Generational Cognitive Decline



  • @MaureenKo1
    @MaureenKo1 2 роки тому

    Please monitor blood levels of vitamin D with your Dr. I was told to take 5,000 IU daily. I got so tired of it taking forever to raise levels, I doubled the dose. Even though levels are now just a tad over the cutoff point, my Dr made me cut back because he said higher levels can cause kidney issues without you knowing it. Btw, the dumbing down of Americans began way before this pandemic. It’s disgusting how low level aptitude is considered acceptable. Schools and parents aren’t requiring enough of their children. I know some adults that can barely read and write let alone think logically or behave ethically and morally. While I do believe it starts in the home, schools aren’t helping at all. Placating parents is not educating children. All of these ideas used to be anecdotal but frankly now statistics are backing up what we feel about our children’s and grandchildren’s educations. And further, we shouldn’t be afraid of learning from our mistakes, you’re absolutely correct. It’s not failure, it’s learning.

    • @ViviansDIYProjects
      @ViviansDIYProjects  2 роки тому

      The recommended levels need to be changed/upped. There's an expert in D that talks about this. Will try to get you the link later.