JBL Partybox 710 Unboxing & First Impressions

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @smokeythebear333
    @smokeythebear333 Рік тому +2

    I was nervous for the unboxing (mine just arrived today). Unboxing went flawlessly, thanks to your help!

  • @skatecatmovies7275
    @skatecatmovies7275 2 роки тому +7

    Damn! That's great! Very nice unboxing! Keep it up mate!

  • @elyad67
    @elyad67 Рік тому +6

    Thank you JBL for putting wheels on it, sadly not a case handle like the 310 but it will work way better than the pb1000, if u wanna bring it outside in a car with a power inverser

    • @EliteNotHD
      @EliteNotHD 8 місяців тому +2

      Thank you JBL for giving us wheels on a partybox that doesnt have a battery-

  • @LukeR1M
    @LukeR1M 11 місяців тому +3

    My 710 is arriving tomorrow but I already wish I would have went with the Ultimate. Nothing wrong with the 710 but the Ultimate has a lot clearer mids in my opinion, plus even stronger bass and gets quite a bit louder.

    • @angelofmercy6139
      @angelofmercy6139 10 місяців тому +1

      True but then u could get 2 of the 710s for the price of 1 ultimate. I’m thinking of getting the 310 or 710. Which one would u think would be best for a bedroom upstairs and using sometimes downstairs in the living room?

    • @LukeR1M
      @LukeR1M 10 місяців тому

      @@angelofmercy6139 I would say 310 will probably be a better option. 710 will be quite troublesome to move through the stairs and it's way overkill for indoor use. I haven't used it yet above 60% volume since I bought it. Even my 310 is more than enough for my 20 square meters room. Also 310 has better mids than 710 while 710 has a lot more bass.
      I have to be honest than even though I bought 710 like 3 weeks ago, I still use my 310 more cause I can just move whenever I want with no issues and without it having to be plugged in. It's just really convenient.
      You could also wait till 320 comes out which will have a lot of upgrades over 310. Better lightshow, volume knob and removable battery.

    • @Soundboks-lover
      @Soundboks-lover 6 місяців тому

      @@angelofmercy6139 the 310 bcause it have a build in battery

    • @ethanbarry4954
      @ethanbarry4954 3 місяці тому

      @@angelofmercy6139 soon I am going to buy two JBL 710s although the ultimate is definitely better overall buying two for the price of one and having a more complete sound is definitely the winner here

  • @Atl-v4v
    @Atl-v4v 2 роки тому +2

    No built-in battery? No free Mics?

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому +3

      Nope, none of that is included

    •  Місяць тому +1

      bruh what did you expect, it's not like something out of cheap bluetooth speakers you'd by from walmart for less than 300$

    • @jaytaripe2145
      @jaytaripe2145 21 день тому +1

      HAHAHA! Try to buy cheap chinese knock-off shit speakers with free mics which sounds like screaming karen! 😂🤣

    • @Atl-v4v
      @Atl-v4v 17 днів тому

      @ you go buy on your own cheap Chinese speaker may be that’s the thing you can only afford 🤪 , I already have this jbl unit 😜.

    •  17 днів тому

      @@Atl-v4v welp. you get what you paid for bro

  • @zotuckk
    @zotuckk 2 роки тому

    im ur 800th sub :)

  • @doritowithmojito6924
    @doritowithmojito6924 2 роки тому +2

    I also got since 2 months its amazing.Sadly I live in a Flat and I cant turn that thing loud too often but still its worth the price.It just sounds clear its hard to describe and as a Gamer the RGB effects are also fire

  • @jbl-p4l
    @jbl-p4l 5 місяців тому

    Can i clearly hear the bass and loudness from 150m away 😊

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  5 місяців тому

      @@jbl-p4l I would say that yes this speaker would sound very good from 150m away outdoors but it wouldn't be super loud compared to being like 10m away from it

  • @speakgerman7194
    @speakgerman7194 Рік тому

    710 compared to the soundboks 3 and/or go which is best for party use in your opinion?

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  Рік тому

      If you are at a place where you have power and want to have a party during the evening or night then I would say that 710 is the better option because it has a little better deep bass on louder volumes compared to both soundbokses and it has those cool lights which is perfect for a party vibe. Soundboks 3 or go would be better in the daytime and if the party would be at a remote place like in the forrest because their portabillity and battery life is amazing compared to the sound they produce

    • @speakgerman7194
      @speakgerman7194 Рік тому

      @@thespeakerguys-testingspeakers I see, is it better than soundboks 3 connected together with another soundboks go as well?

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  Рік тому

      @@speakgerman7194 The 710 vs soundboks 3 with soundboks go would still win with the depth of the bass but the soundbokses would ofcourse give a much fuller and better stereo sound so overall they would win if bass is not the only thing you care about

    • @speakgerman7194
      @speakgerman7194 Рік тому

      @@thespeakerguys-testingspeakers Awesome man, thanks a lot for the insight and help! I think the soundboks 3 is very nice since its so durable and doesnt need to charge. like when your at parties and you don't even have to worry if someone by accident splashes the speaker or if the speaker gets a little bit of a beating. but yeah on videos comparing speakers i can clearly hear from the 710 is better sound quality overall. but honestly i dont think videos do speakers justice becuase in real life the soundboks sound very good imo, but on video it can sound a bit bad if you understand. i think i will buy the 710 tho for the light effect as well as u said

  • @LKS._.
    @LKS._. Рік тому

    Tjena! Kul att du är svensk. Fungerar det för dig att ha en 710, med tanke på hur stor den är. Får den plats bra och går det att ta med den? 😅

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  Рік тому +1

      Nämen tjenare! Jag är inte ägare av denna högtalare utan det är min kompis (som också bedriver kanalen) pappa som köpte den och vi fick låna den när vi öppnade lådan. Därför har jag inte särskilt mycket erfarenhet men det jag kommer ihåg och har sett är att den är ganska tung om man ska lyfta den men den rullar bra med sina hjul. Den får ganska bra plats i hemmet då den är ganska smal men kan inte riktigt tas med utomhus då den inte har ett inbyggt batteri

    • @LKS._.
      @LKS._. Рік тому +1

      @@thespeakerguys-testingspeakers Ok men toppen, kanske blir en 710 tillslut, stackars grannarna bara, hehe. Tack ska du ha!

  • @NexøRacing
    @NexøRacing 2 роки тому

    Do you Think its better than the soundboks? Because I think the SOUNDBOKS sounds better I have listened to the JBL. But good video

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому +1

      The JBL has deeper bass but otherwise they are pretty similar and the advantage of the soundboks is that it gets slightly louder and ofcourse beats the partybox with it's battery

    • @NexøRacing
      @NexøRacing 2 роки тому

      Knew that :) good video!

  • @snagel216
    @snagel216 2 роки тому +1

    Very nice! Altough an expensive price.

  • @EdMiran
    @EdMiran Рік тому

    There is no Microphone included ?

  • @Peanuts_salted
    @Peanuts_salted 2 роки тому

    Since the soundboks go is the same price in the future can you do a partybox 710 vs soundboks go

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому

      Yes we could compare those speaker with every aspect

    • @Peanuts_salted
      @Peanuts_salted 2 роки тому

      @@thespeakerguys-testingspeakers Thanks can’t wait

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому

      @@Peanuts_salted Glad you like the channel, we already have video planned this week but later we will compare the soundboks go and PB 710!

    • @Peanuts_salted
      @Peanuts_salted 2 роки тому

      @@thespeakerguys-testingspeakers Ok thanks 👍🏻

  • @billraof594
    @billraof594 Рік тому

    It should be 2 mic free , why no free mic ?

  • @djayden_0457
    @djayden_0457 Рік тому

    Its 800 output but what is the rms

  • @E_x.E
    @E_x.E 2 роки тому

    is this better than jbl sony mhc v42d

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому +1

      Sorry I have no idea..

    • @E_x.E
      @E_x.E 2 роки тому

      i want to buy this jbl i wonder how does it sound does it shake claws 😁 and 1600 Bulgarian lev

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому +1

      @@E_x.E This JBL speaker has got really good amount of bass, gets loud and has a great lightshow so it's definitely a solid speaker to use where there's a power outlet because it doesn't have a battery sadly

    • @E_x.E
      @E_x.E 2 роки тому

      @@thespeakerguys-testingspeakers thank you stay healthy

  • @RobArenas
    @RobArenas 2 роки тому

    Hey man nice video, quick question I recently got the 310 and it’s great but I’m wondering if the soundboks 3 sounds better. I noticed you make many videos on them so if anyone would know it would be you !

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому +1

      The 310 might have a little better clearness and deeper bass especially if you are outdoors while the soundboks sounds much more boomy and gets way louder which is perfect for outdoors use and the soundboks will sound just as good as the partybox if you are standing far away from these speakers

  • @samuelcressey8342
    @samuelcressey8342 2 роки тому

    Party box 710 or soundbox 3 which is louder and better

  • @guto1078
    @guto1078 2 роки тому

    Great video!!!!!!!

  • @suwisiame
    @suwisiame Рік тому

    Does it have an inbuilt battery

  • @2332gregor
    @2332gregor Рік тому

    You sir have a beautiful home, Also great review.

  • @JohnAkshayan
    @JohnAkshayan Рік тому

    Oh my god supper party speaker

  • @shaneberckman
    @shaneberckman 2 роки тому +3

    I got a solar generator battery pac and take it with me . That 710 rocks ( That Bass 🔊) I would rather do that than buy the soundboks. It about the same price and sounds way better. LOL

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому +1

      Solar generator battery pac sounds very smart now in summer times but still the soundboks definitely wins in portabillity and it's slightly louder

    • @shaneberckman
      @shaneberckman 2 роки тому

      @@thespeakerguys-testingspeakers I agree but that bass 🔊 . LOL 🤣 the battery pac that I use is easy to carry and will charge fast too. The soundboks is definitely more portable. Great video I appreciate you taking the time to make it.

    • @cooldustin1
      @cooldustin1 4 місяці тому

      Which solar generator did you get ?

    • @shaneberckman
      @shaneberckman 4 місяці тому

      ​@@cooldustin1the pecron P600.

  • @shawnnuu5678
    @shawnnuu5678 2 роки тому

    Is it wireless?

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому +2

      Yes it uses bluetooth to connect to a device but you can also use it with a wired connection and if you use this speaker with any instrument input then you would need a cable

    • @shawnnuu5678
      @shawnnuu5678 2 роки тому +1

      @@thespeakerguys-testingspeakers is is portable or need to be pluged in

    • @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers
      @thespeakerguys-testingspeakers  2 роки тому +1

      @@shawnnuu5678 No it's not portable because it has no battery so you have to keep it connected to a wall outlet

  • @will-manprince-walker167
    @will-manprince-walker167 11 місяців тому

    You have to be smarter than the packaging to unbox these monsters

  • @ashendimesha7296
    @ashendimesha7296 3 місяці тому

    I like it but i have no (m....y.)