I always but always try to rationalize my feelings. Almost like I have a duty to prove that they are reasonable. But on the other hand, when I think about others I find it very natural when they just have a certain feeling. Because you can't argue with someone's feelings, if they feel it they feel it. Why are we so blind to ourselves, oh god...
As a Ti dom, I also find myself stopping myself from liking something when the logic comes into question. "It can be replaced with a different hobby", "It's not worth the money anymore", "I'm wasting time when I could be doing something else". Sometimes, this is healthy when the activity is actually not good for you, which is great. Gives us a leg up on the feelers. 😉 The thing that helps me to loosen up is to use that thinking power to 'prove' to yourself why it's fine: "We have limited time on this planet", "It'll feel so good if you just do it", "Being a happier person makes you more fun to be around".
Yeah exactly. It's like as soon as you find a reason to not like something, you just can't like it anymore. I had a pretty funny moment like them when messing around with colour calibration on my phone screen. There are basically 2 modes, one which boosts the colours to look more vibrant and the other that's supposed to be calibrated to 100% sRGB (oled screens can display a wider colour spectrum then sRGB). But digital media is apparently calibrated to sRGB. So to get an image to look like it was intended to look, you should use the sRGB mode. And so I did, because "I want to see games the way they are supposed to look". "I don't care if my screen looks almost black and white now, I want it to look true!". Well, later I discovered the mode is somehow just wrong, and it's better to just leave it in the default vibrant mode, at least on my device, because it literally looks more true to life. (Found out by taking a picture of something, putting my phone next to it and seeing if the colours match). So that's why I use vibrant colours again, completely ignoring the fact that they look much better lol. "But that's not a good enough reason for me" 🙄
I am definitely a feeler demon. Its so frustrating to feel a negative emotion that has no reason to be there gahh they just get in the way and detract from my quality of life and give me less of a reason to live.
I had this realization a couple years ago. That it's in fact very illogical to think that other people and myself don't have feelings. And that getting mad at myself of others for not being "logical" was illogical. Feelings are a part of the program.
I’ve actually suddenly broken down crying in the middle of a conversation when I mentioned missing my family, and had to apologize to the other person saying “I’m not sure what’s going on, just ignore this mess...I’ll get it under control” It was embarrassing Bc I didn’t see it coming until it was too late. I didn’t know it would affect me that much until after the words came out and I felt the tears coming. It was like “damn it emotions...now is not the right time. Can we please explain ourselves clearly first?” But nope, when the feels come, you can’t stop them :)
I think the way I dealt with this was something along the lines of: "I have feelings for a reason, be it good or otherwise. I just wouldn't necessarily know what those reasons are".
What I have observed about myself (60 yr old ENTP) is that I accept that my feelings are real and valid, but if a specific strong emotion pops up in an unexpected place, it's helpful to me to understand why I'm having what seems to be a mis-placed response to a specific situation. "Geez, what I'm feeling right now is how I would usually feel in XYZ situation, but I'm in ABC situation. What ELSE is going on right now that could cause me to respond that way?" In other words, I analyze the situation to understand my emotional response. I don't do this when I have an emotional response like, "Oh, I love that movie, or I hate that food, or should I take this job?" I do it when it feels like it comes out of nowhere. I'm usually responding to what is *actually* going on, and not to what appears to be going on at the surface.
This is definitely changing my perspective Dave. The biggest problem my counselors always have with me is that I always rationalize my feelings. Instead of outright saying what I feel I always seem to try to explain away my feelings, and despite being an ENFP I've always done this fairly unconciously even when I can pinpoint what my feelings are. Funny enough I was having panic attacks every month until I started medication. Not that I'm going to stop that any time soon. But this is helping me pinpoint my personality type and what that entails.
Dartyus This is very interesting to me. I’m an INFP and I’ve had counselors over the years try to get me to talk about my feelings. Then when I do, they tell me I’m intellectualizing. I’ve always felt like they want me to cry or something and I don’t feel like crying. I’m just looking around inside myself and telling them what I see. Sure I can cry, laugh, rage just like anyone. But I can’t just emote on cue. It has to come naturally. What confuses me is how can a lead Fi not express emotion easily?
Man! I've seen all your videos, and I've gone from: "hey, I'm very in touch with my feelings" to "omg! I'm really crapp with handling emotions!" (yes, I typed myself wrong, and so has every test I've done) Just want to say thank you! Great content, fun to watch :) Glad you faced your demons :P
As a double decider. I like it when thinking and feeling are balanced so I don't have to go through the mess of being too logical or emotional as described.
2:38 Amazing quote! The foundation will always be feelings/ethics. You can't logically deduce a reason to live, you must decide out of thin air or a flying passion and then utilize your thinking abilities from there. What is beneficial for "thing i chose to live for" etc.
This makes me happy to know I got through this demon and have been more understanding of my own emotions and others. Definitely makes a difference from when I was younger and literally cut my emotions off because they were annoying me until I would explode out of nowhere. Better to have little explosions of emotions and just ride it out.
Why wouldn't emotions have reason though? It's logical to not ignore your feelings but sometimes it's for the best. The best decision is not always the one that involves feelings, but a good decision should involve both feelings and thinking and be balanced. There are reasons for emotions and I'm rationalizing them. There is a book that talked about emotion, as an archaic decision mechanism. Now we have the ability to override this mechanism.
What I think the point is this, there very well will be reasons for emotions. But if you're trying to understand it before feeling it and letting yourself just be, it becomes an issue. When the stuff he mentions happen, throwing a tantrum once a month, being emotionally vulnerable to yourself because you're restricting a natural thing from happening etc. Decision making is pretty personal, I'm not sure if there's an optimal solution that works for everybody. You deal with the repercussions by yourself, so, it would come down to your tendencies and your way of coming to terms with what happens after.
Your emotions have a logic to them - emotions and logic are not opposites - but the logic behind your emotions is almost by definition unconscious. You need to feel the emotion and figure out “what” it is before you can know “why” it is. It’s like the movie Inside Out, your emotions are making decisions for reasons that are usually pretty straightforward and logical - keeping you safe, making sure you’re treated fairly, etc - in response to things in your environment and beliefs you hold about them. But that’s not visible to your conscious/storytelling brain, you have to figure out what’s causing your feelings after the fact. You can of course change your feelings by changing your beliefs, thoughts and experiences. This is what therapy is for. But that’s not a case of your feelings being unreasonable, it’s a case of your feelings _telling you_ that your _thoughts_ are unreasonable and changing them til you feel less shitty. Thoughts are somewhat in our control while feelings are not.
I agree with you. There are reasons behind emotions, if not, evolution would've gotten rid of it a long time ago. It deals with your value system that keeps you or your group alive, what's preferable and what's not, when you mess something up you're gonna feel horrible. Without feeling, what is even the point of doing anything since nothing should motivate you.
When my Fi starts to bug me, I always stop and ask myself why I’m feeling this way and trace it back to that. Then I choose to do whatever I need to to at least lesson that feeling. Then I just move on and it is 1000x better. It’s not something I’ve always been able to do, just something I developed over time. My younger self would just be sad or pissed off and have no idea why. So you’re right, I think being logical about feelings instead of just getting wrapped up in them is a great way to go about it.
This actually sounds familiar. When I was younger I even invented a sad story about senselessly loving someone I could never have (and I believed it myself), because I couldn't deal with the depression despair that randomly overcame me without having any reason for feeling down. Now I still try to figure out the reasons for any feelings because knowing the reason means being able to reproduce or avoid the feeling by recreating or fixing the reason.
This is very beneficial. Late afternoon I just stared myself in the mirror why I am using emotion as a basis of something. Yelling in the hills is somewhat satisfying, those bottled emotions have been vanished by myself.
Finally! Thanks for this, I had been suspecting that I must have saviour Ni-Ti, and demon Fe-Se. It felt improbable because of seeming overuse of Fe. This helps it all make sense.
It's a good explanation. It makes me wonder whether IxxPs are especially susceptible to OCD, which is basically anxiety about irrational feelings that won't go away.
This happens to me even though I think I'm an INFP. I mean I'm always looking for the best reasons to do a thing or act in a certain way and then all of a sudden my emotions come out and say "screw it, just do what you like and what feels right".
Way Rest That definitely sounds like saviour-Fi! Like you’re trying hard to find those Te-reasons, but your Self-above-Tribe function always wins at the end of the day.
Yeah, as an INFP myself, that's definitely an INFP thing to do. But instead of reasons (which Dave always uses when he's talking about the thinking functions) it would be morals/feelings. So instead of "I have to have GOOD REASONS for my feelings," It's "I have to have GOOD FEELINGS for my reasons" for anyone with Savior Feeler & Demon Thinker. Someone ought to make T-shirt designs out of these sayings.
INTP here. That video really hit home. So many times I've gone with logic and it turned to crap because my heart wasn't in it. However, this still doesn't help me see what my heart wants. Every time I look, my feelings just shrug.
As an ENTP what I often do is to think about all the possible situations that people might be going through and logically figure out why they feel that way - that's my way of doing Fe
The last two years have definitely released the shackles on this screaming demon baby in me. It's been so HARD to get in tune with "I like it because I like it" and "I hate it because fuck your reasons", but realising I was looking for marshmallows when the pandemic burned my career to the ground was something my INTP predilections could no longer rationalise to death. This is an incredibly insightful video!
This reminds me of when I was in a friends parents house and the sight of a kitchen cupboard instantly made me want to collapse on the floor in tears. I had no idea why, and was wearing sunglasses. So I cried lightly behind them and no one knew anything was going on. I felt like I couldn't allow anyone to see it because I couldn't explain why I was crying. Once I was alone, I realised that the kitchen cupboard was the same design as one from my parents caravan, and they had recently both died. The sight had reminded me that those happy times were over. Once I had my explanation, I allowed myself to cry properly.
I think my struggles have been in trying to justify my emotions all my life! So they have just been bottled up when I could have been going with them. I am familiar with that tidal wave. I'm not sure though if this is demon feelings or environmental. I have resented having to explain my feelings and kept them to myself so desperately wanting to follow them but not doing so because: tribe. So possibly demon feeling. How interesting! I'm gonna love finding out.
Plato had this great analogy of 2 horses, 1 black (appetitive spirit) and 1 white (Passionate spirit aka feelings) with reason on a chariot directing the two, with the whole being the spirit. black does what it wants, it only understands force (aka being whipped) while the white horse tends to be more in line with reason. It still has a mind of its own though, and if the black stampedes so will the white. The point is Feeling (passion) is a part of the human spirit, it's a matter of control to keep it where it needs to be. The chariot can't move unless the horses do.
Feeling functions Fe and Fi aren't necessarily delegates of emotions (heart). They have their own agenda and won't go along with emotions if their agenda is under threat. E.g. Fi can suppress emotions if they're not aligned with their values.
The thing I hate the most from Fi demon people is that THEY WILL FORGET that they lashed out at you and go around saying "I never do bad things to others, I only ever helped them out", regardless whether or not what they did actually helped. Much worse when they are Ne-blind as they don't even want to consider better, less painful, more efficient ways to make things work. At their demon's worst, they think that it's other people's responsibility to take care of their feelings while they crush down others' on daily basis. Sorry if it devolves into a bit of rant lol
WHEN HE SAYS_______________________ "I'ts ok not to have good reasons !" _________________________ ALL I HEAR IS ________________________It's Ok to be Dumb !________________________________________ _Because your feelings always have a reason behind ! You just don't know it yet and for me ... ___________________________________It's not ok to not Know____________________________________________ _________________________________Bruh...Thinker Struggle_____________________________________________
You speak my language lol! That's what my last sessions with my therapist were all about... -__- If I'm in balance, my F isn't such a problem, but in a crisis where I get overwhelmed with feelings, I just NEED to rationalize and understand what is going on, in the grieving process for example, and sometimes, well... It's just emotions, with no need for rationality. You're just supposed to accept it's there, but for me, it's like being irrational... and I'd probably not be as judgemental with someone else... On the other hand, I also try to figure out the patterns behind what I love doing, because I tend to change interests quicker than I blink -__-
Basically me when I answer "yes" to almost anything just because I have to and the other person came to me and asked the favor nicely that I don't want to make that person feel bad.... even if I abhor it.
The entire time I'm like " but there must be a reason, how can I not have a reason to feel some kind of way?" I don't feel my demon on daily basis, but throughout this video, it was prominent like running from an exorcism ritual 😂
Oh man, my emotional freak outs are.... something all right ha ha. I’ve thought I had Se inferior, but now I’m not so sure because my own feelings are what hit me in the face and turn me into this out-of-character crazyperson. My emotions really do feel separate from me as a person and I have, in fact, visualized them like a monster chained in the basement (and why can’t I just... leave it there? ha ha).
That's so me at the highscool. I've studied fucking architecture, when i really wanted to go for IT, because of all those shitty reasons of my parents that they shoved down my throat. How every IT job on earth sucks and there are too many people doing it. So I went trough 4 years of highscool, i lied to myself how I'd maybe kinda want to do something in that field, and I subconciously self-sabotaged it, and sadly not sooner that at the very end of it I realized that what was originaly just a "I don't mind studying this" turned into "I absolutely fucking hate this".
Going through your videos I kinda realize many things about myself, but then i stop and wonder whether it is not me being very impressionable because your arguments appeal to me lol. I'm an esfp but whether I have demon Fi or Te- that's something I can't make a decision on so I'll go through tons of videos more hahah
You can feel something and choose not to act on it because there are no good reasons to do so. However, random emotions for no known reason are why therapy and medication exists, they're a sign of a problem. When making a decision, emotions are reasons as well, as long as they're justified (ie in response to something non-random).
"It's ok to have feelings without good reason." Obviously, but, without good reasons, how could I prioritize, express, or even understand those feelings? If I know the why, I can deduce the what.
I'm so scared of having my perspective wrong whenever I feel negative emotions that I question everything to the point of burning myself out. I hate when people are irrational and I hate when I'm that way myself. (ENTP btw) If I would agree with everything I feel I would become more bipolar than I already am, and only a fucking idiot would stay my friend. ..Unless they're an INFJ that totally gets me and can direct me when I'm fucking off in the wrong direction lol. I question everything because I hate questioning everything. -That's kindof my life in a nutshell. Btw though, isn't Si supposed to be the demon here? As an ENTP?
"I'm so scared of having my perspective wrong whenever I feel negative emotions that I question everything to the point of burning myself out." Man. Me too. And then it just explodes. I've always thought I had savior Fe/Fi but I'm slowly realising that it might be the other way around. I feel you, I think we have to accept that we will never have all the information, and that it doesn't make our feelings any less valid regardless. Our perspective is our perspective, and yes, if new information is presented to us our emotional response might change but... we should have a right to react to the information available to us. Doesn't mean we have to go bananas (that's usually unwise), but we owe ourselves the self-compassion to validate our own experiances. Working on this myself. It's hard. I always WANT TO KNOW FOR SURE that I'm in the right. Driving me nuts.
Ugh. I simply cannot understand doing something only because it feels good. I want to, but it's like digging for fine fossils. If I'm not careful I find myself rationalizing my own existence, and sometimes come up very short of good reasons...
For those of us who love listening to Dave but find him to be a fast talker...close captioning makes a big difference. See you (and Dave's links) over on the INTJ subReddit.
I'm not sure about the "Feeling you have to validate your feelings with reasons" coin. While that is true for me (Te over Fi), I do not think that is true for my biz partner who is Dom Te and inferior Fi (could be wrong on this, but highly doubt it. He feels extremely "tribe guy" oriented. He also feels VERY Fi-F, very soft core, and extremely pushy with Te-M all the time). When I ask him questions or to give reasons for his emotions, he often feels overwhelmed. He doesn't want to SLOW things down to figure out or understand his emotions, he just wants them to be there, and move forward with them. Constant focus on moving forward, and not looking back. His emotions play a huge part in his future vision for himself and his constant problems with his identity, and while it has a lot of importance he will constantly LOOP from trying to immerse himself into his "distant" Fi, and will be completely unaware and ignoring it when he is Te'ing all the time. Its exhausting because he plays this identity discovery game all the time, looping in in "distant awareness" of Fi then looping out of being COMPLETELY oblivious in regards to how his Fi is influencing Te
Austin Ollar If he does this all the time, maybe these are not his savior/demon functions, but his second and third functions that are relatively balanced for him.
Yeah but the only thing is, he constantly is seeking "who am I." Every action we do in business he is trying to discover himself and will often accidentally bring in his emotions into conversations while he is being very pushy with his reasons (hence the Te-Masculine). The biggest thing is the demon is the thing he is most fascinated by and almost child-like with. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong, I've been wrong about my type for about 8 years, but when we have a conversation every. single. day about who he is becoming as a person and he is so infatuated with himself, that is definitely a personality preference worth paying attention to.
Austin Ollar I understand what you’re saying. The thing that struck me is that he is doing this on a daily basis, which just seems torturous to me. I’m lead Fi and I rarely Te. I dread Te’ing like the plague. That’s my problem. If this is a tidal wave of Fi that is going on daily, I would think he is going through some kind of extended state of crisis in his life. Idk, I’m still learning Dave and Shan’s stuff, so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about lol.
Hey yeah Bec I completely see where you are coming from. I am still learning as well, as I am trying to unlearn most of the MBTI stuff I've learned over the past 8 years. It is interesting how these patterns occur in personality, having one arm bigger than the other so to speak. With my partner, perhaps I was over exaggerating a little because I get a little tired of his hang up on identity all the time, and how it even interferes with some of the business decisions we make. He's pretty level headed, but he just talks about himself all the time and how hes transforming (we're actually on the phone talking right now as I type this out and he's doing this as we speak lol).
I think this video focuses more on Fi than Fe. Ignoring your personal likes and dislikes because they don't have good reasons seems like a Te/Fi thing while Fe would care about other people's likes and preferences. A Ti/Fe person would struggle more with wanting to be liked by others even though that goes against independent thinking. However, I am a Ti dom and probably very biased in this regard.
I think it addresses Fe as well. It seems like Ti doms most of the time are confident and boisterous in their 'self- logic/reason/thinking', but every now and then they will sit back and pick apart somebody else who seems to be 'succeeding' more at the same game, or lament over how stupid some social norm is and how it's messing up their plans.
For all Ti doms that are struggling with understanding why they should care about their friends and Family. Read The Moral Animal by Robert Write and Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan. Both books helped me out immensely!
Im INTP. It is so true! I can be sad and think "This is stupid! Why do I feel this way? It's illogical! Emotion doesnt think! I need to stop feeling this way!" That's why we are compared to Vulcans. Vulcans are extremely emotional, but suppress it in search of logic. Going too far in the process.
So weird that I was trained by my demented family to see feelings as my savior but they're actually my demon, which is why I hate them so much. I (don't) enjoy being a girl. Now how do I rewrite my life story? It makes no sense!
Me: gets very upset Talks myself through what im feeling because I don't know what exactly is the root of the issue And then when I get an idea of what I'm upset about I think about how the tribe might see different ways I could have handled or seen the situation which I also understand and see value in. In an ideal world lol. And then I rationalize that my feelings didn't need to happen, try to "plan" to see it differently next time, and put them away only to find myself in the same spot in another couple of weeks 🤦🏻♀️ all the whole receiving NO tribe validation from this bc ppl are not getting the whole thjng I just did in my head Double fucked smh
IM LAUGHING SO HARD AT DAVES DESCRIPTIVE WORDS HERE. "THIS WEIRDO EMOTIONAL CHILDISH BABY FREAKOUT FEELINGS COMES FLYING OUT" I'm an ISFP and this is how I feel about my inferior Te....Always trying to woo the baby and let it know i still love it and respect it and try to take it out in the sun as much as I can.....Hahaha. damn devil baby.
Make the opposite one, puhleez! For INFPs, the idea of action, Te, is anathema to self. How should I understand it? It always feels like if I act, one way or another, decisively, I will end up violating my self or values I uphold personally. Or else end up getting hurt and then return with a wounded heart to nurse silently. Very annoying. But also a lived reality! Some perspective on this would be great!
Kaustubh .Tiwari I agree! I’m an INFP and making decisions is excruciating for me. I am terrified of making the wrong decision. What will be the consequences? Will I end up stuck with something I hate, etc. I would love to see a video on demon Te.
Could you please explain the difference between an INTJ who is NiFi and an INFJ who is NiFe? Sometimes, when someone has their 3rd function as a 'savior' doesn't it make them come across as an entirely different type? Nike in this example, N-F although of course the INTJ's Fi is not the same as the INFJ's Fe. I tend to think the INTJ will still be far more "rational" even if they have Fi as a savior.
feelings are expressed values, if you have a feeling you dont like, there is a subconscious value you dot like expressing itself. changing your values and beliefs are things you need to do. so research it , sleep hypnosis and actively execute
It’s literally just like me. I want to join the military but my father says go to college, so I listen and say I’l go to college . But every couple of weeks or so I’ll say ( not to him, but in my head) fuck you , fuck college I want to join the military. ( I only have a couple weeks to decide btw)
Excuse what might be oversharing (no one really gives a shit about someone else's personal issues, I know), but I've been going to counselors for oh, over ten years and I'd always talk through the issues but never seemed to be getting anywhere. People used to compliment me on being able to "address serious issues" and I always though "hey, this is super easy, wtf is it with people and talking about their problems?" but THEN I had a counselor who actually made me FEEL shit and my immediate reaction was "oh fuck this." I understand feelings, I really do, but I'd much rather not have them, thanks, and people make REALLY stupid decisions when they listen to them to make important decisions. If there's no clear reason for them to exist.... why should they be there in the first place?
hi aoitennyo, here is a rational way to look at feelings: as information from the subconscious. We can't be conscious of every single thing our senses pick up, but our subconscious still compares input in the background and lets us know if the sum is good or bad in the form of feelings. (there is some interesting stuff written about this e.g. in the book 'The Decisive Moment' by J Lehrer which talks about when you should and shouldn't trust your instincts). Basically it comes down to experience - more experience with a given type of sensory situation (say things that are part of your job and have been for some years) means more 'accurate' feelings about outcomes. Some feelings are responses to life based on personal life history (sensations in the past) that may not be consciously remembered, may not seem relevant in the here and now - but are still held in the body in a way that causes health problems - in that case feelings are a body process and there are loads of factual rational medical reasons why those are useful e.g. resetting your immune system. This is not the full picture of feeling as a function though - Fe empathy or ethics can be seen as expanding the experience of living in a human body, with these fallibilities above, out to other humans, do help decide things to suit the tribe. Being animal creatures in bodies leads to it's own logic - evolutionary logic, medical facts of being bounded by limitations that our minds can choose to ignore MOST of the time thanks to abstraction
I kind of dont agree with the consensus of this video, its actio reactio. If I have a certain feeling towards something there must be a reason, there must be rules that apply to what causes my feeling. This is going into depth psychology. Im currently in therapy and working on emotions and emotional intelligence, right now we do anger therapy (funny thing right). And anger is dependend on the way your subconciouss boundaries for your ego are broken by outside world forces. And if my anger is dependend on my ego being attacked then there must be reasons why my ego developed in a certain way. I think if you know enough about urself you eventually will be able to rationally choose the emotion you feel or at least identify the reason you feel a certain way. Anger for example is something different then a heart break, I mean you cant just not be heart broken after losing somebody you loved, but at least you know the reason. Anger on the other hand is controllable if you know what to be angry about and what is actually attacking you.
Fi works sort of like a blindfolded taste test where you take one bite of something and you can tell exactly what it is. It's taking an overall assessment of whatever you're experiencing (things in the real world as well as ideas) and measuring it with the subject (yourself). This gives you an overall impression of something. When paired with an extroverted perceiving function, each feeling assessment is taken independently. When paired with an introverted perceiving function, each feeling assessment is taken in light of previous similar assessments.
Fe is walking into a room full of people, interpreting every verbal and non verbal signal given by those people, and trying to shape your words and actions to accommodate the perceived values as much as possible while holding on to your personal principles/values.
I always but always try to rationalize my feelings. Almost like I have a duty to prove that they are reasonable. But on the other hand, when I think about others I find it very natural when they just have a certain feeling. Because you can't argue with someone's feelings, if they feel it they feel it.
Why are we so blind to ourselves, oh god...
@@southnoon5808 As a Te dom that sound very relatable
As a Ti dom, I also find myself stopping myself from liking something when the logic comes into question. "It can be replaced with a different hobby", "It's not worth the money anymore", "I'm wasting time when I could be doing something else". Sometimes, this is healthy when the activity is actually not good for you, which is great. Gives us a leg up on the feelers. 😉
The thing that helps me to loosen up is to use that thinking power to 'prove' to yourself why it's fine: "We have limited time on this planet", "It'll feel so good if you just do it", "Being a happier person makes you more fun to be around".
Yeah exactly. It's like as soon as you find a reason to not like something, you just can't like it anymore. I had a pretty funny moment like them when messing around with colour calibration on my phone screen. There are basically 2 modes, one which boosts the colours to look more vibrant and the other that's supposed to be calibrated to 100% sRGB (oled screens can display a wider colour spectrum then sRGB).
But digital media is apparently calibrated to sRGB. So to get an image to look like it was intended to look, you should use the sRGB mode. And so I did, because "I want to see games the way they are supposed to look". "I don't care if my screen looks almost black and white now, I want it to look true!".
Well, later I discovered the mode is somehow just wrong, and it's better to just leave it in the default vibrant mode, at least on my device, because it literally looks more true to life. (Found out by taking a picture of something, putting my phone next to it and seeing if the colours match).
So that's why I use vibrant colours again, completely ignoring the fact that they look much better lol. "But that's not a good enough reason for me" 🙄
(I can only admit they look better now because I now know they look more true to life, lol)
I am definitely a feeler demon. Its so frustrating to feel a negative emotion that has no reason to be there gahh they just get in the way and detract from my quality of life and give me less of a reason to live.
I have Fi as a 3rd function and I feel the same..
yep, that's why we're (atleast I) here! :D
I had this realization a couple years ago. That it's in fact very illogical to think that other people and myself don't have feelings. And that getting mad at myself of others for not being "logical" was illogical. Feelings are a part of the program.
How do you know that Cap Planet has big un? Huh? I don't remember seeing it…insider intel? ;)
That's when an NT becomes a super human.
I love your humorous descriptions... Once a month or every 6 years having a crybaby temper tantrum and forget all about it...very accurate lol
“It’s ok to have feelings and you don’t have to have good reasons”
My brain: *internally screaming* Nooo! That’s illogical.
My brain: I have feelings... when I have the reasons for having them. Is that enough for you?
I came here to make a similar comment. “It just makes sense” Um, no it actually makes no sense. None at all.
My first thought: _that doesn’t make sense_
Maybe but it's REVEALING.
Same though
I’ve actually suddenly broken down crying in the middle of a conversation when I mentioned missing my family, and had to apologize to the other person saying “I’m not sure what’s going on, just ignore this mess...I’ll get it under control”
It was embarrassing Bc I didn’t see it coming until it was too late. I didn’t know it would affect me that much until after the words came out and I felt the tears coming. It was like “damn it emotions...now is not the right time. Can we please explain ourselves clearly first?”
But nope, when the feels come, you can’t stop them :)
I'm an ENTJ and this helps tremendously.
I think the way I dealt with this was something along the lines of: "I have feelings for a reason, be it good or otherwise. I just wouldn't necessarily know what those reasons are".
Now that is what you call a _healthy_ reasoning.
Thinking that way is definitely very comforting
What I have observed about myself (60 yr old ENTP) is that I accept that my feelings are real and valid, but if a specific strong emotion pops up in an unexpected place, it's helpful to me to understand why I'm having what seems to be a mis-placed response to a specific situation. "Geez, what I'm feeling right now is how I would usually feel in XYZ situation, but I'm in ABC situation. What ELSE is going on right now that could cause me to respond that way?" In other words, I analyze the situation to understand my emotional response. I don't do this when I have an emotional response like, "Oh, I love that movie, or I hate that food, or should I take this job?" I do it when it feels like it comes out of nowhere. I'm usually responding to what is *actually* going on, and not to what appears to be going on at the surface.
This is definitely changing my perspective Dave. The biggest problem my counselors always have with me is that I always rationalize my feelings. Instead of outright saying what I feel I always seem to try to explain away my feelings, and despite being an ENFP I've always done this fairly unconciously even when I can pinpoint what my feelings are. Funny enough I was having panic attacks every month until I started medication. Not that I'm going to stop that any time soon. But this is helping me pinpoint my personality type and what that entails.
Dartyus This is very interesting to me. I’m an INFP and I’ve had counselors over the years try to get me to talk about my feelings. Then when I do, they tell me I’m intellectualizing. I’ve always felt like they want me to cry or something and I don’t feel like crying. I’m just looking around inside myself and telling them what I see. Sure I can cry, laugh, rage just like anyone. But I can’t just emote on cue. It has to come naturally. What confuses me is how can a lead Fi not express emotion easily?
Maybe both of you are misstyped :D
Man! I've seen all your videos, and I've gone from: "hey, I'm very in touch with my feelings" to "omg! I'm really crapp with handling emotions!" (yes, I typed myself wrong, and so has every test I've done)
Just want to say thank you! Great content, fun to watch :) Glad you faced your demons :P
This video directly matches therapy I have gone through. I have taught myself it’s okay to be emotional and that you can’t out logic your emotions.
As a double decider. I like it when thinking and feeling are balanced so I don't have to go through the mess of being too logical or emotional as described.
This is what I've been trying to say to my ENTJ friend for the past year. *brb sending this to every friend who has Fi/Fe demon*
Amazing quote!
The foundation will always be feelings/ethics. You can't logically deduce a reason to live, you must decide out of thin air or a flying passion and then utilize your thinking abilities from there. What is beneficial for "thing i chose to live for" etc.
This makes me happy to know I got through this demon and have been more understanding of my own emotions and others. Definitely makes a difference from when I was younger and literally cut my emotions off because they were annoying me until I would explode out of nowhere. Better to have little explosions of emotions and just ride it out.
Why wouldn't emotions have reason though? It's logical to not ignore your feelings but sometimes it's for the best. The best decision is not always the one that involves feelings, but a good decision should involve both feelings and thinking and be balanced.
There are reasons for emotions and I'm rationalizing them. There is a book that talked about emotion, as an archaic decision mechanism. Now we have the ability to override this mechanism.
What I think the point is this, there very well will be reasons for emotions. But if you're trying to understand it before feeling it and letting yourself just be, it becomes an issue. When the stuff he mentions happen, throwing a tantrum once a month, being emotionally vulnerable to yourself because you're restricting a natural thing from happening etc.
Decision making is pretty personal, I'm not sure if there's an optimal solution that works for everybody. You deal with the repercussions by yourself, so, it would come down to your tendencies and your way of coming to terms with what happens after.
Because emotion and logic are opposites.
Your emotions have a logic to them - emotions and logic are not opposites - but the logic behind your emotions is almost by definition unconscious. You need to feel the emotion and figure out “what” it is before you can know “why” it is. It’s like the movie Inside Out, your emotions are making decisions for reasons that are usually pretty straightforward and logical - keeping you safe, making sure you’re treated fairly, etc - in response to things in your environment and beliefs you hold about them. But that’s not visible to your conscious/storytelling brain, you have to figure out what’s causing your feelings after the fact.
You can of course change your feelings by changing your beliefs, thoughts and experiences. This is what therapy is for. But that’s not a case of your feelings being unreasonable, it’s a case of your feelings _telling you_ that your _thoughts_ are unreasonable and changing them til you feel less shitty. Thoughts are somewhat in our control while feelings are not.
I agree with you. There are reasons behind emotions, if not, evolution would've gotten rid of it a long time ago. It deals with your value system that keeps you or your group alive, what's preferable and what's not, when you mess something up you're gonna feel horrible. Without feeling, what is even the point of doing anything since nothing should motivate you.
When my Fi starts to bug me, I always stop and ask myself why I’m feeling this way and trace it back to that. Then I choose to do whatever I need to to at least lesson that feeling. Then I just move on and it is 1000x better. It’s not something I’ve always been able to do, just something I developed over time. My younger self would just be sad or pissed off and have no idea why. So you’re right, I think being logical about feelings instead of just getting wrapped up in them is a great way to go about it.
This actually sounds familiar. When I was younger I even invented a sad story about senselessly loving someone I could never have (and I believed it myself), because I couldn't deal with the depression despair that randomly overcame me without having any reason for feeling down. Now I still try to figure out the reasons for any feelings because knowing the reason means being able to reproduce or avoid the feeling by recreating or fixing the reason.
Wanting the wrong thing for the right feeling doesn't justify the feeling, it will give you the wrong thing before you understand why it's wrong.
This was great and gave me an "Aha" moment. Te - Fi = this is why i switch to rage mode when I'm angry.
This is very beneficial.
Late afternoon I just stared myself in the mirror why I am using emotion as a basis of something.
Yelling in the hills is somewhat satisfying, those bottled emotions have been vanished by myself.
Finally! Thanks for this, I had been suspecting that I must have saviour Ni-Ti, and demon Fe-Se. It felt improbable because of seeming overuse of Fe. This helps it all make sense.
your video saves me from years of loops. Thank you so much!!!
It's a good explanation. It makes me wonder whether IxxPs are especially susceptible to OCD, which is basically anxiety about irrational feelings that won't go away.
Drew J I’m an INFP and diagnosed with OCD. I would like to know more about that as well.
When I get stressed my demon thinking comes out. Stupidity causes me high anxiety if im stressed
This happens to me even though I think I'm an INFP. I mean I'm always looking for the best reasons to do a thing or act in a certain way and then all of a sudden my emotions come out and say "screw it, just do what you like and what feels right".
Way Rest
That definitely sounds like saviour-Fi! Like you’re trying hard to find those Te-reasons, but your Self-above-Tribe function always wins at the end of the day.
Yeah, as an INFP myself, that's definitely an INFP thing to do. But instead of reasons (which Dave always uses when he's talking about the thinking functions) it would be morals/feelings.
So instead of "I have to have GOOD REASONS for my feelings," It's "I have to have GOOD FEELINGS for my reasons" for anyone with Savior Feeler & Demon Thinker.
Someone ought to make T-shirt designs out of these sayings.
INTP here. That video really hit home. So many times I've gone with logic and it turned to crap because my heart wasn't in it. However, this still doesn't help me see what my heart wants. Every time I look, my feelings just shrug.
Whoa , whenever i feel something i always try to understand feelings and rationalize. Definitely Ti/Ne
As an ENTP what I often do is to think about all the possible situations that people might be going through and logically figure out why they feel that way - that's my way of doing Fe
The last two years have definitely released the shackles on this screaming demon baby in me. It's been so HARD to get in tune with "I like it because I like it" and "I hate it because fuck your reasons", but realising I was looking for marshmallows when the pandemic burned my career to the ground was something my INTP predilections could no longer rationalise to death. This is an incredibly insightful video!
This reminds me of when I was in a friends parents house and the sight of a kitchen cupboard instantly made me want to collapse on the floor in tears. I had no idea why, and was wearing sunglasses. So I cried lightly behind them and no one knew anything was going on. I felt like I couldn't allow anyone to see it because I couldn't explain why I was crying.
Once I was alone, I realised that the kitchen cupboard was the same design as one from my parents caravan, and they had recently both died. The sight had reminded me that those happy times were over. Once I had my explanation, I allowed myself to cry properly.
I very much feel like feelings need to be justified! I always need to make sense out of my feelings.
As an older infp I've learned to suppress my feelings for sake of others at work. It does get better
I think my struggles have been in trying to justify my emotions all my life! So they have just been bottled up when I could have been going with them. I am familiar with that tidal wave. I'm not sure though if this is demon feelings or environmental. I have resented having to explain my feelings and kept them to myself so desperately wanting to follow them but not doing so because: tribe. So possibly demon feeling. How interesting! I'm gonna love finding out.
Plato had this great analogy of 2 horses, 1 black (appetitive spirit) and 1 white (Passionate spirit aka feelings) with reason on a chariot directing the two, with the whole being the spirit. black does what it wants, it only understands force (aka being whipped) while the white horse tends to be more in line with reason. It still has a mind of its own though, and if the black stampedes so will the white. The point is Feeling (passion) is a part of the human spirit, it's a matter of control to keep it where it needs to be. The chariot can't move unless the horses do.
Feeling functions Fe and Fi aren't necessarily delegates of emotions (heart). They have their own agenda and won't go along with emotions if their agenda is under threat. E.g. Fi can suppress emotions if they're not aligned with their values.
Tariq Asghar Absolutely! Good point.
Bec Wakefield thanks
Values and motivations are based on feelings hence F's, so it's just an inner conflict among them.
Thank you for this channel
I'm an entj, this is something I had to learn the hard way, it's nice that know I got it all right
The thing I hate the most from Fi demon people is that THEY WILL FORGET that they lashed out at you and go around saying "I never do bad things to others, I only ever helped them out", regardless whether or not what they did actually helped. Much worse when they are Ne-blind as they don't even want to consider better, less painful, more efficient ways to make things work. At their demon's worst, they think that it's other people's responsibility to take care of their feelings while they crush down others' on daily basis.
Sorry if it devolves into a bit of rant lol
When we got to the part where he explains what the Fi wants me to do, I'm like "nope, no, not gonna happen. No, no.."
Your channel is gold man, you desserve a billion subs!
way to make Fi bubbles look a little like Eldritch miasma, bubbling up to take that woman down a storm drain _where everyone floats_
I love this, and as a bonus, I know I have good reason for it haha! :)
WHEN HE SAYS_______________________ "I'ts ok not to have good reasons !" _________________________
ALL I HEAR IS ________________________It's Ok to be Dumb !________________________________________ _Because your feelings always have a reason behind ! You just don't know it yet and for me ...
___________________________________It's not ok to not Know____________________________________________
_________________________________Bruh...Thinker Struggle_____________________________________________
Never fails to include these subtle crack-ups 1:45
You speak my language lol! That's what my last sessions with my therapist were all about... -__- If I'm in balance, my F isn't such a problem, but in a crisis where I get overwhelmed with feelings, I just NEED to rationalize and understand what is going on, in the grieving process for example, and sometimes, well... It's just emotions, with no need for rationality. You're just supposed to accept it's there, but for me, it's like being irrational... and I'd probably not be as judgemental with someone else... On the other hand, I also try to figure out the patterns behind what I love doing, because I tend to change interests quicker than I blink -__-
Basically me when I answer "yes" to almost anything just because I have to and the other person came to me and asked the favor nicely that I don't want to make that person feel bad.... even if I abhor it.
Great explanation!
This is something I needed to hear
This explains some things. Thank you.
The entire time I'm like " but there must be a reason, how can I not have a reason to feel some kind of way?" I don't feel my demon on daily basis, but throughout this video, it was prominent like running from an exorcism ritual 😂
Oh man, my emotional freak outs are.... something all right ha ha. I’ve thought I had Se inferior, but now I’m not so sure because my own feelings are what hit me in the face and turn me into this out-of-character crazyperson. My emotions really do feel separate from me as a person and I have, in fact, visualized them like a monster chained in the basement (and why can’t I just... leave it there? ha ha).
That's so me at the highscool. I've studied fucking architecture, when i really wanted to go for IT, because of all those shitty reasons of my parents that they shoved down my throat. How every IT job on earth sucks and there are too many people doing it. So I went trough 4 years of highscool, i lied to myself how I'd maybe kinda want to do something in that field, and I subconciously self-sabotaged it, and sadly not sooner that at the very end of it I realized that what was originaly just a "I don't mind studying this" turned into "I absolutely fucking hate this".
Going through your videos I kinda realize many things about myself, but then i stop and wonder whether it is not me being very impressionable because your arguments appeal to me lol. I'm an esfp but whether I have demon Fi or Te- that's something I can't make a decision on so I'll go through tons of videos more hahah
Love this!!!!!!
Thank you.
You can feel something and choose not to act on it because there are no good reasons to do so. However, random emotions for no known reason are why therapy and medication exists, they're a sign of a problem. When making a decision, emotions are reasons as well, as long as they're justified (ie in response to something non-random).
find people that satisfy your demons
I am and INFJ but definetly have my Fe as a demon. This helped.
1:48 so true
I’ve always blamed it on pms
"It's ok to have feelings without good reason."
Obviously, but, without good reasons, how could I prioritize, express, or even understand those feelings? If I know the why, I can deduce the what.
I'm so scared of having my perspective wrong whenever I feel negative emotions that I question everything to the point of burning myself out.
I hate when people are irrational and I hate when I'm that way myself. (ENTP btw)
If I would agree with everything I feel I would become more bipolar than I already am, and only a fucking idiot would stay my friend. ..Unless they're an INFJ that totally gets me and can direct me when I'm fucking off in the wrong direction lol.
I question everything because I hate questioning everything. -That's kindof my life in a nutshell.
Btw though, isn't Si supposed to be the demon here? As an ENTP?
"I'm so scared of having my perspective wrong whenever I feel negative emotions that I question everything to the point of burning myself out."
Man. Me too. And then it just explodes. I've always thought I had savior Fe/Fi but I'm slowly realising that it might be the other way around.
I feel you, I think we have to accept that we will never have all the information, and that it doesn't make our feelings any less valid regardless. Our perspective is our perspective, and yes, if new information is presented to us our emotional response might change but... we should have a right to react to the information available to us. Doesn't mean we have to go bananas (that's usually unwise), but we owe ourselves the self-compassion to validate our own experiances. Working on this myself. It's hard. I always WANT TO KNOW FOR SURE that I'm in the right. Driving me nuts.
Could it be that those with demon feelings hate the question "How are you" ?
I'm an INFP and I don't cry
Phrase "follow your heart" always makes me angry lol.
Ugh. I simply cannot understand doing something only because it feels good. I want to, but it's like digging for fine fossils.
If I'm not careful I find myself rationalizing my own existence, and sometimes come up very short of good reasons...
A lot.
SO GOOD! thank you
For those of us who love listening to Dave but find him to be a fast talker...close captioning makes a big difference. See you (and Dave's links) over on the INTJ subReddit.
Somehow it made sense and doesn’t at the same time 🙃
Okay, Feeling is definitely my demon 😂
God damm it, stop calling me out like that
Great vid!
Yup, one month I told her I wanted a divorce, I got one
I'm not sure about the "Feeling you have to validate your feelings with reasons" coin. While that is true for me (Te over Fi), I do not think that is true for my biz partner who is Dom Te and inferior Fi (could be wrong on this, but highly doubt it. He feels extremely "tribe guy" oriented. He also feels VERY Fi-F, very soft core, and extremely pushy with Te-M all the time).
When I ask him questions or to give reasons for his emotions, he often feels overwhelmed. He doesn't want to SLOW things down to figure out or understand his emotions, he just wants them to be there, and move forward with them. Constant focus on moving forward, and not looking back.
His emotions play a huge part in his future vision for himself and his constant problems with his identity, and while it has a lot of importance he will constantly LOOP from trying to immerse himself into his "distant" Fi, and will be completely unaware and ignoring it when he is Te'ing all the time. Its exhausting because he plays this identity discovery game all the time, looping in in "distant awareness" of Fi then looping out of being COMPLETELY oblivious in regards to how his Fi is influencing Te
Austin Ollar If he does this all the time, maybe these are not his savior/demon functions, but his second and third functions that are relatively balanced for him.
Yeah but the only thing is, he constantly is seeking "who am I." Every action we do in business he is trying to discover himself and will often accidentally bring in his emotions into conversations while he is being very pushy with his reasons (hence the Te-Masculine).
The biggest thing is the demon is the thing he is most fascinated by and almost child-like with. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong, I've been wrong about my type for about 8 years, but when we have a conversation every. single. day about who he is becoming as a person and he is so infatuated with himself, that is definitely a personality preference worth paying attention to.
Austin Ollar I understand what you’re saying. The thing that struck me is that he is doing this on a daily basis, which just seems torturous to me. I’m lead Fi and I rarely Te. I dread Te’ing like the plague. That’s my problem. If this is a tidal wave of Fi that is going on daily, I would think he is going through some kind of extended state of crisis in his life. Idk, I’m still learning Dave and Shan’s stuff, so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about lol.
lol theres no doubt Eunhye
Hey yeah Bec I completely see where you are coming from. I am still learning as well, as I am trying to unlearn most of the MBTI stuff I've learned over the past 8 years.
It is interesting how these patterns occur in personality, having one arm bigger than the other so to speak. With my partner, perhaps I was over exaggerating a little because I get a little tired of his hang up on identity all the time, and how it even interferes with some of the business decisions we make. He's pretty level headed, but he just talks about himself all the time and how hes transforming (we're actually on the phone talking right now as I type this out and he's doing this as we speak lol).
Demon Fe here, i must use also Fe specially for personal decisions not just empathy and carithy.
Once a month? Makes it sound like PMS.
I think this video focuses more on Fi than Fe. Ignoring your personal likes and dislikes because they don't have good reasons seems like a Te/Fi thing while Fe would care about other people's likes and preferences. A Ti/Fe person would struggle more with wanting to be liked by others even though that goes against independent thinking. However, I am a Ti dom and probably very biased in this regard.
I think it addresses Fe as well. It seems like Ti doms most of the time are confident and boisterous in their 'self- logic/reason/thinking', but every now and then they will sit back and pick apart somebody else who seems to be 'succeeding' more at the same game, or lament over how stupid some social norm is and how it's messing up their plans.
I feel this
For all Ti doms that are struggling with understanding why they should care about their friends and Family. Read The Moral Animal by Robert Write and Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan. Both books helped me out immensely!
I feel....so called out?
demon sensing?
Great video! Can you do demon thinking next?
Im INTP. It is so true! I can be sad and think "This is stupid! Why do I feel this way? It's illogical! Emotion doesnt think! I need to stop feeling this way!"
That's why we are compared to Vulcans. Vulcans are extremely emotional, but suppress it in search of logic. Going too far in the process.
So weird that I was trained by my demented family to see feelings as my savior but they're actually my demon, which is why I hate them so much. I (don't) enjoy being a girl. Now how do I rewrite my life story? It makes no sense!
Me: gets very upset
Talks myself through what im feeling because I don't know what exactly is the root of the issue
And then when I get an idea of what I'm upset about I think about how the tribe might see different ways I could have handled or seen the situation which I also understand and see value in. In an ideal world lol.
And then I rationalize that my feelings didn't need to happen, try to "plan" to see it differently next time, and put them away only to find myself in the same spot in another couple of weeks 🤦🏻♀️ all the whole receiving NO tribe validation from this bc ppl are not getting the whole thjng I just did in my head
Double fucked smh
From intp: .....holy shit
I'm an ISFP and this is how I feel about my inferior Te....Always trying to woo the baby and let it know i still love it and respect it and try to take it out in the sun as much as I can.....Hahaha. damn devil baby.
Make the opposite one, puhleez! For INFPs, the idea of action, Te, is anathema to self. How should I understand it? It always feels like if I act, one way or another, decisively, I will end up violating my self or values I uphold personally. Or else end up getting hurt and then return with a wounded heart to nurse silently. Very annoying. But also a lived reality! Some perspective on this would be great!
Kaustubh .Tiwari I agree! I’m an INFP and making decisions is excruciating for me. I am terrified of making the wrong decision. What will be the consequences? Will I end up stuck with something I hate, etc. I would love to see a video on demon Te.
Could you please explain the difference between an INTJ who is NiFi and an INFJ who is NiFe? Sometimes, when someone has their 3rd function as a 'savior' doesn't it make them come across as an entirely different type? Nike in this example, N-F although of course the INTJ's Fi is not the same as the INFJ's Fe. I tend to think the INTJ will still be far more "rational" even if they have Fi as a savior.
feelings are expressed values, if you have a feeling you dont like, there is a subconscious value you dot like expressing itself. changing your values and beliefs are things you need to do. so research it , sleep hypnosis and actively execute
Yuck. Feelings are stupid. Once a month, I’m a complete bat case who I can’t even stand.
I'm ENTJ. How can we process the F faster, be warned when it's starting or be better with it? I find it very hard. This video is very helpful.
It’s literally just like me. I want to join the military but my father says go to college, so I listen and say I’l go to college . But every couple of weeks or so I’ll say ( not to him, but in my head) fuck you , fuck college I want to join the military. ( I only have a couple weeks to decide btw)
Esfp Too Right ?
See, I get your point, but wouldn’t locking your emotions up in the basement and denying they exist be a better strategy? XD
Excuse what might be oversharing (no one really gives a shit about someone else's personal issues, I know), but I've been going to counselors for oh, over ten years and I'd always talk through the issues but never seemed to be getting anywhere. People used to compliment me on being able to "address serious issues" and I always though "hey, this is super easy, wtf is it with people and talking about their problems?" but THEN I had a counselor who actually made me FEEL shit and my immediate reaction was "oh fuck this."
I understand feelings, I really do, but I'd much rather not have them, thanks, and people make REALLY stupid decisions when they listen to them to make important decisions. If there's no clear reason for them to exist.... why should they be there in the first place?
hi aoitennyo, here is a rational way to look at feelings: as information from the subconscious. We can't be conscious of every single thing our senses pick up, but our subconscious still compares input in the background and lets us know if the sum is good or bad in the form of feelings. (there is some interesting stuff written about this e.g. in the book 'The Decisive Moment' by J Lehrer which talks about when you should and shouldn't trust your instincts). Basically it comes down to experience - more experience with a given type of sensory situation (say things that are part of your job and have been for some years) means more 'accurate' feelings about outcomes. Some feelings are responses to life based on personal life history (sensations in the past) that may not be consciously remembered, may not seem relevant in the here and now - but are still held in the body in a way that causes health problems - in that case feelings are a body process and there are loads of factual rational medical reasons why those are useful e.g. resetting your immune system.
This is not the full picture of feeling as a function though - Fe empathy or ethics can be seen as expanding the experience of living in a human body, with these fallibilities above, out to other humans, do help decide things to suit the tribe. Being animal creatures in bodies leads to it's own logic - evolutionary logic, medical facts of being bounded by limitations that our minds can choose to ignore MOST of the time thanks to abstraction
I kind of dont agree with the consensus of this video, its actio reactio. If I have a certain feeling towards something there must be a reason, there must be rules that apply to what causes my feeling. This is going into depth psychology. Im currently in therapy and working on emotions and emotional intelligence, right now we do anger therapy (funny thing right). And anger is dependend on the way your subconciouss boundaries for your ego are broken by outside world forces. And if my anger is dependend on my ego being attacked then there must be reasons why my ego developed in a certain way. I think if you know enough about urself you eventually will be able to rationally choose the emotion you feel or at least identify the reason you feel a certain way. Anger for example is something different then a heart break, I mean you cant just not be heart broken after losing somebody you loved, but at least you know the reason. Anger on the other hand is controllable if you know what to be angry about and what is actually attacking you.
Feelings need to be understood not felt!!!😂
Can any of the feeling types describe what it's like to feel?
Fi works sort of like a blindfolded taste test where you take one bite of something and you can tell exactly what it is. It's taking an overall assessment of whatever you're experiencing (things in the real world as well as ideas) and measuring it with the subject (yourself). This gives you an overall impression of something.
When paired with an extroverted perceiving function, each feeling assessment is taken independently. When paired with an introverted perceiving function, each feeling assessment is taken in light of previous similar assessments.
Fe is walking into a room full of people, interpreting every verbal and non verbal signal given by those people, and trying to shape your words and actions to accommodate the perceived values as much as possible while holding on to your personal principles/values.