Watching Becoming... Captain America in full on BBC iPlayer in the UK: And see Ali chat to Elizabeth Olsen for WandaVision here:
Can I just say how good of an interviewer you are. You really do your research and it shows. You can tell Chris isn’t bored by the same questions he usually gets. It’s also really entertaining to watch since he’s comfortable and you also learn new things that you haven’t really heard before. Really good job! 👏🏽
Chris seems like such a fun person to be around everyone who is his friend is so lucky. Every actor who has acted in these avengers films fit the part so well I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing the part
Right? He seems like such a cool person to hang out with haha. I mean, he’s somehow on good terms with literally all of his exes, that’s super impressive honestly
Agreed. Idk how they cast these perfect actors, you can literally see them off screen trying to actually act like their characters. Even as the Human Torch, I can see it.
@@piercekafka We shared part of the interview back in 2016 here: Back then, we only shared short interview clips, but we went back and looked at this again and thought people would be interested in seeing the rest of it.
I disagree. Just because we've never seen other actors in these roles doesn't mean they are the best. For me, Chris is to "jokery". I would love to see a more serious actor. The same with Thor, Hamsworth is not even acting anymore.
@@Hello-ut4fy I know... im def interested in the show but why they have to make one of them cap bothers me. I know it happens in the comics but its too soon. Cap n iron man need time to rest imho.
Ali’s interviewing skills are unmatched. Not only does he ask questions to the person being interviewed that allow them the liberty of interpreting it in many different ways, but he also says them in a way that captures the interest of the audience (aka us).
💋Best adult contact site💘👇 Click Here 》》 livegirls19. com 《《 Leurs états de santé respectifs les empêchent de s'approcher trop près l'un de l'autre. 在整個人類歷史上,強者, 富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市~sae和鄉村中的弱者,無力防守和貧窮成員。 然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其𝔻𝔸融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。 他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1616864712
One of the things I really like about Cap is that at his innermost core, the very heart of him, he is Good. A good person. Sometimes you watch a superhero film and leave wondering what the hero was all about. Why he did stuff, what kind of person is he really, that kind of thing. Chris Evans conveyed this sense of deep Goodness, and so many layers of "real world isn't like that" disappointment that I just can't see Cap as anyone else. As he found out what the world had become while he was frozen, you could see him adjusting his thinking about right and wrong. "We have orders - we should follow them." vs. "I'm way past asking permission."
that's why i love steve rogers so much. he's just such a good person. i think that that's the reason why some people **don't** like him - he has such a strong sense of morality and righteousness that it can be annoying at times, but i love him for it.
This is due to the Fact that he was "worthy" bevor he even got the Serum. He was a Hero bevore just without the "muscle" to show it. He is a Hero at heart.
I'm a 61 year old MARVEL fan, and I've been waiting my whole life for the technology to be just right for these films to be made. While I love alot of the castings for the characters... Chris Evans exemplifies Steve Rogers. Plays him exactly as I always hoped he'd be portrayed. Cap has been my guy since I'm 9. To Chris...... Thank you. To Ali, GREAT interview skills sir!
this is such a sweet comment!! I can’t imagine waiting so long for a movie franchise & it makes me happy to hear it lives/lived up to your longstanding expectations 😄
They were going to big a big huge bodybuilder to play Captain America 🇺🇸 at first I wanted him to play cap when I found out Evans is going to play cap I was upset at first because he was the Human torch but then later I Accepted him has Captain America 🇺🇸 when I saw the old Captain America trailers and when I saw the movie in theaters I saw all the MCU movies in theaters, Chris did a super great Job playing Cap.
@@anthonyh6070 yes!!! he got the same look and even their personalities are so similar (same mbti type), I always believe that when a talented actor play a character who has the same personality as him; he or she will most likely make a huge success!!
Chris Evans, RDJ, Hugh Jackman and Chris Hemsworth were born to do those roles. I doubt if anyone would have added much life to the roles than they did.
I love Ali Plumb as an interviewer. He genuinely engages with people, asks interesting questions and does his homework beforehand. Everyone he interviews seems to actually enjoy themselves. I’ll honestly watch one of his interviews even if I don’t know/I’m not super interested in the person he’s interviewing, he’s that good
Its because the actors are actually being interviewed via interesting, different questions rather than run-of-the-mill ones (you can tell Chris doesn't like trotting out the clichés and actually appreciates these type of interviews).
It's a pity this wasn't filmed after _Knives Out._ That's got to be one of the greatest face/heel turns an actor has ever done. All I could think about was "Language!" You know the scene I'm talking about.
Chris was doing some great work for a while now. Just watch Snowpiercer or Puncture (the movie he recommended right now). He was brilliant in Defending Jacob too.
@@brucesnow7125 Also really liked The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond. I never hear anyone talk about it but he and Bryce Dallas Howard were both great in it.
Hello my beautiful great fans , thanks for your support, happy New year to you, how are you doing, I hope everything is fine, you can write me in the hangout app with my email. Or whatsapp. +16264718199
@@notactuallyhanna I’d rather it end on a high note, I understand why RDJ and Evans will permanently hand down the Shield and Stark Shades; they were doing the same job for 10+ years.
Gotta say Marvek has nailed it for the MCU casting. I literally cannot imagine another actor playing Cap, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye etc the list goes on
When he's just being Captain America here in this interview the whole time. He's serious yet so very leader in terms of his ambiance. He's really an amazing actor though. He gave so much good portrayals for the role. Godbless you Chris Evans!
Best Datting Click 🔽 livegirls19. com 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1616864713
I love how he said "With Scarlett"!😭😭 My ChrisLett heart is shaking HAHAHA I love their relationship so much! Chris is that type of friend we all want, right? I love how he adores Scarlett haha, and also ingrid's baby Rose
The fact that Chris thinks he didn’t direct Before We Go “the right way” is the one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time.
Hello fan thanks for the likes and comments and I really want too use this opportunity too appreciate you for the support and may God bless you and your family 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Best regards ❤️❤️❤️❤️ You can add me private on my personal hangout
I really wanna appreciate you through my private UA-cam, Thank you so much for your kind comment🌹, the love has been massive from y’all my amazing fans, i hope you don’t stop watching my movies. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
2007, I remember seeing Danny Boyle's _Sunshine_ in the theater, watching Evans as the intense, grounded, self-sacrificing leader character & thinking, "THAT'S Cap". Still blows my mind that Marvel saw it too.
i fucking love chris evans bro. My goal in life is to meet him and just talk to him and get s hug bro, captain america is such a good character and he did a beyond amazing job playing him. Love this dude
Ali is one of the best interviewers. This is a common beat in the comment section, but his questions are so thoughtful. Asking about Evans recent indie work and how directing influences acting feel unique to his interviewer voice.
Team Cap always. But also whenever Chris talks about Scarlett, I mean come on. You wonder why no girl he dates seems to stick. Dude has probably been crushing for 15 years.
3:47 - Oh yes, the stealth suit is _also_ my favourite! That, followed by the Endgame Suit. But the ''Stealth Suit'' is definitely my Number 1 - Navy Blue and Silver accents? Oh yes!
You know, the funny thing is, Chris Evans plays Johnny Storm and Capt. America so well, that if he had to play both in a Marvel movie, he could totally pull it off..and even if they were both out of costume, everything about the two characters is so different, you wouldn't even have trouble keeping track of which he was playing in any given moment..
I feel like he’s got great insight and depth into his character, and has an awareness about his voice, and he uses his voice just like Cap. I also see a calmness to him. That’s what draws people to the Cap character. And it’s all thanks to Chris for bringing that character to life. Also great advice for young actors.
Let this not distract you from the fact that Chris Evans was a big part of NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE.... arguably the best teenage romcom movie out there to date 😁
It is hard to imagine someone else for the Captain America role. Chris Evans did an excellent job. It will be difficult to top him. A great responsibility for producers in the future. Captain America stands for truth, morality, courage, coherence, consistency, leadership. It would be interesting to have a R-rated movie of him managing around the current American political environment. We don't see those qualities often from politicians.
As much as I most definitely adore Emily Blunt and she is a fantastically talented actress, we really lucked out that things fell as they did for Scarlett Johansson to wind up landing the Black Widow role, not just due to her talent as well, but it's so clear that the years long friendship she and Chris Evans already had pre-MCU wound up helping to inform on so much of the Steve/Natasha relationship. As I've heard plenty of actors remark, "you get the roles you're meant to get".
Chris seems like a really decent guy, and he brought a lot of sincerity to the Cap character that made his performance in that role shine. I hadn't heard of Puncture/Injustice until now - but planning to watch it soon.
Thanks for your wonderful support and encouragement towards me I really appreciate it feel free to drop a message on my email I will be glad to receive you
My favorite thing about Evans is he is just not like other actors, he has this ability to play so many different people with such a familiar face. As well as when he does his interviews he conducts himself with this level of humility and professionalism that you see from very few others. He has somehow kept his actor image while remaining humble and down to earth, and it is so refreshing to see that in someone so high profile in Hollywood!
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Snowpiercer must have come out AFTER this interview. Can't get a handle on the timeline. But, from what I've heard/read, Evans acting in that was INSANELY good.
I was never really interested in Captain America. I saw Cap in his trilogy and now I cannot imagine ANYONE filling the shoes of Chris Evans. He’s a treasure! I am glad he’s back. 😄
hello this is Chris evans 💞💞💞💞💞 I see that you are a big fan of mine. I just want to appreciate you for the love and support you have given me for. I see your wonderful and amazing comments and I would like to text you privately for the appreciation for your love and support, thank you very much.
Thanks for your wonderful support and encouragement towards me I really appreciate it feel free to drop a message on my email I will be glad to receive you
Ali Plumb is by FAR my favourite inteviewer - he has such well thought through questions that really make it an interesting interview for both the watcher and the person being interviewed! They probably sit there all day on these junkets listening to the same old questions where i think Ali takes it up a level
That's pretty good advice by him. If you want to get into the business, know movies. Watch old movies, new movies, classics, etc. None of that "follow your heart" crap. Facts
Watching Chris Evans as Captain America for the past 10 years is such a blessing to be alive during this era.. He's perfect as Captain America, unfortunately he can do it all day anymore.. His character in MCU will always be missed
I've been a Marvel fan since I was young, but Cap was never one of my favorites (I was mostly a fan of X-Men), but thanks to MCU & especially Chris Evans' performance of Steve Rogers, I became a fan of Captain America.
Damn as always, great interview, the interviewer made him go through all his current filmography instead of centering solely on his success with marvel. The title is just an eye catcher.
Ok, the platonic friendship between Captain America and Black Widow is now more magical knowing that the actors goof around on set like that. People didn't really appreciate how amazing Christopher Reeves was until other people tried to play Superman. I think we're going to find out something similar about mister Evans. One of the things that stands out to me is that even though the character has an arc, you never lose sight of that skinny, sickly kid in his performances.
Watching Becoming... Captain America in full on BBC iPlayer in the UK:
And see Ali chat to Elizabeth Olsen for WandaVision here:
Chris's life by heart all... 🙏❤
this looks so old, no way this was 2021?
@@baron7755 no, it's a previously unseen interview from 2016, but we gave it a dose of super-soldier serum and thought people would like to see it.
Can I just say how good of an interviewer you are. You really do your research and it shows. You can tell Chris isn’t bored by the same questions he usually gets. It’s also really entertaining to watch since he’s comfortable and you also learn new things that you haven’t really heard before. Really good job! 👏🏽
@@bbcradio1 Thanks We love to see it. All the fans want is a deep dive and bts interviews or unseen gems like this ❤️
Chris Evan brought so much depth to cap. Such a talented dude.
Yeah, he's quite good. But I'd love to see the comic version, which looks like a tank and acts like.
I want you to know I read that as death not depth and I was like “well your not wrong”
@@brianataco5008, 😅
@@DaveMcIroy what?
@@Jay77957, what word didn't you understand?
Chris seems like such a fun person to be around everyone who is his friend is so lucky. Every actor who has acted in these avengers films fit the part so well I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing the part
Right? He seems like such a cool person to hang out with haha. I mean, he’s somehow on good terms with literally all of his exes, that’s super impressive honestly
Agreed. Idk how they cast these perfect actors, you can literally see them off screen trying to actually act like their characters. Even as the Human Torch, I can see it.
Ikr! As an actor, he's one person I'd kill to be in a project with
maybe captain marvel
Yah everyone fits so well!!!
4Years late but cant complain...
It's vintage!
Why wasn’t this posted 4 years ago?
Huh, so the editing is recent? That’s why the interview is during Civil War but has Endgame scenes?
@@piercekafka We shared part of the interview back in 2016 here:
Back then, we only shared short interview clips, but we went back and looked at this again and thought people would be interested in seeing the rest of it.
@@bbcradio1 thank you for the explanation. Makes sense. Keep up the good work!
Chris was met to be Cap. It's like Robert being Ironman. Both of them are some how channeling their characters.
Avengers casting is perfect
For sure
I disagree. Just because we've never seen other actors in these roles doesn't mean they are the best.
For me, Chris is to "jokery". I would love to see a more serious actor. The same with Thor, Hamsworth is not even acting anymore.
@@juhajuha4221 But you can't deny that the man has his charms
Yeah RDJ is similar to Tony but Chris Evans is nothing like Steve
*No one else could've done this role justice. He was always meant to be Captain America.* ❤
@@Hello-ut4fy I know... im def interested in the show but why they have to make one of them cap bothers me. I know it happens in the comics but its too soon. Cap n iron man need time to rest imho.
@JustCallMeBo Not True.. the turkish Captain America will always have the #1 spot.
@@tom2gunzbombadil689 cap isn’t dead tho, he’s just old.
@@tom2gunzbombadil689 too soon? Lol keep telling yourself that.
@@Hello-ut4fy that’s sad
Ali’s interviewing skills are unmatched. Not only does he ask questions to the person being interviewed that allow them the liberty of interpreting it in many different ways, but he also says them in a way that captures the interest of the audience (aka us).
he won
@Anas Nayyar
this player
If you like him check out off camera with Sam Jones and mark Fennell
True! The guy has skills. He never disappoints 🤩
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》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《
來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1616864708
I cant picture ANYONE else as cap. Chris just fits the role so well i love him
he won
Jensen Ackles was apparently one of their choices for Cap.
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Click Here 》》 livegirls19. com 《《
Leurs états de santé
respectifs les empêchent
de s'approcher trop
près l'un de l'autre.
他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1616864712
John Walker: "*Coughs*"
@Travis Smeikle but you gotta admit. Wyatt Russell is doing a marvelous job as John Walker
One of the things I really like about Cap is that at his innermost core, the very heart of him, he is Good. A good person. Sometimes you watch a superhero film and leave wondering what the hero was all about. Why he did stuff, what kind of person is he really, that kind of thing. Chris Evans conveyed this sense of deep Goodness, and so many layers of "real world isn't like that" disappointment that I just can't see Cap as anyone else. As he found out what the world had become while he was frozen, you could see him adjusting his thinking about right and wrong. "We have orders - we should follow them." vs. "I'm way past asking permission."
that's why i love steve rogers so much. he's just such a good person. i think that that's the reason why some people **don't** like him - he has such a strong sense of morality and righteousness that it can be annoying at times, but i love him for it.
This is due to the Fact that he was "worthy" bevor he even got the Serum. He was a Hero bevore just without the "muscle" to show it. He is a Hero at heart.
@@skylerblackwell7806 I agree! I somewhat prefer characters who are both good and bad, but Steve is really amazing because he's always a good person.
Well said.
My dream is for WB to do Superman this way
Chris Evans should read for Audible or something, I just love his voice.
Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but it's something.
Hopefully he narrates his autobiography someday.
@@eamonndeane587 That would be amazing 🤞
he should narrate a nature documentary one day, i know paul rudd is doing one about ants
I'm a 61 year old MARVEL fan, and I've been waiting my whole life for the technology to be just right for these films to be made. While I love alot of the castings for the characters... Chris Evans exemplifies Steve Rogers. Plays him exactly as I always hoped he'd be portrayed. Cap has been my guy since I'm 9. To Chris...... Thank you. To Ali, GREAT interview skills sir!
this is such a sweet comment!! I can’t imagine waiting so long for a movie franchise & it makes me happy to hear it lives/lived up to your longstanding expectations 😄
This is so wholesome 🥺
Chris Evans is great and all, but props to the interviewer. He's probably one of the best I have seen in media lately!
He is very good 😊
All of his interviews are great
Thanks so much on your lovely comment on my channel I will like to talk to you privately message me on my email
Stay safe
Imagine Chris evans turning down the movies and we wouldn’t get the captain America we all know and love
Yep. You'd have had Jim Halpert.
@@johndanielsforJesus but Jimmy woo is already in the mcu??????!!!!
@@luluharshie3929 - Nice one! 👍👍
Not an "Office" watcher, but I've seen the "Asian Jim" bit, here on UA-cam.
The world would be a better place if Evens would have a career so it would be a win win.
@@mitchgarbeno3788 the world would have a quite place!
He was born for this role! I can't imagine anyone else as Steve Rogers.
he won
He wasn’t born for this, this role was created FOR HIM
They were going to big a big huge bodybuilder to play Captain America 🇺🇸 at first I wanted him to play cap when I found out Evans is going to play cap I was upset at first because he was the Human torch but then later I Accepted him has Captain America 🇺🇸 when I saw the old Captain America trailers and when I saw the movie in theaters I saw all the MCU movies in theaters, Chris did a super great Job playing Cap.
Same with RDJ. Wouldn’t imagine a better Tony Stark
@@anthonyh6070 yes!!! he got the same look and even their personalities are so similar (same mbti type), I always believe that when a talented actor play a character who has the same personality as him; he or she will most likely make a huge success!!
Chris Evans, RDJ, Hugh Jackman and Chris Hemsworth were born to do those roles. I doubt if anyone would have added much life to the roles than they did.
I wholeheartedly agree with the above statement
Add in Chadwick Boseman too and you're spot on
Totally agreed
yep, and ryan reynolds as deadpool is so good too
@@Deandrebeck13 Actually no. Plenty of other actors would make a good black panther as well.
"I'm not looking for forgiveness and I'm way past asking permission."
He's really good. Best line ever.
his “hmm” is so calming .......
hello,I'm Chris Evans..thanks for the love and support you show,,how are you doing?
@@chrisevans6272 well aren't you desperate
I love Ali Plumb as an interviewer. He genuinely engages with people, asks interesting questions and does his homework beforehand. Everyone he interviews seems to actually enjoy themselves.
I’ll honestly watch one of his interviews even if I don’t know/I’m not super interested in the person he’s interviewing, he’s that good
Its because the actors are actually being interviewed via interesting, different questions rather than run-of-the-mill ones (you can tell Chris doesn't like trotting out the clichés and actually appreciates these type of interviews).
This is all I needed to get through today, Chris Evans' beautiful face
Thanks so much on your lovely comment on my channel I will like to talk to you privately message me on my email
Stay safe
Chris Evans talking about his 6 picture contract sounds like Steve talking about the Sokovia Accords LOL
Lol so true
I don’t wike it
I understand why they didn’t accept the no from Chris Evens, he really is the perfect Cap. No exaggeration.
It's understandable now why they chose him. Even though Evans is different from Cap in real life but he really understand the depth of the character.
It's a pity this wasn't filmed after _Knives Out._ That's got to be one of the greatest face/heel turns an actor has ever done. All I could think about was "Language!" You know the scene I'm talking about.
Yh, superb performance - one of my favourite
I loved watching him play a character that was the opposite of Captain America.
Chris was doing some great work for a while now. Just watch Snowpiercer or Puncture (the movie he recommended right now). He was brilliant in Defending Jacob too.
@@brucesnow7125 Also really liked The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond. I never hear anyone talk about it but he and Bryce Dallas Howard were both great in it.
Chris Evans is at his best when he's a snarky spoiled asshole!
I’m a simple guy: I see Chris Evans, I like the video.
he won
Hello my beautiful great fans , thanks for your support, happy New year to you, how are you doing, I hope everything is fine, you can write me in the hangout app with my email.
Or whatsapp. +16264718199
@@chrisevans4486 chris evans would never give out his personal details. you shouldn’t trick people like that
It just hurts so much remembering that we will not able to see him playing Captain America again.
Chris, will Captain America return?
*No, I don’t think I will.*
I feel like this comment just punched me in the face omg 😳
I feel like this comment just punched me in the face omg 😳
I’d rather it end on a high note, I understand why RDJ and Evans will permanently hand down the Shield and Stark Shades; they were doing the same job for 10+ years.
@@Dr.MantisTobogganMD evans ending wasnt a high note thooo
Gotta say Marvek has nailed it for the MCU casting. I literally cannot imagine another actor playing Cap, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye etc the list goes on
@John Anderson my gosh I hate that woman but I really don't see many other actresses playing that role.
When he's just being Captain America here in this interview the whole time. He's serious yet so very leader in terms of his ambiance. He's really an amazing actor though. He gave so much good portrayals for the role. Godbless you Chris Evans!
hello,I'm Chris Evans..thanks for the love and support you show,,how are you doing?
Chris seems so genuine and sincere in this interview. The way he talks is so captivating.
I hope we see a little of Old Man Rogers in the upcoming series/movies. It would be a huge shame for us to never see Evans again in the MCM.
You mean joe biden the old man?
dealers I miss the days when jokes were funny
Thanks so much on your lovely comment on my channel I will like to talk to you privately message me on my email
Stay safe
Chris needs to direct again, Before We Go is such an underrated film honestly.
I can't believe that movie is over 6 years old already and I only recently found out about it!
he seems like such a genuinely sweet and friendly person
Wake up, the garbage truck is ready to pick you up.
He actually did succeed in bringing back the navy Capt America suit.
Infinity war
Not in infinity war, in Endgame
@@alterstorm21 I thought he also wore the navy suit when he saved vision and wanda?
@@CS_GOD64 na, it was a diff suit, just that he had removed all the badges to make it look Black scaled version
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來調味食物煮的時候 1616864713
Chris Evans is the one and only Captain America forever, he is an excellent actor.
I love how he said "With Scarlett"!😭😭 My ChrisLett heart is shaking HAHAHA I love their relationship so much! Chris is that type of friend we all want, right? I love how he adores Scarlett haha, and also ingrid's baby Rose
Thanks so much on your lovely comment on my channel I will like to talk to you privately message me on my email
Stay safe
The best thing about BBC is this interviewer
Love Chris Evans he seems like he would be one of those friends or partners you can just sitting around, talk, be yourself and have a lot of laughs
The fact that Chris thinks he didn’t direct Before We Go “the right way” is the one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time.
A filmmaker never praises their own work.
I enjoyed the movie! Also, Alice Eve is absolutely magnetic onscreen!
Literally amazing film work!
@@kevinsparks5611 yeah she has massive jugs
@@extraterrestrialhorse9722 bonk
he radiates wisdom and seems like he has a genuine and kind heart. impossible to not love this man
Chris Evans knocked it out of the park with Cap, the endearing personality he brings to the role is just incredible!
Before We Go is such an UNDERRATED movie. everyone who is a Chris Evans fan should watch it
I think I should try that out ..
that’s for that Abby .. ohh and you look very beautiful at your profile Abby 😊😘
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chris evans is so so talented, he has such a big range with the characters he’s played
He embodies cap so well, he’s a great actor I’ll watch Chris in anything thanks cap you inspire me a lot
2007, I remember seeing Danny Boyle's _Sunshine_ in the theater, watching Evans as the intense, grounded, self-sacrificing leader character & thinking, "THAT'S Cap". Still blows my mind that Marvel saw it too.
It's nice to know that someone else made that connection! Until now I hadn't heard anyone mention the Cap qualities his character showed in Sunshine.
hello,I'm Chris Evans..thanks for the love and support you show,,how are you doing?
i fucking love chris evans bro. My goal in life is to meet him and just talk to him and get s hug bro, captain america is such a good character and he did a beyond amazing job playing him. Love this dude
Ali is one of the best interviewers. This is a common beat in the comment section, but his questions are so thoughtful.
Asking about Evans recent indie work and how directing influences acting feel unique to his interviewer voice.
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Team Cap always. But also whenever Chris talks about Scarlett, I mean come on. You wonder why no girl he dates seems to stick. Dude has probably been crushing for 15 years.
Thought I was the only one who thought this, their friendship/chemistry altogether is amazing.
He’s dipped it trust me
@@mr.ditkovich3672 yes i really love their friendship
Maybe. They did meet before staring in the mcu
Pretty sure that's not the case. She's married so
Chris Evans is kind of like that one friend who is the most fun to hang around with and is also at times your older brother.
3:47 - Oh yes, the stealth suit is _also_ my favourite! That, followed by the Endgame Suit. But the ''Stealth Suit'' is definitely my Number 1 - Navy Blue and Silver accents? Oh yes!
You know, the funny thing is, Chris Evans plays Johnny Storm and Capt. America so well, that if he had to play both in a Marvel movie, he could totally pull it off..and even if they were both out of costume, everything about the two characters is so different, you wouldn't even have trouble keeping track of which he was playing in any given moment..
I feel like he’s got great insight and depth into his character, and has an awareness about his voice, and he uses his voice just like Cap. I also see a calmness to him. That’s what draws people to the Cap character. And it’s all thanks to Chris for bringing that character to life. Also great advice for young actors.
Chris was in another great superhero movie called "Push". He and Dakota Fanning were both great in it.
Thanks great fan 👍 I will like to know you let talk on email
Stay safe
Best Decision of our lives, he was an underrated artist and this catapulted his career .
This guy oozes charisma. And he seems like such a good dude
Let this not distract you from the fact that Chris Evans was a big part of NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE.... arguably the best teenage romcom movie out there to date 😁
Exactly the same I would say for the Cap's best suit! The dark blue, the ''stealth'' as he says, it was awesome!
It is hard to imagine someone else for the Captain America role. Chris Evans did an excellent job. It will be difficult to top him. A great responsibility for producers in the future. Captain America stands for truth, morality, courage, coherence, consistency, leadership. It would be interesting to have a R-rated movie of him managing around the current American political environment. We don't see those qualities often from politicians.
As much as I most definitely adore Emily Blunt and she is a fantastically talented actress, we really lucked out that things fell as they did for Scarlett Johansson to wind up landing the Black Widow role, not just due to her talent as well, but it's so clear that the years long friendship she and Chris Evans already had pre-MCU wound up helping to inform on so much of the Steve/Natasha relationship. As I've heard plenty of actors remark, "you get the roles you're meant to get".
Chris seems like a really decent guy, and he brought a lot of sincerity to the Cap character that made his performance in that role shine.
I hadn't heard of Puncture/Injustice until now - but planning to watch it soon.
He's my favourite mcu character only because Chris evans prayed him splendidly!
"Puncture" was great! It is in my movie rotation. I watch it often. I laughed, I cried, and enjoyed the soundtrack too.
I recommend the movies he talked about: Puncture and Before We Go, the one he directed. And also Gifted, beautiful movie.
He’s such an inspiration human
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@@chrisevans5103 stfu
Chris Evans Teacher: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Chris: YES
Puncture is so good! Glad he brought it up
My favorite thing about Evans is he is just not like other actors, he has this ability to play so many different people with such a familiar face. As well as when he does his interviews he conducts himself with this level of humility and professionalism that you see from very few others. He has somehow kept his actor image while remaining humble and down to earth, and it is so refreshing to see that in someone so high profile in Hollywood!
This is an excellent interview. The variety of questions really makes this worth watching. Great job, Ali. 👍
I just love that line they showed. " I'm going to have be okay with not being okay, it sucks". That's me every day...
"How did you get the role?"
-" It was luck."
And the rest was history. 💖
I couldn't imagine anybody else playing Captain America but Chris Evans! so glad he took the role. Plus he's so easy on the eyes :)
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And he actually managed to bring back the stealth suit in the beginning of Endgame where they went to kill Thanos!
Thanks great fan 👍 I will like to know you let talk on email
Stay safe
Im so Glad Chris believed in himself to accept and become Cap! He did such a Great Job!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️
Snowpiercer must have come out AFTER this interview. Can't get a handle on the timeline. But, from what I've heard/read, Evans acting in that was INSANELY good.
I was never really interested in Captain America. I saw Cap in his trilogy and now I cannot imagine ANYONE filling the shoes of Chris Evans.
He’s a treasure! I am glad he’s back. 😄
Ikr? I refused to even watch the first Captain America movie at first but now he's my fave. The amazing job they did with him cannot be overstated.
@@versena Yep, I can totally relate to what you said. Chris Evans is an amazing actor who embodied Cap in the most brilliant way.
I miss cap so much 😭❤️❤️! I'll never be able to see him again ever in my life😭
Would love to see Chris Evans get a Disney plus series, covering Steve Rogers life during the ending of End Game.
Cap: *No, I don't think I will*
Snow Piercer was another great film IMO with Chris Evans
Yes! I love that film. Cannot recommend it enough.
Bong Joon Ho
Thank you for including Cap's soundtrack music in the background - this interview was perfect.
I miss him. A lot. He is a legend, and I mean both Chris Evans and Steve Rogers.
Man!! I just wanna say thank you for all these wonderful memories. Thank you Cap , thank you Chris Evans. You are a real life Hero.
He is the captain we deserve.
I cant imagine anyone else being Capt. He was born for that role. He's so talented.
hello this is Chris evans 💞💞💞💞💞
I see that you are a big fan of mine. I just want to appreciate you for the love and support you have given me for. I see your wonderful and amazing comments and I would like to text you privately for the appreciation for your love and support, thank you very much.
I absolutely agree with you Candice.. you can say that again 😊....
Ohh permit me to say you look absolutely gorgeous at your profile Candice ..
Thanks for your wonderful support and encouragement towards me I really appreciate it feel free to drop a message on my email I will be glad to receive you
Thanks for your love & support 😊❤️ you can reach me on my email 📧
He was born to play captain America 💙
Neh, he was chosen.
@@Snaakie83 so is everyone. But he owned the role just like rdj as iron man and Depp as jack sparrow
@@snivellus15814 totally agreed
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He said “hopefully I can convince marvel to put the stealth suit back into like infinity war” now here we are he got to where it again in endgame
8:27 it's like he's giving orders...finally seeing him show a bit of Cap persona in real life
Ali Plumb is by FAR my favourite inteviewer - he has such well thought through questions that really make it an interesting interview for both the watcher and the person being interviewed! They probably sit there all day on these junkets listening to the same old questions where i think Ali takes it up a level
That's pretty good advice by him. If you want to get into the business, know movies. Watch old movies, new movies, classics, etc. None of that "follow your heart" crap. Facts
Great actor and great interviewer, and whoever decided to play “A Long Long Time” at the end just wanted to make me tear up didn’t they💙
Perfect casting, perfect captain.
Watching Chris Evans as Captain America for the past 10 years is such a blessing to be alive during this era.. He's perfect as Captain America, unfortunately he can do it all day anymore.. His character in MCU will always be missed
I've been a Marvel fan since I was young, but Cap was never one of my favorites (I was mostly a fan of X-Men), but thanks to MCU & especially Chris Evans' performance of Steve Rogers, I became a fan of Captain America.
this guy is extraordinary. Every interview I watch or read I'm left feeling like this a very smart guy with so much insight into the human experience.
It's so refreshing with a talented interviewer like Ali Plumb!
He was born for this role
Damn as always, great interview, the interviewer made him go through all his current filmography instead of centering solely on his success with marvel. The title is just an eye catcher.
Legend tells,
When the teacher asked Chris Evans what he wanted to be when he grows up he just pointed at the flag 🇺🇸
Ok, the platonic friendship between Captain America and Black Widow is now more magical knowing that the actors goof around on set like that.
People didn't really appreciate how amazing Christopher Reeves was until other people tried to play Superman. I think we're going to find out something similar about mister Evans.
One of the things that stands out to me is that even though the character has an arc, you never lose sight of that skinny, sickly kid in his performances.
Still missing the old man Rogers
Chris Evans will always be Captain America to me.
He did NOT just call Captain America vanilla- CHILE I 👀
I luv Chris Evens he’s an amazing cap and actor