Chuckles what's funny is that there are already privacy laws on the books. If someone can prove that you are in fact "spying" and or "trespassing" etc....there are already pathways to get this handled. They are counting on "laws" preventing people with malicious intent to stop them performing malicious intent. Those people already have compromised morals and ethics, expecting them to abide by any new laws is a joke. Plus they are begging an organization who has been the most irresponsible user of drones ever, the US government, to regulate drones. An even bigger joke.
Privacy concerns? Outlaw two story houses. Outlaw binoculars. Outlaw cameras on beaches. Outlaw camera phones.
Chuckles Outlaw facebook?
Chuckles what's funny is that there are already privacy laws on the books. If someone can prove that you are in fact "spying" and or "trespassing" etc....there are already pathways to get this handled. They are counting on "laws" preventing people with malicious intent to stop them performing malicious intent. Those people already have compromised morals and ethics, expecting them to abide by any new laws is a joke. Plus they are begging an organization who has been the most irresponsible user of drones ever, the US government, to regulate drones. An even bigger joke.