@@regularman5914 bro I never heard any chechen saying such things except ramzan kadyrov when he did a speech about arabs, but what else did you expect from the dog of vladimir putin. The real chechens still remember the arab brothers that came to help in the war against russia and we are closer to you than other chechens like kadyrov who sold themselves to the enemies
The Ingush, on the contrary, are even bolder, because in the 19th century they made the best fighters in Russia afraid,Also, a war could start between Ingushetia and Russia, the Ingush are a proud people, they cannot allow them to run away, like the Ossetians, and start sucking up to Russia, like Kadyrov and Ossetia, the Ingush called for 2000 Nfighters But they were still ready to fight
ingushetia is chechenya, you see that through out history, one people. only russia divided us, and maniupulated ingush to think that they are they own people @@Муса-ш4х
If anyone happened to live in the northern Caucasus, in the Terek region, he probably heard that near the city of Vladikavkaz, in the upper part of the river basin. Sunzhi, there lives a small tribe called Ingush*; they are also known under the name of Nazran people. * (Note): Located in the southeast of the city of Vladikavkaz and close behind it, the Tara Valley is known among the Ingush under the name “Angusht”. Since, due to its geographical location, the Tara Valley, or Angusht, served as the only convenient flat place for settlers from the mountains, there is no doubt that these settlers, the ancestors of the real Ingush, received their name from the said valley. Often, even having traveled only once through the territory occupied by the Ingush, one has to remember them for a long time: their desperately thieving nature, at every opportunity, will make itself felt, and this is what the Ingush especially have become notorious for. The very word “Ingush”, among the surrounding residents, has been accepted as a common noun, expressing the entire sum of a person’s negative moral qualities. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE CAUCASIAN HIGHLIGHTERS, vol. 9, Tiflis, 1876, pp. 1-3
@Oberster Wolf Hem türkler işgal edip yok etmez bak suriyede ne yaptığımızı halka yardım ediyoruz.Sen çok osmanlı hikayesi dinlemişşin.Git biraz araştır.Hem bi işgal eden heryeri yokeden bir ülke olsaydın viyana bizim olurdu viyanaya biz hiçbiryere zarar vermeye çalışmadan 2 kez almayı denedik ama alamadık KIÇINIZDAN BİLGİ UYDURMAYIN BOŞ YAPMAYIN YETERRRR.
Спасибо за создание видео по истории моей Родины. Я знаю, что создатель этого видео не может этого понять или даже увидеть, но по крайней мере некоторые могут понять и увидеть этот комментарий
@Oberster Wolf rus-çerkes savaşı sırasında çerkesler rus kamplarından veya konvoylarından at çalarak hem cesaretlerini gösterir hemde rus ordusunun mobilitesini azaltırlardı. Sonradan bu gelenekselleşmiş ve at çalıp getirmeyene kız vermezlermiş. Anadoluda ise bu olay abartılıp süslenerek Çerkesler at hırsızıdır diye bir damga vurulmuş. Dalga geçilcek bir durum yok evet at hırsızıyız
@@AlghiGadisKecilJakartanGypsy 1-Dönemiyoruz, Rusya olağanüstü engeller koyuyor. 2-Maalesef oraya dönsek de şartlar çok iyi değil. Burada neredeyse 160 yıldır varız, rahatız, özgürüz ancak hakkımız olan topraklar için ne olursa olsun can atıyoruz.
Ruslar olmasa şu anda siz Çerkesler, Çeçenler, Yakutlar, Tuvalılar ve daha nice halk bağımsız olacaktı. Moğolistan ve Ukrayna gibi devletlerde siyasi birliğini sağlayacaktı.
@Oberster Wolf saf kan bir halk kalmadı senin büyük dedelerinden birinin Çerkes olmadığı ne malum? Yani kısaca Nazizim ve Faşizm ideolojileri bir işe yaramaz.
1901 Scottish Geographical Magazine pp. 570-572: "The Ingoush are considered very ancient inhabitants of the Caucasus; but their origin is lost in obscure and even contradictory traditions. They have long been supposed to be identical with the Tchetchen - an error which has recently been disproved by anthropological inquiries, which have shown that they are a distinct ethnical group of men ... The complexion of the Ingoush is swarthy; he is tall and slight in form; restless, always on the alert, inquisitive, dexterous, and usually highly intelligent ... In every respect the Ingoush prove to be, anthropologically, a group of men inhabiting the Caucasus, distinct from their neighbors, the Ossetians, Tchetchen, Lesghin, Kymykh, Circassian and Kabardin, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew and others."
Ты вот написать то написал но не упомянул о каких ингушах идет речь,о тех настоящих ингушах ,выходцах из трех сел ,потомках Эги или о современных ингушах которые состоят из чеченских тайпов и смеси потомков Эги ?
@@ЗелимханСамраилов-б7п не он писал о чеченцев выходцев с Дагестана которые живут на чужой земле от Дагестана до черного моря были земли Г1АЛГ1АЙ это он писал
Karabag savaşı bizim icin husranla bitdi.Bir rus gazeteci Ş.Basayeve SİZ azerbaycanlıların tarafını tutuyodunuz.Amma onlar maglup oldu. Şamil Basayev Kim demiş AZERBAYCAN maglup olmuş.Gun gelecek onlar hakları olan topraklara kavuşacaklar. BELƏ DƏ OLDU ŞAMİL BASAYEV ALLAH SƏNİ RƏHMƏT ELƏSİN
@@lukamaisuradze400 2008'de Rusya sizinle savaştı. Rus birlikleri, Çeçenler dahil tüm milletlerden oluşuyordu. Çeçenya, bir siyaset konusu olarak Gürcistan ile hiçbir zaman savaşmadı. Ancak Gürcistan, Rusya'nın hizmetçisiydi ve Rusya'nın iki yüzyıl boyunca Çeçenya'yı fethetmesine yardım etti. Gürcistan, 18. ve 19. yüzyıllar boyunca Çeçenlere karşı savaştı ve Çeçen soykırımına katıldı.
@@lukamaisuradze400 in 2008 Russia fought with you. The Russian troops included all nationalities, including Chechens. Chechnya, as a subject of politics, has never fought with Georgia. But Georgia was a servant of Russia and helped Russia to conquer Chechnya for two centuries. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, Georgia fought against the Chechens and participated in the Chechen genocide
In fact, the Principality of Simsir was much larger and was founded in 1363 and disintegrated in 1437, it also had vassals and territories from the Caspian Sea to Ossetia, mentioned in the chronicles of the battle for the Tatartup.
I Karabağ savaşı sırasında Şamil Basayev önderliğindeki çeçen güçleri kendileri gibi müslüman olan Azerbaycana yardıma gelmiş ve Şuşadan ayrılan son birliklerden olmuştur. Yaşasın Çeçen Aslanları!
Hello Kayra, The video is very cool, but there are a lot of flaws. It was possible, if desired, to make a remake about Chechnya, otherwise the detail map is simply at the highest level. I hope you read this comment. Edit: The music is well chosen by the way, I liked it :)
Chechens appeared in the Caucasus only 250 years ago in the form of a Russian project to divide the world's oldest Ingush (or Ghalghay) people into parts. Thus, Chehen is a baby tribe compared to other nations. The formation of the Chechen tribes took place in 3 stages: 1) Migration in the 16th century of some Ingush (or Ghalghay) teips to the East, where they began to be called Loamaroy or Tavlintsy in Kumyk. This place is called Ichkeria in Turkic (Vedenskaya and Nozhai-Yurt regions of modern Chechnya). 2) The migration of the Avars to the West in the 17th century and the foundation by the Avar Khan Turlov of the village of Chechen-aul (Chachan) - the capital of his Avar Khanate - south of modern Grozny. The settlement of the region by Cossacks, Kumyks, mountain Jews (tats) Avars, deserted Russian soldiers, Nogais, Georgians, Circassians. They began to be called Chachans. 3) Descent from the mountains of the Ingush-Loamara (Tavlintsy) and their mixing with the Chachans of the plane. At the same time, fugitives and criminals from all over the world are being accepted into the Chachan society following Chechen custom of “Stubina vosh”, including Russians and Cossacks, who get chechenized over time. As a result, today we have modern Chechens. Next comes the chechenization of these peoples, largely due to the promiscuity of tsarist officials and generals, who called everyone by this name indiscriminately for their own convenience. The fact is that the name "Ingush" in the 18th century has not yet taken root, and the name "G1alg1ay" is difficult to pronounce in Russian and European languages. The word "Chechen" is easy to pronounce. For this banal reason, the Russians began to call the Ingush (or Ghalghay) as Chechens. And as you know from the fable about the lion, if you call a lion a donkey for a long time, then he will eventually start sounding like a donkey. This apparently happened to the Ingush (or Ghalghay) living in Ichkeria and on the territory of modern Achkhoi-Martan, Urus-Martan, Nadterechny, Itum-Kalinsky, Shatoisky, Sharoisky, Galay-Chozhsky and Grozny regions, which are the national territories of the Ingush (or Ghalghay). And modern Chechens are thus non-purebred Ingush (or Ghalghay). In fact, these are chechenized Ingush (or Ghalghay). The Chechenization of the Ingush continues to this day through the efforts of Russia.
@@pavalex3970 Чачаны или же как их сегодня называют "чеченцы", субэтнос ингушей и аварцев, который сумел стать народом лишь благодаря русским царям и массовому смешиванию с другими народами и иноверцами. Так чеченцы смогли набрать численность, и расплодиться на ингушские и дагестанские земли. Чечня - это искусственно созданный регион, как и этноним "нахчи" который не упоминается не в одном древнем архиве. Чачаны - это закомплексованный субэтнос, который старается стать народом, но без ингушей картина никак не складывается. Известны они во всем мире лишь благодаря бойни в Ичкерии, и Кадырову (известному понтозеру земли)
Войны в Ичкерии были фейковыми, как и взрывы домов в Москве. Понятно, что люди реально погибали, причем всех национальностей. Но ситуация полностью управлялась из Москвы, с обеих сторон. Непонятной национальности Дудаев отчитывался перед Минобороны РФ. Непонятной национальности Шамиль Басаев - известный агент российских спецслужб и в этом не может быть никаких сомнений. Примерно как Шейх Мансур, про которого на Западе все пишут что он был засланным итальянцем, двойным или может даже тройным агентом. У фейковой нации фейковые герои. Когда России для решения внутриполитических проблем надо разыграть войнушку на своей территории, чеченцы как дешевые актеры массовки подыгрывают, но как только надо воевать с внешним врагом, то те же самые чеченцы, как по команде, переобуваются и из кожи вон лезут, чтобы доказать, что они самые первые пехотинцы русского царя. Нас ингушей специально депортировали вместе с чеченцами, чтобы максимально объединить ингушей и чеченцев общей бедой и размыть таким образом ингушскую идентичность. Так же во время чеченской войны беженцев специально пускали именно в Ингушетию. В итоге чеченских беженцев в Ингушетии оказалось больше чем самих ингушей. Мало кто понимает какой катастрофой это было для ингушского народа. Чеченцы как торпеда России по борьбе с ингушским народом, не в плане военном, а в плане культурно-историческом. Эти бывшие ногайцы, кумыки, казаки и русские, аварцы, черкесы и т.д. говорят почти на ингушском языке более упрощенном и адаптированном под тюркскую фонетику. В этом большая хитрость врага: подослать к тебе людей, которые говорят красивые речи на твоем языке, чтобы ввести тебя в заблуждение, усыпить. Чеченцы это проект России. На примере двух лет так называемой независимости Чечни Россия полностью дискредитировала идею свободного Кавказа. Чечня стала центром бандитизма, похищения людей. Британским специалистам, которые приехали в Чечню налаживать сотовую связь, отрезали там головы. Разве так поступают кавказцы с гостями, которые приехали с добром. ua-cam.com/video/wMURYj8F7pE/v-deo.htmlsi=XtMRy5BfFgMEq-rW ua-cam.com/video/O3e8kpPG5d4/v-deo.htmlsi=HJnmDpbkwKS8DWZr Полностью отвратили таким образом Запад от Северного Кавказа. Для этого собственно чеченцы, скрытые агенты Кремля, и нужны. Своей истории у них нет. Вся история чеченцев это сплошные фейки и воровство ингушской истории.
Çeçenya'dan kitaplar: Çeçenistan Günlüğü - Asım Güleryüz : 262 sayfa Kısa süreliğine Çeçenya'ya savaşmaya giden bir Türk başından geçen olayları kaleme alıyor. Savaşın ve yeni bir diyarda olmanın zorluklarını anlatıyor. Her Çeçen'in general olmasına şaşıran bu kardeşimiz general olmadan dönmüyor. Savaş ve Ahlak - Şamil Basayev : 112 sayfa Genel, kısa ve öz bilgiler var. İçinde adaletten, evliliğe, sabırdan, önseziye, aptallıktan, sevgiye bir çok bilgi yer almaktadır. Her yorum Kuran'dan ayetlerle desteklenmiştir. Not : Çeçen savaşı hakkında bilgi içermez. Kitap genel. Çeçenistan & Siyaset ve Gerçeklik - Zelimhan Yandarbiyev : 140 sayfa Çeçenya'yı anlatır. Çeçen cihadını İslam'da cihadı anlatır. Dünya ve savaş hakkında genel bilgi verir. Son kısımda röportajlarına yer verilmiştir. Hattab'ın Anıları - Samir Bin Salih Es-Süveylim : (Henüz okumadım) 152 sayfa Hattab gerçek adı değildir. Cihadın inceliklerini barındırdığı söylenmekte. Milyon Birinci & Cevher Dudaev'in Eşinin Anıları - Alla Dudaeva : (Henüz okumadım) 454 sayfa Çeçenya-İçkeriya Cumhuriyetinin 1. Cumhurbaşkanının eşi anılarını anlatıyor. Çeçenlerin kaç generali var? Cevher gülüyor: -Her Çeçen generaldir! İnanmazsanız gidin, bulduğunuz ilk Çeçen'e Sen general misin? diye sorun. O zaman anlarsınız. Evet, her Çeçen generaldir; ben sadece milyon birincisiyim!
Vazgeçmek, benim için bir seçenek değil. Çünkü ben bı Çeçenim ve Çeçenler asla pes etmez! Şamil basayev Çeçen tarihi yaptığın için teşekkürler kayra Atakan 🙏
@@abrek5 Oh, yes, because the seizure of a school and the murder of hundreds of children and their parents is not a terrorist activity at all. See for yourself tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_Katliamı
According to the linguist Johanna Nichols, who studied languages including Chechen and Ingush in her book "Ingush Grammar" says: "To my surprise, Ingush turned out to be the most complex language of my sample, besting even polysynthetic languages like Seneca, Lakhota, and Halkomelem. Ingush is not polysynthetic; its complexity is due to large inventories of elements (phonemes, cases, tenses, etc.), a high degree of inflectional synthesis in the verb, and classification of various types - declension and conjugation classes, agreement genders, overt inherent genders, split verbal lexicon, split alignment, etc. Perhaps this complexity explains why it has taken thirty years to produce this grammar, during most of which time the project has in fact been on or near the front burner ... Ingush and Chechen are distinct languages and not mutually intelligible, but because of widespread passive partial knowledge of standard lowlands Chechen by Ingush they function to some extent as a single speech community."[11] "Ingush is the native language of the great majority of the approximately 300,000 Ingush people, most of whom live in or near the Republic of Ingushetia on the north slope of the Great Caucasus mountain range in the South Russia ... Ingush and Chechen are distinct languages and not mutually intelligible, but because of widespread passive bilingualism they form a single speech community."
bro chechens and ingush people can speak to each other with each speaking their respective language. They are not even different languages, they are dialects. Chechnya alone has several dialects, all depending on which teip. We don't even consider our ingush brothers to be a different people, we call ourselves in our own language "Vainakh". The split happened during soviet times.
@@abukerim91 "Ingush and Chechen are distinct languages and not mutually intelligible, but because of widespread passive bilingualism they form a single speech community." this is a scientist talking. Specifically a US PhD whose specialties are Chechen and Ingush languages. This bilingualism is practiced by the Ingush not by Chechens. Thats why you understand.
@@lidiacovali5947 so you are I just asked because I like mapping channels made by people of diverse range of nationalities it's good to know that there are many talented ones from eastern Europe
Chechen are traitors of Islam and bandits. They appear in the Caucasus only 250 years ago as a mixture of other nations. They speak the dialect of most ancient Ingush (Ghalghay) nation. They live on Ingush and Avar lands that Russia gave them for their good service to Russian kuffar.
@@AL_AFGHANI1 In 1992 those better Musilms of yours lead by a mountain jew Dudaev helped kuffar to commit genocide of Ingush Muslims. In 2018 they asked help of kuffar to take over the family lands of Ingush Muslims and got what they wanted. Putin, who bombed 25% of chechens, was able to buy chechens to the point that chechens betrayed their own people for a ruble. They betrayed those 25% bombed. Etc., etc., etc...
Many mistakes. Now read Vakhushti Bagrationi and see that Ghlighvi were to the EAST from Dzurdzuk, NOT to the West. Also read Johann Anton Güldenstädt and see who and where were Kisten (Ghalghay / Ingush) and who and where were Chechen. Learn history with fairness.
Kistes didn't have a political organisation they were just the people so I didn't include them. Ghlighvi are always at the west according to old maps which I used to make this video.
@@KayraAtakanQX Thanks for your reply. Kisten (or you may call them ghlighvi and dzurdzuk, because it is all the same people) never had neither feudal lord (knyaz) , nor slaves. Kist-dzurdzuk-ghilghvi were ruled by their own elders (old people). This is why you think that they had no political organisation. And as for Dzurdzuk ethnonym it is localised to the west from Ghlighvi. Read the book of Vakhushti Bagrationi "Geography of Georgia" written in 1740s.
@@JD-vh4hl Ingush have nothing to do with Dzurdzuk, for the first time Ermolov spoke about the Ingush as a people subordinate to the Russian tsar... You were loyal to her while the real descendants of the Dzurdzuk Chechens were fighting with the Russians
@@JD-vh4hl And the Ingush shamefully wrote poems for Stalin, abandoning Islam for the sake of communism. When, again, your Chechen neighbors heroically stood up for their faith and religion... You are slaves of the Russians more than anyone😊😊😊
@@КлавеусВейл first you should read books and educate yourself. Chechens have TOTALLY NOTHING to do with Dzurdzuks. Your just read Vakhushti Bagrationi, don't make others laugh 😀 Talking about loyalty to Russia, you chechens betrayed Mansur in 18 century, imam Shamil 19 century, then abrek Zelimkhan, then Aslan Maskhadov. Chechens were bettayers the whole their history. Even now Chechnya is the Russian outpost in Caucasus and chechens fight for Russia. So don't be ridiculous with your fairy tales, you kid. While Ingush IN THEIR MAJORITY WERE NOT Muslims in 19th century during the Caucasian war. So they were not obliged to be on the side of imam Shamil. HOWEVER there are many facts that show that even though Ingush partially fought Russia. Have you heard of "mirnie chchenzi" (peaceful chechens)? The same way as there were different chechens, there were different Ingushes. The only difference is that Ingushes were not obliged to fight Russia, as they were not Muslims at that time. And you betrayed everything and everyone and went to the side of Russia.
I am Ingush. We live in Northern Caucasus and call ourself Galgai. Also known as: Colchis Gargareans Gelians Qalqans/Kalkans/ Kolkans / Calcans - Different version of Galgai in foreign languages including medieval Russian. Halka - That is how Guldenstaedt called us in his book Gligvi - Georgian version of Galgai Kisti / Kusti / Kush Dzurdzuks / Durdzuks Lamoor / Loamaro / - from Ingushian word Lom, which means Mountain Ingushians / Ingush / Eengoosh - from the name of the medieval Ghalghai village (aul) of Angusht Jeirahoi / Jerohanians - Inhabitants of Djeirah Targimhoi - Inhabitants of Targim Hamhoi / Hamechi - Inhabitants of Hamhi Aegians - Inhabitants of Aegi-kala Fyappiy Mishkish / Mushki / Michigiz / Mychykysh - even today the neighboring Kabardians call us Mishkish. And many other names. We are real Caucasians not like many other people living in Caucasus now who migrated here recently. We have mountain village called Djeirah, which might be somehow related to ancient Jericho. Our main DNA Haplogroup is J2a (about 80% of the population). Just as Arabs and Jews. I personally believe that Arabs and Jews are coming from us through Ibrahim as. We are the people of towers just like ancient Chaldeans. Even today the swastika is our national symbol and a part of the official Ingushian Republic flag. Interesting thing is that in our ancient Ingush language we have a word “Charh” for the wheel. Please do not call us Chechens. We are not Chechens and we never called ourself Chechens. It is Russia who tries to wipe out an ancient history of Galgai people and replace our real ethnonyms by faked ones like Chechens or Vainahs.
Ты че с дубу рухнул ?? Вас никто и никогда не называл чеченцами, по крайней мере, люди которые в курсе о происхождении народов Кавказа! Вы - ингуши потомки татов и халдеев, к которым чеченцы будучи автохтонным народом Кавказа, не имеет никакого отношения.
Выражение «чистокровный американец» не имеет смысла, так как американцы - это смесь бульдога с носорогом. Выражение «чистокровный чеченец» также не имеет смысла, так как чеченцы - это смесь бульдога с носорогом. Вопросы есть? Вопросов нету.
@@Irs_2002 Этого быть не может, так как чачаны появились на Кавказе всего 250 лет назад. Это искусственно созданный царём народ, чтобы разделить на части Древнейший в мире Ингушский народ.
Сам себе задал вопрос сам себе и ответил. Типичное ингуськие сказки. Самые настоящие полукровки на Кавказе-это вы ингуси. Вас половина Кавказа собирал, осетины,кабардинцы,ногайцы,казаки и армяне. Вы потомки армяна Эги😂😂
الشيشان هم أقدم الناس في القوقاز أول ذكر للشيشان هو نوخشي من القرن 7 من الدولة الشيشانية أوراراتو دزورزوكيتيا سيمسيم الشيشان الصغيرة جبل جمهورية إشكيريا العدد في الوقت الراهن هو 2 أو 3 مليون شخص قاتلوا دائما الكثير من الأشياء المفقودة !
Ты прав, но сегодня многие пришельцы с помощью коррупции и лживых исследователей переписывают историю к себе, а что самое интересное двух дневный бой против кого-либо описывают как битву😂
Почему на обложке нет Ингушского флага, а другие есть??? Вроде об Ингушетии тоже идет речь в этом ролике!!! Везде дискриминация в отношении Ингушей и во всем прослеживаются злые происки наших врагов...
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@@cnarozkilimci9331 gelmez
@@KayraAtakanQX abi beni attılar sunucudan
I love Chechenya, Ingushia and all Caucasian peoples from Circassia
@Kartvelian nationalist i love georgia too
Caucasus unite
i love chechnya and ingushetia from Georgia🇬🇪
We also love our Georgian brothers!🇬🇪 with love from Chechnya
I like Georgia too, very rich history
The same from ingushetia brother
Мы вас тоже бро
Love Chechnya and ingushia from georgia 🇬🇪❤️
Salam to my Ingush and Chechen brothers from Georgia ☝️Caucasus Unite!
Forever brothers👍
Salam to my Georgian brothers (from Ingushetia)
If this does not happen then the Caucasus will not live
I love Chechnya from Yemen 💐💐💐
قلت لي منبطح ها ؟؟؟
@مسلم عربي
في فيديو يتكلم عن تتار القرم على نفس القناة كتبت تعليق أنني احب تتار القرم
فدخل وعلق عندي" يا منبطح"
@مسلم عربي
Thx bro im chechen I like Yemen too
@@regularman5914 bro I never heard any chechen saying such things except ramzan kadyrov when he did a speech about arabs, but what else did you expect from the dog of vladimir putin.
The real chechens still remember the arab brothers that came to help in the war against russia and we are closer to you than other chechens like kadyrov who sold themselves to the enemies
Çeçenlere çok saygı duyuyorum çok cesur bir ulus gerçekten Allah yardımcıları olsun Çeçen kültürünü ve dilini korumaya çalışanlara
Thanks. ❤from Chechnya
The Ingush, on the contrary, are even bolder, because in the 19th century they made the best fighters in Russia afraid,Also, a war could start between Ingushetia and Russia, the Ingush are a proud people, they cannot allow them to run away, like the Ossetians, and start sucking up to Russia, like Kadyrov and Ossetia, the Ingush called for 2000 Nfighters But they were still ready to fight
@@Voevod_pervii ингуши фантасты Кавказа никогда не воевали за свободу и независимость
@@Voevod_pervii сразу видно, что комментатор из ингушетии))
@@AVibnR ну да;)
Love Chechnya and Ingustia from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️
ingushetia is chechenya, you see that through out history, one people. only russia divided us, and maniupulated ingush to think that they are they own people
If anyone happened to live in the northern Caucasus, in the Terek region, he probably heard that near the city of Vladikavkaz, in the upper part of the river basin.
Sunzhi, there lives a small tribe called Ingush*;
they are also known under the name of Nazran people.
* (Note): Located in the southeast of the city of Vladikavkaz and close behind it, the Tara Valley is known among the Ingush under the name “Angusht”.
Since, due to its geographical location, the Tara Valley, or Angusht, served as the only convenient flat place for settlers from the mountains, there is no doubt that these settlers, the ancestors of the real Ingush, received their name from the said valley.
Often, even having traveled only once through the territory occupied by the Ingush, one has to remember them for a long time: their desperately thieving nature, at every opportunity, will make itself felt, and this is what the Ingush especially have become notorious for.
The very word “Ingush”, among the surrounding residents, has been accepted as a common noun, expressing the entire sum of a person’s negative moral qualities.
9, Tiflis, 1876, pp. 1-3
Love Chechenya from Brazil
Thank u😁❤. Lots of love for Brazil!
Çeçenler kişi adamlardılar. Bakıdan Çeçen elinə salamlar💚
@Alternatif Mapping Kıbrıstan bütün türklere selam
Kayra atakanın discord sunucusuna katilmayı unutmayın link sabitlenmiş yorumda
@Oberster Wolf seni döver
@Oberster Wolf sever yok etmek sen
@Oberster Wolf Hem türkler işgal edip yok etmez bak suriyede ne yaptığımızı halka yardım ediyoruz.Sen çok osmanlı hikayesi dinlemişşin.Git biraz araştır.Hem bi işgal eden heryeri yokeden bir ülke olsaydın viyana bizim olurdu viyanaya biz hiçbiryere zarar vermeye çalışmadan 2 kez almayı denedik ama alamadık KIÇINIZDAN BİLGİ UYDURMAYIN BOŞ YAPMAYIN YETERRRR.
4:34 yok daha neler hazar denizindeki körfez gibi bir bölüm var oranın kurumasını bile yapmışsın bravo valla
Çerkeslerden Çeçen-İnguş kardeşlerime selamlar kafkasların asil çocukları💚Адыгэ уей уей,Нохчи уей уей💚
Çeçenler savaşçı ve cesur halkdır video harika olmuş Qırım Xanı
@Oberster Wolf sensin yalan
@@adammanpro5735 yo
@@ChanyuKun ne yoooo
@@adammanpro5735 yalan değil
Çeçenler cesur 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
I am Ingush from Kazakhstan 👋👋👋
Love Ingush brothers from georgia🇬🇪
this is very good brother, I am a Chechen, I will convey your words to our common Ingush brothers, or rather, I have several friends of the Ingush
Bir Çerkes olarak tüm Çeçen halkını saygıyla selamlıyorum. Ortak bir sürü noktamız var bunu tüm Çeçen ve Çerkesler bilirler. Dostluğumuz daim olsun .
Aynen sigosh Çeçen ve Çerkesler kardeştir💚❤
Gün gelicek tüm Türk devletleri ve Kafkas Milletleri bağımsız olucak.
@@bugragulec4675 hepte öyle kalacak 😊
@@Хьэдзыгъуэфарук inşAllah
çeçen ve çerkesler türktür selam olsun
Hello to Chechnya from Ukraine! 🇺🇦
А я думал ты русский кста прикинь первей не турецкий коммент после твоего
Ооо, привет дудл
Hello🇺🇦 from chechen
Ооо, Дудл, ты тоже тут. Кстати, я и есть Ингуш и если тут нет Чечен, то я как их брат, тоже их представляю
Спасибо за создание видео по истории моей Родины. Я знаю, что создатель этого видео не может этого понять или даже увидеть, но по крайней мере некоторые могут понять и увидеть этот комментарий
Çok yaşa Ingushetia!!!
Adige Diaspora'sından Çeçen-İnguş Kardeşlerimize selamlar.
Greetings to our Chechen-Inghus siblings from Adige Diaspora.
Kayra atakanın discord sunucusuna katilmayı unutmayın link sabitlenmiş yorumda
@Oberster Wolf rus-çerkes savaşı sırasında çerkesler rus kamplarından veya konvoylarından at çalarak hem cesaretlerini gösterir hemde rus ordusunun mobilitesini azaltırlardı. Sonradan bu gelenekselleşmiş ve at çalıp getirmeyene kız vermezlermiş. Anadoluda ise bu olay abartılıp süslenerek Çerkesler at hırsızıdır diye bir damga vurulmuş. Dalga geçilcek bir durum yok evet at hırsızıyız
@Oberster Wolf SG
@@alperencircassian1864 neden dönmüyorsunuz anavatanınıza?
@@AlghiGadisKecilJakartanGypsy 1-Dönemiyoruz, Rusya olağanüstü engeller koyuyor.
2-Maalesef oraya dönsek de şartlar çok iyi değil. Burada neredeyse 160 yıldır varız, rahatız, özgürüz ancak hakkımız olan topraklar için ne olursa olsun can atıyoruz.
Öğretmen:Dünya tarihini nasıl öğrendin?
Ben:Bütün Kayra Atakan videolarini seyrederek :)
Aynen öyle
aynen hahahaha
Çok güzel gene Kafkasya da bağımsız olması gereken bı halk çerkesler gibi 🤧
Ruslar olmasa şu anda siz Çerkesler, Çeçenler, Yakutlar, Tuvalılar ve daha nice halk bağımsız olacaktı. Moğolistan ve Ukrayna gibi devletlerde siyasi birliğini sağlayacaktı.
Türklerden Çerkeslere sevgiler.
@@cnarozkilimci9331 eyw kardeşim haklısın sağol
@@cerkesanimations2762 knk nbr
@Oberster Wolf saf kan bir halk kalmadı senin büyük dedelerinden birinin Çerkes olmadığı ne malum? Yani kısaca Nazizim ve Faşizm ideolojileri bir işe yaramaz.
Первый человек который сделал историю чечни/ингушетии:) спасибо тебе
с ошибками. Глигви в 1303 году, да и Симсир отдельно от Дзурдзукетии написал.
А это названия одного государства у разных народов (тюрков и грузин)
в 1303 году глигви еще не существовали. Они впервые указаны у Вахушти Багратиони в 1745 году.
@@DishniynAzamat "нохчи" тем более нет,а чеченцы появились позднее чем даже глигви
@@llingushrepublik202 Приведи данные что наш общий этноним нахчий моложе чем племенное название г1алг1ай.
@Ingush kist Приведи данные ранее 1745 года, чтоб в грузинских источниках упоминались глигви.
İşte beklediğimiz video!
Nice, I have Chechen friend, I will share it to him 👌👍.
make a video about Dagistan plz
@Kartvelian nationalist I am circassian
1901 Scottish Geographical Magazine pp. 570-572: "The Ingoush are considered very ancient inhabitants of the Caucasus; but their origin is lost in obscure and even contradictory traditions. They have long been supposed to be identical with the Tchetchen - an error which has recently been disproved by anthropological inquiries, which have shown that they are a distinct ethnical group of men ... The complexion of the Ingoush is swarthy; he is tall and slight in form; restless, always on the alert, inquisitive, dexterous, and usually highly intelligent ... In every respect the Ingoush prove to be, anthropologically, a group of men inhabiting the Caucasus, distinct from their neighbors, the Ossetians, Tchetchen, Lesghin, Kymykh, Circassian and Kabardin, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew and others."
Ты вот написать то написал но не упомянул о каких ингушах идет речь,о тех настоящих ингушах ,выходцах из трех сел ,потомках Эги или о современных ингушах которые состоят из чеченских тайпов и смеси потомков Эги ?
@@ЗелимханСамраилов-б7п Я тебе точно скажу оставь свои координаты.
@@ЗелимханСамраилов-б7п не он писал о чеченцев выходцев с Дагестана которые живут на чужой земле от Дагестана до черного моря были земли Г1АЛГ1АЙ это он писал
Her zamanki gibi mükemmel video
Karabag savaşı bizim icin husranla bitdi.Bir rus gazeteci Ş.Basayeve
SİZ azerbaycanlıların tarafını tutuyodunuz.Amma onlar maglup oldu.
Şamil Basayev
Kim demiş AZERBAYCAN maglup olmuş.Gun gelecek onlar hakları olan topraklara kavuşacaklar.
Çok zeki imandan dolayı. Şiirlerini bile er meydanında arkadaşları şehit olurken yazdı büyük kişi.
hemen koşup geldim uzun zamandır bekliyordum böyle tarz bir video :d
ulan videoyu izlemeden çok güzel diyosun :p
@Bayer Animasyon bekliyordum böyle tarz video diyor
@@darklordanimator459 bekliyordum derken Her yıl bi tarih bekliyordum diyorum kafanmı iyi
@@Liondyas dc gel
Ingushetia❤️🇬🇪 love from Georgia
@Lambel Chustarov Checnyans have fought against us several times but not Ingushs ❤️
@Lambel Chustarov but Chechnya still deserves its independence and fairness
@Lambel Chustarov 1991 and 2008 chechens were paid fighters against us in both wars.
@@lukamaisuradze400 2008'de Rusya sizinle savaştı. Rus birlikleri, Çeçenler dahil tüm milletlerden oluşuyordu. Çeçenya, bir siyaset konusu olarak Gürcistan ile hiçbir zaman savaşmadı. Ancak Gürcistan, Rusya'nın hizmetçisiydi ve Rusya'nın iki yüzyıl boyunca Çeçenya'yı fethetmesine yardım etti. Gürcistan, 18. ve 19. yüzyıllar boyunca Çeçenlere karşı savaştı ve Çeçen soykırımına katıldı.
@@lukamaisuradze400 in 2008 Russia fought with you. The Russian troops included all nationalities, including Chechens. Chechnya, as a subject of politics, has never fought with Georgia. But Georgia was a servant of Russia and helped Russia to conquer Chechnya for two centuries. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, Georgia fought against the Chechens and participated in the Chechen genocide
Как чеченец, приветствую всех наших чеченских, черкесских и турецких братьев
Yine Kaliteli bir video :)
Salam alaykum
Finally, a new video. I waited him with impatience brother !
@Oberster Wolf Boş yapma
@Oberster Wolf speak in English please so that I can answer you if you attack me.
yine her zamanki gibi efsane bir video.
In fact, the Principality of Simsir was much larger and was founded in 1363 and disintegrated in 1437, it also had vassals and territories from the Caspian Sea to Ossetia, mentioned in the chronicles of the battle for the Tatartup.
Non elle à était créé en 1362-1430 Source amin tasaev
Simsir never reached the sea, better prove these words🤡
Reyiz yine çok güzel ve kaliteli bir video olmuş eline sağlık👍
Bats people in Georgia are related with Chechens and Ingush too(Nakh peoples). And there are Chechens-Kists in Georgia.
They are kists
@@Qalxarvännar нахские народы (Nakh) - это собирательное название для чеченцев, ингушей и бацбийцев.
If you deny that ingosh are not one of Nahk tribe then you're neither ingosh nor chechen,,you probably a racist or an E-FLY
I Karabağ savaşı sırasında Şamil Basayev önderliğindeki çeçen güçleri kendileri gibi müslüman olan Azerbaycana yardıma gelmiş ve Şuşadan ayrılan son birliklerden olmuştur. Yaşasın Çeçen Aslanları!
Başayev dedi ki Ermeniler siktiler onu
Sonda etiraf etdiniz :)
Great Job Bro! I'm waiting for your new video's.
Her zamanki gibi harika!
@@Crxyzen :D
@@Crxyzen :D
Yine çok güzel ve kaliteli bir video olmuş ağabey başarılarınızın devamını dilerim...
Selam Kayra kardeş ırkımın tarihi hakkında ayrıntılı bir video yaptığın için teşekkür ederim.
Ellerine sağlık Güzel olmuş.
Emek verdiğin belli oluyoe
Kardeşim Kipçak Türklerinin Tarihini yapar misin ? 😊
Кипчаки это нагайцы тюрки это турки туроко язычные конкретно о каком тебе надо
Merak ettiğim bir konuydu teşekkürler. Harika her zamanki gibi 👍
Love Chechnya, from an Ossetian.
Ossetia is Georgia
Байрай , стыр бузныг мæ ираттæ хæлар )
@@salafimujahid Um, not really... Ossetia is it's own place.
@DA-DA-BATORANO-KOR Did that meant as disrespectful comment or, just misspelling?
öfff renkler çok özenle seçilmiş reis. Gerçekten çok hoş
Never seen such a wrong video
Love to my Vainakhs from Georgia
🇬🇪♥️ Forever
Her zamanki gibi mükemmel bir video!!!
Hello Kayra, The video is very cool, but there are a lot of flaws. It was possible, if desired, to make a remake about Chechnya, otherwise the detail map is simply at the highest level. I hope you read this comment.
Edit: The music is well chosen by the way, I liked it :)
Bende bu videoyu bekliyordum eline sağlık.
Ассаламу Алейкум храбрым и мужественым Вайнахам от черкеса с Кабарды)
Ва Алейкум Ассалам братья Адыги Карачай Балкары (ЧЕРСИ) и все Кавказцы
Chechens appeared in the Caucasus only 250 years ago in the form of a Russian project to divide the world's oldest Ingush (or Ghalghay) people into parts. Thus, Chehen is a baby tribe compared to other nations.
The formation of the Chechen tribes took place in 3 stages:
1) Migration in the 16th century of some Ingush (or Ghalghay) teips to the East, where they began to be called Loamaroy or Tavlintsy in Kumyk. This place is called Ichkeria in Turkic (Vedenskaya and Nozhai-Yurt regions of modern Chechnya).
2) The migration of the Avars to the West in the 17th century and the foundation by the Avar Khan Turlov of the village of Chechen-aul (Chachan) - the capital of his Avar Khanate - south of modern Grozny. The settlement of the region by Cossacks, Kumyks, mountain Jews (tats) Avars, deserted Russian soldiers, Nogais, Georgians, Circassians. They began to be called Chachans.
3) Descent from the mountains of the Ingush-Loamara (Tavlintsy) and their mixing with the Chachans of the plane. At the same time, fugitives and criminals from all over the world are being accepted into the Chachan society following Chechen custom of “Stubina vosh”, including Russians and Cossacks, who get chechenized over time. As a result, today we have modern Chechens.
Next comes the chechenization of these peoples, largely due to the promiscuity of tsarist officials and generals, who called everyone by this name indiscriminately for their own convenience. The fact is that the name "Ingush" in the 18th century has not yet taken root, and the name "G1alg1ay" is difficult to pronounce in Russian and European languages. The word "Chechen" is easy to pronounce. For this banal reason, the Russians began to call the Ingush (or Ghalghay) as Chechens. And as you know from the fable about the lion, if you call a lion a donkey for a long time, then he will eventually start sounding like a donkey. This apparently happened to the Ingush (or Ghalghay) living in Ichkeria and on the territory of modern Achkhoi-Martan, Urus-Martan, Nadterechny, Itum-Kalinsky, Shatoisky, Sharoisky, Galay-Chozhsky and Grozny regions, which are the national territories of the Ingush (or Ghalghay). And modern Chechens are thus non-purebred Ingush (or Ghalghay). In fact, these are chechenized Ingush (or Ghalghay). The Chechenization of the Ingush continues to this day through the efforts of Russia.
Унижая нас ты унижаеш себя
@@БекбулатМусанипов Сходи на чечен войс, а потом вернись и попроси у меня прошения
@@ii4946😂😂😂 да люди с тобой ржут, закомплексованный ниргуш
Чачаны или же как их сегодня называют "чеченцы", субэтнос ингушей и аварцев, который сумел стать народом лишь благодаря русским царям и массовому смешиванию с другими народами и иноверцами. Так чеченцы смогли набрать численность, и расплодиться на ингушские и дагестанские земли.
Чечня - это искусственно созданный регион, как и этноним "нахчи" который не упоминается не в одном древнем архиве.
Чачаны - это закомплексованный субэтнос, который старается стать народом, но без ингушей картина никак не складывается.
Известны они во всем мире лишь благодаря бойни в Ичкерии, и Кадырову (известному понтозеру земли)
Войны в Ичкерии были фейковыми, как и взрывы домов в Москве. Понятно, что люди реально погибали, причем всех национальностей. Но ситуация полностью управлялась из Москвы, с обеих сторон.
Непонятной национальности Дудаев отчитывался перед Минобороны РФ.
Непонятной национальности Шамиль Басаев - известный агент российских спецслужб и в этом не может быть никаких сомнений.
Примерно как Шейх Мансур, про которого на Западе все пишут что он был засланным итальянцем, двойным или может даже тройным агентом.
У фейковой нации фейковые герои.
Когда России для решения внутриполитических проблем надо разыграть войнушку на своей территории, чеченцы как дешевые актеры массовки подыгрывают, но как только надо воевать с внешним врагом, то те же самые чеченцы, как по команде, переобуваются и из кожи вон лезут, чтобы доказать, что они самые первые пехотинцы русского царя.
Нас ингушей специально депортировали вместе с чеченцами, чтобы максимально объединить ингушей и чеченцев общей бедой и размыть таким образом ингушскую идентичность.
Так же во время чеченской войны беженцев специально пускали именно в Ингушетию. В итоге чеченских беженцев в Ингушетии оказалось больше чем самих ингушей. Мало кто понимает какой катастрофой это было для ингушского народа.
Чеченцы как торпеда России по борьбе с ингушским народом, не в плане военном, а в плане культурно-историческом.
Эти бывшие ногайцы, кумыки, казаки и русские, аварцы, черкесы и т.д. говорят почти на ингушском языке более упрощенном и адаптированном под тюркскую фонетику. В этом большая хитрость врага: подослать к тебе людей, которые говорят красивые речи на твоем языке, чтобы ввести тебя в заблуждение, усыпить.
Чеченцы это проект России.
На примере двух лет так называемой независимости Чечни Россия полностью дискредитировала идею свободного Кавказа. Чечня стала центром бандитизма, похищения людей. Британским специалистам, которые приехали в Чечню налаживать сотовую связь, отрезали там головы. Разве так поступают кавказцы с гостями, которые приехали с добром.
Полностью отвратили таким образом Запад от Северного Кавказа. Для этого собственно чеченцы, скрытые агенты Кремля, и нужны. Своей истории у них нет. Вся история чеченцев это сплошные фейки и воровство ингушской истории.
Çeçenya'dan kitaplar:
Çeçenistan Günlüğü
- Asım Güleryüz : 262 sayfa
Kısa süreliğine Çeçenya'ya savaşmaya giden bir Türk başından geçen olayları kaleme alıyor. Savaşın ve yeni bir diyarda olmanın zorluklarını anlatıyor. Her Çeçen'in general olmasına şaşıran bu kardeşimiz general olmadan dönmüyor.
Savaş ve Ahlak - Şamil Basayev : 112 sayfa
Genel, kısa ve öz bilgiler var. İçinde adaletten, evliliğe, sabırdan, önseziye, aptallıktan, sevgiye bir çok bilgi yer almaktadır. Her yorum Kuran'dan ayetlerle desteklenmiştir. Not : Çeçen savaşı hakkında bilgi içermez. Kitap genel.
& Siyaset ve Gerçeklik - Zelimhan Yandarbiyev : 140 sayfa
Çeçenya'yı anlatır. Çeçen cihadını İslam'da cihadı anlatır. Dünya ve savaş hakkında genel bilgi verir. Son kısımda röportajlarına yer verilmiştir.
Hattab'ın Anıları - Samir Bin Salih Es-Süveylim : (Henüz okumadım) 152 sayfa
Hattab gerçek adı değildir. Cihadın inceliklerini barındırdığı söylenmekte.
Milyon Birinci
& Cevher Dudaev'in Eşinin Anıları - Alla Dudaeva : (Henüz okumadım) 454 sayfa
Çeçenya-İçkeriya Cumhuriyetinin 1. Cumhurbaşkanının eşi anılarını anlatıyor.
Çeçenlerin kaç generali var?
Cevher gülüyor:
-Her Çeçen generaldir! İnanmazsanız gidin, bulduğunuz ilk Çeçen'e Sen general misin? diye sorun. O zaman anlarsınız. Evet, her Çeçen generaldir; ben sadece milyon birincisiyim!
Vazgeçmek, benim için bir seçenek değil.
Çünkü ben bı Çeçenim ve Çeçenler asla pes etmez!
Şamil basayev
Çeçen tarihi yaptığın için teşekkürler kayra Atakan 🙏
Do you really admire the terrorist quote?
@@alfredjansa2648 Shamil Basayev is not a terrorist!!!
@@abrek5 Oh, yes, because the seizure of a school and the murder of hundreds of children and their parents is not a terrorist activity at all. See for yourself tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_Katliamı
@@alfredjansa2648 did you say to me ?
Şamil basayev besladakı okulu patlatı yani bu konu yuzunden onu çok sevmem knk burada nbr
Yaşasın yeni video ❤️
Videonun yeni bir şey ögrendim M.N.R.C Osmanlıya baglı olmuş
cidden çok merak ettiğim bir konuydu çok sağol
According to the linguist Johanna Nichols, who studied languages including Chechen and Ingush in her book "Ingush Grammar" says: "To my surprise, Ingush turned out to be the most complex language of my sample, besting even polysynthetic languages like Seneca, Lakhota, and Halkomelem. Ingush is not polysynthetic; its complexity is due to large inventories of elements (phonemes, cases, tenses, etc.), a high degree of inflectional synthesis in the verb, and classification of various types - declension and conjugation classes, agreement genders, overt inherent genders, split verbal lexicon, split alignment, etc. Perhaps this complexity explains why it has taken thirty years to produce this grammar, during most of which time the project has in fact been on or near the front burner ... Ingush and Chechen are distinct languages and not mutually intelligible, but because of widespread passive partial knowledge of standard lowlands Chechen by Ingush they function to some extent as a single speech community."[11] "Ingush is the native language of the great majority of the approximately 300,000 Ingush people, most of whom live in or near the Republic of Ingushetia on the north slope of the Great Caucasus mountain range in the South Russia ... Ingush and Chechen are distinct languages and not mutually intelligible, but because of widespread passive bilingualism they form a single speech community."
bro chechens and ingush people can speak to each other with each speaking their respective language. They are not even different languages, they are dialects. Chechnya alone has several dialects, all depending on which teip. We don't even consider our ingush brothers to be a different people, we call ourselves in our own language "Vainakh". The split happened during soviet times.
Лоькху зурма бойу кхуйг1а шильт1и мит1иль ши ч1еш кхоха хьавза нира г1ог1ашка
@@abukerim91 "Ingush and Chechen are distinct languages and not mutually intelligible, but because of widespread passive bilingualism they form a single speech community." this is a scientist talking. Specifically a US PhD whose specialties are Chechen and Ingush languages. This bilingualism is practiced by the Ingush not by Chechens. Thats why you understand.
Great work!
Kayra Atakan adamdır, gerisi yalandır
Please make a video about the history of Ossetians! I've been watching you for a long time! Thanks in advance!))
რა ისტორია გაქვთ ოსებს?
Her şey iyi gidiyor, Rusya - Kafkasya savaşını(Osetya, Çeçenistan, İnquştya, Karabağ savaşındakı rus etkisi) da yapsan iyi olur
Eline sağlık çok güzel olmuş
Привіт Чечні та Інгушетії з України!
Are you actually Ukrainian?
(Just curious)
@@salmansingh66 Well and?
@@lidiacovali5947 so you are I just asked because I like mapping channels made by people of diverse range of nationalities it's good to know that there are many talented ones from eastern Europe
@@salmansingh66 Okay btw what country are you from?
@@lidiacovali5947 everybody might see a Singh in my name but I'm actually from Pakistan
Much love to chencha people from mauritania ❤️😘
Thank you so much for your kind words, please visit us for a vacation, we have very beautiful places
Chechen are traitors of Islam and bandits. They appear in the Caucasus only 250 years ago as a mixture of other nations. They speak the dialect of most ancient Ingush (Ghalghay) nation. They live on Ingush and Avar lands that Russia gave them for their good service to Russian kuffar.
@@LuckyLuke-kj9pbthey are better Muslims then you
In 1992 those better Musilms of yours lead by a mountain jew Dudaev helped kuffar to commit genocide of Ingush Muslims. In 2018 they asked help of kuffar to take over the family lands of Ingush Muslims and got what they wanted. Putin, who bombed 25% of chechens, was able to buy chechens to the point that chechens betrayed their own people for a ruble. They betrayed those 25% bombed. Etc., etc., etc...
A silly troll 🤡 trying to demonise the Chechens by silly propaganda ..
Long live
Güzel olmuş tebrik ederim
İzmirden çeçen kardeşlerimize selamlar
can you do someday history of sicily/sicilians please?
You did it... Thank you, brother.
(Where do you know this?)
Thanks for being objective!
good illustrations!
Vidyo önerisi: artenetif babür tarihi
Chechens helped Azerbaijan in 1991-94 Karabakh war. Our hearts are with them👍🏻
Mükemmel dostum.
Enfes Kayra Atakan
Many mistakes.
Now read Vakhushti Bagrationi and see that Ghlighvi were to the EAST from Dzurdzuk, NOT to the West.
Also read Johann Anton Güldenstädt and see who and where were Kisten (Ghalghay / Ingush) and who and where were Chechen.
Learn history with fairness.
Kistes didn't have a political organisation they were just the people so I didn't include them.
Ghlighvi are always at the west according to old maps which I used to make this video.
@@KayraAtakanQX Thanks for your reply. Kisten (or you may call them ghlighvi and dzurdzuk, because it is all the same people) never had neither feudal lord (knyaz) , nor slaves. Kist-dzurdzuk-ghilghvi were ruled by their own elders (old people). This is why you think that they had no political organisation.
And as for Dzurdzuk ethnonym it is localised to the west from Ghlighvi. Read the book of Vakhushti Bagrationi "Geography of Georgia" written in 1740s.
@@JD-vh4hl Ingush have nothing to do with Dzurdzuk, for the first time Ermolov spoke about the Ingush as a people subordinate to the Russian tsar... You were loyal to her while the real descendants of the Dzurdzuk Chechens were fighting with the Russians
@@JD-vh4hl And the Ingush shamefully wrote poems for Stalin, abandoning Islam for the sake of communism. When, again, your Chechen neighbors heroically stood up for their faith and religion... You are slaves of the Russians more than anyone😊😊😊
@@КлавеусВейл first you should read books and educate yourself. Chechens have TOTALLY NOTHING to do with Dzurdzuks. Your just read Vakhushti Bagrationi, don't make others laugh 😀
Talking about loyalty to Russia, you chechens betrayed Mansur in 18 century, imam Shamil 19 century, then abrek Zelimkhan, then Aslan Maskhadov. Chechens were bettayers the whole their history. Even now Chechnya is the Russian outpost in Caucasus and chechens fight for Russia. So don't be ridiculous with your fairy tales, you kid. While Ingush IN THEIR MAJORITY WERE NOT Muslims in 19th century during the Caucasian war. So they were not obliged to be on the side of imam Shamil. HOWEVER there are many facts that show that even though Ingush partially fought Russia. Have you heard of "mirnie chchenzi" (peaceful chechens)? The same way as there were different chechens, there were different Ingushes. The only difference is that Ingushes were not obliged to fight Russia, as they were not Muslims at that time. And you betrayed everything and everyone and went to the side of Russia.
Small Russian, central asian, mongol And caucasian ethnies have Always Got me interested 🇪🇸♥️🇷🇺🇰🇿🇬🇪 And others
Hello Chechenians and Ingushians from Armenia🇦🇲
Çox gözəl baxmadan bəyəndim 🙂
I am Ingush.
We live in Northern Caucasus and call ourself Galgai. Also known as:
Qalqans/Kalkans/ Kolkans / Calcans - Different version of Galgai in foreign languages including medieval Russian.
Halka - That is how Guldenstaedt called us in his book
Gligvi - Georgian version of Galgai
Kisti / Kusti / Kush
Dzurdzuks / Durdzuks
Lamoor / Loamaro / - from Ingushian word Lom, which means Mountain
Ingushians / Ingush / Eengoosh - from the name of the medieval Ghalghai village (aul) of Angusht
Jeirahoi / Jerohanians - Inhabitants of Djeirah
Targimhoi - Inhabitants of Targim
Hamhoi / Hamechi - Inhabitants of Hamhi
Aegians - Inhabitants of Aegi-kala
Mishkish / Mushki / Michigiz / Mychykysh - even today the neighboring Kabardians call us Mishkish.
And many other names.
We are real Caucasians not like many other people living in Caucasus now who migrated here recently.
We have mountain village called Djeirah, which might be somehow related to ancient Jericho.
Our main DNA Haplogroup is J2a (about 80% of the population). Just as Arabs and Jews.
I personally believe that Arabs and Jews are coming from us through Ibrahim as.
We are the people of towers just like ancient Chaldeans.
Even today the swastika is our national symbol and a part of the official Ingushian Republic flag.
Interesting thing is that in our ancient Ingush language we have a word “Charh” for the wheel.
Please do not call us Chechens.
We are not Chechens and we never called ourself Chechens.
It is Russia who tries to wipe out an ancient history of Galgai people and replace our real ethnonyms by faked ones like Chechens or Vainahs.
Ты че с дубу рухнул ??
Вас никто и никогда не называл чеченцами, по крайней мере, люди которые в курсе о происхождении народов Кавказа! Вы - ингуши потомки татов и халдеев, к которым чеченцы будучи автохтонным народом Кавказа, не имеет никакого отношения.
@@karlteshenberk9702 Не бось скоро будут говорить обратное , ведь уже ясно стало что Шумеры оказались предки Чеченцев
Did the Caspian sea shrink right now 4:09
Салам алейкум от Черкеса, всем Вайнахам✋
Emeğine sağlık bravo
Eline sağlık, Buradan Şeyh Şamil, Şamil Basayev, Dudayev ve daha nicelerini de analım
Şeyh Şamil baba tarafdan Kumuk yani Türk
@@ChanyuKun Burda Şeyh Şamilin soyundan değil mücahitliğinden bahsediyorum
Mekanları Cennet olsun.
@@Jjdankgzxhkkv anladım
@@hyperdrve7407 amen
Baya iyi oldu video . Hazar Denizi falan kuruyor.
Love Ingushetia and Chechnya from afghanistan
Выражение «чистокровный американец» не имеет смысла, так как американцы - это смесь бульдога с носорогом.
Выражение «чистокровный чеченец» также не имеет смысла, так как чеченцы - это смесь бульдога с носорогом.
Вопросы есть? Вопросов нету.
Чечня это самый древный народ
Этого быть не может, так как чачаны появились на Кавказе всего 250 лет назад. Это искусственно созданный царём народ, чтобы разделить на части Древнейший в мире Ингушский народ.
Сам себе задал вопрос сам себе и ответил. Типичное ингуськие сказки. Самые настоящие полукровки на Кавказе-это вы ингуси. Вас половина Кавказа собирал, осетины,кабардинцы,ногайцы,казаки и армяне. Вы потомки армяна Эги😂😂
@@LuckyLuke-kj9pb Ты сказал абсолютно то что случилось с ингушами , Дельпоццо создатель Ингушей
الشيشان هم أقدم الناس في القوقاز أول ذكر للشيشان هو نوخشي من القرن 7 من الدولة الشيشانية أوراراتو دزورزوكيتيا سيمسيم الشيشان الصغيرة جبل جمهورية إشكيريا العدد في الوقت الراهن هو 2 أو 3 مليون شخص قاتلوا دائما الكثير من الأشياء المفقودة !
Ты прав, но сегодня многие пришельцы с помощью коррупции и лживых исследователей переписывают историю к себе, а что самое интересное двух дневный бой против кого-либо описывают как битву😂
why you write in arab
History of abkhazia, please
@Kartvelian nationalist genocide? Are you idiot?
@Kartvelian nationalist yeah our type Caucasian,And all other things you said are absolutely idiotic
@Kartvelian nationalist yeah cry about it
@Kartvelian nationalist and yeah, russians only helped us in 2008, not in 1992-93
look at his cartevalian video
Yine güzel bir video daha :)
Çeçenlere türkiye olarak hiç yardım etmedik :(
Çeçenlər və Azərbaycan türkləri 💪💪💪💪❤❤❤❤
Çeçenler 😍
From Bangladesh 🇧🇩 ♥️.
Kayra atakanın discord sunucusuna gelmeyi unutmayın link sabitlenmiş yorumda
Ayn × 6
Почему на обложке нет Ингушского флага, а другие есть??? Вроде об Ингушетии тоже идет речь в этом ролике!!! Везде дискриминация в отношении Ингушей и во всем прослеживаются злые происки наших врагов...
@@Qalxarvännar 😂😂😂 кубчий питам боацаж в1ал дац хьон из!вей къаман ц1и хазар кхераж чу са дац цар
потому что вы позор кавказа
Harika video🙌🙌🙌😊😊😊😊😊
سلام عليكم يا اهل الشيشان من المالديف 🇲🇻❤️ 🤍💛💚❤️
Vladikavkaz Ingushetia