@@NunuvYobizness i sympothize with druid, but have you ever gained a significant advantage in a fight and then they just jump through 10 doors and full reset
Druid complaining about other classes is crazy like brother your the best thing about every class you're literally everything the 1 shot barbarian? Yup that's bear the landmine rogue? Yup that's panther wanna be a wizard? Cast dream fire that's the best you get wanna be a cleric? Just heal to full in less than a second ranger? Use spear get outta here class is busted
@@unclerico6847 Druid's only strength is running. Being the absolute best at leaving fights is not really a fun strategy. (Not chasing, their only ranged slow is throwing drums). Its the only thing they excel at. They need more spell options, or more skill choices.
@@jaredh923 i think having more options is good for every class, but druid is very good at getting in (panther pounce into chicken double jump into panther b-hop) they can cross an enitre module in a second and turn bear or silence with panther I think the agressiveness is fine and ranged classes finally have a true counter but when that same character can fight a melee class and then lose a exchange then practically force a full reset is kinda nuts One more thing, its kinda crazy that panter is basicaly a free 330ms rondel rouge with their weapon out. The only threat is getting one tapped by insta case fireball, or premtive shotgun ranger One last stupid thing, i had a 10k gold kit on and dies to a druid that panther flew across the map at me and changed human and used a puverizer to kill me in 3 swings vs my 70 pdr
I barely see druids in my games at all, so there are actually two types of druid - those who you kill without any problems at all and dont whine about it, and those who are actually went through learning hell and now have a full right to massacre anyone who have skill issue. Y'all are whining not because druid is strong or whatnot, you just find noob druids annoying.
I both do and don't feel for Druid players if this ends up being real. On one hand, I wish the devs would add more high skill expression ways of playing classes and seeing something like that getting nerfed goes against that philosophy. On the other hand, Druids being able to basically teleport across a room, leave, and heal for free the moment they're in a position they don't have an advantage is insufferable to play against as a melee class. It's an issue where, yeah, being good at transformation Druid is hard, but it becomes completely broken when it's mastered, so it needs to be nerfed.
We can never have more "high skill expression" if the only options are attack/cast spell, block, jump and longsword parry which is class exclusive. All of the "skill expression" we see now are derivatives of those limited options. Skinny pete's 360 swing of zwei is to compensate simple predictability and create openings with odd movements. Bunny hopping to make casters, ranger user create more space. Longsword parry crouch immediately look upward to parry certain swings, crossbow skeletons etc., it all looks stupid looking outside in but it's how we cope. In the end, we can't expect "high skill" if all we have is bare bones to work with.
@@zed-winter8741 I 100% agree, unfortunately that would require Ironmace making actual fundamental changes to their game that isn't just shifting numbers around because of "data".
The reason why druids run is because they get 2 shot by most classes. Everybody wants to remove their mobility but nobody wants to give them something else to compensate. Gonna be a rough time for druids soon
I agree. Druid is so fun to play because there is a lot to master to the point that other classes seem very simple in comparison. If anything, the other classes should be given mechanics on par with the druid to make all of them more interesting to master Sure druid is broken because of how free he can disengage and reset, but I think that can be fixed by giving more classes options to punish rat and chicken. Right now if you are playing Warlock or Rogue a druid basically can't turn into a rat in the middle of combat because they will die to the curse of pain or poisoned weapon, even Barbarians can kill a rat with Achilles's strike if they try to move. The point is that I would love if more classes had ways to punish a druid retreating and also had more ways to be skill expressive and compete with Druid
@@BigZ69 Exactly this. SDF has a very heavy handed approach to balance and it usually involves severe power vaulting. He also tends to make the same mistake half a dozen times or so before he concedes it was a bad idea. One of those "if only this one other thing was different, i swear it would've worked" but it never does. Which means that yes, you will see multiclassing again at some point. Even if 90% of the community is against him on it. In his mind, they wont be if he does it right. So he'll keep doing it.
@@BigZ69 Yep, even the classes that have things that can somewhat counter druids insane mobility can still struggle or out right fail in many situations against one. Mobility is bis in this game, and druid has it all.
With the new perk making it so you can't shapeshift, I imagine we will get an inverse of it, my guess is they will make the Master Shapesfiter perk make it so that you cannot cast spells if you have that perk in the future, this would cause druids to all in on either being a shapeshifter or a support, while also fixing a lot of the issues that people have with the druid class!
That sounds pretty good, but then wouldn't they just use bandiges and potions, or a surgical kit? Isn't that pretty much the same thing, just costs money?
@ they would but it maybe slow them down enough for you to catch up to them before they are full health. usually they get their health back running away after getting their healing casts off, but if they had to slow down to sip a pot/use a bandage you might be able to actually top them, just the best thing i could come up with on the fly lol
I mean yhea they can use Potions/bandages but so can you. Kinda takes away their nearly infinite (and faster) sustain so while they can still go for a battle of sustain they might loose that. Though i have no idea how viable it is
HAHAHAHAH you clearly play both classes really bad. Ice shield owns panther, and then phantomise/boc or even your crystal sword owns druid. you’re just a bot who can’t play your class rofl
@@GuccBobz im not as angy as that other guy, but have you ever played as fighter vs a warlock? I think its just a matter of your build being countered by another (Not saying druid is balanced, but still)
druids shouldn't shift form 30 times a second, that's certain, fighting druid is most unholy thing in the whole game, the same game that has TM warlocks
There’s tons of Druids abusing the shit out of macros, to transform 10 times per second switching between everything, absolutely destroying anyone. Repoze got caught accidentally opening his Autohotkey script on stream
But give Druid (Lifebloom) an Add-on that reduces the Knowlege requirements of your spells by 25+% so having two wheels makes sence and or allow shapeshifting. With ShapeShift Mastery keep it instant but put cool downs on the forms. Without SSM you have a long cast as is current in the game but without the cooldowns.. easy fix.
I personally think that the coldowns are a very severe nerf, what I think Ironmace should do is not be able to transform from a bear to a rat right away, but rather you have to go through human form first and then become a rat, it would be an interesting way to balance the class and it would make sense
Being able to use named items in arena end of season?? I sure hope this is true, but I wonder if the same rules will follow with you needing to have found them in-dungeon. Possible you can select any named item you want for arena, without needing to buy it/find it?
Adding cooldowns to form shifts increases skill expression It has been insanely op since day one No more spam shifting, no more stupid opressive playstyles. Now there will be consequences for every shift. This has been needed for a long time
"The core of what I want to do moving forward because of like the way that my voice is and im trying to cut down on how much im speaking." Is a 6000+ spoken word video essay coming soon.🤐 😵💫
I love that idea onepeg. We need more in depth looks into gaming and all the bs that goes on behind the scenes. I also think it’s smart to distance yourself a little from dark and darker. I have loved and been addicted to the game since playtest 2, but to swallow a dose of reality, it just isn’t what it used to be. The game has boiled down to meta chasing and cheesy bullshit, the devs constantly don’t know which directions to take the game. Shit man even stuff they’re saying is “fixed” like rejoining the same lobbies in continuous matchmaking, is happening multiple times a game. I went into 5 solo raids tonight and instantly extracted to see if the same players were coming back in after death. It happened every solo raid without fail. Whether the person died trying to solo banshee or spec knight or died to PvP, all of a sudden they would be back a few minutes later. It’s sad too because dark and darker had so much potential but lately it feels like a waste of time. If only they could capture the feeling of those first few play tests, the game was truly something special back then. Even the shitty trading post was more intimate (though it was filled with botting). All in all the game just feels like a hollow version of itself where it doesn’t make sense to fight anymore unless you’re fighting over boss or loot piles. Hopefully we see some sort of competition that’s actually decent soon, because the genre and setting of DnD is perfect, we just need a competent dev team (honestly how are there still dupe and inventory cheats slipping through the code). I think a documentary or story driven series about gaming companies and all the work that goes on within would seriously be amazing tho.
I started watching your videos when you still where making Tarkov related content. Since then I enjoyed every single video that I watched, recent essays included. You're doing great and I can't wait to see more of what you come up with. Stay healthy and good luck.
Instead of cooldowns, i think shapeshifts should either be skills (And not a spellbook like spell memory) or only allowing 1-3 forms not including human per skill slot. It would give you full use of your forms, but less options
Hope everything with your voice heals up and resolves quickly. Your recent titanfall and fallout 76 historical videos were some of my favorites of yours and would love to see more of that!
I’d be ok with a timer, if i get multiple stacks. For example, magik in marvel rivals gets 2 stacks of her teleport ability if you use it too much you get stuck in combat. So you have to calculate your moves. Give druid 3 stacks of instant transform. So i can go in as a bear, turn into chicken to dodge, then to panther to get some distance but now i’m stuck in low hp panther for anbit while my tacks rebuild. I’d be ok witb that. Any other version and the class is completely gutted. It’s mobility is its only strength
Druid is not good for the game, as someone who’s been playing since before the torrent playtest, you can NOT deny druid has just broken and abused the shit out of this game, there is still so many druid specific rooms in crypts, you literally can’t enter these little rooms without being a rat.….. So this is good to hear. (Edit, the character is also a BS rogue/barb/healer hybrid that can also use spear, they literally have built in double jump and crush)
The only way to deal with druid without nerfing it is an extreme level of mobility creep for all other classes. More teleports, more leaps, more sprints ect.
The only thing that I see wrong with this is that Druid has no range and movement was Druids way of making up for that. If they gave Druid some actual offensive spells or a ranged weapon like survival bow then I think it’s ok. When it comes to range every other class has a ranged option except barb but that’s because they have a huge hp pool and movement and ways to take less damage and catch them. Without the movement on Druid then they will be left in the dust with the ranged meta.
As a druid this is likely to just end the class in my opinion, depending on how long these cooldowns are. If it's only 2-3 seconds, that would be acceptable, but if they're going to be like 10 seconds, it will essentially be a self-nerf. It annoys me that people complain so much about the class, because when you play it, you quickly realize druids absolutely do have one major advantage - they can escape. I know this is frustrating, but frankly, it's their *only* advantage at the highest levels of play. Removing it is a huge problem. But... when you actually compare them to most of the strongest classes, they just don't compare. Barbarian is faster and stronger once it has gear than bear. Rogue is faster and deadlier than panther. That being said, I hate the chicken-panther jump being in the game. I'd much rather they removed *that* outright by changing the interaction of momentum between the shape-changes
If SDF does give ALL classes something to deal with what is current druid, then I would be okay with reverting the nerf, but right now druid is insufferable
Another way to nerf druid is to cut their ‘shapeshift memory’ wheel down to 3 so that they would have to take ‘shapeshift memory 1 + 2’ to have all their forms and forfeit their ‘spell memory’ wheel. This would make it to where they couldnt run and heal to full as easily. It would be a very small nerf if you think about it so maybe more nerfs would be needed in the future
Would hit Bear Druid much more then a Panther druid (bear's abilitie to smash is much less usefull then Panthers mobilitie) Unless you mean 2 forms+ Human Not to mention i am very unsure how well that would work with the Other Forms that also were planned to come later Probably better to make Shapeshift Mastery either an Active skill (you activate it and its active for x seconds with a Cooldown later) or give it a Cooldown
You said you were turning the channel into historical essay content but what I heard was historical S.A. content. Might I recommend a video on No Man’s Sky. I was a big believer (like many) and after launch, I uninstalled, refunded and will never ever go back. Yes, I know it’s much better now. I will never touch it again because of those devs.
I am so glad they will finally nerf druid, hope they nerf the damage and scaling by a lot too and put cooldowns on thorncoat and nerf the new perk that insta heals any druid even without that perk the heals from druid are broken. Druid has no skill expression, very easy to panther chicken jump and insta transform to bear mid air to 1 tap any class. And panther takes no skill just w key and kill any class with the crazy fast attack speed of panther. They also need to stop rats from going through doors too. FOR ANYONE WHO WILL SAY TRY DRUID, I DID ITS VERY EASY. Hopefully its 5 seconds or more for each transformation
druid is one of the hardest if not the hardest character to play and if you say that panthera can kill anyclass crazy fast you were only playing normals goblins 24>
I think all classes spells need to switch to cooldown based. I know sdf wants campfires and resting but surely he can incorporate that in some way that doesn't make the game feel worst to play.
God, I hope shape shift gets hard nerfed with some sort of cooldown or something. It's not often I get the upper hand on a Druid as a Fighter, but when I do, they just run away and I have to start all over. I do laugh my ass off every time an Air Assault Bear drops on my head, though. That shit is so funny I can't even be mad.
Ended up starting with you in tarkov, went into DND when you got into it, and poe. You just seem to change games at the same time. If you're interested at a father I think an effective internet privacy for kinds in games and such would be awesome. I think a lot of other dads watch you and it's tough finding the balance between safety and spending 4 hours getting on Madden together because he's a child account
Barbarian, ranger and rogues and sorcerers are the strongest classes in the game that can kill almost instantly any druid, but people hate to not catch a druid. They need to kill a druid. Druid lose to every single class in 1x1, if you dont run heal you cant kill in 1x1 most classes. And for people who lose a 1x1 fight to a druid you should get better. I play druid / barb / ranger. Barb is just ridiculous. is W and win. The only way a druid wins a barb is putting in a corner with bear and pray to he dont hit the massive bear head. Even siding still hit the head. Ranger 1 trap and any class is dead. If u dont trap just bow pressure for the win. A good ranger build does about 60 + 8 true phys damage with recurve bow. is 2 arrows on panther, 4 to 6 on bear. Oh and he have the 5 arrow shotgun or the 3 fast arrow. Also backstep and spear is ridiculous strong. Most people who complaing about balance dont understand what is balance. You need to maintain the diference between classes. But compare them with equaly gear. Compare them with low, mid and high gear. After you do that learn the statistics.
Know what I feel like druids for the cd aspect should be that when druids transform all forms expect human form should go on cd for 3 seconds that would make it so they can no longer do the panther into chicken and make it more skillful and harder to play
@ I don’t give a f*** about the leaderboards- that’s just a tracker for how much time you can sink into Dark and Darker. What I care about is that Druids have way too much mobility compared to every other class, and have next to 0 counters. Same with Movespeed TM warlocks
If they listened. Druid should be deleted. Not to mention. Druid can go invisible.. not to mention they can go anywhere in the map. They can hide in the dark. They can heal like a cleric. They can one shot u as a bear. They can nearly do the same as a panther. Like... F this class and ironmace. The fact they waited this long. This polyp? It isn't cancer right? I can be hyper critical and nasty. But I hope your throat feels better
The whole point of Druid is that they shape shift what are we talking about? 99% of druids build gear not weapons bc we fight as the forms. If they take away instant transforming guarantee Druid will be a dead character
I am so bad at DaD. I finally got around to playing DaD with the free Legendary Edition on the EGS. I am playing as a Warrior so far. I have only survived once in several attempts, and don't have a clue how I would even survive the Ruined Castle map.
Yea homie this game has a very big learning curve but once it clicks you will find yourself having alot of fun, theres a reason alot of us spend thousands of hours on this god forsaken game, just keep at it and try not to get discouraged, dying is an integral part of this game and you shouldnt let it get you down, just grab some heals and re-queue. Goodluck homie hope your games are fun
yea but its impossible to kill longsword fighter for druid if fighter is good i mean panthera doesnt deal much to pdr and bear is easy to parry for bear form
If they do add cooldowns, druid should be able to push players out if the way when shifting (only objects would block shapeshift). So if the ability to shift to rat>human>bear is taken, players will still be able to use shapeshift when being chased.
druids be like i got the best heals in the game my bear form got the highest damage in the game with stacking only 1 stat of gear/same with panther and i can reset and escape whenever i want i wanna third party whenever i want i want to go to all the cheese spots that ironmace refuses to fix what a super class man
bear damage is shit. Healing of druid is regen not heal life cleric. And for you fight equaly anyone you spend 2 3 times what they do. Same price gear druid lose to 1x1 to any class by far. Druid is just good for run, scouting, and grave digging. Also 3rd partying.
better mobility than rogue, better healing than cleric, and better damage, pdr, and health than a barb when in a enraged bear form, all while being able to escape any encounter by pressing a combo of buttons (rat, cougar, jump R chicken jump rat) then heal up and return for another pointless round of fight the druid
Cleric has way better healing I have no idea how you got that idea I mean lesser heal gives 15 hp instantly I think and natures touch gives 15 over 15 seconds also bear is slow I mean really slow any person with half a brain can see the bear rage and press the s key until it stops
@@mynamejeff9037 A cleric when attacked in melee has 0% chance of escaping, a druid has roughly 95% chance of successfully escaping, and can still live to heal another day.
If you want healing on the same level as cleric you gotta take the new perk also bear and panther can be stat checked now unlike their old damage from a while back, the frustrating and arguably OP part is just good players spamming shapeshift very well
I played a bit of Druid I do think the transformation are a bit too spamable. I think they should keep it instant but put like cooldowns like give you charges you can do 2-3 changes consecutively then u gotta wait. And going back to human should always be available. Also I think they should fix the transformation radius - some spots like on stairs or with a teammate or enemy near you it doesn’t let you transform. I think if they made it more consistent it’s perfectly acceptable to make it have cooldowns. I think if they put it on cooldown for each transformation tho stuff like the panther jump wouldn’t be doable which would suck
I also think that this would be the best way to nerf druid without killing the class. You could still transform and have skill expression & movement tech, but you would have to think about it a bit more and couldnt mindlesly spam if it had limited uses and then a cooldown after that. Always being able to go back to human form would be inportant too. And if shapeshifting is nerfed then making it more reliable by tweaking the transformation block radius would be required to make it feel satisfying and playable. Just adding cooldowns and removing combos would kill the class and remove the fun and uniqueness of it.
@ lol nah dude I’ve played Druid it’s easy to transform without using that shit. I also come from games like Fortnite and apex which are way more competitive and way faster paced so you have to press buttons way faster then in dark and darker. DnD is very slow paced and casual so I doubt anyone needs to macro to transform it’s so easy to do without it. All the druids tech I learned in like 1 hour lol
the only reason why sdf dont wanna nerv druids he plays is by its own like barb and ranger the most slighty nerved classes its not sus after all the time its sure he buffs his own classes XD but community is stronger then sdfs skill
I told you. 5 bucks and a Klondike bar and I will knock out the surgery for ya. I got my cat laser ready to go! Keep doing you homie! We ain't going nowhere.
i could honeslty care less ab druid fix the barbs running at 330 mv with hatchet max barb should be able to move is max ms - whatever ms pen for whatever wep they have any class should not be rewared mainly tank classes by being able to break core game mechanics being a tank running at u 330 with there wep out when no other class other than tank classes can... now how dose that make sense
I’m sorry but no Druid shouldn’t have cooldowns that would make bear Druid almost unplayable I mean as a bear Druid myself I can say that I shift in and out of bear a lot because everything is faster than the bear seriously if they add cooldowns here’s how it would go I turn into bear the other person backs up till I unshift then they kill me with 2-3 hits and panther may as well be a no go either because yes they about as fast as any normal person and as durable as a wet paper towel the thing making panther was good was panther jump into panther to get spellcasters Druid is already hard class to play because if you want to be a good Druid you need to learn a bunch of stuff and become accustomed to a lot of stuff before you stop dying so much it’s a very high skill ceiling class that’s in a good place currently and anyone who complains about them are either 1 just complaining because they died to a Druid 1-2 times or two just don’t know how to play them druids require a lot of actions per minute and decisions to be made in the moment putting cooldowns on shifting would be like shooting the class in both legs and breaking their back they would be almost unplayable also the reason people see good Druids a lot is because those who stick to the class get really good at shifting and managing spells all the bad Druid usually die within the first few minutes because of a trap bleed or archer
I agree with some of what you say and as a druid player I can agree that this seems heavy handed. In my opinion the problem with druid is they counter many of the classes that counter them, AOE attacks and DOT attacks imo are the biggest counter to prevent a druid running away. Mainly warlocks wizards even clerics that are AOE ranged attacks. But they are free kills for a panther druid. I find if I'm running or resetting from a fight it's not from a caster but normally a strong melee class. These classes like fighter and barbarian have very limited options to prevent a panther jump across the room into a rat jump through a door window at that point it's already over there's no catching up. The ability to pick the fight circumstances regardless of situation is the problem for me. being able to choose the engagement position and room gives a tremendous advantage and trying to run from a druid when they're chasing feels pointless. Closing doors is irrelevant running through big open rooms is irrelevant. They are a perfect third party class as they can hide and run untill you are low but chase and stalk without you being able to run. I think the biggest thing that needs a nerf is rat jumping through windows and the cool down on the panther jump. That's my issue with the class
They should give ranger a “Guiding arrow” skill where 1 arrow is fired that will act like a magic missle hit someone, this would HARD counter druids shifting into rat, and you would still have to aim the 1 shot like MM, just give it a 20 sec cooldown
Play druid and try spamming shape shifting as a means to either win fights or survive. You will find that MUCH more often than not it gets you killed. This is a non issue, and this proposed "solution" will permanently kill this class and be another nail in the coffin for the game. Taking out one of the only truly unique things they have ever created.
you're saying spamming shapeshifting will get you killed but also not being able to do it kills the class? you don't get to both downplay how good it is AND say it's make or break for the class lmao
This nerf has been handed to them on a silver platter within the first weeks of Druid being out. A 0.5s cd timer on shapeshiftimg but no cd on going back to human. This still leaves Druid with rat through door. It leaves panther jump since you can just pre panther then chicken then human. This leaves triple jump with human chicken human. You get all the same tech for escaping just a little less optimal. For fighting you can still pre panther then be bear. This leaves the general playstyle Druid has intact while making it so it’s not an infinitely optimizable movement tech class in a game originally about slow, strategic pvp. While the nerf talked about in the video is great, it sounds like a cd time rather than a set timer. I think this change can easily be made void with resourcefulness as we’ve seen with double hide rogue. A cooldown on becoming human again will only bring a large frustration to the playstyle for much of the movement tech. Don’t get me wrong, I hate Druid; if it were up to me I’d remove the class from the game. But the best fix is clearly the set timer first mentioned.
Druid is one of those things that might be fine, but we need to figure out how to fight it. Because there's a lot people don't do against druids, like kite the bear right-click correctly, not get scared when they see the bear, bring explosive bottles, etc. After some time, perhaps around 2 years, I think people will know how to deal with druid and not think it's unfair. Like the sc brood war phenomena, the game hasn't changed for years yet the meta is still changing. It's human nature to blame everything on others when in reality it's us that suck, not the game
True. I feel people who think druid is op should try playing it themselves. I can def agree that druid can be super annonying and can escape many situations the other classes can't, but druid is also countered by many things and has many weaknesses. Any DoT, magic, ranged and aoe dmg is very strong againts druid. DoT and aoe means you cannot turn into rat and turning into chicken means losing a majority of your hp. Druid has very low mdr so magic dmg is very good against it. Playing in a doorway and kiting makes it impossible for druid to ever hit you in bear form, and panther is super squishy and needs a dedicated build to do dmg. And I feel that high skill with the class should be rewarded. I think people just get annoyed at the mobility and escape potential. Which I can understand is super annonying, but all the nerf ideas ppl are throwing around would essentially kill the class because of the other weaknesses. Druid is generally good against melee classes which are popular, so maybe that also has something to do with the amount of hate the class gets.
I disagree. The class has everything it needs. Melee domination yes, disengage yes, heal yes. The one weakness it has is its range, but makes up for that with its mobility to force close combat. I think this class is op in the current state of the game. I'm not sure if cds will make it too weak, but druid is not ok currently.
@@Iketsu12i disagree i have played the class its bs you ignore spacing completely panther chicken jump closes an insane amount of distance bears hit box is so f’d up people will swing through you insta transform allows you to change your hit box while the enemy is mid swing you mentioned the resets built in crush built in double jump rat jump in case you don’t want to break the door but still ignore it a phantomize ability they can still cast in they have old bard tranquility with natural healing
good. druid was released with basically no testing done and is overloaded as shit just like sorc. This change should have been made within the first month and would have stopped druid from needing a dozen other nerfs they had because there was no counterplay to insta shapeshift chicken boost jump bullshit that lets them close distance faster than anyone else and then bear form on top of your head.
I think something else this game has an issue with is utility. The reason this game is a movement speed meta is because there is nothing to counter it. Franny is the closest thing we got but not even all classes can use that. Didn’t like dungeonborne much but I love their flask system and some their systems. For example in that game no class was out running a rogue but rogues were no where near the best class because it wasn’t all about movement speed. The thunder flash and the stone wall flash were amazing especially as melee. They had cooldowns I believe if u missed but if u hit it then u could get some hits in and finish a fight. I loved it
Instead of cooldowns on shapeshifts, what if they just added hp requirements? like you cant transform into rat at low hp, or bear. then they can add new morphs that are built around it, maybe a ranged morph but cant be below be transformed into at less than half hp. or turtle form which can only be used at low hp. just a thought.
Druid doesn’t need cooldowns he needs a viable reason to not run shapeshift aka the perk they just released I play Druid and I think it’s balanced the only thing that’s unbalanced is the hitbox for panther and chicken they need to fix those they need to make the upper half of the panther arm count for body shots then boom panther would be fixed and chicken hit box is just beyond broken Druid is not that hard to kill in a team sense I’m saying in a team sense because the game is balanced around trios just try to burn out all of his dreamfires or restores just stay on him if you say nope let him run he will camp come back and rat away again Closing thoughts How to fix Fix panther hit box Fix chicken hit box Give 5-10 hp back to caster classes base And maybe add more aoe spells/abilities
Melee combat needs a massive rework, longsword being the only weapon that can parry and instantly win the fight is wack as hell. More weapons need to have skill expression so that the skill doesn't come down to cheesy melee dodging by manipulating the camera like chivalry and spacing. Every weapon being able to block/parry would make for much more interesting melee combat.
First of all blocking needs to be fixed and then longsword parry needs to be nerfed to compensate the added reliability of the parry. Blocking should also interrupt your oponent for a bit longer because a successful block should mean that you get an opening to attack Then it would be nice if we had secondary attacks for every weapon to be able to do mixups and things like that, or at the very least every weapon should be able to block or be paired with something that can like you said More weapons would also be nice. Rogue for example could benefit from a parrying dagger or a Sai to have some defensive tool that isn't a shield. That alone could make melee combat a lot more fun and skilled instead of the statchecky mess that we have now
@@sawritall4292Panther cannot box anyone, it's only viable because of op movement tech allowing them to get in, hit, and get out before being hit back. Instant shift should be nerfed but without animal form buffs the class is dead in the water other than full heal spec.
@@Don-Swanson What? Panther kills me everytime as cleric because i cant block their paws nor can I tank them because ridiculous amount of Agi+True makes armor irrelevant, im running just under 60% pdr and i die in 4-5 hits because of the damage stacking, its bad enough they silence me too so I cant use any skills or spells either, calling Panther weak is straight up a pitiful lie in hopes to prevent their main damage source from being nerfed.
Panther is mega squishy with very low hp and pdr, and the head hitbox is huge. You are majorly misplaying if you lose to a panther who is only running in and attacking. You can easily hit the panther on the head twice and theyre dead. And panther only deals high dmg if you have very high agility. Building panther druid locks you out of bear form and is much riskier. Its a high skill playstyle with high risk high reward.
Panther should not have a silence it kill his country what are wiz and warlock because he can't transform well burn or curse it would do to much damage. But sense Panther have a silence his couture can't fight back at all one he get to them
So you want to insta cast 180 one tap panther? What about ranger shotgun if they have form cooldown? What of when they can jump a pdr fighter and punish second wind?
I have over a thousand hours on druid. The easiest way to fix it is to just put a short CD on chicken and rat form. Druid needs to be able to switch to bear/cat at all times
@sawritall4292 they don't. I'm maining sorc this season. It's been a dang month and caster sorc doesn't have a viable 4th perk. Druid deserves to be playable. The chicken/rat spam is bad for the game. It needs a short CD
@ Short like maybe 20 seconds, if its something pointless like 3 then it doesnt solve anything, SDF knows this, he failed to provide all classes a way to deal with druid, Onepeg literally makes it as obvious as possible, druid has it too easy, right now druid shapeshifts faster than a damn item box roulette in mario kart.
@Weston19393would you make it scale with resourcefulness? There are already a lot of druid gear that gives resourcefulness but Druid doesn't get any use for it (other than boosting chicken damage lol). But if resourcefulness affected a supposed shape shift cool down it might make it worth it to sacrifice a bit of stats to get less cooldown
Did fallout 76 really almost ruin bethesda? They made Starfield which also sucks. And Ubisoft has been making dogshit for nearly a decade now and they still exist
As someone who plays about 5 classes, Druid being one of them, the ability to do the multi change leap across the map is just dumb and boring. I think your FIRST shapeshit should be instant, but you should not be able to shift between every animal in .3 seconds. Leave the ability to instantly shift, but after its used once there is a 3-5 second cool down.
yeah i finally stop playing loose aa 10k gear set to a dam druid he is to strong with this insta swift he go a gear set around 1000g and rip me in seconds i got 60% pdr 156 live and getting out dmg from a panther
"Waaaaa.......Druid runs away and I can't kill them whenever I want with my actual broken and OP classes....waaaaa" -onepeg
Yes exactly this you are correct
@@NunuvYobizness i sympothize with druid, but have you ever gained a significant advantage in a fight and then they just jump through 10 doors and full reset
Druid complaining about other classes is crazy like brother your the best thing about every class you're literally everything the 1 shot barbarian? Yup that's bear the landmine rogue? Yup that's panther wanna be a wizard? Cast dream fire that's the best you get wanna be a cleric? Just heal to full in less than a second ranger? Use spear get outta here class is busted
@@unclerico6847 Druid's only strength is running. Being the absolute best at leaving fights is not really a fun strategy. (Not chasing, their only ranged slow is throwing drums). Its the only thing they excel at. They need more spell options, or more skill choices.
@@jaredh923 i think having more options is good for every class, but druid is very good at getting in (panther pounce into chicken double jump into panther b-hop) they can cross an enitre module in a second and turn bear or silence with panther
I think the agressiveness is fine and ranged classes finally have a true counter but when that same character can fight a melee class and then lose a exchange then practically force a full reset is kinda nuts
One more thing, its kinda crazy that panter is basicaly a free 330ms rondel rouge with their weapon out. The only threat is getting one tapped by insta case fireball, or premtive shotgun ranger
One last stupid thing, i had a 10k gold kit on and dies to a druid that panther flew across the map at me and changed human and used a puverizer to kill me in 3 swings vs my 70 pdr
Thanks for the info - hope your cords heal up man that’s intense
you the man
go and make the video instead of posting comments
I barely see druids in my games at all, so there are actually two types of druid - those who you kill without any problems at all and dont whine about it, and those who are actually went through learning hell and now have a full right to massacre anyone who have skill issue. Y'all are whining not because druid is strong or whatnot, you just find noob druids annoying.
play hr and you will change your opinion
I find you annoying.
@@gladlawson61 im not playing druid now
I both do and don't feel for Druid players if this ends up being real. On one hand, I wish the devs would add more high skill expression ways of playing classes and seeing something like that getting nerfed goes against that philosophy. On the other hand, Druids being able to basically teleport across a room, leave, and heal for free the moment they're in a position they don't have an advantage is insufferable to play against as a melee class.
It's an issue where, yeah, being good at transformation Druid is hard, but it becomes completely broken when it's mastered, so it needs to be nerfed.
We can never have more "high skill expression" if the only options are attack/cast spell, block, jump and longsword parry which is class exclusive. All of the "skill expression" we see now are derivatives of those limited options. Skinny pete's 360 swing of zwei is to compensate simple predictability and create openings with odd movements. Bunny hopping to make casters, ranger user create more space. Longsword parry crouch immediately look upward to parry certain swings, crossbow skeletons etc., it all looks stupid looking outside in but it's how we cope. In the end, we can't expect "high skill" if all we have is bare bones to work with.
It's not even hard to do or master what?? It's broken and brain dead
@@zed-winter8741 I 100% agree, unfortunately that would require Ironmace making actual fundamental changes to their game that isn't just shifting numbers around because of "data".
The reason why druids run is because they get 2 shot by most classes. Everybody wants to remove their mobility but nobody wants to give them something else to compensate. Gonna be a rough time for druids soon
I agree. Druid is so fun to play because there is a lot to master to the point that other classes seem very simple in comparison. If anything, the other classes should be given mechanics on par with the druid to make all of them more interesting to master
Sure druid is broken because of how free he can disengage and reset, but I think that can be fixed by giving more classes options to punish rat and chicken. Right now if you are playing Warlock or Rogue a druid basically can't turn into a rat in the middle of combat because they will die to the curse of pain or poisoned weapon, even Barbarians can kill a rat with Achilles's strike if they try to move. The point is that I would love if more classes had ways to punish a druid retreating and also had more ways to be skill expressive and compete with Druid
Why only now we have that being discussed? Druid has been like so since day one.
Because SDF said they want to buff other classes to be able to deal with druid. I think he finally realized thats never happening
@@BigZ69 Exactly this. SDF has a very heavy handed approach to balance and it usually involves severe power vaulting. He also tends to make the same mistake half a dozen times or so before he concedes it was a bad idea. One of those "if only this one other thing was different, i swear it would've worked" but it never does.
Which means that yes, you will see multiclassing again at some point. Even if 90% of the community is against him on it. In his mind, they wont be if he does it right. So he'll keep doing it.
Because more plp have gotten better at it
@@BigZ69 Yep, even the classes that have things that can somewhat counter druids insane mobility can still struggle or out right fail in many situations against one. Mobility is bis in this game, and druid has it all.
blood exchange was also the way it was from day 1 and even longer than druid's entire existence, yet it was made useless after a whole year.
With the new perk making it so you can't shapeshift, I imagine we will get an inverse of it, my guess is they will make the Master Shapesfiter perk make it so that you cannot cast spells if you have that perk in the future, this would cause druids to all in on either being a shapeshifter or a support, while also fixing a lot of the issues that people have with the druid class!
Yeah I thought this would be the insta fix for druids
That sounds pretty good, but then wouldn't they just use bandiges and potions, or a surgical kit? Isn't that pretty much the same thing, just costs money?
@ they would but it maybe slow them down enough for you to catch up to them before they are full health. usually they get their health back running away after getting their healing casts off, but if they had to slow down to sip a pot/use a bandage you might be able to actually top them, just the best thing i could come up with on the fly lol
@@attilaberdy9728yeah, just like every class in the game can already do?!? What’s the issue here
I mean yhea they can use Potions/bandages but so can you.
Kinda takes away their nearly infinite (and faster) sustain so while they can still go for a battle of sustain they might loose that.
Though i have no idea how viable it is
As a mage and warlock main, playing against druid is literally almost impossible. You literally get jumped and two hit
HAHAHAHAH you clearly play both classes really bad. Ice shield owns panther, and then phantomise/boc or even your crystal sword owns druid. you’re just a bot who can’t play your class rofl
Imagine playing Rogue and dont have 40 throwing daggers
@@gaminggeniussssyour just wrong but that’s ok
@@gaminggeniussss Try yourself with warlock against geared druid and send me the clip
@@GuccBobz im not as angy as that other guy, but have you ever played as fighter vs a warlock? I think its just a matter of your build being countered by another
(Not saying druid is balanced, but still)
switching between rat and bear and panther legit made them so hard to hit if they were good they could avoid getting hit almost entirely
they dont even have to be good there are scripts running around which cuts out 90% of the skill expression
They have macros
@ indeed just like the bard macros
@ yup bard macros exist too
druids shouldn't shift form 30 times a second, that's certain, fighting druid is most unholy thing in the whole game, the same game that has TM warlocks
I mean Tm lock is kinda fine right now imo
@@BirdyBirby that phantomize cooldown is waaaaaaaay to short.
@@therocker3024 but thats a problem of warlock In general not rly TM only
@therocker3024 they already nerfed the movement speed bonus on it and the movement speed on occultist boots
What does someone shapeshifting 30 times in a second do to you? Other than make you cringe?
You better sing Fly Me to the Moon when you have recovered fully
There’s tons of Druids abusing the shit out of macros, to transform 10 times per second switching between everything, absolutely destroying anyone. Repoze got caught accidentally opening his Autohotkey script on stream
Thats why I quit
But give Druid (Lifebloom) an Add-on that reduces the Knowlege requirements of your spells by 25+% so having two wheels makes sence and or allow shapeshifting. With ShapeShift Mastery keep it instant but put cool downs on the forms. Without SSM you have a long cast as is current in the game but without the cooldowns.. easy fix.
I personally think that the coldowns are a very severe nerf, what I think Ironmace should do is not be able to transform from a bear to a rat right away, but rather you have to go through human form first and then become a rat, it would be an interesting way to balance the class and it would make sense
The Macros need banned
Thanks for making content for us. You've been a very valuable source of information. Especially with the Titanfall/Tarkov stuff too.
Being able to use named items in arena end of season?? I sure hope this is true, but I wonder if the same rules will follow with you needing to have found them in-dungeon.
Possible you can select any named item you want for arena, without needing to buy it/find it?
Wishing you fast healing big man!
Started watching during tarkov, have stayed around and enjoyed everything you've put out since. Hope your cords heal well man.
Adding cooldowns to form shifts increases skill expression
It has been insanely op since day one
No more spam shifting, no more stupid opressive playstyles. Now there will be consequences for every shift. This has been needed for a long time
"The core of what I want to do moving forward because of like the way that my voice is and im trying to cut down on how much im speaking." Is a 6000+ spoken word video essay coming soon.🤐 😵💫
Druid cooldowns is what i have been suggesting from the start. spam shapeshifting mid fight is bs
what I'm saying
I quit playing after fighting a bear 5 times back to back after he kept running
easy way to deal with druids i think is explosive bottles, i hope they added on squire.
video game journalism sounds interesting
Sorry to hear about your vocals, stay strong and keep up the good work!
I love that idea onepeg. We need more in depth looks into gaming and all the bs that goes on behind the scenes. I also think it’s smart to distance yourself a little from dark and darker. I have loved and been addicted to the game since playtest 2, but to swallow a dose of reality, it just isn’t what it used to be. The game has boiled down to meta chasing and cheesy bullshit, the devs constantly don’t know which directions to take the game. Shit man even stuff they’re saying is “fixed” like rejoining the same lobbies in continuous matchmaking, is happening multiple times a game. I went into 5 solo raids tonight and instantly extracted to see if the same players were coming back in after death. It happened every solo raid without fail. Whether the person died trying to solo banshee or spec knight or died to PvP, all of a sudden they would be back a few minutes later. It’s sad too because dark and darker had so much potential but lately it feels like a waste of time. If only they could capture the feeling of those first few play tests, the game was truly something special back then. Even the shitty trading post was more intimate (though it was filled with botting). All in all the game just feels like a hollow version of itself where it doesn’t make sense to fight anymore unless you’re fighting over boss or loot piles. Hopefully we see some sort of competition that’s actually decent soon, because the genre and setting of DnD is perfect, we just need a competent dev team (honestly how are there still dupe and inventory cheats slipping through the code). I think a documentary or story driven series about gaming companies and all the work that goes on within would seriously be amazing tho.
Both of the mini doc style vids have been great!
I started watching your videos when you still where making Tarkov related content. Since then I enjoyed every single video that I watched, recent essays included.
You're doing great and I can't wait to see more of what you come up with.
Stay healthy and good luck.
Instead of cooldowns, i think shapeshifts should either be skills (And not a spellbook like spell memory) or only allowing 1-3 forms not including human per skill slot. It would give you full use of your forms, but less options
bard music too
Love to see that the devs are focusing more on nerfing druid rather than barbarian this game isnt focusing on the right classes lmao
Hope everything with your voice heals up and resolves quickly. Your recent titanfall and fallout 76 historical videos were some of my favorites of yours and would love to see more of that!
Did you say the Druid will 'PWings' via chicken? Sweet Mario Reference King, hope your voicebox feels better
I’d be ok with a timer, if i get multiple stacks. For example, magik in marvel rivals gets 2 stacks of her teleport ability if you use it too much you get stuck in combat. So you have to calculate your moves. Give druid 3 stacks of instant transform. So i can go in as a bear, turn into chicken to dodge, then to panther to get some distance but now i’m stuck in low hp panther for anbit while my tacks rebuild. I’d be ok witb that. Any other version and the class is completely gutted. It’s mobility is its only strength
Druid is not good for the game, as someone who’s been playing since before the torrent playtest, you can NOT deny druid has just broken and abused the shit out of this game, there is still so many druid specific rooms in crypts, you literally can’t enter these little rooms without being a rat.….. So this is good to hear. (Edit, the character is also a BS rogue/barb/healer hybrid that can also use spear, they literally have built in double jump and crush)
Like what? There’s like 4 useless Easter egg rooms cry me a river. You have no idea how hard it is to play an actual good panther
You forgot scripts
The only way to deal with druid without nerfing it is an extreme level of mobility creep for all other classes. More teleports, more leaps, more sprints ect.
Is druid just absolutely dominating the meta and the leaderboards?
@@zedek_no. Just able to survive more than any class in the game
@@zedek_ go into any solo hr with a enemy druid with half decent gear and you'll find out why lmao
@@zedek_they use scripts to switch forms 3 times a second
The only thing that I see wrong with this is that Druid has no range and movement was Druids way of making up for that. If they gave Druid some actual offensive spells or a ranged weapon like survival bow then I think it’s ok. When it comes to range every other class has a ranged option except barb but that’s because they have a huge hp pool and movement and ways to take less damage and catch them. Without the movement on Druid then they will be left in the dust with the ranged meta.
As a druid this is likely to just end the class in my opinion, depending on how long these cooldowns are. If it's only 2-3 seconds, that would be acceptable, but if they're going to be like 10 seconds, it will essentially be a self-nerf. It annoys me that people complain so much about the class, because when you play it, you quickly realize druids absolutely do have one major advantage - they can escape. I know this is frustrating, but frankly, it's their *only* advantage at the highest levels of play. Removing it is a huge problem.
But... when you actually compare them to most of the strongest classes, they just don't compare. Barbarian is faster and stronger once it has gear than bear. Rogue is faster and deadlier than panther.
That being said, I hate the chicken-panther jump being in the game. I'd much rather they removed *that* outright by changing the interaction of momentum between the shape-changes
If SDF does give ALL classes something to deal with what is current druid, then I would be okay with reverting the nerf, but right now druid is insufferable
Another way to nerf druid is to cut their ‘shapeshift memory’ wheel down to 3 so that they would have to take ‘shapeshift memory 1 + 2’ to have all their forms and forfeit their ‘spell memory’ wheel. This would make it to where they couldnt run and heal to full as easily. It would be a very small nerf if you think about it so maybe more nerfs would be needed in the future
Would hit Bear Druid much more then a Panther druid (bear's abilitie to smash is much less usefull then Panthers mobilitie) Unless you mean 2 forms+ Human
Not to mention i am very unsure how well that would work with the Other Forms that also were planned to come later
Probably better to make Shapeshift Mastery either an Active skill (you activate it and its active for x seconds with a Cooldown later) or give it a Cooldown
Chicken panther bear would be everyone’s choice. Three would be great but we may need to cut down the movement tech they have.
@@FrostsChannel1224human form takes up one of the slots though
You said you were turning the channel into historical essay content but what I heard was historical S.A. content.
Might I recommend a video on No Man’s Sky. I was a big believer (like many) and after launch, I uninstalled, refunded and will never ever go back. Yes, I know it’s much better now. I will never touch it again because of those devs.
I am so glad they will finally nerf druid, hope they nerf the damage and scaling by a lot too and put cooldowns on thorncoat and nerf the new perk that insta heals any druid even without that perk the heals from druid are broken. Druid has no skill expression, very easy to panther chicken jump and insta transform to bear mid air to 1 tap any class. And panther takes no skill just w key and kill any class with the crazy fast attack speed of panther. They also need to stop rats from going through doors too. FOR ANYONE WHO WILL SAY TRY DRUID, I DID ITS VERY EASY. Hopefully its 5 seconds or more for each transformation
druid is one of the hardest if not the hardest character to play and if you say that panthera can kill anyclass crazy fast you were only playing normals goblins 24>
I think all classes spells need to switch to cooldown based. I know sdf wants campfires and resting but surely he can incorporate that in some way that doesn't make the game feel worst to play.
The word you looking for is balanced
God, I hope shape shift gets hard nerfed with some sort of cooldown or something. It's not often I get the upper hand on a Druid as a Fighter, but when I do, they just run away and I have to start all over.
I do laugh my ass off every time an Air Assault Bear drops on my head, though. That shit is so funny I can't even be mad.
We wish you and your voice well
Ended up starting with you in tarkov, went into DND when you got into it, and poe. You just seem to change games at the same time. If you're interested at a father I think an effective internet privacy for kinds in games and such would be awesome. I think a lot of other dads watch you and it's tough finding the balance between safety and spending 4 hours getting on Madden together because he's a child account
Barbarian, ranger and rogues and sorcerers are the strongest classes in the game that can kill almost instantly any druid, but people hate to not catch a druid. They need to kill a druid. Druid lose to every single class in 1x1, if you dont run heal you cant kill in 1x1 most classes.
And for people who lose a 1x1 fight to a druid you should get better. I play druid / barb / ranger.
Barb is just ridiculous. is W and win. The only way a druid wins a barb is putting in a corner with bear and pray to he dont hit the massive bear head. Even siding still hit the head.
Ranger 1 trap and any class is dead. If u dont trap just bow pressure for the win. A good ranger build does about 60 + 8 true phys damage with recurve bow. is 2 arrows on panther, 4 to 6 on bear. Oh and he have the 5 arrow shotgun or the 3 fast arrow.
Also backstep and spear is ridiculous strong.
Most people who complaing about balance dont understand what is balance. You need to maintain the diference between classes. But compare them with equaly gear.
Compare them with low, mid and high gear. After you do that learn the statistics.
If they got rid of rat and chicken this wouldnt be a problem. give us a boar or a giant toad or some actual transforms that would be meaningful.
Dark and darker could be a great game, unfortunately it has druids and rogues.
yep the 2 classes that bromote blaying like a bussy.
Know what I feel like druids for the cd aspect should be that when druids transform all forms expect human form should go on cd for 3 seconds that would make it so they can no longer do the panther into chicken and make it more skillful and harder to play
na the transforming isnt the issue its the spam that is annoying even a 2 second cooldown when an animal is used would help
@@tomatoberries6203 I mean every animal including the one ur using even if you detransform they will still be on cd
I really liked your Titanfall video. Would watch more of similar content from you.
Skip the tarkov bit
druid is so zesty in solos good lord lmao
Finally OP druids getting a cooldown? Amazing.
It’s a great change for sure
Are druids dominating the meta and the leaderboards?
@ I don’t give a f*** about the leaderboards- that’s just a tracker for how much time you can sink into Dark and Darker. What I care about is that Druids have way too much mobility compared to every other class, and have next to 0 counters. Same with Movespeed TM warlocks
@@wanderingwind9601 You prob got rapped by druids. Get good.
If they listened. Druid should be deleted. Not to mention. Druid can go invisible.. not to mention they can go anywhere in the map. They can hide in the dark. They can heal like a cleric. They can one shot u as a bear. They can nearly do the same as a panther. Like... F this class and ironmace. The fact they waited this long.
This polyp? It isn't cancer right? I can be hyper critical and nasty. But I hope your throat feels better
The whole point of Druid is that they shape shift what are we talking about? 99% of druids build gear not weapons bc we fight as the forms. If they take away instant transforming guarantee Druid will be a dead character
cry more.
Yay now the game gonna be good again
I am so bad at DaD. I finally got around to playing DaD with the free Legendary Edition on the EGS. I am playing as a Warrior so far. I have only survived once in several attempts, and don't have a clue how I would even survive the Ruined Castle map.
welcome to the dungeons
Yea homie this game has a very big learning curve but once it clicks you will find yourself having alot of fun, theres a reason alot of us spend thousands of hours on this god forsaken game, just keep at it and try not to get discouraged, dying is an integral part of this game and you shouldnt let it get you down, just grab some heals and re-queue.
Goodluck homie hope your games are fun
I just hope they do something about rat form
Super unfortunate to have the class become useless but I understand people have cried about it for a long time
yeah druid running away and instant full healing after i hit him with a longsword parry is ridiculous
yea but its impossible to kill longsword fighter for druid if fighter is good i mean panthera doesnt deal much to pdr and bear is easy to parry for bear form
If they do add cooldowns, druid should be able to push players out if the way when shifting (only objects would block shapeshift).
So if the ability to shift to rat>human>bear is taken, players will still be able to use shapeshift when being chased.
druids be like i got the best heals in the game my bear form got the highest damage in the game with stacking only 1 stat of gear/same with panther and i can reset and escape whenever i want i wanna third party whenever i want i want to go to all the cheese spots that ironmace refuses to fix what a super class man
bear damage is shit. Healing of druid is regen not heal life cleric. And for you fight equaly anyone you spend 2 3 times what they do. Same price gear druid lose to 1x1 to any class by far.
Druid is just good for run, scouting, and grave digging. Also 3rd partying.
Finally, nerf druid into the freaking ground
i hope its not contagious
Amen, brother.
lol now you got the op healer Druid though
man, they nerf druid that way, they gonna have to up all of it's stats, druid is basically useless without shapeshift
better mobility than rogue, better healing than cleric, and better damage, pdr, and health than a barb when in a enraged bear form, all while being able to escape any encounter by pressing a combo of buttons (rat, cougar, jump R chicken jump rat) then heal up and return for another pointless round of fight the druid
Cleric has way better healing I have no idea how you got that idea I mean lesser heal gives 15 hp instantly I think and natures touch gives 15 over 15 seconds also bear is slow I mean really slow any person with half a brain can see the bear rage and press the s key until it stops
@@mynamejeff9037 cleric can't jump across the module in half a second
@@mynamejeff9037 A cleric when attacked in melee has 0% chance of escaping, a druid has roughly 95% chance of successfully escaping, and can still live to heal another day.
If you want healing on the same level as cleric you gotta take the new perk also bear and panther can be stat checked now unlike their old damage from a while back, the frustrating and arguably OP part is just good players spamming shapeshift very well
I played a bit of Druid I do think the transformation are a bit too spamable. I think they should keep it instant but put like cooldowns like give you charges you can do 2-3 changes consecutively then u gotta wait. And going back to human should always be available.
Also I think they should fix the transformation radius - some spots like on stairs or with a teammate or enemy near you it doesn’t let you transform.
I think if they made it more consistent it’s perfectly acceptable to make it have cooldowns.
I think if they put it on cooldown for each transformation tho stuff like the panther jump wouldn’t be doable which would suck
I also think that this would be the best way to nerf druid without killing the class. You could still transform and have skill expression & movement tech, but you would have to think about it a bit more and couldnt mindlesly spam if it had limited uses and then a cooldown after that. Always being able to go back to human form would be inportant too. And if shapeshifting is nerfed then making it more reliable by tweaking the transformation block radius would be required to make it feel satisfying and playable.
Just adding cooldowns and removing combos would kill the class and remove the fun and uniqueness of it.
@ yeah I agree 100% human needs to always be accessible, spamming needs to be stopped and block radius needs to be decreased and it’ll be perfect
@@carterfn5939they are using macros and scripts tho. That's unfair to every other class
@ lol nah dude I’ve played Druid it’s easy to transform without using that shit. I also come from games like Fortnite and apex which are way more competitive and way faster paced so you have to press buttons way faster then in dark and darker. DnD is very slow paced and casual so I doubt anyone needs to macro to transform it’s so easy to do without it.
All the druids tech I learned in like 1 hour lol
Getting rid of rat solves a lot of the issues
the only reason why sdf dont wanna nerv druids he plays is by its own like barb and ranger the most slighty nerved classes its not sus after all the time its sure he buffs his own classes XD but community is stronger then sdfs skill
They better buff the form strength if this is true
Hope they bring back blood exchange.
I told you. 5 bucks and a Klondike bar and I will knock out the surgery for ya. I got my cat laser ready to go! Keep doing you homie! We ain't going nowhere.
LOL hell yeah brother skeeeyeee
i could honeslty care less ab druid fix the barbs running at 330 mv with hatchet max barb should be able to move is max ms - whatever ms pen for whatever wep they have any class should not be rewared mainly tank classes by being able to break core game mechanics being a tank running at u 330 with there wep out when no other class other than tank classes can... now how dose that make sense
I’m sorry but no Druid shouldn’t have cooldowns that would make bear Druid almost unplayable I mean as a bear Druid myself I can say that I shift in and out of bear a lot because everything is faster than the bear seriously if they add cooldowns here’s how it would go I turn into bear the other person backs up till I unshift then they kill me with 2-3 hits and panther may as well be a no go either because yes they about as fast as any normal person and as durable as a wet paper towel the thing making panther was good was panther jump into panther to get spellcasters Druid is already hard class to play because if you want to be a good Druid you need to learn a bunch of stuff and become accustomed to a lot of stuff before you stop dying so much it’s a very high skill ceiling class that’s in a good place currently and anyone who complains about them are either 1 just complaining because they died to a Druid 1-2 times or two just don’t know how to play them druids require a lot of actions per minute and decisions to be made in the moment putting cooldowns on shifting would be like shooting the class in both legs and breaking their back they would be almost unplayable also the reason people see good Druids a lot is because those who stick to the class get really good at shifting and managing spells all the bad Druid usually die within the first few minutes because of a trap bleed or archer
I agree with some of what you say and as a druid player I can agree that this seems heavy handed. In my opinion the problem with druid is they counter many of the classes that counter them, AOE attacks and DOT attacks imo are the biggest counter to prevent a druid running away. Mainly warlocks wizards even clerics that are AOE ranged attacks. But they are free kills for a panther druid. I find if I'm running or resetting from a fight it's not from a caster but normally a strong melee class. These classes like fighter and barbarian have very limited options to prevent a panther jump across the room into a rat jump through a door window at that point it's already over there's no catching up. The ability to pick the fight circumstances regardless of situation is the problem for me. being able to choose the engagement position and room gives a tremendous advantage and trying to run from a druid when they're chasing feels pointless. Closing doors is irrelevant running through big open rooms is irrelevant. They are a perfect third party class as they can hide and run untill you are low but chase and stalk without you being able to run. I think the biggest thing that needs a nerf is rat jumping through windows and the cool down on the panther jump. That's my issue with the class
They should give ranger a “Guiding arrow” skill where 1 arrow is fired that will act like a magic missle hit someone, this would HARD counter druids shifting into rat, and you would still have to aim the 1 shot like MM, just give it a 20 sec cooldown
nah you crazy
I like this idea even though I’m a Druid it would be cool
Dont ever create a game.
@@mynamejeff9037”even though I’m a Druid” please go play a diff game and stop ruining ours
Guys we found the ranger player
Yeah we need ranger catch another w
Play druid and try spamming shape shifting as a means to either win fights or survive. You will find that MUCH more often than not it gets you killed. This is a non issue, and this proposed "solution" will permanently kill this class and be another nail in the coffin for the game. Taking out one of the only truly unique things they have ever created.
you're saying spamming shapeshifting will get you killed but also not being able to do it kills the class? you don't get to both downplay how good it is AND say it's make or break for the class lmao
This nerf has been handed to them on a silver platter within the first weeks of Druid being out. A 0.5s cd timer on shapeshiftimg but no cd on going back to human. This still leaves Druid with rat through door. It leaves panther jump since you can just pre panther then chicken then human. This leaves triple jump with human chicken human. You get all the same tech for escaping just a little less optimal. For fighting you can still pre panther then be bear. This leaves the general playstyle Druid has intact while making it so it’s not an infinitely optimizable movement tech class in a game originally about slow, strategic pvp. While the nerf talked about in the video is great, it sounds like a cd time rather than a set timer. I think this change can easily be made void with resourcefulness as we’ve seen with double hide rogue. A cooldown on becoming human again will only bring a large frustration to the playstyle for much of the movement tech. Don’t get me wrong, I hate Druid; if it were up to me I’d remove the class from the game. But the best fix is clearly the set timer first mentioned.
They talk about end of season events before HR Season even fcken started ?
Druid is one of those things that might be fine, but we need to figure out how to fight it. Because there's a lot people don't do against druids, like kite the bear right-click correctly, not get scared when they see the bear, bring explosive bottles, etc. After some time, perhaps around 2 years, I think people will know how to deal with druid and not think it's unfair. Like the sc brood war phenomena, the game hasn't changed for years yet the meta is still changing. It's human nature to blame everything on others when in reality it's us that suck, not the game
True. I feel people who think druid is op should try playing it themselves. I can def agree that druid can be super annonying and can escape many situations the other classes can't, but druid is also countered by many things and has many weaknesses. Any DoT, magic, ranged and aoe dmg is very strong againts druid. DoT and aoe means you cannot turn into rat and turning into chicken means losing a majority of your hp. Druid has very low mdr so magic dmg is very good against it. Playing in a doorway and kiting makes it impossible for druid to ever hit you in bear form, and panther is super squishy and needs a dedicated build to do dmg. And I feel that high skill with the class should be rewarded. I think people just get annoyed at the mobility and escape potential. Which I can understand is super annonying, but all the nerf ideas ppl are throwing around would essentially kill the class because of the other weaknesses. Druid is generally good against melee classes which are popular, so maybe that also has something to do with the amount of hate the class gets.
I disagree. The class has everything it needs. Melee domination yes, disengage yes, heal yes. The one weakness it has is its range, but makes up for that with its mobility to force close combat. I think this class is op in the current state of the game. I'm not sure if cds will make it too weak, but druid is not ok currently.
@@Iketsu12i disagree i have played the class its bs you ignore spacing completely panther chicken jump closes an insane amount of distance bears hit box is so f’d up people will swing through you insta transform allows you to change your hit box while the enemy is mid swing you mentioned the resets built in crush built in double jump rat jump in case you don’t want to break the door but still ignore it a phantomize ability they can still cast in they have old bard tranquility with natural healing
thanks for everything. take care of yourself. and try out monster hunter wilds when it comes out
Love MH games
@Onepeg would love to do some hunts with ya!
if its not too bad then it will be fine, but they will probably oblivion nerf it
good. druid was released with basically no testing done and is overloaded as shit just like sorc. This change should have been made within the first month and would have stopped druid from needing a dozen other nerfs they had because there was no counterplay to insta shapeshift chicken boost jump bullshit that lets them close distance faster than anyone else and then bear form on top of your head.
I think something else this game has an issue with is utility. The reason this game is a movement speed meta is because there is nothing to counter it. Franny is the closest thing we got but not even all classes can use that.
Didn’t like dungeonborne much but I love their flask system and some their systems. For example in that game no class was out running a rogue but rogues were no where near the best class because it wasn’t all about movement speed.
The thunder flash and the stone wall flash were amazing especially as melee. They had cooldowns I believe if u missed but if u hit it then u could get some hits in and finish a fight. I loved it
Make druid Max MS 300 in Human form, and everyone else 330 and problem solved
was this tarkov channel before?
Only 725 videos over 6 years or so
@@Onepeg new doc style vids are more fun than tarkov stuff you did befor. :)
@SDF give warlocks phantomize 3 uses only
Good F druids
this shouldve been done 2 weeks into the druid update
Yeah the devs definitely delusionaly enjoyed playing it I bet it just abuses everything about the games core mechanics
whats disco elysium
Instead of cooldowns on shapeshifts, what if they just added hp requirements? like you cant transform into rat at low hp, or bear. then they can add new morphs that are built around it, maybe a ranged morph but cant be below be transformed into at less than half hp. or turtle form which can only be used at low hp. just a thought.
Interesting take
Druid doesn’t need cooldowns he needs a viable reason to not run shapeshift aka the perk they just released I play Druid and I think it’s balanced the only thing that’s unbalanced is the hitbox for panther and chicken they need to fix those they need to make the upper half of the panther arm count for body shots then boom panther would be fixed and chicken hit box is just beyond broken Druid is not that hard to kill in a team sense I’m saying in a team sense because the game is balanced around trios just try to burn out all of his dreamfires or restores just stay on him if you say nope let him run he will camp come back and rat away again
Closing thoughts How to fix
Fix panther hit box
Fix chicken hit box
Give 5-10 hp back to caster classes base
And maybe add more aoe spells/abilities
Melee combat needs a massive rework, longsword being the only weapon that can parry and instantly win the fight is wack as hell. More weapons need to have skill expression so that the skill doesn't come down to cheesy melee dodging by manipulating the camera like chivalry and spacing. Every weapon being able to block/parry would make for much more interesting melee combat.
First of all blocking needs to be fixed and then longsword parry needs to be nerfed to compensate the added reliability of the parry. Blocking should also interrupt your oponent for a bit longer because a successful block should mean that you get an opening to attack
Then it would be nice if we had secondary attacks for every weapon to be able to do mixups and things like that, or at the very least every weapon should be able to block or be paired with something that can like you said
More weapons would also be nice. Rogue for example could benefit from a parrying dagger or a Sai to have some defensive tool that isn't a shield.
That alone could make melee combat a lot more fun and skilled instead of the statchecky mess that we have now
@@Panurome agreed 100%. More weapons would be amazing and also feinting would be tremendous.
If they are gonna put cds on shapeshifting then I hope they add benefits to staying in one form longer.
Panther already does like 100 things what more can you possibly want? Fast attack speed, high damage output, silence, bleed, dash, minimum downsides.
@@sawritall4292Panther cannot box anyone, it's only viable because of op movement tech allowing them to get in, hit, and get out before being hit back. Instant shift should be nerfed but without animal form buffs the class is dead in the water other than full heal spec.
@@Don-Swanson What? Panther kills me everytime as cleric because i cant block their paws nor can I tank them because ridiculous amount of Agi+True makes armor irrelevant, im running just under 60% pdr and i die in 4-5 hits because of the damage stacking, its bad enough they silence me too so I cant use any skills or spells either, calling Panther weak is straight up a pitiful lie in hopes to prevent their main damage source from being nerfed.
Panther is mega squishy with very low hp and pdr, and the head hitbox is huge. You are majorly misplaying if you lose to a panther who is only running in and attacking. You can easily hit the panther on the head twice and theyre dead. And panther only deals high dmg if you have very high agility. Building panther druid locks you out of bear form and is much riskier. Its a high skill playstyle with high risk high reward.
LOL, dude, even people that don't like druid will tell you to just melee the panther... you will literally 2-shot it.
Panther should not have a silence it kill his country what are wiz and warlock because he can't transform well burn or curse it would do to much damage. But sense Panther have a silence his couture can't fight back at all one he get to them
So you want to insta cast 180 one tap panther?
What about ranger shotgun if they have form cooldown?
What of when they can jump a pdr fighter and punish second wind?
As a druid player they need to fix collisions for transform before they add cooldown i cant transform if there is a slight incline
Cry more
I have over a thousand hours on druid. The easiest way to fix it is to just put a short CD on chicken and rat form. Druid needs to be able to switch to bear/cat at all times
Why do druids need special treatment over sorcerers?
@sawritall4292 they don't. I'm maining sorc this season. It's been a dang month and caster sorc doesn't have a viable 4th perk. Druid deserves to be playable. The chicken/rat spam is bad for the game. It needs a short CD
@ Short like maybe 20 seconds, if its something pointless like 3 then it doesnt solve anything, SDF knows this, he failed to provide all classes a way to deal with druid, Onepeg literally makes it as obvious as possible, druid has it too easy, right now druid shapeshifts faster than a damn item box roulette in mario kart.
@@sawritall4292do you know how long 20 seconds is, that’s literally unplayable, like 6-9 seconds is prolly more balanced for rat and chicken
@Weston19393would you make it scale with resourcefulness? There are already a lot of druid gear that gives resourcefulness but Druid doesn't get any use for it (other than boosting chicken damage lol). But if resourcefulness affected a supposed shape shift cool down it might make it worth it to sacrifice a bit of stats to get less cooldown
Did fallout 76 really almost ruin bethesda? They made Starfield which also sucks. And Ubisoft has been making dogshit for nearly a decade now and they still exist
Yeah the game cost like 500M to make and only earned 300M in its first month. Took a WHILE to recoup the money. Was a hard money sink for years
haha druids finally getting nerved its a big WIN BYE GODLIKE DRUIDS
Druid lifebloom nerf when? ;)
As someone who plays about 5 classes, Druid being one of them, the ability to do the multi change leap across the map is just dumb and boring. I think your FIRST shapeshit should be instant, but you should not be able to shift between every animal in .3 seconds. Leave the ability to instantly shift, but after its used once there is a 3-5 second cool down.
yeah i finally stop playing loose aa 10k gear set to a dam druid he is to strong with this insta swift he go a gear set around 1000g and rip me in seconds i got 60% pdr 156 live and getting out dmg from a panther
Yeah, when a druid starts his shapeshifting evasion shit i just give up. Waste of my time.
druid being cool is hard to do and they achieved. this is a huge misstep and i hope they don’t kill druid