
  • Опубліковано 7 бер 2007
  • Cuore aperto, mente aperta, porte aperte


  • @giuseppecrognale346
    @giuseppecrognale346 3 роки тому

    la chiesa anglicana ha un bel rito e dei bei canti.

  • @luxjdam
    @luxjdam 14 років тому +1

    wonderful video, yes the Anglican church has a lot to offer us, faith and reason.

  • @karpov89
    @karpov89 15 років тому +1

    We in the Swedish Church Union had the pleasure to have The Right Reverend Geoffrey Rowell, bishop of the Anglican European diocese to visit our yearly church days in Uppsala, both participating in the holy mass and the solemn vespers:
    High church lutheran vespers 4 - recessional, hymn and blessing

  • @karpov89
    @karpov89 15 років тому +1

    Greetings to you Anglican friends!

  • @marisarossi6692
    @marisarossi6692 2 роки тому

    aspetta e spera.

  • @daviderinaudo1359
    @daviderinaudo1359 2 роки тому

    What is the title of this song please?

  • @ProtocolOnline
    @ProtocolOnline 16 років тому


  • @cucapapp
    @cucapapp 15 років тому +3

    ...sono di napoli e la prima volta che entrai nella chiesa anglicana a san pasquale a chiaia per motivi di interesse e di studio sulla splendida architettura di stile neogotico di metà '800, fui accolto con molta gentilezza dalla gente e dal prelato che vedendo una persona sconosciuta subito mi esclamò "benvenuto nella casa del signore"....un'accoglienza del genere dai preti cattolici non l'ho mai ricevuta....

    • @marisarossi6692
      @marisarossi6692 2 роки тому

      vogliono proseliti. Chiesa riformata da un re capriccioso.

  • @iubanne
    @iubanne 16 років тому

    Catholics for us is completely different! My God! is difficult

  • @dinolanfranchi9432
    @dinolanfranchi9432 9 років тому

    ciao a tutti laschimo stare di giudicare cose giusto o sbagliato la cosa inportante eé il rispetto ,lamore di fratelanza,e no giudicare,evangelizzare la parola di Dio

  • @luxjdam
    @luxjdam 14 років тому

    Actually it was thomas Cramner, king Henry merely broke with rome and dissolved the monasteries. It was Cramner who who "desinged" Anglicanism.

  • @KSF548
    @KSF548 5 років тому

    Scusate, qual'è il significato della scritta in greco che appare sul simbolo della rosa anglicana? Grazie

  • @stefanoceniti3050
    @stefanoceniti3050 4 роки тому

    We attends in comunion with Rome!

  • @mikiroony
    @mikiroony 14 років тому

    L-O-L :)

  • @luxjdam
    @luxjdam 13 років тому +1

    long live God's holy anglican church, which has brought so many to God.

  • @ProtocolOnline
    @ProtocolOnline 16 років тому

    Because of the sexual misconduct before the end of the marriage of Charles with Diana.

  • @emyharrison341
    @emyharrison341 7 років тому +1


  • @luxjdam
    @luxjdam 13 років тому +1

    long live the anglican church

  • @kopec1
    @kopec1 13 років тому

    @dannyb510 Sad attempt to legitimise the desire of Henry VIII to divorce his lawful wife. There was never a time when British Christians were out of communion with Rome until mad King Henry and Elizabeth martyred a Catholic nation.

  • @iubanne
    @iubanne 16 років тому

    if they had not had sexual relations before and after death and the separation of Charles the Church of England would have married them without problems?
    Certainly that their historical was aware of all! thank you! quind the Church of nghilterra wife quietly divorced people?

  • @donhenri01
    @donhenri01 15 років тому

    i though that anglican, knowing that they are very coles to catholics, do not proselyte them...
    I think it is more usefull to promote christianity in non christian countries than proselyte other christans (true too for the Catholic Church)

  • @stefanoceniti3050
    @stefanoceniti3050 5 років тому +2

    Dispiace ,ma siete nati da un brutto affare di matrimonio! Tornate con Roma!

  • @iubanne
    @iubanne 16 років тому

    you can explain why London there have been problems for the marriage of Charles and Camilla? because you are divorced? but Henry VIII did so much noise for divorce from his wife? and the anglicanesimo was born! expect news .... a dear greeting. G

  • @deutscheseele
    @deutscheseele 14 років тому +1

    mah.. ce ne sarebbero da dire...
    Tra tutto, mi piace poco la critica (neanche troppo poco) velata alla Chiesa Cattolica e alle chiese sorelle d'Oriente, prontamente però ritirate in causa dalle immagini per dare un senso di autorevolezza al tutto, vedesi le foto con papi e patriarchi ortodossi.
    Poi, suvvia, che siate nati ispirandovi a Sant'Agostino da Canterbury.. è quantomeno bislacca come falsità storica..
    Per il resto, un caloroso "bentornati" alla Traditional Anglican Communion.