What a convoluted method for dealing with end of month date. In cell A2 type the starting date "1/31/1990", then in cell A3 enter "=EOMONTH(A2,1)", hit enter. You now have 2/28/90 in cell A3, drag and fill the formula down the rows to whatever end date you need. Also make sure the entire A column is formatted in a date format otherwise Excel will show a code for the date rather than the date itself.
What a convoluted method for dealing with end of month date. In cell A2 type the starting date "1/31/1990", then in cell A3 enter "=EOMONTH(A2,1)", hit enter. You now have 2/28/90 in cell A3, drag and fill the formula down the rows to whatever end date you need. Also make sure the entire A column is formatted in a date format otherwise Excel will show a code for the date rather than the date itself.
Thank you so much!! This was so well put and explained :D
Thank you! v useful for my homework