I have found that the stuttering and unreliable function to not be unique to those XL systems decoders. I've experienced it with ESU, Paragon, and Econami sound decoders in N scale as well. I wish there were more options for keep alive or capacitor banks but there is just so little room inside of most N scale units. Also I think the light weight of N scale units leads to poor electrical contact even on clean track. Good video as always, Peter!
It's not the capton tape. It's that the frame halves are oily. I always clean the areas on the frame halves where I want the capton tape too stick with acetone or laquer thinner and a Q-tip. Works like a charm. Cheers!
I have found that the stuttering and unreliable function to not be unique to those XL systems decoders. I've experienced it with ESU, Paragon, and Econami sound decoders in N scale as well. I wish there were more options for keep alive or capacitor banks but there is just so little room inside of most N scale units. Also I think the light weight of N scale units leads to poor electrical contact even on clean track. Good video as always, Peter!
It's not the capton tape. It's that the frame halves are oily. I always clean the areas on the frame halves where I want the capton tape too stick with acetone or laquer thinner and a Q-tip. Works like a charm. Cheers!
Next documentary when?