Three Things That Can Block Spiritual Awakening (And How To Address them)

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
    @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  7 днів тому

    Hi everyone, thanks for all the great questions and comments. ❤
    Please be sure to subscribe for more practices, tips, teachings, meditations, and healing energy Transmissions. Thanks for being here!
    Thanks for being here!

    • @gribwitch
      @gribwitch 4 дні тому +1

      I'm not getting this. "Notice the silence behind the sound" ? How would / does that make any difference ?
      "The stillness behind the movement" ? Huh ?
      And if, as you're suggesting, we ARE stillness itself, then what's the big deal ? It sounds boring. We need to think about something to give our life purpose and a sense of direction and usefulness.

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  3 дні тому

      It's easy to come to conclusions about this pointer, from the mind's perspective, without directly experiencing it. The mind/ego would definitely think this is boring! I'd love to hear how your *direct* experience of doing the practice is, if you were to sit with it for a few days.

  • @MomontheSpectrum
    @MomontheSpectrum 12 днів тому +3

    Love what you said about gradual enlightenment. I feel like this more closely resembles my experience.
    Also appreciate how calm and grounded you are. It rubbed off on me as I was watching!

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  12 днів тому

      Hi Taylor! Yes, indeed. Awakening is always gradual, and yet there may be significant moments when the a realization pops and is abundantly felt. It can help to sense into where we are on the path as it helps us drop deeper into where we are currently, and open to the next phase of unfoldment. 💗

  • @Ingerpfal
    @Ingerpfal 5 днів тому +1


  • @gribwitch
    @gribwitch 3 дні тому +1

    Something has always confused me. What do the spiritual channelers mean exactly, when they say we must "remember who we are" ? Do they mean this literally - as in overcoming a state of actual amnesia ? If so, how can you make yourself do this voluntarily ? It has to occur naturally, surely ?
    Or do they mean "remembering who you are" by doing spiritual practices like meditation ?

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  3 дні тому +1

      Every spiritual teacher, healer or channeler will have their own framework and definition. With my work, it’s about realizing - or remembering - our spirit, or true nature. Not in a philosophical or intellectual way. But through direct experiencing, so that we dis-identify solely with the separate self, and begin perceiving, and living beyond that, as pure consciousness/essence/spirit.
      We are spirit, and then we incarnate, and we forget! Seeking to remember who (or what) we are is known as one of the most sacred and treasured aims a person can have in one’s life.
      And yes, meditation and self inquiry can be powerful ways to remember.
      I have a video here on my channel where I share my awakening story of remembering - or realization - of my true nature/spirit. It happened in stages on my path. You may want to give it a watch!
      Thank you for your comment. 💛

  • @chitraisenlightened
    @chitraisenlightened 11 днів тому +5

    your first awakening is you realizing that there is something about you that has never changed since you were can either forget about it or do self-inquiry to find the source of it ,and become totally enlightened..

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  11 днів тому +1

      Thanks for your comment. It’s very true that the first awakening is the realization that the sense of self (mind, phenomena) is empty, and that what you *truly* are is unborn and undying.
      And as you probably well know, the deep unfoldment of awakening from the first dawning, to fully embodied and abiding unity or non-dual consciousness, can be filled with many twists and turns. I know my path was (I talk about this in my Buddha At The Gas Pump interview). And I see it in working with so many people over the years.
      I agree that self inquiry is vital! Too much to pack into this short little video for now. Thanks again for stopping by.

    • @chitraisenlightened
      @chitraisenlightened 11 днів тому +2

      @@SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing i realized that unchanging energy when i was 16 and it took me 12 more years of practicing yoga on and off to complete the was messy for awhile...i'm 73 now..ah so rick interviewed you!

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  11 днів тому +1

      What a wonderful path you’ve been on! I think many people who are awake today perhaps were awake to begin with. And then it gets covered up with conditioned mind as we develop a “self” in the world.
      When I began to practice Dzogchen, in my thirties, I suddenly remembered that these practices, and the perception of Reality I was
      encountering, was how I perceived till I was about 5.
      What a blessing to have a clear realization at 16. :)

    • @chitraisenlightened
      @chitraisenlightened 11 днів тому +2

      @@SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing that first awakening at the age of 16 was just a blip compared to what was realized at the age of 28..was i completely awakened in my previous life? probably yes seeing that it was fairly easy in this life..thanks for sharing..

    • @gribwitch
      @gribwitch 3 дні тому +1

      @@SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing You said that that the sense of self, the mind, is empty. I would say the opposite is true - that being in a state of nothingness ( i.e. no mind ) is being empty.

  • @alienoverlordsnow1786
    @alienoverlordsnow1786 9 днів тому +3

    Good pointers, Sarah.! I have 1 and 3. They are related. I have strong non-acceptance of everything unpleasant. One of the aspects of my experience that I am in resistence to, is silence and stillness. I avoid it, because it seems so boring and depressing. I dont see any value in it and I dont want it. I either want to be pleasantly entertained or asleep. I reject most of life. I'm doomed, obviously.

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  9 днів тому

      Haha you are not doomed! It’s so great that you see this clearly.
      This is common. Often silence and stillness is scary to people, and the ego/mind translates it to “this is boring!” We can be afraid of what we find when we drop into silence and stillness. We are afraid of our restlessness, our own searching, incessantly seeking mind. We are slaves to it and want to give it what it clamors for.
      But if we can ride the waves of impulse, and rest with the silence and stillness, a dimension opens up that is exquisite. It’s a doorway to your True nature, not habituated nature. And it’s home.
      I have an ADHD brain so I definitely remember what this was like to avoid silence and stillness. But I eventually made friends with silence and stillness, and everything opened up.
      I wish you the best on your path! Thank you for sharing your experience. :)

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  9 днів тому

      …and your user name made me chuckle 👽

    • @gribwitch
      @gribwitch 3 дні тому +1

      I feel the same way, alienoverlord.

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  3 дні тому

      Resistance is so common, yet we can find ways to work with it. I hope you stick around and watch my videos here. You may find a teaching or practice that resonates. And I always appreciate questions. :)

  • @barsixful
    @barsixful 9 днів тому +1

    I have a ‘ spiritual ego’….. and I’m working on it. I’ve had a lifetime ( now 60 ) of spiritual experiences. And that actually puts you ahead of the rest. And when you’re talking to others who have had things happen, I tend to boast about mine. It’s in my character really. I remember at school I was proud of the fact no one could drink more than my dad! Sad hey?! So ego is a block in my system. And it’s only now I’m slowing down and wanting to get in touch with the REAL ME 🎉

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  9 днів тому +1

      Your awareness around this is sharp and clear! It’s habitual. And when we notice the familiar urge and then pause, it loosens the hold of ego mechanism.
      And in that moment, you might 1) notice and ride the wave of the urge to boast or impress; taking a breath and settling back into your being and exhaling.
      And then 2) weathering the discomfort of not giving in to that urge, of not doing “the usual”. It can be *highly* uncomfortable. Very vulnerable.
      But if we are practicing expanding our capacity for experiences of all kinds (not just lovely spiritual experiences), we can dissolve that patterning.
      Because the ego isn’t actually an entity. It’s a mechanism that is fueled by the need to prove, be seen a specific way, defend, control, etc. When we practice making a different choice, our body/mind learns it’s safe to be that vulnerable, that open. Nothing to prove! We are nakedly present.
      Welcome to the channel. Let me know how it goes! 💛

  • @richardpeters6852
    @richardpeters6852 9 днів тому +1


  • @dennispena5496
    @dennispena5496 10 днів тому +1

    As an awakened being, do you always question who is doing what while you're doing it, like if I pick up my phone or a pencil or make tea, is there a 'who is this person making tea, or picking up this phone?' Do you look at your face in the mirror and go who's that? I'm curious.
    All my life since maybe highschool, I've had these short sensations that last for 2 sec, where I suddenly feel like I'm looking at my identity from the outside, this 'who the heck is that?' feeling then suddenly back to 'myself' again....thinking, 'well that was weird. Of course I'm me.' These sensations would only last 2 sec. I just had one today when i was about to meditate, just as i was sitting down, I was given that sensation of who is this guy...? and then suddenly back in my head again. 'Of course this is me and my body.'

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  10 днів тому +1

      Hi, I appreciate the question. At a certain point on my path, I was deeply practicing this type of inquiry. At a certain point, inquiry drops away. There is a collapse of self reflection. No more practicing, simply being.
      And when thoughts, emotions, and even energetic strands of conditioning arise, it is seen for what it is - simply that. No one is thinking. No one is feeling. No one owns this conditioning. And thoughts, sensation, and even conditioning is liberated in that moment.
      No one is “doing” anything.
      And here I am as a creature in a body experiencing and participating in these things.
      Because at some point, the seeming paradox of simultaneously being and not being collapses as well, and there is no problem with this seeming dichotomy of reality. I am here…and yet I’m not!
      Thanks for being here and for your question. 💛

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  10 днів тому +1

      …and what you’re describing is the witness. Very good. Lean back into being the witness, and that’s a powerful place to get familiar with. Now just watch. Without trying to figure out who is here, just *be* the witness. :)

    • @dennispena5496
      @dennispena5496 10 днів тому +1

      @@SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing Thanks for the explanation. I wish I could catch the moment long enough to lean into it! I feel like as soon as my brain goes 'who is that', im suddenly thrust back into this ego again. But I will watch out for it when it happens again. Meanwhile, I continue to practice.... thank you.

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  10 днів тому +1

      Yes, it’s easy to grasp at a facet of reality when we encounter it. To paraphrase AH Almaas: *Enlightenment is always trying to make itself known.*
      Be open to it shining through!

  • @jackiegarland2969
    @jackiegarland2969 11 днів тому +1

    Hi Sarah. Thank you for your videos There are blockages here. There is plenty of knowledge and Awareness However still so deeply identified with the childhood trauma. Even though there is Awareness of the illusion the experiences still feel ongoing and real. Is it true that we must embrace our humanity even though it’s all illusion??

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  11 днів тому

      Hi, Yes, to fully embody what’s been realized, we *must* include our humanity. There is no free pass with awakening. It won’t fix deeply embedded trauma and conditioning. But! Having had some glimpse, opening, or realization of yourself as primordial Awareness will make it easier to heal.
      You’ve heard this ages old saying:
      “First there is a mountain.
      Then there is no mountain.
      Then there is.”
      To try to stay in the “no mountain” phase means we won’t get the beautiful gift of going even deeper on this path. Fully embodied awakening or bust!
      You are meant to be vibrantly alive as this multi dimensional human form that you are. We include our humanity on this path, because it, too, is the One.
      I recommend Somatic Experiencing, TRE, and trauma informed healing work. Move your body with exercise and yoga. Make friends with your body, your emotions, your humanity.
      I have a guided meditation about including the body, with a healing Transmission on my channel. Maybe give it a listen?
      I am at a place on this path where I feel resolved with my chunkiest hardest childhood traumas. And I promise you there is great freedom on the other side. There will be no end to clearing and digesting conditioning, but the real tough traumatic stuff and how it displays can come to an end. But not by avoiding it.
      I’m glad you’re here :)

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  3 дні тому

      Hi Jackie, I replied to this last week, but it looks like the comment was hidden by YT because it was too lengthy. I'll keep it short: Yes, to fully embody what’s been realized, we must include our humanity. Awakening won’t fix deeply embedded trauma and conditioning. But! Having had a glimpse, opening, or realization of yourself as primordial Awareness will make it easier to heal. I recommend Somatic Experiencing, TRE, and trauma informed healing work. And I have a guided meditation about including the body, with a healing Transmission on my channel. Maybe give it a listen?
      I’m glad you’re here :)

  • @Annastasia13
    @Annastasia13 14 днів тому +2

    I love the transmissions that come with your videos - it’s so much easier to drop in when I’m watching them 😂❤

  • @SCgroove
    @SCgroove 12 днів тому +1

    Thanks for this. I really appreciate what you are saying. 2 and 3 for me are going well. It’s that pesky number 1 that is causing my misery. I have been failing my way awake and I’m sick of it. I want to give it all back. Not happy my with my experience in life at this point. Can you tell I’m in resistance? Who would want this life? Who comes here for 60 years of failure and misery? So … obviously I have to learn to allow this awakening and not reject my experience … but I have no idea how to embrace the pile of doom that has been my life. Feeling my feelings doesn’t work. Saying I accept my life doesn’t work. This cannot be faked. I have to figure out how to kiss that damn frog. How does one shift 180 degrees from the only momentum they’ve ever know?

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  12 днів тому

      I really feel you and what you’re expressing here. There has been so much failure in my own life.
      What I have found with dropping resistance is this: we can take root *vertically* and drop down into where we are right now. Rather than spreading our attention outward, or *horizontally* where we see all the life situations that are a mess “out there”. I mean, our horizontal view could go on for miles, filled with all sorts of disappointments, couldn’t it?
      This keeps us leaning *up* and *out* of our very being.
      We want to drop *down* and *in*. Sit back on to the throne of your being. It’s a powerful place to be.
      I have a feeling you have known some very true, expansive spaces within. Instead of rising up and out of the seat of your being, looking to the details of your life to tell you about your life or about you; your eyes scanning the horizon for everything that has let you down - or will- rather, sink back down and in. Drop in where you are and spread your roots out down below.
      See if you can get curious about your state of consciousness. Not all that arises *within* your consciousness, but the actual space of your consciousness. Does it have edges? What is its inherent tone, when you remove the mind’s ideas about your life and where you’re at?
      It’s an exploration.
      And eventually when we do this enough, it’s as though a trap door opens below and we drop even deeper into our life. We are truly *here*. In ways we haven’t been before. We’re surprised by it. And we may begin to flower in wider directions.
      And we may be able to address some things in our life with a fresh perspective we never had - one of being a part of it all, rather than separate.
      We think the spiritual path is one of transcending up and out, and it can be at various points. But *down* and *in* helps us to embody and live from a space of truth, and attend to the details of our life in the most authentic and powerful way possible.
      At 60, your adventure here has not ended. Maybe it has just begun. Maybe everything that has led you to this point has created something within you that is willing to truly let go, in the most beautiful way possible.

    • @SCgroove
      @SCgroove 11 днів тому +1

      Yes. Thank you so much. I appreciate your thoughtful response. It has dawned me that … sometimes the words “I’m fine” just arise out of deep within me. I see that the true me is fine. The issues I have are more with how that “fine” person interfaces with the outside world. The world is not reflecting back to me this state of safety that my inner being knows. This is all hyperactive and fearful mind activity. For sure. But it’s so automatic and rooted deep within due to past traumas that I never really get to embody or appreciate this freedom that I know I am. Blessings to you and thanks for giving back.

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  11 днів тому +2

      I totally get it. Even though we realize our true nature, our body/mind/nervous system has to catch up. And if we have trauma it can feel like a jarring dissonance between what we’ve seen/realized, and how our body habitually responds to life.
      Healing trauma is key, if we are to embody the fullness of what’s been realized. That feeling of not being safe with others is conditioning rooted in trauma as you wisely put it.
      So I suggest Somatic Experiencing, TRE, and working with energy healers who understand trauma and deep conditioning.
      Slow down, keep your life simple for awhile, and let yourself get used to this new way of seeing. Embrace your limits. Gravitate toward like-spirited folks. Be gentle and kind with yourself. It really helps on this path. 💛

    • @SCgroove
      @SCgroove 10 днів тому +1

      Thanks so much for your response. I we I’ll look into and consider those modalities. Wishing you much success with your channel.

    • @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing
      @SarahTaylor-LightOfYourBeing  10 днів тому +1

      Let me know how it goes. I have guided meditations here on the channel. The Transmission can be very supportive for melting knots into the heart of your own Being. There will be more posted each week.
      And I offer group healing and awakening gatherings on Zoom, that are sliding scale.
      I wish you much healing on your path, so that the Awareness you’ve recognized can shine through more brightly! 💛