Goaliath Basketball Hoop Install - Part 1 - Anchor System

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @xeeesh986
    @xeeesh986 Рік тому +1

    Great video. I got the same hoop y'all installed and I gotta say you got some dedication! It's a rough hoop to put it up but it's worth it in the end 🏀

  • @JOEB955
    @JOEB955 7 років тому +20

    I certainly would not do it this way. Just take some 2 x 4's and make a frame for the footing. The anchor bolts are way way too close to the outside edge!

    • @a32singh
      @a32singh 3 роки тому +3

      Agreed, way too close to the edge. Should have read the instructions before he started this project, and once he did, he should have followed the instructions and done a 16" diameter hole.

    • @als7449
      @als7449 3 роки тому

      I just did this from a different video. I looked up videos to see how many bags they used cause I only needed 5.
      Now being that you guys say it will snap at the anchor…you guys suggest I dig around it…? 6” deep maybe? And fill it with concrete. One guy said you need like 11 bags so I got 6 left. I can use 1-2 and reinforce it…good idea?

    • @randomstuffwithjoe
      @randomstuffwithjoe 2 роки тому +1

      That was my immediate thought as well. This is a bad DIY video.

    • @csaa1980
      @csaa1980 7 місяців тому

      I thought that also…plus the concrete looked a little dry and moving the plate around can cause sloppy holes if it was.

  • @nickverse3404
    @nickverse3404 5 років тому +9

    Digger a hole in sandals bold move

  • @7361biker
    @7361biker 7 років тому +22

    Great video until the end. The hold down bolts are too close to the edge of the "round form". You need 4" all around the bolts at a minimum. I guarantee the concrete blew out in these areas.

    • @DJDadbaugh
      @DJDadbaugh 5 років тому +2

      So definitely need the 16” form?

  • @FamilyChannelfun32
    @FamilyChannelfun32 4 роки тому +4

    How many bags of concrete did you use man

    • @ronseybones
      @ronseybones 4 роки тому

      he used 8 but he said 9 would've been better

    • @FamilyChannelfun32
      @FamilyChannelfun32 4 роки тому +2

      @@ronseybones wow that many. No kidding just seems like alot

    • @ronseybones
      @ronseybones 4 роки тому +1

      Eric Knowles I thought the same thing

    • @als7449
      @als7449 3 роки тому

      Depends on how many pounds is bag. 40/60/80
      I used about 5 80# bags of high strength. I’m actually gonna dig around it and add 1-2’ of extra cement to support it since I went w a 12” form

  • @SoodJustin
    @SoodJustin 4 роки тому +5

    This was a great, helpful video. Thanks for posting.

  • @SuperJ24
    @SuperJ24 4 роки тому +3

    Hey, GeekSmart,
    Thanks for posting this video. I learned some good things from you and from the comments. Even the comments which were a bit know-it-all-ish were helpful. And I wouldn't have gotten to read them if you hadn't made yourself vulnerable and posted your work. So thanks!

  • @KliqDon1983
    @KliqDon1983 6 років тому +4

    My goaliath did not come with the Mount brackets for the pole.

  • @pogiverdugo2005
    @pogiverdugo2005 7 років тому +2

    I love basketball and I would love to do this for my kids but that road seems pretty busy.. I was always raised on a culdesac so this might be normal. I just feel anxious for the kids protection

    • @GeekSmart
      @GeekSmart  7 років тому +1

      +Pogi Verdugo agreed, I just thought my kids to make sure to leave the ball go if it goes into the street

    • @markcodysr
      @markcodysr 4 роки тому

      GeekSmart depending the age and discipline of the kids, that may or may not be a good plan.

  • @createmomentum
    @createmomentum 4 роки тому

    How is the concrete holding up. Had any problems?

  • @cbradley0427
    @cbradley0427 3 роки тому

    Do you know the measurement from the center of the mounting pole to the backboard?

  • @SsShadowbaneSsS
    @SsShadowbaneSsS 3 роки тому

    Where the hell r the nylon washers my kit doesn’t have #34 skips that number but need them so it doesn’t rust

  • @JJJere
    @JJJere 2 роки тому

    They've worn concrete in the middle east while doing construction for Millenniums!

  • @JJJere
    @JJJere 2 роки тому

    Is the hoop still up?

  • @MarkMcPeak5895
    @MarkMcPeak5895 5 років тому +7

    As an "old" contractor, I recommend a good pair of leather work boots! Composite hard toe, water and slip resistant. I personally like electrical and puncture resistant as well....but that's because of my work. But NEVER work in sandals! Boots offer safety and anyone who does this type of work for a living knows you occasionally drop things on your toe....also climbing a ladder requires boots!

    • @Greasin_metal
      @Greasin_metal 5 років тому +3

      Climbing a ladder does not require boots

    • @cdawg272
      @cdawg272 5 років тому


  • @chrisclark5178
    @chrisclark5178 4 роки тому

    Will rain affect the 72 hours molding process? Does it need to be covered up?

    • @GeekSmart
      @GeekSmart  4 роки тому

      As long as the concrete is hard, rain may actually slow the curing process. I would want at least 12 hours cured before rain started, then it wouldn’t have a large effect. If you second guess it, let it sit another day.

    • @julianklietz6558
      @julianklietz6558 2 роки тому +1

      concrete can be fully submerged in water and still cure 100% fine, infact you should keep young concrete wet for up to a week to prevent cracking caused by repeated moistning and drying.

  • @normank5190
    @normank5190 2 роки тому +2

    All the traffic in the background, this is a dangerous place for goal

  • @ryansvloggingit5492
    @ryansvloggingit5492 7 років тому +1

    I bought one used for 400.oo but I didn't get the plate bolts how much are they I got to hire someone cause if u don't set right it will make the goal of center and sang plus I've got the 60 inch back board and we get bad weather coming out of the West if it's not set right I'd screw it up

  • @tommythevenot7617
    @tommythevenot7617 2 роки тому

    What if quikcrete is used? Will that speed up the curing process? Can I install the goal sooner?

  • @scroogemcdollarsrichunclem3066
    @scroogemcdollarsrichunclem3066 3 роки тому

    How deep is the hole 🕳?

  • @publicEnima
    @publicEnima 3 місяці тому

    Need to get a net to prevent the ball from going into the street.

  • @dayaansheikh6010
    @dayaansheikh6010 7 років тому

    would u consider the goalrilla hoop or the goaliath

    • @GeekSmart
      @GeekSmart  7 років тому +1

      +Dayaan Sheikh I would prefer the Goalrilla, but the Goaliath is great for occasional use like my family does

    • @dayaansheikh6010
      @dayaansheikh6010 7 років тому

      GeekSmart what is the lowest ur hoop can go?

    • @garnet.4664
      @garnet.4664 7 років тому +1

      Dayaan Sheikh mega slam

    • @surrealvisions8137
      @surrealvisions8137 4 роки тому

      Garnet pretty expensive

  • @JimBification
    @JimBification 5 років тому

    Dropping the reinforcement so low is not good. Now you have nothing to transmit pull out forces from the bolts down to the foundation. You need bar high enough to engage the anchor bolt pull out cones to avoid snapping off the top of foundation. That backboard hanging up there is creating a lot of overturning force.

  • @KliqDon1983
    @KliqDon1983 6 років тому

    What size sonotube

  • @victoriovei5211
    @victoriovei5211 4 роки тому

    Quien saber el precio

  • @radysy381
    @radysy381 6 років тому +10

    The hole should have been dug square, to stop the ring rotating.
    Also not enough gap between bolts and edge of concrete.
    You really should follow the manufacturers recommendations, as its your kids safety at stake here. Do not follow what he's done people.

    • @luisrasgado9160
      @luisrasgado9160 5 років тому +6

      Round or square 450 lbs anchor won’t move lol I have done goals for 14 yrs

    • @cdawg272
      @cdawg272 5 років тому +3

      @@luisrasgado9160 she's crazy. I get it but people like her will freak out about any and everything.

    • @openyuheyeby8674
      @openyuheyeby8674 2 роки тому

      Thank you Luis

    • @xcalabur18
      @xcalabur18 2 роки тому +1

      Let your husband know when he goes outside to do this while you sit on the couch and watch TV.

  • @cnrmoose
    @cnrmoose 7 років тому +7

    That is not the way the manufacturers tell you to do it.

  • @thisisanightmare2575
    @thisisanightmare2575 7 років тому +2

    Great video! Thanks for posting!

    • @GeekSmart
      @GeekSmart  7 років тому +1

      +ThisIsaNightmare no problem

  • @stevegiliberti424
    @stevegiliberti424 3 місяці тому

    Shouldn’t have used that small of a tube

  • @oneway_jack4751
    @oneway_jack4751 4 роки тому

    nice video

  • @gregbrady8454
    @gregbrady8454 5 років тому +2

    It took you almost a year to put up a court. Wow dude. lol.

  • @markcodysr
    @markcodysr 4 роки тому +1

    Nice video... a bit of a mumbler though... had to keep rewinding to see what the heck he just said.

    • @GeekSmart
      @GeekSmart  4 роки тому

      Yeah, I have since gotten better microphones so newer videos should be better

  • @MrScott3060
    @MrScott3060 5 років тому +5

    Real Men NEVER wear flip flops!!!!!