What's the biggest take away you get from my discussion with Troy? I really related to learning what your staff do in their spare time. It's something I highlight in my book Cultivating Champions of CI, as what they do in their spare time informs you how your staff feel rewarded by their contributions. My book is now available on Amazon, if you want to check it out. www.amazon.ca/Cultivating-Champions-CI-Continuous-Improvement/dp/1779622880/ref=sr_1_1?crid=11EHNZ34AX3NF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Y2tNfBSlGAnOFsomye0NLaR_DUL6gUANXv5bKI2hZuWZtvCv0qh9xU2cK26HzalJDnwVX9UwkzjwvO9wFRN1LiiFpBiX6Qscu7qDEJy4OX0.DHp8D2qB9NJjEpZ1wGK3j3DwgCToJEjWdBPbmd_W9zs&dib_tag=se&keywords=cultivating+champions+of+ci&qid=1735566439&sprefix=%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-1
What's the biggest take away you get from my discussion with Troy? I really related to learning what your staff do in their spare time. It's something I highlight in my book Cultivating Champions of CI, as what they do in their spare time informs you how your staff feel rewarded by their contributions. My book is now available on Amazon, if you want to check it out.