The Colour Blue (2024 Short Film)

  • Опубліковано 23 чер 2024
  • The Colour Blue is an Australian short film financed by Youth Foundations Victoria, VicWest Community Telco & YHI Australia. Initially shot in 2011, It follows topical themes of isolation, bullying, despair, homophobia and LGBTQ issues. Directed by Daniel Daperis and Written & Produced by Braydn Michael.


  • @BTURNER1961
    @BTURNER1961 2 дні тому +31

    I have seen this so many times in media representations for decades. Here's the message that gets received. Coming out means taking your beating, nearly dying so that your loved ones can get over themselves and their issues and learn to love you . Somehow if you are young and gay, you have to either try to commit suicide, or get attacked to be fully accepted. Its a 1980's and 1990's message. We have to do better in 2024, than rinse and repeat.

    • @bigblockrc
      @bigblockrc 2 дні тому +5

      It's still an issue even today though. Sad but true for some folks

    • @youngblazeproductions
      @youngblazeproductions  2 дні тому +8

      This short film was initially shot in 2011 and couldn't be completed until now due to Post Production debacles. Still real issues though and I agree more needs to be done!

    • @BTURNER1961
      @BTURNER1961 2 дні тому +11

      @@youngblazeproductions I am not saying that gay bashing and gay shunnings do not happen. I am not saying that there are not young shy passive gays out there. I am saying that this ground portraying young gays as victims post coming out has been covered as nauseum for decades. We need to see gay youth as the powerful force in their own stories, not passive recepticles of what comes their way. We want to see films where we WIN that fight, if there needs to be one.

    • @user-zq3kb7ug5c
      @user-zq3kb7ug5c 2 дні тому +3

      Was thinking myself, why people portrayed in the film seemed incapable of giving a hug instead of mere platitudes.

    • @nalandatendar4212
      @nalandatendar4212 День тому +3

      Unfortunately, even in our Western cultures, where gay marriage is possible, there are still subcultures where bashing, hatred, prejudice are overwhelming present. I like the quote of the Dalai Lama at the end. ''Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humans can not survive''. I have seen in the meantime quite some movies with positive story lines with mutual respect, sincere relationships and happy endings. But reality is, if we are looking at many countries and even 'modern', that there is still violence against gays from gross to subtle. It is all dependent arising, we have to start with well wishing for oneself as base for love, respect and compassion for people we meet in daily life and then see what we can do for society (by making these kind of movies for example). Never give up love for yourself, for close ones and strangers in society. And even enemies, as they have the potential to be our friends in the future.

  • @vk3crg
    @vk3crg 20 годин тому +4

    This film bought back so many memories of behing this boys age and going through the same thing. Coming out is not just a one time thing. I’m now 55yo and still find myself having to “come out” (kind of!) as life goes on and you meet new people. It definitely gets easier as you get older and get more life experience. While (thankfully) I was never subject to violence from strangers as depicted in this beautifully shot and acted film, I definitely relate to most of the story. Another thing that makes this film feel closer to home is its shot in my hometown of Geelong! 😎Well done to everyone involved including Grace Acting Studios. I’m a friend of Sarah Grace. She’s a beautiful soul and so very good at her craft. Congratulations to all involved ❤Craig

    • @youngblazeproductions
      @youngblazeproductions  8 годин тому

      Thank you Craig for your very kind words. This film was an absolute labor of love for all involved! It was a very long time in the making and I'm glad now to finally be able to bring this story to a public platform so it can be a great discussion piece. To hear this impacted and resonated with you is truly humbling! Sarah Grace is an amazing individual and she runs a fantastic studio that helped play a crucial part in the casting of our little film! ❤

  • @redjupiter2
    @redjupiter2 2 дні тому +33

    We are rapidly sliding away from compassion as a society. Ironically the very institutions that profess that we love one another are creating some of the most hateful and divisive people in our society..... organized religion may well be the undoing of our species.

    • @user-zq3kb7ug5c
      @user-zq3kb7ug5c 2 дні тому +2

      Without organisation there would be chaos in society. Hate is not encouraged in my Church despite what critics may say. RC

    • @troubadour81
      @troubadour81 2 дні тому

      I rarely reply to anyone unless it's a reply worth the effort. As a Follower of Christ, I accept his Gospels in where he proclaimed that we "Love One Another" even our enemies. Especially our enemies. But he also stated that we must not yoke with them for they would corrupt us and our faith. This means not becoming friends, letting them into our home, nor congregating with them.
      This is where all of Christianity has FAILED in the delivery of the Gospels. That Jesus commanded us to LOVE, but not YOKE. Growing up in the Christian Church, I don't recall ever being told this. Other than not paying attention to other beliefs, including other Christian sects.
      NOT yoking with your enemies is not HATE, it is self preservation. Jesus would not have "included" unBelievers if they had not repented. Sinners would too have to repent before being "included" in the walk with Jesus. The same today, sinners and unBelievers can not walk with us, they are not like us. That's not HATE, that is preserving your Faith.

    • @eugenefrankmd5433
      @eugenefrankmd5433 День тому

      While I agree with the notion that religion serves only its own goals,, likewise Tromp is not the problem but his followers. Those people who harbour these hatreds, prejudices, and rage find support of their credos in the church.
      Isolated they are powerless but as a mob of coreligionists , co-conspritors, Trumpers adhere to their hatreds seeking support to light the fires under the witches...ignorance...the German public supporting Hitler, extreme rightwing Jews supporting Netanyahu How to cure these hatreds, these prejudices, how to humanize humans? A better job was done by Greeks during the Golden age of Greece (450 BCE to 150 BCE)

  • @davidjones6969
    @davidjones6969 День тому +14

    I want to see a story where they kick ass. And the bad ones go to jail.
    Defend themselves.

  • @keithss67
    @keithss67 19 годин тому

    Yikes! They tuned him up pretty well

  • @michelauger43
    @michelauger43 2 дні тому +2

    Who was Jake Joyce ?

  • @scronx
    @scronx День тому +1

    Yep, being gay's a real picnic.

    • @philiphoel4290
      @philiphoel4290 14 годин тому

      Yeah and we choose to be gay, and go through all that sierrahotelindigotango.

  • @CharlieLaMonteA321XLR
    @CharlieLaMonteA321XLR 19 годин тому

    It shouldn't take someone getting nearly killed to be a parent I'm still angry at the Dad

  • @CharlieLaMonteA321XLR
    @CharlieLaMonteA321XLR 19 годин тому

    The dad is a jerk he should have been more loving and unconditional for his son

  • @tomstruth7522
    @tomstruth7522 День тому +4

    Can we just once see an uplifting film instead of this garbage. I swear these writers think this happens to everyone every time. They must be the saddest and most dysfunctional people on the planet.

    • @vk3crg
      @vk3crg 9 годин тому +2

      A bit harsh aren't you? Young people worked on this film. For all you know it was the experience of one of those involved. To call it 'rubbish' is belittling the hard work of all those involved and is damn rude. While this may not have been your experience in life, it's not too far from stuff that happened to me and I'm sure many others. There are "happy ending" shows..."Heartstopper" (which I love too!) etc. Fact it, life is not always a happy ending or easy journey for LGBTQIA+ people. To judge the writers so harshly when you have no idea who wrote it or why or how personal this story is, comes across as real nasty. The fact is, stuff like this does happen and pointing that out to a wider community doesn't make it 'rubbish'. Maybe a film like this may generate a bit of anger is some and make them think twice before attacking young people struggling with their own identity and sexuality. I look forward to seeing the short film you write and produce on this subject real soon. If you're such an expert that you feel it's your place to attack the hard work of young people, why don't you show us how it's done? 🙄

    • @tomstruth7522
      @tomstruth7522 3 години тому

      @vk3crg WoW, triggered or what?
      I say bullpoop to the entire novella you wrote. I know exactly what this film is about because I lived it.
      I lived a time when gay was illegal in this country. I grew up during a time when gay was considered a mental illness, and you could be committed. BUT that's all in the past and I live in the future. YOU are the rude one, according to you I'm not allowed an opinion, so take the chip off your shoulder and kiss off! You say that watching this might make someone think twice? You think that the type of person that would beat someone up for being gay IS SITTING AROUND WATCHING gay shorts? Seriously?
      ALL the writers of these movies are living in or showing the past. Young guys should understand the past, but not dwell on it, you have NO IDEA how good you have it today, so stop being an oppressed bleeding heart.
      My opinion stands, today's content needs to be much more uplifting, and the majority of shorts today are depressing.