pulling my old 5050 down from the attic. was my dads from the 70s, passed it onto me in the 90s, and got put up in the attic in the early 2000s. I have those same technics too. Cant wait to take my time and look it over again and put care into these old components like i did when in my teens. Glad my dad made a good choice back in his day of hifi audio. I used to love the weighted knob, made switching radio channels so easy back in the day and FUN!
@@rl7487 I had sold off many of my old classic receivers, but kept my G-series Sansui as it sounded the best. I did mod the amp for less crossover distortion as well.
I used to love the look of marantz but as i got older I appreciate the look of early to mid 70s pioneer more such as the SX-828, SX-2500, sx-1010 more. The glossy black face on pioneer sx-440 and 770 super nice I wish they had continued that look with larger receivers.
Someone just gave me a Sansui 5050; she is a widow and her late husband bought it brand new in 1976. It powers up fine and sounds terrific! Vintage equipment is terrific.
Back in the 1970s I didn't have a chance to A/B compare these classic receivers let alone buy them. I am so glad to hear them despite the passage of the decades. I turned out to be a Sui man, but it was more of an arranged marriage than a choice from playing the field.
I have the Marantz 2220b and a Sansui 5050.I can't tell you which one i love better.They both def have their own sound.I think they're both great though.You're right about those Marantz speaker connectors and on my 2220b the antenna connections are the same way.What a pain!
You will only hear the power difference if one is rated twice the power of the other, 10 watts is insignificant. Had many Marantz receivers and Sansui receivers, Sansui is a clear winner in my book with all their models. Marantz has the looks, Sansui has the sound, so if you are listening with your eyeballs, Marantz is the ticket for you!
10 watts is no big deal.The tuners in Sansui receivers are far better and I have always liked the sound of Sansui better. The one true advantage the Marantz has is the low filter.
For the last few months I have been playing my Marantz 2235b very satisfied, yesterday I switched to my Sansui Eigth deluxe again for a long time, it's like a revelation.
I have Sansui 221 with 2x15w. It drives very loud Wharfedale Diamond 11.4. And that is for average room pretty big speaker. I believe that 5050 do great job with even big speakers.
Sansui designs were borrowed. Saul Marantz had multiple patents and a superior line of products in the 70s. More Marantz components are still running. Others are landfill material now.
Well let's hope people can stick to the topic in the video. I am all for leaving the comment section open as long as people can discuss the topic in the video in a civil matter.
Goa a question I have which one of my prize possession The Marantz Model 2215 I've been looking for video and other things I may not know about it. I've had it for years a partner and I had a moving Company and I came across a lot of ol Skool stuff and this 1 piece I had to keep most of the stuff we sold at the Flea Market. Do you have or know we're to get info on the 2215 Not the b just Marantz 2215 Thank you
I had a pair of Cerwin Vega 1215 HED speakers. I ran the 1215’s on my Marantz 2238B and it sounded kind of muddy. I then try to the 1215’s on my 2220 and it sounded so much better. Of all of the Marantz receivers I’ve owned (up to a 2270) the 2238B is by far my favorite. I’ve owned 4 or 5 and I always go back to the 2238B. For the CV 1215’s the 2220 was a perfect match.
In terms of your comment on power, when it is that close, you will not notice much of a difference. A noticeable difference in power is about 3db difference and that would require doubling the power. So at a higher volume level, if either amplifier was twice the power of the other, you would just notice the difference, favoring the more powerful unit. Now I am saying a JUST noticeable difference. Most people are under the misconception that if you double the power, the amplifier is twice as loud (acoustically). Not true. To make an amplifier sound twice as loud as another you have to increase the power TEN TIMES over the other amplifier. So for example for the Sansui to sound twice as loud as the Marantz, it would have to be 300 watts over the 30. Depending on your speakers, if it could handle 300 watts...that is pretty deafening. For the home the average listener should be fine with about 40 to 70 watts and this is good for even small parties with an average size room. For larger rooms or small or inefficient speakers, going up to 100 watts is more than enough. This is why in later years, after the huge receiver wars of the late 70's, you don't see anyone making huge receivers or amplifiers for the home anymore. Even back in the day when there were a handful of receivers that reached that 300watt power figure, what speakers were you going to run them on? You would either have to have something with many drivers like the Bose 901's or a commercial speaker, which, unless they were Altecs (or similar), they usually do not sound as good for home use.
@@janath9118 Oh you're welcome. It was definitely an eye opening moment for me. If you can buy speakers with over 90db 1w/1m spl, you don't need a big amplifier. As Kevin pointed out, many of the earlier receivers of the mid 70's really had some good sound even though they put out between 10 and 20 watts per side. The circuit topology was different and they had a warmer sound. Not quite tube amp warmth, but better than a modern amp, which is usually designed for the lowest distortion possible. These older receivers are much easier to fix too.
Sansui equipments do sounds very good, I think but many of high end Sansui internal construction is very complex. I had QRX 9001 receiver and try to work on the circuit board was so complex double decked boards. This Marantz 2220 is very simply made and easy to work on, it's like 20w/ch.
Great comparo. The Sansui is right for some people and equipment, the Marantz is right for others. Marantz used very conservative methods to rate their equipment. Believe it was something like 48 hours with no overheat and minimal distortion.
Like your comments about car sub in hifi speakers,,, I tried 2 jl 10 , 4 ohms in series in a t 200 radio shack cabinets, wow. That's 4 jl wo v3 with a bright mid and tweeter, amazing. Putting these behind a marantz 2500, they move air. Great video.
Our host came touched on something very important in this video, getting pieces of equipment to work well together. Back in '02, my kg4's were hooked up to a 2220, and it sounded great, Rossi repeats my experience here. I might not have gotten the same results with a Sansui, but that doesn't mean the Sansui wouldn't have shined with different speakers!
I think Pioneer made som of th best looking models...they made more attemp in design than just being simple and safe. I prefer levers over push buttons and the blue or white illuminations. Christmas green is bleh!
Had many comparable receivers that beat Marantz for sound including my currant Sony str 6055 . They are good but are way overvalued for there looks in my opinion
In my opinion, Sansui will always be aeons ahead of Marantz, but I get it. The Marantz is still a very popular receiver. Sansui will remain in a league of its own.
I don't care for Marantz sound. Had a 2325 monster completely redone, at 125wpc meh.... Now Sansui sounds fantastic! Had many models and still have many others. At low volume they sound rich and clear, Marantz at low volume was weak and dull.
I am happy with both when it comes to performance. But the Marantz looks better. So it would tip in Marantz favor, just because it looks better and would cosmetically fit better with my other equipment that I have in rotation.
@@RossiAudio thanks for your answer! I have 7070 for couple of years, and want to make some exchange for marantz. I read a lot that 2230 is the best sounding reciever , tube like. Should I do that or it would be a mistake. Sure, the guy adds me money for my sansui. Thanks!
I have a set of D7 cerwin Vegas I absolutely love them there 4 ohms speakers rated 255 watts that's always puzzled me in a intriguing way just wondering if anyone can explain the odd wattage for me.
Be careful about the low impedance 4 ohms speakers. It means you need a matching amplifier or receiver to connect them. Most amplifiers/receivers are built to operate on 6 ohm or 8 ohm (or higher impedence value) speakers only. Yours is a special case. You got to find a 4 ohm capable amplifier/receiver to operate your 4 ohm speakers, otherwise it is bad for the former. It will run extremely hot.
@janath9118 I have them hooked up to a Macintosh 250 amplifier it has speaker connections for 2ohms 4ohms and 8ohms speakers I have mine hooked in to the 4ohms connection
Yeah you have a point there. There is a link in the heading to my ebay store,and all products are listed, except for the Sansui. It will be listed a little later.
Noticed comments turned off on the Klipsch Heresey review. Have no idea where u got your info brother. Will also tell you only about 12% of population can hear above 15.5 kHz. Need to watch Andrew Robinson and steve Guttenburgs reviews .. they are true expert reviewers.
Are the 2220 marantzs that only ones that use those shit speaker terminals? My old 2020b had those same ones but my current 2238 has these nice big awesome connectors.
It is really cool. I have 1973 Marantz 2220 that I have restored. The harder part is amplifier. Actually product and service manual are not same. So I take my best guess for that. It sound really good after I recap all but radio path.
At least one of the forums (Audiokarma, I believe) has a thread dedicated to Marantz service manual errors. I'm currently engaged (for far too long) in re-capping my 2385. The service manual does not always agree with what is on the circuit board, so I go with what values (and polarity) are mounted. For example: the service manual prescribes a 470uf cap in one place on the P850 board, but a 330uf was there. Turns out, somewhere out there was a service bulletin that called for replacement of the 470uf with 330uf. Consider replacing low value electrolytics with dry film caps from Wima, Vishay, etc. I perceived a dramatic improvement in detail and soundstage after doing this with my 2220. Sounds like your re-cap is already done, though.
@@deruebersau Yes. I'm really faster reworker. I'm trained with IPC. it sound really warming with FM radio too. Don't take word from people for it. Some newer FM are actually better, some older tuner are better. Furthermore, you are not supposed to causing a dramatic changed in the impedance of the capacitor when you're cap'd it other than already mounted. Change different capacitor only if it is not a frequently path.
LMAO you are right about that. There is hard to pick a winner from these two. They both performs well, but in different areas. Only thing that goes in Marantz favor, is the looks.
pulling my old 5050 down from the attic. was my dads from the 70s, passed it onto me in the 90s, and got put up in the attic in the early 2000s. I have those same technics too. Cant wait to take my time and look it over again and put care into these old components like i did when in my teens. Glad my dad made a good choice back in his day of hifi audio. I used to love the weighted knob, made switching radio channels so easy back in the day and FUN!
Marantz made the best looking receivers back in the day. The Sansui receivers were the best sounding of all brands for me.
Compared to the series above, yes. But not the G series Sansui's. Those look WAY better than the Marantz.
@@jukingeo yes agreed, the G series Sansui look better. And I agree with the other individual that I find sansuis to sound the best in that era
@@rl7487 I had sold off many of my old classic receivers, but kept my G-series Sansui as it sounded the best. I did mod the amp for less crossover distortion as well.
@@jukingeo that's awesome. I need to get more G series. I have the older ones
I used to love the look of marantz but as i got older I appreciate the look of early to mid 70s pioneer more such as the SX-828, SX-2500, sx-1010 more. The glossy black face on pioneer sx-440 and 770 super nice I wish they had continued that look with larger receivers.
Someone just gave me a Sansui 5050; she is a widow and her late husband bought it brand new in 1976. It powers up fine and sounds terrific! Vintage equipment is terrific.
Back in the 1970s I didn't have a chance to A/B compare these classic receivers let alone buy them. I am so glad to hear them despite the passage of the decades. I turned out to be a Sui man, but it was more of an arranged marriage than a choice from playing the field.
I have the Marantz 2220b and a Sansui 5050.I can't tell you which one i love better.They both def have their own sound.I think they're both great though.You're right about those Marantz speaker connectors and on my 2220b the antenna connections are the same way.What a pain!
You will only hear the power difference if one is rated twice the power of the other, 10 watts is insignificant. Had many Marantz receivers and Sansui receivers, Sansui is a clear winner in my book with all their models. Marantz has the looks, Sansui has the sound, so if you are listening with your eyeballs, Marantz is the ticket for you!
Still have my marantz 2022b reciever after 40 years,it still kicks ass!
Just got a 5050 on a trade. Very impressed
10 watts is no big deal.The tuners in Sansui receivers are far better and I have always liked the sound of Sansui better. The one true advantage the Marantz has is the low filter.
For the last few months I have been playing my Marantz 2235b very satisfied, yesterday I switched to my Sansui Eigth deluxe again for a long time, it's like a revelation.
I own a Sansui 5050 and a Marantz 2220b. I must be lucky.
I have Sansui 221 with 2x15w. It drives very loud Wharfedale Diamond 11.4. And that is for average room pretty big speaker. I believe that 5050 do great job with even big speakers.
Sansui designs were borrowed. Saul Marantz had multiple patents and a superior line of products in the 70s. More Marantz components are still running. Others are landfill material now.
Great video Roy. Glad to see comments are allowed.
Well let's hope people can stick to the topic in the video.
I am all for leaving the comment section open as long as people can discuss the topic in the video in a civil matter.
Sounds like you and I are having the same experiences on our channels. 😉
Goa a question I have which one of my prize possession The Marantz Model 2215 I've been looking for video and other things I may not know about it. I've had it for years a partner and I had a moving Company and I came across a lot of ol Skool stuff and this 1 piece I had to keep most of the stuff we sold at the Flea Market. Do you have or know we're to get info on the 2215 Not the b just Marantz 2215 Thank you
I had a pair of Cerwin Vega 1215 HED speakers. I ran the 1215’s on my Marantz 2238B and it sounded kind of muddy. I then try to the 1215’s on my 2220 and it sounded so much better. Of all of the Marantz receivers I’ve owned (up to a 2270) the 2238B is by far my favorite. I’ve owned 4 or 5 and I always go back to the 2238B. For the CV 1215’s the 2220 was a perfect match.
In terms of your comment on power, when it is that close, you will not notice much of a difference. A noticeable difference in power is about 3db difference and that would require doubling the power. So at a higher volume level, if either amplifier was twice the power of the other, you would just notice the difference, favoring the more powerful unit. Now I am saying a JUST noticeable difference. Most people are under the misconception that if you double the power, the amplifier is twice as loud (acoustically). Not true. To make an amplifier sound twice as loud as another you have to increase the power TEN TIMES over the other amplifier. So for example for the Sansui to sound twice as loud as the Marantz, it would have to be 300 watts over the 30. Depending on your speakers, if it could handle 300 watts...that is pretty deafening. For the home the average listener should be fine with about 40 to 70 watts and this is good for even small parties with an average size room. For larger rooms or small or inefficient speakers, going up to 100 watts is more than enough. This is why in later years, after the huge receiver wars of the late 70's, you don't see anyone making huge receivers or amplifiers for the home anymore. Even back in the day when there were a handful of receivers that reached that 300watt power figure, what speakers were you going to run them on? You would either have to have something with many drivers like the Bose 901's or a commercial speaker, which, unless they were Altecs (or similar), they usually do not sound as good for home use.
Thank you for your explanation of the power output!!
@@janath9118 Oh you're welcome. It was definitely an eye opening moment for me. If you can buy speakers with over 90db 1w/1m spl, you don't need a big amplifier. As Kevin pointed out, many of the earlier receivers of the mid 70's really had some good sound even though they put out between 10 and 20 watts per side. The circuit topology was different and they had a warmer sound. Not quite tube amp warmth, but better than a modern amp, which is usually designed for the lowest distortion possible. These older receivers are much easier to fix too.
sansui made the best looking and best sounding receivers . classy and the early units had great warm sound.
Sansui equipments do sounds very good, I think but many of high end Sansui internal construction is very complex. I had QRX 9001 receiver and try to work on the circuit board was so complex double decked boards. This Marantz 2220 is very simply made and easy to work on, it's like 20w/ch.
So glad the comment section is open! I learn a lot from sidebar.
Minh can mua con .amly san sui:G9000 DB CO KONG
Great comparo. The Sansui is right for some people and equipment, the Marantz is right for others.
Marantz used very conservative methods to rate their equipment. Believe it was something like 48 hours with no overheat and minimal distortion.
Like your comments about car sub in hifi speakers,,, I tried 2 jl 10 , 4 ohms in series in a t 200 radio shack cabinets, wow. That's 4 jl wo v3 with a bright mid and tweeter, amazing. Putting these behind a marantz 2500, they move air. Great video.
i scored a au990A... what do you think about this receiver... sounds very nice... i want to pair with a good speakers...
nahhh, that is a piece of crap. You better sell it to me :D. Now, seriously, that is a very good machine. Congrats!
@@sansuidude hahahahahaha....
@@sansuidude i really want to paired well----
@@EduardoGarcia-jx8mo you have no choice but listening to the possible speaker candidates one by one. Synergies are key in this stuff.
Own a model 2220 i hooked it up to a pair of altec model 5s and man did they sound amazing
Our host came touched on something very important in this video, getting pieces of equipment to work well together. Back in '02, my kg4's were hooked up to a 2220, and it sounded great, Rossi repeats my experience here. I might not have gotten the same results with a Sansui, but that doesn't mean the Sansui wouldn't have shined with different speakers!
I think Pioneer made som of th best looking models...they made more attemp in design than just being simple and safe. I prefer levers over push buttons and the blue or white illuminations. Christmas green is bleh!
Had many comparable receivers that beat Marantz for sound including my currant Sony str 6055 . They are good but are way overvalued for there looks in my opinion
In my opinion, Sansui will always be aeons ahead of Marantz, but I get it. The Marantz is still a very popular receiver. Sansui will remain in a league of its own.
I don't care for Marantz sound. Had a 2325 monster completely redone, at 125wpc meh.... Now Sansui sounds fantastic! Had many models and still have many others. At low volume they sound rich and clear, Marantz at low volume was weak and dull.
Yes you hut the nail on the head!
kills them all at low volume, somehow stays rich, vibrant and space filling at low volume!
Sansui 7070 vs marantz 2230 - what would you chose? Thanks!
I am happy with both when it comes to performance.
But the Marantz looks better.
So it would tip in Marantz favor, just because it looks better and would cosmetically fit better with my other equipment that I have in rotation.
@@RossiAudio thanks for your answer! I have 7070 for couple of years, and want to make some exchange for marantz. I read a lot that 2230 is the best sounding reciever , tube like. Should I do that or it would be a mistake. Sure, the guy adds me money for my sansui. Thanks!
@@avivintagestereo6005 If you have it in your budget, go for the 2300 series. It is a huge difference, but of course a little higher price also.
I have a marantz MR220 21 watts per channel an run Bose 901 series off it an man , I’m in hog heaven
I have a set of D7 cerwin Vegas I absolutely love them there 4 ohms speakers rated 255 watts that's always puzzled me in a intriguing way just wondering if anyone can explain the odd wattage for me.
Be careful about the low impedance 4 ohms speakers. It means you need a matching amplifier or receiver to connect them. Most amplifiers/receivers are built to operate on 6 ohm or 8 ohm (or higher impedence value) speakers only. Yours is a special case. You got to find a 4 ohm capable amplifier/receiver to operate your 4 ohm speakers, otherwise it is bad for the former. It will run extremely hot.
@janath9118 I have them hooked up to a Macintosh 250 amplifier it has speaker connections for 2ohms 4ohms and 8ohms speakers I have mine hooked in to the 4ohms connection
Is your house a vintage hifi store? Awesome lol
No it is an actual store in a strip mall complex, but i have on purpose decorated it to be different than most other electronic stores around.
Roy should have written the specs down and shown them at both start and end of video and your asking price with shop details. Chance to advertise. 👍
Yeah you have a point there.
There is a link in the heading to my ebay store,and all products are listed, except for the Sansui.
It will be listed a little later.
Noticed comments turned off on the Klipsch Heresey review. Have no idea where u got your info brother. Will also tell you only about 12% of population can hear above 15.5 kHz. Need to watch Andrew Robinson and steve Guttenburgs reviews .. they are true expert reviewers.
Audio quality test?????
Aja!! y cómo suena cada uno de ellos? Por qué no hacés prueba auditiva de cada uno de ellos?
and where is the battle ? by showing boxes? really ?
I don't understand the value of these. I have a Sansui 5050 I was thinking about selling...
Are the 2220 marantzs that only ones that use those shit speaker terminals? My old 2020b had those same ones but my current 2238 has these nice big awesome connectors.
I believe they used these terminals on the smaller and more cost effective models.
Macintosh had the same sh???y speaker output timers at one time different color but the same
Saul didn’t have good attorneys.
Neither one is good at hip hop. Harman Kardon takes out these two easily!
I so hate Sansui fanboys.. ;)
All that weak music yall bumps, how can you clearly test the receiver?
There is Marantz..and all the rest..Marantz is the BEST!
Any 4 sale
We have several receivers for sale.
The two in the video however, are sold a long time ago.
It is really cool. I have 1973 Marantz 2220 that I have restored. The harder part is amplifier. Actually product and service manual are not same. So I take my best guess for that. It sound really good after I recap all but radio path.
At least one of the forums (Audiokarma, I believe) has a thread dedicated to Marantz service manual errors. I'm currently engaged (for far too long) in re-capping my 2385. The service manual does not always agree with what is on the circuit board, so I go with what values (and polarity) are mounted. For example: the service manual prescribes a 470uf cap in one place on the P850 board, but a 330uf was there. Turns out, somewhere out there was a service bulletin that called for replacement of the 470uf with 330uf.
Consider replacing low value electrolytics with dry film caps from Wima, Vishay, etc. I perceived a dramatic improvement in detail and soundstage after doing this with my 2220. Sounds like your re-cap is already done, though.
@@deruebersau Yes. I'm really faster reworker. I'm trained with IPC. it sound really warming with FM radio too. Don't take word from people for it. Some newer FM are actually better, some older tuner are better. Furthermore, you are not supposed to causing a dramatic changed in the impedance of the capacitor when you're cap'd it other than already mounted. Change different capacitor only if it is not a frequently path.
Such an odd battle. Nobody wins because nobody was on 😎
LMAO you are right about that.
There is hard to pick a winner from these two.
They both performs well, but in different areas.
Only thing that goes in Marantz favor, is the looks.
only bla bla bla bla bla
Bla bla bla ....
I couldn’t see them well they were turned off, n couldn’t hear them
Hermano haz sonar los equipos, haz algo diferente al resto 👎