About fucking time. Not a huge fan or hater of Yamato but it's so obvious he doesn't like the game. Watching him feels like a reality show where people watch somebody suffer. Hope he can enjoy variety or league becomes better and he can have fun again.
the saddest thing is for me whos watched yamato since season 8, u can literally go back to his season 9 videos or older and see him be happy, its so strange
@yazuo3707 Not strange whatsoever. The game was substantially better in S8-S9. Now it’s in a piss poor state being run by people who do not play the game enough to know what they’re doing effectively. The balance team clearly has no fucking idea what they are doing with the game. They made tanks STRONGER as if tanks weren’t already a major fucking problem.
@@bradleye660 ngl people said the exact opposite when S8-S9 were out and the epidemic of "its not like the old league" is just playing out how it always has. It's nostalgia nothing else.
I quit 6 weeks ago, but for the 5 years before that, I played with chat off. I feel like the correct way to play this game is to treat it like a single player game that you play with 4 bots that vary in skill level between games.
Nah the correct way to play the games would be with voice comms, but riot forced us all into single player. Imagine if we could actually connect with people we liked and did 5 man groups without the variable of randoms. Imagine actually being able to practice team play in a team game. League gotta be the only team game without voice comms, actual mental company. I do agree with you, but I blame RIOT
@@deseanlothian I do not want to speak with anyone who plays League of Legends. Especially in the middle of the game. Imagine being a Diamond support trying to shotcall - no matter how correct what you're saying is, it'd be 10x easier to affect the game by playing it Singleplayer than list to a dogshit midlaner that has no idea what they're doing.
@@YourFavouriteDraugr luckily you can just mute them? if you don't wanna talk to them. Also you don't have to play with them again if you don't invite them. I don't like these people either, but i'm pretty sure no communication has way more negatives than positives. Considering any negative can be immediately removed. The only case i see for it is, making everyone suffer. So it's an even playing field, so no one can have the advantage of comms. Also bad comms is better than no comms. I'd rather have a bad plan than no plan.
@@deseanlothian I completely agree. People think it will be super toxic because league community is but it only seems that way because people are forced to be silent and type. People are 100% more likely to flame u only in chat than to say it with their voice and mean it. I think voice chat will be no more toxic than any other online multiplayer game. And if you cant handle it you can simply just deafen.
For some reason what Dom said at 2:30 about jungle just really sat with me. Switched to playing jungle a bit and thought I was delusional for seeing this exact phenomenon happen every game but its just true, everyone just thinks jungle is entitled to help EVERY. SINGLE. LANE.
idk for me its reverse, i switched to jg/mid from top/mid and jg is super fun and i actually have impact on the game, tho i insta deafen every game so maybe thats a part of why the role is better for me
swap to adc and you'll want to jump in front of a train after 10 games in a row of having a dogshit support. On the other hand, I played jungle a few times and I literally just muted anyone who talked shit then kept playing.
Before I quit I was jg main exclusively for a few years and I remember I switched to mid for a few games. I was literally dog shit at laning, I remember when Akshan released the Akshans were solo diving me under turret I was so bad. Never got a single comment from anyone I was so confused nobody gave a fuck. Meanwhile I've had multiple weeks long stretches in jg with 60-80% winrate and getting flamed every game win or lose?!?!
It's just people wanting to be the main character. You make a play on the other side and someone else messed it up and your weak side is suffering? They blame you, not who messed up the play even if it was a great play. And they'll probably still flame even if it went well
I don't know how to explain this coherently, and I don't want to sound like a hater because I'm not (I like Yamato), but RATIRL and tyler1 could make it perfectly fine streaming variety games instead of League, whereas Yamato could not.
ratirl has a very dedicated fan base which will watch him regardless of what he is doing. tyler1 has a huge fan base which begs him to do variety, he gets the same amount of viewers if not more streaming variety.
He could maybe make it work if he keeps the same vibe. 80 percent of his viewers are toxic L9 europoors if you watch his stream for 20 min you know why they watch him it’s not because of league
Once I started playing jungle I understood a lot of things and stopped flaming jungle, there are 2 big jungles rules that every laners should learn : tempo (we have to farm/gank/be efficient with our camps) & we do not gank/play around a losing lane (especially top cause they will 2v1 if even slightly fed)
dude thats like the first thing i learned so quickly as a jungler is there is no point ganking a hard losing lane, i just mute all and try and focus on the other two
@@THICCBOITHENASUSMAIN tell me youre not high elo without telling me youre not high elo... if my laner is down 0/4 in lane im not going to waste time and resources ganking them id rather get my other non inting teammates ahead to carry that sorry laners ass. Also if youre losing lane youre the one throwing the game, i bet your one of those sorry ass solo laners that blames the jungler when you lose your lane
Well if enemy jungle ganks you and sets you behind and your own jungler ignores your lane then at some point you will farm the jungle camps... just saying
League has the most amount of fun you can have in a competitive game and the most unfun you can have ,that's why people still play it when they hate it ,you chase that once every 5-10 games where everything is right ,that's why i think its best to play with a fulll 5 team of friends or flex and normals to actually enjoy the game nowdays and unless you wish to become a streamer to not bother to try to climb to gm and chall cuz its a waste of time (unless you get it really easy ) . And regarding the variety ,Rat used to have it the same ,he just kept streaming variety until the viewers acclimated to the new content (That applies if you bring anything else outside of gameplay or rage bait ) in yamato's case he for sure cant do variety with the personality that he shows on stream ,you on the other hand actually can hold a conversation about other topics like NBA or sports in general (which i would actually want to see from you ,since as a European nba information is always an interesting topic for me )
@@StellarisVT yeah and I am saying it at its peak ,there arent many games that had the highs and lows that league has ,the only thing close to it is souls games ,but you can learn those in a couple of months if you spam them ,with league is inconsistent.I am not playing the game that much anymore ,but from my experience that's what keep people playing competitive games like this ,the drive to be better ,because when you win you feel on top of the world (Obv this is just my op and I am not saying its a fact )
Dom's variety streams were insanely fun to watch. I remember him playing Welcome To The Game 2 and it was one of the most enjoyable streams I've ever been part of as a viewer.
Yeah but there are like 5000 fun to watch variety streamers and like 2-3 that can analyze league on a similar level to Dom. Variety is just not worth it economically.
2:32 This is what Yamatosdeath is saying. Most people play it with a couple friends. They play in casual, not ranked, and they dont get typed to because they are playing with friends and screwing around to have fun. I used to do that , but all my friends on the game slowly walked away. If you play as a 5 stack and dont play ranked, it can be a fun experience because you know the people youre playing with and, sure you want to win, but you just have fun with friends. Streamers rarely will ever have this experience since they are always on the GRIND or playing solo rather than just playing casual/quickplay
If only RIOT would ad voice coms for solo q, the game would instantly become 10x better and more fun. And before anyone comes with toxicity bs excuse, if anyone actually replies to me with that, I will just tell you that you are re*arded for not using inbuilt anti-toxicity button called "mute".
I mean, thats real. Im an emerald peaker jungler and jezuz, the people are obnoxious. I still play this game mostly out of nostalgia since I grew up on it. I enjoy some league content and it always gets me into mood for playing, then the game itself takes the mood away lmao
Lol, I've started this death spiral were i no longer care for ranked. I've grinded before and just didnt like it, peaked diamond and just said im done. Now I just play with friends and have fun, I never play alone not even ARAM. Chat off, no ranked, duo or 5 stack or nothing. I only have a few hours a week to play a games so im glad i still have enjoyment to devote this little time to a game that ive been playing since i was a teenager. but once my friends all leave this game, its over, i can see the end and my time playing league is drawing to a close soon.
I'm from Europe. league is not fun anymore is just no fun at all. i honestly feel like i play league because i got nothing really else to do. Kids don't play league at all in my country. The vast majority of users currently playing league are in their mid-20s to early 30s and i think the same goes for other countries as well. So basically you are in the middle of the most important time in your life and just playing league all day all night. There must be something going on in your life.. Streamers and pro players are the only exceptional. they do this for living and i'm 100% sure most of this streamers are also so fed up of playing league but they have no choice
Hard agree with dom about jungle, its crazy that in season 14 you get flamed for simply playing a role within the video game, like wtf is that? touch grass
No one on your own team is flaming you 5-0, unless you’re hard camping a lane and ignoring 2 others getting ram ranched, which, is understandable. However no one is just flaming you for playing well for the sake of it.
the biggest problem with the game is related to actual in game experience which is balance and unnecessarily overloaded new/reworked kits that are nothing less than demigods with little to 0 flaws. you could say that community is toxic, griefers, inters, afkers, etc. but atleast for me this is a rare occurance, and as for toxicity dom said about, just mute - you have like 20 different ways to mute chat and/or pings. what i find more tilting than players behavior is disgusting, always slow and bugging client. i had only yesterday my client CLOSE ITSELF for god only knows what reason like 5 times, once in champion select in aram, forcing me to play champion i didnt want to. then you have the client bug the fuck out, because of milion pop-ups that you cant disable in settings. then, when you type with somebody in game using /msg, the messages sometimes like to appear late and/or not at all, forcing you to type in game while alt-tabbing. what i have a problem with are champions that are blantely over the fkin line too strong and balance team act like this is fine. like the tristana brought in the video is perfect example for that. its been over a year with tristana mid being a legit pick and i have a problem with that because mid is designed for mages/assassins. dumb fkin champion bullies everyone in lane and then outscales. she also has a strong 1v1 and is a great splitpusher. adcs in general taking over midlane is disgusting balance fuckup that riot doesnt fix. ranged champions in top, zac top, reksai top, camille getting overbuffed - all of this leads to unfun gameplay that makes people quit. corki, lucian, tristana mid shouldnt have place in league - their role is adc - diversity is fun, but its only fun when you can do that with every champion - having specific group of champions being able to occupy more than one role gives you unfair adventage in champion select and that applies to both pro play and soloq. not to mention adcs are the most unskilled type of champions, since there is little to no skill right clicking from a safe space, while not running out of dmg like assassins or mages do. yes, spacing and other adc stuff takes skill, but basic principle of adc playstyle which is rightclick from range, being surrounded by 4 teammates, is unchanged. before patch 14.10 adcs were played in EVERY single role, unless you exclude jungle because of champions like graves, kindred - who are considered junglers, but are marksmen nontheless. even then, top, mid, adc and support are occupied by adcs. after MSI riot decides to buff adcs even more for god only knows what reason - maybe phreak being adc main thought its time to stop abusing blantely overpowered janna and switch back to his main role, adc. then riot balance team gets bored and forces stupid champions like varus, tf, katarina, twitch, etc. to have more than one build - which on its own would be fine, but varus AP and lethality is braindead broken, ad tf is braindead broken, katarina in every form is braindead broken, twitch ad and ap is braindead broken. you might see a pattern with these champions - they are all released pre '200 years' era, and the reason riot makes them broken is to keep them up with the newly released, overloaded shits. instead of reworking them, riot prefers to overload their numbers and allow them to build diverse. this company is disgusting and as much as i love this game, this shitty balance/release choices must be adressed, because its been a problem with league since day one, and it has gotten only worse ever since 2020. hope the game dies/nearly dies so idiots in charge of all this, are gonna finally learn, that playing broken shit is fun for one side, but isnt for the other. there is only one of you, and there are 5 other people having to deal with braindead, unfun shit.
I think your entire essay was entirely useless, because you dont see the issue behind "just mute toxic". That is the fundamental issue with this, and a lot of other multiplayer games. The gaming culture is so insanely toxic, that at this point "just fullmute" in a MULTIPLAYER GAME is seen as the proper thing to do.
Started playing some mid lane games and it really shifted from impacting the whole map to farming because you cant beat the enemy mid and trying to roam or splitpush the whole game.
@@ardabruh1340 with the difference that midlane has 3x as many entrances, u get sandwiched from top- and botside river and u dont have a support in lane 24/7 whose only job is to take care of u but if u call that average adc treatment sure man xD
@@sh4nn4roit’s a glorified jungle support role at this point, whichever mid has the better jungler wins the lane 95% of the time regardless of individual skill or mechanics
damn imagine if this mile long yap contained at least an iota of constructive criticism so that it wouldn't be a complete waste of time while also reinforcing the totally destructive pattern of change-through-hysteria
summit 1g was a csgo streamer . then he became a variety streamer . lost like 5k viewers but over time he has built a more safe viewerbase because now yhour not depending on one game that might die any time . now he averswages like 15k to 20k viewers on random games .
LoL experience summarized: Me: playes league after idk a month (only play like 1-2 games these days) picks top, gets jungle picks singed jungle bot dies in the first 3min 2 times and starts flaming each other top dies in the first 3mins mid crys for help in the first 4min enemy nunu jngl flashes against a wall and dies to me. Me to him "dw i saw nothing" at the end (we ff15) he almost dies to me again in his base by chasing me Nunu sends friend request: "dw i saw nothing" "hope you die pedo, go kill yourself" it was a normal btw Thats pretty much league nowdays, i wasnt even the problem this game even though i picked singed jungle xD
3:00 Big true about jungle. i was a plat/dia jungle main and people do just flame jungle, but IMO it's because there is a projection of blame because people don't want to take individual accountability for losing their own lane by being bad, it's easier to just blame the role that could/should impact lanes, but it's always the 2:39 blue side 1v1 death top laner typing "would be nice to have a jg" 😂 also maybe reinforced bc it is often auto-filled so people have been half trained to expect a bad jungler idk
For a community that denounces toxicity so resoundingly, people are really taking the piss out of this guy for simply sharing his feelings lol. This is not even a case of "matching his energy", there's a massive disproportionate hate wave on a lot of these league personalities for zero (Yamato, Elosanta, even Dantes rn for being a fuckboy). Even in this comment section people are foaming at the mouth to spread negativity whilst actively pushing for stagnation in the game's current state by discrediting the guy's thoughts with nothing but ad hom. Honestly sickening.
Riot doesnt understand how bad it feels to play the game They misinterpret numbers as an excuse But playing league for months and only getting like 10% games no troll no afk feels rlly rlly bad I dont get to play much anyways so how am I supposed to have fun
I feel like Dom more than most league players could switch to variety. Probably only second to Dantes. You have to have a personality to provide and not many other league streamers have that lol.
Lost and projecting. He’s another screaming manchild who had no real talent at the game and falls back on watching other people play pro and yapping about drama like this is highschool all over again 😮😂😢
@@tokymack9548 I don’t think u realize how many people suffer from burnouts these days. If you’re a streamer you can also just quit and get a regular job if you want to, the other way around not as easy.
as a jungle main I find it hilarious. play well get flamed. play bad get flamed. defend yourself get chat banned. (because you are getting reported no matter what, the auto ban system just needs any words)
Do not engage with people. I also play jungle and the only way the game is playable is to mute all the second someone starts tilting. I get at least 2 report feedbacks every game. I’m carrying my team in 70% of games and they will still flame you. Went from Plat to Diamond this split after the reset. The community just sucks. They have people like YammatosDeath as role models. The more people like him that leave the game, the experience of the game will improve for everyone. All league streamers flame the rest of their teammates while asserting that they 1v9 while using their chat as a weapon to defend fragile egos. It’s sad. The base game is still good.
this just goes to show how much Tyler1 loves this game lol, no streamer ever played as much as him honestly and he has been through it all way too many times but he still finds a way to have fun and enjoy the game. He could be a variety streamer easily and people would watch him but he just loves fking league and keeps playing.
My experience reaching diamond for the 1st time last split was pleasant tbh. Def a lot of mental required for me personally to climb through high emerald and diamond (as a jungler), but I felt I experienced, on average, much less flame/typing than lower elos. Seemed most people were just, by comparison, quietly trying to win/only doing helpful pings/shot calls. Maybe I do mute all and focus more often than I realize, Maybe I'm lucky, but yea that was my experience climbing to d4 last split
when the old ranking system was in place, Plat to diamond and playing in diamond was not fun. i ended up having to mute all chat and pings to play. This was particularly bad bc i was a tank jungle main, i played a lot of support style heavy junglers like sej and j4, ended up swapping to bruiser carries like hec (when he was broken), viego, nocturne in order to rely on my team less.
Im level 537 and have been playing LoL of legends since season 1. I havent touched a ranked game once in my life and only touch aram lately. I still have fun playing because i dont take it seriously at all. Its still impossible to avoid the man children who do take the game WAY too seriously, even in ARAM. When I get frustrated at the game, I just turn it off lmao. People need to collectively chill out. This never existed in the very early days of league. People would banter in all chat and actually congratulate each other for good plays. Pride has overtaken us.
I had this game where a cheater was on the enemy side and it took 44 days to get him banned. That's the moment I realized the game is bullcrap and not worth giving another chance
Let me tell everyone how mental stable people, who dont stream, enjoy the game even with competetive mindset: - If we get typed, we usualy dont read it. If we read it, we dont type back or dont even think about it. - If a person types too much, i just mute them, no matter what they type. -If someone runs it down, we accept it as it is what it is because we are crazy and think that this only happends to myself and the enemy never gets inters. It always evens out. -If we are in challenger, we dont complain about master players becuse its like pick your poison, either play a game with master players in who arent on the level of chall or we just wait 45 mins in queue. -If you feel like to take a break, take one. -If we see someone doing a misstake we dont get mental about it. Happends. - Even if with a competetive mindset, rank is not everything, fun is still priority. Im not one the best player around this planet, my biggest achivment in the last few years was hitting diamond with a 70% winrate in 200 games from an account that bassicly had negative mmr. I just stopped playing because i felt like i played a lot and didnt give a shit on reaching an even higher rank. Could have hit master or dont, i wont find out and im not mad about it. Been playing since season 3, got chat restriced once in the entire time and i was like 16 at the time. Having fun with games is first a mindset thing, then everything else. I had times where i grinded hard in games for high ranks and was really passionate about it but it had a toll my mental health because of the amount of time i was putting in with out anything to be considered an equalizer. I get why people need a break from time to time and a view quit completly but its not entirely the games fault, most of the time its the people them self who are at fault, because they gaslight themself into thinking that in the past was everyting better, like old people. He mentioned, that he talked to other high elo players who are also considering quitting the game because of the issues they feel like the game has. I got to say two thing about that: 1st: we have this topic every year, for real, game still growing. Thats also due to the amount of different content, rito has put into the game out side the main game. The second thing is, if you are a toxic/competetive player and you talk to people about the game, who are you talking to? people who you are playing with as a party, people who are your gaming mates so to speak , people who are inside your own bubble, of course they have the same view as you do. For example, I would never even consider playing with people like yamato or for example tyler1 via discord because those people are just way too exhausting for me with their mental so its unlikly that a player like yamato would go to someone who is the exact opposite of him to talk about the game. He was probably talking to people like tf blade and dantes who are known to have similar mindset like he does, of course they have the same oppinion. He should have talked to someone like broxah, same role, higher skill level then yamato and someone who is really chill when playing the game. The last part is an asumption but i think im right with this one. If he did talk to people who are the opposite of him, i really would like to know, what they have said to him about his current views.
There is too much varience and inconsistencies with the people you play with in league of legends. Queuing up with random teammates is a horrendous feature imo. What will make you stay or quit depends on your tolerance for these variences and inconsistencies besides that I think LoL's gameplay is fun and the changes it brings each season can be quite refreshing at times. It's the varience, inconsistencies, and the constant bad actors that are not worth the time.
Agree people love to hate him but hes one of the only streamers I actually enjoy because I know its just a game and don't take his behavior personally!
been league free for alittle over a year, and before I quit I just spammed ARAM because solo que just felt awful. ARAM was not much better, pretty much whoever had the most ranged characters with a decent cc tank and played with their monitor on would win.
I realized playing league increases my blood pressure and pulse, whether I play alone and don’t rage, or I get mad. I don’t have this with any other game. Game could be going perfectly fine, no reason to be mad, yet my watch says 122 heart rate. I have no other game doing this to me. Apart from the fact that 4 players on my discord play my main role, and I rarely get to play my best role, it’s just unfun. Initially I decided to quit because I didn’t want vanguard on my 4 months old pc. Now I stay away for health reasons, with every now and then playing a game on my old pc.
I started enjoying league again when i stopped caring about rank, play the champs that I want, and play only 3-5 games max only a day. I guess when ur streamer this is not possible since u will get flamed.
Have to play with chat off otherwise delusional regards will flame you and blame you for them losing their 1v1 or 2v2 lane when theyve taken every bad trade and died 6 times. just a bunch of losers. full time osrs and havent looked back
i stopped playing league sometime last year when i realized I have to be a babysitter in kindergarten , psychiatrist/psychologist that deals with people's emotional issues, depression, immaturity and ego, both a mom and dad, an older brother and sister, best friend and a motivational coach for people just so I can finish a 30ish minute game lol (and in case someone's wondering, that's not normal xD) and am definitely not returning since they want to force me to install spyware (Vanguard). I have to be all of the above for a game/hobby? no thank you. games are suppose to be fun and the community around it is suppose to be normal and not filled with emotionally stunted overgrown man babies that can't control their emotions. it is too taxing. people should realize like yamato that they don't actually like the game and that they might be playing it just out of habit and/or because of convenience (they're bored but don't know what else to do and league is just right there, one click away) and move on to something else in their lives (the "omg what will i do" doesn't take long to figure out). If it's your job sure, it becomes more difficult in a way, but what's the quality of life that you want to have, don't you want to have a job that you enjoy that doesn't take everything out of you emotionally and mentally? think people should really sincerely ask themselves "why am i playing this" because I guarantee, that the answer in most cases will not be "because it's fun". I quit 3 years ago as well (but then got back to it because I wanted to play with a couple of friends) when one day I realized league is also basically like being in a bad and abusive relationship: it's always toxic, the flaming doesn't stop no matter what you do and how you play that day (if you play good or bad) and after it, you feel taxed, maxed out, spent, depressed and like shit and that I stay out of habit and because I am scared of actually taking time away from it and finding something better to play/do because "I'll be bored" or "because I won't find anything better". it's insane. and when I realized I would exit a relationship that's that bad in a heartbeat because I deserve better than that, I took time off and tried to find a game that's actually fun to play or some other hobby and my life improved immensely. I encourage people to note how they feel before they start playing and after they're done playing a couple of games and to ask themselves "is this worth it".
As a new player I can see why jungle is hated. Obviously when you lose your lane you don't want to blame yourself for being bad, who else to blame other than the player that roams the whole map granted no one is feeding.
Man I almost had a heart attack; I thought it was the real Yamato for like 2 minutes before it registered. Squishy brain there for a minute or so. Man that scared me. I don't know who the fuck "Yamatodeath" is.
well god forbid riot adds voice chat and actually balances the game instead of putting Phreak and his condescending attitude tell us about how we are wrong on how some champs,items,roles etc are not broken and how we don't even need pings.. fk any bit of communication in this game
I hate this guy, but I cant deny his passion for the game and competetive drive (in terms of 1v1). So even tho im glad he isnt part of the community anymore, it hurts me to see such people quitting.
there's no shortage of players whose ego is higher than their skill and who think they can be pro because they got challenger a few times. Nothing to be sad over, plenty of yamato's in master/challenger, they just don't stream.
@@Omerta_Z Im just not that well spoken in english, sorry But I get what you mean. Another try would be: I love his competetive drive, but cant stand his personality in pretty much all other terms. Thats why I got really mixed feelings about this.
These top level players needs to take a chill pill. They fucking grind the fuck out of a single game and they are surprise when they are dosed of league.
a lot of high elo players quit over the years, doesnt make sense to dedicate such a big part of your life to a game, that only makes you rage - and doesn't pay you for your time
the thing is, laners need an excuse why they are loosing lane and its because you didnt gank them enough. even though they are 0/3 on a malph top 5 mins in
Honestly, I am kind of glad, that Riot introduced Vaunguard, which led to me uninstalling the game. That really helped me to get over my addiction. Now I only watch pro games from time to time and enjoy the tactical side of the game.
7:27 Person does thing and wants to be one of the best at that thing. Person has to put in WAYYY more time and energy into thing to do that. Person has surprised pikachu face that it was taxing to do so...... Thats how anything works. >.>
What happened to League though? I mean it definitely was more fun when I first started but I just feel like it is considered bad now because we've all been playing for a couple years, and the more you play the more you want to get into competitive and competitive just changes your mindset on the game.
Champions releases with a novel to read on each ability and the gaming community changed a lot overall, almost everyone plays meta and copies what's best and information circulates very quickly so the game gets very stale playing vs the same champs over and over
@@bravepotatoe7513 This was also already the case in Season 1. Its cope to pretend it wasnt you just were at a different stage in your live at that time. If kassadin was open and you didnt pick it people ran it down if you didnt go what was considered meta at the time people just ran it down or didnt try to win. If you even looked close to someones lane even in mid game they just ran it down. If you picked eve people ran you down because it wasnt meta. The problem existed since the beginning.
People saying their life got better because they quit League strike me as the same type of people who start taking vitamin supplements and start having a good sleep schedule, but think the vitamin supplements are the reason they're having better sleep.
How can league be stale with 140+ champions? Just play another role and new champs. If you only play the same 2-3 champs in 1 role no wonder it's stale. It's stale by your own choice.
It doesn’t even matter what rank you’re at or how good you are. I’m getting turbo flamed as jungle while smurfing in low elo. It’s probably to blame on Tyler1 for the “jungle diff” culture and others streamers who embraced it. Jungle is the hardest role by far and is getting the most flame by far. It’s also funny that Yamato is crying so much on the best role in the game.
I stopped playing league consistently for a solid 6 years and came back this season. I haven’t had this much fun in a multiplayer game for a very long time. The way this game is a mix of strategy and mechanical skill is something that very few games offer. It’s really just burn out that makes league so un enjoyable, but the ranked grind and even just the way you can endlessly improve your skills or make big plays keep you queuing up for the next one. If it’s not fun any more put it down. If teammates typing tilts you instantly move on to another game. Obviously streamers have their financial well being to consider but even then, endlessly doing the same thing that you hate is just not a way to live a good life.
The small jungle rant is crazy to me. I don't know why people keep blaming jungle for everything. Jungle can't be everywhere, maybe that jungle player had a bad game, missed smites happen. If I as a top laner, I screwed up my lane and thats on me. I play league ranked, becuase I enjoy the competitive aspect and playing out close games(even games that my team is behind). In the end of things, it's a game and all of us should be having fun. Good luck on the rift.
I mean honestly he just admitted that he just smurfs because he doesn’t want to int. But it doesn’t make it any better for people who are actually in diamond and a challenger player comes in and takes their lp. Idk that’s just me I guess.
as a jungle main I /deafen nowadays the first sign of pinging on my head or toxicity I play atleast twice as good without the constant nagging of the children that play lane
Haven't played a ranked game since Season 4 (Diamond I), haven't played a Summoner's Rift game since Season 8 (Hated runes/items/meta/newchamps/etc.), haven't played at all since ~Season 10 (ARAMs become "who can emote under obelisk more" instead of actually trying to win). Life is good.
The greater problem is that riot consistently removes unique interactions, items, and skills throughout the years while adding noob friendly features, making the game a real chore.
I feel bad for everyone because i stopped playing summoners rift yearss ago bc of similar reasons and i never made it past silver. ARAM is the best gamemode.
Sounds like his hobby feels like a job to him now. That's with anything really, if you are forced to do something you don't really want to do thats what happens.
About fucking time. Not a huge fan or hater of Yamato but it's so obvious he doesn't like the game. Watching him feels like a reality show where people watch somebody suffer. Hope he can enjoy variety or league becomes better and he can have fun again.
the saddest thing is for me whos watched yamato since season 8, u can literally go back to his season 9 videos or older and see him be happy, its so strange
@@yazuo3707 How is this strange? This is literally what he wrote in his tweet
@yazuo3707 Not strange whatsoever. The game was substantially better in S8-S9. Now it’s in a piss poor state being run by people who do not play the game enough to know what they’re doing effectively. The balance team clearly has no fucking idea what they are doing with the game. They made tanks STRONGER as if tanks weren’t already a major fucking problem.
@@bradleye660 ngl people said the exact opposite when S8-S9 were out and the epidemic of "its not like the old league" is just playing out how it always has. It's nostalgia nothing else.
@@ImArchiie No it's not nostalgia. The game was undoubtedly better in that specified era. Way less ridiculous champs, less stupidly broken items, etc.
im tired asf bout to go to bed and i read yammato thinking we were talking about LEC Yammato and i was like damn KC did a number on him huh
nah yamatocannon is not that bad. Just a few bad coaching stints but yamatosdeath is sheesh
How do people not confuse the two more often is the real question.
@@ayylmao633 i didn't know there was another yammato other than yamatosdeath
whats kc
@@kinggarou_317 karmine corp
I quit 6 weeks ago, but for the 5 years before that, I played with chat off. I feel like the correct way to play this game is to treat it like a single player game that you play with 4 bots that vary in skill level between games.
Nah the correct way to play the games would be with voice comms, but riot forced us all into single player.
Imagine if we could actually connect with people we liked and did 5 man groups without the variable of randoms.
Imagine actually being able to practice team play in a team game.
League gotta be the only team game without voice comms, actual mental company.
I do agree with you, but I blame RIOT
@@deseanlothian I do not want to speak with anyone who plays League of Legends. Especially in the middle of the game. Imagine being a Diamond support trying to shotcall - no matter how correct what you're saying is, it'd be 10x easier to affect the game by playing it Singleplayer than list to a dogshit midlaner that has no idea what they're doing.
@@YourFavouriteDraugr luckily you can just mute them? if you don't wanna talk to them. Also you don't have to play with them again if you don't invite them.
I don't like these people either, but i'm pretty sure no communication has way more negatives than positives.
Considering any negative can be immediately removed.
The only case i see for it is, making everyone suffer. So it's an even playing field, so no one can have the advantage of comms.
Also bad comms is better than no comms.
I'd rather have a bad plan than no plan.
@@YourFavouriteDraugr no one is forcing you to speak. but riot is definetly forcing us to be silent.
@@deseanlothian I completely agree. People think it will be super toxic because league community is but it only seems that way because people are forced to be silent and type. People are 100% more likely to flame u only in chat than to say it with their voice and mean it. I think voice chat will be no more toxic than any other online multiplayer game. And if you cant handle it you can simply just deafen.
For some reason what Dom said at 2:30 about jungle just really sat with me. Switched to playing jungle a bit and thought I was delusional for seeing this exact phenomenon happen every game but its just true, everyone just thinks jungle is entitled to help EVERY. SINGLE. LANE.
idk for me its reverse, i switched to jg/mid from top/mid and jg is super fun and i actually have impact on the game, tho i insta deafen every game so maybe thats a part of why the role is better for me
swap to adc and you'll want to jump in front of a train after 10 games in a row of having a dogshit support.
On the other hand, I played jungle a few times and I literally just muted anyone who talked shit then kept playing.
Before I quit I was jg main exclusively for a few years and I remember I switched to mid for a few games. I was literally dog shit at laning, I remember when Akshan released the Akshans were solo diving me under turret I was so bad. Never got a single comment from anyone I was so confused nobody gave a fuck. Meanwhile I've had multiple weeks long stretches in jg with 60-80% winrate and getting flamed every game win or lose?!?!
I play for fun and im pretty low elo but adc and jgl are the most fun roles for me 😂 but yes its almost always "jgl diff" and "adc diff"
It's just people wanting to be the main character. You make a play on the other side and someone else messed it up and your weak side is suffering? They blame you, not who messed up the play even if it was a great play.
And they'll probably still flame even if it went well
I don't know how to explain this coherently, and I don't want to sound like a hater because I'm not (I like Yamato), but RATIRL and tyler1 could make it perfectly fine streaming variety games instead of League, whereas Yamato could not.
It's so obvious you're a youtube frog when you say this.
ratirl has a very dedicated fan base which will watch him regardless of what he is doing. tyler1 has a huge fan base which begs him to do variety, he gets the same amount of viewers if not more streaming variety.
@@Joe-cb9my I think he can definitely get more.
He could maybe make it work if he keeps the same vibe. 80 percent of his viewers are toxic L9 europoors if you watch his stream for 20 min you know why they watch him it’s not because of league
Becazse no one likes yamato like that lol,
Today is a fucking great day
Why? Is Yamato hated in the community? Fill me in
@@tttrendsYT ? XD Are you serious?
@@ysosowoskx nvm, i got YamatoCannon confused with YamatoDeath.
big W for society
It’ll be better if you sleep for rest of your life too, that way you can finally be at peace
Once I started playing jungle I understood a lot of things and stopped flaming jungle, there are 2 big jungles rules that every laners should learn : tempo (we have to farm/gank/be efficient with our camps) & we do not gank/play around a losing lane (especially top cause they will 2v1 if even slightly fed)
dude thats like the first thing i learned so quickly as a jungler is there is no point ganking a hard losing lane, i just mute all and try and focus on the other two
Not ganking a losing lane is the most rtarded sht u can do to solo throw the game
@@THICCBOITHENASUSMAIN tell me youre not high elo without telling me youre not high elo... if my laner is down 0/4 in lane im not going to waste time and resources ganking them id rather get my other non inting teammates ahead to carry that sorry laners ass. Also if youre losing lane youre the one throwing the game, i bet your one of those sorry ass solo laners that blames the jungler when you lose your lane
Well if enemy jungle ganks you and sets you behind and your own jungler ignores your lane then at some point you will farm the jungle camps... just saying
@@mister_snoogles9031 i'm a master toplaner AHAH stay mad
League has the most amount of fun you can have in a competitive game and the most unfun you can have ,that's why people still play it when they hate it ,you chase that once every 5-10 games where everything is right ,that's why i think its best to play with a fulll 5 team of friends or flex and normals to actually enjoy the game nowdays and unless you wish to become a streamer to not bother to try to climb to gm and chall cuz its a waste of time (unless you get it really easy ) .
And regarding the variety ,Rat used to have it the same ,he just kept streaming variety until the viewers acclimated to the new content (That applies if you bring anything else outside of gameplay or rage bait ) in yamato's case he for sure cant do variety with the personality that he shows on stream ,you on the other hand actually can hold a conversation about other topics like NBA or sports in general (which i would actually want to see from you ,since as a European nba information is always an interesting topic for me )
yea its a waste of time, i climbed to 1200 lp challenger for fun and to flex on friends. easy to get if youre a savant gg
I dunno bro I feel like Counter Strike is more fun in the bad and in the good games
"most amount of fun" genuine question and not trying to flame but do you play any other games
@@StellarisVT yeah and I am saying it at its peak ,there arent many games that had the highs and lows that league has ,the only thing close to it is souls games ,but you can learn those in a couple of months if you spam them ,with league is inconsistent.I am not playing the game that much anymore ,but from my experience that's what keep people playing competitive games like this ,the drive to be better ,because when you win you feel on top of the world (Obv this is just my op and I am not saying its a fact )
Logging in after a long session I have to click the OK button like 10 times in a row for "A player you reported was given punishment."
Dom's variety streams were insanely fun to watch. I remember him playing Welcome To The Game 2 and it was one of the most enjoyable streams I've ever been part of as a viewer.
Today is variety after LPL, dom plays ZZZ
Yeah but there are like 5000 fun to watch variety streamers and like 2-3 that can analyze league on a similar level to Dom. Variety is just not worth it economically.
him playing pummel party years ago with moe and someone was so fking enjoyable
2:32 This is what Yamatosdeath is saying. Most people play it with a couple friends. They play in casual, not ranked, and they dont get typed to because they are playing with friends and screwing around to have fun. I used to do that , but all my friends on the game slowly walked away. If you play as a 5 stack and dont play ranked, it can be a fun experience because you know the people youre playing with and, sure you want to win, but you just have fun with friends.
Streamers rarely will ever have this experience since they are always on the GRIND or playing solo rather than just playing casual/quickplay
If only RIOT would ad voice coms for solo q, the game would instantly become 10x better and more fun. And before anyone comes with toxicity bs excuse, if anyone actually replies to me with that, I will just tell you that you are re*arded for not using inbuilt anti-toxicity button called "mute".
Fair enough but normal games get so boring after a while
I mean, thats real. Im an emerald peaker jungler and jezuz, the people are obnoxious. I still play this game mostly out of nostalgia since I grew up on it. I enjoy some league content and it always gets me into mood for playing, then the game itself takes the mood away lmao
Lol, I've started this death spiral were i no longer care for ranked. I've grinded before and just didnt like it, peaked diamond and just said im done. Now I just play with friends and have fun, I never play alone not even ARAM. Chat off, no ranked, duo or 5 stack or nothing. I only have a few hours a week to play a games so im glad i still have enjoyment to devote this little time to a game that ive been playing since i was a teenager. but once my friends all leave this game, its over, i can see the end and my time playing league is drawing to a close soon.
I'm from Europe. league is not fun anymore is just no fun at all. i honestly feel like i play league because i got nothing really else to do.
Kids don't play league at all in my country. The vast majority of users currently playing league are in their mid-20s to early 30s and i think the same goes for other countries as well.
So basically you are in the middle of the most important time in your life and just playing league all day all night. There must be something going on in your life..
Streamers and pro players are the only exceptional. they do this for living and i'm 100% sure most of this streamers are also so fed up of playing league but they have no choice
My brain read the title totally different
I had to swap off of mid because i just wasnt having success/fun anymore, didnt really know why but that pretty much outlines it perfectly xD
Hard agree with dom about jungle, its crazy that in season 14 you get flamed for simply playing a role within the video game, like wtf is that? touch grass
switch to top, no one acknowledges your existence until you go 0/5
@@mahatmaniggandhi2898which is why top goes 0/9/0 nowadays kekl
@@mahatmaniggandhi2898 it really is like that. Everyone gets flamed except top, unless they feed.
i'm not saying it's okay to flame this hard, but mute button helps a lot.
No one on your own team is flaming you 5-0, unless you’re hard camping a lane and ignoring 2 others getting ram ranched, which, is understandable.
However no one is just flaming you for playing well for the sake of it.
the biggest problem with the game is related to actual in game experience which is balance and unnecessarily overloaded new/reworked kits that are nothing less than demigods with little to 0 flaws. you could say that community is toxic, griefers, inters, afkers, etc. but atleast for me this is a rare occurance, and as for toxicity dom said about, just mute - you have like 20 different ways to mute chat and/or pings. what i find more tilting than players behavior is disgusting, always slow and bugging client. i had only yesterday my client CLOSE ITSELF for god only knows what reason like 5 times, once in champion select in aram, forcing me to play champion i didnt want to. then you have the client bug the fuck out, because of milion pop-ups that you cant disable in settings. then, when you type with somebody in game using /msg, the messages sometimes like to appear late and/or not at all, forcing you to type in game while alt-tabbing.
what i have a problem with are champions that are blantely over the fkin line too strong and balance team act like this is fine. like the tristana brought in the video is perfect example for that. its been over a year with tristana mid being a legit pick and i have a problem with that because mid is designed for mages/assassins. dumb fkin champion bullies everyone in lane and then outscales. she also has a strong 1v1 and is a great splitpusher. adcs in general taking over midlane is disgusting balance fuckup that riot doesnt fix. ranged champions in top, zac top, reksai top, camille getting overbuffed - all of this leads to unfun gameplay that makes people quit. corki, lucian, tristana mid shouldnt have place in league - their role is adc - diversity is fun, but its only fun when you can do that with every champion - having specific group of champions being able to occupy more than one role gives you unfair adventage in champion select and that applies to both pro play and soloq. not to mention adcs are the most unskilled type of champions, since there is little to no skill right clicking from a safe space, while not running out of dmg like assassins or mages do. yes, spacing and other adc stuff takes skill, but basic principle of adc playstyle which is rightclick from range, being surrounded by 4 teammates, is unchanged.
before patch 14.10 adcs were played in EVERY single role, unless you exclude jungle because of champions like graves, kindred - who are considered junglers, but are marksmen nontheless. even then, top, mid, adc and support are occupied by adcs. after MSI riot decides to buff adcs even more for god only knows what reason - maybe phreak being adc main thought its time to stop abusing blantely overpowered janna and switch back to his main role, adc.
then riot balance team gets bored and forces stupid champions like varus, tf, katarina, twitch, etc. to have more than one build - which on its own would be fine, but varus AP and lethality is braindead broken, ad tf is braindead broken, katarina in every form is braindead broken, twitch ad and ap is braindead broken. you might see a pattern with these champions - they are all released pre '200 years' era, and the reason riot makes them broken is to keep them up with the newly released, overloaded shits. instead of reworking them, riot prefers to overload their numbers and allow them to build diverse.
this company is disgusting and as much as i love this game, this shitty balance/release choices must be adressed, because its been a problem with league since day one, and it has gotten only worse ever since 2020. hope the game dies/nearly dies so idiots in charge of all this, are gonna finally learn, that playing broken shit is fun for one side, but isnt for the other. there is only one of you, and there are 5 other people having to deal with braindead, unfun shit.
I think your entire essay was entirely useless, because you dont see the issue behind "just mute toxic". That is the fundamental issue with this, and a lot of other multiplayer games. The gaming culture is so insanely toxic, that at this point "just fullmute" in a MULTIPLAYER GAME is seen as the proper thing to do.
His statement on viewership is so on point. Bunch of viewers, but no one wants to play this garbage.
Jungle is the scapegoat for everyone else’s mistakes in solo queue
Started playing some mid lane games and it really shifted from impacting the whole map to farming because you cant beat the enemy mid and trying to roam or splitpush the whole game.
people dont understand how awful mid lane feels the last couple monthss ive quit since season start
Same. I played my placements 3 days ago and it felt terrible. U really need to hug turret and farm waves coz enemy sup + jungle are living in ur lane…
@@sh4nn4ro So you're getting the average ADC treatment?
@@ardabruh1340 with the difference that midlane has 3x as many entrances, u get sandwiched from top- and botside river and u dont have a support in lane 24/7 whose only job is to take care of u but if u call that average adc treatment sure man xD
@@sh4nn4roit’s a glorified jungle support role at this point, whichever mid has the better jungler wins the lane 95% of the time regardless of individual skill or mechanics
He is back next week😂
he'll definitely be back when they buff assassins, wasn't that supposed to happen very soon? besides, league is all he has
Hope not
People always complain about the toxic community in league but then they don't just hit the mute all button lol it makes the game so much better
community aspect is how some people enjoy a game... i quit cause people were toxic and crazy. 7 days into the game it's that bad
lol flaming is not toxic. Running it down is.
damn imagine if this mile long yap contained at least an iota of constructive criticism so that it wouldn't be a complete waste of time while also reinforcing the totally destructive pattern of change-through-hysteria
See you in a week Yimit 😈🌂
summit 1g was a csgo streamer . then he became a variety streamer . lost like 5k viewers but over time he has built a more safe viewerbase because now yhour not depending on one game that might die any time . now he averswages like 15k to 20k viewers on random games .
LoL experience summarized:
Me: playes league after idk a month (only play like 1-2 games these days)
picks top, gets jungle
picks singed jungle
bot dies in the first 3min 2 times and starts flaming each other
top dies in the first 3mins
mid crys for help in the first 4min
enemy nunu jngl flashes against a wall and dies to me. Me to him "dw i saw nothing"
at the end (we ff15) he almost dies to me again in his base by chasing me
Nunu sends friend request: "dw i saw nothing" "hope you die pedo, go kill yourself"
it was a normal btw
Thats pretty much league nowdays, i wasnt even the problem this game even though i picked singed jungle xD
I feel his pain. The power creep has completely destroyed two of my mains. I only play TFT now. 😢
3:00 Big true about jungle. i was a plat/dia jungle main and people do just flame jungle, but IMO it's because there is a projection of blame because people don't want to take individual accountability for losing their own lane by being bad, it's easier to just blame the role that could/should impact lanes, but it's always the 2:39 blue side 1v1 death top laner typing "would be nice to have a jg" 😂 also maybe reinforced bc it is often auto-filled so people have been half trained to expect a bad jungler idk
Good for yamato maybe now he can find some peace
For a community that denounces toxicity so resoundingly, people are really taking the piss out of this guy for simply sharing his feelings lol. This is not even a case of "matching his energy", there's a massive disproportionate hate wave on a lot of these league personalities for zero (Yamato, Elosanta, even Dantes rn for being a fuckboy). Even in this comment section people are foaming at the mouth to spread negativity whilst actively pushing for stagnation in the game's current state by discrediting the guy's thoughts with nothing but ad hom. Honestly sickening.
Person does thing for insane amount of time. Person starts to dislike thing.
*thing becomes worse every year
@UncleRimo it really doesnt. There have been insanely bad seasons with idiotic items ruining entire meta's.
@@darkkeijp a downward trend indeed.
@UncleRimo you just werent there the first seasons when balance was so much worse. Community got worse but not the game
u have 80 iq
Riot doesnt understand how bad it feels to play the game
They misinterpret numbers as an excuse
But playing league for months and only getting like 10% games no troll no afk feels rlly rlly bad
I dont get to play much anyways so how am I supposed to have fun
I feel like Dom more than most league players could switch to variety. Probably only second to Dantes. You have to have a personality to provide and not many other league streamers have that lol.
Love IWD. Always been a good dude since way way back 💚💚💚
Lost and projecting. He’s another screaming manchild who had no real talent at the game and falls back on watching other people play pro and yapping about drama like this is highschool all over again 😮😂😢
Being a league streamer might be hard compared to being a variety streamer. It’s not hard compared to actual 9 to 5 jobs.
i dont think so. look at how many streamers mentally deteriorate. i bet that would nt have happened to them if they worked a rather common job
@@tokymack9548 I don’t think u realize how many people suffer from burnouts these days. If you’re a streamer you can also just quit and get a regular job if you want to, the other way around not as easy.
I also quit two months ago because vanguard made my game unplayable. I still follow esports tho its still super fun to watch.
as a jungle main I find it hilarious.
play well get flamed.
play bad get flamed.
defend yourself get chat banned. (because you are getting reported no matter what, the auto ban system just needs any words)
Do not engage with people. I also play jungle and the only way the game is playable is to mute all the second someone starts tilting. I get at least 2 report feedbacks every game. I’m carrying my team in 70% of games and they will still flame you. Went from Plat to Diamond this split after the reset. The community just sucks. They have people like YammatosDeath as role models. The more people like him that leave the game, the experience of the game will improve for everyone. All league streamers flame the rest of their teammates while asserting that they 1v9 while using their chat as a weapon to defend fragile egos. It’s sad. The base game is still good.
this just goes to show how much Tyler1 loves this game lol, no streamer ever played as much as him honestly and he has been through it all way too many times but he still finds a way to have fun and enjoy the game. He could be a variety streamer easily and people would watch him but he just loves fking league and keeps playing.
I got worried that the goat YamatoCannon was dropping league.
My experience reaching diamond for the 1st time last split was pleasant tbh. Def a lot of mental required for me personally to climb through high emerald and diamond (as a jungler), but I felt I experienced, on average, much less flame/typing than lower elos. Seemed most people were just, by comparison, quietly trying to win/only doing helpful pings/shot calls. Maybe I do mute all and focus more often than I realize, Maybe I'm lucky, but yea that was my experience climbing to d4 last split
climbed to d1 from emerald 4 and can confirm
when the old ranking system was in place, Plat to diamond and playing in diamond was not fun. i ended up having to mute all chat and pings to play. This was particularly bad bc i was a tank jungle main, i played a lot of support style heavy junglers like sej and j4, ended up swapping to bruiser carries like hec (when he was broken), viego, nocturne in order to rely on my team less.
winners queue fr
@@hoothoot3651 lol it def felt like that sometimes xd team game tho
@@mister_snoogles9031 word, can def relate to enjoying 1v9 champs more for the sake of the feeling of increased agency.
In season 5,6 i think its the most fun i had in league of legends absolute masterpeice
League of Legends honestly is a cancer cell of gaming culture nowadays. Im glad more and more creators are leaving that shit addiction
Im level 537 and have been playing LoL of legends since season 1. I havent touched a ranked game once in my life and only touch aram lately. I still have fun playing because i dont take it seriously at all. Its still impossible to avoid the man children who do take the game WAY too seriously, even in ARAM. When I get frustrated at the game, I just turn it off lmao.
People need to collectively chill out. This never existed in the very early days of league. People would banter in all chat and actually congratulate each other for good plays. Pride has overtaken us.
As much as I dont like Yamato, he is completely right about the game not beeing fun
I had this game where a cheater was on the enemy side and it took 44 days to get him banned. That's the moment I realized the game is bullcrap and not worth giving another chance
Let me tell everyone how mental stable people, who dont stream, enjoy the game even with competetive mindset:
- If we get typed, we usualy dont read it. If we read it, we dont type back or dont even think about it.
- If a person types too much, i just mute them, no matter what they type.
-If someone runs it down, we accept it as it is what it is because we are crazy and think that this only happends to myself and the enemy never gets inters. It always evens out.
-If we are in challenger, we dont complain about master players becuse its like pick your poison, either play a game with master players in who arent on the level of chall or we just wait 45 mins in queue.
-If you feel like to take a break, take one.
-If we see someone doing a misstake we dont get mental about it. Happends.
- Even if with a competetive mindset, rank is not everything, fun is still priority.
Im not one the best player around this planet, my biggest achivment in the last few years was hitting diamond with a 70% winrate in 200 games from an account that bassicly had negative mmr. I just stopped playing because i felt like i played a lot and didnt give a shit on reaching an even higher rank. Could have hit master or dont, i wont find out and im not mad about it. Been playing since season 3, got chat restriced once in the entire time and i was like 16 at the time.
Having fun with games is first a mindset thing, then everything else. I had times where i grinded hard in games for high ranks and was really passionate about it but it had a toll my mental health because of the amount of time i was putting in with out anything to be considered an equalizer.
I get why people need a break from time to time and a view quit completly but its not entirely the games fault, most of the time its the people them self who are at fault, because they gaslight themself into thinking that in the past was everyting better, like old people. He mentioned, that he talked to other high elo players who are also considering quitting the game because of the issues they feel like the game has. I got to say two thing about that: 1st: we have this topic every year, for real, game still growing. Thats also due to the amount of different content, rito has put into the game out side the main game. The second thing is, if you are a toxic/competetive player and you talk to people about the game, who are you talking to? people who you are playing with as a party, people who are your gaming mates so to speak , people who are inside your own bubble, of course they have the same view as you do.
For example, I would never even consider playing with people like yamato or for example tyler1 via discord because those people are just way too exhausting for me with their mental so its unlikly that a player like yamato would go to someone who is the exact opposite of him to talk about the game. He was probably talking to people like tf blade and dantes who are known to have similar mindset like he does, of course they have the same oppinion. He should have talked to someone like broxah, same role, higher skill level then yamato and someone who is really chill when playing the game. The last part is an asumption but i think im right with this one. If he did talk to people who are the opposite of him, i really would like to know, what they have said to him about his current views.
There is too much varience and inconsistencies with the people you play with in league of legends. Queuing up with random teammates is a horrendous feature imo. What will make you stay or quit depends on your tolerance for these variences and inconsistencies besides that I think LoL's gameplay is fun and the changes it brings each season can be quite refreshing at times. It's the varience, inconsistencies, and the constant bad actors that are not worth the time.
Players will never be happy. When dynamic queue experiment happened the community threw a massive hissy fit.
Yamato is one of the most entertaining streamers
Agree people love to hate him but hes one of the only streamers I actually enjoy because I know its just a game and don't take his behavior personally!
Genuinely curious what is the career options after league and streaming for people like yamatosdeath.
I’m a diamond player I think this Elo might be the worst I ever seen
nah Emerald for sure is the worst you can come ez with a new bought acc in to Emerald but not in to Diamond
been league free for alittle over a year, and before I quit I just spammed ARAM because solo que just felt awful. ARAM was not much better, pretty much whoever had the most ranged characters with a decent cc tank and played with their monitor on would win.
I realized playing league increases my blood pressure and pulse, whether I play alone and don’t rage, or I get mad. I don’t have this with any other game. Game could be going perfectly fine, no reason to be mad, yet my watch says 122 heart rate. I have no other game doing this to me. Apart from the fact that 4 players on my discord play my main role, and I rarely get to play my best role, it’s just unfun.
Initially I decided to quit because I didn’t want vanguard on my 4 months old pc. Now I stay away for health reasons, with every now and then playing a game on my old pc.
I started enjoying league again when i stopped caring about rank, play the champs that I want, and play only 3-5 games max only a day. I guess when ur streamer this is not possible since u will get flamed.
Have to play with chat off otherwise delusional regards will flame you and blame you for them losing their 1v1 or 2v2 lane when theyve taken every bad trade and died 6 times. just a bunch of losers. full time osrs and havent looked back
i stopped playing league sometime last year when i realized I have to be a babysitter in kindergarten , psychiatrist/psychologist that deals with people's emotional issues, depression, immaturity and ego, both a mom and dad, an older brother and sister, best friend and a motivational coach for people just so I can finish a 30ish minute game lol (and in case someone's wondering, that's not normal xD) and am definitely not returning since they want to force me to install spyware (Vanguard). I have to be all of the above for a game/hobby? no thank you.
games are suppose to be fun and the community around it is suppose to be normal and not filled with emotionally stunted overgrown man babies that can't control their emotions. it is too taxing. people should realize like yamato that they don't actually like the game and that they might be playing it just out of habit and/or because of convenience (they're bored but don't know what else to do and league is just right there, one click away) and move on to something else in their lives (the "omg what will i do" doesn't take long to figure out). If it's your job sure, it becomes more difficult in a way, but what's the quality of life that you want to have, don't you want to have a job that you enjoy that doesn't take everything out of you emotionally and mentally?
think people should really sincerely ask themselves "why am i playing this" because I guarantee, that the answer in most cases will not be "because it's fun". I quit 3 years ago as well (but then got back to it because I wanted to play with a couple of friends) when one day I realized league is also basically like being in a bad and abusive relationship: it's always toxic, the flaming doesn't stop no matter what you do and how you play that day (if you play good or bad) and after it, you feel taxed, maxed out, spent, depressed and like shit and that I stay out of habit and because I am scared of actually taking time away from it and finding something better to play/do because "I'll be bored" or "because I won't find anything better". it's insane. and when I realized I would exit a relationship that's that bad in a heartbeat because I deserve better than that, I took time off and tried to find a game that's actually fun to play or some other hobby and my life improved immensely. I encourage people to note how they feel before they start playing and after they're done playing a couple of games and to ask themselves "is this worth it".
Thats the world today doesnt matter if you winning or loseing someone will be mad
Seems like literally everyone agrees this game is just a dumpsterfire. You're all welcome in dota
As a new player I can see why jungle is hated. Obviously when you lose your lane you don't want to blame yourself for being bad, who else to blame other than the player that roams the whole map granted no one is feeding.
Based toplaner flaming their jg for no reason
Man I almost had a heart attack; I thought it was the real Yamato for like 2 minutes before it registered. Squishy brain there for a minute or so. Man that scared me. I don't know who the fuck "Yamatodeath" is.
its dying man i m praying 2 3 more streamer and its gg in the west ❤ lets goooooooooo
Men I started to resent league so much, tft its where it at for riot games.
well god forbid riot adds voice chat and actually balances the game instead of putting Phreak and his condescending attitude tell us about how we are wrong on how some champs,items,roles etc are not broken and how we don't even need pings.. fk any bit of communication in this game
I hate this guy, but I cant deny his passion for the game and competetive drive (in terms of 1v1).
So even tho im glad he isnt part of the community anymore, it hurts me to see such people quitting.
You went through a roller coaster of emotions to write this comment
there's no shortage of players whose ego is higher than their skill and who think they can be pro because they got challenger a few times. Nothing to be sad over, plenty of yamato's in master/challenger, they just don't stream.
He will be back in 2 weeks
What? He’s still part of the community lol
Im just not that well spoken in english, sorry
But I get what you mean.
Another try would be:
I love his competetive drive, but cant stand his personality in pretty much all other terms. Thats why I got really mixed feelings about this.
These top level players needs to take a chill pill. They fucking grind the fuck out of a single game and they are surprise when they are dosed of league.
Have a Totally Youthful Day.
a lot of high elo players quit over the years, doesnt make sense to dedicate such a big part of your life to a game, that only makes you rage - and doesn't pay you for your time
the thing is, laners need an excuse why they are loosing lane and its because you didnt gank them enough. even though they are 0/3 on a malph top 5 mins in
Honestly, I am kind of glad, that Riot introduced Vaunguard, which led to me uninstalling the game. That really helped me to get over my addiction. Now I only watch pro games from time to time and enjoy the tactical side of the game.
7:27 Person does thing and wants to be one of the best at that thing. Person has to put in WAYYY more time and energy into thing to do that. Person has surprised pikachu face that it was taxing to do so......
Thats how anything works. >.>
its the ridiculous changes and people booming over nothing like dom said
Interesting how he quits as soon as he became an ADC main....
Also says challenger doesn't matter to him... When he can't hit it.
What happened to League though? I mean it definitely was more fun when I first started but I just feel like it is considered bad now because we've all been playing for a couple years, and the more you play the more you want to get into competitive and competitive just changes your mindset on the game.
no the game is just turning into shit with each patch
Champions releases with a novel to read on each ability and the gaming community changed a lot overall, almost everyone plays meta and copies what's best and information circulates very quickly so the game gets very stale playing vs the same champs over and over
@@bravepotatoe7513 This was also already the case in Season 1. Its cope to pretend it wasnt you just were at a different stage in your live at that time. If kassadin was open and you didnt pick it people ran it down if you didnt go what was considered meta at the time people just ran it down or didnt try to win. If you even looked close to someones lane even in mid game they just ran it down. If you picked eve people ran you down because it wasnt meta. The problem existed since the beginning.
Its just people burning out after playing the game for ages and not realizing its them that changed.
@@NewMetaTV literally cope
Every time i play jgl i either gank lanes but get behind on farm, or i farm and my lanes die to ganks. No matter what its my fault.
People saying their life got better because they quit League strike me as the same type of people who start taking vitamin supplements and start having a good sleep schedule, but think the vitamin supplements are the reason they're having better sleep.
How can league be stale with 140+ champions? Just play another role and new champs. If you only play the same 2-3 champs in 1 role no wonder it's stale. It's stale by your own choice.
See you back in 1 month buddy
It doesn’t even matter what rank you’re at or how good you are. I’m getting turbo flamed as jungle while smurfing in low elo. It’s probably to blame on Tyler1 for the “jungle diff” culture and others streamers who embraced it. Jungle is the hardest role by far and is getting the most flame by far.
It’s also funny that Yamato is crying so much on the best role in the game.
why do the whole tweet like if you want to stop playing then just stop
I stopped playing league consistently for a solid 6 years and came back this season. I haven’t had this much fun in a multiplayer game for a very long time. The way this game is a mix of strategy and mechanical skill is something that very few games offer.
It’s really just burn out that makes league so un enjoyable, but the ranked grind and even just the way you can endlessly improve your skills or make big plays keep you queuing up for the next one. If it’s not fun any more put it down. If teammates typing tilts you instantly move on to another game.
Obviously streamers have their financial well being to consider but even then, endlessly doing the same thing that you hate is just not a way to live a good life.
he will come back soon dw, they all say they are quitting and they come back
The brazil arc got him
The small jungle rant is crazy to me. I don't know why people keep blaming jungle for everything. Jungle can't be everywhere, maybe that jungle player had a bad game, missed smites happen. If I as a top laner, I screwed up my lane and thats on me. I play league ranked, becuase I enjoy the competitive aspect and playing out close games(even games that my team is behind). In the end of things, it's a game and all of us should be having fun. Good luck on the rift.
>writes 30 paragraphs about quitting league
>queues up 20 nanoseconds later
I mean honestly he just admitted that he just smurfs because he doesn’t want to int. But it doesn’t make it any better for people who are actually in diamond and a challenger player comes in and takes their lp. Idk that’s just me I guess.
as a jungle main I /deafen nowadays the first sign of pinging on my head or toxicity I play atleast twice as good without the constant nagging of the children that play lane
I see no reason to play league if you are not low to mid elo playing with your friends. Playing league alone feels horrible
Haven't played a ranked game since Season 4 (Diamond I), haven't played a Summoner's Rift game since Season 8 (Hated runes/items/meta/newchamps/etc.), haven't played at all since ~Season 10 (ARAMs become "who can emote under obelisk more" instead of actually trying to win).
Life is good.
I barely play LoL these days, my life got better tbh
Now I just watch content creators mald instead of raging myself 😂
Same, every week there's drama, it's way better than the actual game
Can you explain my diamond junglers that viktor cant follow their invade cuz I am perma in tower till like lvl 7 ? 😅😅
holy yap session over playing A VIDEOGAME
The greater problem is that riot consistently removes unique interactions, items, and skills throughout the years while adding noob friendly features, making the game a real chore.
I feel bad for everyone because i stopped playing summoners rift yearss ago bc of similar reasons and i never made it past silver. ARAM is the best gamemode.
I play this game to make someone else hate themselves more more than i hate myself
IWD reads like a middle schooler trying his best at popcorn reading
Sounds like his hobby feels like a job to him now. That's with anything really, if you are forced to do something you don't really want to do thats what happens.
nobody will miss him