the authority of the church given by Christ instead of following your own personal interpretation which is the nephilim and babylonian, pagan and self idolatry? 2ND Christ gave authority to the church to forgive sins. Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter and the authority to BIND AND LOOSE to his church in MAT 16:18-19 ; MAT 18:18 meanign Peter / Cephas is the chief among the apostles. In JOHN 20:21-23, Our Lord gave us the sacrament of confession and reconciliation; St. Paul expanded on it in 2 CORINTHIANS 2: 10; telling the elders at Corinth that when they is in the person of Christ. Jesus' ministry was all about reconciling us with the Father. for one,
      St. Paul describes his ministry as an apostle as a “priestly” ministry in Romans 15:16. That seems pretty plain to me. In fact, the apostles and elders of the New Testament clearly forgive sins, which is a function of a priest as well in John 20:23; James 5:14. And this is just to scratch the surface. So in answer to your point, the apostles and elders of the New Covenant are revealed to be priests in Christ after the order of Melchizadek. That is why we call them “priests.” They are priests.
      Jesus gives his power to forgive sins to His priests.
      John 20:22
      If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they are retained.
      John 20:23
      After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. (Recall Genesis 2:7)
      2 Corinthians 5:17-20
      "God ... has reconciled us to himself ... given us the ministry of reconciliation."
      James 5:14-15
      "Presbyters of the church ... pray over him ... he will be forgiven." (Prayer of presbyters forgives sin.)
      Matthew 16:19
      Jesus gives the Apostles the power to bind and loose sins.
      Matthew 18:18
      Whatever you bind and loose on earth, so it is in Heaven.
      See also: Luke 22:29-30, James 5:16
      After forgiveness, the need for reparation can remain.
      2 Samuel 12:13-14
      "The LORD ... has forgiven your sin ... but ... child born to you must surely die."
      Luke 19:8-9 Jesus praises Zacchaeus for his promise of reparation.

    • @HarZoiD
      @HarZoiD 3 роки тому +3

      @@alfray1072 I hope my point about authority wasn’t misunderstood. We are coming from similar places. I am not denouncing Church. I’m saying people get so caught up in defending their own denominations instead of defending God’s infallible word. God’s Kingdom is open to all who put their faith in him, not by having allegiance to 1 denomination. Humans love to gate-keep.
      As for binding and loosing: Its more so that God gave them the “authority” to continue spreading the gospel (a major task), not that they have the power to judge people. The gospel says sins will be forgiven thru God’s grace, by him becoming man and dying for our sins. Its not that a particular apostle or priest or pastor has special powers to nullify sins. In that case, they would effectively be God. All they are doing is communicating (thru the Holy Spirit) that God will forgive you if you come to him asking for forgiveness.
      Its a slippery slope seen many times in the Bible when humans start to discern right and wrong based about their own opinions, ie the golden calf. Let the word lead. Bad things happen when we add on. (See Galatians 1:8-9)
      At the end of the day, all churches are subject to corruption, especially if they hold their own authority next to or higher than God’s word. That goes for all denominations. A governing body isn’t the church, the physical building isn’t the church. WE are the church (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
      Nephilim, Babylon, paganism isn’t my interpretation. Those are empires used to show us how humans can be lead terribly astray.
      I’ll counter your first question: Where in the Bible does it say to keep adding to the Bible?
      May God bless you

    • @alfray1072
      @alfray1072 3 роки тому +4

      ​@@HarZoiD The Holy bible as the infallible Word of God and God's Saving Grace is not the issue here, we are the church that codified and canonized the Canon of scriptures (Holy bible) in the 4th century and we are the church that continues to administer the Sacraments for 2000 years. The issue here is the false sola scriptura doctrine that you are covering up and sidestepping because you cannot defend it from the unbiblical bible itself. The Catholic Church is not a denomination, it is a kingdom, denomination only applies to protesting cults and sects because legally and technically they are registered SOLE corporations. There is only one church Christ established and that is the Catholic Church. The church and its offices are infallible not the clergy. Again, Christ established the church and gave authority to it that is why we follow church teachings, not your own personal interpretation i.e. false sola scriptura unbiblical doctrine

  • @joban4963
    @joban4963 Рік тому +22

    I was baptised as a child in the Mormon club, but wasn't saved until a full 20 years later. Still trying to organize a proper baptism, but finding a church in England that isn't pro-abortion is difficult for people without motor vehicles :L

    • @Boysermusic
      @Boysermusic Рік тому +9

      I went to this 17th century church built by Christopher ren in london, nothing but queer theology 😭 many historic churches in England have to rely on music services in order to even stay alive. But there's this one church built in the 16th century called metropolitan tabernacle in elephant and castle. Think what you will about Baptist's but at least this church is not compromising theology to adhere to worldly social issues.

    • @aggienodari453
      @aggienodari453 10 місяців тому

      I don't know what you mean by saved. But you should probably have a legit baptism with the proper words and form

    • @TinkerBell-bt6vu
      @TinkerBell-bt6vu 8 місяців тому

      You don't need a priest to baptize you! Any Christian can baptize any other Christian. Baptism is just a public declaration that you beleive that Jesus is the Lord of your life! That you beleive that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected on the 3rd day and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. That you are declaring your faith in Christ and that you are declaring to the world that you trust in Him for salvation and that He is God!
      Nowhere does it say a priest or pastor needs to baptise you! It doesn't have to be in a fancy baptism tank in the church. It can be in a puddle on the side of the road! The Eunic was literally baptized on the side of the road in a puddle!
      You don't have to wait for a special occasion, and you don't have tonwait to take a "baptism class" or anything else! Find another mature Christian who you love and trust and ask them to baptize you! Again, there is zero requirement in scripture that it must be a priest or an "ordained pastor' or anything like that!
      God bless you!

    • @user-wz3zv4ui3e
      @user-wz3zv4ui3e 6 місяців тому

      Saved? How!?

  • @joelscott3087
    @joelscott3087 4 роки тому +8

    with all due respect I think you've misunderstood what the Catholic Church teaches about works and merit.
    Catechism of the Catholic Church:
    "Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life."
    "The preparation of man for the reception of grace is already a work of grace. This latter is needed to arouse and sustain our collaboration in justification through faith, and in sanctification through charity. God brings to completion in us what he has begun, "since he who completes his work by cooperating with our will began by working so that we might will it:"
    "Since it belongs to the supernatural order, grace escapes our experience and cannot be known except by faith. We cannot therefore rely on our feelings or our works to conclude that we are justified and saved."
    "With regard to God, there is no strict right to any merit on the part of man. Between God and us there is an immeasurable inequality, for we have received everything from him, our Creator."
    "The charity of Christ is the source in us of all our merits before God. Grace, by uniting us to Christ in active love, ensures the supernatural quality of our acts and consequently their merit before God and before men. The saints have always had a lively awareness that their merits were pure grace."
    Therefore all works are strictly products of grace, they are not our own, we lay no claim or boast in them. All merit belongs to Christ and his charity which sanctifies us.
    So I don't understand why people keep saying that Catholism adds works to grace or adds works to the gospel. It doesn't,
    Ephesians 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
    John 15:5-7
    "“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.
    It is Christ's merits that are wrought in us, not our own and it is entirely dependant on grace.

  • @donnafaulkner2951
    @donnafaulkner2951 3 роки тому +21

    When I think about "the simplicity of the gospel" that non-Catholics like to highlight against Catholic sacramentalism, I am reminded of Naaman when he was angered that he was instructed to wash *specifically* in the Jordan and not some other river. The simplicity of the gospel is to do whatever Christ tells us, and Christ did not leave us orphans, nor did He ever pen a book or instruct anyone anywhere in the Gospels to do such a thing. He did, however, leave us a Church.
    Pax Christi~

    • @samuelscheufler2747
      @samuelscheufler2747 3 роки тому +1

      I hear what youre saying but I really think you need a better example. Specificity (in the case of Namaan) is far from synomymous with complexity (the roman gospel). Id be curious to hear your response to Mike's assertions regarding the faith/works dichotomy. I mean this honestly, as I have yet to really be exposed to a catholic perspective.

    • @bufficliff8978
      @bufficliff8978 3 роки тому +1

      I have a question in addition to Samuel's:
      If we're using the story of Naaman as a picture, wouldn't it make more sense to use it as an example of having to go to one single source for salvation rather than as evidence that salvation is really complicated?
      I know im probably not communicating clearly, so let me know if you can't follow my thoughts.
      If we're Naaman, it makes a lot more sense to me that we're angered by the fact that Jesus is the exclusive way to be cleaned the same way that bathing in the Jordan was the condition for Naaman's healing. In both cases it's faith and grace that saves--not the blood of Jesus itself and not the water of the Jordan itself but by the grace of God Naaman was healed because he had faith to bathe in the Jordan, excluding all others, and by the grace of God we are healed because we have faith in Him, excluding all others.
      Naaman's healing wasn't complicated; he had one place to go to to bathe, and our salvation isn't complicated; we have one person to go to to be reborn.
      I don't see how the story of Naaman could be connected to the thought that salvation in Catholicism is more complicated than salvation by grace through faith.
      Jesus told us to repent and believe in Him. Naaman was told to go to the Jordan and bathe.
      The way to salvation is clearly told in the Bible. The verse everyone knows tells us that God so loved the world He gave His one and only son that whoever believed in Him would never die but have eternal life, and book of romans is a theological masterpiece explaining the gospel and how it's grace through faith not by works and that salvation is a gift of God.
      We have the church, but you don't need a church to find out what the gospel is because the gospel is in the Bible.
      So I'm genuinely not understanding what that excerpt is intending to say. I don't know the premise it's based on, I don't understand any line of reasoning, and the thesis about us not having a penned source from God so we have to rely on the word of a church is an ASTOUNDING falsehood unless there's more context elsewhere to what he meant outside of this excerpt you posted.
      If you have the time or energy or patience I'd really love to have a better understanding of what your post is meant to say, or even just if there's a specific time code that inspired you to post this so I can have a better understanding of which point Mike was trying to convey that you thought this would be a great resource for people to consider.
      I know I said a lot of things, and I don't know if I communicated my confusion well enough for you to be able to clarify and correct what I'm confused about, but if you bothered to read all of this I appreciate it! And thanks for commenting in the first place because this is a new perspective, and having genuine, thoughtful people around makes the world a much better place.
      Stay safe and take care ❤️

    • @FireFirePow
      @FireFirePow 3 роки тому +1

      The church ekklesia is whenever there are two believers. What do you make of that?

    • @jimmys6566
      @jimmys6566 3 роки тому

      @@samuelscheufler2747 Mike is a Protestant pastor. He dislikes the One Church that Christ established in AD 33 and admits he is no theologian. If you really want to discuss the faith/works dichotomy I'm your man. James 2:24 is a good start "As you can see, a man is justified by works, and not by faith alone.
      Sin is an act or action and one day God will judge each and everyone of us and decide who is worthy enough to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
      So you ask, by what is God going to judge us? He will judge us by the way we respond to the grace he offers which includes both our acts and actions, and over our faith in Him.
      You already know that we will be judged both by the things we do and the things we don't do, as we see in the parable of the sheep and the goats when Jesus makes this clear to his disciples (Mat 25:31-36).
      Those who enter heaven are those od faith who have assisted God through the good works that they have done for others.

  • @arizonajr
    @arizonajr 4 роки тому +18

    Why not talk to a practicing Catholic about Catholicism? Why be afraid to talk with Trent Horn? James White has not recovered yet from the debate with Trent.

    • @RainInTheSummer
      @RainInTheSummer 4 роки тому

      TRUE LOL

    • @kkdoc7864
      @kkdoc7864 4 роки тому +5

      Arizona Jr One of his best friends is a devout Catholic, he tells you about their discussions here. I used to be a practicing Catholic, and Mike is spot on. I was alarmed when I recently mentioned how great it is that we are going to heaven and he said, “I hope so.”

    • @artvanderlay1308
      @artvanderlay1308 4 роки тому +8

      White mopped the floor with horn. What debate were you watching?

    • @animationfan957
      @animationfan957 4 роки тому +3

      It would be a deligth to watch Mike mopping the floor with Trent Horn, or with any other false teacher.

    • @kyz8390
      @kyz8390 4 роки тому

      Art Vanderlay the actual debate

  • @NapoleonicWarrior
    @NapoleonicWarrior Рік тому +5

    The Bible is a Catholic book.
    It was Pope Damasus’ Council of Rome in 382 AD which drew up the official list of the books of the Bible. Thus, Luther felt “compelled to concede” that his Protestant Bible was “received” from the Catholic Church. All Christians today trust the authority of the Catholic Church that what they read is the true Word of God and not a false text. Unlike the King James version which removed 7 books and made 30,000 mistranslations. The Protestants did this 1100 years after the bible was created. So I ask any Protestant is the bible a flawed book or did God make a mistake?

  • @FRN2013
    @FRN2013 4 роки тому +174

    Thanks for your excellent ministry, Mike.
    You are thoroughly biblical in your knowledge and very Christlike in your demeanor.
    God is using you powerfully!

    • @lucysolis1435
      @lucysolis1435 4 роки тому +10

      No he is confused. You can read my comments above. He is hallucinating and just painting a fairly tale of the Catholic Church.

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 4 роки тому +29

      I was Catholic for too many years.
      I know Mike is right, and you are wrong, Lucy.

    • @lusedlor9060
      @lusedlor9060 4 роки тому +1

      @FaithHopeGrace but that doesn't mean that the catholic church is not founded by Christ, you can search google for that

    • @destynationq7400
      @destynationq7400 4 роки тому +3

      If you disagree, explain to me the Catholic doctrine of salvation.

    • @destynationq7400
      @destynationq7400 4 роки тому +3

      @@lucysolis1435 Exactly.

  • @cindypetruccelli5129
    @cindypetruccelli5129 3 роки тому +60

    Catholics who practice their faith, meaning they attend Mass each Sunday, hear the gospel every week of their lives. The first half of the Mass is the Liturgy of the Word and we have three readings from Scripture. The third reading is always from one of the gospels. Additionally we pray a psalm. If one were to attend daily Mass one would have read the Bible in it’s entirety.

    • @bufficliff8978
      @bufficliff8978 3 роки тому +16

      You can read the Bible in a week. I've known no Catholic who goes to daily mass. If you go to mass daily it takes 3 years to hear the whole Bible, and you hear it in a disjointed fashion. If you only attend Sunday's you'll likely never hear it all because of how the texts are rotated.
      I'm not coming with any animus or arrogance whatsoever. It's said with great pride that in three years you can hear the whole Bible, but the first time I actually listened when someone said that, my heart shattered a bit, truthfully, honestly. You might think I'm a fool for ever reacting that way, but how in the world did I ever hear that and find any contentment or comfort? I can read the whole Bible in a week. I can do a vigorous study of a book in a month.
      Hearing disjointed, out-of-context verses each Sunday is no comparison to reading it for yourself.
      Most people outside of Roman Catholicism don't know that the Bible is gone through over the course of years, but it's a fact that I don't find comforting or encouraging anymore. I now find it embarrassing because I ever believed it was comparable or a satisfactory response to a Protestant talking about Bible reading.
      My heart broke the first time I really listened and thought about the concept that it takes years to get through the Bible if you go to daily mass. How does that not break every Catholic's heart? I think we were just taught that it's great for so long that I didn't think about it, but once I thought about it, I changed.
      Even in this long blabbering I'm doing here I can feel myself changing again. And I apologize if I'm a little rambly; I haven't talked about this with anyone before, so it's kind of my raw thoughts a bit.
      Anyway. Sorry for taking your time, and thanks for your original comment. If there were more comments like yours that just inform people of details and stuff without being condescending or rude we'd have a much better time teaching and learning from one another. Comment sections like these are always a scary place to look through because there's often so much needless cruelty, and your comment was a breath of fresh air.
      So thanks, and I hope the rest of your week goes well ❤️

    • @amateurbirdsongstrinidad416
      @amateurbirdsongstrinidad416 2 роки тому +1

      The catholics who learnt the bible must teach its followers or watch drammatic YT bible reading or YT "Mormon" reading. You need the Holy Spirit to understand the bible from time to time.
      Psalms were linked to events, but people use them at will.

    • @dragonslayer7587
      @dragonslayer7587 2 роки тому +7

      I am thankful I'm SAVED thru Grace from a Holy God and My Faith in the WORK done for all sinners, by Christ on the Cross, who is also Holy God! Since Man is NOT perfect, and God can only see perfection, I'm thankful for God becoming Man and dying for our sin. I'm thankful when I die, God won't see me, he will see the blood of Christ shed for me. I feel sad for those who somehow think a Perfect God will accept the imperfect works of Man.

    • @charlesbarnes7520
      @charlesbarnes7520 2 роки тому +1

      @@dragonslayer7587 Yup , Jesus was really hardcore on doctrine, if you didn't accept it , to hell you people have studied the bible and pontificated about God and Jesus, but sadly you never let him into your soul

    • @krakoosh1
      @krakoosh1 2 роки тому +17

      I don’t know where you get that catholics hear the gospel every week. I grew up in the RCC and was an alter boy. I went to catholic school. I never once heard the gospel. Nor did we ever see a bible in religion class. We used catechism workbooks. Listening to someone read the Bible is not the same as reading it yourself.

  • @VincentTapia
    @VincentTapia 3 роки тому +39

    What took me 25 years to figure this out on my own, has been substantiated in under 2 hours. I hope other Catholics who are about ready to leave the church but can’t place their finger on exactly why - watch this (to take notes), read God’s Word (to verify these claims directly), pray the Holy Spirit for fellowship with other believers who will encourage your walk, and grow your faith in Jesus Christ. It’s a new day and you’re a new creature!

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 3 роки тому +9

      Actually, Mike is off base and totally wrong. Jesus started the Catholic church. Mike wants you to leave the Catholic church that Jesus started and that can't be good. You may find Bible verses that seemingly contradict Catholic church. Those verses can easily be explained by a Catholic apologist. Catholics read the bible too.

    • @Charity-vm4bt
      @Charity-vm4bt 3 роки тому +1

      Vincent. It is best to get your Cath theology from Fr. Mitch Pacwa. The discussion here by Mr. W. Is superficial.

    • @Charity-vm4bt
      @Charity-vm4bt 3 роки тому +3

      @@johnyang1420 Yes, you are correct. You explained very clearly. I discussed this contentiousness with a friend of mine who was raised Baptist who explained this type of arguing is a Protestant hobby. Instead of saying what they do believe, they criticize Catholics and other Christians. With Catholics, they are usually wrong.
      Also, Steve Ray on The Journey Home by Marcus Grodi, explained the process.
      My friend read Church history and discovered the Cath Ch is the one Jesus founded.
      Protestants started out as rebellious and breaking original unity. Plus, they tore down the sense of the sacred and invented secularism.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 3 роки тому +1

      @@Charity-vm4bt Yes, absolutely. Good idea.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 3 роки тому +1

      @@Charity-vm4bt Ive been going to Mass for 40 years. I have never heard a priest slam a Protestant church. Ive heard many Protestant pastors slam Catholic church on a regular basis. My estimate? 60-80% of Protestants slam the Catholic church. They can't agree with each other, but they all agree that the Catholic church is wrong. Newsflash....only the Catholic church has 100% of truth. Protestant church has some portions of truth, but we should have 100% of truth. God Bless you Charity! Beautiful name!

  • @lmcc756
    @lmcc756 Рік тому +14

    I was one of those who never understood the Gospel until I left Catholicism and began attending a non-denominational, Bible teaching, Christian church. Mike- I can't thank you enough for your great labor of love in breaking down the fundamental flaws in these psuedo-Christian sects and honoring the sanctity of the Scriptures. I'm compiling information to hopefully shine a light on these issues for some friends and family members still deeply involved in the Catholic church. May God bless you both!

    • @davestephen8679
      @davestephen8679 Рік тому

      Me also

    • @EmberBright2077
      @EmberBright2077 Рік тому

      @@dman7668 explain

    • @kkkang2456
      @kkkang2456 Рік тому

      Please reread council of trent.
      Jesus is touching us..bc every thing he did..last supper..on the cross..does not happen over and over..but he transcends space and who he is..always NOW.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Рік тому

      Jesus started Catholic church. What gave you the right to leave?

    • @susandanielwicz400
      @susandanielwicz400 8 місяців тому

      Sad you were not taught well.

  • @flyinggirl3121
    @flyinggirl3121 3 роки тому +20

    I'm so glad you finished with Mary. Because the times my friends initiated a comparison of our beliefs, they started with "You don't pray to Mary".

    • @H1ana2digital
      @H1ana2digital 2 роки тому +3

      We don't have to pray to 'Mary'. And I imagine that Miriam would be utterly grieved that people have lost their way so much as to pray to her! Luke 1:46-48

    • @anonymousone2843
      @anonymousone2843 2 роки тому +1

      We definitely are not supposed to be praying to Mary or anyone else other than God. We reach God through Jesus. So your prayers, as I have known it should be directed to Jesus, which is the same as saying God. Jesus is Lord, so saying "God, please hear my prayers" is synonymous with saying, "Jesus, please hear my prayers". We do not need Mary or anyone else other than Jesus for intercession on our behalf to God. I have never prayed to anyone but the One True God. God Bless🥰

    • @catholicfemininity2126
      @catholicfemininity2126 2 роки тому +1

      check out steve ray and jesse romero. Great talks :)

    • @gustavmahler1466
      @gustavmahler1466 2 роки тому

      Mary was born sinless cleansed by her saviour

    • @camonly849
      @camonly849 3 місяці тому

      She wouldn't have to be cleansed if she was born sinless. Only one was born sinless, Jesus, and he did not need to be cleansed...

  • @shannonhall3427
    @shannonhall3427 2 роки тому +52

    I left the Catholic Church because they didn’t have Bible study. I felt I was missing something. I have not found a church that I want to be a part of. This video explains to me why I left. Thank you both!!

    • @johnroesch2159
      @johnroesch2159 2 роки тому +11

      That is very strange because each reading and gospel proclamation with the homily every Sunday follows a three-year cycle and is one big Bible Study! In addition to the Sunday missal, one can get daily scripture readings for daily mass from the Catholic Church and just read it. This too follows the three-year cycle in more detail! So there is Bible Study! You just have to read and pay attention at Church and on-line with daily mass.

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 2 роки тому +5

      To be a good protestant, YOU have to read and interpret the Bible in YOUR own way. Think about it; the main complaint against catholics is that we don't read and interpret the Bible.........we only listen to the priest. Besides, Jesus was the best teacher; the crowds of simple people understood Him/His parables just fine........and so should YOU.

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 2 роки тому +1

      Please watch "How to find a Church" by Pastor CD Brooks
      The only way you can tell the "Right" church, read Revelation chapter 12v17, Revelation chapter 14v12 and Revelation chapter 22v14.
      These 3 verses Will provide you a "HINT" concerning the End-Time church.
      I encourage anyone to read the verses before committing to any church.

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 2 роки тому +2

      @@veritasmuy2407Remember there are two (2) Women in Revelation chapter 12 and 17. One Woman is the Harlot (Revelation chapter 17) or unfaithful Woman. The other one is faithful Woman (Revelation chapter 12)
      The Devil and his Agents hates this Woman (Revelation 12v17).
      HINT: WOMAN in Prophecy means the CHURCH!
      For more information, please watch "Who is the False Church?" by Pastor Mark Finley

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 2 роки тому +1

      @@veritasmuy2407 I would love to explain the faithful Woman and the Harlot of the Bible. The faithful Woman is found in Revelation chapter 12. The Harlot is found in chapter 17. These two women are symbols of the end time churches! Remember in the end times, there will be only 2 groups. One group will reject the commandments of God and the other will be obedient to the commandments of God. Read Revelation 12v17, Revelation 14v12 and Revelation 22v14.
      Please watch "The False Church System" by Pastor Mark Finley

  • @cw-on-yt
    @cw-on-yt 3 роки тому +22

    Pastor Mike is TRYING to deal with important issues related to Catholicism "graciously, honestly and without misrepresentation."
    But (I say this with respect) he DOES misrepresent Catholic Christianity in this video again and again. In Mike's defense, I'm confident these are all honest misunderstandings. I'm convinced that he doesn't know how little he knows, on this topic.
    (A good example is Mike's comment that Trent teaches against salvation by grace, when in fact Session VI, the Decree on Justification, states that man is: "not able, by his own free will, without the grace of God, to move himself unto justice in His sight." It goes on to say: "Of this Justification the causes are these: the final cause indeed is the glory of God and of Jesus Christ... the efficient cause is a merciful God who washes and sanctifies gratuitously... the meritorious cause is... our Lord Jesus Christ, who, when we were enemies, for the exceeding charity wherewith he loved us, merited Justification for us... and made satisfaction for us...," et cetera, et cetera. And of course Canon I states: "If any one saith, that man may be justified before God by his own works, whether done through the teaching of human nature, or that of the law, without the grace of God through Jesus Christ; let him be anathema." Trent could hardly insist on salvation by God's grace more strongly than it does.)
    Now, Pastor Mike is perfectly competent within the realm of things he knows about. Catholicism, Church history, and Patristics just aren't among the things he knows about.
    (It's unfortunate he's made videos on a topic he bollixes so badly...but, that's a risk of being an Internet Pastor.)
    If you're a Protestant/Evangelical, and you want to understand Catholicism, your best bet is to find one of the (many) Protestant/Evangelical pastors, theologians, philosophers, authors, and seminary students who converted to Catholicism after studying (a.) the Church Fathers, (b.) the actual details of Church history between the apostolic age and the canonization of the New Testament, and (c.) post-exilic Judaism (Temple and Synagogue), which is the intellectual background which informed the writings of the Apostle Paul.
    The reason these Protestant/Evangelical converts are useful resources is that they "know how to speak unaccented Protestant"; that is, they can avoid the many misunderstandings which arise from a single term being used one way by Catholics, and another by Protestants. I would list Dr. David Anders, Dr. Bryan Cross, Dr. Scott Hahn, Jimmy Akin, Peter Kreeft, Michael Lofton, Steve Ray, Jeff Cavins, and Eric Ybarra on that list. Trent Horn and Matt Fradd, who've already been mentioned by other commenters, are also good, but they weren't formerly Protestants.
    There are also books by Protestant authors which can help: "Paul and Palestinian Judaism" by E.P. Sanders, "Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification" by Alister McGrath, and "What Paul Really Said" by N.T. Wright are non-Catholic, but they give a Protestant reader the ability to understand conversations with Catholics. That preparation can be invaluable for avoiding errors of the kind Pastor Mike has made, in this video.

    • @vtaylor21
      @vtaylor21 3 роки тому +7

      I don't know how honest Mike is. He made numerous videos on the Catholic Church that are at least an hour. He put in so much time discussing Catholicism. Yet, he hasn't talked to one catholic.
      Trent Horn reached out to him. Mike doesn't want to talk to him. Trent took a screenshot of Mike's UA-cam comment stating this.
      At this point, I think Mike is being willfully ignorant. He decided to do this interview with a non-Catholic on Catholicism 4 months after Trent made a response video to one of his Catholic videos. Yet, he doesn't want to speak to a Catholic.

    • @cw-on-yt
      @cw-on-yt 3 роки тому +6

      @@vtaylor21 :
      Huh. Okay, I have to admit that I didn't know Trent Horn had reached out to him and gotten a brush-off. That's disappointing to hear.
      I could understand it better if Mike had gotten a complaint from, y'know, someone obscure, and declined to engage. Folks with large audiences like Mike (252,000 subscribers) can't be expected to field everything from everybody. (And he has a day job.)
      But Horn has a radio & podcast presence, a respectable number of subscribers on UA-cam (admittedly only a tenth of Mike's, but it isn't his primary public venue), a tendency to show up as a guest on larger channels, online classes on church history for homeschoolers, and a history of debates as a Christian apologist. So: Not obscure.
      Guys like Cameron Bertuzzi, Gavin Ortlund, and Austin Suggs are the proper model of how to engage with Christian groups outside their own: They don't lurch into every new doctrine they hear, no matter how well someone sells it; but they give it a good respectful listen and ask probing questions until clarity comes. That's the way to do it.
      I kinda figured Mike was in a vacuum (lacking any contact with informed Catholics). But if he HAS the opportunity for dialogue with well-spoken Catholics (or Orthodox, or Anglicans, or Methodists, or whomever), then I really wish he'd follow the Gospel Simplicity/Capturing Christianity model and have a chat. It would hopefully cut down on the gross misunderstandings.

    • @kbaptiste28
      @kbaptiste28 3 роки тому +1

      Again, a catholic uses handpicked passages of the council of trent to avoid the main issues protestants have with Catholacism. For instance all the blatent idolatry.

    • @cw-on-yt
      @cw-on-yt 3 роки тому +2

      @@kbaptiste28 :
      No, no, no. Idolators in the Catholic Church get excommunicated. (And "blatant" is spelled with two "a"s, not an "a" and an "e.")
      I suspect you make no distinction between worship in the modern sense (adoration, due only to God) and in the original sense (respect, due to various persons in various degrees, the highest of which is the adoration due to God).
      I also suspect you think praise is the only kind of worship; or that all prayer includes worship; or that you haven't been taught the Biblical pattern of worship (namely: sacrifice and self-donation).
      Suffice it to say: If you believe that the Catholic Christianity permits idolatry, you have misunderstood it (or been lied to).
      Praise is the lowest level of worship, although it's where we should begin. The next level up is the gift of things of value, of which tithing is a small part, but renunciations of a good for the higher good of God alone is even better. Pouring yourself out in self-donation to God is the highest form, provided that the gift is pure of blemish.
      In short, in Christianity, worship is sacrifice and sacrifice is worship. But the only gift fitting for God is one of infinite value and perfect purity; the only self-donation worthy of Him is one without blemish; the only praise appropriate is the highest praise. Humans alone can do none of these things. But by grace, Humans can unite themselves to Christ such that their own self-donation is in union with Christ's self-donation. By the Eucharistic sacrifice they can present to God as a sacrificial gift the perfected and living body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ. And in this New Covenant Thank Offering ("eucharist" means to "give thanks"; it is the Christian fulfillment of the Old Testament "todah" offering) we praise God with a fitting level of gratitude (impossible otherwise).
      In a non-Eucharistic service, there's no worship in the proper sense, just some non-today praise songs which are, of course, pleasing to God, but (by lacking union with Christ's own self-donation) don't rise to the level of fittingness for real worship.
      Grasp that, and you'll see that Catholics aren't worshipping ANYBODY unless they offer the Eucharistic sacrifice to them. And they never offer the Eucharist to anyone but God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Ergo, there is no Catholic worship other than worship of the Trinity.
      Protestants miss this because, well, by Catholic standards most of what Protestants call worship is merely praise or prayer.
      Thus when a Catholic says anything complimentary of Mary or Joseph or Michael the Archangel, Protestants describe these statements as "worship" and the Catholic says, "No, I'm just being polite and accurate about someone whose role in the plan of salvation is much higher than my own! How on earth did you mistake that for the adoration due to God?! It isn't as if I tried to offer Jesus' body and blood to Michael!"
      Or, when a Catholic asks Mary to pray for him, a Protestant says, "You're talking to someone invisible: That's worship!" ...and the Catholic says, "No, that's asking a righteous person for the favor of praying for me...which is smart, since The Prayer Of A Righteous Man Availeth Much."

    • @cw-on-yt
      @cw-on-yt 3 роки тому

      ​@DopeClouds: You're right; it doesn't directly matter, and doesn't by itself prove anything.
      INDIRECTLY, it might matter, and might be highly suggestive, if you find that...
      (a.) the Protestants who become Catholic do so for one kind of reason;
      (b.) the Catholics who become Protestant do so for a different kind of reason; and,
      (c.) the kinds of reasons for the switch are QUALITATIVELY different, such that the kind of reasons the new Catholics use for adopting Catholicism are principled, well-informed, and obligatory, whereas the reasons the new Protestants use for adopting Protestantism are arbitrary, ill-informed, and optional.
      I find, generally, that (a.), (b.), and (c.) are true.
      I find that Protestants who become Catholic are folks who're often seminary-trained, well-informed, and fond of apologetics, who discovered that the Protestant principles of authority and epistemology are unbiblical, unhistorical, and unworkable-in-principle, go looking for an alternative that will rescue their Christianity, and find that Catholicism does so;
      I find that the Catholics who become Protestant are folks who were ignorant of Catholicism in critical areas, are unaware of the difficulties in the Protestant principles of authority and epistemology, but felt they weren't being fed (or had been mistreated) in the currently-dysfunctional American parishes, and adopted a Protestant church because it felt good and had a good youth program;
      ...and I find that whenever the Catholics who became Protestant realize the difficulties, they wind up in ecclesiological no-man's-land, from which they either gradually fade out of Christianity altogether, or, if someone explains Catholicism to them, they return to the Catholic Church.
      It is only in THAT sense that the migration back-and-forth is worthy of consideration.
      Make sense?

  • @MrR777
    @MrR777 Рік тому +17

    I am saved in the Lord Jesus. But I am also a recovering Catholic. Slowly Jesus has rewritten my heart through his saving grace. The damage the Catholic church has done in my life is enormous. Jesus did not come to found a religion, he came to save us. Thankyou Mike for your great work. Finally I am free. Grace through faith not through works lest any man boast.

    • @battlekidrules
      @battlekidrules Рік тому +2

      How has Catholicism damaged you?

    • @geographyofmoney
      @geographyofmoney Рік тому +1

      I love this. Jesus came to save us not to found a religion. ❤ It's probably the heart of the issue. Catholicism kinda complicated the whole thing when Jesus Christ already came to show us the way to true salvation.

    • @dougy6237
      @dougy6237 Рік тому +4

      Mike Winger clearly does not know what the Catholic Church ACTUALLY teaches, but rather he dislikes what he THINKS it teaches. The early Church Fathers reject his assertions about the meaning of Sacred Scripture. These men either knew an apostle or some one who did. They literally lived and breathed Sacred Scripture, and they were Catholic on every point of doctrine. I recommend to viewers the site 'Catholic Answers". Type in the search bar "what the early church believed". Peace be with your spirit.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 11 місяців тому +1

      @@battlekidrules ---Where in the Holy Bible does God say He rested on the first day of the week to make that day special??
      ----Where in the Holy Bible does God say He BLESSEDthe first day of the week to make that day special??
      ----Where in the Holy Bible does God say He SANCTIFIED the first day of the week to make that day special??
      ---Where in the Holy Bible does God say He Gave a name to the first day of the week to make that day special??
      ---Where in the Holy Bible does God say He DECLARES the first day of the week as HIS HOLY DAY to make that day special??
      --The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13
      --The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 24:36-41

    • @loboman8029
      @loboman8029 11 місяців тому

      @@dougy6237 (( Part 2 of Faith versus Works - Which of these does Jesus and the Bible teach has the most importance and necessity ? ))
      James declares - James 1:22 -Be doers of the Word and not hearers only thus deceiving yourselves -and - James 2:26 - Faith without works is dead.
      In 2 Cor. 9:6, Paul declared - He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully. (Ephesians 2:10) For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (( See also Heb 13:16, Romans 2:6-8, James 2:14, Matthew 25:31-46. ))
      Purpose of Scripture
      In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 we read that Scripture - meaning the Bible - is given to equip us for - Every - Good Work
      16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every - Good Work
      Jesus gave us Commandments - not suggestions - for which there are penalties for non-performance. Ananias and Sapphira from the 1st Christian - Faith - community, were " executed " by God because they did not put their Faith into Action.- Acts 5.
      Because we are responsible for all sins after Baptism, Jesus on the very day ( evening ) of His Resurrection from the dead, breathed His Spirit and - empowered - all the Apostles to forgive - or retain - Sins - John 20:22-23. This breathing was the same as the Breath that gave the life-force to the earth-created Adam - Genesis 2:7. Therefore Catholics confess to their Priests, as Apostles don't live forever. Confession thus restores the Life-Force to souls deadened by sin, especially Deadly ( Mortal ) sins - James 5:16-17. Protestants don't confess and thereby retain their sins.
      And because we still retain our Fallen Natures, Jesus has given us His Flesh to eat and Blood to drink as - Real Food and Drink - for Eternal Life - John 6:53-58. After all, we become what we eat and drink. And God wants us to be Spiritual People. Therefore, Paul cautions that we should not partake of Holy Communion - unworthily - 1 Corinthians 11:27.
      Acts 2:42 states that the 1st Christian community - devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles, to the communal life, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers. Our Catholic Mass has originated from this, with readings from the Bible in place of the - long dead - Apostles' teachings
      At the name of Jesus every knee should bend - Philippians 2:10-11, Romans 14:11, Isaiah 45:23.
      Luke 22:41 = Jesus withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42. Thus Catholic churches have kneelers, Protestant churches do not.

      Most importantly, John 21:25 declares that Jesus did a world of - Works. This is the most awesome statement on Works, and as Christians, we are called to be like Jesus and do likewise.. Protestants who deny the need for works are certainly not Followers of Christ.
      Lastly, Check Luke 12:48 whereby Jesus will demand = More = from Christians to whom much has been entrusted.
      “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” = Luke 17:19.Jesus, in His healing miracles, attributed Faith as the catalyst that made healing possible. Thus Faith is necessary on earth especially in times of difficulties, doubts and persecutions. However, for Salvation and Heavenly entry, it is = Faith without works is dead."

  • @juneluk7554
    @juneluk7554 4 роки тому +13

    The Catholic church is founded by our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth will set you free. Dig deep, my brother , read the books from the early fathers. I'm very proud being a Catholic.

    • @MacurakLHP2012
      @MacurakLHP2012 4 роки тому

      The Catholic Church - absolutely. NOT the "ROMAN" catholic church...The Romans inserted their pagan gods, and ways of living into the church.

    • @kevinmiller6443
      @kevinmiller6443 4 роки тому +1

      @@MacurakLHP2012 This. And the Eucharist is just one of the many pagan traditions carried over from the Roman Empire into the Roman Catholic Church.

    • @titaniumsteel9114
      @titaniumsteel9114 4 роки тому

      1. During the Last Supper, Jesus was speaking metaphorically when he said, “This is my body.”
      Objections to Christ’s presence in the Eucharist can usually be divided into three categories: scriptural, philosophical, and historical. Whenever discussing the scriptural objections, keep in mind how many different interpretations are out there. William Whalen’s book Separated Brethren was published in the 1950s, and it recorded that there were over three hundred different interpretations of the phrase, “This is my body.”
      Two Christians with differing views could debate the matter for hours and not make any progress. That being the case, the issue of authority should always be brought up first. If there are at least three hundred interpretations of those four words, how is a sincere Christian to know what Christ meant by them? Whose authority should be trusted when it comes to interpreting the Bible?
      If your friend is not favorable to the idea of accepting the Catholic Church as that authority, perhaps he is willing to concede that the first two or three centuries of Christian writings are worth examining. After all, if anyone knew what Christ meant at the Last Supper it would be the apostles and their disciples. Here is an ideal place to find the first Christian exegesis of the words “This is my body.”
      In addition to the historical evidence, it is useful to examine the language that Christ would have used at the Last Supper. In Aramaic, there are over three dozen words that mean represent or symbolize, but Jesus used none of them in his statement, “This is my body.” In fact, a literal translation in the Aramaic is simply, “This my body.”
      If this phrase were metaphorical, a serious difficulty arises in 1 Corinthians 11:27, where Paul says that if one eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner he will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. In a Semitic culture, to be guilty of another’s body and blood is to be guilty of murder. Yet how could one be guilty of murder if the bread is merely a symbol of Christ? Paul goes on to say that some are dying because of this.
      2. But the bread of life discourse in John 6 shouldn’t be taken literally. Elsewhere, Jesus said that he was the door, the gate, the vine, et cetera. Here he is saying that he is the bread, since he gives us spiritual nourishment.
      When questions of biblical interpretation are raised, it is beneficial to read in context the entire passage that is in dispute. The bread of life discourse begins in John 6:22, and the first point to address is the discussion of the heavenly bread. Jesus makes the point that as the Father sent manna from heaven for the physical nourishment of the Israelites, he has sent Jesus for the spiritual nourishment of the world. When Jesus announced this (6:41), the Jews murmured because he said that he had come down from heaven, not because he said that he was like bread. They understood his symbolic statement regarding the origin of the manna, and were scandalized by what it implied: “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does he now say, ‘I have come down from heaven?’” (6:42).
      Beginning in verse 43, Jesus replies to these objections. At the completion of his answer (6:51), he speaks of a bread that he is yet to give. The Jews’ understand that he is now speaking in a literal sense, and so they object, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” So the Jews first objected because of what Jesus’ initial words meant symbolically, and now they object to what his second statement means literally. Had Jesus been speaking in a metaphorical sense here, this would be the perfect point to clarify his intentions.
      Matthew 16:5-12 is one such example where Jesus’ listeners thought that he was speaking in a literal sense, and he had to correct them. In this passage, Christ was warning the disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The disciples concluded that he was speaking of the bread they had forgotten to bring for their journey. In seeing their confusion, Jesus had to reiterate that he was not speaking literally of bread.
      Keeping this in mind, look how Jesus answers the Jews’ objections in John 6:53-58: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. . . . For my flesh is food indeed, and my flesh is drink indeed.” These words would hardly quell the Jew’s fear that Jesus spoke literally. Following this, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?”(6:60). At this point, we witness the only place in Scripture where anyone leaves Jesus for a doctrinal reason. Had Jesus been speaking metaphorically, what would have been so hard for the disciples to accept?
      One last passage worth considering is John 10:9, where Jesus says, “I am the door.” Some say that this is the sense in which Jesus’ words in John 6 should be taken. However, no one understood Jesus to be speaking literally when he said that he was a door. The narrative does not continue, “And his disciples murmured about this, saying, ‘How can he be a door? Where are his hinges? We do not see a doorknob.’ Jesus answered them, ‘Amen, Amen, I say to you, I am a door, and my chest is real wood, and my hips are real hinges.’” This is absurd, but it illustrates how shocking Jesus’ words were when he said that his flesh was real food and his blood real drink.

    • @titaniumsteel9114
      @titaniumsteel9114 4 роки тому

      3. If Jesus was speaking literally, then why did he say, “It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail,” and “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6:63)?
      The fundamental misunderstanding here springs from the implication that the word spirit is symbolic. Never in Scripture is this the case. We are told that God is spirit and that the devil is spirit, but no one would conclude from this that they are merely symbolic beings. What Jesus is driving at is that the carnal understanding of fallen human flesh is incapable of g.asping spiritual realities-such as the Eucharist.
      If one concludes from the above verses that Jesus was speaking metaphorically of his flesh and blood, a major difficulty arises. The Bible teaches that blood is essentially the seat of life within living things, and thus it is sacred. Every time the Bible speaks of symbolically eating another’s flesh and drinking their blood, this is the idiomatic phrase that meant to persecute, betray, and murder (see Micah 3:3; Psalm 27:2; Isaiah 9:20, 49:26). Now read John 6 in light of those that understood Jesus to speak symbolically. “I solemnly assure you that unless you persecute and betray me, you have no life within you. He who does violence to me has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” This is senseless, but it is what his words would have meant if they were symbolic.
      4. If a miracle occurs when the priest says, “This is my body,” then why doesn’t the bread change?
      This objection is more of a philosophical one, and so you need to shift apologetic gears a bit to address it. What we perceive with our senses is not always a good indicator of spiritual realities.
      In the Old Testament, there are several occasions where angels take on human appearances in order to carry out the work of God. Now, is the angel an angelic being or a human being? It would not look angelic. Through touch, smell, sight, et cetera it would appear to be fully human. But it is an angel. If an angel can take on human form, God is infinitely able to humble himself under the appearance of bread in order that we might receive him. In the words the Eucharistic hymn Tantum Ergo, “What our senses fail to fathom let us g.asp through faith’s consent.”
      5. If we took Jesus’ words literally, wouldn’t that imply cannibalism?
      Cannibalism is when one individual physically eats the human flesh off of another’s body. Catholic or not, the words in John 6 do sound cannibalistic. Even a Fundamentalist would have to say that he eats the flesh of Christ and drinks his blood in a symbolic manner so as to concur with the passage. By the same allowance, Catholics eat the flesh of Christ and drink his blood in a sacramental way. Neither the Protestant nor the Catholic appears to be doing anything cannibalistic, though.
      It would have been cannibalism is if a disciple two thousand years ago had tried literally to eat Jesus by sinking his teeth into his arm. Now that our Lord is in heaven with a glorified body and made present under the appearance of bread in the Eucharist, cannibalism is not possible.

    • @titaniumsteel9114
      @titaniumsteel9114 4 роки тому

      6. Besides, the doctrine of transubstantiation wasn’t invented until the thirteenth century.
      Fundamentalists often use this argument in the same way that a Jehovah’s Witness would say that the Trinity was invented in the fourth century at the Council of Nicea. Neither argument is sound because the truth of a particular term should be established by what it means, not by when it was first used.
      Transubstantiation was taught by the Church Fathers long before anyone had ever heard of the term (see “The Fathers Know Best,” page 34). See, for example, the citation from Justin Martyr’s First Apology (A.D. 151): “The food which has been made into the Eucharist by the Eucharistic prayer set down by him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh is nurtured, is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus.”
      The evidence in favor of the Real Presence in the writings of the Church Fathers is compelling and unanimous. In fact, it was not until Berengarius of Tours in the eleventh century that the teaching was denied.
      Before, during, and after your discussions on the Eucharist, make sure to pray for the person you are speaking to. While Catholics realize that the Eucharist is of great importance, they often overlook how belief in it leads to the fullness of faith. If a person believes in the Real Presence, then he must accept the priesthood, apostolic succession, and in turn the divine institution of the Catholic Church. These truths are inseparably linked to the Holy Eucharist.

  • @doug1863
    @doug1863 3 роки тому +14

    I am so happy that I was blessed to lead out of darkness and into the Light of the world, Jesus Christ. Thank you Holy Spirit !! Praise God and our Lord Jesus Christ

  • @Grimmacemack
    @Grimmacemack 3 роки тому +104

    I was raised by my Italian half of my family in Strict Roman Catholicism but in my late teens early 20s I started identifying as just a Christian because although I didn’t know ALL the details of Catholicism I felt that they were off the mark of truth and had issues

    • @catholicmurph7707
      @catholicmurph7707 3 роки тому +1

      I would like to encourage you to dig a little deeper. If once you know ALL the details, you still believe that Catholics are not being truthful, then okay.

    • @Grimmacemack
      @Grimmacemack 3 роки тому +3

      @@catholicmurph7707 the problem is there are a ton of details and information sources and it’s difficult to know if things are legitimate

    • @cleberferreiradejoao1306
      @cleberferreiradejoao1306 3 роки тому +7

      @@Grimmacemack We need to pray for the true to come to light sometimes. If “faith alone” is a problem, “reason alone” can be even worse. The church on earth is formed by sinners who need to be saved, but God’s grace overcomes everything. The gates of hell will never prevail over Christ’s church.

    • @amybee40
      @amybee40 3 роки тому +15

      I encourage you to read your Bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding.

    • @cathyhamlin3611
      @cathyhamlin3611 3 роки тому +11

      You must know that the works salvation of the catholic church
      are misleading and the other
      traditions that this church teaches
      are wrong. I was raised catholic,
      and I was born again at the age
      of 19. I never recall the catholic
      church ever teaching faith alone
      without works. I do works because
      I've been saved, not to gain favor
      with Jesus, you could sacrifice your
      life, but w/o truly knowing Christ

  • @kylemcdonough9830
    @kylemcdonough9830 2 місяці тому +2

    As a Catholic I really appreciate your kind and thoughtful approach to Catholicism instead of just bashing us like most Protestants do

    • @stever4181
      @stever4181 Місяць тому

      Protestants do not bash Catholics. They bash the Falsness of the CC!
      Question, what about the Catholics who bash the protestant?

  • @bassman_0074
    @bassman_0074 3 роки тому +14

    21:00 the church teaches (in the catechism and the council of Trent and the council of Orange) that man’s initial salvation is an act of faith through grace. The works we do for Jesus are acts of love, also prompted by grace, which further our justification to making us more like Christ.
    Your salvation is still a gift. The faith we have is still a gift, but as we act more like Christ we grow deeper in our love for him, thus the church teaches that we are further justified by works. Justification is not a binary “saved or not” it’s a manner of growing in our love for Jesus over our whole life.

    • @saardfetner8620
      @saardfetner8620 2 роки тому

      There are lots of sincere Catholics.!

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 2 роки тому

      But if you miss mass you go to hell and when you go to confession you're back going to heaven again.

    • @salvation4all313
      @salvation4all313 2 роки тому +1

      Bassman_007... You said.. 'The works we do for Jesus are acts of love, also prompted by grace, which further our justification to making us more like Christ.'
      That is incorrect. This is what you should have written:
      The works we do for Jesus are acts of love, prompted by the indwelling Holy Spirit, which further our sanctification to make us more like Christ.

    • @sebastianinfante409
      @sebastianinfante409 Рік тому

      Thats sanctification

  • @fitzhamilton
    @fitzhamilton 4 роки тому +11

    It's been a long time since I did anything as dumb as spend over an hour writing apologetics in a comebox.. "I'm not going to claim that the Fathers agreed with me, were evangelical proetesants..” You’re too smart and honest to stay a protestant. The Fathers were Orthodox, and because the Church was undivided, they were also Catholics.. Not Roman Catholics, Orthodox Catholics. That’s the paradigm. There is only one Church, “the pillar and foundation of truth” bearing the grace of God and the apostolic teaching “passed on in word and writing" unto his people. The apostles did not write everything down. Paul spent months with people teaching them, Christ told the apostles many things so many things “which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.” The scripture is just the heart of it. The rest you have to come to us for.
    Papal and Petrine primacy - the Gregorian Reform - is problematic. It’s the catalyst of the Schism and the Reformation. I myself have major issues with papal juridical supremacy and infallibility.. But the primacy of Rome is a historical fact and reality. Just because they’re behaving like Caiaphas or Judas doesn’t remove their election or authority. The gates of hell will not prevail, they have been given the power to loosen and bind and forgive sins. This is all in scripture, and you know it.
    Find yourself a good Catholic or Orthodox priest, and start asking questions. You’re stuck in the mud of your own prejudice and understanding.

  • @daniellennox8804
    @daniellennox8804 3 роки тому +10

    How about we read St Ignatius of Antioch, St Clement of Rome and St Polycarp of Smyrna. These guys knew John the Apostle personally, so they might know what John meant when he recorded Jesus’ words (John 6).
    This is painful to watch. You are making a caricature of the Catholic faith. Please debate with actual Catholic apologists like Trent Horn (who has already exposed you), Scott Hahn, Tim Staples, Patrick Madrid, David Anders, to name a few options.
    You may still disagree, but you’ll have a greater understanding of what we actually believe and the reasons why.

    • @dinopad10
      @dinopad10 3 роки тому

      He’s too much of a coward.

  • @godwithusisemmanuel
    @godwithusisemmanuel Рік тому +11

    Hello, i am a catholic, and pretty devot one as well i have been watching your videos and liked them , this is very uneasy video for me to watch but i do feel like because of my dedication i would like to continue to defend my church. Conveniently while watching this video i have the CCC book sitting next to me to follow along with context. So the first quote that came up CCC 1549, is slightly out of context priests and bishops are "represented" as christ the head of the church and it is made visible in the community of believers. That follows a quote from a saint that said the bishops are LIKE the living image of God the father within the context it is just reinforcing the idea that the priests and bishops represent christ as the head . CCC 937 - this is just taken to the extreme measures, taking it literally and not in context to the extent that the pope has much to say , and much of what he says is not a decree that needs to be followed. There is differences in the church. Yes the pope can put out an "order" (i wont act like i know all the terms lol) but its more important to look at when he is doing this and for what is he doing it for. When you look into those things you will see the "orders" the popes have commanded the church have been few and far between. So me as a catholic am not worried i will be suddenly put in a position of having to follow something i dont believe in. Is it possible? Yes. Just very unlikely.
    The reason why catholic religion is so conplicated is because it is open ended. After vatican 2 the main focus was on the lay people. The congregation. This means that we are called to be like christ to take up our crosses to read our bibles to be aware of things. To be in the spirit of God , so the church no longer gives itself full authority on many matters but leaves it up to the lay people who need to be reasonable and seek the truth in all things
    The Vatican 2 was in the 1960s and the council of trent was in like the 1700s? Way before modern times. You say 21 times implying that it is alot of times but the catholic church is the oldest church in the world. This is also just taken out context just with time.
    Omg. Mike. This is killing me. We do not want to bring everything under the authority of the pope. I can assure you that no one in the Catholic church looks to the pope as an ultimate authority outside of the people that live in vatican city, i am in canada. As a catholic do you think during mass we just live stream the popes messages? Haha. I have never heard one thing the pope has said inside the church. Never. Only by my own research and he seems like a very reasonable guy, like you are but i feel like the churcj is just been lost on you. I dont think i can keep up the commentary this just is hurting my feelings with the misunderstandings ..........sad.

    • @benjaminrandecker6570
      @benjaminrandecker6570 Рік тому +10

      Hello friend. I am protestant, and from my understanding one of the significant differences is the means of salvation: faith alone versus faith and good works. From my understanding the Catholic Church teaches that both faith and good works grant you salvation while we would believe that salvation is through faith alone and then good works are a result of that. The born again idea is you are dead to your old self and made new with a desire to do good and despise sin.
      I know many Catholics are good people and I struggled with the idea that someone couldn't go to heaven just because they were Catholic. The Holy Spirit allowed me to understand that salvation is God's judgement on an individual basis. If someone puts their faith in Christ, they are saved. If someone puts their faith in their works, they are not saved. It's similar to the story of Cain and Abel. Abel offered the blood sacrifice while Cain offered the fruits of his labor. God accepted the blood sacrifice.
      Doing the sacraments isn't a bad thing, but putting your faith in them for salvation doesn't agree with the teachings in Romans, Ephesians, and Galatians. I believe many Catholics are saved, and through God's judgement, it's based on if their faith is in Christ or themselves.

    • @barbararussell9757
      @barbararussell9757 11 місяців тому +6

      I am a Catholic. I don’t know why in discussions with Protestants it always comes down to a faith vs works question as though it us one or the other. We are told in Scripture that they go together. Catholics know that we are all sinners, that God will judge us in the end, that we are responsible for our choices and the effect those choices have on our souls.

    • @WJFK480
      @WJFK480 10 місяців тому +6

      I'm a Catholic too and yes, this video is full of misunderstandings and doesn't take into account the long history of the Catholic church.

    • @WJFK480
      @WJFK480 10 місяців тому

      I know. I don't even know what they're talking about when they keep saying works. What works?@@barbararussell9757

    • @rafexrafexowski4754
      @rafexrafexowski4754 8 місяців тому

      ​@@benjaminrandecker6570 As a Catholic, I never understood how a Protestant is different from a Nicolaite (someone who believes that actions are not a factor in salvation; they were known for committing horrible s*xual acts because sin does not exist for them and were a plague at the time when Revelatio was written). I am genuinely curious. Also, Catholic beliefs are misunderstood in your comment. We believe that we need "alive faith" to achieve grace and salvation. This is faith that has material fruits like good deeds and attempts not to sin. "Dead faith" is the faith described in James and the "Lord, Lord" teaching. It is belief that faith itself saves without any impact of sin and deed (Nicolaism). Sola fide is an example of "dead faith" for me, but you can prove me wrong.

  • @jmwilson100
    @jmwilson100 4 роки тому +52

    Have you ever considered debating or even just having a discussion with a leading Catholic apologist or something on this stuff? I think something with someone like Trent Horn, for example, would be really interesting and fruitful for everyone involved.

    • @Jen-tt9yx
      @Jen-tt9yx 4 роки тому +15

      They won't do it, the majority of Catholics don't read their Bibles.

    • @RainInTheSummer
      @RainInTheSummer 4 роки тому +17

      @@Jen-tt9yx I bet most catholics know their bible better than you

    • @devjono
      @devjono 4 роки тому +15

      My question is why? Why get it second hand when we can get it straight from Catholic writings?
      Why get it from someone who is deceived and being lied to when we can get it straight from Catholic writings.
      And from the writings its clear Catholics teach another Gospel.
      "But my ...... doesnt teach this". They all fall under the Pope and under Rome as Rome claims the be over all churchs that uses its name and theology.
      So like it or not its the truth.

    • @jmwilson100
      @jmwilson100 4 роки тому +18

      @@devjono Full disclosure, I'm a Catholic. And I would object to the way he presents a lot of these quotations from the various councils and the catechism, as well as the ways he interprets certain scripture passages. I also think there are fundamental problems with Christianity without a central governing body. He also completely mischaracterizes certain core tenants of Catholic theology. I don't really want to get into a debate in this comment section, but I do think it would be helpful to have dialogue and an opposing perspective for everyone to see. And if the two viewpoints clash and one of them really does appear more rational, that will lead significantly more people to the truth, which is a good thing no matter what.

    • @devjono
      @devjono 4 роки тому +8

      @@jmwilson100 i understand but it also works in the opposite direction. Take James White and Trent debate. Protestants say James White was right. Catholics say Trent was right.
      Sometimes it just doesnt help.
      And like I said. Why? We have Catholic writings from your infallible Popes. And from these writings we can show its another gospel. We dont need anyone to interpret it for us.

  • @AwaitHasten
    @AwaitHasten 4 роки тому +31

    You say it's not an attack. Yet much came across that way. You, an anti-cath Protestant, claim to know Catholicism better than Catholics... I've been there, brother. I left Catholicism for the claims you make. 8 years later i'm back 🤷‍♂️

    • @AirChurch
      @AirChurch 4 роки тому +9

      Mike clearly stated that this video concerns claims of a particular organization, not individuals. If you see it as an attack, it's an attack on claims, not persons. Over and over again, Mike is quoting authoritative Catholic sources to support the points he makes. If you disagree with what he says, you have to do better than use your personal opinion/experience as a rebuttal. Peace.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 4 роки тому +1

      Mike Wingers theology is lame! He pulls people out of the church that Jesus started! Sad person! Protect that job!

    • @micahmatthew7104
      @micahmatthew7104 4 роки тому

      If the only two choices of Christian churches were wingers church and a Catholic Church. I would choose the Catholic Church since they preach the gospel of Christ while winger preaches a “gospel” of not being catholic

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 4 роки тому

      I agree Micah!!! Actually, many of the 30,000 protestant churches disagree with Mikes church. Jesus started the Catholic church, so thats why Im Catholic. Mikes church is not the Catholic church, so sadly, Mike is outside the church Jesus started.

    • @isildarodrigues8632
      @isildarodrigues8632 4 роки тому +3

      Well very sad for you because Jesus saves! not Mary not the saints How can a person that claims to know Jesus go back to that😞

  • @sincewhen1990
    @sincewhen1990 4 роки тому +17

    I am not a Catholic, but why is it not mentioned that“works” in Romans 11:6 was in the context of the Mosaic law and not doing good works in general . Also why has verses 22 and 23 of Romans 11 been ignored here, which strongly suggests that faith alone without works is enough to be cut off?

    • @ariana8159
      @ariana8159 4 роки тому +3

      Thank you! Just mentioned this to someone else last night on Mike's video about Mary. It's blatantly obvious that works of the law in Romans is referring to the Mosaic law and talking about things such as circumcision and not the moral law. The person hasn't responded to me yet...

    • @levymanlapig8970
      @levymanlapig8970 4 роки тому +3

      Not only in Romans ... but also in Ephesians and Galatians, ... , where works, or works of the law, or simply laws, refer to the Mosaic/Judaic laws and traditions (e.g., circumcision and thorough washing for purification). Those works were being imprudently imposed by the Judaeo-Christian converts to the Gentiles as also necessary for salvation ---- so that Paul opposed such false gospel or teaching ("accursed" in Gal.) and said in Eph 2:8-9 that it was *by grace* through faith that they had been saved and not by works, works of the law, or laws. But Paul did not say or mean, faith *devoid* of good works or works of love commanded by Christ ---- as he further said in Eph 2:10 (good works prepared beforehand that we should walk in, or follow, or obey them). Paul in fact exhorted all to do good works in the later parts of all his letters, consistent with Christ's teachings in Luke 10:25-37, on how one may have a share in, or inherit (not attain, earn, or work his way to heaven) the *grace* of eternal life/salvation: *love of GOD* (faith) *a_n_d love of neighbor* (good works) --- those
      are the explicit and *inseparable* two great commandments of CHRIST.
      Peace to all ....

    • @levymanlapig8970
      @levymanlapig8970 4 роки тому +6

      I am a Catholic ... but I think all these deep rhetorical and embellished teachings are not at all really necessary. We just have to read and ponder on the *very words of Christ* as quoted in Luke 10:25-37 ---- as to how one *m_a_y inherit or have a share in the g_r_a_c_e of the eternal life or salvation* in answer to the query of a learned man. *TRUE, it is grace, or a gift, or an inheritance f_r_e_e_l_y given* , so that no one can attain, earn, merit, or work his way into having the said grace ---- *but* , being a gift it could be rejected, or as an inheritance it could be renounced or repudiated, that is, through one's willful acts of disobedience (or non-cooperation and indifference to the purpose of Christ's sacrificial and redemptive death on the cross --- eventual salvation). As the scriptures say, even *Christ did obey The Father for mankind's salvation* (Heb 5:8-9).
      It is *neither faith alone, nor good works/works of love alone, but rather, faith AND good works/works of love* . Note that it is *AND* , meaning "both", not "either/or", nor "plus" ---- for the Two Great Commandments of Love are *inseparable* .
      *Good works/works of love are not necessarily the fruits of faith in GOD* as illustrated by Christ in his teaching(s) on the Good Samaritan --- who, although not a faithful follower of Judaism (nor a believer of Christ), did good works or works of love to a stranger/neighbor, to his commendation. Even atheists can do good works, and so with people of differing faiths or beliefs, as they too, know how to love, be kind or compassionate, be merciful, ... , and of course, how to hate, be cruel, ... , like us. But good works or works of love without faith are not enough.
      And when Christ explicitly said or commanded, " *Then go and do the same* " ---- He simply means "faith in GOD without works of love is likewise not enough" ---- for He said, " *Love GOD ... a_n_d Love your neighbor* ... "
      *Anything that one does for GOD or his glory* , be it worshipping, offering, service, ... *should be done out of love* ; and *anything one does for his fellow men* , be it charity, actual help, ... *should also be out of love* ---- nothing more and nothing less. Paul put emphasis on this in his letter to the Corinthians (1Cor 13).
      That is *the entire message of CHRIST's teachings* in the New Testament -----
      *Love* .
      Peace and *GOD bless* !

    • @sandygrogg1203
      @sandygrogg1203 3 роки тому

      Yes... I pointed that out, too.

    • @joet8218
      @joet8218 5 місяців тому

      Where's the reference to the Mosaic law? I see references to Israel's failure to obey God (in particular Baal worship). And I'm not seeing anything about faith alone warranting being cut off in the later verses. In fact it says that Israel will be grafted back in if they don't persist in unbelief.

  • @braeutchen41
    @braeutchen41 5 місяців тому +2

    Jesus is ALIVE in the Eucharist and you consume Him into your being and He dwells there.....when I was a child, I would TALK to Jesus, in my heart. I didn't want Him to be "lonely" in there..... we lived 3 doors from our church. I made "visits" to the church and knelt in front of the Tabernacle.....the little golden house on the altar where Jesus"lives"
    After the transubstantiation has taken place.. "hello, Jesus, I just came to see You for a little while so that You won't be lonely in there." 😧 I was very concerned about His loneliness.💔

  • @mrs-madamwildebeest-gazell5593
    @mrs-madamwildebeest-gazell5593 3 роки тому +39

    Former Catholic now born again Christian. I love what you guys do. You're thoughtful and sensitive about the topic. Unfortunately much of what stops ears from hearing is their heart/ sin or indeed politics. I grew up in northern Ireland where it was a huge thing to change faith. Switching sides from this Jesus to that Jesus got me in a lot of hot water at times. It's the same Jesus but sadly the doctrines are so far off the biblical text. Like you I believe there are Catholics who are saved but I think for a life of maybe only 70 years or less we are purposed to discover the truth. Also regarding JW stuff it's mad how many excats are going that way. Scary stuff guys. Love from Ireland 🇮🇪

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 3 роки тому +7

      Excats, who left the Holy Catholic Church, are like the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-32; and God is looking for them come questions asked.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 3 роки тому +5

      Catholics are born again also. Jesus started the Catholic church.

    • @Gabby-se7wd
      @Gabby-se7wd 2 роки тому

      @@johnyang1420 yep

    • @janhanger
      @janhanger 2 роки тому +3

      Same here I am slowly getting away from the Catholic church. The church is so full of show, and money priests won't even advise church goers to read the bible.

    • @mr.c1563
      @mr.c1563 2 роки тому +4

      @@Gabby-se7wd both of you. Nope. Christ ushered in christisnity...Constantine gave you the catholic church 325 years or so after.

  • @hullie7529
    @hullie7529 3 роки тому +20

    When talking about Catholicism it would probably be helpful to have an actual Catholic present so they can give their point of view, otherwise it seems like you're just agreeing with each other and not reaching the truth. You won't see this kind of video in a Catholic UA-cam channel either.

    • @ryankarele3182
      @ryankarele3182 3 роки тому

      Check out pints with Aquinas YT channel. Catholic channel with a few podcasts talking to different denominations

    • @MariaHerrera-xt4zm
      @MariaHerrera-xt4zm 3 роки тому +1

      Mike Winger should probably have a sit with Father Chris Alar and share point of views. Because this video just has him talking to another same denomination person as him agreeing. One thing she did say that it is sadly very true is that a lot of our catholic brothers don't know our faith that is why so many people abandon the church to join these other doctrines. If our brothers and sisters knew our AMAZING faith they will not change. So whenever you all hear someone say "oh they found the truth and converted" no they just never knew their faith!

    • @mynameis......23
      @mynameis......23 3 роки тому +3

      Because Catholics know they cant defend themselves, Catholics know they are performing pagan religion

    • @roguerider8188
      @roguerider8188 3 роки тому +4

      @@mynameis......23 that's just inaccurate, as a former Protestant turned Catholic, everything you are saying is based out of fear and misunderstanding. The Catholic Church does almost none of what Protestants like to claim it does.

    • @patriot8554
      @patriot8554 3 роки тому +3

      Protestants just dont understand Catholocism on many levels. Yes it has had its problems, but that doesn't mean it's not the one true church started by Jesus Christ.

  • @craigmartin7843
    @craigmartin7843 3 роки тому +8

    From a Catholic perspective: Mike and I could sit down with our bibles, and open up to Matthew 23:9 ('Call no man on earth father...'). Mike would say Jesus is speaking literally here, the Catholic church would say He is not. Mike and I could then flip to John 6:54 (Jesus' discourse about eating His flesh and drinking His blood). Mike would say Jesus is not speaking literally here, the Catholic church would say that this is (effectively) literal and conveying a spiritual truth of vital importance. The question then becomes: how can Mike Winger (through a purely scriptural lens) purport to know when Jesus is, or is not, speaking literally? Should I believe Mike Winger's interpretations? Or should I believe St Ignatius of Antioch, St. Justin Martyr, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and 2000 years of teaching and tradition? The Catholic church, founded by Jesus Christ, is the 'pillar and foundation of truth' described in 1Tm 3:15, and gives us a firm base to stand on when trying to understand the teachings of scripture.

    • @EJ-gx9hl
      @EJ-gx9hl 3 роки тому +2

      At the one hour and ten minute mark, he criticizes how in Catholicism, the Church is the only one who can correctly interpret the Bible and it become Sola ecclesia and not Sola scriptura.
      But do all Baptist pastors interpret it the same way? Or all Lutherans? Methodists? Do all non-denominational pastors interpret it the same way? By this sense then the Bible is interpreted according to each person’s views and it becomes eisegesis and not exegesis.

    • @charlesbarnes7520
      @charlesbarnes7520 2 роки тому

      This man is a condescending salvation merchant

    • @mjramirez6008
      @mjramirez6008 2 роки тому

      there's a reason why, after 1 year, you have no reply from the protestants

    • @LetTalesBeTold
      @LetTalesBeTold 2 роки тому

      If I may, I’d like to break your assertion down with a few questions and Scripturally-based answers.
      Q: How do we rightly determine Scripture?
      A: From the Book of John (Jesus’s words): “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, *He will teach you all things* and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”
      In other words, the indwelling of the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the One who truly teaches and opens our eyes to God’s Word.
      Q: How can we then determine if someone is teaching soundly by the Holy Spirit’s guidance?
      A: From the Book of John (Jesus’s words): “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. *However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you*.”
      From the Book of the Acts (Jesus’s words): “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and *you shall be witnesses to Me* in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
      From the Book to the Romans (Paul’s words): “These things we also speak, *not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.*”
      In other words, we can be sure that the Holy Spirit is the interpreter in the life of the believer because what the Spirit says will never contradict anything that was previously declared by the other two Persons of the Godhead or the Scripture established by them. Thus, he/she who teaches something contradictory to Scripture (or in a way contradictory to Scripture) is not teaching via the Spirit, and cannot always be trusted to be teaching accurately.
      Additionally, the authority of the teaching can be recognizable even from the perspective of unbelievers. For instance, from the Book of Daniel (Nebuchadnezzar’s words): “…[S]ince all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation; but you are able, *for the Spirit of the Holy God is in you.”*
      Q: Who then receives the Spirit, in order to comprehend the Word? Is it Biblically sound to receive interpretation EXCLUSIVELY through a specified, monarchally-structured church laity?
      From the Book of Luke (Jesus’s words): “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”
      In other words, any child of God who asks for the filling of the Holy Spirit may receive Him. Does that mean that all are fit to teach/preach? No. But does that mean that the interpretation of the Scripture is not kept by any one person other than the Holy Spirit? Yes! So we should, ultimately, seek God and His wisdom, through prayer and reading of the Word in humility, so that He Himself will open our eyes to the interpretation of His Story to us! We will know that it is the Spirit working in us when His declarations fulfill the Scripture and corroborate the already known words of God.
      God bless you, and I hope that the Spirit fills you with a true understanding of the riches in glory through the Lord Jesus Christ!

    • @LetTalesBeTold
      @LetTalesBeTold 2 роки тому

      @@mjramirez6008 I may not be a Protestant, but I do have a Biblically-derived response for the comment, if you’d wish to consider it!

  • @marla333able
    @marla333able Рік тому +6

    In contemplating the possibility of joining the Roman Catholic Church many years ago, I seemed to develop an insatiable desire for truth. Since that time I have been, what some may call, obsessed with the quest for truth; devouring the King James Bible, Catechism of the Catholic Church and Abingdon’s Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Concordance. My conclusions and/or opinions presented in this manuscript are based solely on my personal study and research of the inspired written Word of God and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and are totally void of any sectarian influence. Twenty nine years of Bible study and research have been motivated out of a love for truth and not a quest just to ‘prove’ someone else wrong.

    The deeper I got into the study of the Scriptures it became more and more clear to me that, contrary to the many good and wonderful things associated with the Roman Catholic Church, there are many definite and even crucial discrepancies between the doctrines and dogmas of Catholicism and the concise harmonious teaching of the inspired Word of God. Finding self contradictions within the Catechism of the Catholic Church added even more intensity to the war that was rageing inside of me. Which was, either to share or not to share my findings with my Roman Catholic family.
    The three meager attempts that I made during the past twenty nine years to share some of my findings were unfruitful. The fear of alienating my self from my family was more than I could bear; which has kept me from any further attempts. It was a huge nagging and constant hurt. I knew deep inside that this thing was much bigger that just me and my family. The more I studied the more I cried. The more I cried, the harder I prayed. It was not until this past year, through intense prayer and deliberation, that I came to the conclusion that I really don’t have a choice. Family or no family ... I must follow my heart and trust God totally. I agree whole heartedly with what St. Jerome wrote: “If an offense comes out of the truth, it is better that the offense comes than the truth be concealed”. I began rummaging through and sorting out old manuscripts that I had written over the years with a sense of urgency to share the truth of God’s Word concerning the erroneous doctrines of Catholicism; not with just my family but with the world.
    As you read my objections to certain Roman Catholic doctrines, please know that all of my efforts in compiling these manuscripts were born out of love and compassion for my Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ. Brothers and sisters in Christ who love the Lord and who believe the gospel’s basic message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, but who are deceived and held in bondage under false doctrines derived from the traditions of man and are thereby deprived of the freedom and joy of fully experiencing the magnitude of God’s love. I earnestly Pray that the Holy Spirit will quicken the readers hearts and minds with the Truth of God’s Word and render void any "personal" opinion of mine, or anyone else's, that is not TRUTH.

    • @koppite9600
      @koppite9600 Рік тому

      When Moses was wrong on divorce, did all Israelis who divorced get hell?

    • @SylvesterPeter-sf3fy
      @SylvesterPeter-sf3fy Рік тому

      Sort by, Select: Newest Comments
      and you will see my 13 comments reflecting biblical verses contradicting this poor sap,
      who takes scripture out of context, while ignoring biblical history and the
      falsehood of the Evangelical Christian movement aka Reformers.

    • @SylvesterPeter-sf3fy
      @SylvesterPeter-sf3fy Рік тому

      "He who steeps himself in history ceases to be a Protestant." ~ St. John Newman, a convert to the Catholic Church
      “We began to see that as non-Catholics, in good faith we had submitted our lives to Jesus Christ on our terms, not his. We had no other terms. Our Christian lives had been based on our interpretation of Scriptures or that of other persons whom we had chosen to follow.” ~ Fr. Ray Ryland Former Episcopalian Priest now Catholic

    • @margaretlobo9466
      @margaretlobo9466 Рік тому +1

      There are 2 versions of Jesus = the Protestant version - and - the Catholic Biblical version.
      God is able to do all things. Jesus could have remained in Heaven and forgiven our sins, opened Heaven's gates to all, and did not have to come down to earth and live as one of us and die a cruel death. However, God goes to = extremes = to prove His love for us. But God has - expectations - and requires - More - from Christians because we have the perfect example of Jesus - Luke 12:48
      From God's Expectations, Commandments and Testing come our guarantee of - eternal - salvation and Heavenly rewards.
      Jesus defined a Christian - Must take up your Cross daily, deny yourself and follow Me - Matthew 16:24.
      Jesus fasted - superhumanly - 40 days/nights. He dismissed Satan who mocked Him for fasting when He could have all the bread to eat - Matt. 4.
      Later, Jesus rebuked Peter as Satan when Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from His path of sufferings and death.- Matthew 16:23.
      And Jesus did not take the sour wine offered to Him whilst on the Cross to deaden the pain.
      Moreover, Jesus did a World of Works - John 21:25.
      Even Paul, like a faithful Christian= boasted =of the Cross -Galatians 6:14,
      Christian Rule of Thumb is that if anything is hard/difficult, it is from God. On the other hand, if it is -easy - it is from the devil
      The fact is that there are Catholics who leave the Faith because they say it has too many rules and regulations. Of course, they don't realize it is that rules and regulations are like Commandments which were God-issued so that these create a - safe - boundary beyond which the devil, like a roaring lion, is prowling about seeking to devour.
      On the other hand, Protestantism has no rules and regulations, no requirements and only promotes - Easy - Christianity and cheap Grace.
      List of - Hard - Facts ==
      Commandments = Love God and Neighbour, including Enemies = God's Testing = Strive to enter Heavenly narrow gates for Few will enter - Mat. 7:14 & Luke 13:23-24 = Confess to another - John 20:22-23 = Eat My Flesh, drink My Blood - Real Food and Drink- for Eternal Life - John 6:53-58 + Partake of Holy Communion, worthily - 1 Cor. 11:26-27 =Jesus' Parables requiring the multiplication of Talents, becoming more fruitful "soil," wise "virgins" carrying oil, etc.= Vengeance is Mine, I will repay; = Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving - Rewarded by the Father who sees in secret - Matthew 6. = Jesus urged the necessity of praying always - Luke 18:1. Thus Catholics have adopted the responsibility of praying for others, just as Jesus urged Peter to pray and thereby strengthen the others - Luke 22:32.
      List of - Easy - Facts ==
      With Faith alone, one is saved by Grace and name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, never to be erased = God's Commandments and Testing have been overtaken by Jesus' sacrifice and covered with His Precious Blood. Moreover all sin debt - past, present and future - has been paid in full. Thus the Guarantee - Absent in the Flesh, present with the Lord, forever = The 4 Gospels were meant for the - lost - people of Israel. Now there is a new covenant in the Blood of the Lamb which means - Once Saved, Forever Saved = Works are unnecessary for Salvation and are boastful = And Christian Marriages that end in - easy - divorce and remarriages.
      (( NOTE - In these later times we realize the tremendous growth of evil in the world. More Prayer is required to counter it. For all Christians = Protestant and Catholic = the Psalms are an excellent source of Prayer. Also it is good and beneficial to read and study the 4 Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John which contain the teachings of Jesus brought from the Heavenly Father's = mind and heart = for our Salvation. And in the 1930's, not yet a hundred years ago, Jesus our - Living God - appeared frequently to a Polish nun, Sister Faustina and urged the following prayer =
      Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those of the = whole = world.
      For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and on the = whole = world. This prayer is contained in her Diary, titled - Divine Mercy in My Soul - which is available in book-stores.
      And in 1995, Jesus appeared to a Nigerian, Barnabas, and urged the following prayer = Precious Blood of Jesus Christ save us and the whole world))
      By our prayers that intercede for others, we become Christ-like who intercedes with the Father, and thus save many souls.

  • @julianpark93
    @julianpark93 4 роки тому +125

    What are your takes on some of the recent Catholic apologetics books? I’m finding trouble when reading Trent Horn’s recent book “The Case for Catholicism”...
    Any chance you’d do a debate with Trent Horn?

    • @david2theKay
      @david2theKay 4 роки тому +33

      Trent Horn did a rebuttal video on one of Mike's videos on Catholicism.

    • @loveyceecee4557
      @loveyceecee4557 4 роки тому +81

      Trent Horn completely decimated and rebutted Mikes previous videos on Catholicism

    • @travislewis2991
      @travislewis2991 4 роки тому +17

      @@loveyceecee4557 I doubt you're right

    • @ontologicallysteve7765
      @ontologicallysteve7765 4 роки тому +61

      @@travislewis2991 Oh, he is. I'm not Catholic, but Trent gave him a run for his money. Mike's issues with Catholicism are presuppositional in nature. Catholics don't even believe in the Catholicism that keeps most protestants in Protestantism (per their presuppositions). I recommend that you watch it.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 4 роки тому +44

      Its true! Trent destroyed Mike in the rebuttal video! Mike just keeps putting out this bad theology! Convincing people to leave the one true church of Jesus Christ....Catholicism!! Sad! Shameful!

  • @christiand1244
    @christiand1244 4 роки тому +25

    Mathew 7:21-23
    21 Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who DOES the will of my father in heaven.
    22 Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?”
    23 Then I will declare to them
    Solemnly, “I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’

    • @TheMarymicheal
      @TheMarymicheal 4 роки тому +7

      Isn't it contradicting sola scriptura?
      Good work also counts!
      And Jesus proclaimed it.
      It's so plain and simple.

    • @wtlchannel-waytruthandthel4254
      @wtlchannel-waytruthandthel4254 4 роки тому +9

      @@TheMarymicheal of course it is. Someone must "do" something (word DOES), so faith is not enough for kingdom of heaven based on Mt 7,21. Lame arguments from Winger. He should debate someone like Sungenis, Jimmy Akin, Trent Horn, Tim Staples, etc. This way, he is just spreading his misconceptions about truth in Bible and Catholic faith (and his biases). God bless.

    • @TheMarymicheal
      @TheMarymicheal 4 роки тому +3

      @@wtlchannel-waytruthandthel4254 Mathew 25:31-41
      Is also clearly says that judgment of goats and sheep depends on the works they did to enter into heaven.

    • @TheMarymicheal
      @TheMarymicheal 4 роки тому +2

      @FaithHopeGrace there you go another one spitting filth and judgment out of mouth.
      With the angelic title "faith hope and grace"
      You should consider to change it.

    • @TheMarymicheal
      @TheMarymicheal 4 роки тому +1

      @FaithHopeGrace so funny and immature..

  • @TA-ib3dv
    @TA-ib3dv 3 роки тому +20

    I am Catholic I was always taught first church was The Coptic church. The sacraments of the church are what is very different, the main difference is the Eucharist. I appreciate this topic when I say I am Catholic it’s often met with arrogance and distain. I do believe there are Catholics that do not understand or actually go against what traditional Catholic teaching says. There has been a break down of the Catholic Church for many, many years, but you can say this about Christianity entirely. You are correct, it was Paul that first used the term
    “Chathlica”referring to Christ and his teachings being universal. I would like to know what you believe about the Coptic church and it’s origins? In fact it is funny because today I was just looking into this and watching a Coptic mass. Thank you 🙏

    • @sitapohiva1862
      @sitapohiva1862 2 роки тому

      wait, what's the Coptic church ???

    • @mr.c1563
      @mr.c1563 2 роки тому +2

      Yes because Constantine was promoting his man made church.

    • @luisaymerich9675
      @luisaymerich9675 2 роки тому

      When the apostles were sent to spread the gospels there were Christian centers or sees established in various cities.
      Jerusalem was the first center. Then there were Antioch and Rome.
      Alexandria in Egypt was another center and that is where the Copts, or Egyptian church comes from. The Copts were among the first to establish monastic communities. St. Athanasius was a Christian leader in Alexandria.
      Constantinople was established by Constantine in the 4th century AD.

    • @Jg-jg6jb
      @Jg-jg6jb 2 роки тому +3

      @@sitapohiva1862 Coptic Church is the Egyptian Miaphysite Oriental Orthodox sect of Christianity.

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 2 роки тому

      @@Jg-jg6jb Please watch "Who Changed the Sabbath" by Pastor CD Brooks

  • @WJFK480
    @WJFK480 10 місяців тому +10

    As a faithful and practicing Catholic there are some things I can clear up, not just what you say in the video, but also other misunderstandings I've heard. First, the Gospel is read and discussed at every mass, but people don't think Catholics ever read or learn the Bible. I've read the bible and have done Catholic Bible studies. Peter was the first Pope and was divinely appointed by Christ, who is God incarnate (which is in the Bible). The term Pope came later, but that's what Peter is referred to as now. Catholics do not believe that whatever the Pope says is infallible except in very specific circumstances. I see many comments from Catholics that haven't seemed to have made much of an effort to understand the faith on their own or to delve a bit deeper than what they've heard or read and that's to be expected with such a large number of people, some of whom are likely young, and being that there is such a long history of texts that were written. That's why lay Catholics are not Priests who must go through the Seminary and study the faith for years. I saw some comments about the Blessed Mother and the rosary that are misunderstandings too, and lack the historical context of the importance of these beliefs and prayers. The understanding of the Church Hierarchy also has a great deal of historical significance since the church was at one time more powerful in a "political" sense. Another fallacy here is that the teachings that exist outside the Bible are not divinely inspired. One thing I've noticed about many Protestant faiths is that they leave out the supernatural aspects of God's power as if God were not able to do something as miraculous as initiate a virgin birth. I could go on and I'm sorry that people haven't been able to answer all of your questions, there are plenty of answers though if you look them up for yourself. I'm not saying the Catholic Church is perfect and that people should become Catholics or that other faiths are bad, it's just that there are so many critiques of the Catholic church that are done without a real effort to truly understand it.

    • @jonathanrivero3424
      @jonathanrivero3424 7 місяців тому +3

      I agree. Catholics who become Protestant oftentimes do so on the basis of their misunderstandings and a lack of knowledge of the Catholic Faith. On the other hand, Protestants who convert to Catholicism, in the majority of cases, do so, as a result of their pursuit of the truth, which leads to an increase of wisdom. It is easy to see that this is true. One simply needs to compare the testimonies of Catholics who became a Protestants, such as the testimonies of many of the individuals in this comment section, versus the testimonies of Protestants who became Catholic.

    • @happypants247
      @happypants247 6 місяців тому +1

      Which version of the Bible did you read? Again the Catholic Bible is not the same as KJ. Mike speaks on this in the video. Reading the text as it was written. Thinking a priest has the power to forgive you of your sins should be a major red flag to anyone who knows Jesus and his message…

    • @pelomocho8567
      @pelomocho8567 5 місяців тому +1

      Keep this in mind, if Mike winger is correct Christianity was wrong for 1500 years until Martin Luther came !

    • @luthasunspell8365
      @luthasunspell8365 5 місяців тому +3

      I am sorry you feel like the truth was not addressed, but you will admit Mike read from the actual Catholic texts when making his arguments? You say “this is misunderstood” and “you haven’t studied deeply enough” but you don’t offer any actual refutation of his points. For example, when he reads from the Council of Trent, how do you answer that the Council declared it is your works which qualify you for Heaven?

    • @luthasunspell8365
      @luthasunspell8365 5 місяців тому +1

      @@pelomocho8567 Mike said repeatedly that many if not all doctrines of the Catholic sect rose after the 4th century, and more came in the time of the 10th and 11th centuries. In other words, more than 70 councils = Catholicism has not always existed in its current form, and it has changed over time. He is addressing specific issues and how they arose in time, while your attempted rebuttal is woefully “meme”ish.

  • @maryssa8593
    @maryssa8593 3 роки тому +37

    55:51 this is why I have a huge issue with the Catholic faith. And I’m a cradle Catholic who has very recently started deconstruction of my faith. You’re never good enough to be saved and that aspect can bleed subconsciously into other areas of your life. It never resonated with me growing up and I think my life experiences that largely differ from my family members is what pushed me to dig. Oh and they don’t really “teach” you anything. I learned more in the last couple months than I did growing up going to church every weekend for 18 years and 12 years of private school. I feel like that could be done intentionally. My parents still think mass is the most important thing on the planet but never did or encouraged my siblings and I to crack a Bible. It’s being saved at face value and looking the look.

    • @miketeixeira7853
      @miketeixeira7853 3 роки тому +2

      Check out Luke 15: 11-32, where it tells of the Father's longing for His child to come back home. Blessings !!!

    • @quentoncollins8861
      @quentoncollins8861 3 роки тому +3

      Romans 10:9 - 13
      God bless you and please read your Bible

    • @nicolettelindsey6902
      @nicolettelindsey6902 2 роки тому +2

      Start saying the rosary faithfully (all fifteen mysteries - birth of Christ, passion of Christ, resurrection of Christ) and all will be revealed to you. Submit your will to God and the Holy Spirit will lead you. If you fill your head space with holy things, you won’t question your salvation. It’s not an easy thing to do, but it’s necessary.

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 2 роки тому +2

      Sounds about right Maryssa

    • @triciaperry2234
      @triciaperry2234 2 роки тому

      @@nicolettelindsey6902 SAYING this IS NOT MYSTERY and they are full.of LIES
      Praying these so called PRAYERS and SPEAKING of Mary IS RIDICULOUS
      you all have another Mary

  • @cughanze
    @cughanze 3 роки тому +73

    Thank you for speaking on this subject. I’m Roman Catholic and one thing I always wanted was to have a true teaching of the word of God. This has really helped be come to peace with my faith in Christ. I will still be a Catholic however I will be going into it with a renewed view on their teachings and the teachings of Christ. Thank you so much for this subject!

    • @johnlowkey359
      @johnlowkey359 3 роки тому +11

      Protestants love our Lord, but just make sure to verify what they say. A lot of them have a vested interest in misrepresenting the Church, calling us idolators or Mary Worshipers. The better ones twist the more subtle teachings and Church documents.

    • @njohn6995
      @njohn6995 3 роки тому +15

      Jesus didn’t become man to leave a Bible. Jesus became man to leave a Church. A thanks to the Church and the tradition of the Church ( transmission of the doctrine) that we now have the Bible. Our protestant brothers have an incomplete Bible and interprete it without authority and have become more than 60,000 different churches.

    • @DanielMaloneJr
      @DanielMaloneJr 3 роки тому +11

      Sadly Mike is a deceiver who won’t talk about these issues with Catholics who actually know the faith. I’m glad you’re staying Catholic however

    • @markmead6742
      @markmead6742 3 роки тому +3

      Are you a Catholic militant, or a vatican2protestant kabbalist counter church occultist who follows the prophesied antichrist antipopes since 1958'?
      As for me, I am a Catholic militant, who correctly holds the sedevacantist position and pray to persevere in The Bosom of The Catholic Church and Her Deposit of Faith, be it Jesus Christ our God's Will.

    • @markmead6742
      @markmead6742 3 роки тому +3

      You can't speak to The Truths of The One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church in one breath and then call protestants brothers.
      Protestants are literally the enemy of Jesus Christ our God and His Bride The Catholic Church.
      Realize it or not, but you denounce The Catholic Church and Her Deposit of Faith by your comment of wishy washy indifference.
      I'm guessing that you are a vatican2protestant kabbalist occultist and clearly not a Catholic aka Christian, since only Catholics are Christians.
      Kyrie Eleison 😔

  • @FlagrantNonsense
    @FlagrantNonsense 4 роки тому +15

    He clearly didn't read all of Session VI of Trent, just picked one cannon out of context of the entire session which clearly clarifies the place of merit within the Justification of Christ and Grace of God, and it also clearly distinguishes how we can in no way earn heaven. I know it's a difficult nuance for an indoctrinated Protestant, but the Bible is VERY clear that what we do matters and has an impact on our salvation. Yes, we are cleansed of our sins due to no merit on our own part. No we cannot earn our own salvation. That's part one. The Bible continues.

    • @goodcatholicboyowo4121
      @goodcatholicboyowo4121 4 роки тому

      I find winger isn’t very rigorous.

    • @dangonz615
      @dangonz615 4 роки тому

      The Bible teaches us that what we do is a result of who our Lord is. And who our Lord is determines whether or not we are saved. Don’t get it twisted.

    • @goodcatholicboyowo4121
      @goodcatholicboyowo4121 4 роки тому

      nicholas Worcester that’s what he said

  • @christinamerklin2166
    @christinamerklin2166 8 місяців тому +16

    Raised in Catholicism, new in my heart at the young age if 8 something was seriously missing (we maybe opened the bible twice in all my years, i went to Catholic school until sophomore year) i always felt empty and void! At 14 i started going to different beliefs in search of Jesus. Until one day i took a job working for a Christian. On my first workday He asked me if i was a Christian. (Well, Catholics are Christians, supposedly)...
    I spit out the word NO. I KNEW, i was still separated.
    This man gave me a very small booklet called the reason why. He asked me, will you read this? I responded that i didn't know when but i would. That night, i HAD to read it! The words, i don't have to be struck by lightning to know it can kill me resonated. Im still growing and learning, but my faith has filled that bottomless void.

    • @Michael-nb4ng
      @Michael-nb4ng 8 місяців тому +1

      Denying Christ is what got Peter and the apostles in trouble. Glad a book made YOU think.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 7 місяців тому +1

      And never opened a catechism.

    • @TerminiChiropractic
      @TerminiChiropractic 7 місяців тому +4

      Read the early church fathers sermons on faith and scripture and you will see the Catholic Church and not Protestant churches.

    • @richardditty5318
      @richardditty5318 6 місяців тому

      What were you doing at mass, sleeping? The bible is read at every mass. Did you not receive training for the sacrament's as well? The scriptures are read there too. You're ignorant if you think Catholics aren't Christians. Catholics are the original Christians, there were no Christians before the catholic church. All other Christian churches broke off from the catholic church and the new testament scriptures that they so desperately cling to is the catholic holy book, written and compiled by the catholic saints.

    • @philliprogers6857
      @philliprogers6857 6 місяців тому

      Praise the Lord and we love you!

  • @theadventuresofollyaj8263
    @theadventuresofollyaj8263 3 роки тому +16

    Mike, if you can, please tell UA-cam not to put sexually themed ads like “The Desire System” I just had to watch on your channel!! Are they serious?! What a great way for evil to sneak in front of your viewers and tempt to undermine at the core the amazing work you do!

    • @ThePlantoparadise
      @ThePlantoparadise 3 роки тому +7

      Those ads are based off of the things you're viewing online...

    • @theadventuresofollyaj8263
      @theadventuresofollyaj8263 3 роки тому +5

      The implication with your comment there is that this is the kind of stuff I’m watching somewhere else, if I’m understanding what you’re not saying correctly? The reality is that isn’t the case for us, which is why I’m so upset at it being thrust in my face, especially on a video I’d watch with my kids. I dare you to find a cleaner internet-usage house than ours, unless a neighbor is somehow stealing it. If it’s a random algorithm and it shows up once in a while in front of everyone, that may explain it, but that still isn’t ok. UA-cam is overstepping boundaries by putting sexually themed or other explicit ads on their videos, period. Let me know if there’s a way to turn it off, but it’s a big thumbs down for UA-cam that these ads (which would not make the cut on TV that kids could be watching) are even aired. That and horror movies (which we also watch...never ever ever), but they show up once in a while in front of a gardening video we’re watching as a family. The reality is they may say what you’re shown is based on your internet usage, and I’m sure it is as they collect data from you left and right, but sneaking these in, even one ad in 100 is not ok! If explicit and scary ads are going to be common, UA-cam needs allow us or the content creators some controls to keep sexual and horror visuals out of our and our kids’ faces. Otherwise I’m going to have to find a new platform. Mike, I may be listening straight from your website in the future. Thanks again for all you do!!

    • @ThePlantoparadise
      @ThePlantoparadise 3 роки тому +5

      @@theadventuresofollyaj8263 Try using AdBlock Plus if you are watching through the Chrome browser. It can stop ads on youtube videos altogether.
      If you're watching on Android, you can use UA-cam Vanced to watch YT without ads as well. Though installing that is a bit more technical.

    • @theadventuresofollyaj8263
      @theadventuresofollyaj8263 3 роки тому

      Nell Lyon They’re under 1st grade and have zero screen time alone. We figure it maybe could have been because of a friend visiting

    • @tiermacgirl
      @tiermacgirl 3 роки тому

      Adverts that come up while you watch a video - I am certain that youtube wants you to pay for the premium service to cut those out, and just inserts a load of nasty stuff to force you that way. Get adblock.

  • @alexmarker881
    @alexmarker881 4 роки тому +65

    ROMANS 10:4 KJV

    • @blain20_
      @blain20_ 4 роки тому +3

      end = goal, target

    • @rafaeliacsity5315
      @rafaeliacsity5315 3 роки тому +1

      @@blain20_ No. The Bible says what it means and means what it says. And when it says end, it means end.

    • @78LedHead
      @78LedHead 3 роки тому +9

      Have you guys noticed that literally EVERY OTHER system outside of Bible believing Christianity (I refuse to call it protestant) lessens Jesus in some way? Some even do it to a Satanic, mockery level. The Jesus of the Bible is never good enough in these systems. If that isn't Satan, IDK what is.

    • @patgranneman8643
      @patgranneman8643 3 роки тому +1

      @@78LedHead Who is this guy?

    • @MichaelCHorler
      @MichaelCHorler 3 роки тому +2

      @@rafaeliacsity5315You just completely ignored what the New Covenant stands for... The New Covenant does not abolish the Law, but instead writes them in our hearts and minds, and to do them out of love for Jesus. (Hebrews 10:16)
      The Law (10 Commandments) are still extremely relevant, and we do them out of love, not for salvation. And those who teach others not to do them are liars. (1 John 2:4, Matthew 5:19, 1 John 5:2-3, John 14:15, Matthew 19:16-18. Romans 3:31)
      If Christ was truly the "end" of the Law (a lot of people refer to the Ten Commandments), how come James and John and even Paul still endorse them? Besides, without the law, how could we know what sin is? It wouldn't even exist! Because sin is the "transgression of the law" (1 John 3:4).
      Remember, we don't keep the law to be saved; we are saved by grace through faith, but Commandment/Law-keeping makes that faith manifest. I'll pray for you my friend. God bless you! 🙏🏼❤️

  • @pmc2999
    @pmc2999 Рік тому +36

    I had heard sermons about why Catholicism was wrong from various pastors and theologians. But I like to hear from both sides so I listened to Catholic theologians and priests and read some books. It broke my heart the bondage that I see in the Catholic faith. The nonCatholic churches have had a problem with cults that have formed and broken away.
    But even during Paul's lifetime already wolves were moving into the church. Satan will always be seeking to break us. Pray without ceasing.

    • @dougy6237
      @dougy6237 Рік тому +10

      You clearly do not know what the Catholic Church ACTUALLY teaches, but rather you dislike what you THINKS it teaches. The early Church Fathers reject your assertions about the meaning of Sacred Scripture. These men either knew an apostle or some one who did. They literally lived and breathed Sacred Scripture, and they were Catholic on every point of doctrine. I recommend to you the site 'Catholic Answers". Type in the search bar "what the early church believed". Peace be with your spirit.

    • @pmc2999
      @pmc2999 Рік тому +6

      @@dougy6237 Catholic Answers was one of the sites I listened too. I have also listened a lot to Fr. Chris Alar. He's an excellent preacher and I believe he was quite clear about what Catholics believe. Also I did not make any specific assertions about the meaning of the Bible.
      I am grateful for the church I grew up in and the love I was given for the God who rescued me. May we all be open to the witness of the Holy Spirit. John 25:26

    • @justicereborn8296
      @justicereborn8296 Рік тому

      ​@dougy6237 explain in the Bible where babies are baptized? Or who man made up purgatory? Oh yes your great founding " Fathers " or with the big fat cathedrals with Mary mother Jesus face imprinted on the walls and idol figured everywhere in the churches. I pray that your eyes would open. Imagine not knowing you had a direct line to God and asking priests to forgive your sins which means you haven't actually asked God to forgive your sins at all directly. Sigh....nothing but a cult! Woe to Catholism for they have their own books, cults, practices that are unblibical! Also, go read about how false the rosary is! Shame on you false believers!

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 11 місяців тому +1

      --The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13
      --The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 24:36-41

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 11 місяців тому +1

      @@dougy6237 quote---You clearly do not know what the Catholic Church ACTUALLY teaches, but rather you dislike what you THINKS it teaches--unquote
      Nope--IT DOES TEACH: Sunday is a Holy Day of Worship----
      --The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11
      --The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13
      --The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13, Matthew 24:36-41
      About the catholic church: Change the Sabbath"
      Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her,- she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."- "A Doctrinal Catechism," by Rev. Stephen Keenan, page 174.
      "The Catholic Church of its own infallible authority created Sunday a holy day to take the place of the Sabbath of the old law."- Kansas City Catholic, Feb. 9, 1893.
      "The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."- Catholic Mirror, official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893.
      "Ques.- Which is the Sabbath day?
      "Ans.- Saturday is the Sabbath day.
      "Ques.- Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
      "Ans.- We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A. D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday ."- "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R.., page 50, third edition, 1913, a work which received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, Jan. 25, 1910.
      What was done at the Council of Laodicea was but one of the steps by which the change or the Sabbath was effected. The date usually given for this council is 364 A. D.

  • @sophrapsune
    @sophrapsune Рік тому +4

    This is interesting, but isn’t so useful without engaging a Catholic theologian to articulate why each of these doctrines exists or (perhaps) how they’ve been misinterpreted.